Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 27 2017

Hi there!

I'm not at a rock concert today,

I am at the Exalibur City,

this is a shopping center

on the Czech border,

about an hour north of Vienna.

Today the TERRA TECHNICA officially opens!

This is a permanent exhibition

where lots of cool stuff is shown,

pinball machines, jukeboxes,

and a huge video game collection.

I would say,

let's start!

Vinyl is back, right?

And behind me you can see Jukebox-Jukeboxes.

The back there, that's

Add-ons for jukeboxes.

That's the evidence: Chuck Norris is immortal!

If you have ever asked yourself, why Pinball Machines are called Pinball Machines:

This is the most exiting thing for Nerds!

Magnavox Odyssey, probably even the oldest commercial game console,

1972, I think. And this is now a good opportunity...

Ah! Perfect!

And last but not least, I found one of the main people behind this

Terra Technica exhibition:

Nik! Hi Nik!

Nik: Hello, nice to meet you! Tell us a bit about the whole thing!

Nik: The place where we are at the moment, is the second sector in my area,

which is 800 m2 in size. This is the gambling hall!

We have arcade machines from the very early 80s,

quite late '70s up to the late '90s.

If you turn around a bit, you see one of the absolute highlights,

my favorite device here in the area, the Virtua Racing machine,

as a 8-time-linked version! A double or single seater

you will often see, But 8-time-linked is quite

a sensation! I've seen just before,

this Odyssey Magnavox, the first commercial video game console, right?

Nik: Exactly! 1972 everything starts with the Magnavox Odyssey,

so, the time travel begins. We also make a time travel trip here,

we start '72 and work our way up to the late PlayStation era.

It is really an extremely historical place,

this whole Terra Technica. As you said,

and I borrowed your term, Gigantomanic!

Nik: It's gigantomanic, really. You must have been there.

I still don't believe it myself. It's totally awesome.

You all, come here and visit it! You'll find the contact addresses

everyhwere in and below the video.

It's not even an hour

north of Vienna.

It pays off really,

and if you are lucky, Nik crosses your way

and he can tell you everything what it is about video games to know.

Then there will be special tours.

Thanks Nik!

Nik: Thanks, too, and have fun! See you soon!

Phew, it was quite a lot! I think that was enough for today,

because I am completely overwhelmed. There's a lot to see here.

Thank you for watching!

If you liked it,

please like the video,

subscribe me on YouTube,

that would be very cool,

stalk me on YouTube,

and have fun!

See you next time,


For more infomation >> TERRA TECHNICA - Die Eröffnung! - Duration: 6:53.


5 ОШИБОК или ПОЧЕМУ ваши фотографии выглядят ПЛОХО - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 5 ОШИБОК или ПОЧЕМУ ваши фотографии выглядят ПЛОХО - Duration: 5:47.


ਬੀਬੀ ਹਰਕੀਰਨ ਕੌਰ - ਜਪਿ ਮਨ ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਸਤਾਰਾ - ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ - Duration: 33:08.

ਬੈਰਾੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ॥ Bairaaree, Fourth Mehl: ਜਪਿ ਮਨ ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਸਤਾਰਾ ॥ Chant the Name of the Lord, O mind, and you shall be emancipated. ਕੋਟ ਕੋਟੰਤਰ ਕੇ ਪਾਪ ਸਭਿ ਖੋਵੈ ਹਰਿ ਭਵਜਲੁ ਪਾਰਿ ਉਤਾਰਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The Lord shall destroy all the sins of millions upon millions of incarnations, and carry you across the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause|| ਕਾਇਆ ਨਗਰਿ ਬਸਤ ਹਰਿ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਹਰਿ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰਾ ॥ In the body-village, the Lord Master abides; the Lord is without fear, without vengeance, and without form. ਹਰਿ ਨਿਕਟਿ ਬਸਤ ਕਛੁ ਨਦਰਿ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਹਰਿ ਲਾਧਾ ਗੁਰ ਵੀਚਾਰਾ ॥੧॥ The Lord is dwelling near at hand, but He cannot be seen. By the Guru's Teachings, the Lord is obtained. ||1|| ਹਰਿ ਆਪੇ ਸਾਹੁ ਸਰਾਫੁ ਰਤਨੁ ਹੀਰਾ ਹਰਿ ਆਪਿ ਕੀਆ ਪਾਸਾਰਾ ॥ The Lord Himself is the banker, the jeweller, the jewel, the gem; the Lord Himself created the entire expanse of the creation. ਨਾਨਕ ਜਿਸੁ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰੇ ਸੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਿਹਾਝੇ ਸੋ ਸਾਹੁ ਸਚਾ ਵਣਜਾਰਾ ॥੨॥੪॥ O Nanak, one who is blessed by the Lord's Kind Mercy, trades in the Lord's Name; He alone is the true banker, the true trader. ||2||4||

For more infomation >> ਬੀਬੀ ਹਰਕੀਰਨ ਕੌਰ - ਜਪਿ ਮਨ ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਿਸਤਾਰਾ - ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ - Duration: 33:08.


BRAIN Informed Decision-Making for an Empowered Labor & Birth - Duration: 9:05.

Hi guys. This is Jana. I am a doula with Yema Mamas and I'm here to teach you

about the decision making process called brain. Using your brain

B-R-A-I-N. I'm gonna walk you through that process today. You can use this for

childbirth and your process. Also you can use it for any medical decision you have to make.

It's a great way to think through all of your possibilities and what decision you want to make.

Informed decision making really comes down to

asking good questions. Sometimes, though, in the moment when you are in labor and

there's a lot going on and you don't know what's going on and all of a sudden

something is presented to you or is said that they're going to do to you, you

don't really have the brain processes to come up with a question. So this tool, the

using your brain tool, is actually a way that you and your partner can remember

what questions you need to ask when the moment is present. Alright, so let's

walk through this. B R A I N... this is a mnemonic device to remember

what questions to ask. The first question you're going to ask

is about the benefits. This is a way that you can understand why the

medication, the procedure, the policy, the test, whatever it is, is beneficial to you.

What you will want to ask is, okay, how is this going to help me? my baby? or my

labor? And once you understand that, it will be really helpful. After that

you're gonna ask about the risks. Once you know how this procedure is

going to help you, it's important to know what are the possible things that this

could cause. If a procedure or medication you know maybe it could cause

some adverse effects or maybe it could cause another intervention to happen

after that. Once you have these two pieces of information,

this is a great way to think through the benefits and the risks for you and your

labor and your family and your body. You can decide do the benefits outweigh

the risks for me? or do the risks outweigh the benefits for me? And

different people are going to feel differently. You actually might feel

differently than your care provider. Even your care provider your doctor or

your Midwife might feel like the benefit outweighs the risk for you but you might

feel like the risk outweighs the benefit and that you would like to not do that

thing. In that case you can talk through that information and you need

help. Usually in labor you're gonna need help from your

support partner, whether it be your husband, boyfriend, mother, friend, whoever

it is, to help you to ask those questions and state what you want. Next,

after you understand the benefits and the risks, if you're still not sure about

what decision you want to make, then you want to ask about alternatives. And often

you might be surprised to find that there are alternatives. There are other

options. So you can find out, "what other options do I have

besides doing this one particular medication, procedure, or test?" Then

you can talk through the risks and benefits of those alternatives.

And maybe you would prefer one of those other options. Next, 'I' is for intuition.

One thing you need to check in on before you make a decision is, "How do

I feel about this?" Is my gut telling me, "no I don't need this"

or "yes, I need to move forward, and this is the best thing right now for

me". If you're not feeling quite right about it then you might need to ask some

more questions or have some time with your partner to pray and really

center yourself and maybe listen to if you talk to God about it. Or

however you go about really figuring out what's going on in your

mind and in your heart to come to peace with whatever decision is made.

Sometimes that just might mean that you need to have a little conversation, a

heart-to-heart, and come to peace with that decision.

Other times you might want to have the peace of mind not to go

forward with it. But taking that moment to really check in with yourself

emotionally and spiritually is really important for feeling good about the

decision you make. Lastly, 'N' is for nothing. That means, "what if we do

nothing?" This is a really important question and this is my favorite

question in childbirth, because this really will reveal to you the urgency or

non-urgency of a particular intervention or medication or procedure. When you

ask "what happens if we do nothing right now?" or "what if we wait an hour?" or

"what if we wait a day?" and then you can see the response by the doctor or the

nurse when you ask that. Then sometimes they'll just say, "well it's just

going to take more time. Then we'll just have to wait and we'll check back with

you in an hour and see how things are going."

If you get that kind of response then it's

like, "Well, this isn't medically necessary right now.

It's not really urgent. It's not something that's life-or-death." And you can

understand that this was just a procedure that they want to do, but if I

don't want to do it, it's not that significant to my health, my labor, or my

baby. Then you can feel good about if you want to not do that, you can

just wait and do nothing. However if you say, "Well, what if we do nothing? or what

if we wait an hour?" and you see this concern or all of the sudden your

doctor is really worried and they start talking about all these serious problems

that are gonna happen and this is how they really feel, then you can really

weigh that in your decision. Okay, "It seems like this is a really serious

medical problem. They feel really strongly that this is what I need to do."

And then you can really consider that as you pray and think through it or are making

your decision if you're gonna move forward with that. Then you can

feel more confident knowing how your medical care providers feel about it.

This is my favorite question because it really gives you a clear

vision of the seriousness of the condition or if it's just something

that's not necessarily indicated but they want to do. Or maybe there's a

reason for it but it's not necessary. And then you can really have a say in that

which is great. It helps you feel good about it. So this is the process of

BRAIN: benefits, risks, alternatives, intuition, and what if we do nothing.

Remember those and you can make really great decisions for yourself in

childbirth and through any medical decision you need to make. I'm going to

post a a great poster for you to be able to remember these. You can

keep it you can print it put it in your wallet so that when you get to that

moment then you can remember what questions you need to ask. Thanks guys

Bye! See you next time.

For more infomation >> BRAIN Informed Decision-Making for an Empowered Labor & Birth - Duration: 9:05.


Errands on a Rainy Day 🌧 - Duration: 6:07.

Wow. Suddenly it's raining! -.-

yes, that one.

How about drinks?

I'll have Fresh Lemonade.

I asked them to packed my korean pancake leftovers

because I couldn't finish everything.

Lunch was good

their beef ramyeon wasn't that tasty

Can't go home just yet because of the heavy rain.

go home a little later.

Hi. So I just got home

I'll change my clothes and wash my face

that's why I only watch one episode per day

I really don't want to finish it right away.

I'l watch episode 2 later

For more infomation >> Errands on a Rainy Day 🌧 - Duration: 6:07.


Почему ничего не получается ? Что помогает в развитии и продвижении? - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Почему ничего не получается ? Что помогает в развитии и продвижении? - Duration: 4:16.



we are going to eat at Onokabe

basically Onokabe is a all you can eat place, with meats menu

there is grill and suki

let's go in!

the place is already crowded

take a look inside

anyway, we ate with discount coupon

from fave groupon

because this is two day before the expiry date of the coupon

so this place is full, and we have to wait 1,5 hours

in this room

so, in 2nd floor there is waiting room

there is toys for children and massage chair for elder

there is shabu-shabu tray beside each table

let's eat!

here is chicken and macaroni

also beef

and beef with other seasoning

fish fillet too, wooo

we can grill directly on each table

here is where we seated, with tray beside

here is the meat options

beef, chicken, fish, clams

and vegetables

the choice is yours!

there is Es Campur also

the other side there is rujak, sushi, and popcorn

we can order crepes too, unfortunately the line is too long

and I didn't get the crepes, it's all run out

For more infomation >> MEAT ALL YOU CAN EAT AT ONOKABE | KURKURKUR - Duration: 2:58.


Lift Your Droopy Eyelids Amazingly In Less Than 10 Days - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Lift Your Droopy Eyelids Amazingly In Less Than 10 Days - Duration: 3:11.


Risky Visa Applications to Australia - Duration: 8:01.

Risky Visa Applications to Australia

Here at Down Under Visa we assess every visa application before we take it on.

We have a NO button on our assessment form, and I would

hit that button every single day.

Some cases are weak, and we don't want to take them on.

We make enough of a legitimate income without having to waste peoples time and hard-earned


Australian visa application refusals If a case is weak and if the decision-makers,

ie. the Case Officers at the Australian Embassy in Manila or at the DIBP in Australia are

not convinced that your case meets the criteria in

the Migration Regulations then they will refuse the visa application.

That's their jobs.

And our job is to tell you of this risk.

The point is though, I really detest visa refusals.

Hate seeing them, and I know how disappointing and shattering are to clients.

No one ever takes it well, because they have so

much emotion built into the outcome.

No one says "Oh, well.

That's how the cookie crumbles!"

They want to be together, and their dreams have been crushed.

Can I tell you that Down Under Visa never get refusals?

No, of course not.

It would be like asking a doctor if he never lost a patient

or a lawyer if 100% of his clients were acquitted in

the court.

Our success rate is remarkably high, but refusals can and do happen.

Yet I'm still never OK about it.

How do Down Under Visa ensure a low number of visa refusals?

First and foremost, we do what all honest and ethical Registered Migration Agents should

be doing, and that is to tell the truth!

We tell the truth if an application is completely hopeless,

and we tell the truth also if a case is weak and we think it has a high chance of refusal.

Examples of hopeless cases: * Partner visa applicants haven't met in person,

ie. contradicts what the Regulations require

* Partner visa applicant is already married, and plans to marry regardless

* Gay couple plan to apply based on a gay marriage, which isn't legal in Australia

Examples of weak cases: * Couple have known each other for 3 days

online, haven't met, and plan a tourist visa * Couple have very little evidence of a relationship

existing * Wanting tourist visa for 23 year old single,

unemployed sister to have a holiday

If it's hopeless?

We would risk our Registration by taking it on, which is another splendid

example of why you should deal with a REGISTERED Migration Agent and not with an


We have to know the law and we need to follow the law, and lodging hopeless

cases wastes the clients time and money, and also wastes the Department's time.

If it's weak?

Most of the time I just tell people bluntly.

The sister who wants a holiday, but clearly has no good reason to return and plenty

of good reasons to overstay?

I tell people I'd give it about a 50:50 chance, and leave it

up to them.

The couple who have known each other for a month?

I tell them to wait and let their relationship develop.

I tell the same to those who haven't met in person.

Does everyone take what I said well?


No, I wouldn't say that.

Many are disappointed, and either think I'm wrong or that the Government

has no right to set rules about who can and who can't enter the country.

Well, actually they can.

And it's written in the Constitution.

But yes, they are disappointed.

And I'm sure some go elsewhere and find someone who

agrees with them, and some try themselves.

All OK with me, because I would rather have a

clear conscience.

Weak and risky visa applications And what about those weak, but not hopeless,

cases that we do take on?

What then?

Well, yes sometimes we try anyway, because the client

is insistent.

Sometimes there are desperate.

They want to see a particular relative, despite the risk of it being turned down.

Or I've had very rare cases where a couple haven't met

in person because the sponsor can't travel due to

health problems and I've relented.

Is Down Under Visa happy to take on those cases?

No, not really.

Jeremy in particular usually groans on those occasions when we

do, because he's the one at the coalface who deals with incoming documents and evidence

in the office.

Sometimes despite explaining the risks and insisting on specific extra documentation

to strengthen their case to the Manila Embassy or the Department, it can be like

pulling teeth!

And if the application gets refused, who cops the blame?

Yes, always us.

Hence my reluctance, and hence me more often than not saying NO when a visa refusal is

highly likely.

The best outcomes are those when the client appears 3 months later telling me

he followed my advice, and that he and his Filipina lady are ready to do that tourist

visa application or even a partner visa application.

Hey, if you're sure and you're committed?

Why get a tourist visa?

If you insist on trying to get a visa despite our advice, realise that we will make our

opinion clear to you and we will even get you to sign

a letter of advice that will state that you and

Down Under Visa understand and acknowledge the risk so there will be no

misunderstandings if it doesn't go the way you want it to.

Not sure if you have a strong case or not?

Get an online visa assessment of your case.

It will take you five minutes, and it's free!

For more infomation >> Risky Visa Applications to Australia - Duration: 8:01.


नान तव्यावर कसा बनवायचा | How to make Naan on Tawa | Naan without Tandoor | MadhurasRecipe - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> नान तव्यावर कसा बनवायचा | How to make Naan on Tawa | Naan without Tandoor | MadhurasRecipe - Duration: 7:37.


Growbox® plant cocoon anti desertification plantation in Baja California Mexico - Duration: 4:02.

We're here in Baja California, Mexico, where we planted in January 2016

10 Growboxx® plant cocoons with 5 Mezquites

and 5 Cypress (Mezquites are var. Prospopis).

We only gave water while we were planting, for the rest they never got any maintenance.

Look how extremely hot it was here, this year.

It's now September 2017, only a month ago the whole area was burning.

We were very lucky to find that our trees have not died.

So with this video we demonstrate that no matter how hot is,

you can always plant with the Growboxx® plant cocoon.

This is a Prosopis.

This is a Cypress.

The trees have been planted with a length of about 25-30 cms.

Most of them are now almost 1 meter

and they look very healthy

Although you can see, that the fire came up to about 2 meters of our trees.

And of course there was some damage,

because it was so hot, some trees even burned.

Here is a Cypress that suffered.

On one side it's burned, but the other side is still green.

It's incredible how resistant the trees get.

if you don't give water artificially, but they have to find it themselves,

which is the basic thing of the Groasis Technology, when we plant trees.

After the planting one of the trees was attacked by a gopher.

This is an animal that lives below the soil, and it eats the roots.

We left the tree in order to demonstrate what happens, if that happens.

Also to give more credibility to our video.

This is again a Mezquite, it is almost more than 1 meter.

Another Mezquite.

And at last we have a beautiful Cypress.

The Cypress really was very close to the fire.

It's amazing that it was so strong, that it didn't suffer.

The Growboxx® is still in good shape,

and of course when it rains, it even still catches the rain.

Look what happens if the tree is healthy, and survives with a good root system.

This is the result of using the Growboxx® plant cocoon.

It is now for sale and I hope that you are happy using it.

if you want to avoid using drip irrigation.

Thank you very much, this is Pieter Hoff from Baja California, Mexico.

For more infomation >> Growbox® plant cocoon anti desertification plantation in Baja California Mexico - Duration: 4:02.


Learn Colors With Dinosaurs Cartoons 3D Dinosaur Finger Family for Kids T-Rex Dinosaurs Fighting - Duration: 11:14.

Learn Colors With Dinosaurs Cartoons 3D Dinosaur Finger Family for Kids T-Rex Dinosaurs Fighting

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Dinosaurs Cartoons 3D Dinosaur Finger Family for Kids T-Rex Dinosaurs Fighting - Duration: 11:14.


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