Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 21 2017

As the healthcare debate flares up in Congress again, talk-show host Jimmy

Kimmel has been thrust into the middle of the debate. Welcome back to What's

Trending, I'm Ava Gordy. Be sure to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE for more. Jimmy

Kimmel has been devoting a lot of his nightly monologue to the healthcare


Kimmel also had something to say after being told to

shut up by Fox & Friends.

It's an unlikely shift for Kimmel, who is fairly unpolitical in

his show. Other late-night host like Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers have

been seeing bigger ratings because of their more politically focused

monologues. Kimmel, however, has been trying to keep the comedy fair and

balanced. In an interview during the 2012 election Kimmel told salon, "I do say

whatever I want. I just try to keep in mind that mine is not a political show

and that our audience is split half-and-half, and people are very

emotional about this stuff. And I just try and spread the ribbing around." So how

did Jimmy Kimmel get into the middle of this healthcare debate?

In May, Kimmel's son William was born with a congenital

heart defect. In an emotional monologue, Kimmel recounted the story of his son

William's birth and the immediate open-heart surgery required. Before the

Affordable Care Act, William's heart condition would have been seen as a

pre-existing condition. Insurance companies used to be able to deny health-

care because people need healthcare during their lives. For a baby born with

William's condition, healthcare coverage could mean the difference between life

and death.

After Kimmel's emotional speech, the Obamacare repeal bill moved from the House to the

Senate. Senator Bill Cassidy invoked Kimmel's name on cable news to describe

his opposition to the new healthcare bill.

Kimmel then had senator

Cassidy on his show and asked him this:

Sounds so convincing.

The push to repeal Obamacare was thought to be over in July but, John

McCain's last minute "No" vote killed the so-called "skinny repeal," and the fight to

defend Obamacare was thought to be over. Republicans have been trying to repeal

Obamacare ever since it was signed in 2010. According to Gallup, the ACA has

reached a majority approval rating for the first time back in April, with a

rating of 54%. That's a full 20% higher than Trump's approval rating. And way

more popular than Congress, with their abysmal 16% approval. I don't get

it! Congress seems like they're pretty cool dudes... But now, there is a new health-

care bill in the Senate and one of the authors is Bill Cassidy. And guess what

else is in the bill? The return of pre-existing conditions. Naturally, Kimmel

lashed out at Cassidy for his dishonesty.

The Graham-Cassidy bill is by all accounts worse than the last Republican

healthcare bill. The bill also fails to meet the requirements that Cassidy,

himself a medical professional, claimed he wanted to vote for. Graham-Cassidy

would allow for insurance companies to remove or reject customers, and impose

caps on how much insurance will pay out over your life. All of this cast Kimmel

as an unlikely voice for the healthcare debate.

What do you guys think

of Jimmy Kimmel's unlikely move into political comedy? Let us know in the

COMMENTS below, LIKE this video, and SUBSCRIBE for more What's Trending.

For more infomation >> Why Is Jimmy Kimmel In The Healthcare Debate? | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 4:48.


BREAKING: Mueller's Plot Exposed | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:53.

Conservative commentators have long maintained that Robert Mueller's investigation of President

Trump's supposed ties to Russia is nothing more than a witch hunt.

This suspicion received even more evidence recently.

This week, the New York Times reported that Mueller's investigation had already surpassed

its congressional limits by seeking documents related to Trump's time and decisions while


The original goal of Mueller's investigation was to find any evidence of Russian interference

relating to the 2016 election.

Now, it seems that Mueller's team is inspecting some of the more controversial decisions of

the Trump administration.

According to the Times, "Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, has asked the White

House for documents about some of President Trump's most scrutinized actions since taking

office, including the firing of his national security adviser and FBI director."

Ironically, that fired FBI Director, James Comey, was forced to tell the world via his

Senate testimony that Donald Trump was never under investigation regarding Russian "collusion."

It now appears that Mueller's team is focusing on President Trump after spending months investigating

members of Trump's administration.

One of their favorite targets so far has been Jared Kushner, who many believe has incriminating

ties to certain corrupt Russian businesses.

Another favorite target is former campaign manager Paul Manafort, who suffered an FBI

raid after providing the agency with the requested documents.

Now, Manafort and Trump are enjoying the last laugh because the mainstream media has been

forced to admit that the Obama administration wiretapped Manafort's phone calls.

Many of these calls were likely between Trump and Manafort.

So far, despite all of these investigations, no serious evidence has appeared showing that

President Trump or members of his team "colluded" with the Kremlin.

President Trump earlier warned Mueller not to exceed the limits of his investigation.

It looks like that already happened.

Those crying "witch hunt" have long noticed that Mueller's investigation team is full

of Democrat donors.

This is undeniably true.

Eight of the 16 investigators on Mueller's team have each donated more than $1,000 dollars

to Democrat candidates or the Democrat National Committee.

Many of these supposedly impartial investigators donated money to Hillary Clinton's 2016


Clinton's campaign likely created the Russian conspiracy after losing in November.

Similarly, Clinton has recently made noise by threatening to contest the 2016 election.

In order for this threat to hold water, Mueller must find a "smoking gun" with Russia's

hands all over it.

Therefore, the fact that so many Clinton donors are running an investigation against their

sworn enemy should be cause for termination.

Now, Mueller is expanding his investigation far in excess of what Congress hired him to

do in the first place.

From the beginning, the appointment of a Special Prosecutor appeared to be seated in a political

witch hunt.

Do you think Robert Mueller is treating the President fairly in his investigation?

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, it seems that Mueller's job is

to delegitimize President Trump so much that the Democrats recapture several seats during

the 2018 election.

Once this happens, the Democrats can try to impeach President Trump.

It is unlikely that Mueller will walk away from this investigation without a scalp.

The Democrats are still outraged over the election results, and intent on finding ways

to reclaim their power — even if it means resorting to shady tactics.

Republicans have been warned.

Is Robert Mueller Overstepping His Investigative Authority?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Mueller's Plot Exposed | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:53.


Son's desperate search for mother after Hurricane Maria - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Son's desperate search for mother after Hurricane Maria - Duration: 1:24.





Physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once said, �We choose to examine a phenomenon

which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which

has in it the heart of quantum mechanics.

In reality, it contains the only mystery.�

And it�s true.

Multiple theories, such as quantum entanglement, have exited the theoretical realm and been

confirmed within the mainstream.

Even browsing through some previously classified documents in the CIA�s electronic reading

room, you can see how Black Budget science confirmed some of these topics decades ago,

yet we never heard about it through the mainstream.

Here is a prime example of a document on quantum entanglement.

From this document we can see that its existence was confirmed decades ago.

What�s also interesting about that document is that it discusses telepathy, a phenomenon

directly related to and made possible by discoveries within quantum physics.

�Parapsychology� pr �Psi� and quantum physics go hand in hand.

Now, a recent paper, published in Proceedings of The Royal Society A, supports the argument

that quantum theory must be �retrocausal,�or that an effect can occur before its cause.

Hard to wrap your head around, isn�t it?

But just because something cannot be understood, does not mean it isn�t real, and we shouldn�t

dismiss things we don�t understand.

This is often seen with concepts like telepathy, even though they�ve been confirmed and verified,

if covertly.

Take this document, for example, which examines the �paranormal ability to break through

spatial barriers.�

Lis Zyga from points out the appeal of retrocausality:

First, to clarify what retrocausality is and isn�t: It does not mean that signals can

be communicated from the future to the past�such signaling would be forbidden even in a retrocausal

theory due to thermodynamic reasons.

Instead, retrocausality means that, when an experimenter chooses the measurement setting

with which to measure a particle, that decision can influence the properties of that particle

(or another particle) in the past, even before the experimenter made their choice.

In other words, a decision made in the present can influence something in the past.

Clearly, if this theory is correct, our concept of �time� is flawed � physical processes

can actually run forward and backwards while being described by the same physical laws.

Zyga, however, makes some comments that show a lack of awareness with regards to certain

concepts, as she argues that �the whole idea of retrocausality is so difficult to

accept because we don�t ever see it anywhere else.

The same is true of action at a distance.�

Action at a distance is the idea that physical systems can be moved, changed, or influenced

without being physically touched by anything else.

It refers to the nonlocal interaction of objects that are separated in space.

Again, this has been shown to be a real phenomenon, and it�s been well documented multiple times.

So, the statement that �we don�t really see it anywhere else� actually isn�t true.

Another great example, using quantum systems, comes from a paper published in the peer-reviewed

journal Physics Essays.

It explains how this experiment has been used repeatedly to explore the role of consciousness

in shaping the nature of physical reality.

It was published by Dr. Dean Radin, who you will see in the lecture below.

He�s the chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

He produced incredible results: Human intention, via meditators, was able to actually collapse

the quantum wave function.

The meditators were the �observer� in this case.

In fact, as Radin points out in his lecture, a �5 sigma� result was able to give CERN

the Nobel Prize in 2013 for finding the Higgs particle (which turned out not to be Higgs

after all).

In this study, they also received a 5 sigma result when testing meditators against non-meditators

in collapsing the quantum wave function.

This means that mental activity, the human mind, attention, and intention, which are

a few labels under the umbrella of consciousness, compelled physical matter to act in a certain


�Observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it.

. . . We compel [the electron] to assume a definite position.

. . . We ourselves produce the results of the measurement.�

If this weren�t true, then why, for example, would the American Institutes for Research

arrive at the following conclusion about action at a distance?:

The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance.

Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments

are soundly refuted.

Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and

SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world.

Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.

Even as far back as 1985, a report prepared by the Army Research Institute disclosed that

�the data reviewed in this report constitute genuine scientific anomalies for which no

one has an adequate explanation for.�

This new paper, published by Matthew S. Leifer from Chapman University in California and

Mathew F. Pusey from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, Canada,

wanted to find out if time, like matter, behaves differently at the quantum scale.

The researchers developed a model, based on action at a distance, where they exchanged

space for time.

So, as entanglement shows, there is really no separation between objects, or information

is actually travelling faster than the speed of light.

But, if causality ran backwards, this would posit that the particle in the present could

actually affect the particle that it was/is entangled with, back through time.

Meaning that, not only are two particles connected, showing that space is just the concept that

provides the illusion of separation, they are also still �entangled,� regardless

of time, which is why there are quantum theories predicting that what happens in the present

can actually change what happened in the past.

The Delayed Choice/Quantum Eraser

The delayed choice/quantum eraser experiment has been used multiple times, as well as repeated,

to show how time doesn�t exist in the way we currently understand it.

In 2007, (Science 315, 966, 2007) scientists in France shot photons into an apparatus and

showed that their actions could retroactively change something which had already happened.

As Asher Peres, a pioneer in quantum information theory, once pointed out: �If we attempt

to attribute an objective meaning to the quantum state of a single system, curious paradoxes

appear: quantum effects mimic not only instantaneous action-at-a-distance, but also, as seen here,

influence of future actions on past events, even after these events have been irrevocably


Wheeler�s Cosmic Scale Explanation of the Delayed Choice Experiment

John Wheeler uses a great analogy to illustrate a portion of this concept.

He asks us to imagine a star emitting a photon billions of years ago, heading in the direction

of planet Earth.

In between, there is a galaxy.

As a result of what�s known as �gravitational lensing,� the light will have to bend around

the galaxy in order to reach Earth, so it has to take one of two paths, go left or go


Billions of years later, if one decides to set up an apparatus to �catch� the photon,

the resulting pattern would be an interference pattern.

This demonstrates that the photon took one way, and it took the other way as well.

One could also �peek� at the incoming photon by setting up a telescope on each side

of the galaxy to determine which side the photon took to reach Earth.

As we know from the double slit experiment, the very act of measuring or �watching�

which way the photon comes in means it can only come in from one side.

The pattern will no longer be an interference pattern representing multiple possibilities,

but a single clump pattern showing �one� way.

What does this mean?

It means how we choose to measure the �now� affects what direction the photon took billions

of years ago.

Our choice in the present moment affects what has already happened in the past.

Quantum entanglement exists, regardless of time, which means two bits of matter (physical

systems) can actually be entangled in time.



The Most Stunning Celebrity Transformations We've Ever Seen - Duration: 5:43.

We've all wasted afternoons going through old pictures of ourselves, reminiscing about

the past and laughing at outdated clothes and hairstyles.

And the same could be said of A-list celebs!

It's hard to believe Chris Pratt has been both Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy

as well as Andy from Parks and Recreation.

And who would have thought Hannah Montana would grow up to twerk?

Here are the most stunning celebrity transformations!

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus and her dad, Billy Ray, starred together in the Disney hit, Hannah Montana.

Wholesome and talented, she was everything parents could ever want in a role model for

young viewers.

Fans were shocked when she shed her squeaky clean image in favor of barely-there stage

outfits, raunchy song lyrics, drug use, and interviews about how much she loves having


But Miley has since undergone yet another transformation and has returned to a softer,

drug-free existence.

She's focusing on love and says she's left those wild days behind her.

With the release of the low-key "Malibu," her style is clearly evolving yet again.

Taylor Swift

When Taylor Swift released her self-titled album in 2006, she was a fresh-faced, budding

country singer.

Then, she won the 2009 VMA for "You Belong with Me" and her life changed forever.

Gone are her country songs and sappy lyrics, and with tracks like "Bad Blood" and "Look

What You Made Me Do," the former country star is proving just how far she's come.

Chris Pratt

Back in his Parks and Rec days, no one would have described Chris Pratt as a leading man.

But after landing the lead role in Guardians, Pratt was able to show off both his comedic

skills and his impressively transformed physique.

The actor says when he was overweight, he struggled with depression and low sex drive.

Today, he may not always enjoy his diet, but he's definitely enjoying the benefits!

Justin Bieber

As a kid growing up in Canada, Justin Bieber competed in local talent shows until he started

uploading videos of himself to YouTube.

Against all odds, he gained the attention of Usher, and the rest is history.

While he launched his career with syrupy teen songs like "Baby," his life has taken many

surprising turns.

He's had run-ins with the law, fights with paparazzi, high-profile romances, and gotten

countless tattoos.

Now, he's trying to set boundaries with his fans after feeling burned out.

Although his intentions might be great, he often makes headlines when he refuses to pose

for pictures or scolds his followers for trying to push him past his limits — which does

nothing to improve his bad rep.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez got her start on Barney & Friends, and went on to star on the hit Disney show,

Wizards of Waverly Place.

Of course, she wasn't going to stay a teen forever, and her on-again-off-again relationship

with Justin Bieber helped mark her transition into adulthood.

She gained recognition as a solo artist with hits such as "Love You Like a Love Song,"

and "Come and Get It."

But, despite her success, Gomez was struggling on the inside.

After taking a break from the spotlight, Gomez has revealed a struggle with both lupus and


By focusing on herself, she says that she has found peace and true happiness.

Lil Kim

Lil Kim was widely regarded as one of the best female rappers, as she emerged with the

group Junior M.A.F.I.A in the '90s.

She established herself as artist, after releasing her solo album, Hard Core, in '96, wowing

critics with her "raw, unapologetic flow."

While she spent time in prison, for lying to a jury about a gun-related incident, fans

were just as shocked by her changing appearance.

Suddenly, she had much lighter skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, and breast implants.

In discussing her physical changes, Lil Kim told the Washington Post, "The girls that

[men] dated when I was younger were light-skinned and tall.

I'm short and brown-skinned.

I've always wondered… how do I fit in?

I think being Lil' Kim the rapper helped me deal with it better...[But] I still don't

see what they see."

Katy Perry

Born to evangelical parents, Katy Perry first released a gospel album that saw very limited


So it was a shock to everyone when her first big break came after she released the song

"I Kissed a Girl."

As her popularity grew, her image became even more daring with her "California Gurls" video,

including some pretty suggestive themes.

But as her music career soared, her personal life suffered.

And after several high-profile splits, she's undergoing yet another metamorphosis.

She's shared her journey through counseling and meditation with her fans and even admitted

that she cut off all of her hair in an attempt at giving herself a fresh start.

Something tells us an even bigger transformation is yet to come.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Dwayne Johnson came from a family with a wrestling background but aspired to play in the NFL.

After a back injury cost him his dream, he changed directions, enjoying an immensely

successful career in the WWE.

Who could have imagined that he'd transition, again, into a Hollywood actor?

We'd expect to see him in action movies such as Fast & Furious, but he's also taken on

dramatic roles in Walking Tall, as well as appearing in family-friendly fare including

Tooth Fairy.

Most recently, he's even talked about running for president!

Gal Gadot

Born in Israel, Gal Gadot intended to get a law degree after serving two years in the

military, where she trained other soldiers in combat.

But everything changed when, after reluctantly entering the pageant, she won Miss Israel.

After landing the role of Gabrielle in the Fast & Furious franchise, producers took a

gamble and cast Gadot in the role of Wonder Woman.

Hailed as the best thing about Batman v Superman, Gadot nailed her performance in the standalone

Wonder Woman film, winning over audiences and critics alike.

Melissa McCarthy

After endearing television audiences with her portrayal of Sookie St. James on Gilmour

Girls, Melissa McCarthy put her own name on the map with her incredible performance in


She showed depth as well as humor, and before long, was starring in hit films such as The

Heat, Spy, and the all-female reboot of Ghostbusters.

Along the way, she did reveal that, as a plus-size woman, she struggled to find designers who

were willing to dress her for the red carpet.

As a result, she created her own line of clothing for women of all sizes.

Now, she's lost some weight and says the secret to her slimmer figure is, "I truly stopped

worrying about [my size].

I think there's something to kinda loosening up and not being so nervous and rigid about

it that, bizarrely, has worked."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Most Stunning Celebrity Transformations We've Ever Seen - Duration: 5:43.


alenai x paul point - what you are (FUTURE BASS) (2017) - Duration: 4:16.

[Music plays]

For more infomation >> alenai x paul point - what you are (FUTURE BASS) (2017) - Duration: 4:16.


LEGO Ninjago Movie 2018 sets pictures! - Duration: 1:10.

Hello just2good here,

and today Promo Bricks has revealed

the rest of the LEGO Ninjago Movie Winter 2018 sets!

There's Garmadon's Volcano Lair,

Spinjitzu Master Lloyd,

and then new pictures of Cole's Quake Mech and the Piranha Chase.

Also, keep in mind there's one more set -

the Garmadon Garmadon Garmado set -

which was revealed at Comic Con,

this picture's from the Brick Fan.

Alright, so I already expressed my thoughts on the Quake Mech

and Piranha Chase set yesterday, but what about the Volcano Lair?

This is definitely my favorite set of next wave.

You know I like playsets, and this one looks dang fun.

It reminds me of that neat Ultra Agents Ocean Portal set,

but it looks even better with that Volcano aesthetic.

I also love the minifigures here.

The GIT (I believe it is) scientist is seen throughout the movie

and I love his cooky design, so I'm glad he's here as a minifigure.

And, getting the Shark Army Octopus in a new olive color is great.

The Lloyd Spinjitzu Master is standard.

I think he has a new face print, but I might be wrong.

There's a lot more of these

coming with the Sons of Garmadon wave of regular Ninjago sets.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks to Promobricks and Brickset for bringing this to my attention.

I'll see you guys later, peace out, bye.

For more infomation >> LEGO Ninjago Movie 2018 sets pictures! - Duration: 1:10.


Lip Sync Conversation with Demi Lovato - Duration: 2:21.

[ Knock on door ] -Come in.

-♪ Hello ♪

♪ It's me ♪

-And if it isn't the one and only Demi Lovato.

-♪ I'm the one, yeah ♪

-♪ Oh, aye, oh, aye, oh ♪

♪ I'm the one ♪

-Come on over here.

-♪ Here I am ♪

♪ Next to you ♪

-I had the craziest dream last night.

I have to tell you about it. -Me too.

-♪ I had a dream we were sipping whiskey neat ♪

-Wow, that is weird. You have some pretty...

-♪ Wild, wild, wild thoughts ♪

[ Laughter ] -♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

-Oh, that reminds me, I brought you some water.

-♪ If you want it ♪

♪ Yeah, you can have it ♪

-♪ Lucky for you that's what like ♪

[ Laughter ] ♪ That's what I like ♪

♪ Oh, look what you made me do ♪

♪ Look what you made me do ♪

-♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

♪ Being so bad got me feeling so good ♪

-You're always spilling drinks.

You've got... -♪ Slow hands ♪

-You're right. This isn't the first time this happened.

I once did it to... -♪ Deejay Khaled ♪

-[ Crying ] [ Laughter ]

-♪ Just stop your crying ♪

♪ It's a sign of the times ♪

-[ Crying ]

-♪ There's nothing holding me back ♪

-Don't cry, Jimmy. You're...

-♪ Smart and strong and beautiful ♪

-That's so nice of you to say.

-♪ I want to thank you ♪

-Hey, what are you doing this weekend?

-I was gonna go apple picking.

I love the fall.

You know, the cold weather, the falling leaves.

I mean...

-♪ I could give a thousand reasons why ♪

-Hey, let's just go apple picking right now.

I'll bring my dog.

[ Audience "awws" ]

-I didn't know you had a dog. What's his name?

-His name is...

-♪ Despacito ♪

[ Laughter ]

-That's a weird name for a dog.

-Whatever. Let's go.

-♪ Come on now, follow my lead ♪

♪ Come, come on now, follow my lead ♪

♪ Mm-hmm-mm ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Lip Sync Conversation with Demi Lovato - Duration: 2:21.


I Survived The Holocaust Twin Experiments - Duration: 14:48.

- I was born in 1934,

one of a pair of twins.

Miriam and I were the third

and fourth children in the family.

We lived in a very small village

in Transylvania, Romania.

(haunting music)

We got down from the cattle car.

People were selected to live or to die.

People crying, pushing, shoving,

dogs barking, trying to make some sense of that place,

and I actually turned around

in trying to figure out what is the place?

Never seen a place like that before.

And as I turned around, I realized

that my father and my two older sisters were gone.

Never saw them again.

We were holding onto Mother for dear life.

A Nazi was running in the middle of that selection platform,

yelling in German, "Twins, twins."

He noticed us and demanded to know if we were twins.

And my mother asked, "Is that good?"

And the Nazi said, "Yes."

My mother said yes.

At that moment, another Nazi came,

pulled my mother to the right,

we were pulled to the left,

we were crying, she was crying.

And all I ever remember is seeing my mother's arms

stretched out in despair as she was pulled away.

I never even said goodbye to her,

but I did not understand

that this would be the last time that we would see her,

and all that took 30 minutes from the time

we got down from the cattle car

and my whole family was gone.

Only Miriam and I were left, holding hands and crying.

We were Mengele twins, which we found out

later on what that meant.

(haunting music)

Mengele would count us every morning.

And he wanted to know how many guinea pigs he had each day.

I was used in two types of experiments.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, they would put me

naked in a room with my twin sister

and many other twins, up to eight hours a day.

They would measure every part of my body,

compare it to my twin sister, and then compare it to charts.

On alternate days, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,

they would take us to a blood lab,

they would tie both of my arms to restrict the blood flow,

take a lot of blood from my left arm,

and give me a minimum of five injections

in the right arm.

The content of those injections,

we didn't know then, nor do we know today.

After one of those injections,

I became very ill with a very high fever.

My legs and arms were swollen and very painful.

I was trembling as the August sun was burning my skin.

And I had huge red spots covering my body.

The next visit to the blood lab,

they didn't tie my arms.

Instead of that, measure my fever.

And I was immediately taken to the hospital.

The hospital was another barrack,

but it was filled with people

who looked to me more dead than alive.

Next morning, Mengele came in with four other doctors.

Never, ever examined me, looked at my fever chart,

and then he declared, "Too bad.

"She's so young.

"She has only two weeks to live."

For the following two weeks, I have only one clear memory.

Crawling on the barrack floor,

because I no longer could walk.

And crawling to reach a faucet with water

at the other end of the barrack,

and as I was crawling, I would fade out,

in and out of consciousness, telling myself I must survive,

I must survive.

After two weeks, my fever broke.

And I felt immediately a lot stronger.

It took me another three weeks

before my fever charts showed normal.

Miriam ...

When I got back, she was sitting on the bed,

staring into space.

When I ask her, "What happened to you?"

she said, "I cannot talk about it.

"I will not talk about it."

And we didn't talk about Auschwitz until 1985.

(melancholy music)

When I ask her in 1985, "Miriam, do you remember

"when I was taken to the hospital?"

she said yes.

I said, "What happened to you while I was in the hospital?"

She said, "I was under Nazi doctor supervision

"24 hours a day."

It was the same two weeks that Mengele said I would die.

So I said to her, "What happened to you

"after the two weeks were up?"

She said she was taken back to the labs,

injected with many injections

that made her feel very sick.

As we found out years later,

when she grew up, got married in Israel,

expected her first child,

she developed severe kidney infections

that did not respond to any antibiotic.

Second pregnancy in '63,

the infection got so bad

that the Israeli doctor studied her,

and they found out that Miriam's kidneys

never grew larger than the size of a 10-year-old child's.

So I begged Miriam not to have any more children,

because every pregnancy was a life crisis.

But she had a third child,

and after the third child was born,

her kidneys deteriorated, started to deteriorate,

and by 1987, they failed.

At which time I donated my left kidney.

I had two kidneys and one sister,

so it was an easy choice.

But a year later, she developed

cancerous polyps in the bladder.

The doctors kept asking me to find our Auschwitz files.

We never found our files.

We never found out what was injected into our bodies,

and Miriam died June 6, 1993.

Months after Miriam died, I received a telephone call

from a professor at Boston,

who said he heard me speak and he would like me

to go to Boston and speak.

And when I came there, it would be nice

if I could bring a Nazi doctor.

I was stunned at such a question,

and then I thought about it,

I remembered that the last project

that Miriam and I worked together

before she died was 1992.

It was a documentary done by a German television

about the Mengele twins, and in that documentary,

there was a Nazi doctor from Auschwitz.

And I figured if he was alive in '92,

he might be alive in '93.

So I got his telephone number, I called him

and invited him to Boston.

But he told me he was not willing to go to Boston.

But he was willing to meet with me at his house in Germany.

(dramatic music)

And I didn't plan to ask him any of these questions.

Suddenly, I am asking him, "You were in Auschwitz.

"Did you ever walk by a gas chamber?

"Did you ever go inside the gas chamber?

"Do you know how the gas chamber operated?"

He said, "Mm-hm, mm-hm."

He said, "This is the nightmare

"that I live with every single day of my life."

And went on describing the operation of the gas chamber.

He was stationed outside, looking through a peephole

while the gas was coming down and people were dying.

When everybody was dead, and nobody moved,

he knew that they were dead,

and he signed one death certificate.

No names, just the number of people that were murdered.

And I ask him to go with me to Auschwitz in 1995,

when we would observe 50 years

since the liberation of the camp.

Because I wanted him to sign a document,

just what he told me, but I wanted it signed

at the ruins of the gas chamber in Auschwitz.

And he agreed immediately.

I will have an original document

signed by a Nazi.

And if I ever met a revisionist

who said the Holocaust didn't happen,

I could take that document and shove it in their face.

I wanted to thank this Nazi doctor

for his willingness to document the gas chamber operation.

I didn't know how to thank a Nazi.

I didn't tell anybody about it,

because even to me, it sounded strange.

I didn't want anybody to change my mind.

After 10 months, one morning I woke up.

And the following simple idea popped into my head.

How about a letter of forgiveness

from me to Dr. Munch?

I knew immediately that he would like it,

and that was a meaningful gift.

A Auschwitz survivor gives him a letter of forgiveness,

to a Nazi doctor.

But what I discovered for myself was life-changing.

I discovered that I had the power to forgive.

No one could give me that power,

no one could take it away.

It was all mine to use in any way I wished.

And that became an interesting thing,

because as a victim of almost 50 years,

I never thought that I had any power over my life.

Now I began writing a letter,

and I didn't know how to write a letter of forgiveness.

And it took me four months to write it.

And then I thought somebody might read it,

and my diction in English is good,

my spelling is not.

So I wanted my former English professor

to correct my spelling, so I called her.

We met three times.

And third time, she said to me, "Now, Eva, very nice.

"You forgive this Dr. Munch.

"Your problem is not with Dr. Munch.

"Your problem is with Dr. Mengele."

I was not quite ready to forgive Mengele.

She said to me, "Okay.

"I have been meeting with you, correcting your letters.

"Now I want you to do me a favor.

"When you go home tonight, pretend

"that Mengele is in the room,

"and you are telling him that you forgive him.

"'Cause I want to find out how would it make you feel

"if you could do that."

Interesting idea, I thought.

And when I got home, actually, I did something else.

I picked up a dictionary and wrote down 20 nasty words,

which I read clear and loud

to that make-believe Mengele in the room.

And at the end I said, "In spite of all that,

"I forgive you."

Made me feel very good.

That I, the little guinea pig of 50 years,

even had the power

over the Angel of Death of Auschwitz.

So that is the way we arrived in Auschwitz.

Dr. Munch came with his son, daughter, and granddaughter.

I took my son and my daughter.

I read my declaration of amnesty,

which is a very good little document.

And I signed it.

Dr. Munch signed his document.

I felt free, free from Auschwitz,

free from Mengele.

So now that I have forgiven him,

I knew that most of the survivors

denounced me, and they denounce me today also.

But what is my forgiveness?

I like it.

It is an act of self-healing,

self-liberation, self-empowerment.

All victims all hurt,

feel hopeless, feel helpless, feel powerless.

I want everybody to remember

that we cannot change what happened.

That is the tragic part.

But we can change how we relate to it.

(gentle piano music)

For more infomation >> I Survived The Holocaust Twin Experiments - Duration: 14:48.


Shawn Mendes Got Roughed Up by Drake's Security Team - Duration: 7:43.

-You've been on, and you had the first album,

and that did really well.

Then, the second album,

we were all -- we were just hoping for you,

and then it just crushed -- number-one album again.

And I think you were on before you announced

that you were doing Madison Square Garden?


-And you sold out in five minutes.

-Totally, and I -- I remember -- it's crazy 'cause --

[ Cheers and applause ] Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

-Good for you.

-And it's just weird because I feel like --

it's very weird to be sitting here right now, actually.

I've never -- I'm always seeing you from right there, and...

-That's true. -...this is very different.

-If you want, I could sit over here.

-I mean, maybe that would make me feel --

[ Laughter ] If you were like, beside --

-Yeah, just stand, yelling at you from over there.

-No, but it's crazy. You -- I mean --

-Yeah, normally, you're over there, performing.

-You've seen me from the beginning of my career,

from first single, first album, first sellout, to now.

-Yeah. -It's really crazy.

-I'm so excited for you.

-Now you trust me enough to talk to me.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah, I mean...

like, a little bit.

I'm warming up. I'm warming up.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I just want to get to know you.

And for people that don't know you --

of course, everyone does --

but there's stories like -- that I heard

that you taught yourself guitar off of YouTube.

Is that true? -Totally, yeah.

I mean, I went to a lesson.

And it was you go into the lesson,

and they're trying to teach you, like,

one, two, three, four notes,

and all I want to do is play a song, a cover song.

And so, I quit that and then just went on YouTube.

It's easier because you get to learn

the songs you want to learn, right?

And you get to play them at your own pace.

-Is that how you got kind of discovered?

-Yeah, I literally --

It was crazy because I got the guitar

like four months before I put up this video online,

so I was pretty bad at playing guitar,

but the video [Chuckling] still went viral, luckily,

and that's why I'm here right now.

So, anyways... -No, I mean, no.

But you're obviously -- [ Laughter and cheers ]

No. You can play. You can sing. You can sing.

You can sing. -Thank you, man.

-And you just -- you just got a good look to you, man.

-You just know how to do it. -I appreciate that.

-You rock every single time you come on here, yeah.

They -- You know what I'm talking about.

-[ Laughs ] [ Cheers and applause ]

-Actually, that was my first -- Last time I was back here

was my first standing ovation ever at a TV thing.

It was really, really cool.

-Ah, see? It's the best. -Yeah.

-You crush it. What was the first song --

Do you remember the first song that you learned?

-I think it was "Stitches." And I did it with you guys.

-Oh, no, not the first song you did here.

-Oh, I'm thought preformed. Sorry.

The first song I learnt... -Yeah.

-...was "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran.

I remember that was kind of the reason, like,

I wanted to get a guitar was 'cause he released this,

like, very acoustic guitar, you know, driven ballad...

-Yeah. -...and I was like, "All right.

Now I need to get that and play that song."

-Do you ever think that, in the -- in the back of your head

that people are gonna go on YouTube playing your songs

and become famous?

-They do. Well, I mean, they kind of are.

It's super weird.

I mean, there's, like, this video

of this kid singing "Stitches,"

and he, like, reenacts the whole video

of, like, me getting hit and stuff.

And the video -- [ Light laughter ]

The video -- He does it better than me, too.

[ Laughter ]

-That's the worst. Yeah, oh, yeah.

-It is the worst. And he's better-looking, too.

But the video -- [ Laughter ]

It has like -- It has like 80 million views.

-What?! -I know.

It's like -- It's like this, like, remade version of my song.

-Obviously, yeah. -Yeah, see if you can find it.

-Yeah. -[ Chuckling ] Yeah.

-Oh, yeah. It's called "Esposito."

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -I've seen it, yeah.

-That's the one. -That's a good song.

It's a good song. [ Laughter and applause ]

It's a good -- I've seen this. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Yeah, I've seen this, yeah.

-And, so, anyways, he did a good job.

But, yeah, it's really weird. I mean, I guess...

Are you friends with Ed Sheeran?

Are you guys buddies? -Yeah, actually.

I met him when I was about 15,

and then I kind of kept in touch,

'cause, obviously, he got rid of his phone.

So, it was like, "I don't know how to talk to this guy."

So I guess it was like e-mailing every few months.

-Yeah, how do you get in contact with Ed Sheeran?

-You have to -- You have to e-mail his e-mail

that I almost just said out loud,

and that would have been really bad.

[ Laughter ]

-I think it would have been funny

if you gave Ed Sheeran's e-mail.

Oh, that would have been so fun! -That would have been so fun.

-Please. -He would have killed me.

-Oh, Ed would've loved that, man.

-He already doesn't have a phone.

He would have just been so mad. -He'd be like, "Oh, I'm so mad."

He showed up at your show in Brooklyn a couple weeks ago.

-Yeah, he did. He definitely did that do that.

-And, uh... [ Cheers and applause ]

...that was cool of him. -It was very cool.

I mean, I was in the middle of tour,

and all of a sudden, it was like --

I got this e-mail. It was like,

"Hey, Ed -- Ed said he's gonna come out."

I'm like, "What do you mean? He's gonna come and play?"

-Yeah. -They're like, "Yeah, yeah.

'Mercy' -- he's gonna come sing that with you."

I'm like [Chuckling] "Okay." So I was like --

-Didn't sound check, nothing? He just showed up.

-I was literally like 1:00 p.m. the day of the show.

I went to his hotel.

I knocked on the door, and it's, like, pitch black.

And I'm knocking on the door.

-He's like, "E-mail me, you idiot!"

[ Laughter ] -His security guard's banging --

"Ed, wake up!" Banging on the door.

Opened the door, it was, like, pitch black,

and Ed just, like, jumps out of bed,

like, puts his glasses on.

He's like, "Yeah, where's the guitar at?"

Finds the guitar, and he, like, starts playing "Mercy."

And I'm, like, right there, and this is all happening.

Next time I saw him was on the stage.

-The other Ed -- -It was crazy.

-The other Ed that you're into right now --

you're into Eddie Vedder -- I heard about this.


-Because of the "Pearl Jam Twenty," was it?

-Yeah, the "Pearl Jam Twenty," but I also was really lucky --

I was in London, and he was doing a show at the Apollo,

just, like, a very small, like, theater, acoustic show.

And forgive me -- I didn't know a ton of Pearl Jam stuff,

but I obviously knew some, and I went in.

And I think, out of all the live shows I've ever seen,

it literally him and an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar,

and it was the most life-changing thing ever.

For me, it was like --

I hope, like, you know, 25, 30 years from now,

like, I can get on a stage and just -- with one guitar

and play all my songs and people love it

just as much as they did, you know, back in 2017,

which sounds kind of crazy.

But, like, that was how it felt. It was crazy.

[ Cheers and applause ] -I think you will.

-I hope so. -I think it will happen.

-Yeah. -Yeah. I think you got it.

[ Applause ]

Do you ever get star-struck? I mean, you're a kid.

Don't you ever go like, "Oh, my God"?

I mean, I freak out. -Yes.

I'm like, "Oh, my God! Shawn Mendes! Aah! Aaah!"

And I freak out.

But, I mean, you -- you -- you've opened for Taylor Swift.


-You've performed with everybody.

-I'm just like mildly star-struck every time.

You know, like, no matter who you kind of meet,

your heart starts to race a little bit.

But, I mean, like, the few times I was really star-struck

was meeting Drake when I got to meet him for the first time.

It was like this weird thing.

Like, first -- Like, in my head,

like, Drake was just like the god,

[Chuckling] 'cause I'm from Toronto,

and it was, like, meeting him was this very crazy thing.

And, actually -- -Like a mysterious thing?

You're like, "I know he's from Toronto,

but no one's ever seen him." -You don't see him.

-Yeah, exactly. Yeah, he's not...

-I actually have a really funny story.

The other night, I was in Toronto,

and I went to see The Weeknd.

I'm switching artists all over the place in Toronto.

But, anyways, I'm watching The Weeknd,

and we're up on this riser,

and Drake's also there, watching the show,

along with, like, another few artists and stuff.

And I go over, like,

"Oh, that's Drake. I'll go say hi.

Like, he must, like, remember me from previous experiences --

like, twice." [ Laughter ]

And... -Oh, no.

[ Laughter ]

-And -- -Oh, no.

I know how this is gonna end. -Yeah, no. I go over --

So, I go over, and I see him. He's a huge guy, right?

You don't just go over to him -- I guess not.

So, I go over, and I go to, like, touch his side.

His, like, 6'6", 300-pound security guard --

Whhhh! -No.

-Next thing I know I'm, like,

I'm, like, in the middle of The Weeknd show

with, like, my arm hooked behind my back.

[ Light laughter ] Like, with his --

Drake's security guard, like, has me

just, like, completely at his mercy.

And I -- -"No one touches Drake!"

-And I'm -- And I'm like, "Oh, no!"

Like, and I see Drake look over.

And then my eyes, I knew it was like, "Help me, please, Drake."

[ Laughter ] Like -- Like, in that moment,

if he didn't remember who I was,

I was -- It would have just been the most embar--

I would probably just -- I don't know what I would have done.

I would have been so -- -You'd be in jail.

-Yeah, I would have been in jail.

-You would have been thrown out. -Yeah.

And luckily, like, he, like, looked at me,

and then I saw him, like, put the things together in his mind,

and he realized it was me.

And he comes over and, like, grabs the guard.

He's like, "Don't do that. You don't know who that is?"

And I was like -- I was -- I was terrified.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

But I love it. [ Cheers and applause ]

Don't mess with Drake, man. -No.

-That's the moral of the story. -Not even --

I mean, the -- I mean, for the security guard's sake,

was doing his job. -Yeah, of course, yeah.

-You really can't blame him, but...

-Yeah, but still. -But, still, it was terrifying.

-Now you hire that security guard when you go to Toronto.

-Do not -- Yeah. -Take him from Drake.

-Don't expect everybody to know who you are.

-[ Laughs ] -Otherwise --

-Oh, I learned that many times. -Yeah, yeah.

-Yeah. -No.

-You are off -- You're getting on a plane tonight,

and you're headed off to Brazil. -Yeah.

-Man, oh, man, I'm so happy for you, dude.

-Thank you, man. -Stay as cool as you are.

-Thank you.

-Shawn Mendes, everybody. [ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Shawn Mendes Got Roughed Up by Drake's Security Team - Duration: 7:43.


Nick Jonas Is the New Late Late Intern - Duration: 3:09.
















































>> James: ALL RIGHT, OKAY.













For more infomation >> Nick Jonas Is the New Late Late Intern - Duration: 3:09.


It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 22 - Duration: 3:27.

If you ever wanna do a Q & A well don't bother here's all you need to know about me. 1. I'm part human part spoon 2. I don't live near you 3. I personally hate balloons 4. I want to be a stay-at-home astronaut 5. Pennywise is NOT my cousin 6. I'm too lazy to make proper captions

For more infomation >> It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 22 - Duration: 3:27.


Chase Your Legend - Crown | Worlds 2017 - Duration: 3:38.


Everyone did predict SKT

which I think is expected

because we don't really know

what to expect from this Samsung team.

But now, Samsung is one win away

from being a world champion.

SK Telecom have overcome every challenge.

They are the undisputed

best team in the world!

Crown looks broken.

Last player to leave the stage

head hanging low.

After Worlds, I was mentally drained.

My mind was blank and I felt empty.

I wasn't sleeping, I was barely eating

and my health declined.

I thought if I had played Orianna and Syndra better during Worlds

maybe the results would've been different.

I just kept asking myself, "Where am I lacking?"

In order to reach peak performance

One has to work incredibly hard.

However, all players work hard.

So in order to go beyond that,

I think you need to reach a level of enlightenment.

Only the person who reaches the top understands that.

So, it's my task to achieve that.

These Samsung players, right?

As their journey ended here tonight with a loss

being, you know, runners-up at the World Championship

I mean, we have to remember that this is a ragtag team

put together and has only gotten better with time.


especially on the Worlds stage with all eyes on you may feel bad

but I try not to focus on the negative.

Instead, I try to focus on how sweet victory will feel

when I finally achieve it

And the journey it took to get there.

While most people are sleeping

I'm up late at night practicing

studying my opponents

learning everything I can about the game.

Sometimes I don't even want to go to bed

until I've gotten that victory.

Even though you've lost several games in a row

that feeling of not wanting to give up

I think that feeling is something we can all empathize with.

The goal for this year is obviously

winning the World Championship.

None other than Crown!

Triple kill!

If I were to win

I'd get a sense of accomplishment for achieving

all the goals I've set throughout my life.

It would probably be the best feeling.

Chase Your Legend

For more infomation >> Chase Your Legend - Crown | Worlds 2017 - Duration: 3:38.


Worlds 2017 - Format Summary - Duration: 1:31.

In 2017, the League of Legends World Championship is coming to China, and we're here to lead

you through some of the details of the competition.

For the first time, 24 teams will compete in up to three stages of Worlds.

These are the Play-In Stage, the Group Stage, and the Knockout Stage.

Let's start with the Play-In, which is taking place in Wuhan.

12 teams will compete in this stage of the tournament.

These are the top seeds from Brazil, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Japan, LATAM North,

LATAM South, Oceania and Turkey.

It will also include the second seed from Southeast Asia and third seeds from China,

Europe, North America and the LMS.

Teams will be divided between four groups, with three teams in each group.

They'll play a best-of-one double round robin with the top two teams from each group advancing

to Round Two of the Play-In Stage.

There, the first and second seeds will be randomly paired together, and will compete

in a best-of-five, with the four winners moving on to the Group Stage.

Also held in Wuhan, the Group Stage will introduce twelve new teams: the three seeds from Korea,

the top two seeds from China, Europe, North America, the LMS, and finally the top seed

from Southeast Asia, who earned this spot after their performance at the Mid-Season


These sixteen teams will be split into four groups, and compete in a best-of-one double

round robin.

The top two teams from each group will advance to the Knockout Stage, with the format switching

to best-of-five.

24 of the best teams from around the world will enter, but only one can be champion.

With everything to win, find out who comes out on top when Worlds 2017 kicks off on September


For more infomation >> Worlds 2017 - Format Summary - Duration: 1:31.


Diving with Sea Turtles! - Duration: 12:13.

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] When you look down at the magnificent

island of Kauai and all of its towering mountains

lined with lush forests, you likely assume

it must be crawling with reptiles and amphibians.

However, aside from a few invasive anoles,

this lost world is completely void

of your typical herpetological specimens.

Kauai, or the garden island, as it has long been nicknamed,

is considered the fourth largest

island in the Hawaiian chain.

And like all of its counterparts, is completely surrounded

by the warm waters of the Northern Pacific Ocean.

And the moment you leave the shoreline behind

and dive beneath the crashing blue waves,

you stand a really good chance of encountering one of

the ocean's most iconic reptiles, the green sea turtle.

- [Man] How about those turtles?

- (sighs) It might not be a bad idea

to come back here and do a seat turtle adventure.

- Mm, I like that one.

- In order to properly admire sea turtles in the wild,

you need to either snorkel or you can drop beneath

the surface and watch them from a safe distance

for a few seconds, or you can scuba dive

and spend nearly an hour visiting in their watery realm.

Well guys, it has been an epic trip to Hawaii.

And so far, our diving experiences have been A plus.

We've seen all sorts of incredible marine creatures,

but the thing that's really caught my interest

has been all of the sea turtles.

Now there is no way that I am going home

without getting a proper turtle episode.

So if you guys are ready, let's take the cameras beneath

the surface and get up close with these marine reptiles.

Today we will be joined by technical dive specialists

Mike Hanna and Brian O'Hara.

Considered by most to be Kauai's best dive team,

their expertise beneath the surface will help keep us safe.

And their knowledge of the area's wildlife

will assist in findIng these large ocean reptiles.

When people ask me what it's like to pull

on my dive mask and sink below the waves,

I once said it was a feeling of complete terror.

However, with the passing of each accomplished dive,

I became more and more comfortable.

And when it came to searching for sea turtles,

I couldn't get underwater fast enough.

Despite being endangered,

the green sea turtle is considered one of the most common

sea turtle species, with a worldwide range that spans most

of the tropical and subtropical oceans of the world.

When it comes to population density in the waters of

the United States, the Hawaiian Islands are without question

the place to see these majestic reptilian creatures.

So as we began to explore along the rocky

underwater outcrops, it was only a matter

of minutes before we came across our first sea dragon.

In their adult stage,

green sea turtles are mainly herbivores.

And they spend a majority of their time foraging

along rocky shallows, where they feast

upon a variety of sea grasses and algae.

Their serrated beaks work like pruning shears

as they drift on the undercurrents and feast away.

Males grow larger than the females,

and one of the most distinct differences between the two

is that the males, similar to snapping turtles,

have much longer and more robust tails.

Wow, that was amazing!

Amazing, the giant male, saw the male

and the female right next to each other.

The male's over here in the rocks feeding right now.

What was great is that I was able to get a shot

of them right next to each other so you can see

the distinct difference in the tail size.

Like I said the males have a much larger tail

than the females, so that was really cool to see.

I'm gonna kinda hang out in this area

and see if he moves back out.

- [Man] There he is.

- Do you see him? - Yep.

He's in the same spot, let's go.

- [Coyote] Okay cool, I'm going down.

With the camera in my hand,

I used the power of my dive fins to fight the current.

I was determined to get some epic shots.

Interacting with sea turtles is far different from any

other turtle species I have worked with in the past.

You certainly are not allowed to catch or even touch

these majestic reptiles, as strict regulations

require you to keep a respectful distance.

So to make this episode work, we simply had to admire the

animals as they naturally interacted with their environment.

(relaxed music)

Wow this is awesome, so we have the female green

sea turtle that's just hiding underneath the rock right now.

Actually down there resting.

Now they can stay underwater for a considerable amount

of time, close to 30 minutes when they aren't moving around.

So we're just kinda stay in this area and keep an eye on her

and when she gets ready to come up for a breath of air,

we're gonna try to get her to come to the surface.

As I sink back beneath the rolling waves,

my dive fins propel me forward.

I maneuvered past a reef, up and over some large rocks,

and suddenly before my very eyes,

I find myself in the City of Sea Turtles.

Trust me when I say that seeing

a single sea turtle can steal your heart.

So being in the presence of many sea turtles

at once is absolutely breathtaking.

They were peaceful sentient beings.

And their calm demeanor reminded me

of the time I swam with manatees.

Here I was again, a bipedal stranger

once more in a foreign watery land.

I was being accepted into their world

with completely open arms, or in this case, flippers.

I was literally surrounded by these giant ocean dragons

as they seemed to effortlessly glide

on the underwater currents.

As a human it took every ounce of my strength

to keep balance to the turbulent water,

as my body was constantly being tossed and turned,

pummeled and dragged over the jagged rocks.

Yet I was determined to get the shots.

Keep the turtles in the frame

is all I kept telling myself as they danced around me,

looking back with curious eyes

and a kindness that I had never before seen in a reptile.

For nearly 30 minutes I rode the currents,

witness to a complete turtle feeding frenzy.

Being no more than a few feet from the surface,

I was in no danger of drowning.

However, my dive team was running low on its precious

life-providing air, so I decided to call it a day.

I knew that despite the washing machine-like setting,

I had some amazing footage

and an animal encounter that could never be replaced.

As we kicked toward shore, and our designated exit point,

we left behind a world unlike

anything I'd ever been witness to.

A society of reptiles that was

thriving in a watery paradise.

Woo, talk about swimming in Turtle City.

- [Man] Unbelievable.

- [Coyote] Absolutely one of

the coolest things I've ever done.

Takes me back to the days that we filmed with the manatees.

At one point we were surrounded by green sea turtles.

- And they like accepted us. - Yeah.

- [Man] They were swimming right alongside us.

Like you would try to swim away

and then they would stick with you.

- [Coyote] The waves were just throwing us around,

what was so cool is watching the way that the turtles

reacted to all the swells that were coming in.

Just took a couple seconds as a guide.

You don't fight the current,

you just let your body go with it.

Your leg is definitely bleeding.

- [Man] I got a little nick from the coral reef there.

- [Coyote] Yeah, my legs are definitely

a little cut up. - Sometimes that happens guys.

No pain no gain, right?

- [Coyote] To get the shot,

sometimes you gotta shed a little blood, you know?

- [Man] Tell me what it's like,

I know diving has been something that you've been

excited about but didn't really know to expect.

- It's a whole different world out there beneath

the ocean waves, and at first when we started I was nervous.

But today after getting up close with the sea turtles

and really getting accustomed to being beneath the surface,

I felt so much more comfortable,

and I feel like there are many dive episodes to come.

What was really interesting is that

right now it's about 4:30 in the afternoon,

and the same thing that I noticed with snapping turtles,

all of a sudden they emerge from nowhere and begin to feed.

Now with snapping turtles, they're hunting.

The sea turtles are simply grazing on all

the algae that is growing on the rocks.

So as we slowly approach, we kept our distance.

But after a while the turtles

just accepted us into the group.

They were moving around us,

it was just like we were there at the dinner table

with the sea turtles, it was so incredible.

Riding the drifts of the waves as they came in and out.

And it was dangerous, and we did get caught up,

but we got the shots.

I'm Coyote Peterson, be brave, stay wild.

We'll see you on the next adventure.

- [Man] Coyote, you got any Band-Aids?

- [Coyote] I got you one.

My first trip to the island of Kauai

will always hold a special place in my heart.

If you ever get the chance to visit,

there are several things I can most certainly promise.

The first is that you will never

forget the beautiful landscapes.

The second is the brilliant elegance of the blue

Pacific Ocean waves and the way they crash upon the shore.

And the third is that if you ever leave that shore behind

and you find yourself beneath the surface

in the presence of its reptilian inhabitants,

there will be no words that will ever truly describe

what it feels like to dance with dragons.

If you thought getting up close with sea turtles

was an incredible animal encounter, make sure to go back

and watch the episode where we kayaked along

the ocean's top predator, the killer whale.

And don't forget, subscribe,

so you can join me and the crew on our next big adventure.

- Whoa. - Wow.

- That's a huge male,

did you see that? - Yeah.

For more infomation >> Diving with Sea Turtles! - Duration: 12:13.


How this 72-year-old weightlifter is lifting expectations - Duration: 4:05.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Finally, to our "NewsHour" Shares, something that caught our eye that

might be of interest to you as well.

Staying in shape is difficult for many people, no matter their age.

But one Virginia grandmother is raising the bar, literally.

The "NewsHour"'s Julia Griffin has this profile.

LINDA LEIGHTLEY, Weight Lifter: Commissioner of revenue's office.

JULIA GRIFFIN: Between the phone calls and family photos, you would be forgiven for thinking

Linda Leightley is your average government employee easing toward retirement.

But as her co-worker Becky McNaughton at City Hall in Fairfax, Virginia, knows, Leightley

isn't the type to take anything easy.

BECKY MCNAUGHTON, Co-Worker: The first or second day I worked here, Linda came into

my office, and she asked me to check out her butt.


BECKY MCNAUGHTON: Because it was very, very solid.

And that is how I met her and found out she was a powerlifter.

JULIA GRIFFIN: At age 72, not only is Leightley a competitive powerlifter; she's a record-

setting one at that.

LINDA LEIGHTLEY: I have set several world records, which I'm really proud of.

JULIA GRIFFIN: Leightley competes in 100% RAW, a worldwide powerlifting organization

that emphasizes clean, steroid-free competitions.

Since 2014, she's garnered 12 world records in her age and weight categories; 132-pound

Leightley can dead-lift 273 pounds.

But she wasn't always so in shape.

In 2006, after years of shuttling three children and six grandchildren to their athletic activities,

she finally got her own itch to work out.

LINDA LEIGHTLEY: I was 60, and I was very sluggish.

And I said, you know, I really need to do something for me.

JULIA GRIFFIN: Blaine Dulin is Leightley's personal trainer and coach.

BLAINE DULIN, Personal Trainer: She was a disaster when I got her.

The first time we exercised, she almost fell over doing a lunge.

JULIA GRIFFIN: But Leightley stuck with it, and within a year, she lost 40 pounds and

found a love for weight lifting along the way.

LINDA LEIGHTLEY: Every once in awhile, he'd say, well, do you want to stay here or do

you want to lift higher?

And I would say, I want to lift higher, because it felt so good.

JULIA GRIFFIN: Soon, her strength was getting noticed.

BLAINE DULIN: One day, she -- I think she was picking up 220 pounds when she was 68.

Somebody mentioned, does she compete or whatever?

And I looked it up.

And the world record was, I believe, 232.

And I thought, well, why not?

If you want to, why not give it a go?

JULIA GRIFFIN: Expectations and preconceptions were broken at that first competition.

LINDA LEIGHTLEY: There was another gal from the gym there.

And she said: "Don't worry about it.

Whatever you do, it's a success because you are here for the first time.

Don't worry about it if you fail."

And I looked at her and I said, "I don't have any intention of failing."

BLAINE DULIN: She set a world record then, and has set at least one every other meet


JULIA GRIFFIN: The key to Leightley's sustained success, Dulin says, is making sure each lift

is done correctly and safely.

BLAINE DULIN: I hate to yell at somebody's grandmother, but I have yelled at somebody's

grandmother for picking up weight improperly, because, if she gets hurt, we're done for

months, maybe indefinitely.

So I go out of my way to try to make sure she does everything right.

JULIA GRIFFIN: At most events, Leightley is often the only person her age, or even close

to it.

That, says her daughters Colleen and Mary Beth, is what crowds find so inspiring.

COLLEEN WOOD, Daughter: To see how all these young 20-, 30-something-year-olds were cheering

for my mom, who is in her 70s, that was really neat.

MARY BETH HAZELGROVE, Daughter: We always say she's the strongest woman that we know,

and it's literally and figuratively.

JULIA GRIFFIN: For her part, Leightley is just glad to show that age is no restriction

when it comes to physical fitness.

LINDA LEIGHTLEY: Some of the younger lifters, female lifters come over, and they say, you

are role model to us.

This is the goal we'd like to have as we get a little bit older.

That's really an amazing compliment.

JULIA GRIFFIN: A compliment that might just top her long list of accomplishments.

For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Julia Griffin in Fairfax, Virginia.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: I love that her name is Leightley.

What an amazing woman.

On the "NewsHour" online right now: Nominees for the National Book Awards were named late

last week, and among them were authors who have written essays for the "NewsHour."

You can watch their takes on reading challenging fiction, choosing to live without fear and

reconciling with marriage after a parent's divorce.

That's on our Web site,

And that's the "NewsHour" for tonight.

On Tuesday, we will have Judy Woodruff's interview with Turkish President Erdogan and a look

at President Trump's speech to the United Nations.

I'm William Brangham.

Join us all online and again here tomorrow evening.

For all of us at the "PBS NewsHour," thank you, and see you soon.

For more infomation >> How this 72-year-old weightlifter is lifting expectations - Duration: 4:05.


Dawn Of The Bill: Return Of The Killer Healthcare Plan - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Dawn Of The Bill: Return Of The Killer Healthcare Plan - Duration: 1:06.


Beginner Painters Try To Paint Like Bob Ross - Duration: 4:06.

- This is gonna' get weird.

(upbeat electronic music)

- I love Bob Ross.

He's like "Do it this way if you like to.

"If it looks different from mine, it's okay."

- There's something so hypnotizing

about the way he speaks, and it's just so soothing.

- I know he's a painter, but I totally

had no idea that he was dead.

I thought he had a new Netflix show, so.

- Let's do this.

- Let's go right in here,

and just put in a happy little glow.

- So I'm painting like, it looks like a sunset.

I think I did mine darker than his, though.

- Kay, hold on, Bob, give me a second here.

- So he does move quickly.

- Eh, fine, sure, yep.

- Wants it to blend now, and I don't feel good about this.

- This is lookin' good!

I legitimately feel like I'm doing a good job.

- Bob, Shit, Oh God.

- (muttering) Dammit, what, suck it.

- I'm using the wrong brush, shit!

- All we're doing is applying some very,

very basic little shapes.

Think about the shape of a tree.

- I'll think about the shape of a tree.

Oh God, oh God. (laughs)

- Well that one kinda' looks like a tree.

I feel good about that.

- Blending, we're blending, we're blending.

- I think we're using the same brush,

but for whatever reason,

what I'm doing is not what he's doing.

- Trees look a little bit like penises,

but you know what, what are you gonna' do?


- The left side looks better than the right side.

This looks like trees, this still looks crazy.

- And here, maybe, lives a happy little bush.

This is what keeps the little rabbit warm in the winter.

- It keeps a rabbit warm in the winter.

Ugh, heartfelt, this scene is not just a painting.

There's life in it!

- I think this is salvageable if

I just stick to the lower half.

- Bob's voice is what I imagine like, if Mufasa,

Morgan Freeman, and God decided to teach a painting class.

(tapping loudly)

- I think these are supposed to be bushes.

I can't be sure anymore.

(sighs loudly)

- If Bob and like the Reading Rainbow guy,

did they ever team up?

Because them together, like if Bob

and the Reading Rainbow guy,

I can't, I think his name's LaVerne, a duo.

It's not LaVerne?

- Okay, so now we're basically making

the whole ground with this nice blue, which,

I'm finally getting the knack of not having too much paint.

- I guess Guy Fieri is kinda' the Bob Ross of food,

just way less likable.

Was that kinda' mean to say, sorry.

Shit, what, what, what?

- My confidence is back down.

I felt great, and now I'm like, "Oh, Crap.

"Mine doesn't look like that."

- Maybe today we'll have a big old cabin.

- Cabins, I was always amazed by his cabins,

because like, "What?"

He's like, "Three strokes, and

"there you have it, a beautiful cabin."

- Touching and pushing at the same time.

- Can we paint it something cooler, like a bear?

- Oh God, I don't know how to do this.

- I can't even imagine like, if you're watching this IRL,

commercial television, you can't pause.

Who did this?

- Oh, yes.

- I just like the sound of this. (scraping)

- The knife is always my favorite part,

because he works some fuckin' magic with this thing.

- Okay, so it's like a Christmas getaway for me and Bob.

The economy's bad, so no gifts this year, Bob.

- I'm just not even gonna' try the windows,

'cuz it's clearly gonna' be a hot mess.

- Um, I'm not feeling great, this feels a little bit crazy.

He's crazy, everyone's crazy,

I'm crazy for thinking I could do this.

- I think we'll call that one finished, in fact.

- Wait, we're done?

What? (laughs)

- Thank you Bob, I'll see you next time.

Um, okay. (laughs)

- Yeah, I think I'm done.

(orchestral music)

- I had to pause multiple times,

and mine looks like complete garbage after like an hour.

My trees are definitely gonna' need

some therapy before they're happy trees.

- I am most proud of my tree here on the right.

It looks like it's ready for Christmas.

He has a special place in my heart

that only Bob Ross can have.

I feel like I was about to cry and I don't know why.

- This looks like a thing, like a human person

would be like, "Hmm, sure."

I made this, and how many people can say that?

Thanks, Bob.

- I'll see you next time.

(orchestral music)


For more infomation >> Beginner Painters Try To Paint Like Bob Ross - Duration: 4:06.


Jimmy Kimmel's Thoughts on School Picture Day - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel's Thoughts on School Picture Day - Duration: 1:53.


Parents Take A Lie Detector Test With Their Kids - Duration: 4:05.

- Do you wish your daughter was dating

a chubby, old polygraph guy?

- Yes.

- Hey!

- All right, she's good.

- Today I'm going to be doing a lie detector test

on my step-mom.

I'm kinda nervous, but I think it's gonna be funny.

- I'm most excited to know if she's really a rebel.

- We'll see. - Whaa!

- I'm honest with my son.

- Honestly, I have no idea.

Define honest.

- We do share some deep secrets.

I consider my mother my best friend.

- Sometimes I think we talk too much

because I feel like he forgets that I'm the parent.

- Ask me some questions.

- Well that's what we're here to do today Father.

- Did you do track in high-school?

- Mmhmm.

- True.

- We both did track, that's so cool.

I thought you were just sayin' that

to like, make me like, like you more.

- Do you wish I would dress more feminine.

- No.

- It's a lie.


- I do like dressing more masculine than feminine.

- I know that.

- Is Kenny your real name?

- Yes.

- True.

- Was it your idea for my dad to cut his hair?

Or was it his?

Literally he has had long hair

for as long as I can remember.

- Would you ever do an edible with me?

- Yes.

- True.

- You know what, your dad is getting older.

He said it first

and I told him no.

John will tell you.

- She's havin' a problem here.


- So, it was your idea.

- I was prepping you to be on my side.

- Would you ever let me shave my head?

- Si.

- That's a lie.


- What if I wanna shave my head

and just wear wigs all the time?

- Hey Dad, do you have a favorite son?

- No.

- That's a lie.

- Is it me?

- Yes.

- That's the truth.

- Don't show this to your brother.

- Did you really meet my dad at the grocery store?

Or was it the booze cruise.

- Did I meet him on the booze cruise?


- It's a lie.

- I knew it!

- I don't think this works.

- Dad.

- Yes.

- Do you think I'll ever find love?

- Yes.

- Not true.

- Come on du ...

- Do you think I'll ever find lust?

- Mother, would you ever use a vibrator?

- Yes.

- True.

- Let's go shop for one.

- Did you have sexual relations before the age of 18?

- No.

- True.

- Oh Dad.

- I'm a nerd, what do you want from me?

- Was I an accident?

- No.

- Right on.

- (laughing) That is so cool.

- That time that you came over to

my biological mom's house,

was that really awkward, or was that just me?

- We actually met before you thought we met.

Yes, it was awkward.

- She's telling the truth.

- Have you and Mom ever done anything

while I was in the house?

- No.

- That's a lie.

- Ho ho!

- Be more specific.

- Oh shit, I don't wanna be more specific.


- Would you ever let me bring over a girl.

- Yes.

- True.

- Cool, 'cause I'm actually talking to one right now.

- There you go.

- And she's fun.

- Have you ever had an affair?

- No.

- True.

- Let's go!

That's all I needed to hear, I'm outta here.

- Where we goin'?

- We just took our lie detector tests

and we found out that my father here is a loyal husband

and that I'm his favorite son.

So I think it's been a great day.

- I know my mom more now.

And she's still beautiful as she is.

- I'm glad I got this off my chest.

I'm tired of just holdin' it in.

- What about that booze cruise.

- Oh yeah, I didn't wanna tell you that part.

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