Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

Even though Oslo is a big city with a lot of modern buildings I think it has an original spirit to it.

So, you feel like you're in Norway

even though you are in a big city with a lot of tourists and a lot of people from all around the world.

My name is Nicolai Walther Wilhelmsen and I'm a photographer.

My goal behind the photos is to inspire people to come travel to Norway.

I'm a really spontaneous person.

For me freedom is about being able to go wherever I want whenever I want.

What I love about Oslo is that you can be in the middle of the city

and then you can take a car ten minutes out of the city and you're in a beautiful environment.

I love being on the road.

I can drive for hours.

Especially when I know that I'm going to a beautiful location.

Having this type of freedom also gives you creativity

because your mind kind of opens more and you get to use your mind more because it's free.

I'm not sure when I started to be super passionate about photography.

But I think it started when I started to love nature because I wanted to capture these landscapes and share them with other people.

So they can be in their living room at home and actually being part of that adventure that I'm on.

But sometimes I get to caught up in getting the perfect photo for all the people.

And I forget about actually experiencing this for myself.

Sometimes I have to put the camera away

and just soak up all the feelings that I get from watching these beautiful landscapes.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz: Marco Polo HORIZON – Connecting the City and the Great Outdoors - Duration: 2:38.


Hidden on the map, Pink Lagoon! [Battle Trip / 2017.09.24] - Duration: 19:06.

Flamingos are not red when they're born.

- When they're born. / - They're born white.

They're light gray.

But they turn red because they eat crustaceans.

We're not going fishing, are we?

This is a flamingo habitat.

- Flamingo! / - Flamingo!

This is an unknown place

to the public.

Flamingos that eat a lot of crustaceans are deep red.

They have different colors.

- Let's take a boat. / - It takes about 10 minutes.

We should see Mexican flamingoes.

- We should. / - Flamingo.

- You can only see them in zoos. / - Right.

Let's take this boat.

We look good on the water.

- Yeah. / - Better than the mountain.

We're always on boats.

Are flamingos in the sea?


- The sea. / - There must be a spot.

It's fast.

This is good. It's cool.

(Tequila Bros' Flamingo Tour)

It won't take long if we go this fast.

Look at the colors.

If we go on at this speed for 30 minutes,

we might arrive in Korea.

It's really fast.

We can go very far in 30 minutes.

You're wearing a pink shirt today.

- Kangnam. / - Flamingo.

- Flamingo. / - Flamingo.

I'm wearing pink glasses.

I'm wearing pink glasses and a shirt with pink.

On your chest? Right.

Why are there no waves?

Is this a lake?

- It's a lagoon. / - Lagoon?

- What is lagoon? / - What's that?

- It's surrounded by land. / - Lagoon?

- It's between a river and ocean. / - That's why no waves.

That's why flamingos live there.

- This place looks dreary. / - It's a mangrove forest.

(The boat stops)

- We'll see wild animals again. / - Right.

- Here. / - Another?

Before the flamingos.

I guess we'll see flamingos here.

Where are the flamingos?

Where are you?


- There they are. / - I've never seen them before.


I go to the jungle often but this was my first time.

It's amazing.

- There it is. / - It's an alligator.


- Is it a wild alligator? / - Yes.

- All natural. / - It's over there.

- Natural. / - It just sits there.

- It was waiting for us. / - Isn't it fake?

- It's real. / - Is it?

I was a little afraid it'd attack us.

Me too. It looked scary.

It's not running away.

Why isn't it moving?

- They're really fast. / - Right.

- They are? / - It's over if they attack.

- With their tails. / - Why is it still?

- Because it's hot. / - It has a strong tail.

- Gosh, I'm surprised. / - Look at that.

- Gosh, I'm surprised. / - Look at that.

- Is it here... / - It's huge.

How big is it?

That was longer than 2m.

Do it after it finishes eating.

Wild alligators are very violent.

They're wild.

- Eat this. / - You should be careful.

Taegon's a little too far back.

Eat this.

Hey, eat this!

I'll give it to you.

- Don't mess around, Kangnam. / - It's scary.

- It's scary. / - It was staring at us.

Stop it. It'd think you're attacking it.

- Is it fish? / - Yes. It's fish.

- It's huge. / - It was really big.

- It was huge. / - Look at its teeth.

This was my first time seeing an alligator feeding.

This is my first time too.

But how can it be waiting for us so still...

- Like it's a setup. / - I know.

Battle Trip is a bit suspicious.

There were many occurrences like this.

- Perhaps they were trained. / - Maybe they cast it.

It feels like it's been trained.

(This is my usual spot)

Usually, alligators tend to run from people.

How can he not run?

I think this one has seen a lot of people.

Isn't it domesticated then?

- I feel refreshed seeing it. / - Really?

We saw an alligator.

If we keep going about,

we just might run into Kim Byungman.

(The environment is a fitting place for Byungman)

We meet something else along the way.

- Another alligator? / - No, something else.


(The guide makes a hand signal)

I think that's an eagle.

- There's an eagle ahead. / - Where?

- Top left. / - On top of the tree.

There's an eagle on the Mexican flag.

- I love eagles. / - Really?

It clutches a snake with its talon.

So, we tried feeding it.

- Really? / - We tried throwing it.

It swoops down?

- It does. / - It really comes down?

- Yes, to eat. / - Toss it far.

(First, they draw its attention)

(On alert)


That seems staged too.

(They wait for the opportune moment)

No way.

- It was watching. / - They catch it.

- How can it possibly... / - It was watching.

(It's a true demonstration of an eagle's hunting prowess)

It's moving elsewhere to eat it alone.

- Close by. / - Closer? Okay.

- This one's not a good hunter. / - It's coming.

It missed.

- What is it doing? / - It failed.

- What an idiot. / - Idiot.

Is this its first time hunting?

But being able to observe all this in person,

it was really fascinating.

It's reflecting.

It's wondering whether to go back for it or not.

It's slightly weak-minded.

- It's probably blood-type A. / - Probably.

- Go. / - Okay, let's go.

- This is good enough. / - We got enough footage.

(They head towards the flamingo habitat)

(They're skipping over to the flamingos)

Long time ago, while watching TV...

I used to see tens of thousands

of flamingos flying in a flock.

Can we see that?

There should be many of them, right?

(35 minutes have passed since they boarded the boat)

So, we went about looking for flamingos.

(They wonder when they'll see the flamingos)



There they are.

They're so pink.

There's so many of them.

- How many are there? / - They're totally pink.

I've never seen flamingos before.

They're beautiful.

- The color is so distinct. / - How can it be like that?

That's amazing.

Their color is so pretty.

It's like fluorescent.

It's extremely eye-catching.

It's so beautiful.

This definitely is the right place.

Taegon, this is the place.

- Gosh. / - They shine.

- The pink. / - The color shines.

- They move. / - You have to approach them carefully.

This is really zoomed in.

They're very good-looking.

- Look at their legs. / - They're so pretty.

- Aren't they pretty? / - Yes.

How can they be that color?

Completely natural.

The hue is a bit different for each, right?

Some are darker. How can they...

- Be so pretty? / - How are they like that?

The tips of their wings are black.

That's great design.

- They're very cautious. / - So pretty.

They walk very slowly.

- They just walk in the seawater? / - Yes.

I want to raise a flamingo.

Can't we sneak up and make them all fly off.

That should make them fly.

I'll go as close as possible.

Take it slow, Kangnam.

They eat crabs and crustaceans.

They have to stay in shallow water to eat them.

He's the same color.

I really moved like that?

(He tries hard to mimic a flamingo)


(What is he doing? Is he really a flamingo?)

(I've heard that he's not a flamingo)

They've been warned.

They're on alert.

Someone is approaching. Alert.

They make sure that you can't come close.

(He runs full speed ahead towards the flamingos)

(The flock of flamingos take flight as he runs)

There's a huge flamingo right behind them.

- It was beautiful seeing them fly. / - It sure is pretty.

Their legs are so long.

The sky is blue and the flamingoes are pink.

Yes, they are.

- It's so pretty. / - It's pretty.

(Pink light crisscrosses through the blue sky)

Gosh. It's so pretty.

(It was nice meeting you)

(This is not the end)

(There is a place that's hidden on the map)

- Hidden? / - Hidden on the map? Really?

If it's not on the map, how do we even find it?

(There's a hidden spot that's not on the map)

(It's a spot only known to truly veteran travelers)

(People all over the world give evidence)

- What is that place? / - Mud pack.

You're right.

That place was so beautiful.

- Where is that? / - We won

Chaeyeon's reaction is so cute.

"We won."

The water is pink like that.

The food the flamingos eat...

Their food makes the water pink.

- It's really pink. / - This is the place.

It's completely pink.

It's completely pink over there.

It's almost red.

How can it be this pink?

The salinity is so high that you'll just float.

If you lay down, you'll float.

- The salt content... / - The salinity is high.

- It's like the Dead Sea. / - It is.

The salinity is that high.

(Kangnam can't suppress his curiosity)

- What? It's so hot. / - What's wrong?

Is it hot?

Gosh. What's going on?

Apart from the salinity, it's so hot.

Why is it so hot?

The salinity makes people float, right?

- Okay. / - Go ahead and check.

Go deeper.

(He drank a bunch of water)

You're floating.

I felt like I was flying through the sky.

- It was fascinating. / - Wasn't it very deep?

Yes. it was ridiculously deep.

- He's not sinking. / - Never.

It's salty.

It seems that way.

But you're floating so well.

You look like you're sitting on top of a tube.

It's so comfortable.

Pink Lagoon has to be visited when it's very sunny.

But we went a little late.

The sun was setting a bit.

So it wasn't as bright.

Flamingo's food.

You can see the flamingo feed? Where?

Which is it?


- Where is it? / - This one?

- Yes. / - The shrimp-like thing.

So, the flamingos eat this?

How many of these must they eat to turn so pink?

(Your shirt turned pink because you ate this too)

Can people turn pink too?

It's an American-style joke.

Good thing we came. You even got a drink water.

Yes, I did. It was so salty though.

That's good enough footage.

It's about hidden destinations. We can't end it here.

There's a place here where you can get a mask.

- Facial pack? / - Yes, and for your whole body too.

The sun is hot so the mud is ripe.

The ground is very dry.

- It comes up if you dig. / - Yes, the moisture.

- Locals dug for us. / - It's so great.

(Feeling doubtful)

It's moist inside.

It helps your skin become smooth.

It's totally a facial mask now.

- You're right. / - It's all over his hand.

This is so fascinating.

What an incredible plot of ground.

I was actually in pain because I got sunburned.

- It helped alleviate my skin. / - It gets refreshing.

- Yes, refreshing. / - So, it takes away the heat.

There's water under there.


Put it on your face.

Are you going to do it?

Originally, it's swamp.

The sun bakes the top until it's dry.

No, I'll apply it gently.

Raise your bangs.

(Obedient Kangnam)

You'll look like a soldier.


It's so soft.

- Oh, my. / - You're right.

It's real mud.

- Totally. / - It's a mud pack.

You became pale like a ghost that fast?

- It's cool and refreshing. / - Isn't it?


My skin shouldn't burn that much.

How cute. Your lips disappeared.

- Take a look. / - They really disappeared.

Kangnam looks like Chucky.

You should apply some on your neck.

- It's great. / - On the back of your neck.

It definitely has restorative properties.

How did you like Cancun, Taegon?

- It's been very good. / - To be honest with you...

I don't want to ask you. You're already smitten.

I think you'd buy a house out here in a month.

I'm looking to buy some land here.

He's said he's really looking to buy land.

Truthfully, I was pretty worried about Cancun

since it was in Mexico.

I was deterred at the start.

It was too far as well.

But it was much more enjoyable than expected.

I've especially enjoyed Cancun.

And I've been to many resorts all over the world.

- That was the best. / - It's my kind of place.

I like tequila too.

I like the people as well.

They're so kind.

Without Battle Trip, I'd never have had this opportunity.

How about for you?

To be honest...

The Mexican food

and drinks are so good.

I hope many people will come.

Now, there are direct flights too.

I haven't seen you for a while Kangnam.

When will we have the chance to travel like this again?

I had a great time.

I thank all the Battle Trip staff.

I had a great time.

- Lee Taegon. / - Kangnam.

- Tequila! / - Bros!

- Gosh. / - I feel like going again.

After seeing the mud mask, Chaeyeon said...

"We won."

We win?

Chaeyeon, do you feel like you've won?

- Yes. / - Hey, Chaeyeon.

You'll soon see that life isn't that easy.

Now, about whale sharks.

What time of year can we go see them?

It's between the end of June and August.

That's the exact period?

They stay there for a while and migrate elsewhere.

Then, they become impossible to find.

It's too late for this year.

Then, I guess we'll have to wait until next year.

- Yes, next year. / - Next year.

- We went in early July. / - That's right.

- You went on excellent dates. / - Yes, we did.

I was shocked.

Why do they appear when flights are most expensive?

But rather...

During the peak season.

In Korea, July and August is peak season.

But in Cancun, it's off-season.

- Really? / - You'll save more money.

You also got to meet various animals.

The alligator...

I've never seen an alligator feeding before.

It'd be so scary if it ate that then stared at you.

- It kept looking at us. / - It was...

- If it wants to eat more. / - It's like...

"I'd rather eat you."

Taehun, you can't be ridiculing them like that.

He's too good at it.

Now, over the span of three weeks...

We've travelled to Central and South America

for the Chuseok holiday special.

It was very different.

- The color is completely different. / - The color...

- It's really exotic. / - Right.

Will you go to Cancun or not?

Please vote!

(Tequila Bros designed a trip to Mexico)

(What will the judges choose?)

Ancient culture...

And modern culture co-exists

in Tequila Bros Tour to Cancun, Mexico!

Filled with romance and passion.

So much soul where time has stopped.

Will it be the Cuba Libre Tour?

- What did the judges choose? / - Their choice is?

I can't watch.

Why does this make me so nervous?

I can't get used to this.

- I don't think I can watch. / - For now...

Cuba Libre is leading by 4 votes.

- So we'll get over 100? / - Right.

- Since it's the combined total. / - 4 votes ahead.

7, last digit 7 and 8.

- It must not be over 100. / - Please, please.

- What is this? / - It's too high.

It's strange.

Did we lose?

Did we lose?

We did it.

- We won. / - We did it.

We won.

It was the whale shark.

We won.

I knew we'd win after the last footage.

I think you won over some more votes

because of Kangnam's outfit.

Their outfits are unique too.

I think Cancun's win is an obvious result.

But I'd like to make another request.

Don't stop at Cancun.

Take a plane one more time.

You'll get to experience something

you've never experienced before

from that one extra plane ride.

Next week, we'll be back at 9:15 p.m.

- We'll have another special. / - Another special!

- What is it this time? / - It's a food bucket list special.

That sounds interesting.

We'll come back with a food bucket list special.

Look forward to next week.

The world is a school. Life is a journey.

Battle Trip!

For more infomation >> Hidden on the map, Pink Lagoon! [Battle Trip / 2017.09.24] - Duration: 19:06.


Мультфильм "Кролик Питер" (2018) - Официальный трейлер (русские субтитры) - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Мультфильм "Кролик Питер" (2018) - Официальный трейлер (русские субтитры) - Duration: 1:55.


Sakal Modelleri: Top Sakal Nasıl Yapılır? | Gillette STYLER - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Sakal Modelleri: Top Sakal Nasıl Yapılır? | Gillette STYLER - Duration: 1:20.


Sean Spicer Never "Knowingly" Lies, The Hobbit Turns 80 - Monologue - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Sean Spicer Never "Knowingly" Lies, The Hobbit Turns 80 - Monologue - Duration: 3:09.


Пасхалки в играх #29 [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> Пасхалки в играх #29 [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 12:41.


How to Survive Youtube's Adpocalypse - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> How to Survive Youtube's Adpocalypse - Duration: 1:45.


[MV] IU(아이유) _ 어젯밤 이야기 [Eojetbam Iyagi] : Last night story - Duration: 4:13.

Last night I started to hate you

Last night I started to dislike you

As I watched the lights spin around

I was heartbroken all alone

Whenever my friends danced

Holding your hands

I winced and suffered

Why couldn't you see it?

At the party last night

I was so lonely

Even if I am offered the whole world

I wouldn't change you for it

Why don't you know that?


Last night I started to hate you

Last night I started to dislike you

I waited for the endless music to end

I was lonely

Whenever my friends danced

Holding your hands

I winced and suffered

Why couldn't you see it?

At the party last night

I was so lonely

Even if I am offered the whole world

I wouldn't change you for it

Why don't you know that?


Last night I started to hate you

Last night I started to dislike you

I waited for the endless music to end

I was lonely

For more infomation >> [MV] IU(아이유) _ 어젯밤 이야기 [Eojetbam Iyagi] : Last night story - Duration: 4:13.


Что такое LSI текст и LSI копирайтинг? Как подобрать LSI фразы? Просто о сложном - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> Что такое LSI текст и LSI копирайтинг? Как подобрать LSI фразы? Просто о сложном - Duration: 8:56.


Farming Simulator 17 Bale Transporting New Mods - Duration: 16:15.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some new mods you can use to transport bales.

MY First thought was to load the bales will Atlas loader But the bales was too many so I decide to Use the Atlas Loader only to unload the bales

Biobeltz ITR Semi Trailer

Transport Container 4000/H Colorable 2 Design Setup

ATLAS ZL602 Mini Loader

I will use the Fliegl Bale Fork To grab the bales and Old Storage Shed to save them

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Bale Transporting New Mods - Duration: 16:15.


Muharram Ul Haram Ki Fazilat In Udu Muharram Ul Haram Ki Ahmiyat Muharram Ul Haram 2017 Part 5 - Duration: 12:57.

Muharram Ul Haram Ki Fazilat In Udu Muharram Ul Haram Ki Ahmiyat Muharram Ul Haram 2017 Part 5

Muharram Ul Haram Ki Fazilat In Udu Muharram Ul Haram Ki Ahmiyat Muharram Ul Haram 2017 Part 5

Muharram Ul Haram Ki Fazilat In Udu Muharram Ul Haram Ki Ahmiyat Muharram Ul Haram 2017 Part 5

Muharram Ul Haram Ki Fazilat In Udu Muharram Ul Haram Ki Ahmiyat Muharram Ul Haram 2017 Part 5

Muharram Ul Haram Ki Fazilat In Udu Muharram Ul Haram Ki Ahmiyat Muharram Ul Haram 2017 Part 5

Muharram Ul Haram Ki Fazilat In Udu Muharram Ul Haram Ki Ahmiyat Muharram Ul Haram 2017 Part 5

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