Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 30 2017

Raising Awake Children in a Broken School System

Why don�t we tell our children the truth about The System as soon as they are old enough

to understand?

Regrettably, I was not awake enough to tell my young children about the game that we are

all playing, and that their participation is optional.

Fortunately, my kids woke up and after years in the traditional school system, they each

independently saw through the holes in the system, and they left before they could be

rewarded with completion.

I�m the proud parent of three brilliant, and awake, high school drop outs.

Luckily, by the time they had the wisdom to make their own choices, I had the courage

to support them.

We are waking up but if we are still raising children in an antiquated school system, so


We are just passing along the hypnotic trance to the next generation.

I want to be clear � there are excellent and well-intentioned teachers, but they too

are restricted, and pressured, in many of the same ways that distress our children.

Systematic Programming

Traditional schools, in the U.S and many other countries, are training grounds, intentionally

constructed to prepare children for The System.

Public and many private schools are designed to program children to be asleep and stay

asleep so that they will later follow along as adults.

Our innocent kids are systematically programmed with worthiness issues, depression and the

abhorrent need to fit in.

Once a child is programmed for twelve or more years, he or she is well primed to move into

the �real world�� with beliefs and behaviors that feed and perpetuate a systematic agenda.

Schools are structured, in such a way, that rewards are given for following along, being

good, doing as you are told, memorization and repetition.

Punishment is given for speaking out, thinking for yourself and not following along.

Schools effectively teach students to feel powerless and to question their worth at every

turn � breaking the precious spirits of our impressionable children.

In many ways, schools use a military template in order to roll-out obedient citizens; long

structured hours, endless homework, tests that create anxiety, and ceaseless memorization,

with little time for recess.

Keeping children sitting at desks all day also disconnects them from their bodies and

the wisdom that is in the body.

Many schools even look and feel like depressing military barracks.

When I was a kid, I would sleep walk as a result of PTSD from school stress.

Years later, I would still have nightmares that I failed a test.

I would wake up sweating � needing to remind myself that school was over.

There is even more school stress these days than when I was a kid.

It is not uncommon for pre-teens to be on Prozac or other depression/anxiety medication

because they are overwhelmed, anxious or depressed.

An eleven year old should not even know stress!

Kids should be free to create and express � to enjoy life and especially to delight

in learning.

No wonder the teenage suicide rate continues to increase.

Medicating Our Young to Stay Asleep?

Of course, there are children who don�t respond to school programming and do not go

along with the agenda.

These children are diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, but what we are calling a disability

or a problem is actually natural creativity � energy that has no positive channel for

expression in a school environment.

Schools cannot handle �normally evolving children�� � so these children are labeled

and diagnosed in order to have an excuse to medicate � and sometimes separate.

But that is only part of this problem, the real problem is that in order to appease teachers

and school officials, many parents agree to medicate their children.

Giving our kids dangerous drugs to stay asleep is like forcing them to take the blue pill

in the Matrix!

These children are asking us to evolve and we are responding to them with sedation.

The Death of Imagination

Our greatest power to consciously create lies in the �mental technology�� known as


Everything begins with imagination.

It is stronger and more powerful than any action that we take in the world.

Isn�t it interesting that traditional schools shut down imagination?

If you cut off a child from his imagination, you have cut him off from his power to consciously

create his life.

The System does not support imagination because it needs people to follow along and do what

they are told in order to feed and sustain it.

If everyone used their imagination and thought for themselves, most dysfunctional systems

would break-down very quickly.

To The System, a child�s imagination is the enemy, and therefore must be suppressed

at any cost.

Unknowingly, we, as parents, do the same to our children � only because it was done

to us, and we have been brainwashed to believe that children must let go of their imaginative

powers in order to succeed in life � or rather to succeed in The System.

When we are awake, we can easily see that true success comes from the power of one�s

imagination and the freedom to express it � ultimately manifesting in tangible results.

Let me be clear � there are some schools that support and encourage the free and natural

development of children, but the schools to which I am referring are established, and

run, by government institutions that are invested in keeping future generations in line and


Higher Learning

Education is essential, but there is a huge difference between memorizing information

that you will never use and being able to learn something because it will positively

impact your life, or open your mind in some expansive manner, allowing you to create and

contribute to humanity.

There is so much to learn in this world, but traditional schools don�t address the most

important elements of life, like communication skills, relationship skills, growing food,

building homes, nutrition, natural healing, and the list goes on.

If schools taught our children to be self-sufficient, confident and well-equipped for real life,

The System would crash, or at the very least, dissolve naturally over time.

What Can You Do if Your Child is in The System?

I am certainly not saying that we should take our children out of schools or not put them

there to begin with.

I am saying that if we must send our kids to traditional schools that, at the very least,

we tell them the truth in a way that is empowering and freeing and we not allow The System to

raise our precious children for us.

If your child is in the traditional school system, it is imperative that you be a strong

parent and resist the pressure of teachers and school officials who try to tell you how

to parent.

Take your power back as a parent.

Take a stand for your children.

Stop caring what others say about you or your children.

Don�t be bullied by school authority figures � who want you to bully your own children.

Support your children in thinking for themselves.

Overcome your own fears of breaking free.

Find other parents who think like you.

Form support groups for parents � and for the children.

Let Us Become Responsible for Our Children�s Education and Development

Instead of teaching children how to get along in a dysfunctional world, why don�t we teach

our kids how to create their lives based on their highest values?

Whether you are a parent or a school teacher, you have the power and ability to teach children


Trust inner guidance.

Make positive choices.

Use their imagination.

Be able to say no and set boundaries.

Think for themselves.

Experience inner power.

Develop intuition.

Acquire skills for self-learning.

Gain high self-esteem.

Express inner confidence.

Master communication skills.

Experience and process emotions in healthy ways.

This might mean that you first embrace these things for yourself so that you can teach

your kids, but that is also the point.

When I took a stand for my children, each time the school initially fought back but

ultimately backed off.

I watched the school system (and a conventional ex-husband) bend in surprising ways to support

each of my children.

It is important to acknowledge the restrictions placed on your child�s teachers, but this

doesn�t mean that you should take no for an answer.

Your child�s teachers can be your best allies in creating a superior school experience.

And, don�t be afraid to kindly and respectfully educate your child�s teachers to a more

enlightened approach to teaching.

We are all learning and waking up together.

Most of all, trust yourself as a parent, and don�t be afraid to go against the grain,

in support of your children.

My three children have excelled in extraordinary ways � for example, when my son, Travis,

broke free of the school system at sixteen, he took all that �military time�� he

would have spent in traditional school and he used it every day studying things that

he was truly interested in.

In under two years, he mastered a musical instrument, taught himself how to draw portraits,

developed communication skills, become an expert in body building and he even started

his own business at the age of seventeen.

If he had followed along like society demanded, at this time, he would be scratching his head

and moving into the next phase of an inauthentic life.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, we must own the education experience for our children and not leave it in the hands

of a broken system that is asleep and that is invested in keeping our kids asleep.

We must create a school experience that, first and foremost, supports the well-being of the

child � mind, body and spirit.

Then we must structure education in a way that empowers children to thrive and to use

their minds in ways that support the growth, empowerment and sustainably of the world.

Education should instill confidence, inner strength, wisdom, intuition and the ability

to learn.

Eventually our school systems will be built on this fundamental foundation, but until

then, we as conscious parents must bridge the gap by raising conscious children and

helping them to develop these essential attributes, in or out, of the current school system.

This requires that we wake up and pay attention � that we are not afraid to speak the truth

to our children, nor do we hesitate to empower them to think clearly for themselves.

As parents of awakening children, we must be fully awake ourselves, and we must embrace

the courage to raise and support extraordinary children.

Children who think

for themselves grow up to

be adults who change the world!

For more infomation >> Raising Awake Children in a Broken School System - Duration: 12:26.


5 Things ONLY Old Souls Will Understand - Duration: 7:22.

5 Things ONLY Old Souls Will Understand

By Dylan Harper

Some people are just old souls and need to be accepted as such.

If you are one of the people that gets called crazy for thinking you can feel people�s

energy, or a hermit for needing to have time alone, or a �weirdo� for believing in

alternative things, the best thing you can do is continue to be true to yourself.

As an old soul, trying to conform to a society that is hollow and spiritually void will only

cause you pain and suffering.

Don�t let authority figures or institutions pressure you into betraying your passions,

desires, and natural state of being.

Here are 5 things that only old souls will understand:


The need for seclusion and isolation

Every old soul knows the extreme importance of taking time away from life, people, and

obligation and spending time alone in isolation.

Life can be overwhelming at times, and the energies of other people can be exhausting.

Spending time alone in nature, or sitting by yourself on a park bench, or spending all

day in your room are things which have become necessary for your spiritual health at times.

Some people may call you a hermit or say that you are socially challenged, but you just

know the value of spending time alone to detox, reflect, and nurture yourself.


The desire for growth

More than happiness and living comfortably, you want to live a life that encourages growth

and expansion.

You value growth and experience so much that you are willing to go through pain, suffering,

and depression in order to learn more about yourself.

You take risks and go on adventures that other people may think are unwise, but playing it

safe is just too boring for you.

At the end of your journey here on earth, you would love to have experienced a life

full of ups and downs, suffering and joy, and amazing adventures as opposed to having

experienced a life playing it safe.


Being highly observational and intuitive

From a young age, you have been able to get a really good read on people.

From watching someone interact for just a few minutes, you are able to identify the

characteristics that person would have and the lifestyle they live.

It�s almost like you have this software that allows you to look around and download

the information on other souls.

This is because you have seen the archetype of that person before in a past life and are

familiar with the general behavior and psychology of that archetype.

You have interacted with thousands of people throughout the course of your souls history,

so there is really no archetype you haven�t interacted with yet.

This doesn�t mean you are judgmental, it just means you are observational.

You may find yourself at parties or social gatherings looking around every once in a

while checking things out.

Watching people interact, observing the exchanges of energy that are occurring during conversation.

You may even feel more comfortable as a distant observer than as a participant.

It feels natural to you.

Having the ability to get a good read on people has also given you a really good bullsh*t


When someone is lying to you, you know it.

You notice the disassociation in their eyes, the shift in their energy field, the change

in the way they pronounce words.

You�ve been through this place many times before, so you aren�t socially naive, even

though you may have not had much social interaction in this life.

You�ve always been hard to manipulate because you can see into the real intentions and desires

of other people.

You are just good at feeling people out intuitively.

Some people may call you creepy or think you are a wackjob for trying to be psychic, but

it comes naturally to you to pick up on the thoughts and energies of other people.


The rejection for anything �mainstream�

Mainstream music is heartless, passionless, and washed up.

Mainstream media is polluted, biased, and deceptive.

The mainstream lifestyle is dry, boring, and disappointing.

Because you recognize this, you have adopted �alternative� ways of thinking and living

that may seen weird to other people.

Personally, I listen to a lot of atmospheric metal and post-rock because it offers me what

I desire to receive out of music spiritually and existentially.

I can�t stand the radio.

I remember showing some people the music I liked and having them reply with �that�s

not even music�.

I�m sure I�m not alone in knowing what it feels like to feel excluded based on your

alternative beliefs, tastes, and preferences.


The appreciation of the journey

You have learned to trust and appreciate the journey.

You aren�t trying to be �deep�, you simply can�t help but be overwhelmed at

times with feelings of gratitude, thankfulness, and humility.

You understand that life is impermanent and don�t take anything for granted.

Others around you don�t understand why you like spending time in nature so much, why

you meditate so often, or why you stare at the stars all the time, but that�s because

they are simply too distracted with worldly matters to see the big picture.

If you identify with any or all of these 5 things, then you can be sure that you are

either mature beyond your years or you have lived a life or two on this planet in the


The vast majority of the human population does not understand these 5 things, and actually

takes pleasure in ridiculing and making fun of those who don�t seem to fit in.

You aren�t trying to be different, psychic, intuitive, or deep.

Your soul is just hardwired a different way.

Don�t let anybody tell you that you need to change to fit the expectations of the world

around you.

The world doesn�t need more carbon copies.

It needs more individuals following


things that make their souls come alive.

For more infomation >> 5 Things ONLY Old Souls Will Understand - Duration: 7:22.


click this for vidcon drama explained (an important rant) - Duration: 6:57.

bomb ass song lmao

Is a lot of drama at Vidcon especially with a certain Instagram model?

And I had my own personal experience that I wanted to share everything that happened kind of inspires this rare

that's so relevant be really helpful for my subscribers have such an incredible message, so

Please watch the whole thing. Let's give 30,000 likes did you think it was cute no?

I just get to 30,000 likes I'll do a tutorial on the space buttons and a little hearts and so on and

This look because I'm upset

also, hi if you're new when you're not subscribed to my channel of

People I know thank you. Thank you

This is really awkward because there's no one else here who why am I laughing be sure to subscribe and turn notifications?

And I'll shout out when person is dead. So wet egg

Why am I laughing again? I?

Talk too much, so let's get started and also

I've merch out there beautiful sauce some inserts and pictures and hey, you should go check them out

I Giving some white people that follow me the screen printer ok I'm self promo - I cannot tell you the stairs

I got today with these space funds in my pink hair

I'm like do they hate me or is because I cute

So there was a lot of drama going on at Vidcon with people being banned and so on I personally wasn't invited

And I'm not salty. I was like. I'm just going to keep working really hard

It was really inspiring and getting to meet my amazing people of course. Yes

he was video kept popping up everywhere of this instagram model essentially what happened was there was an influencer that wanted to get inside the

Vidcon building and the security guards wouldn't let him in so he started yelling you're irrelevant. You're ugly kill yourself

All I'm gonna say is I can't believe anyone would have the audacity to say that to another person

I actually tweeted something so incredibly relevant into this whole situation. I just described and

Clearly he doesn't follow me on Twitter. I mean if you're not following me know

We should stop invalidating humans because of their appearance their number of followers the amount of money they have their clothes yeah

So incredibly relevant and true before this video surfaced

I had actually met this guy

So I've been working on a secret project and which an event with all the people that worked on it

It was really cool, and I was there until like 1:00 a.m.

Don't worry wasn't a party guys. Do you even know me?

It was early stayed up all night last night. Just finishing Steven universe this Instagram model came up with his friend

I was already cautious before

He said anything because of his demeanor he had hazy eyes

And he wasn't walking in a straight line is when he started talking

He started asking some incredibly intrusive questions things like how much money do you make how many followers do you have?

ETC, and I was in answering for the sake of just feeling uncomfortable

I really don't feel comfortable talking about that type of stuff. I kind of like motion towards my friend. I was showing like hey

I'm uncomfortable. I want to get out of the situation in fact that anyone could think it's logical to

Treat someone a certain way based off of their follower


question to my friend and I'm like what's bowls out of here is I'm not an

Object no one is an object and then this video kept surfacing everywhere where everyone was talking about

how he was treating the security guards labels can be such an

incredible thing allow people to identify with others and to feel like you're not alone to understand themselves further to

support each other when other people are

criticizing them that someone could think

that a person is less than them because they're gay because they're poor because


have pink hair because

Anything it's absurd to me

Absurd same word that allows for them to find that comfort

they can't find anywhere else can also be used against them and that's such a

disgusting thing

Anyways when I look up to people, and I'm just obsessed with human beings

it's because of

The way they talk their personalities the way they treat other people their experiences how they challenge themselves

I'm mesmerized by those things he made of a point about money remember

I had someone that taught me to serve he taught people to surf and then during the offseasons

He was a musician and he was such a happy

Wise human being he was so incredibly happy and passionate despite, not being wealthy and obviously what's considered wealthy

Or not wealthy is debatable the way you treat money

Literally all a mindset. It's a piece of paper ever let anyone treat

You differently because you have or don't have money the end of the day. Are you going to be like wow?

I'm happy

I lived in that house like wow I'm happy a constantly challenged myself and put myself in new situations

And my whole life, I thought I was going to be shy, but I kept pushing myself. I repeat

There is such a difference between confidence and arrogance appearance is


Incredibly irrelevant in the Grand Scheme of things and that's not to say you can't play with your appearance

I personally use my appearance as a form of self-expression. I have rainbow nails and pink hair

I have people telling me all the time like dye your hair back pink hair isn't attractive

It doesn't make you likable, and I'm like I

Don't care if it's likable to other people I like it

obsessing over

Looking a certain way, so incredibly detrimental to your mental health and physical health your body keeps

You alive like that's such conceptually that's incredible and if a person only likes you for your body

Drop them remember I had an outgoing best friend

They have more followers and likes than I did and I was like wow less people like me

And I remember I used to like

Scroll through Instagram and try to like all my friends pictures in hopes that they would like my back creating content that you love is

so much

more valuable than

creating for an audience with you guys

I'd rather have people that connect to me and respect and understand my content and have that be a smaller number

So I appreciate you all hi hello, okay?

I'm corny again when I think of creators and people in my life that I respect I never

Associate them with their follower count people wear different styles

I still respect and love that because that's their way of self-expression, and that's what works for them

That's such a beautiful thing at the end of the day

we just have body parts that society says we need to conceal so we just

Take things and put them on our bodies hello, and hope you guys enjoy I will feature your amazing Twitter and Instagram post

Thank you

you guys are such a hilarious clever intelligent group of people and then your instagram and Twitter pages because I'm Jen page a

And everyone spells it wrong. It's Pa e ge

Darn rent helps you feel comfortable in some aspect of your own life

It makes you just feel even a teensy bit more confident you guys in the future

Come back. Oh

For more infomation >> click this for vidcon drama explained (an important rant) - Duration: 6:57.


Charge Gadgets on the Go with HP Power Up Backpack! - Technically Speaking - Duration: 2:28.

Hi, I'm Andru Edwards, and you're watching technically speaking

brought to you by national car rental.

Each week I'm gonna show you the hottest tech

in three very important categories:

speed, choice, and control.

So, whether you're on the road,

at work, or at home,

these gadgets are going to make your life that much easier.

Let's get to it.

There's nothing I hate more than wasting time

trying to remember all of my passwords,

so I've got a quick solution

to make sure you never get locked out of your accounts again.

It's called 1Password,

and not only does it act as a digital wallet

where you can store receipts and credit cards,

it also collects all of your passwords

and keeps them safe in one place

so you can log in with one click

on your computer or through its app.

And don't worry about security.

AES 256-bit encryption protects your sensitive information,

and you can only unlock it on your mobile device

with a fingerprint or pass code,

safe and speedy.

Now, this is no ordinary backpack, it's the HP Powerup Backpack,

and here's why I love it.

It gives you the freedom to go anywhere you want

without having to worry about running out of juice.

Here's how it works. On the inside pocket,

you've got a battery pack that allows you to charge up

to three devices at one time.

So for example, you can fully charge a laptop.

As you can see here, laptop is plugged in.

It can also charge a tablet up to three times,

and you can even charge a smartphone up

to ten times

from a single full battery on the backpack.

Never invade your seatmate's space again with this, it's the Zagg Pocket

Portable Wireless Keyboard,

and it's Bluetooth-compatible with your smartphone or tablet.

Let me show you how it works. So here's the tablet here.

First of all, as you can see,

it sits in the keyboard if you want it to,

but to show you how it's wireless,

I'm gonna move this up here.

I'm gonna switch over to my notes app.

I'm gonna take the keyboard,

take it with me, completely wireless.

I can start typing my notes right now.

The best part about this though

is that a single full charge on this keyboard

will give you up to two years of battery life.

These are my top tech picks for this week.

Be sure to drop a like on this video if you enjoyed these products

and don't forget to hit the subscribe button

to make sure you're up to date

on all future episodes of technically speaking.

I'm Andru Edwards, and I'll catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Charge Gadgets on the Go with HP Power Up Backpack! - Technically Speaking - Duration: 2:28.


assure (verb) - Duration: 2:19.

assure (verb)

Verb Forms





1 to tell somebody that something is definitely true or is definitely going to happen, especially when they have doubts about it

assure somebody (that)…

You think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not.

We were assured that everything possible was being done.

She's perfectly safe, I can assure you.

assure somebody (of something)

We assured him of our support.

I won't let you down, I can assure you of that.

assure somebody + speech

'He'll come back,' Susan assured her.

2 (formal) to make yourself certain about something

assure yourself of something

He assured himself of her safety.

assure yourself that…

She assured herself that the letter was still in the drawer.

3 to make something certain to happen

synonym guarantee

assure something

Victory would assure a place in the finals.

assure somebody something

Victory would assure them a place in the finals.

This achievement has assured her a place in the history books.

4 assure something (British English)

to insure something, especially against somebody's death

What is the sum assured?

Extra examples

Let me assure you that I will try to help you.

We can assure you of our full support.

'He'll come back,' Susan assured her.

I know you think I did it deliberately, but I assure you (that) I did not.

She's perfectly safe, I can assure you.

We assured him of our loyal support.

For more infomation >> assure (verb) - Duration: 2:19.


Putin keeps his promise and visits Izhevsk family's home as promised during 'Direct Line' - Duration: 5:08.

During the Direct Line with the President on Jun 15

Izhevsk resident Anastasia Votintseva told Vladimir Putin that she and her children are forced to live in a hazardous building.

She explained that the building was recognised as hazardous but its demolition is scheduled only for 2029.

(Acting head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov)

Mr. President, a month ago we decide...

Come closer...

Mr. President, a month ago we decided that by the year of the Kalashnikov 100 anniversary, by 2019,

It will pass through the edge of this village, and in this regard, we will, of course, develop this territory in a complex and will,

should settle people regardless of their emergency home.

Therefore, until December-January, we plan to be projected, and as soon as we have a project,

and we will legitimately approve it in the Udmurt Republic,

we will have the legal right to settle the people of this village.

We resettle residents of emergency homes, which are recognized as emergency in 2012.

Therefore, of course, you have a very long story...

When do you start?

The project when it should be ready?

The project we will try to do by December, and from next year, from 2018, we will start settling.

First of all, such barracks, here are three nearby standing (barrack).

There are seventeen of them here, and if you follow them already, then first of all these needy families.

And how many needy families?

There are eleven families in the three barracks.

Do you want to start this program in 2018?

Quite right.

And the most needy eleven families settle before the end of this year.


Do you have a living space in the secondary market?

Yes, of course, we will find opportunities, and here houses are being built.

Take from the secondary market and find your own, republican money, and I will help you out of the President's reserve fund.

(Anastasia Votintseva)

We have here kindergartens, schools, technical school, work.

Here we have a clean area.

Colleagues, you see, we have here only one house near the building, and all settle it is difficult.

Of course, taking into account the fact that you have young children, they go to a kindergarten here,

you have an oldest son in the technical school, we will individually approach.

If someone wants to wait, let him wait.

While these emergency houses will be cleaned, new ones will be built.

This work will take several years.

And especially needy eleven families can be relocated right before the end of the year.

But only at will, the rest can wait for infrastructure.

Of course, with each resident, we will separately resolve the issue.

Happy Birthday!

And a trip to Sochi a gift.

For more infomation >> Putin keeps his promise and visits Izhevsk family's home as promised during 'Direct Line' - Duration: 5:08.




After centuries of war...

Our species was exterminated by the Terran

Our technology is not enough to stop them because they were too many ...

The few survivors fled out of this galaxy to rebuild our civilization

Today we are reborn from our ashes and ready to fight !

Prepare for the chaos that awaiting for you

Because today I'll massacre you until the last

You represent chaos. We represent order.

We can not comprehend the magnitude of our presence

Your end

Is arrived

You resist. But you will fail.

It is inevitable

Power overwhelming

No one can stop death

For more infomation >> PLANETSIDE 2 - THE RESURRECTION - Duration: 3:50.


Adobe PhotoShop Tutorial - Cutting Out Images With the Pen Tool (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) - Duration: 11:05.

Anchor Point

Click and HOLD

Alt, Click, HOLD and PULL the Handles

Alt - Click and PULLING the Handles

Ctrl - Click, HOLD and drag an anchor point

Ctrl - Click, HOLD and drag the rubber band near the anchor point

Alt - Click, HOLD the anchor point itself and pull BOTH handles out

Ctrl - X


For more infomation >> Adobe PhotoShop Tutorial - Cutting Out Images With the Pen Tool (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) - Duration: 11:05.


A Bad Mom's Christmas ízelítő előzetes - magyar felirattal - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> A Bad Mom's Christmas ízelítő előzetes - magyar felirattal - Duration: 1:45.


June Favorites 2017 - Duration: 12:02.

Rich family fighting for the family fortune

You know like, Heart of Greed

Like their...

Their father or

Whoever makes the decisions

Does not have much time left

Need to write a will and splitting the fortune

All the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren

They all came back

For more infomation >> June Favorites 2017 - Duration: 12:02.


QUE INIMIGO É ESSE?! - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD #29 - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 19:53.

For more infomation >> QUE INIMIGO É ESSE?! - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD #29 - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 19:53.


rest assured (that…) (Idioms) - Duration: 0:21.

rest assured (that…) (Idioms)

(formal) used to emphasize that what you say is true or will definitely happen

You may rest assured that we will do all we can to find him.

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