Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 25 2017

Hi, My name is Eliseo

Thanks a lot for watching the video

here you can find my on Social Media to

you can follow me to stay in touch.

I'll be uploading new videos very soon

And please become a Patreon

to help me keep creating music, and do it more often!

Thanks and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Paris - Caro Domenech - Eliseo Renteria - Duration: 2:31.


Photoshop Tutorial: Create "The Martian" movie poster using Your Own Face! - Duration: 9:35.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I thought it would be fun to show you how to recreate the movie poster of "The Martian"

using your own face or anyone else's.

I provided a Photoshop template that includes the poster's

astronaut spacesuit and a channel that we'll use to place a face inside the helmet.

I also provided an image of a Martian landscape that we'll use as a reflection over the face

on the glass of the helmet.

They're both located in my video's description or project files below.

In addition, I included a link for the font that was used in the poster.

Open a sharp, well-lit photo of a face looking directly at you.

I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.

If your photo needs its brightness and/or contrast adjusted, open the "Levels" window

by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + L. Since every photo is different, you'll probably adjust their

input shadows, midtones and highlights need to be adjusted differently.

For this photo, I'd like to darken its midtones, so I'll drag the Input midtone slider to the right.

We'll convert your subject into a Smart Object, so we can continue to modify if non-destructively

and, if we want to, replace it with different face without having to re-do the effects.

To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".

To place it into the poster, make sure your Move Tool is active.

If it isn't, press "v" on your keyboard.

Drag it onto the tab of the poster and without releasing your mouse or pen, drag it down and release.

Pressing "Shift" kept it centered or the document.

Don't size it just yet.

Open your Channels panel.

If you don't see it, go to Window and Channels.

Ctrl-click of Cmd-click the black and white channel to make a selection of its shape.

Open back the Layers panel and click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection

next to the active layer.

To resize the face inside the layer mask, click the chain-link icon to unlink the layer and the layer mask.

Doing this, allows us to resize and/or re-position either of them independently of the other.

Make the face active and press Ctrl or Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool.

If the Transform's bounding box is outside your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option

+ Shift as you drag it in or out.

To re-position it, go inside the bounding box and drag it.

Size and position it, so you don't see the ears and the bottom of the chin should rest

at the bottom of the layer mask.

If the face is slightly at an angle, you'll want to straighten it by going outside the

bounding box near a corner and when you see a curved, double-arrow, rotate it until the

face is vertical.

Then, press Enter or Return.

To fit it back onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

Reduce the opacity of the face to 80%.

Open the Martian landscape I provided.

We'll give it a convex distortion to conform to the curved glass of the helmet.

But first, we'll convert it into a Smart Object, so we can do it non-destructively.

Go to Filter and "Lens Correction".

Click the "Custom" tab and drag the "Geometric Distortion" to the left approximately this much.

Convert it into a Smart Object once again and drag it onto the tab of the poster.

As before, without releasing your mouse or pen, press and hold "Shift" as you drag it

down and release.

Go to the layer mask and press and hold Alt or Option as you drag a copy of it next to

the Mars landscape.

Change the Blend Mode to "Overlay".

We'll reduce the size of the Martian landscape over the helmet.

Open your Transform Tool and see its entire bounding box.

Reduce the landscape over the helmet and fit it onto your canvas.

Continue to adjust its size and position.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Reduce its opacity to approximately 50%.

Next, well darken the top of the forehead, since the the helmet is casting a shadow over it.

Make the face layer active and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.

Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the layer mask to make a selection of its shape.

We'll expand the selection to ensure that all of that that entire area of the forehead

will be darkened.

Go to Select, Modify and Expand.

Expand it by 6 pixels.

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to the empty layer.

Make the empty layer active and open your Gradient Tool.

Make sure the "Linear" gradient icon is active.

Open your Gradient thumbnails and if you don't see the "Black to Transparent" thumbnail,

click the gear icon and click "Reset Gradients".

Then, click the "Black to Transparent" thumbnail.

Go to the top of the forehead and press and hold Shift as you drag the Gradient Tool halfway

down and release.

Change the Blend Mode to "Overlay".

Make a copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J and reduce the copy's opacity to 50%.

Next, we'll add a highlight spot, which gives the appearance of a sun flare on the helmet's glass.

Make the top layer active and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.

Change its Blend Mode to "Overlay" and name it, "Highlight".

Open your Brush Tool and Brush Picker.

Make its Size: 250 pixels and the Hardness: 0%.

The Opacity and Flow are both 100%.

Place your cursor halfway over an edge of the face and click once.

Feel free to reposition the flare by pressing "v" to open your Move Tool and dragging it.

Next, we'll add the text.

Open your Horizontal Type Tool and if you want to use the same the font as in the real

poster, open "UVF Bourgeois Medium" for which I provided the link to.

Make its Size: 68 points, Sharp, Center Alignment and white for the color.

Click the "Character/Paragraph" panels icon.

If you don't see it, go to Window and Character.

Make its "Leading"; 106 points.

Leading increases or decreasing the amount of space between lines of text.

Make its "Tracking": 140.

Tracking is the amount of space between letters in a word, line, or paragraph.

The Horizontal and Vertical scales are 100%.

Click on your document and type out your text.

To center it on your poster, click the Move Tool and press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select your canvas.

Click the "Align Horizontal Centers" icon and the "Align Vertical Centers" icon.

To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial: Create "The Martian" movie poster using Your Own Face! - Duration: 9:35.


8 Mysterious Wendigo Videos Caught On Tape - Duration: 13:59.

In folklore, the wendigo is a monster or evil spirit, that can be found int the northern

forests of the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of the United States and Canada.

The wendigo may appear as a creature with the characteristics of a human, or as a spirit

who has possessed a human being and made them become monstrous.

Today, we want to take a look at 8 Mysterious Wendigo Encounters Caught on Tape.

Before we dive in, please subscribe to Frostmare, for many more mysterious and strange videos

and hit the bell notification icon to never miss any of my new uploads.

The first video was recorded by a couple who noticed strange sounds, while on a hiking

trip in the forest.

What could they capture that day ?

While camping with a couple of friends over teh weekend, this man caught the wendigo creature

in the background.


video caught in Iraq.

Have these man come across a real Wendigo ?

This clip might be familiar to many of you as the fallen angel footage - some do claim

it was a wendigo though.

What is your opinion ?

These guys were following a local urban legend that a wendigo resides close to the local

woods, in an abandoned building.

Could they capture him on camera this time ?

Another group of young explorers heard a rumor that a classmate saw a strange creature lurking

around an abandoned building in their area.

This boy and a friend were hearing odd noises and screams stemming from the shack that was

close to their forest.

Some do say they caught the rake.. or was


a wendigo?

These boys also seem to get surprised, by a human looking creature, that seems to run

after them in the middle


the night.

Thank yoou guys for watching and stay frosty!

For more infomation >> 8 Mysterious Wendigo Videos Caught On Tape - Duration: 13:59.


Right After The NFL Kneeled, NASCAR Owners Got Up And Did Somthing HUGE For The President - Duration: 1:49.

Everyone across almost all of the major sports hit back at President Trump after he started

a fight with the NFL on Friday.

Everyone, that is, except for NASCAR.

Instead of following MLB, NFL, and NBA, the NASCAR owners all decided to stand together

and say that kneeling is NEVER okay during the national anthem.

For instance, team owner and legendary driver Richard Petty let the media know he didn't

think Trump's solution of firing went far enough.

"Anybody that don't stand up for that ought to be out of the country.


If they don't appreciate where they're at … what got them where they're at?

The United States."

Many of the other owners agreed that the kneelers should not be tolerated, although they didn't

seem to share Petty's enthusiasm for total expulsion from the country.

When team owner Richard Childress was asked what he would do if one of his employees kneeled

for the anthem, responded,

"Get you a ride on a Greyhound bus when the national anthem is over.

I told them anyone who works for me should respect the country we live in.

So many people have gave their lives for it.

This is America."

One thing is very clear from all these different owners.

Anthem kneelers should be punished in some way by the organization since it is very disrespectful

towards our fallen heroes.

In America, protesting and free speech are right guaranteed by our amazing Constitution.

Still, that does not mean we should put up with people choosing the anthem of all things

to kneel during.

Shame on them and share this if y'all agree.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Right After The NFL Kneeled, NASCAR Owners Got Up And Did Somthing HUGE For The President - Duration: 1:49.


Me and my Boyfriend react to 4 th impact - Duration: 5:42.

I can hear your mother.People will be able to hear her too.

Him: You think so?

Shes my favourite,and she has the best voice.The one u think its cute.

You probabbly like her cause shes small

Why are you with me,im not small at all :D

-But you are cute.

/Why is she so sad?

Idk ask her,its a sad song

Do you like it?


So far he liked both videos,or maybe he has to say he likes everything :D

He knows how many hate comments i get

She is fucking awesome

Why is she vacuming now(his mom)

Its a sound of a blender lol

For more infomation >> Me and my Boyfriend react to 4 th impact - Duration: 5:42.


Here's My Canada: Peace - Duration: 0:25.

I like about Canada is that there is just the

peace. Peace! there has no war,

and we help so many people that are doing not so good

in our world, so I like Canada because it is helpful,

and it is peace. Just peace! I love peace.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Peace - Duration: 0:25.


Here's My Canada: Amazing Country - Duration: 0:07.

I like Canada because it is amazing !

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Amazing Country - Duration: 0:07.


Upcoming Samsung Leadership 8 [ Launch Date March 21, 2018 (Expected)] - Duration: 2:15.

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Upcoming Samsung Leadership 8

Upcoming Samsung Leadership 8

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For more infomation >> Upcoming Samsung Leadership 8 [ Launch Date March 21, 2018 (Expected)] - Duration: 2:15.


Here's My Canada: Helping Others - Duration: 0:17.

what Canada is to me is when I was in

university, I lived right next to a

football team, my car got plowed into a

snowbank, and I was digging it out one

day, and twelve guys just helped me dig

my white hatchback out of a snowbank,

so that's what it is to me.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Helping Others - Duration: 0:17.


Here's My Canada: The CN Tower - Duration: 0:08.

I like about the Canada of the CN tower.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: The CN Tower - Duration: 0:08.


Here's My Canada: Boat Rides - Duration: 0:12.

I like going on boat,

and going to my uncle's house,

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Boat Rides - Duration: 0:12.


Recipe For Hair Growth Which Will Leave All Doctors With Their Mouths Open! make your hair grow fast - Duration: 1:50.

vibrant and healthy hair is something that everyone wishes for many treatments

available offer instant hair growth and proper nourishment of the hair but most

of them are ineffective in cost a little fortune keep watching and find out more

about the homemade remedy which stimulates hair growth and improves its

quality losing 50 to 100 strands of hair daily is considered normal even though

it is not visible for the naked eye anything more than this is alarming

especially if you start noticing bald patches on the skin

luckily the recipe presented in this article will regrow your hair in no time

take a look at the instructions below ingredients 1 egg yolk 1/2 banana 1/2

glass of beer 1 tablespoon of organic honey instructions simply put all the

ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture

directions for use apply the remedy onto the affected area and let it work for a

few hours feeling heat in the area means that the

remedy is absorbed in the dermis and works as it is supposed to wash the hair

as you normally do repeat the treatments once a week for

optimum results don't forget to share with your friends and family on Facebook

as you might help someone in need

For more infomation >> Recipe For Hair Growth Which Will Leave All Doctors With Their Mouths Open! make your hair grow fast - Duration: 1:50.


Here's My Canada: We Have Lots of Sports - Duration: 0:26.

We like Canada because there has a lot of sports,

and it is a pretty place.


because we spend most of our lives



I love Canada! No out loud!

I love Canada!

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: We Have Lots of Sports - Duration: 0:26.


Here's My Canada: Freedom - Duration: 0:27.

I love Canada for the freedom,

we get that not a lot of countries get that,

compared with our country,

I feel like our government, Justin Trudeau is amazing,

and I love the wildlife that

Canada has, and now we are

the second biggest country in the world.

And they made maple syrups, and we have

huge trees that is in British Columbia, BC.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Freedom - Duration: 0:27.


Here's My Canada: Great Resources - Duration: 0:24.

I'm from Orillia, Ontario, and Canada

offers untold limited access to fields,

streams, community programs, city life,

nightlife, jungle life, and it's a very

interesting place to

visit, but it's nice to live.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Great Resources - Duration: 0:24.


Here's My Canada: Different National Parks - Duration: 0:12.

Canada, because it is such a diverse country

with many different national parks,

and different sites to see.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Different National Parks - Duration: 0:12.


Here's My Canada: Our History - Duration: 0:07.

I like the history, and the beauty of Canada.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Our History - Duration: 0:07.


Джейми Каррагер анализирует оборону Ливерпуля [СУБТИТРЫ] - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Джейми Каррагер анализирует оборону Ливерпуля [СУБТИТРЫ] - Duration: 1:32.


Here's My Canada: Free Health Care - Duration: 0:11.

I like Canada because it has free healthcare.

I like Canada Wonderland !

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