Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Awesome it's a Black Panther Egg Surprise!

But wait there's more toys

Hey Dino Pals, this is Toy Rex here. Let's see what Toy surprise we have today!

Wow there's so many toys it's covered the Black Panther Egg Surprises.

Lets have a super hero surprise toys party with Black Panther surprise toys!

There;s so many super hero surprise toys. Which one should we open up first guys?

How about this super cool Civil war Captain America mystery mini.

There's Captain America, Ironman and the super cool Black Panther.

For more infomation >> Black Panther Egg Surprise - Duration: 9:35.



OxyLED Globe Bulb String Lights



Shoe Storage | How to Store Dress Shoes Properly - Duration: 6:18.

Hi I'm Kirby Allison

founder of The Hanger Project.

In today's video I'm going to be talking about

shoe storage.

Now here at The Hanger project,

we love helping the well-dressed take care

of their wardrobes and that means helping

you protect your shoes while you're

storing them at home

or while you're traveling.

There's two primary categories

of shoe storage that you need to think about.

First is how am I storing my shoes

at home?

And second,

how am I storing my shoes while I'm

traveling with them?

Now at home,

the most important part of shoe storage

is one, how do you fit all your shoes

in your closet so that they're not damaged?

And then second,

as you're storing them how

do you prevent the unnecessary accumulation

of dust

and other things that may just settle

on top of your shoes

and make them not look nice when ever you pull

them out?

Now there's two ways to store your

shoes while they're in your closet.

First is with our Hanger Project

shoe storage box.

Right, which is a rigid box

that we had made in two sizes

and with the file card holder.

And this is a perfect way to store

your shoes while you have them

in your closet at home.

Now what I like about our shoe storage

box is one,

we have it made out of a very rigid

cardboard much more rigid than what you're

going to get with the traditional shoe box

and a pair of shoes is delivered in.


is that these are easily stackable.


And you can stack your boxes on the floor,

at the top of your closet.

It allows you to squeeze in

just an extra few pair of shoes

into your closet.

And then secondly they all look the same.

They're all wrapped in the same high quality

linen embossed paper

with the file card holder on front.

You can easily indicate what pair

of shoes is in what box.

And it just looks nice.

Of course with the top closed,

nor do you have to worry about any

accumulation of dust while these are in storage.

Now you can always use shoe

storage bags while you're storing

your shoes in your closet also.

And for that we have our Hanger Project

Moleskin shoe storage bag which

is quite plush

and then we also have a variety of other

shoe storage bags.

All those shoe storage options can be

found on in

our shoe storage category.

So a question we often receive is do I need

to put my shoes in a bag

and in a box?

Now of course the more protection you have

for your shoes the better.

But it's really not all that necessary.

The primary benefit of having your

shoes in the bag in the box

would be just prevent the shoes

from rubbing against one another.

Now if you're not moving your shoes much

in your closet that's really not something

that you have to worry about.

So next is to consider how to protect

your shoes while traveling.

Now this is incredibly important because

if you're not careful in how you pack your shoes

and your luggage while you're traveling it's

very easy for them to damage

by getting dinged,

or nicked

or hit by any of

the other items that you have in your luggage.

So whenever I'm traveling

with my shoes,

I always want to try to pack

them with as much protection as possible

and then in an area of my luggage

where I don't have any other hard

objects that could possibly

ding against the shoes if my luggage

is being handled roughly.

Now for that I love our Hanger

Project Moleskin

shoe storage bags

and the reason is because of

all the shoe bags that we have at the Hanger

Project, this is an incredibly

plush material.

It's available in three sizes

and it has this back flap

that allows you to

not only insert the shoe

and protect it in the front,

but it has this back flap

that allows you to protect the back

of the shoe by pulling

it out and over the shoe.

Now this bag has a beautiful satin ribbon

that you can use to tie the bag

shut with to prevent the

shoe from sliding out.

And this is a very plush bag it's the

thickest one we sell

and it's perfect for protecting your shoes

against any damage during travel.

It's the only bag I travel with.

If you don't have one of our Hanger Project Moleskin

shoe storage bags for traveling

and you're in a pinch.

A trick that I've done in the past is actually

double bagging my shoes.

So by doing two

or three shoe bags over a single

pair of shoes,

you're just providing that shoe the

extra layer of protection

against any type of damage during travel.

Now what I have here is a bag that we

had made specifically for The Hanger

Project by Cedes Milano.

Now Cedes is an incredible company based

in Milan doing absolutely exquisite

Italian craftsmanship.

And so we had them make for us

an incredibly special

lambskin shoe travel bag

that is lined in

lamb shearling.

So the purpose of this bag is

to provide your shoes

with absolutely exquisite protection

against any type of damage that occurred

could occur during travel.

And the lamb shearling you

know actually polishes your shoes

while they're traveling.

Now we had this made completely lined

in this plush lamb shearling

and then we added a center divider

again just to protect your

shoes that much more against any

type of nicking

or scratching.

So no question this is absolutely

extraordinary storage for extraordinary

shoes, but here at The Hanger Project

we're committed to the absolute

best and luxury shoe care.

I'm Kirby Allison founder of The Hanger Project

and we love helping the well-dressed take care

of their wardrobes.

If you have any questions about anything I

discussed in this video please feel free

to ask it below in the comments section.

I get back to all those comments personally.

Of course let us know what you thought of this video,

thumbs up or better yet subscribe

to this channel so that you can

receive notifications when we release

all of our videos.

And lastly let us know how you store your

shoes at home and while you're traveling.

I always love hearing from our viewers their

creative ways that they take care of the things

that they love. Whether you're looking to upgrade

your shoe storage at home

or while traveling.

Take a look at because

we have a comprehensive collection of

shoe storage options.

For more infomation >> Shoe Storage | How to Store Dress Shoes Properly - Duration: 6:18.


Bionic hands 3D-printed for kids in need, for free! - Duration: 7:32.

- When I first started working on this project.

I was really excited because I thought it could be

something that was impactful.

But I had no plan or concept of how it could be.

If enough people came onboard.

It could have broader potential.

A lot of people have no idea.

That something like this exist.

You're helping somebody else be complete.

Now that we can email a hand through space.

We're starting to enter a very cool realm

of what is possible.

I always knew that I wanted to pursue art

for my entire life.

I tend to just chase the next thing that looks interesting.

And do all sorts of weird and fun stuff.

So from time to time I get commissions

to create art for particular purposes.

A lot of it is in the realm of making weird costumes.

Or mechanical props for theatre and stage.

Yeah, it is really cool.

At the beginning of all this,

what surprised me was that art could serve a purpose

that was very practical and I could create benefit as well.

When I made the video of the giant puppet hand

and I put it on YouTube.

I didn't expect anything to happen.

And never would've anticipated that

it would lead to me getting an email from somebody

asking to work on a project like the one that came along.

That video was seen by a carpenter in South Africa.

Who was missing fingers on one of his hands

due to an accident.

He suggested that maybe he and I could work to create

a replacement finger for him.

That design was seen by a mother of a little guy

who was born without any fingers.

And she had the idea.

Hey, what about an entire set.

I found an earlier design that was made in the mid-1800s.

We made a basic prototype for Liam.

- Nice!

Liam what do you think of your robot hand?

- It's tough and it's beautiful.

- It was very moving to be present for that moment.

But Liam was going to outgrow the metal hand

that we had built as quickly as he outgrows shoes.

And then somebody else had a suggestion,

maybe looking into 3-D printing.

So I did something that I thought was a long shot.

Which was I just called up the customer service department

of MakerBot.

Described what we were up to.

Asking if maybe they'd be able to give us

a couple of machines.

'Cause we had no budget for this.

They ended saying that they would provide

a couple of machines.

That's what we used to develop the first printable model

for Liam.

Once we had a digital design, that changes that game.

What surprised me was that it would lead to

changing a lot of lives all over the world.

- My kids, a lot of them get bullied for being different.

We're not just making hands, it's more about giving them

the confidence that they were lacking before.

Ivan likes to describe me as the wizard behind the curtain.

I am kind of doing all of the behind-the-scenes work

for e-NABLE.

Ivan released the design into the open-source community.

- [Ivan] I thought that more innovation would take place

if people weren't worried about patent infringement.

From there other people started to improve upon it.

Jon Schull made a Google Plus group that people could join.

And things blossomed.

- Well I have three 3-D printers.

- We have about 10,000 people who are

in the Google Plus community.

A map was created where

volunteers could put themselves on it.

And then families could find them.

More families were hearing about it

because it was getting shared on Facebook.

Eventually there were a lotta families

that were looking for help.

And one of those kids ended up being Aidan.

- Well before Aidan was born.

I wanted a son!

I was excited to see what the little guy would look like.

He was born without any fingers on his left hand.

I didn't know until I was holding him.

- Aidan say football!

- In the beginning

I was always worried about what he wouldn't be able to do.

I'm a huge video-gamer.

And it was one of my things where I always wanted to just

sit down and be able to just play a game.

You know, play a game with your son.

And I was worried that that wouldn't happen.

All he's done is prove me wrong.

- [Aidan] What? - [Andrew] Oh man!

- [Aidan] Yes you get it.

Only from a powerful guy.

- Children can be just brutally honest.

- This other little kid

didn't want to hold his hand.

"Uh that's the kid with the weird hand."

And that's what prompted us to try to find something

to help boost his confidence.

I found out that if you just sign up for e-NABLE.

They'll match you with a local builder.

And just send it to you for free.

We sent him Aidan's measurements on a Friday

and that Monday he had the hand finished.

Now instead of being the weird kid with the weird hand.

He is the kid with the robot hand.

After watching Aidan get that hand.

And that smile on his face.

I wanted anybody that was down.

I wanted to help them smile.

I started our own local e-NABLE chapter here in Rockford.

The way that Ivan did the open-source

just to make sure no one could take credit for it

or charge it I think was a completely selfless move.

- I can eat my Ring Pop!

- [Ivan] It would be a fantastic thing to be able to claim

that I had some sort of master plan

that led to something like e-NABLE taking shape

and prosthetic hands being built with 3-D printers

all over the world.

But nothing would be further from the truth.

The way I see it, my role in all this

is that I helped to put something into motion.

And it's folks like Andrew and Aidan

that are really going to carry it forward

in a powerful way.

- [Assiant] Alright here we go.

- [Jen] I definitely didn't expect the crazy things

that were coming out of my garage

would end up changing lives of people

in countries I haven't even heard of.

The project to me has grown bigger than just

getting to enjoy seeing the photos and the videos

of the kids picking stuff up for the first time.

That always makes me cry.

But all these designers and the people

who've put their work into this project.

Have inspired a movement to create for the sake of

improving the lives of other people.

And that was just really powerful to me.

- [Ivan] The other side of it is that

the kids that use these are going to be

the future engineers and designers

that push the technology further

to make the hands even better.

And so getting them thinking about it now.

Is what's going to build the future

of what these devices become.

For more infomation >> Bionic hands 3D-printed for kids in need, for free! - Duration: 7:32.


Actresses Who Didn't Get Paid Enough For Their Roles - Duration: 6:33.

Hollywood's gender wage gap has become a hot button issue in recent years, as research

shows that female actors make just 83 percent of what men do for equal work.

That has led more and more high-profile actresses to speak up about their inequitable paychecks

in hopes of discouraging such differences down the line.

Here are some of those actresses who've come forward to reveal which of their male co-stars

made way more money than them.

Natalie Portman

Despite her acclaim, Harvard education, and long-lived career, Natalie Portman still earned

second billing against Ashton Kutcher on their rom-com No Strings Attached.

Yes, we are talking about the same Ashton Kutcher who was at his best when making wonky

noises rather than speaking dialogue, and yes we are talking about the same Natalie

Portman who got her first Golden Globe nomination at age 18.



Kutcher made 300 percent of Portman's salary on the pic, and she told Marie Claire, "I

wasn't as pissed as I should have been.

I mean, we get paid a lot, so it's hard to complain, but the disparity is crazy."

It's made even crazier when you think about where their careers were at the year the movie

was released.

While Portman was prepping her Academy Award acceptance speech for Black Swan, Kutcher

was ducking the Razzies, where he'd won for Worst Actor in Killers and Valentine's Day.

To his credit, he did hit social media to support her revelation, but that does nothing

to explain why she was considered one-third as valuable as him, when she was clearly the

more marquee talent all along.

Jennifer Lawrence

Even the undisputed "it" girl of Hollywood couldn't get a fair shake on her pay.

As part of the Sony hack of 2014, it was revealed that the newly-reigning Best Actress was given

a lower salary than her male counterparts in American Hustle.

The male headliners of the pic, Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, and Jeremy Renner, all received

a nine percent cut of profits, while Lawrence was originally set to receive only five percent,

and then made it up to seven.

"I bet that happens all the time."

The other female headliner, Amy Adams, also only received a seven percent cut, and Lawrence

wrote about the inequality in a widely read essay for Lenny Letter titled "Why Do I Make

Less Than My Male Co‑Stars?"

Why indeed.

Halle Berry

In yet another case of an eventual Oscar-winner being shortchanged in comparison to her male

co-star, Halle Berry's paycheck was absolutely dwarfed by John Travolta's for the 2001 crime

thriller Swordfish.

She reportedly made as much as 15 million dollars less than Travolta for the film, even

counting her 500,000 dollar bonus for going topless in the pic.

Sure, this was before she became world famous as the first black Best Actress winner for

Monster's Ball, but she was still already well-known for her work in films like Why

Do Fools Fall In Love and X-Men.

Meanwhile, Travolta was coming off of a massive box office bomb by way of Battlefield Earth,

so …

"You've sold out America."

Amanda Seyfried

She may not have the same credentials as some of the other women on this list, but Amanda

Seyfried has certainly enjoyed a busy career in films as well.

You probably know her as one of the plastics from Mean Girls or as the lead in Mamma Mia

or as Cosette from Les Miserables.

And it seems like in at least one of those movies she didn't get her fair share of the

pie, compared to her screen partner.

While she didn't name names, she did open up to The Times about her dissatisfaction

with own experience with demotion, saying, "A few years ago, on one of my big-budget

films, I found I was being paid 10 [percent] of what my male co-star was getting, and we

were pretty even in status."

Experts speculate that she might be referring to Les Mis, in which she shared similar screen

time with Eddie Redmayne, but for her, it doesn't matter who it was.

She said, "it's about how fair it is.

You have to decide if you're willing to walk away from something, especially as a woman."

Gillian Anderson

While Gillian Anderson has gone on to have an illustrious career on the stage, big screen,

and on several hit TV shows, she was a relatively green actress compared to co-star David Duchovny

when the cult hit The X-Files was first being filmed in the early '90s.

So, when the show first started she was not only paid less than Duchovny, but she was

also expected to stand behind him instead of beside him during takes.

By the fourth season, though, she'd had enough of the unequal treatment and demanded fair


That might've been progress and all, but when the 2016 revival came around, producers reportedly

tried to offer her half of what Duchovny would get.

She told The Hollywood Reporter, "as usual, they come to me with half of what they want

to offer David."

Anderson said it was "sad" that producers would try that trick again, but this time,

she didn't accept until the number on the table matched her co-star's.

Diane Keaton

Despite having a more prominent role than Jack Nicholson in Something's Gotta Give,

Diane Keaton revealed that she was paid less than her co-star for the movie.

In her 2012 memoir Then Again, she explained that she didn't get any residuals from the

film the way Nicholson did.

"Ughhhh, God I'm so stupid!"

To his credit, he did end up writing her a check from his earnings after he found out

about the disproportionality of their wages, but still.

The title of that movie couldn't have been more apt, given what was going on in the finance


"I'm sorry!

God am I sorry."

Meryl Streep

Even the most esteemed actresses of all time have trouble receiving what they're worth.

Meryl Streep told BBC Radio that even she has had trouble making equal loot, saying,

"I experience it and I become a tiny bit enraged."

When interviewers asked if she gets paid less than her male counterparts, she said, "yes,"

though she declined to name names.

But the problem manifests itself in more than just the actress' wages.

According to Streep, "It is to do with the distribution of films and how they are financed.

It's about who is choosing the films that are put out to the multiplexes."

Streep says that although unequal pay was once thought of as only a women's issue, "…because

it wasn't seen as [men's] fight… increasingly we realize that women's issues are also men's

issues and it's our job to right the balance."

No wonder she's such a legend.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Actresses Who Didn't Get Paid Enough For Their Roles - Duration: 6:33.


Johnny Asks Roxanne For a Date | Ghost Rider (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:35.

I'll say one thing about the guy, he's got guts.

I mean, the other day I was watching this, like, sports show--

Stuart, can you please stop talking about Johnny Blaze already?

Yeah, that might be a little hard.

I made it!

- Pull over! - Do you want me to pull over?

- Drive. - Driving.

Come on, Roxie, I need to talk to you.

What's your name?

- What? - What's your name?

Oh, Stuart!

- Johnny. - Hi.

Well, Stuart, can you help me out here?

Sorry, dude. She's the boss.

Johnny, look out!

All right, I guess I see how it's gonna be. Hang on!

Howdy. Howdy, howdy, howdy.

Are you trying to kill yourself?

I wanna talk to you. I haven't seen you in 56,000 years.

This is crazy. You are crazy.

I don't have time for this, I have a story to edit.

You could have said no.

When they asked you to interview me, you could have said no.

- Move your van out of the way! - What are you trying to say?

Well, I'm not trying to say anything. I'm saying that means something.

- Sorry! - Don't mind them, they're fine.

We are on the side of the freeway.

Let's get some dinner. You still like Italian?

What's this about, Johnny? You want some closure?

Look, you were 17 and you witnessed a tragedy and you ran.

I understand now like I understood then...

...and I have no hard feelings, none.

That's why they call it the past, because it's passed. It's done, it's over with.

Too much?

There's a restaurant in my hotel, the Plaza. Eight o'clock.


Don't be late.

This is a sign, Roxanne.

There are no accidents.

Destiny and all that.

Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!

- Can you please sign my sister's book? - Oh, sure.

- 300 feet. - We love you.

Well, thank you.

Three hundred feet. Pretty neat, pretty neat.

Right on, Johnny.

For more infomation >> Johnny Asks Roxanne For a Date | Ghost Rider (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:35.


Ghost Rider Ending Scene | Ghost Rider (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:01.

Congratulations, Johnny.

You upheld your end of the bargain.

It's time I take back the power of the Ghost Rider.

You get your life back.

The love you've always wanted.

You can start a family of your own.

There are more deals to be made.

More people willing to give their souls for what they desire.

Let someone else carry this curse. You're free now.

After all...

...a deal's a deal.


I'm gonna own this curse...

...and I'm gonna use it against you.

Whenever innocent blood is spilt...'ll be my father's blood...

...and you'll find me there.

A spirit of vengeance...

...fighting fire with fire.

I will make you pay for this.

You can't live in fear.


So where will you go now?

Wherever the road takes me, I guess.

My daddy once said, "If you don't make a choice, the choice makes you."

Yeah. But why do your choices always keep us apart?

Sure wish things could have turned out different.

No. This is what you are.

This is what you always were meant to be.

You got your second chance.

Go out there and make the best of it.

It's said that the West was built on legends...

...and that legends are a way of understanding...

...things greater than ourselves.

Forces that shape our lives.

Events that defy explanation.

Individuals whose lives soar to the heavens...

...or fall to the earth.

This is how legends are born.

For more infomation >> Ghost Rider Ending Scene | Ghost Rider (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:01.


Paw Patrol Skye and Chase Fidget Spinner Challenge with Surprise Toys, Hatchimals and Slime - Duration: 10:50.

Hi Everyone, this is Ellie Sparkles!

And it's time to playyyyy….The Paw Patrol Spinner Game.

IN this game, we get to use our fidget spinners to open awesome surprise toys.

But we're not using just regular spinners...we're using Paw Patrol Spinners!

How cool is that?

We'll spin our pup spinner to see which pup plays first!

The pups playing in our game are: Marshall, Rocky, Tracker, Skye, the villain Mayor Humdinger,

and the mystery character.

Can you guess the mystery character?

He's a German Shepherd dog and he's always on the case!

Give me a big thumbs up if you already know who the mystery character is?

OK everyone, are you ready to play with our fidget spinners and Play the Paw Patrol game?

Let's go!

Wow, there goes our first spin!

Spinners are so's so much fun to hold the spinner in different ways.

I wonder which pup it will land on first.

It's slowing down ...and ittt'ssss..Marshall!

I'm fired up!

Marshall is the red fire pup.

He's the silliest paw patrol pup, but he is also very brave.

Only a brave pup like Marshall can put out scary fires.

Let's see what surprise Marshall left us.


It's a Hatchimal CfdollEGGtible Blind Bag!

These bags have a special Hatchimal egg inside.

Look at this egg.

To open it, We have to rub the purple heart until it changes to the color pink!

It's ready to hatch!

I can't tell what this animal is.

It looks like a green bear, but he has a tail like a monkey.

Oh wait...and he has wings too!

His wings are so shiny and silver!

So maybe he's a monkey bear silly is that?

It's time for our second spin.

THe fidget spinner looks so awesome when it spins round and round! let's see which pup

it lands on this time.

And ittt's going to beeee…….Skye!

Wow, what an awesome spin!

This pup's gotta fly!

Skye is one of the most popular pups.

OK Paw Patrol fans, do you know why Skye is so it because she can fly or

because she can swim.

Let me know in the comments.

We know skye is really awesome...but did she leave us an awesome surprise toy too?

Yes she did!

It's a Shopkins Season 7 blind box!

This comes with two shopkins surprises!

A pink surprise and a purple surprise.

Since Skye is is pink, we'll open that first.

This shopkin is Tara Tiara from the Princess Party Collection!

She's a gold princess with pretty pink jewels.

She's pretty enough to be a Disey Princess.

Now, let's see who is in the purple box!

We got Chloe Clown Shoes from Fancy Dress Party!

She's a pair of white and purple shoes witha pink shoelace.

I wish I had shoes like this!

But the coolest part about Chole is that she's a rare shopkins!

What an awesome pair of shopkins surprises we got...Thanks Skye!

It's time to spin our paw patrol fidget spinner again!

I can't wait to see who it lands on this time...Tracker, Rocky?

Either of those pups would be so cool!

It's starting to slow down.

And it landed onn….the mystery character.


It's time to see if we guessed who the mystery character is.

We know he's a German Shepherd dog and that's he always on the case.

Another hint is that THe mystery character's favorite color is blue Do you know who it

is now?


Give me a big thumbs up if you got the right answer!

Chase is best friends with Marshall and Skye...and he's always wearing his blue police pup

uniform to protect everyone.

Let's see if Chase left a surprise toy!!


It's a Cars Mashem!

The mashem box is the color red just like Lightning McQueen.

And we got Smokey.

Smokey is an old brown truck who is best friends with Lightning McQeen.

Smokey used to be a fast race truck but now he just helps his friends win races.

But the coolest part about Smokey is that he's a mashem, which means he's super

squishy...and extra stretchy!

Way to go Smokey!

OK, let's spin our Paw Patrol spinner for a fourth time.

This spin is our fastest yet.

I can't wait to see which pup gets to go this time.

And this spin landed onnnn...Tracker!

I'm all ears!

Tracker lives in the jungle and drives a really cool car….that's why he's called the

jungle pup!

He has really big ears that help him hear things really good.

Hmm, since tracker has such big ears i wonder if he can hear us if we whisper.

Let's try it…(WHISPER VOICE)Tracker, did you leave us a cool surprise toy inside your


Look at this yellow minion.

His name is cro-minion.

He looks like a caveman, and he has a big club in his hand.

I like his caveman looks like he is wearing a halloween costume!

Minions are always so funny….

And they are always up to silly plans!

(Caveman voice)I strong, I lift rocks, I am cro-minion!

Hehehe, silly minion.

There goes the Paw Patrol spinner again.

We only have two more spins, so let's see who it lands on this time.

OK, it's starting to slow down...and it landed onnnn...Mayor Humdinger.

Oh no!

Mayor Humdiner is one of the Paw Patrol's meanest villains.

Mayor Humdinger is not very nice, he always argues with everyone, and he likes to cheat.

Oh yeah, and he always has those mean little kittens around.

I hope the mean mayor didn't leave us a mean surprise in here.


The major really left us a nice surprise…. a Paw Patrol blind bag!

But who is it?


We got marshall.

Marshall has a red hat with a paw print on it, his red vest, a flashlight on his hat

so he can see in dark buildings, and a red jet pack that helps him reach windows to save

people from fires.

And one cool thing about this toy is that it's a keychain.

That means you can snap him onto your bookbag or your keys...and you'll never lose him!

Bye Marshall!

OK, it's time for our last spin.

And wow, this spin is one our fastest spins ever!

I don't think there are any more mean villains left, so we should get one of our brave pups

this time.

And it landed onnnn….Rocky!

Don't lose it...reuse it!

Rocky drives a really big garbage truck to clean up all the garbage on the ground.

He wants to keep the earth clean...that's why he's the recyling pup.

And do you know what his favorite color is?

Let me know in the comments.

Let's see what surprise toy you have today, Rocky!

I can't wait!

Wow look.

It's a Flipazoo Blind Bag!

A Flipazoo turns into two animals.

Let's see which animals this one is.

It's an orange seal!

He looks so cute with his little orange tail.

But I wonder what he turns into.


It's a purple penguin!

I can't believe it.

First an orange seal, and now a purple penguin.

Seals and penguins both like to live in the water, but they can go on land too.

It's so amazing that this Flipazoo is two toys in one!


I had so much fun playing the Paw Patrol fidget spinner game with you.

Did you like these pup spinners?

If you did, give me a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more cool paw patrol videos.

Are you ready for another fun video with me?

Let's go!

For more infomation >> Paw Patrol Skye and Chase Fidget Spinner Challenge with Surprise Toys, Hatchimals and Slime - Duration: 10:50.


Flat Earth Stan B.o.B Launched a GoFundMe Page to 'Find The Curve' - Duration: 1:50.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

//// Every now and then a certain group of people known as "Flat Earthers" will breakthrough

mainstream media and let their ideology be heard.

While you might imagine these types of people to be recluse introverts but a lot of times

they're celebrities or sports stars.

The latest 'Flat Earther' to make headlines is Atlanta rapper B.o.B.

We haven't heard much from this flat earth theorist since January of 2016, when he unleashed

a thread of tweets that he claimed, proved the Earth was flat.

But while those tweets hilariously sparked a diss track from astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse

Tyson, they soon disappeared into the shadow of irrelevancy.

Now, B.o.B is sparking things back up again, starting a GoFundMe Page in order for him

to send a satellite into space and prove once and for all that the globe, is not a globe.

Flat Earth Bob

needs to find the curve, and he apparently needs 200k to do it.

So far 18 people have donated to the cause, raising a mere 235 dollars.

Some people are legit rooting for him, while others trolled him with 5 dollars just so

he could prove himself wrong.

One person even shared an image from Nasa to the page that proves the earth curve, but

based on B.o.B's video, it seems his curiosity is insatiable.

Other conspiracies the Airplane's artist backs are the 1969 moon landing being staged, 9/11

being an inside job, and the U.S. government cloning celebrities.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

B.o.B is taking his flat earth theory to the next level.

The Atlanta based rapper just started a GoFundMe page to raise money for him to send satellites

into space to prove the Earth is not round.

The first time we heard about B.o.B's interest in the flat earth theory was in January of

2016, when he sent out a series of tweets posing the question of Earth's circumference.

One of them read, "No matter how high in elevation you are… the horizon is always eye level

… sorry cadets…

I didn't wanna be it either,I'm going up against the greatest liars in history … you've been

tremendously deceived."

While his tweets hilariously sparked a diss track from astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson,

we never heard much more about B.o.B.'s progression about proving the theory right.

But now, the rapper is sparking things back up again with a GoFundMe page asking for 200


B.o.B. released a video saying 'I'm starting a GoFundMe because I would like to send one,

if not multiple, satellites as far into space as I can, or into orbit as I can, to find

the curve.

I'm looking for the curve.'

OUTRO: So far only 18 people have donated to the cause, raising a mere $235.

Other conspiracies B.o.B backs are the 1969 moon landing being staged, 9/11 being an inside

job, and the U.S. government cloning celebrities.

For more infomation >> Flat Earth Stan B.o.B Launched a GoFundMe Page to 'Find The Curve' - Duration: 1:50.


Autárquicas 2017: Jantar/comício em Setúbal | ESQUERDA.NET - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Autárquicas 2017: Jantar/comício em Setúbal | ESQUERDA.NET - Duration: 2:01.


Diaspora Israel Day celebrating Jewish peoplehood! - Duration: 0:38.

For thousands of years, Jews have lived around the world, scattered across the globe.

Despite the distance between them, Jewish communities have kept an ongoing connection,

fulfilling the value of Klal Yisrael.

This connection between us is a true cause for celebration!

This year, on the 7th of Cheshvan – October 27th 2017 – we invite you to join us for

Diaspora Israel Day – a special day in which we celebrate Jewish Peoplehood.

To learn more Visit our website

Diaspora Israel Day celebrating Jewish peoplehood!

For more infomation >> Diaspora Israel Day celebrating Jewish peoplehood! - Duration: 0:38.


Filastrocche In Italiano | Canzone Per Bambini | Bambino Di Musica - Duration: 1:04:58.

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Turn around!

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Touch the ground!

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Jump up high!

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Touch the sky!

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Bend down low!

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Touch your toes!

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Turn out the light!

Teddy bear, teddy bear,

Say good night!

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