Cain/Abel - Buka Bukaan Soal Bukalapak | BukaMusik 2.0 - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
Khajoor Ke fawaid | Date Benefits In Urdu | 1 Glass Garam Pani Ke Sath 3 Khajoor Khane Ke Fawaid - Duration: 3:39.Khajoor Ke fawaid | Date Benefits In Urdu | 1 Glass Garam Pani Ke Sath 3 Khajoor Khane Ke Fawaid
5 INFUSIONS DIURETIQUES QUI VOUS AIDERONT A COMBATTRE LES VARICES - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
FUNNY video ||Letest updated ||Tere Raske kamer|| - Duration: 1:10.Tere Raske kamer
Tune nazar se milai maza aa gya tere Raske kamer
Tere Raske kamer kamer tere Raske kamer tune nazar se milai maza aa gya
Tune nazar se milai maza aa gya
RED BALL 4 cartoon game for kids RED BALL vs ZOMBIE entertainment video - Duration: 7:14.-------------------------------------------
Boost Your Career: One attitude change you should try - Duration: 7:30.One of the best things I heard as a kid was this rhyme:
When you see a little bunny,
and its nose is very runny,
and you think it's very funny,
well, it's snot! (laughs)
(upbeat funk music)
Hi, I'm Andrew Walsh,
and this is Toolbox TV.
The only place to be, to supercharge
your soft skills and create a career that you love.
Did you know that only 30% of employees
thank a co-worker more than once a week?
How often are you thanked for your work?
Do you ever feel like you're not appreciated?
But what about your colleagues?
How often do you thank your co-workers?
And do you thank them enough?
(metal clangs)
Yes, I think we can all be a little guilty
of not providing praise when we should.
After all, expressing gratitude at work
is not the first thing that comes to mind
when you're trying to hit a deadline.
But cultivating an attitude of gratitude
can lead to some big benefits in your career.
A person who is actively grateful at work
is a more effective manager,
has increased decision-making capabilities,
is generally more productive,
has better work relationships,
and an increased ability to network.
Although initially, this might seem harder
to prove than gravity,
it's not.
In two studies on social capital,
those who were 10% more grateful than the average,
had 17.5% more social capital.
This is an indicator that the attitude of gratitude
can add up to some tangible career benefits.
Now, I can tell you that in my
own experience, this holds true.
Not only have I found myself to be more productive,
and have better work relationships,
but I'm also more focused and less stressed.
However, I did not always buy into
the attitude of gratitude.
To be honest, when I first heard of the idea,
and without being too rude, I thought it was absolute bunk.
How could showing gratitude be relevant to doing a job?
It was only after I gave it a try,
I could see and understand the benefits.
Now, it's an essential part of my mindset
maintenance routine, to keep my mind focused
and in peak performance mode for each work day.
So, I encourage you to try it out for yourself.
Cultivating gratitude works best as a daily practise.
And as always, I wanna give you something
practical that you can take away, and put into practise.
Here are my five soft skill tips
to help you cultivate and attitude of gratitude.
Number one: Two simple words, say, "Thank you."
Simply saying thank you can go a long way.
It can be to your boss, your team, or a colleague.
It may seem like a no-brainer, but this simple
gesture of saying thank you, is often forgotten
when we're all rushing around to achieve more.
Plus, saying thank you can be a
huge motivator to people you work with.
Just think of the little buzz you get when you're thanked.
Number two: Take the time to be specific in your praise.
Give your colleagues specific
reasons why you appreciate them.
This can prove not just how thankful you are
for their contribution, but show that it is genuine,
and develop deeper trust in your work relationships.
Then number three: Dish out the occasional high five.
High fives never go out of fashion,
and are a great way to convey a job well done,
while staying appropriate to the work environment.
Just remember, it doesn't have to be fancy.
A standard high five will do.
Just raise your hand and--
Now you're ready for the high five.
Number four: Send a thank you note.
Take a few seconds out of your day
to recognise somebody else's effort
with a hand written note.
It's a small gesture, but it can have
a huge impact, since it's unexpected.
Whilst you can do this via email,
nothing beats the personal gesture of a hand-written note.
Number five: Take time to reflect.
This last tip is actually purely focused on you.
When you're on the go all the time,
you forget to stop and smell the roses.
So, this is all about taking a pause,
and thinking about your successes and achievements to date,
before setting your sights on something new.
Taking time to be thankful for the opportunities
you've been given, really fosters
a spirit of gratitude and abundance.
This spirit will serve to boost your positivity
and well-being, and make you feel happier at work and home.
So, to recap:
Number one: Say thank you.
Number two: Be specific in your praise.
Number three: Dish out high fives.
Four: Send thank you notes.
And five: Take time to reflect.
All up, gratitude, whilst being one of the last
things you would think to work on in your career,
can give you some of the biggest benefits.
This brings me to today's Tweetable:
Begin your day with gratitude to give your career altitude!
And now, I'd love to hear from you.
What are you grateful for in your career?
And what ways can you think of to show gratitude at work?
As always, the richest discussions happen
after the episode, over at
So head on over there to leave a comment now.
And of course, if you like what you see,
please subscribe by clicking here.
And share this with your friends.
Remember, life rewards action.
Just take one step today, and you'll be on your way
to creating a career that you love.
Thanks so much for watching.
I'm Andrew Walsh, and I'll catch you next time
on Toolbox TV.
(smooth jazz music)
Attitude of gratitude.
Attitude of gratitude.
Attitude of gratitude.
Man, you're gotta try to say that 10 times fast.
You know what'd be really interesting?
I wonder like, between us all,
how many different languages do we know
how to say, "Thank you," in?
Remember, it doesn't have to be fancy.
A standard high five will do.
Just raise your hand, and,
this kind of feels weird.
I'm just hanging out here.
I think someone needs to come and give me a high five.
Walk the critical path: Get more done in the same time! - Duration: 10:04.Okay, are we almost ready to go?
Are we running late?
No, we're on time.
You guys are superstars.
And you know what I say, a little planning every day
goes a long way.
And it must be true because it rhymes.
(funky music)
Hi, I'm Andrew Walsh, and this is Toolbox TV,
the only place to be to supercharge your soft skills
and create
a career that you love.
Ever feel like no matter how hard you work,
you just can't get ahead?
Sometimes, it can even be a battle to keep up.
The classic solution often offered is to work smarter,
not harder.
Whilst it sounds like a great idea,
is it even possible?
Sales and marketing master Chet Holmes
once told an audience,
you know, there are people out there that earn 10 times more
than you, but they can't be working 10 times harder.
There's simply not enough hours in the day
for that to be possible.
Now, that does make perfect sense,
and when you think about it,
we all have the same 24 hours each day.
If someone is doing 10 times more, it's simply impossible
for them to have 10 times more time.
There has to be something else happening.
Now, while you might have suspicions that a person like that
must be hiding a time machine.
Are you telling me that you built a time machine?
It just isn't so.
Although you can't travel back in time,
you can get leverage over your time,
with a principle used in business every day
by project managers.
The principle is called critical path.
Now, critical path is a planning process
that evaluates the time taken to complete tasks
and the relationship between tasks,
then organises them into a sequence
that takes the least
amount of time.
Although a project management principle,
it can be easily applied to your career and personal life
to help you work smarter, not harder.
Let's look at how this might work
with a before and after example.
We'll start with a simple to-do list
that has three things.
Number one, finish the monthly report.
Number two, train a new team member for a task.
And number three, review the daily cash collection.
Doing them in the numbered order,
let's see how your day could turn out.
You start your day by completing the monthly report.
(bell rings)
You then check your email.
But when checking your email,
you find updated report data from the sales team.
You realise the monthly report needs rework.
(buzzer rings)
But there's no time to update it.
It's now time to train the new team member.
So you park the report for later, and start the training.
During the training, the phone rings, and you take the call.
It's a request for an updated policy document.
So you switch tasks, find the document, and then email it.
You then restart the training, but the phone call
and time taken to find and email the document
has stolen your focus, so it takes longer
to complete the training.
When finished, you ask the new team member
to complete the work and come back later for review.
You now check the cash collection.
You find out there is a large amount of money not collected.
Unfortunately, it's already afternoon
and there's not enough time for the collections team
to get payment before close of business.
(buzzer rings)
Around the same time, your boss comes in
asking about the cash collection,
and they are not happy to find out the news.
You then tell them you haven't finished
the monthly report either, but you will look to have it
to them before the end of the day.
You then go back to finish the monthly report.
While working on the report, the new team member
finishes their task and comes to you for review.
But you don't have time,
as you need to finish what you're doing.
You don't know how long you're going to be,
so you tell the new team member it's okay to go home
and you will look after this yourself.
After finishing the report, (bell rings)
you send it to your boss, but by then, it's late,
and they've already left for the day.
You then have a look at the new team member's work,
only to find it's wrong, (buzzer rings)
and it will have to be redone.
You're tired out for the day, everyone else has gone home.
So you decide to go home knowing
you have even more work to do tomorrow.
Of course, this is a somewhat dramatised example.
But I think you get the idea.
But what happens if you apply critical path
to the same situation?
Let's quickly pull out the keys of critical path.
Remember, critical path evaluates the time taken
to complete tasks, the relationship between tasks,
then organises them into a sequence
that takes the least amount of time.
So from the definition, we can distil three keys.
Number one, organise tasks
to do the highest priorities first.
Number two, do tasks you can hand off to others
for further work as soon as possible.
And three, group together similar tasks
and do them in batches.
Okay, with those three keys in mind,
let's take another look.
This time, you start your day by checking your email.
When checking your email, you see the sales team
have sent updated data.
So before finishing the report, you send a reply email
to confirm there are no more changes.
You then review the cash collection.
You find a large amount of money outstanding.
So you ask the cash collections team
to chase this immediately and request payment for today.
You then start training the new team member.
During the training, the phone rings, and you take the call.
It's a request for an updated policy document.
You stop and ask if it's urgent.
It's not.
So you write down the request
and tell them you will send the document later.
You go straight back to training,
and focus on making sure the new team member
knows everything they need to know.
You then send them off to complete the work,
and ask them to come back later for review.
You now check your emails again.
You find the sales team have confirmed that they have sent
the final data, so you can now finish the monthly report.
You also send the updated policy document
that was requested.
Around the same time, your boss comes in
and asks about the cash collection.
You gladly tell them that it is already being chased,
and you are about to start the monthly report
and will have it to them by the end of the day.
You then go to work on the monthly report, finish it,
and send it to your boss early.
(bell rings)
The collections team also calls and confirms
they have received payment (bell rings)
for the large amount outstanding.
You then review the new team member's work
with the new team member, (bell rings)
and close out your day by checking your email once more
and updating your to-do list for tomorrow.
You can see from this example the power of critical path,
and how the three keys can help you
work smarter, not harder.
This brings me to the simple wisdom of today's Tweetable.
(bird chirps)
You can't make more time, but you can leverage it.
And now I'd love to hear from you.
What activities do you wish you had more time for?
And how do you try and get more out of your day?
As always, the richest discussions happen after the episode
over at
So head on over there to leave a comment now.
And of course, if you like what you see,
please subscribe by clicking here, (bell rings)
or here, (bell rings)
and share this with your friends.
Remember, life rewards action.
Just take one step today, and you'll be on your way
to creating a career that you love.
Thanks so much for watching, I'm Andrew Walsh,
and I'll catch you next time on Toolbox TV.
(funky music, beeping)
It's simply impossible for them to have 10 times more time.
There has to be something else happening.
While you might have suspicions that a person,
(nonsense sounds, beeping)
There has to be something else happening.
(slap, nonsense sounds, beeping)
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
so Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't Fuzzy, was he? (laughs)
I love that one. (beeping)
과학적으로 입증된 항암식품 베스트10 & 올바른 섭취법 - Duration: 10:29.-------------------------------------------
Post Pulse - Losing Myself - Duration: pulse band halls of the damned death metal losing myself
六合彩 12/30 ''一支输赢'' - Duration: 9:53.-------------------------------------------
🎓 Ne donnez pas trop de contenu ! - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
My Online Website Ad : Great Big Story - Duration: 3:37.Hello everyone and welcome to my online YouTube Ad.
You know, there are a lot of great things happening all around the world.
And yet, not everyone knows about then.
Let's say there is this great monument in the Himalayas, or this new invention of a European
recipe, or an organization saving the Latin American environment,
and yet not everyone is aware of them.
Well, not anymore, because we have Great Big Story.
Great Big Story is a website that basically goes around the world looking for stories
worth telling, interview the people, and share it to the rest of the world by video.
There are varieties or topics, from people, to places, to culture, and most importantly,
their origins.
The first popular topic is Human Conditions, which is basically about people, the things
they do or created, and how it impacted or will impact our lifestyles.
Frontier are basically things like art and sports, from painting, constructing, and famous
Some of those videos are animated.
Planet Earth is about nature, like great lakes and animal information, but also about landmarks,
like the modern buildings or historic ruins.
Flavors are basically food, from restaurants, to traditional foods, and each of them has
history that may blow your mind.
Some of them may explain how to make them.
Man, just thinking about them makes me hungry.
And finally, the Origins, this topic have many varieties, from your favorite childhood
objects, religious traditions, to inventions that changed the way of life, even though
you may already have learned about them in history class.
And those are the popular topics, but there are still several other topics that you can
There are many stories in the world, and they may change the way you think about life, and
each of them deserves recognition.
And that is it everyone, this has been my Online Website Ad and,
I think I'm gonna make some history.
And so, he decided to create history by discovering the corruption of the American Republican
Party, but instead got caught by an Italian Mafia and got shipping into a Mexican Cartel
base under a recent sculpture of an Aztec warrior fighting against the Disney version
of Pocahontas, he managed to escape and ended up at a restaurant in Somalia.
He used the restaurant to invent a new recipe which somehow attracted pirates and discover
one of their bases and stole enough gold to save the Somalian people and government.
Later, he got killed by a Taliban assassin using a rare poisonous scorpion.
Binh was in the papers and had a proper funeral.
The world then forgot about him one year later because of a new meme that emerged on the
internet which then started a new war against the LGBT and the walking tentacle monsters
discovered by the person who voiced a robot in Jem and the Holograms.
What a God damn shame.
Become your own 'career training instructor' - Duration: 10:11.Hey that's pretty cool,
what about this one?
Can you do this?
I bet you didn't know that I could do this.
That's my Alvin the Chipmunk voice.
(upbeat music)
Hi, I'm Andrew Walsh and this is Toolbox TV,
the only place to be to the super charge your soft skills
and create a career that you love.
So where's the training at?
You love your job and you want to learn more,
but there's no training programme.
And your boss seems to have no idea
of your desire to expand your skills.
Ever had this experience?
I need something,
I need some training.
It can be completely frustrating.
Further education and training programmes can be
an awesome way to give your career a real boost.
Now if you work in the big end of town,
you probably have training programmes
for inductees, graduates, new managers, and the like.
Plus the added benefit of paid
or subsidised third-party training.
All nice instruction and noted
in clear policies that allow easy access.
But what if you're not part of a business
that provides training?
Or at least there's no clear indication
of what training you can get and how to access it.
Whilst training programmes can boost your career,
the converse is also true.
A lack of further training
can leave you behind in the market
while your peers leapfrog ahead of you.
Now there's always the option to leave
for a company that offers good training,
but what if you like your job?
Or perhaps you're simply not ready to leave.
How do you up your game
and get training to expand your skills?
Well let's first touch on what you can do
to be fully informed about what training
your company does offer.
Here's a five point checklist.
Number one, search the company intranet.
If your company has an intranet,
try searching for training policies
or a training page to find out what's offered.
Now if they don't have that,
go to number two.
Talk to colleagues.
Ask your colleagues what they know about company training,
or if they've been on any programmes.
This may lead you to the right person to speak to.
Now besides colleagues,
at some point you'll need to speak to your boss.
And this is number three,
ask your boss.
Approach your boss and find out what they know.
Perhaps even ask for training,
you won't know if you don't ask.
And an expert tip here,
before approaching your boss
you may want to ensure you have their support.
So prepare a business case,
and if they ask you can tell your boss how the training
will benefit them and the company.
Now you may find they fully support your training,
but they have no idea what to offer.
That's when you might consider approaching human resources.
The is number four, approach HR.
Pay a visit to HR,
and find out what they might be able to provide.
And if it turns out there is literally no formal training
in your company, it may be time for number five.
Explore on the job and informal training.
Ask your boss if they or another team member
could train you in a new skill.
Although not recognised training,
you'll still be learning and broadening your skill base.
And if you need to sweeten the carrot,
you may want to think about volunteering
to take some work off your boss' hands.
This will give them a great incentive to train you.
Now even after all that effort,
you still might get a big "No"
No, no, no!
Don't take it personally.
There just might not be any training options
available in your company.
And perhaps your boss is simply too overloaded
to devote training time to you.
If you can't get training from anyone or anywhere,
don't freak out and self-destruct.
Instead, instruct,
become your own training instructor.
We're living in an era where the internet
is creating massive opportunities
for learning and development.
Both paid and free.
And as we move to internet 3.0,
the quality of free content is better than ever.
For no money down, you can get some quality skills.
And this is in addition to the old school
low-tech ways to skill up.
Now you can become your own training instructor
using these five steps.
Step one, start by working out what skills you need.
Before learning, you need to know what is useful to learn.
Think about your current job and where you want to go
and identify the skills you need to get there.
If you're not sure what skills you should develop,
then head to step two.
Which is, ask for feedback.
Your boss and peers can clue you into your current skills
and where the gaps are.
Now you may want to use a little initiative here
and create a checklist of skills you would like feedback on.
But just remember not to get too defensive
or take it personally.
You are trying to be open to others' opinions
in order to create a career development plan.
Now speaking of creation, this brings me to step three.
Create opportunities for mini-training sessions.
Even though your boss may have said "No"
to on the job training,
you may be able to snafu 10-15 minutes
of their time for training.
For example, you might be asking for feedback
when your boss mentions a skill you need to improve.
This gives you the opportunity
to create a mini-training session
by asking questions like,
"How would they do that if in your position?"
Or, "Do they have any tips
"on how you could improve that skill?"
Okay, by now you'll have a pretty good idea
about the skills you want to learn,
but you may want to go a little further
and that's where step four kicks in.
Go deep online.
Once you know the skills you want to improve,
go online and find assessments relating to those skills.
There are loads of free assessments you can find,
and these can provide further insights on your skill level.
Or the more general ones can be used to get a sense
of your strengths and weaknesses.
If you are particularly interested in soft skills,
you can try the free soft skills basics questionnaire
I'll include a link in the comments section below.
Okay, so you now are confident about what you want to learn,
it's time for step five.
Find your own training.
There are many low-cost and free training sites
and programmes out there.
Try and look around for one that suits your needs.
To get you started, you may want to check out these sites.
Udemy, Cousera, edX, Khan Academy,
Udacity, and Skillshare,
just to name a few.
Or if you prefer old-tech
or can't find what you want online, grab a book.
Books are still a huge source of information
with potential to learn awesome skill sets.
Now I have a close friend
who recently bought a warehouse management textbook,
and it's become her bible.
She has been learning a little from it every day
and combining it with some informal training
that's really giving her career a big boost.
So the lesson here is
you can create your own learning and development,
no matter what resources are available where you work.
And on that thought, here's today's Tweetable.
(bird tweets)
"Scare resources doesn't mean scarce training,
"use your own resourcefulness
"to create the career resources you need."
And now I'd love to hear from you.
What are your greatest challenges to getting training?
What training do you need
to take your career to the next level?
As always, the richest discussions happen after the episode
over at
So head on over there to leave a comment now.
And of course, if you like what you see,
please subscribe by clicking here.
Or here.
And share this with your friends.
Remember, life rewards action.
Just take one step today,
and you'll be on your way
to creating a career that you love.
Thanks so much for watching,
I'm Andrew Walsh and I'll catch you next time,
on Toolbox TV.
Well let's first touch on what you can do
to be fully informed and what (mumbles)
Now you may find you have their support but
they have no training for you.
(blows raspberry)
Now you might find that you have their support
but they might have not (mumbles)
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