Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

I initially wanted to bring a huge box of fruit I collected during my stay, but he insisted he had enough for a full meal.

He just indicated that he'd try fishing in a bit, for now he's going to prepare the fire lay.

I think he's telling me that this is a spot he's had a fire before. It must have been a long while ago.

When he puts his index finger to his forearm, he's talking about fish, that he's going to catch them or how big they are and how many there are.

I was eager to help, but not interfere with his fire pit, he seemed to want to build it a certain way.

I noticed he was quite particular about setting it up perfectly flat. Maybe it was to help balance the pot.

At this point, I was really curious to know what he was going to use for fire wood as it's tropical and not exactly full of dead timber like at home.

I think these are dried coconut leaves.

I wasn't really sure how he knew one was dry from another or how to process it down it fuel.

Felix works at the beach at the Grand Paradise Resort in Samana, Dominican Republic collecting coconuts for tourists.

Felix seemed to key into the bigger thicker pieces.

At home, this wouldn't be nearly enough to get a good fire going and get any coals.

I had to resist jumping in here and loading up the fire pit.

If you notice, Felix isn't making a big teepee style fire lay, he's actually lining up four ends to meet in the middle between the rocks.

I wondered how he'd start the fire....

Felix tried and failed a few times trying to start the fire on natural tinders. He didn't break them up or try to dry them. He then used the plastic bag.

The rainy season in the North of the DR is from December to end of January. It still rains periodically, just in shorter bouts.

I really wanted to start piling wood on top, but held back as much as I could.

This woody material burns surprisingly well.

While he wasn't looking, I fed the fire a little how I would at home, by piling.

I wanted to make sure he approved of the wood I was using.

I found the fire burned rather well for only having four ends touching together, but it still went out frequently to a dust, though it re-ignited easily each time.

Felix pre-caught a couple of fish in the morning just in case.

Plantain looks very similar to banana, but aren't sweet, they are more like a starchy potato. I really liked them.

He told me that he caught 10 fish in the morning just on the other side of the resort.

There are many different types of snapper.

This area is covered in really sharp rock that would be impossible to walk on in bare feet.

I think he just found a clam, and said that it would work as bait later.

The fork worked really well to de-scale the fish. I might use this myself!

Removing the gills...

There's no rush to get things done in the Dominican..."Dominican time" was a thing.

I had to get him to stop every once in a while to film, he was a good sport about it.

It might be because there aren't real seasons in the DR. The temperature is quite stable.

So there's always tomorrow....

Suited me just fine.

After the fish was cooked, I asked if we should eat the brain or eye...he said no.

This was done in order to help the fish take more of the spice he planned to use.

This would work well on a small mouth bass!

It took us a long time to set up this catch n cook. At first I wasn't sure if he meant 4 a.m. or 4 p.m.

I'd love to know what kind of spice this was. It was full of flavor, but didn't have any heat.

Dominican's are famous for not liking hot dishes.

I think the spice is called adobo, but I wouldn't know exactly what was in it. If you know, comment!

It might even go well on pike!

I enjoyed all the Dominican food...I don't like spicy foods all that much either.

I had to replace a lot of the audio in this because it was so windy and the gopro just picked up wind noise.

I didn't bring my main camera because theft of electronics is a real risk in the DR.

This is a better shot of how the fire is built. Four main logs touching only in the center.

The fish usually move in on a high tide, so this is an ideal time to fish here.

I think one of the plates was re-used without washing first! See if you can spot exactly where!

Of all those local fruit, Felix only took the sugarcane, and the quenepa. He really wanted me to leave everything else behind.

A rock for a sinker...that's got to be frustrating every time you get snagged.

None of the locals I saw used rods, only variations of handlines.

We'd only use this type of rig for icefishing. It's very frustrating otherwise.

Felix used just a small piece of fish on a very small hook.

Locals don't wear shorts, they are for "wussies."

He's pointing at a shark!

He doesn't want it to come in a bite his leg!

He wants me to see it so he's trying to point it out to me.

I never really did spot it.

He got snagged and lost his hook and rock sinker.

I made some fried plantain at home when I got back and it was just as good as it was there!

At the end of my trip, I wasn't able to give any of my fruit away. I got the sense that they didn't value it very much!

Even the resort only served up about 4-5 fruit out of the 100's they grow there.

The plantain was double fried, squished in between the banana peels after the first fry.

He picked a leaf to use as an extra plate.

The locals seemed to enjoy the limoncello over all the fruit they had...maybe because it was just coming into season.

It has a big pit in the center and has a cotton ball feel to it.

He's saying that I'm cutting it wrong.

We've been doing it wrong all this time!

Washing my hands with a leaf...

He's saying there's too much food here and that I'm going to get fat if I eat it all!

With all that oil, it sure was a filling meal!

There is a wood press that is normally used to do this.

I want to know if I can use the machete to open the passion fruit.

"Passion" wonder, two fingers deep, slurp, and it's tangy....hmmmm

It's kind of like grapefruit.

Very satisfying to eat.

I insist that he show me how to prepare the star fruit.

I think he's telling me that he normally doesn't eat it...but instead makes a drink in a blender.

I was pretty sour, like lemon.

If this is laid down horizontally and burred in the beach sand, new shoots will sprout up in 3-4 days.

The taste is like white sugar, flavorless, but sweet.

It's also full of fiber, which you must spit out.

Some of the fruit I brought with us...

I was able to buy almost $100 worth of fruit for $20, and the locals thought I overpaid.

If they saw my box of fruit, they would have a chuckle!

He's telling me that he can literally find these fruits all over the place, everywhere.

It's so common, he doesn't even bother with it.

He'll eat the lime as a drink....

But also add it on top of fish...

It was one of the few things that I brought that he approved of.

Dominican's don't seem to value their fruit and wild resources.

Probably because they come so easily to them.

He seemed to value the fish as food the most of everything.

I harvested this lime from the grounds at the resort.

The fish was quite good.

This was filmed the day before since the bowls had to be washed well and dried before use.

Making a bowl at home would take hours, these come ready made!

He's saying that he's going to leave it as is, since he had already messed up a few gourds trying to make them perfect.

These gourds come rock hard, but the outer shell can be carved to make designs before they dry out completely.

Scrubbing with sand removes the slime that coats the shell.

I wonder if I could do this!

Coconuts are loaded with calories and are a meal themselves. Full of fat and carbs.

You just need to climb the tree!

People who spoke English were the minority at out resort.

Felix must have had a machete accident, as his left thumb is badly scared. But I never did ask.

We'd normally drink right out of the coconut, but it's cool to use traditional gourd containers.

The fish wasn't wasted!

Felix objected to eating the avocado by itself, but felt that the plantain gave it enough flavor when combined.

No guacamole in the Dominican!

I'm saying that I'm full, but he's welcome to still eat it!

A complete meal including fat, carbs and protein, all local!

He's wondering if the camera is running all the time, or just taking pictures.

Felix wanted to know if the video would show up on the Internet.

I'm telling him that I'll give him the web address when we get back to the resort.

I love bananas, and eat at least one each day!

Bananas are local too!

At one point while Felix was washing up, I heard machine gun fire. I told him and he wasn't worried since he figured they were shooting in the other direction!

There are armed guards posted at the resort front gate and both ends of the beach stationed full time.

We were told not to go to this part of the beach since tourists had been mugged before.

I'm telling him that I only want a few pieces to bring back to my wife.

Courtney was worried sick about me while filming this video...she's keeping an eye out for me from the resort.

I wanted Felix to try one last time to catch a fish on camera....

He wasn't too excited about that prospect.

Handline fishing must work well enough, or else they would have come up with a more 'human' way to catch fish.

I couldn't imagine tying on a rock every time I needed a sinker.

Then again, maybe it's more economical since they snag up so often.

If I come back, I'll have to bring a rod and reel and a pile of sinkers to leave behind.

I wonder what Felix would think about the modern gear.

A small piece of fish for bait.

Maybe he didn't want to fish anymore due to the prospects of getting his pants wet again after sunset....

Then again...shorts are for wussies :)

He told me that there were lots of fish, just out a little deeper.

For more infomation >> Catch n Cook Red Snapper | Dominican Republic - Duration: 39:53.


মায়ার বাঁধন/Mayar Badhon [22 September 2017]full episode review | Star Jalsha serial episode 11৭ - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> মায়ার বাঁধন/Mayar Badhon [22 September 2017]full episode review | Star Jalsha serial episode 11৭ - Duration: 3:07.


Polaroid Slideshow & Intro to Graph Editing - Tutorial Adobe After Effects CS6 - Duration: 13:06.

Hey guys Flat Pack FX here and today we're going to be making this so

stick around you're watching Flat Pack FX.

hey guys welcome back to the tutorial now in this tutorial I'm gonna show you

how to make this Polaroid slideshow effect where the Polaroid images are

sort of been thrown onto the table and in addition to this I'm also going to

show you how to use the graph editor now if you're only interested in how to use

the graph editor you can skip ahead to that section otherwise you can learn how

to make this entire effect as well now before we get started there's a few

files you're going to want to download the first is this Polaroid image and the

other is this wood background image that I've put in the description below now

the other thing I have here are these images I just took off the web but this

is where you can import your own images you'd like to use for this effect so

with that let's get started so the first thing I'm going to do is create a new

composition I'm gonna call this one layout one and make sure this is set to

1080 25 and I'm also going to make sure my duration is set to about 30 seconds

and then hit OK next I'm gonna right click and create a new composition and

call this one beigy for background and then hit OK and we're going to drag this

wood layer straight into that composition now I'm just using this wood

layer as my background image but this can be whatever you want but first I'm

gonna rotate this image and just move to a part that I actually wanted to use and

the other thing I did here was I just came up to effect add a little bit of

sharpen here and also added some curve effect as well next I'm gonna right

click and create a new solid I'm gonna set my color to be black and I'm going

to come up here and hold my mouse click up until I get the ellipse tool here and

I'm just gonna draw a rough mask something like that I'm gonna come down

here and hit invert on the mask settings and just give this a bit of a feather

and I'm also gonna turn down the mask opacity so we get a little bit of

vignette on the edge here ok now coming back to my layout 1 we can start by

dragging that background composition in next I'm going to grab my Polaroid image

and drag it onto this icon here to create a new composition

now I'm gonna navigate to that composition and we're just going to

rename this one to Polaroid one and next we can just drag an image in here so I'm

just gonna select an image and drag it under my Polaroid layer and then scale

this down until it fits into that background there so this is what we end

up with here now I've already put a drop shadow on the Polaroid image for you

just to help sell the overall effect now that's all we need to do in this

composition so we can come back to layout one and we're going to grab that

Polaroid one composition and drag that on top of our background so this is what

we get now now next we want to make our Polaroid image a 3d layer so we select

our layer and we tick this little box here to make it 3d and we're also going

to right click and create a new light now I'm gonna make sure this is set to

spot we want the intensity to be a hundred and forty one the cone angle we

can set to a hundred and ten and the cone feather we can set to a hundred

percent now we also want to make sure that car shadows is on and we want to

set a shadow darkness to be seventy percent and our shadow diffusion we're

also going to set to 350 now once you've entered in those we can just hit OK and

this is what we get now next we want to come down to our Polaroid one image and

come down to our material options and where it says car shadows we want to

turn this on and we also want to make sure our background layer is also a 3d

layer but with our background layer we want to navigate down to the material

options and we want to make sure that except lights is off now the reason we

do this is we don't want the main light to affect our background image we only

want it to car shadows so when we select our Polaroid image if I grab the blue

z-axis and just move it slightly towards me you can see it's already starting to

cast a shadow on the background layer next we're going to position the light

so that it's casting the shadow the right direction now I select my

light layer here and I grab my blue z-axis and just move this up so this is

moving it away from our background here and I'm also going to shift this up

slightly and shift it across

you can see the effect we're getting as it's casting a shadow on the left-hand

side as the light source is on the right now I'm just going to drop this

intensity down slightly just so it doesn't affect our image too much here

and then that's pretty much done so our light is in the right position now now

the aim of this effect is we want it to look like the Polaroid images are being

thrown onto the table now the first part of this is we have to set our in and out

points for this effect to work now what we need to do is come down to transform

we're going to create a keyframe for position and a keyframe for orientation

then we're going to move if i zoom in here to roughly about half a second

which is twelve frames and create another key point for our position and

orientation the other thing I'm going to add here is I'm going to give it a

slight Z rotation just because I don't want it sitting flat on the table but

that's up to you how you want it to end up on the table of the position and

rotation if I go back to my beginning keyframes I'm going to grab my z axis

and move this towards me so I'm gonna scale this up and I'm also just gonna

drag it off the bottom of our screen here now if we just played this you can

see it doesn't look very natural it just kind of looks like it's being thrown in

and it doesn't look very smooth or natural so this is where we can start to

mess around with the line editor and the graph editor so the first thing I notice

is we've got these little tabs that stick out here from when we first

created these keyframes now if I was just to grab one of these and move it

you can see it's creating a bit of a curve on that line so basically you've

got to try and think of this in a three-dimensional space so if I move

this on the side because we're starting from a higher point ending on a lower

point it's sort of moving in and then moving towards the right as it moves

towards the table so if I move this more central it's sort of on a slight arc if

we were to look at this from the side now the other thing I can do here is it

stays flat the whole way through its animation and we

want to start as if the photo was standing upright so we can do this by

adjusting these three axes here at our first keyframe position if I grab the

x-axis here and just rotate it upright I can also do a slight twist here as I

play through this you can see that it starts up right and then moves into a

more flat position as it hits the table so this just makes it look a little bit

more natural as it moves into frame now the other thing we can do here is I can

take these two end keyframes just right click them and make them easy ease in

now this is where we start to get into the graph editing side of this now the

best way to think of this is if you put your arm out and drop a tennis ball now

the tennis ball will accelerate so it'll start slow and get faster and faster

until it hits the ground now that's what we perceive as a natural animation

there's a change in speed as it's moving over time so we need to apply that same

principle to our animation inside the computer now we have done this up into

this point using key frames and key frame assists to create that sort of

illusion but another way of doing this is using the graph at a time now we

access the graph editor by clicking this button up here and that changes the

layout of our timeline here now at the moment we don't see anything but if we

select the layer and select one of these transform properties you can see we get

these lines appearing and what we're seeing here is our green red and blue

lines which is a direct representation of our Y X and z axes now the view that

we actually want to shift to is I'm going to come down here and select this

button and I'm going to go to the Edit speed graph now this is the same lay the

same position but we're looking at it in a different graph which is pixels per

second on the left over time now we've already established that dropping a ball

the speed is going to change over time which looks more natural so this is what

is represented in this graph so at the beginning of time which is 0 it's

increasing in speed and then it starts to decrease towards the end if I click

on one of these little buttons here we get

these little lines that come out so I can actually move this down and I can

move this one up to change the way that animation plays out now as this is only

an introduction to the graph editor I'm not going to spend too much time going

into a lot of detail but it's really just a process of trial and error by

moving these around and adjusting these to get different results now it can take

a while to get used to the graph editor as it's a different way of editing but

if you can master the graph editor your animation movements will benefit a lot

now once you happy with your graph position the only other things you need

to know down here is you can use this tool here to auto adjust the height of

the graph so if I shifted this right up it'll automatically adjust so we can see

what's going on and these buttons down here will also add easy ease easy in and

easy out which is the same as right clicking on the keyframes and then

adjusting them so once you're done you can just hit this graph editor to close

that and the last part of this is we're going to take our Polaroid image and

turn on motion blur and I'm also going to right click and go to my composition

settings and across to advanced and I'm going to change the shutter angle to be

a hundred and eighty and this shutter phase to be 90 and all that's doing is

affecting the amount of motion blur that we're going to see on those motion

blurred layers now if I just play through what we've got here this is what

it should look like so you can see the movement looks quite natural now all we

need to do here is for your next image we're going to take our Polaroid 1

composition and just come up to effect and down to duplicate we're also going

to go to our layout 1 and also duplicate that layer again in the composition and

if I select that Polaroid one layer we've just duplicated come up and also

select my Polaroid two in my project window I can hold option or alt and just

replace that composition with number two now if I double click that I can then

drop my next image in delete the image underneath just resize this image come

back to my main composition and just offset this next composition to come in

slightly later and the other thing we'll need to

though is navigate down to our transform properties make sure your playhead is

lined up with that last keyframe and we're just going to move this slightly

up because we're stacking the layers on top of each other so we don't want them

to be sitting on the same level we want it to be sitting on top of our last

layer and I'm also just going to add a little bit of rotation the opposite way

and if you select all those keyframes I can just shift this over slightly so it

looks like it's a different image and if I just play through that you can see

this is what we've got now so that's a really easy way to create this effect

now if you want to add more images you just keep repeating that process of

duplicating the compositions and just keep replacing them in the main timeline

now you don't have to have them stack up on top of each other you can have them

layout next to each other on the table you can shrink the size down and you can

position them however you like so there you go guys there's a really quick and

easy way to make this effect I hope you've learned something in this

tutorial now if you'd like to know more about graph editing or any of my

tutorials you can put a comment in the description below thanks very much for

watching guys and I'll catch you in the next tutorial

For more infomation >> Polaroid Slideshow & Intro to Graph Editing - Tutorial Adobe After Effects CS6 - Duration: 13:06.


La scienza dei supereroi: SPIDERMAN - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> La scienza dei supereroi: SPIDERMAN - Duration: 2:52.



For more infomation >> LIZZKA SINGS AND PLAYS ON THE UKULELE - Duration: 3:14.


Crochet with led yarn (08) - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Crochet with led yarn (08) - Duration: 0:47.


Bull Wheel Sprocket Chain Drive for Metal Shaper - Duration: 13:34.

hi I'm Cressel Anderson this is Makercise in this episode I'll be making the

bull wheel assembly for the shaper project

I get a lot of really helpful feedback from the comments this is one example of

that type of feedback I've started using a hot rod to melt the inside of the

sprue that way the aluminum has less material to burn through and it gets

right into the pattern pretty quickly because this pattern has a recess so

they don't have to drill as much I can get just kind of get started boring it I

am going to mix up a little bit of sand into the plaster of Paris and try to

fill that I'm also going to have a little bit of sand in the coating just

to see how that performs relative to what I've been using which is just

straight plaster of Paris the reason that I'm not using drywall is because I

want to cast this today it's supposed to rain tomorrow and the plaster of Paris

will set up much quicker I've really been enjoying lost foam casting and one

of the things I thought I would try is making a vibratory table to help the

sand settle in around the patterns and I basically just took a scrap motor that

I've had for 10 or 15 years made a little DC power supply converter thing

for it tested it out on the bench

then I fabricated a counterweight to mount on the shaft of the motor from a

piece of cold drawn steel

I mounted the motor assembly to a sheet of melamine

then I put the melamine sheet onto a tire I put the flasks on top of the

melamine board and then I fill it a little bit with sand put the pattern in

and fill it more with sand as the table vibrates the sand fills in nicely around

the pattern and so far I like this method there's other techniques like air

injection that I might explore at some point in the future

I spent a while pouring out the bearing support to the rough diameter but then I

decided you know for that last little bit I wanted to try to be a little bit

more precise so I decided I'd make a graduated dial to go on the cross slide

feed screw and I did that by basically just drilling a hole in some aluminum

flashing I made a radial pattern using Adobe Illustrator and printed it out

I glued that printout to the aluminum flashing and then trimmed it down to


when I put this on the cross light feed screw I just left it loose and that way

it can kind of rotate freely I can use those marks by I just kind of get in

pretty close and I'm really happy with how that mechanism turned out and how

close I was able to get the boar to the finished diameter that I was looking for

a press fit makes me feel like an actual machinist one thing though that I didn't

anticipate was there is flex in the faceplate where it connects to the

spindle and that has the undesired consequence of making the back side of

the board hole larger in diameter than the side closest to the tail stock

nice there's probably ways to compensate for this however for my purposes I just

figured I would try out some red loctite keep it from slipping around in there

we'll proceed with that as is

I need to get this bull wheel sprocket centered up on the faceplate what I

decided to do is I had this it's probably like a 5/8 inch rod that came

out of a treadmill that I salvaged it has a Center on the one end so it took

off the tailstock and I'm gonna slide this in there and use it to pretty much

line up on the center and then I'll indicate and make any kind of fine

adjustments like about twenty thousand ten thousands each direction over that

I cut these trapezoidal shaped pieces of cold-rolled steel they bolt on to the

bold wheel sprocket

there is a little insert that slides in between these two we're in a shoulder

bolt of fixes and clamps at various placements along this channel and that

allows me to vary the throw from long to even short depending on where this crank

pin is located on this bull wheel clamp all these pieces together drill it then

they're perfectly aligned and they'll be aligned so that just hopefully we'll be

able to slide without much filing I used a dremel to make some marks on the

different parts just to keep track of how they assembled

I used my homemade bench block to transfer the holes from the bearing

support into the column side after those holes were marked I enlarge the holes on

the bearing support these enlarged holes will serve as a guide for the tap that

I'll be using to cut threads in the column side

after I had the first two fasteners in place I went ahead and drilled out the

bottom two holes and installed the remainder of the fasteners by repeating

the process I cut the crankshaft to length and then test-fit the bull wheel I

didn't have the proper sized shaft collar for the crankshaft so I had to

bore out one that I had in stock the bull wheel is driven using a chain and

there will be a smaller pinion gear mounted at the back of the column I hope

this project builds your confidence to exercise your inner maker in the next

step I'll be fabricating the Scottish yoke that connects the bull wheel to the

ram. thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Bull Wheel Sprocket Chain Drive for Metal Shaper - Duration: 13:34.


Quick And Easy Ring And Jewelry Holder - Duration: 4:25.

Hi, Alan Stratton, from As Wood Turns ( In this video, let's make this ring holder.

It is walnut and hazelnut.

You can put a ring on it at night and other rings and jewelry down in the base.

It is from an article in American Woodturner not too long ago.

It is a base and a flame.

It's a nice little project.

Let's turn it.

I'm mounting a piece of walnut 4 inches square and 1 inch thick to the face of my

chuck jaws.

It is held in place with the live center.

If it spins, no harm done, I'll be trimming that face later anyway.

I then just cinch up the tail stock a little tighter.

For now, the task is to shape the bottom side of the saucer and cut a tenon for remounting.

I find it easier to cut from the solid bottom out to the ragged perimeter.

This gives me more opportunity to ride the bevel and avoid a lot of very rough turning.

I true up the tenon with my skew.

Now the chuck is already in position to reverse the saucer and mount it with the tenon.

I still want to bring up the tail stock for as long as possible.

This works great for this project since I want to preserve the center of the saucer


Using my gouge, I'm hollowing the topside.

When nearly finished, I'm refining the interior with a round nose scraper.

Now I can sand and apply lacquer to as much of the saucer as possible and wipe away the


When dry, I'm again sanding with 400 grit paper and applying another coat of lacquer.

Now while still mounted on the tenon, I can drill a 3/8" hole to mount the flame portion


Next, I've mounted a threaded faceplate to the lathe.

I'm pressing the saucer against the faceplate with a paper towel providing a little padding.

Now I can refine the foot with a spindle gouge and a skew.

I'll sand and finish the foot again now.

But, I still need to sand off the small nub on the drill press.

For the flame portion, I'm using hazelnut pruned from my yard.

I've mounted it between centers for roughing.

Then I need to cut a 3/8" tenon that I will use to mount to the chuck and to glue into

the base saucer section.

My sizing wrenches get the tenon slightly oversized.

I finish it to size with a skew.

I'm doing most of the shaping now.

This is a great time for skew practice.

I only need to mount to a chuck for the final trim and finishing.

Then flip the hazelnut around to mount it into the chuck.

Now I need to shape the tip and prepare to sand and finish the flame portion.

Then I only need to glue the flame to the saucer.

This ring holder is a fairly simple project that I can turn quickly.

A ring or two can be placed on the flame portion.

Other jewelry can be in the saucer section.

I like it with the contrasting wood.

I also can visualize this project with a segmented base and/or a Celtic knot in the flame part.

That's all for my ring holder.

Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe on my website and tell your friends.

Always wear your full face shield –goggles are not enough protection.

Until next week, this is Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns dot com.

Come back next week for a new woodturning video.

For more infomation >> Quick And Easy Ring And Jewelry Holder - Duration: 4:25.


Một Nhà - Da LAB | Official Lyric Video - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Một Nhà - Da LAB | Official Lyric Video - Duration: 3:06.


A trap for France - Countryballs - Duration: 0:52.

UK what are you doing here?

I am catching France


I'm catching France

Do you know how to catch France?

Place a trap put inside a glass of wine

bread and frog legs


No that is just stupid

that would never work you stereotypical prick

ohh yeah?

see for yourself

For more infomation >> A trap for France - Countryballs - Duration: 0:52.


La non scienza dei Supereroi - parodia Scienziati MAI - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> La non scienza dei Supereroi - parodia Scienziati MAI - Duration: 2:24.


My Top 11 Favorite Members In Boy Groups K-pop - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> My Top 11 Favorite Members In Boy Groups K-pop - Duration: 3:04.


Umsatzsteuer: vom Unternehmer zum Finanzamt | EINFACH ERKLÄRT - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Umsatzsteuer: vom Unternehmer zum Finanzamt | EINFACH ERKLÄRT - Duration: 2:00.


Gray / SILVER HAIR in home * Schwarzkopf Live Steel Silver * Candymona - Duration: 6:03.

Hello It's Candymona

I recently decided to try out another hair dye

So today I will be reviewing for you Schwarzkopf Live Steel Silver dye

This is a dye which should give us a silver / gray shade on the hair

So I'll show you how it lookes on my hair

I will also tell you how long the color stay on my hair

So lets satart :)

The instructions say that I should mix one sachet of conditioner with all paint tube

But I noticed that the mixture was not enough for my hair

so I added more conditioner

Before application we need to clean our hair

I washed my hair but first I have to tell you that I will add about 100ml "Kallos" conditioner for this mix

So I start application and we will see what comes out ;)

* part of dye fell on my leggings

Yes I know I am all in paint :P

According to the instruction, I only need 5 minutes with the paint

But I decided to hold it longer

I have washed the paint from the hair so I will show you how it looks

And actually it is gray color

It is not color exactly like on the packaging but it is similar

I see that color is not the same on all hair

But that can be because of adding a lot of conditioner

although the manufacturer did not recommend it

Now I will dry my hair and we see what it will look like

Ok, hair looks like that

I will tell you that I like this color very much

Especially now that the darkest part of my hair is not so visible

So I'm really happy and maybe I will refresh this color in future

but I still have to see how long the color will stay on my hair

Now You see my color after 5 hair washing

And the gray color is almost invisible

but this is still a cooler shade than before dyeing hair

So I had this color really short time

On package we can see color should stay on hair for about 12-15 hair wash

In my case it was much shorter, but it could have been my fault

because of adding a lot of conditioner

so it did not have as much pigment as normal

and this can be why the color wash off faster

Unfortunately, I can't say how long the color stay on the hair if you use that dye according to the instruction

But I confirm that it actually gives a gray / silver shade

Howewer, I have to say that the paint must be applied to light blond hair

Product yield is not too big

If you have so long hair like me then you have to buy 2 packages

to dye acoording with the instruction

You can also do it just like me

Use only one package with adding conditioner but then color wash out faster

In conclusion, I am satisfied with this paint and the color of hair

I had pink and purple color before and I like the application this Schwarzkopf Live dye

But I think I would not go back to this color

Because of poor product yield and short lasting effect

If I have to buy 2 pack it is uneconomical

I must also mention that I use anti-dandruff shampoos

and they wash the color faster

Such are my feelings for this dye

If you like this color then I dont want to discourage You

As You could see the dye works good, but it is simply not enough efficient for me

And that's all I wanted to tell you today

bye bye

For more infomation >> Gray / SILVER HAIR in home * Schwarzkopf Live Steel Silver * Candymona - Duration: 6:03.


DaithideNogla 中文字幕【GMOD裡的薩爾達】GMOD道具捉迷藏搞笑時分 - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> DaithideNogla 中文字幕【GMOD裡的薩爾達】GMOD道具捉迷藏搞笑時分 - Duration: 15:15.


Grumpy's Guide To Poison Ivy (& Lookalikes!) | Southern Living - Duration: 1:43.

So when you're out walking in the woods,

some of the plants that you're probably

going to encounter are ones that you wish you wouldn't.

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak.

(upbeat music)

Brush up against the leaves, you get this oil

that goes onto your skin and causes

these itchy, oozy rashes.

You've probably heard this old saying,

"leaflets three, let it be."

If you look at a Poison Ivy plant

you'll see three leaflets.

Now the leaflets may have smooth edges

or they may be notched.

Poison Oak looks very similar to this.

The leaves are generally lobed and look

a lot like like oak leaves.

Now there's another plant, it's called Virginia Creeper.

How can you tell it's not Poison Ivy?

Instead of having three leaflets, always has five.

Poison Ivy most often grows flat along the ground,

or it grows as a vine up a tree.

Poison Oak is usually a shrub.

You have to avoid touching the plant.

Cover your skin.

Wear long pants, wear socks and shoes.

Another thing you can do to stop

from getting the skin rash is you can buy a product

called IvyBlock.

Is it prevents the oil actually contacting your skin.

Having gotten Poison Ivy on you,

looking in the woods for a very special plant

called Jewelweed.

It has very showy, bright orange flowers.

Crush the stem and spread the juice

from that stem over the blisters and it'll dry 'em up.

If you're going out in the woods,

take a roll of toilet paper in your pack.

Don't substitute


'Cause this could be a rash decision.

(man growling)

For more infomation >> Grumpy's Guide To Poison Ivy (& Lookalikes!) | Southern Living - Duration: 1:43.


PolyClayPlay Polymer Clay Supplies & Tools Unboxing And A COUPON CODE! Friday Findings - Duration: 8:02.

I have seen polymer clayers talk about PolyClayPlay and ordering from that website for ages and

I finally placed my first order with them.

So today I have for you an unboxing and some ideas of projects I'm going to work on in

the future.

So sort of a sneak peek, too.

Hi there, Sandy here.

Welcome to another creative video at

So here is my, part of my, yeah, just part of my invoice for my recent order from PolyClayPlay

and the reason I actually went there to begin with is that I was looking for some Pardo

translucent clay and somebody pointed out how much less expensive it was at this website

and they were absolutely right.

And while I was there, I just had to order another hundred dollars worth of stuff because

it was just wonderful!

So these are fun.

I think they're called Fat Daddio's cutters.

I love the box that they come in.

It just makes me happy.

I love keeping things tidy and what's great is that these are acrylic and they are, they

don't have a seam and there are so many cool things you can do with this.

In fact, on the website they even mention that Helen Breil has a tutorial I think for

sanding down the edges.

Maybe they're a little thick for cutting clay.

I haven't had a chance to try them yet.

They also mention that these can go in the oven so you can actually use these as forms

for creating boxes.

What I want to do with these and with the other set I got, which I'll show you in a

minute, is use them to cut shapes, but then also, you can cut shapes within shapes and

overlap shapes and I just thought this would be fun.

Some of the bigger ones I may not use as is.

I mean, this would be kind of a monster pendant to cut, but I can see using it as a starting

point and cutting other things out of it.

So I'm excited about this.

Here it is.

Fat Daddio's Nylon Cutters.

Seamless design, ideal for dough, fondant and craft projects.

Temperature resistant up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.


Dishwasher safe.

So cool.

And the container that they come in makes me really, really happy.

I love keeping things all tidy.

All right.

Let's see what we've got here.

Oh yes!

Inka Gold sample towers.

I have done a lot of videos talking to you guys about using Gilder's paste.

I use them a lot and a few of you have asked me if I've ever used Inka Gold and I haven't.

It's a little pricey so I was really excited to find a sample tower.

I mean, honestly, am I ever going to use more than this in the rest of my life polymer claying?

Probably not.

So I thought that it was great to get these smaller amounts and I chose the bolds, the

jewel tones because that's just what I go for.

Although if I place another order, I may get the metallics.

So I thought those were just gorgeous!`

Oh and this, I'll save that for a minute.

That was a freebie they threw in.

The Swellegant.

Swellegant dioxides have been on my to-get list for a long, long time and this one looks

like fun.

Milky White, so that will give you kind of a shabby chic look.

I also got Violet and Caribbean Blue.

Notice I'm nothing if not consistent in my choice of colors.

I usually go for jewel tones if possible.

And then these look like fun.

These are glow in the dark powders, which just looks like so much fun.

Let's see.

They haven't been exposed to the light, but if I turn off the lights.

Oh, a little bit!


Turn the lights back on.

A little bit of glowing.

That was kind of fun.

I've got aqua, green and purple.

Again consistent.

And this was a freebie that came.

This came not with the powders, but with the Inka Gold.

Double sided curved spatula.

Either end perfect for scooping out powders or paint.

Oh, those are kind of nifty!

So that was a nice little freebie that they threw in.

I'm looking at the shape thinking hmmmm.

It's always fun when you get things that make you go hmm.

The bead piercing pens!

Again, I think Ginger Davis Allman has mentioned...oh that's what I was starting to say about the


She mentioned using them.

I made a project, one of the last projects that was in Polymer Cafe Magazine was a glow

in the dark fairy garden lamp post and it came out really cute and I was pleased with

it, but the clay that I used did not last for long.

Maybe barely five minutes glowing in the dark, which was a little disappointing.

All right, back to the bead piercing pen.

This is another thing I believe Ginger of the Blue Bottle Tree mentioned.

These are really fine and really sharp.

There's been many times when I've said, "I want something really fine and really sharp."

So I got some of those.

Oh yes!

I have, I just recently got the larger set of Makin's clay adapters and I'm planning

on making a video using those and playing with them.

Oh, and here's a little thingy about the Inka Gold so that will be useful.

This is the reason I actually started the order.

That was fun!

Was the Pardo art clay transparent.

I've been doing a few things with it.

I've made some canes and I've got some ideas for projects using those canes.

I love the Pardo art clay and I will not go back to another, here we go, I got six of


They're like $2.40 each.

It was so much less expensive than Amazon, which I think was close to $5 each.

Five or six.

But I won't go back to any other translucent because this one, the Pardo just bakes clear.

It doesn't yellow.

It was driving me crazy using the Premo.

I'd make something blue and it would come out green because it had yellowed so much

in the oven.

And then I got a few colors of clay because the prices were good.

My local Michael's and AC Moore have really cut back on what they carry.

So a couple of my favorite colors like Souffle Cherry Pie, Igloo and Wasabi, which I have

been loving lately.

They don't always have them, so I got a few of those.

Like I said, the price was right.

And then there was one item that was back ordered and so this came in the mail.

It was very kind of her to send my whole order and then sent this along and I opened this

and I scratched my head and said, "Did I order that?

I don't remember ordering that.

Did I order that?

I don't remember ordering that."


But then I found she tricked me.

It's like Christmas when you put things in the wrong box and this is another set of those

Fat Daddio cutters, which I think is going to be really useful to have.

Just this football shape.

It's a beautiful shape for petals and a beautiful shape to layer and cut other shapes out of.

I'm really excited about the possibilities of using these.

So that was my order.

That was a lot of fun.

I think I will definitely order from these folks again.

They have a lot of tools that are difficult to find elsewhere and their prices are quite


I hope you enjoyed that and that maybe I've given you some ideas and inspiration along

the way.

Happy creating!

Bye bye.

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