Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

hi guys and welcome to EverydayIdraw.

Today I wanted to show you the basic set,

that is consistent of three brushes, that

I use constantly and mostly exclusively,

to create all of my pictures lately. I'm

not saying, that you are not allowed to

use any other brushes, but for me now

the tendency is that, I try to go more

limited, I would say, to make my work more

efficient. As you can see here, I have a

list of brushes, that I use. And I clean

it up all the time deleting ones, that

I don't really need. We will go over 3

basic brushes, that cover 99% of my

drawing needs. I would like to start with

a hard diamond shaped brush. it's pretty

straight forward and I've listed settings

for you on the screen. This one doesn't

have any transfer or soft edges. This is

the brush, that I use to create my

sketches mostly. I prefer to use this one,

because it creates a very defined line.

So even if you have a more sketchy

sketch with a lot of tiny lines, you are

still going to clear this one up. And

when you have a clear sketch in a clear

line art, it's so much more easier to

render over such a sketch. I usually

create the first line art using this

brush. It's pretty messy. You know, just

basic thumbnail sketches. Most of the

times you cannot really tell anything

from them. But when I draw them, I see a

final picture in them. I guess, this is

the same for everyone. And then I just

lower the opacity of the layer with a

messy sketchy sketch. And I would go over

it with my diamond shaped brush, several

times. Important tip here is to use

eraser set to the same brush, that you

are using right now. So this is basically

the same diamond shaped brush. And then

I would just make my line art. I would go

over maybe two to three times, to

create more specific and clear one.

This is basically it. So this is the

brush, that is the best for sketches.

Second one is the brush, that I use the

most. I love it a lot. It's just a

normal brush from a very basic Photoshop

brush set. I guess, it's called semi-hard

brush... I don't really know. The important

thing here, is that this brush has a

softer edges. It has a transfer, and also

it reacts on pen pressure. So when you

press harder, the color will be more

intense. So in this case it will be more

black. And if you press lighter, it will

go more into gray-ish tone. I use this brush

for basically almost everything.

Sometimes I even draw sketches with this

brush, just because I love it so much.

Another important tip, that I use a lot,

is to lower the opacity of your brush

using numbers on your keyboard. So, if you

don't know that, when you press numbers

like 1 2 3 4 5 bla bla bla on your

keyboard with your brush active, it

actually lowers the opacity. So when you

press 1, the opacity of your brush will

be 10% and so on. And if you want to put

the opacity on 100%, you press 0. So I use

this a lot during the drawing process.

I change the opacity all the time, because

it helps me to control tone more. And

sometimes I just don't need this bold

color, that covers everything up. And the

last brush that I'm about to show you, is

probably the most perfect soft brush.

Again it is created using photoshop

normal brush, soft brush,

round one. But it has transfer and

smoothing set. I got this brush on a

"Skills up" course, as a brush set, that we

were using during the course. And links

to this course and to the school will be

listed down below. And I find it to be

the most perfect soft brush. I usually

exclusively use this for shading and

creating soft gradients.

It's amazing, you guys. It's just...

The settings are so perfect, but I cannot

really change anything, it's just so good.

To show you how this work, I've decided

to render just very primitive figures.

So you can see, I start with a round soft

brush, to make the shades, to create like

the soft gradients. And then I go over

with a semi hard brush, to create texture,

to, you know, maybe this metal ball was

squished a little bit, used a little

bit, so the surface is not perfect. Then

I would go over with a soft brush again.

One thing, that I would use to create

texture, either layer settings, or brush

settings. Here I wanted to show the

texture of metal, shiny metal on my metal

ball. So I've set my brush to color dodge,

just to draw this shiny part. But other

times I just work with my brush set on

"normal". And most of the time the round

brush is set up to 100% opacity. When

I do textures using my semi-hard brush,

then I would change opacity from time to

time. And this is basically how my

working thinking process goes. I know,

I did not render these things perfect, but,

you know, just bear with me. I wanted to

show you how amazingly these three

brushes work together. And they

actually help you to create any texture,

you might want. Also one thing, that I use

as well, when I try to create a texture

in my color pictures, is, again, the brush

opacity, I would... For example I need to

draw something in this shiny blue color.

I would cover it up with an opposite

color. Reddish orange, in my case. And then

I would set the opacity of my brush to

maybe thirty to forty percent. And

I start to cover opposite color with my

main color, that I need. This way it

creates this amazingly, you know, this a

little bit rustic texture. And I'm just,...

I'm just loving this.

I don't know. Lately I've been using it

in all the drawings, that I'm creating. Just

SO GOOD! So, yeah guys. Please share your

favorite brushes, that you using in

Photoshop in the comments down below

If you have any other questions, please

ask them. I would be happy to make

another video. This one was actually

inspired by the question from one of my

patrons, Olga. Thank you so much! I've

enjoyed creating this video a lot. If you

like my project, please support me on

Patreon. You can get my PSD in layers,

and secret talking drawing sessions, and

newsletter/podcast, and a lot more.

So, I hope to see you there guys. And please

subscribe to this channel. Give it

thumbs up, or,... I don't know, I'm not your

boss. So have a nice week, guys and I'll

see you later. Bye!

For more infomation >> Top 3 Best Brushes for Photoshop - Duration: 8:25.


Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.102 [ENG/2017.09.22] - Duration: 34:28.

(Final Episode)

I totally jumped to the wrong conclusion.

What are you talking about in a party

while eating a nice, juicy chicken leg?

Not long ago, I had a dream of this pig...

A baby pig jumped into my arms.

I thought it was a baby dream,

so I yelled at Yeolmae.

I didn't realize it was a sign that you'd

become a big success.

Are you two

up all night enjoying yourselves a little too much?

- No. / - No.

I'm sorry, but we need to leave.

Father, please watch Bom.

Why? Is something wrong?

No. Something came up at work.

Please enjoy yourselves.

I have a baby.

It must be a gift from Gaya and Maya.

Muyeol. Mom.

I'm pregnant.

My baby.

I'll do anything for you.

So don't be sick

and be healthy, okay?

- Mom. / - What's this?

"The body of a woman in her 50s was found?"

- Gosh. / - Let me see.

"Not far from Ganseong Beach,

the body of a woman estimated to be in her 50s

was found by a resident early in the morning."

It couldn't be. No!

Are you the daughter of the missing person,

Hong Jiwon?


I'm Hong Jiwon's daughter.

It's the body of a woman in her 50s.

She was washed up against a breakwater

and a resident found her.

The body is swelled from being in the water so

it's impossible to get fingerprints or confirm her face.

That's why we called you.

Please see if it's your mother.

(Family Registry of Son Yeori, Daughter: Son Bom)


You're legally your birth mom's child now.

Congratulations, Yeori.

You too, Maya.

Hello? Honey?

Did you see the paper?

There was an article about the body

of a woman in her 50s found by Ganseong Beach.

A body of a woman in her 50s

found by Ganseong Beach?

It can't be mom, right?

Please go and check for me.

I'm so nervous, it's killing me.

Okay. Calm down.

I'll check with the police.

Mom has to come back.

She'll be so happy to hear that I'm pregnant.

What? Pregnant?

Are you pregnant?

Honey. Haeju.

Muyeol, please find my mom.

Find her and let her

hold our baby.

I can't look.

You check for me.

It's hard for me to tell the face too.

It kind of looks like her,

but not at the same time.

The burn scar.

She had a burn scar on her right shoulder.

It's not there.

Dochi, she isn't my mom.

My mom has a clear burn scar on her right shoulder.

The burn scar she got

while saving me from the fire in the factory.

Where do you think Jiwon is?

She must be alive somewhere.

She has to be alive.

I haven't...

Had a chance to call her mom.

I never got to hold her hand

or hug her.

Bom, you'll be late for school.

You have art class today.

Did you pack your art supplies?

Yes. And look.

It's a gift for my old mom.

Please give it to her and say

I want a cute, chubby sibling like this piggy.

Yes, ma'am. Oink-oink.

I'll see you after school. Oink-oink.

How do you feel? Are you okay?

This baby must be a future soccer player.

It keeps kicking.

I can't sleep at night.

That means it's healthy.

I'm sure Muyeol is taking care of it,

but here are some baby products.

Bom's gift to you is in there too.

Open it.

What did Bom send me?

A baby pig doll.

She said she wants a healthy, cute sibling just like it.

Why a pig of all things?

Have you heard about mom and dad?

We're still looking. We'll have to keep waiting.

I'll let you know as soon as we hear.

We won't give up on finding mom and the chairman,

so just focus on your baby.


What do you want to say now?

Thank you...

For not giving up on finding mom.

That's a given.

You just stay healthy until you have the baby.

Did you forget anything?

All I need is my precious for my trip.

Your precious?

Do you mean me?

My passport and luggage.

I have everything, so don't worry. Let's go.

Are you all packed?

Why did you come? You both must be busy.

Naturally, we should drive you to the airport.

Goodness. Don't waste gas like that.

Airport buses these days are nice.

You'll be traveling the world for a year.

I envy your zest for life.

I realized life is very short.

You should enjoy yourself while you can.

Are you ready to go?

Father, what brings you here?

I can't take them on their trip myself,

but I should take them to the airport.

You will?

I made a living on my driving,

so that's my specialty.

I'll take good care of you today.

Madam and chairman.

You should make your living on

chicken instead of driving from now.

Please take good care of our restaurant.

We trust you and Oliver will do a great job.

Okay, okay. We'll be late. Let's go.

There's still no word on the chairman, right?

We're still looking, so we'll hear soon.

Hello, Mr. Park. What's going on?

- We're in trouble. / - Trouble?

- What is it? / - You need to come to the office.


After closely watching Wid Fashion's weak sales

over the past year,

Blanc, as the largest shareholder,

request the dismissal

of the current management specialist.

Blanc holds 35% of Wid Fashion stock.

Since you distributed your shares

as well as the chairman's shares to the employees,

we have only half.

If they demand the dismissal of the management,

there's nothing we can do.

I know Blanc well.

They'll appoint one of their people

to manage the business,

take control over the company,

and then split up Wid Fashion to sell it.

We need to fight back and

make one of our people the chairman.

We don't have

enough shares compared to Blanc.

What about Seo Malnyeon,

the second largest shareholder?

She left on a year-long trip today.

Then what?

We can't just take this.

We must prevent Wid Fashion from

being split up and sold.

In order to do that, we must

elect Gu Dochi as the chairman of Wid Fashion.

He loves Wid Fashion

more than anything else.

He's the only person who can stand up to Blanc

and protect Wid Fashion.

Fine, I'll give it a shot.

We have a few days until the shareholders' meeting,

so let's convince the remaining shareholders.

Have a safe trip.

Make memories that will last a lifetime.

It's Dochi. Hi.

We are at the airport now.

We'll be leaving soon.

Mother, I'm sorry to say this when

you're about to leave.

Blanc demanded a change in

Wid Fashion's management, and we think

they'll try to sell it eventually as well.

Those little schmucks.

Not a chance.

I knew it would come in handy someday,

so I signed my power of attorney over to Yeori.

It's in the drawer of my vanity in my room,

so take that and protect Wid Fashion.

Can you do that?

We will now begin the emergency general meeting

and elect the third chairman of Wid Fashion.

Please place your vote for the candidate

you deem more qualified.

Gu Dochi or Blanc's Bastien.

Please place your votes.

(Voting result)

I'll announce the result. Bastien of Blanc

received 35%

and Gu Dochi received 30% of the votes.

Thus, the third chairman of Wid Fashion

is Blanc's...

What's going on?

What are they doing?

What is it?

We've gathered all the employees'

shares and placed our vote.

All the employees of Wid Fashion

vote Gu Dochi as our chairman.

If they add all the shares held by the employees...

Gu Dochi will have more than we do.

Gu Dochi demonstrated earnestly

what a true business manager is.

In the name of all the employees of Wid Fashion,

we vote Gu Dochi as the chairman.

We vote for Gu Dochi!

Considering the vote by the employees

of Wid Fashion, Gu Dochi has been elected

the third chairman of Wid Fashion.

Gu Dochi! Gu Dochi! Gu Dochi!

What's this? You're reading?

Do you even understand what it says?

Of course. I graduated from a top college.

How annoying.

And yet you burned down a building

and ended up in jail.

Why? What's wrong?

Are you having contractions?

Something's wrong.

I'm not due yet.

Oh, no. Hey!

- Guard! / - I'll get the guard.


It's an honor to have the chairman and

his wife come personally.

Thank you for your hard work.

The service, display and

everything else are outstanding.

It really is a premium shop.

We'll do our best to produce the best clothes,

so please keep it up.

- We will. / - It's our first premium shop.

So please work extra hard

to make the customers happy.

We will. Thank you for stopping by.

Have a nice day.

I'm going to visit another shop.

I was supposed to help them with the displays

but I'm late.

Sure. See you at home.

Gu Dochi speaking.

I've found Chairman Gu Doyeong.

Thank you.


This is...

You're back. You're late.

I bought ingredients for seaweed soup as you asked.

What are you doing?

I'm refolding the laundry that you folded wrong.

You can't do anything right.

I've never done it before...



You bought another one?

It must've been expensive.

These cost a lot.

I've been trying so hard for the past 10 months.

Will you still not accept me?

Go wash your hands.



Why haven't you called?

And you're with Jiwon?

We've been so worried.

We've been searching for you both.

I've already let it all go.

What's the point?

Please come back.

Haeju is pregnant.

She'll be giving birth soon.

Haeju is pregnant?

I see.

Thank goodness. That's great.

The entire family

is waiting for you to return.

The same for Jiwon too, obviously.

Yeori needs to know that Jiwon is alive.

She and I will not go back.


When I left you 10 months ago,

I had planned to leave the country by myself.

But then,

I heard that Jiwon was miraculously alive.

She could never walk again and

she also lost all her memory. Seeing her like that...

Made me realize...

That taking care of her for the rest of her life

is my fate.


Must be how I can repay her for the love

she has given me.


It's better for us

and your future if we live here quietly.

So don't tell Haeju or Yeori.

We're very happy right now.

It's a happiness we had never experienced before

and we finally have it.


You need to stay alert.

You can't faint.

Please, help me mom.

What's taking so long?

It's been 10 hours already.

What if something goes wrong?

It'll be fine.

I'll go in and help.

Welcome home. You're late.

Welcome home.

- I'm home. / - Welcome back.

You must be tired from a long day at work.

Bom, did you have a good day at school?

We had to draw a portrait in art class today.

The teacher complimented me.



- Is this? / - Gaya's grandma.

I mean, my grandma.

I missed her, so I drew her.

The teacher said

she could sense a longing in my drawing.

I see. You must have...

Since you miss her so much,

you'll see grandma soon.

I have faith.

You must be tired. Get some rest.

Sit with me.

I need to tell you something.

I found...


You did? Where is she?

Where did you find her?

Where Haeju spread her children's ashes.

Where Jiwon went missing after saving Haeju.

That's where she is.

How is she...

How did we not know?

We've been searching so hard.

Let's go right now.

Let's go see her.


Doesn't have her memory and she's not well.

What do you mean?

When Doyeong found her,

her Alzheimer's had already begun to kick in.

She didn't even recognize him.

He said it would be hard for us,

and a burden on us,

so they stayed in hiding.

Doyeong has been taking care of her.

He knew things will just get complicated.

So he said he wants to just watch us from

a distance for the rest of his life.

Did they...

Look happy?

Did my mom...

Seem to be at peace?

That's fine then.

He must have a reason for saying that.

It's okay as long as she's alive.

That's good enough.

The moon is very pretty.

Have you seen my daughter?

I can't find her anywhere.

Where did she go?

It's her birthday tomorrow

but I never once made her a birthday meal.

I have to make it for her this time.

You forgot everything else

but you remember your daughter's birthday?

Are you stuck in the past?

Is that how you're atoning for your sins?

That day will come soon.

The day you can make her seaweed soup.

I have faith.


Who are you, mister?


The man who is in love with you.

Don't try so hard.

I miss her.

I want to see her.


I thought it was good enough that she was alive.

I thought that was enough.

But I miss her.

I don't understand myself either.

I really hate her.

When I think

about what she did to me, Bom and my father,

I hate and resent her, but...

But I miss her.

I want to see my mom.

I feel sorry for my mom.

I want to see my mom.

Please, dear any and every deity up there...

Whoever is up there looking down on us...

We beg of you.

Please let my daughter-in-law

have her baby without problems.

If you'd do that,

it's okay if Yeolmae lives as an old maid forever.

Don't offer me as a sacrifice.

I may be setting a date any day now.

Your sister-in-law has been in labor for 20 hours.

Can't you make a sacrifice?

You call yourself an aunt?


Oh, my gosh! She had the baby!

Oh, my gosh. The baby drove us crazy all night long,

but it's finally here.

How's Haeju?

How is she? Is she okay?

It's a boy. Mother and baby are both fine.

- Thank goodness! / - A boy!


Where did she go?

Gosh. You're up early.

Yes. Where's mom?

Chicken grandma and grandpa

just sent a video of them.

They had shaved ice made from Alaskan glaciers.

They must be so excited.

They are. They just won't stop laughing.

They said to thank mom for sending them on the trip.

I want to show her the video,

but she isn't in her room.

She isn't?

No. Her bag that she always carries isn't there either.


Do you want to go see her?

You know where she went?

Yes, I think so.

Are you cold?

Wait here.

I'll get some hot tea and a blanket.

Where's my mom?

At the beach.

Go on.


Help me.

I have a daughter.

Stay alert.

Think about Bom. Wake up!

How could you dare say that to me?

Have you no shame?


Made me a murderer.

You drove me to jail!

I'm sorry.

I know you can't forgive me.

How could you shamelessly ask for forgiveness?

After all you've done to me?

After all you've done to my daughter?

After what you did to my father?



Thank you for being alive.

Thank you for coming back.


I saw it on the street.

I was waiting for you,

but my eyes were still drawn to it like a crazy woman.

I hope you look at that

to calm your heart and drive carefully.

Haeju, you must be tired from being in labor.

I wish your mom and dad were here with you.

What's wrong with you? Why are you bringing them up?

She must be sad enough already.

Thank you.

I love you.

- Our baby is so pretty. / - Right.

Our baby is so pretty.


You're alive, right?

I had a baby.

Mom, please come back.

I want to show you

our pretty baby.

I love you, mom.

How pretty.

The flowers are pretty, aren't they?

That's why I picked them for you.

No, I meant you.

You're very pretty, miss.

What is your name?


Son Yeori.


Son Yeori?

By the way, have you seen my daughter?

It's her birthday,

so we need to have seaweed soup together.

Don't cry.

You'll ruin your pretty face.

Something must have upset you.

Look at the ocean.

The tide is coming in,

as it always does.


The high tide will surely come,

just as hope always comes.

Let's never be apart again.


There! Mom and grandma are there!



Do you remember me?

(Unknown Woman)

(Thank you for watching Unknown Woman)

For more infomation >> Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.102 [ENG/2017.09.22] - Duration: 34:28.


The World's Most Interesting and Enjoyable Videos #27 - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> The World's Most Interesting and Enjoyable Videos #27 - Duration: 4:14.


Blondie: "Long Time" - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Blondie: "Long Time" - Duration: 3:36.


Лучший подарок ребенку! | Гироскутеры для детей! | Электротранспорт для всех! [Green Wheel] - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Лучший подарок ребенку! | Гироскутеры для детей! | Электротранспорт для всех! [Green Wheel] - Duration: 1:48.


7 Epic Strategies for Introverts (by Introverts) to Ignite Your Social Skills - Duration: 6:35.

7 Epic Strategies for Introverts by Introverts to Ignite Your Social Skills

Life is all about human connections.

It's not so much about the "professional networking" aspect or building a social

media network full of fans and promoters.

Even in our increasingly tech-laden world, it's those pure, totally uninhibited, simply

"human" face-to-face connections that mean the absolute most in life.

There's something so unique and special about the bonds we forge over laughter and

smiles, as well as those shared over tears and during moments of adversity when communities

unite to overcome sorrow.

However, if you're more of an "introvert", those human connections feel a bit tougher

to come by.

I'd rather listen that talk, ask questions than rattle off answers.

It takes some real courage for me to enter a social setting that I'm unfamiliar with,

or especially a social scene where I don't know anybody else beforehand.

No matter the extent of your social skills, introverted personality, or even if you deal

with social anxiety in certain situations, this 7 epic strategies for introverts to ignite

your social skills will surely useful for you.

Moreover, these tips came from introvert themself.

Like usual, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!

So, here are the strategy that will help you improve your social skills.



Simply force yourself to step outside of your comfort zones.

You can even use social media like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to facilitate face-to-face

connections in a way that provide an initial level of familiarity and comfort with new


Did you know that modern scientific and psychological studies prove that when you interpret difficult,

uncomfortable situations as "challenges" and "adventures," we are better able to

cope with stress and anxiety?

Get creative and push yourself to extend your boundaries.

View each interaction, and each new social setting as a unique challenge, opportunity

and adventure to meet new and wonderful people, who knows who you'll meet, what you'll

learn, and what good could come to a stranger's life thanks to your friendly smile.



Outside of using social media to get yourself more familiar with people who will be in attendance

at upcoming networking and social events, you can even visit the venue itself to get

familiar with the "lay of the land."

I don't know about you, but I get all sorts of flustered when I get lost heading to a

new venue or struggle to find parking for my car.

Watch a funny movie or TV show ahead of time too.

Your happy, smiling, fun-loving state will carry over into the event and help you radiate

with attractive, positive energy and invite new people to approach you for conversation.



Focus on setting simple goals.

Meeting one new person every day, or even just one person in any social setting, helps

to build your confidence, gather forward momentum and create a sensation of steady growth within


You can meet just one stranger per day can't you?



This is an awesome bit of advice.

Who are your most outgoing social friends?

You can "ride their coat-tails" and tag along with them to events you might not otherwise

feel comfortable attending, and begin meeting new people through their naturally extroverted


Don't feel intimidated by your friend if he or she woos the room and you feel like

you've taken a back seat or are hiding in the shadows.

Remain confident and smiling.

You can even ask your friend outright for help meeting people, they will happily oblige.



You're nervous?


You're alive.

Like any skill, socializing takes practice.

I've gotten better and better at it over time, and in spite of your nerves, stretching

your boundaries step-by-step will help you grow to become pretty good at witty banter

and that typical back-and-forth of conversations when meeting new people.



In any uncomfortable situation, an introvert's best strategy is to simply take the attention

off yourself by asking questions, becoming invested in the words the other person is

saying, and deeply listening to their stories.

Take the attention off of yourself by making your interaction with someone about them and

not you, and you won't feel like you're buckling under the pressure of "putting

on a show."

This technique will also make you feel more comfortable to open up yourself and get familiarized

with the group of people with whom you're spending time.



Personally, I'm really not sure when I "finally" realized I was an introverted personality.

But if the decision was an "either or" between introvert and extrovert, it's not

like I had much of a choice anyway!

I'm not sure that it makes any sense to completely reduce our deeply complex personalities

to such a black-or-white, introvert or extrovert, one-or-the-other label: one that ingrains

an idea within our own minds of our personal skills, talents, abilities, and, equally as

powerful, our perceived limitations.

Truly, each of our individual personalities (combined with our unique living experiences)

should remind us that each of our personalities represent one of "one million-shades of


Just drop the "introvert" label and remind yourself that every person is really in the

same boat as a human being looking to share those same unique and special human connections

with others.

All in all, that's the seven epic strategies for introverts to ignite your social skills.

Really cool information isn't it?

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

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Learning Toys For Kids Toddlers And Babies Teach Colors Numbers For Childrens Looke Toys Review - Duration: 6:04.

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish. swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish, all through the town!

The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat. chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat.

The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat. all through the town!

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. beep, beep beep, beep, beep, beep.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. all through the town!

The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah! waah, waah waah!

The babies on the bus go waah, waah waah! all through the town!

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh! shh, shh, shh!

The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh! all through the town!

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

"We are the Finger Family!"

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks,E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here, And a chick chick there,

Here a chick, there a chick, Everywhere a chick chick, Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dog. E-I-E-I-O

With a Woof Woof here. And a Woof Woof there.

Here a Woof. There a Woof. Everywhere a Woof Woof! Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pigs. E-I-E-I-O

With an Oink Oink here. And an Oink Oink there.

Here an Oink. There an Oink. Everywhere an Oink Oink! Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some horses, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there Here a "neigh" there a "neigh"

Everywhere a "neigh, neigh" Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some cow. E-I-E-I-O

With a Moo Moo here. And a Moo Moo there.

Here A Moo. There a Moo. Everywhere a Moo Moo! Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some ducks. E-I-E-I-O

With a Quack Quack here. And a Quack Quack there.

Here a Quack. There a Quack. Everywhere a Quack Quack! Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

For more infomation >> Learning Toys For Kids Toddlers And Babies Teach Colors Numbers For Childrens Looke Toys Review - Duration: 6:04.


Bişmiş krem, Custard Cream - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Bişmiş krem, Custard Cream - Duration: 3:27.


ОДНИ ДОМА*ЧТО ПРОИЗОШЛО? страшилки на ночь для детей \ Вовкины Сказки YouTube канал для детей - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> ОДНИ ДОМА*ЧТО ПРОИЗОШЛО? страшилки на ночь для детей \ Вовкины Сказки YouTube канал для детей - Duration: 3:03.


DIY Personal Emergency Kits - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> DIY Personal Emergency Kits - Easy Does It - HGTV - Duration: 1:19.


Top 10 Stunningly Stylish Father-Daughter Jodis Of Bollywood That You Have Never Watch Before!! - Duration: 6:00.

Top 10 Stunningly Stylish Father - Daughter Jodis Of Bollywood That You Have Never Watch Before!!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Stunningly Stylish Father-Daughter Jodis Of Bollywood That You Have Never Watch Before!! - Duration: 6:00.


Kids Railway Fun Time Video With Nursery Rhymes In English Learn 10 Little Numbers And More - Duration: 8:21.

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...




Four little numbers...




Eight little numbers..




Ten little numbers

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...




Four little numbers...




Eight little numbers..




Ten little numbers

For more infomation >> Kids Railway Fun Time Video With Nursery Rhymes In English Learn 10 Little Numbers And More - Duration: 8:21.


Shinjou wo Sasageyo [AOT Season 2 OP 1] - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Shinjou wo Sasageyo [AOT Season 2 OP 1] - Duration: 1:30.



For more infomation >> SUBWAY SANDWICH & COOKIES MUKBANG! | EATING SHOW - Duration: 13:48.


Planting Tomatoes and Moving Compost - Duration: 5:48.

Welcome to the garden.

Having just shifted the compost bin, I'm now ready to plant up this bed with tomatoes.

About a month ago I posted a video on easy garden compost.

Be sure to check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

It's been composting beautifully and it's now ready to move.

There's still quite a bit of uncomposted material on the top.

This is pretty much what I expected and all of this will go on the bottom of the next one.

Using my fork I simply transfer the uncomposted material on the top,

into the bottom of the compost bin in the new spot.

It was all a bit stuck together so I loosened it up with the fork after putting it in.

As I got further down the material was well on its way to being composted,

but it wasn't quite ready yet and with it now on top, it will speed up composting the top bit that

is now in the bottom.

Once I was down to the good stuff, I spread it out across the patch.

This compost smelled like soil.

And that's it.

It didn't smell like all the rotten things I put in there.

This is how you know your compost is working.

After that, I made sure I knew where the irrigation was

and turned the whole patch over, working the fresh compost in.

If it smells rotten, things aren't composting properly and you really need to have a look

at what you're putting in and how you have it working.

It might need a few tweaks here and there to get it going properly.

So I'm planting Roma tomatoes today, some are bought seedlings, and some were grown

from seed way back in Autumn when my wife got a bit too keen and was quite upset when

I told her it was way too early to grow tomatoes.

But they hung in over winter and it will be interesting to see how they go compared to

the bought ones.

I'm planting them along the dripper lines which are 30cm or 12 inches apart.

Once I've prepared the holes I gently take the seedlings out of the punnet and carefully

separate them, placing them next to their hole ready to plant.

To plant, I simply drop them in the hole and fill it in.

I like to plant my tomatoes a bit deeper than they were in the punnet.

As long as the top leaves are above the ground they will be fine, and can even do better

as they make more roots up the stem that is buried.

And I do basically the same thing with the potted ones grown from seed.

Time to give them a good watering in .

and yep, you guessed it, with SeaSol.

There's one other special ingredient I like to use for tomatoes.

Sulphate of Pot Ash.

It "Sweetens" the soil and helps your tomatoes grow strong and healthy.

Just half a handful on each plant.

I'll give them another dose when they start fruiting.

Then water that in as well.

If you enjoyed this video please hit like.

Subscribe to my channel to see more, and until next time...

Happy Gardening.

For more infomation >> Planting Tomatoes and Moving Compost - Duration: 5:48.


Top 5 Sasur Bahu Jodis Of South Indian Actors ! You Don't Know - Duration: 2:27.

Top 5 Sasur Bahu Jodis Of South Indian Actors ! You Don't Know

For more infomation >> Top 5 Sasur Bahu Jodis Of South Indian Actors ! You Don't Know - Duration: 2:27.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 22 EYLÜL 2017 | SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ | CEYLA BÜYÜKUZUN & OKAN KOÇ | Youtube - Duration: 10:57.


Learn Colors with Nerf Guns Funny Baby Prank Colours Joker! Bad Super Hero Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:12.

Learn Colors with Nerf Guns Funny Baby Prank Colours Joker! Bad Super Hero Song Nursery Rhymes

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