Hi everyone, it's Lily and today I'm going to be doing a quick book haul. So this book
haul actually feels really small, it's not, there's nine books which is like
pretty average for a lot of people but it feels very small to me. These are all
the books that I have acquired over July, August and September that were not from
YALC, so if you want to see any of the books that I got at YALC I will link the
video that I made for that book haul up on the screen. So I think like nine
books over three months is pretty good, I did get a little bit freaked out after
YALC in buying books, I kind of just stopped myself. I'm pretty happy with all
of the books that I've got so let's get into it.
So the first lot of books I'm gonna talk about are all September YA releases so I'm gonna
run through the two that I have read first. The first of those is Invictus by
Ryan Graudin. This was my first ever Ryan Graudin book, I've already done a reading
recap where I talked about it so you can go check that out if you would like to. I
really really enjoyed this, so this is a YA sci-fi novel and this is about a
ragtag group of teenagers who are on the crew of this ship called the Invictus
which travels through time gaining artifacts that they sell on in their own
time period for like lots and lots of money, it's a bit of a black market kind
of deal. And this is about what happens when something goes awry whilst they're
time traveling and so they have to fix it before the universe kind of crumbles in.
I really really enjoyed this, like I said I talked about it more in my reading recap
if you want to check it out but yeah I was really happy to get this and I also
managed to get it signed which is really exciting. And it's just there signed which
is really really cool. Then the other September release that I got which was
really exciting and that I've already read is Moxie by Jennifer Matieu. So this
is a YA contemporary novel, this is about a girl called Viv whose mother was
a rrriot girl I think in the 70s or 80s. Basically this is about kind of like a
feminist uprising at this school in Texas.
Viv starts to see and notice a lot more the sexism around her school and so
she makes a feminist zine which she posts anonymously
around the school and like I said this movement kind of starts at her school.
It's so empowering, I will talk about this in my next reading recap but I overall
really really loved it. I did manage to get this early because
it was part of the Zoella book club so they were selling it at WHSmiths like two
months before its release so I think I got this in like July or something like
that, I got it quite early which is really really exciting. But yeah I'd really
recommend picking this up if you haven't already. And next we
have two YA September releases that I haven't read yet but I'm really excited
about. The first of those is They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera and I
actually haven't read an Adam Silvera book yet. I do have History is All You Left Me
and that is coming with me to uni so hopefully I can read that soon and see
what I think. But this is about two boys called Mateo and Rufus and this is
basically set in a world very very similar to ours except on the day of
your death this company I think called death cast will send you a message or
inform you that this is the day you're going to die and then Mateo and Rufus
meet through this app called the last friends app where you can like meet
people who are going to die on the same day as you when like you know just to enjoy
your last day together and try and do all the things that you want to do
before you die. So they meet via that and it's all about the day before they die. I find
like the concept of this book really really interesting and I'm really
interested to see how it goes. I know like everyone who's read this book has
cried. I'm probably gonna cry as well, I do really really like sad books and I've
just heard that this is amazing, I really want to read more Adam Silvera's work so
I'm really happy that I got this. And then the other book I am excited about
but I did buy with a bit of trepidation which I'll explain in a minute. And the
book I got was Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo. Now you guys know I
love Leigh bardugo, I've read all her Grisha books, loved them,
she's one of my favorite authors. I went into this with trepidation and I kind of
bought it and I wasn't sure if was gonna buy it
because I don't like superheroes and I know that's very controversial but I just
like, it's not that I hate them. I just have seen plenty of Marvel movies and I like
them at the time, you know it's two hours where I kind of switch my brain off and
just you know it's it's fine, it's fun, but I honestly don't care about
superheroes like at all. I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, if you're like about to say
something, I haven't seen Wonder Woman because I just didn't have the
opportunity to when it was out earlier this summer. I do want to see Wonder
Woman because a lot of my friends who aren't even into superheroes that much say
it's amazing so that's why I bought this and also because I love Leigh bardugo.
A lot of people have said they don't like superheroes but they liked this so I'm
hoping it'll be alright. And it's Leigh Bardugo so I trust her to,
I trust her to write a story that I'll enjoy. Next we have a book that I
bought because my friend was convincing me and to be honest like booktube has
been convincing me ever since i started watching it and that is The Night Circus
by Erin Morgenstern. I have been meaning to pick this book up
for ages and I didn't just because it was kind of a book I was like, I'll wait
till I see it in a charity shop or something like that, I didn't want to buy it
full price. And then I managed to get this on like a Half Price deal. But this is one
of those books that like I've seen everywhere but no one really gives a
synopsis of and everyone says that you should go into it not really knowing the
synopsis. I know that there is a circus called the Night Circus and there is a
magical competition, that there's these two magicians who are like mentors to
the two main characters I think and I've heard that the writing is meant to be
beautiful so I thought I would give this a go. The next book I have I was sent for
review from the publisher. So the publisher actually contacted me about another
book that they were publishing because the author writes a lot of YA and they
were publishing an adult book and they were wondering if I was interested. Anyway I
read it and it was I think a murder mystery or a thriller and I don't really
read those books as you guys know but I did go on to the publishers website and
I saw this book and I was like oh that book sounds quite interesting like you
know if you have any review copies please let me know and they did and they
sent me it which was very very kind, so thank you to Ceris from Sandstone
Press for sending this to me. I think they are an indie press based in
Scotland which is really really cool. And the book is The Angel in the Stone by R.L
McKinney. So this is an adult novel, I believe it's adult literary and this is
meant to have beautiful writing and it's about a family, it's about a boy could Callum
and his mother and they live together but they have quite a strained
relationship because Callums brother died I think 20 years before this novel
was set and so that kind of has a shadow over their family. This is what happens
when Callum's sister Catriona moves back in and she kind of has her own troubles and
I believe this book talks a lot about family dynamics and mental health and
grief and everything like that which a lot of those are buzz words for me and I
thought it would be really interesting to try it out, so this is going to be one of
the books that I read next and I'm really excited about it. The next book
I'm going to talk about I actually picked up a lot earlier in the summer, I
think it must have even been in June and it was around independent bookshop week
and I wanted to go to an independent bookshop and help support independent
bookshop week. So I went to one fairly near me and I found this book in the
bargain bin and the synopsis sounded interesting but the author is an
author of color from the UK so I thought I could read this from a British books
challenge. I did look up Goodreads reviews and all the Goodreads reviews are very
positive, there aren't too many but they're all very positive
and say that this book deals with its topics very delicately so I have high
hopes for it. I did read the summary with a bit of trepidation but I'm quite
interested to see how it goes. And the book is Belonging by Umi Sinha,
I hope I said that okay. And this basically is about a British family who
live or have lived in India during the British occupation of India and it goes
sort of from what they call on the blurb the darkest days of the Raj to after the
first world war and it's a intergenerational story about three
generations of this British family and kind of explores their family and their
relationship with India and sort of I think Empire as a whole and things
like that. And you guys know I study history I do specifically specify in the
British Empire more so in settler nations as opposed to India but I have
studied Britain and India, I did it at A level and I wrote like a three thousand
five hundred word essay on it so I know a lot about this time period and so I'm
interested to see how it's handled. Particularly all the things relating to the
colonial aspect and the Empire and everything like that but the author was
born in India and grew up there sort of the decade after independence and she is
mixed-race I believe from India so I'm definitely very interested to see what
this book is like. And then the next book I have I won in a giveaway quite a
while ago now but this was a pre-order so I only got it quite recently and that
was The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee. So my friend
Kalie read a very early copy of this I think back in February and she's
basically been raving about it all year, so I knew sort of before the hype had
picked up that I wanted to read it cause it's historical fiction with queer
characters ... like a lot of those things are my jam and I was like I know i need to pick
this up. So I wanted to pick it up for ages and then it started getting really hyped on
booktube and so many positive reviews have come out of it and I just got more
and more excited about it and I just haven't picked it up yet. It is chunky, I'm
not taking it with me to uni just because I don't have the room but I'm taking the
audiobook with me so I might read it on audiobok cuz I've heard the audiobook
is very good. So this is about three characters called Monty, Felicity and
Percy and they are basically going on this like grand tour of Europe before I
think Monty has to like take over his father's estate or something like that and so
it's got travel, it's historical fiction and I know that there is a romance
between I think Monty and Percy. I think Monty is bisexual and
Percy's sexuality isn't specified but he likes boys and I'm just really
excited about that. Percy is also I think a person of color and he also has
epilepsy so I'm very excited because I love historical fiction but like one of
the things I have with it is that it's never very diverse so I'm really excited to
read a more diverse historical fiction, it's had rave reviews so I'm really
excited to get to this one. And then the final book I'm gonna talk about in this
haul I picked up today and I was so excited to see it in the shop because
it's one of my most anticipated releases of the year,
and it's Leigh bardugo again so of course that is The Language of thorns and like
guys this book might be one of the most beautiful books I own. Like the quality
of it is amazing and it didn't even cost any more, it cost £12.99
which is the standard kind of, that's a cheap UK hardback like there
are hardbacks that are not as nice as this more expensive. It is just stunning and
it's also signed which is so exciting. Like the artwork is just amazing I can't
get over it, I'm so excited about this. If you don't know what this is this is
basically, it's quite hard to explain, this is a book featuring fairy tales
that the characters of The Grishaverse, so the Grisha trilogy and Six of Crows
and Crooked Kingdom, were told as children and it has a couple fairy tales
from the different countries within the Grishaverse. So from Fjerda and from
Ravka and from Kerch, it has lots of different fairy tales and like I'm so
excited. I love fairy tales, I love the Grishaverse, I love Leigh
Bardugo's writing and it's just stunning, I'm just
so excited about this I think it's gonna be great and I'm so excited
that I finally have this in my possession. So yeah guys, that was a little
book haul for you guys, that was sort of all the books I've acquired over the
last three months bar YALC. So I think I've been pretty restrained but YALC kind
of made me be restrained because I got so many books there. Let me know if you
guys have read any of these books and what you thought about them, I'd be really
interested to know. I hope you guys are all having a lovely day wherever you are and
I will see you soon in another video. Bye guys!
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