Learn Farm Animals for Kids | Farm Animals Wrong | Nursery Rhymes Farmees
Grisaia no Rakuen Phần 2 Tập 1 - Quá Khứ Của Yuuji-kun - Duration: 23:41.-------------------------------------------
Especial de los 500 sus - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Moments After McCain Saved ObamaCare, Pence Marched On Stage And Took McCain Down Himself - Duration: 1:50.Mike Pence was clearly FURIOUS - when he saw the Republicans once again FAIL to repeal
and replace ObamaCare, thanks to the efforts of Senators John McCain, Lisa Murkowski, and
Rand Paul.
To make it even worse, after next week the rules change in the Congress and Republicans
will need 60 votes to repeal and replace it, not the 50 they need right now.
So, instead of sitting on the sidelines, Vice President Pence took his fight to the people
and made a massive declaration of war against our failed Republicans.
"A vote against Graham-Cassidy is a vote to save ObamaCare.
The Republican Majority in Congress, in particular, was not elected to save ObamaCare, they were
elected to REPEAL and REPLACE ObamaCare.
And it's time for every member of the Republican Majority to keep their word."
He is 100% right.
The clock is ticking down on the Republicans to get this stuff done and they have failed
every single time.
Let's help Mike Pence light a fire under their asses so they get some actual work done
by spreading this everywhere and showing them we will not vote for LOSERS to keep their
94 - Os Crânios de Cristal - Duration: 15:25.-------------------------------------------
Algae alert could keep athletes out of Geneva Lake during triathlon - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
How to hack the game "Papa Pear Saga" - Duration: 1:15.Freeze moves
To subscribe to the channel and the first learn about new hacks
이달의소녀탐구 #184 (LOONA TV #184) - Duration: 0:42.#Now Playing "LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE - LOONATIC"
(They've arrived at LA after 12 long hours flight!)
Kim Lip: Kkyu JinSoul: Finally...!
JinSoul: Where is this?
Choerry: This is!
Choerry: This is Los Angeles!
Almost 12 hours flight…
(Time travel) Now it's tuesday again!
New beginning!
Ah~ So nice!
It feels like I woke up early morning~
It's the start now! Fighting!
See you a little bit later!
(On the way to the hotel!)
A little ago, my eyes met the eyes of a woman… But she was like…
They make a smile, whatever we do!
And when me and Lip were walking down the street…
They were like 'Wow~'
I want to make my hair blonde~
I love it!
Does it look go on me?
9NEWS LIVE - Duration: 1:03:52.-------------------------------------------
Singing Style vs Singing Technique - Duration: 6:30.In my previous weekly video I compared Singing Technique vs Singing Genre.
Inside this video I'll compare Singing Style vs Singing Technique and why, as a singer
and a student of singing, it's vitally important for you to know the difference.
Hi, I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.
As a review, what is singing technique?
Singing technique is a vocal pedagogy.
Wikipedia says: "Vocal pedagogy is the study of the art
and science of voice instruction.
It is used in the teaching of singing and assists in defining what singing is, how singing
works, and how proper singing technique is accomplished."
Specifically I teach you vocal exercises that establishes the vocal registers of chest,
middle and head voice.
I teach you how to move easily from your chest voice to middle, and to head voice without
straining, cracking, or breaking into falsetto.
The exercises cause students to increase their upper range and strengthen and improve tone
In turn this improves their confidence and ability to sing.
In contrast, singing style is a combination of the genre of music you sing, your unique
vocal characteristics, technique and interpretation of the song.
What are the individual elements or building blocks of a singing style?
The musical genre itself has a distinct feeling.
This makes each genre unique in it's own way.
Think country western.
Now think opera.
Can you hear and feel the difference?
Even if the songs are about breaking up with your lover, the genres generate very different
styles of singing.
Elements of the musical genre help create different singing styles.
These include but are not limited to, lyrics, musical composition, melodies, volume, rhythms,
and cultural expressions.
Within each genre, singers use their unique voice, interpretation, and vocal technique
to sing the songs.
Each singer brings their own expression of the song that only they can contribute.
This makes them unique...unlike any other singer.
This is individual singing style.
Some style choices that make a genre's song new and unique might include any or all of
these: changing the beat or rhythm, varying the melody, adding licks or runs, embellishments,
changing the key, slight word variations or additions, changing tempo, and varying volume.
A style contribution only you can make is your unique singing technique and voice...unless
you're trying to sound like someone else...in which case you lose your uniqueness.
At best, now you just sound like the other singer.
At worst, you sound like you, trying to sound like someone else.
Your best and unique sound, built on the foundation of great singing technique, is your most powerful
style choice.
It is your voice and is the key to gaining and keeping true fans.
It's what will be consistent from song to song.
It's what'll set you apart from the rest of the world.
It's your voice people will recognize, even when you sing songs from varied genres.
Pavarotti sounds like Pavarotti whether he's singing pop or opera.
The same is true of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Lady Ga Ga, Bing Crosby, Michael Jackson...we
recognize their voices no matter what genre or style they're singing.
In essence your voice becomes your style and your brand!
The tone quality of your voice makes you distinct….even when you speak...we recognize your voice.
The same is also true when you sing, no matter what you're singing.
Singing a specific genre is simple.
Developing a style within a genre takes time.
Often you have several singers with genres that are influences in your style development.
Great singing technique should be the foundation of it all.
Otherwise, you may face limitations in your singing.
If you liked this video please give it a thumbs up, subscribe to Power To Sing and share it
with a friend.
For you, what singer represents a great style.
Please share it in the comment section below.
You'll also find Power to Sing on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Knowing your vocal type is a great technique foundation and is critical to developing your
singing technique.
Do you know your vocal type?
I'm not talking about whether you are soprano, alto, tenor or bass.
Your vocal type is what you tend to do as you sing through the first bridge of your
Go to PowerToSing.com and take the vocal test which I call the power test.
Take the quiz and discover your vocal type.
Then go to the Knowledge Center and watch the videos about your vocal type.
Download the free exercises and start practicing.
They will help you progress rapidly.
I'm Chuck Gilmore with Power To Sing.
You can sing higher with beauty, confidence and power.
I'll see you inside the next video.
Subtitles by the Amara.org community
Otwórz,zamknij Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Kołysanki | Maluch Muzyki | Filmy Dla Dzieci - Duration: 1:04:10.Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Put them in your lap, lap, lap
Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Put them in your lap, lap, lap
Sit and Stand
Sit and Stand
Sit and Stand
Sit right down and Stand, stand stand
Sit and Stand
Sit and Stand
Sit right down and Stand, stand stand
Run and Walk
Run and Walk
Run and Walk
Run, Run, Run and Walk Walk Walk
Run and Walk
Run and Walk
Run, Run, Run and Walk Walk Walk
Shout and Whisper
Shout and Whisper
Shout and Whisper
Shout, shout, shout and shhhhh whisper
Shout and Whisper
Shout and Whisper
Shout, shout, shout and shhhhh whisper
Hot and Cold
Hot and Cold
Hot and Cold
Very Hot and Very Cold
Hot and Cold
Hot and Cold
Very Hot and Very Cold
Laugh and Cry
Laugh and Cry
Laugh and Cry
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh and Cry, Cry, Cry
Laugh and Cry
Laugh and Cry
Laugh, Laugh, Laugh and Cry, Cry, Cry
Stop and Go
Stop and Go
Stop and Go
Stop right there and Go, Go, Go
Stop and Go
Stop and Go
Stop right there and Go, Go, Go
Đường Một Chiều - Huỳnh Tú X Magazine (Masew Mix) - Duration: 5:07.NHỚ BỎ QUA QUẢNG CÁO ĐỂ ỦNG HỘ KÊNH NHÁ VÀ ĐỪNG QUÊN SUBRICE AND SHARE
Top 10 RTS(Real Time Strategy) Games of 2017||Best RTS WARS GAME||PC Games Collection NEW - Duration: 6:00.Top 10 RTS games for pc 2017
Restoration Services Spokane Wa 509-723-7258 Restoration Service Spokane Wa - Duration: 1:11.Restoration Services Spokane. We live our life according to schedules.
We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-
Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn
on us with full,
merciless force.
While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though
nothing ever happened!
That's where we come in.
Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,
whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.
We'll clean up and restore your
property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no stone unturned...and no area unattended
Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,
You can't schedule disaster,
but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for resounding peace of mind...for the long
Kman夾娃娃 再次挑戰清台!這台超好夾!果然是超狂店!。航海王戰損女帝公仔。UFOキャッチャー#115 - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
💪This Simple Exercise Removes Back & Belly Fat In No Time! Weight Lose Exercise - Duration: 2:56.what if there was a way to fully transform your body in a very short time
this video does not offer you some kind of miraculous potion or wraps but a
simple and effective exercise that will make your dreams come true remember we
are not saying it's going to be easy we are saying that it's definitely going to
take only four minutes of your time a day in only 28 days you will reduce body
fat and dramatically boost your strength and endurance the difference after this
period will be huge we are presenting the Planck challenge which involves
planking for 20 to 45 seconds daily during the first week all the way up to
3 to 4 minutes by the end of the challenge the effects of this exercise
are due to the fact that it is a full-body workout and the engaged
muscles are located in various body parts however make sure you do it
correctly this is the plan hold the plank for 20 seconds during the
first two days an increase up to 30 seconds on the third and fourth days
then aim for 40 seconds on the fifth day rest on the sixth day and then continue
planking for five seconds on the seventh and eighth day hold the position for a
minute in the next two days on day 12 you should plank for full 90
seconds and the next day make a break continue planking for a minute and a
half on the fourteenth and fifteenth day in the next two days you should try to
hold the plank position for two minutes plank for 150 seconds on the eighteenth
day and then make a day break resume with 150 seconds planking in the next
couple of days and hold for 180 seconds on the 22nd and 23rd day the next day
plank for 210 seconds again make a break for a day and hold the plank for 210
seconds on the 26th day as well hold the plank for 240 seconds on day 27
and on day 28 try to endure it as long as you can as soon as you finish the
challenge the effects will be visible and you will be amazed yet do not stop
here and enjoy the miraculous results of this short exercise
Wellifun - Kaiwharawhara Indoor Grand Prix Go-Karting, Laser Tag and Minigolf - Duration: 3:23.This is Joseph, also known as Joxal, and today I'm with some friends and we are
going to be doing some laser tag, mini-golf and some go-karting,
we are in Kaiwharawhara Indoor Grand Prix.
As I said, today I'll be looking at three activities.
We bought some Grab-One vouchers that included go-karting, laser-tag and mini-golf,
although, spoiler alert: I don't think that you should necessarily do all three.
After checking in, we went through the waiting lounge and got ready for the go-karting.
After putting on hair-nets and helmets we headed to the cars
where we were given brief instructions and then we were off.
You have to be at least seven years old and 125 centimeters tall to be able
to drive a kart, although if you were too young or too short
you can be a passenger in a twin kart.
You can watch the track through the windows of the waiting area
or there are grandstand-style seating next to the track.
After the race the lap times and positions etc are available for you to view and take home,
and they have a few different monitors around,
so you don't need to crowd around the one next to the starting area like we did.
Okay, so this is just after the driving,
and that was . . . it's a lot faster than it looks, believe me.
The hardest parts are some of the corners near the middle
that can get really awkward, but that was pretty darn good.
Good, but Milan's always in front of me.
The corners were the hardest part.
He always just blocks the way out of me.
Yes - I don't want you to lap me.
So here we have the laser tag,
so we're just waiting for the instructions to get to it.
And I'm excited to get in YouTube.
The laser tag area is of course pretty dark,
so my footage of it isn't great, but if you've played
laser tag before, you know what to expect.
It's compact, without a lot of open areas, but was laid out well,
and had the usual targets you needed to shoot if you wanted to score highly etc.
Afterwards, your scores were displayed on the monitor
in the eating/waiting area outside the laser force area.
OK, so that was the laser section.
That was very enjoyable: lots and lots of shooting, lots of fun.
Last, and unfortunately least, is the mini golf.
I've played quite a few different mini-golf courses,
and this one is a long way from being my favorite.
Although it started well, the difficulty rose very quickly,
leading to a lot of frustration, and all of us reaching the
five-shot maximum in later holes.
I would suggest that you play only the first nine holes
if you don't want to end your day on a bit of a negative note.
Apart from that, the go-karting and laser tag was a great group activity
that I definitely recommend.
I have of course put a link to their site and Facebook page below
as well as at the end of the video.
Thanks for watching, and see you next time :)
How To Study One Day Before Exam In Hindi - Duration: 5:31.Exams finally back
only one day left
now it's the time to study
don't be in misconseption
for this i am not saying that you are bad
because in everyone's life there are unlimited problems
what should we do and when will we get tme to study
and one day before exam only we can study
by studying one day before exam i have got 87 out of 90
marks , this means that it is not so difficult
i am not any topper
nor a failure
i am an average student
and if i have done it you guys can also do it
you just need to understand some things
which i am going to tell you guys in this video
so come one let's play
how to study one day before exam
how to study for exam in one day
study in one day for exam
study for exam in one day
how to study for exam in one day in hindi
how to study one day before exam in hindi
study for exams
study in one hour
guys welcome to asek thegamerguy
and if you are a new visitor
so quicky quickly below the video
hit subscribe
and become a new player of asek the gamer guy
today we will talk about exams
and i will tell you guys
that how to study one day before exam
but what i think that only a student can understand feelings of a student
because what happens is , the parents , elders or teachers
are who we ask , but thing is that , they neatly cannot understand our feelings
because the time was different when they were student
style of teaching was different
and now it's changed
so we now in this type only
that how can we study nicely
one day before exam
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