Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 27 2017

YES Success Sessions New Members Onboarding

Welcome to Yes Success Sessions.

Hi I'm Mr. Bee a passionate consumer of Atomy and also president of Atomy Thonglor YES Center.

In this episode I would like to guide all new members into Atomy and

provide everyone a better familiarity with everything Atomy provides.

This should serve as a "Shortcut or QuickStart through to success" and possibly even more.

Let's take a look at what you're going to cover today.

I will have a brief introduction, list out all the benefits of Atomy

and walk you through the whole Atomy website.

After that we'll have some awesome shopping time *woohoo*

following with, how to refer new members to Atomy and

closing off with goal setting and showing you where to go from there.

Before anything our team's purpose is to really educate and support you.

We want to help you, to reduce the time it takes to get started.

We want to show you the important areas and sections guide you through the right resources

and educate & support you to grow your Atomy teams as soon as possible.

Notice we really emphasize on education and support therefore,

we are Your Education Support Center or in short "YES Center".


Just a little bit about me. I'm half Thai half German and I was born in Bangkok Thailand.

I speak English German and Thai. I started my first company when I was 20

and since then I worked on over 100 projects within major industries.

At one point I managed two million USD in marketing budgets for my clients.

Even though I'm talking about my successes, I want you to know that I wasn't born on a mountain of gold

and I learned very early on in life what it means to work for money.

I started in the entertainment business, doing freelance modeling like the traditional Thai suit

in the left image and occasionally DJing in radio studios, clubs and beach parties.

My dad taught me the basics of engineering.

From there I went into computer hardware and IT, programming and web design,

afterwards digital marketing and business development.

All of this was for the purpose to be financially free and succeed in life.

In my quest for success I found one key lesson,

which I would like to pass on to everyone listening today:

Success leaves clues

When you learn the methods which someone else used to succeed in, then you can do the same thing.

It's only a matter of finding those who have succeeded in what you want to succeed in

and learn from them, potentially making them your mentor even if it's just one-sided mentorship.

Talking about one-sided mentorship, I came across these three great gentlemen

I'm sure everyone knows Tony Robbins

I've bought their books, studied their seminars, and listened to their audios on a daily basis.

The teachings of these three great gentlemen have influenced me to who I am today

and I'm going to continue to learn from these great mentors.

Yet, I've never met any of them personally.

However today I found another great mentor.

My new great mentor is president Han-Gil Park of Atomy.

Prior to starting Atomy and up until today I've been studying his seminars over and over again.

He has so much wisdom and sincerity when he speaks even though

I don't understand Korean language. I can feel his honesty emanating from his heart.

I really recommend for you to seek out his videos and study them every single day

In the case that President Hangul Park might still be out of reach for many of you.

There are many new leaders and success stories popping up within Atomy everywhere.

Success Tip: I would like to encourage you to seek up others who have already been successful within Atomy.

Remember: Success leaves Clues


Why are all these people in Atomy, why are they trying to get you bored and excited to join Atomy.

Why am I doing this presentation and why am i doing Atomy.

I would like to share my answer through these three incredible quotes.

"Our rewards in life will always be an exact proportion to our contribution, our service." by Earl Nightingale

I believe in serving others providing as much value as possible

even when there's no direct return on investment or energy. I still know that my efforts are having an impact on others.

This brings me to my second quote.

"You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want" by Zig Ziglar

In summary, if you want to get more rewards and all the things we want

then we have to contribute more, serve more and help others get what they want.

Atomys' system is built exactly in a way, where you have to contribute and serve others

As you know when you want to rank up your masteship level, then you have

to help 4 others to reach a current income level.

Therefore these quotes apply greatly to Atomy and its members.

With Atomy I believe I can help others succeed,

help them be healthy, and help them have the best life they can ever have.

Sometimes people wonder if this is really possible.

Is it really possible to earn money with Atomy?

And is it possible to become Imperial master?

"The Question is not if it's possible, the question is: What do you have to do to make it possible and how much energy are you willing to invest?"

Our own success is dependent on us and it's our own responsibility

to drag or push ourselves past each finish line.

In my opinion it really boils down to:

All the things you have to do and how much energy you put in

Here's my promise to you.

I'm here for you and I will show you to the best of my abilities how to make this happen.

I will remain here for you for as long as it will take you to achieve your goals within Atomy.

Atomy Benefits

So the very first thing I would like you to understand are the benefits for Atomy members.

The company has a strategy and philosophy of absolute product and absolute price

This means that you will have access to a highest quality of products at their lowest possible price

What this ultimately means for you is that you will never ever have to go and

find, compare products and prices again.

Therefore saving tons of time and effort because you already have access to the best products

at the cheapest possible price.

When you joined you join for free and then will never be a joining fee.

There's also no monthly obligation, just by any one product a year to keep your membership active.

With Atomy you also have access to a global system

which allows you to refer members from countries where Atomy is already established in.

You can build an unlimited downline and international teams.

Website Walkthrough

So let me walk you through the whole Atomy website.

On the homepage of you will find global notifications

news and FAQ section and also downloadable member guides.

On the top right you can change your language and on the button right you can go to your local Atomy page.

A local Atomy page is the localized home page of each country.

When you go to the US version you will see the following and to change

to another local page just go to the top right to change to another country.

On the top menu you will find the sections Atomy which is also the home page then

shopping-mall, office and VOD section.

I will slowly guide you through each section on the Atomy home page you can find subsections

The company, the brand and the business.

I would recommend everyone to browse through those sections and read them at least once.

There are two pages I would like to recommend you to take a closer look at.

The first page is the company introduction page.

This page also contains the five-minute video introduction of Atomy.

This is important because when I explain Atomy to people,

I like to show them the website with the video introduction. So what I do is,

I will sent them the direct link to this page and advise them to explore the Atomy website

Recommending Atomy this way has the additional

benefit of building better trust and brand loyalty, between a stranger and Atomy.

This also allows them to check out the products and other areas of the website.

The second page I would like to recommend

everyone to take a closer look at, is the compensation plan page

This page defines the whole compensation plan and is always 100 percent correct.

When you have doubts about the compensation plan this is the place where you should come to first.

On top of that, I would like to recommend everyone to watch the

compensation plan trainings from multiple leaders within Atomy.

Each leader has their own perspective and experience to share with you.

The second section and by far the most popular section is this shopping mall a

I will dig deeper into the shopping mall in the how to shop section.

The third section is the my office page.

This is the back end office for you where you can see your PVs and Group PVs.

In the navigation bar you will find: My Atomy, which is this page.

My life scenario I will cover in the next slide.

My schedule allows you to see the company events as well as creating your own schedule and calendar.

My account shows you your info and you have the ability to edit them.

Support: Contains announcements FAQs use resources (which are downloadable) and

another seminar and education calendar

The online version of "my life scenario" is similar to the booklets you get from the Success Academy

There are two steps. Step one is the life plan and step two is the short-term map.

Please seek out the life scenario videos from president Park Han-Gill for further explanations on how to fill these out.

Next up I would like you to be aware of the sidebar on the right side.

Through this sidebar you can quickly reach important sections within Atomy.

The first item in the sidebar is the Commissions Page

As the name implies you will find the Commission earnings here.

Please note that you need to go to your local Atomy website otherwise,

this page wouldn't display your Commissions.

Here, I am on another account, and on the Korean localized version.

Here you can see the PVs and the scores this account has received.

The second item in the sidebar, is the group purchase page.

Here we can view the total amount of PVs with the left and right group.

as well as see which member has ordered how much

The third item in your sidebar opens a new window.

Clicking on search will allow you to see the whole lineage,

and the Settings button will be able to reveal more information about your lineage.

Success Tip:

Bookmark this page, because you will want to check on your lineage a lot.

The other items within the sidebar are directing you to the pages we already discussed therefore

I will just skip to the fourth section. This is the videos on demand section

where you can view and download approved training and seminar videos.

Another success tip

Log on to the other countries and check out their video sections.

Often times you will find very very useful content from other countries

Let me move forward to the last page within the website walkthrough which is the account management.

Here you can edit all your personal details please add

your bank details here in order to receive commissions from Atomy.

guest password and education center details are covered in the next slides.

But the last item on this page would be the spouse information.

Husband and wife are allowed to only use one account together and this would be the place where to add those details.

In my account section you would notice a guest password section.

What this means is that people who you recommend to Atomy can use your member ID

and guest password to login to the Atomy website.

This will allow them to register themselves without them having access to all your personal data

Lastly when you would like to change the education center you are in, then you can do it from here

Note: In some countries you will need to request the Education Center change manually

If you live in Thailand and don't have a center, yet please support our Atomy Thonglor YES Center

Importance of an education center

Education centers are there to educate and support members.

They do product demonstrations and trainings and teach you the success system training.

It's also a place where you can pick up your products

The important factors are that,

all education centers are run by passionate atomy members.

Some centers therefore a run more professionally but some centers are ... still need help.

Quality control does come from Atomy HeadQuarters.

In return education centers earn 6% of the total PVs from the purchases of each member

assigned to that education center

In order to succeed you will need to be an environment where the probability to succeed is higher

An education center is the perfect place for that.

Seek out an education center near you and join their training schedule.

When you are at a center which isn't running to Atomy standards, don't be so quick to turn away.

Help them out as much as you can as long as you receive value and support from them.

Online shopping with Atomy

Let's do some shopping and let's see what we can buy.

On your local shopping mall page you will see various sections

starting from the left side of the drop-down menu,

you can choose HemoHIM, health care

beauty, personal care, living, food

and a more section with miscellaneous sets, shopping bags and product catalogues.

Please be aware that not all countries have the same product listings.

When you go to the Korean shopping mall,

you will be able to browse through 400 different sets and items.

You can see the Korean shopping mall for product research and estimate prices.

Most new products are released in Korea first and then exported to the other countries.

When you have chosen and clicked on a product to view, you will see product pages like this HemoHim page.

Here you can view product information such as price, PV, product details and instructions.

There are additional tabs which lets you view reviews shipping payment exchange and return policies.

Note that the product pages are usually longer than regular pages so feel free to read and study the products.

Let's now add the HemoHIM to our shopping cart.

When you scroll down to below the price you will see a Buy Now button.

Once you click that, then you will go directly to the checkout page with just that one button.

For now we want to add HemoHIM into our shopping cart

so that we can add more awesome products into our cart later on

So to add this product to the cart just click the shopping cart button.

Once you clicked, you have the option to view the cart but we want to continue shopping so we click that.

You can click on the list button in order to go back to the product listings.

Now we are on the product list page in the Beauty category we would like to add a Skincare 6 system *4 set to the cart

Here you should notice that Atomy sells items and sets and at reduced price.

Under the product images you will see the prices and PVs,

as well as an option to modify the purchase quantity and an Add to Cart button.

For our case we leave the quantity at one and press Add to Cart.

You will see a pop-up box to confirm your choice

Awesome, now that they have chosen all the products we want, we want to view our shopping cart.

You can view the shopping cart from the submenu on the top right below the search bar

as well as on top of the right sidebar.

Once you are in the shopping cart you can reveal all your items, see the subtotal price and the total PVs you get.

You can still choose to order just selected items in that case

you can choose the items through the tick boxes on the left side and press order selected items.

In my case, I am ordering all the items I have in my shopping cart

therefore I will just click order all items.

The last choice before entering your address and paying is to select the sales date.

This will be convenient for placing more points on other days.

Enter the remaining information and we will head to the next section.

At the address page you have the choice of sending the item to your homeaddress and new address or your Education Center.

Notice, that you might need to pay for delivery charges when you send to your home or a new address.

All deliveries to an Education Center is free of charge, but pick up at the Education Center will be required.

When you choose to send to your education center then you will see

the contact information of that education center. In this case it is me

Once done you can proceed to the payment. The payment option varies from country to country

but if you follow the process it should be straightforward.

This concludes our shopping session

Now on to how to refer new members to Atomy

From any page within the Atome website, you can find that join now link on the top right side.

The registration page will look like this and please note that each registering member needs to register at

the local Atomy website. So this was step one choosing your country.

In step two you agree to the terms. On the top right there is a checkbox to agree to all terms at once.

In step three you fill in your personal information.

Make sure you'll remember and you write down your password for later use.

In step four you will have to enter a sponsor ID.

I will teach you in a later slide how to select sponsor IDs.

Another option and step four is to select your Education Center.

Ask your sponsors for the best options. Another option would be to select the closest one to your home.

Or you can join our Thonglor YES Center in Thailand.

In step five you complete and confirm your details.

After the online registration you are almost done. check the confirmation page or

the welcome email about the "what additional steps" are required to verify your account.

Once verification is complete, you can fully enjoy Atomy and refer Atomy to the people around you.

Now I would like to elaborate a little more on how to place new members in your downline.

Each member ID can be used as a sponsor ID twice.

The first time is to place an member on the left side and another time to place another member on the right side

In other words after we have referred two members you will have to help those two to expand their downlines.

Remember the quote: help others get what they want in order for you to get what you want.

Please note the fine. Print once registered it will become almost impossible to change your position.

The new member will also be automatically placed so if the left side is occupied

then the new member will be placed towards the right side.

As an example: Member ID 9M1 has a member on the left side,

so we can still place a member onto his right side by using the ID 9M1 again.

9M2 already has members on both sides,

therefore in order to expand the right group you will need to help 9M4, 9M5 and 9M9 to expand their network.

Goal setting. We are almost done and I want to leave you with some goals and action items.

Let me share with you a quote on goals:

"People with clear written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period of time,

than people without them could ever imagine" By Brian Tracy

With Atomy our goal is to become a master. Being and master of Atomy means that,

you're very skilled and very proficient in the art and activities of building an Atomy a network for yourself and others.

The first mastership level you should set your eyes upon is sales master level,

and reaching sales master on a consistent basis means you're an auto sales master.

There are three performance indicators for you to reach your goals.

1. How many people are you planning to talk to per day?

2. How many new members will you register per day

3. How much group PVs would you like to achieve by which date

Set a number and daily goals for those three key areas and start from there.

Look at this from this perspective.

When you talk to two people a day and you can convince one of them to join Atomy and purchase some products.

Then your closing ratio is at 50%.

Now when you want to register five people per day,

then logically speaking you should talk to at least ten people a day, in order to register those five people so

How many people are you now going to talk to per day?

Set your goals, become a master and you're off to a good start to succeed.

What's next

Now let me show you what you can do next, and let me help you guide you to the right resources.

Naturally you should learn more about Atomy,

but first I really would like to recommend for you to discover the products.

Our products are absolutely great and you will discover at least one wow factor within each product.

When you get excited about Atomys' products, just share your experience with your friends.

This is the best way to refer people into Atomy.

Next would be to train yourself the company provides training through a one-day seminar

which is free to join and additionally a Success Academy which goes more in depth about Atomy

You will also be filling out the "my life plan scenario", which I told you about earlier.

I highly recommend for anyone who's serious about Atomy to join as many of these seminars as possible.

Not only will the repetitive learning help you to become a master of Atomy,

but you will also get to meet people and network.

Ultimately you will feel the energy of what Atomy is all about.

FYI: You can also be a volunteer for all the events and be in the middle of all that action

Even though Atomy host training and seminars quite often, i additionally recommend to watch VODs.

Two videos i would like to recommend right away are:

8 steps to success and Road to Auto Sales Master

Lastly follow our Facebook pages:

@AtomyThonglor is our education centers page for members in Thailand

@AtomyONAIR is a global resource page for everyone

Thank you for listening to the new members onboarding.

I hope everyone received great value out of this and now understands Atomy better.

I wish every member great success and abundance, and even greater love and joy. Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Atomy New Members Onboarding with MrBee - Updated Sep 2017 - Duration: 26:30.


San Jose, CA. Capital of Silicon Valley - Duration: 1:46.

Music by Magnus Ringblom - Cruising To Cuba 4

For more infomation >> San Jose, CA. Capital of Silicon Valley - Duration: 1:46.


পুজোয় কদিন ছুটি পেলেন আপনার প্রিয় টেলি তারকারা | Durga Puja 2017 Holiday of your favorite tele-stars - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> পুজোয় কদিন ছুটি পেলেন আপনার প্রিয় টেলি তারকারা | Durga Puja 2017 Holiday of your favorite tele-stars - Duration: 2:30.


Mac retro matte vs Wet n wild Catsuit | Fah Sarika - Duration: 2:13.

Hey! It's me Fah.

Here comes about cheapest vs expensive.

Start with liquid lipstick MAC vs WET N WILD.

They launched at the same time and look so similar.

Both for package and the color.

I picked the most similar color of these 2 brands.

As you see the upper lip is from MAC and lower lip is WET N WILD.

Really similar and these two are called MAC Retro matte liquid lip color and

WET N WILD mega last liquid catsuit.

Both are matte lipstick.

Also the color of these 2 brands are really similar.

The under tone color of MAC is more nude.

Wet n wild is like purple pinkish nude.

I don't really like it better go for nude.

Mac got a better pigment.

So I tested on my hand to see the differences between these 2 brands.

To see how well covering, easy to use or not.

Start with the first color orange.

For Mac you have to repeated several times

but wet n wild just one time and done.

Both are dry fast and last long.

All good!

Next color purple.

I apply Mac on the upper lip, took several times for me to fill it up.

Just 2 times for wet n wild and its done.

Which I'm like why this difference?

Also the price are so different like way so different!

MAC 1,100B and wet n wild is 299B

Let's try to figure out which one to buy.

I think the under tone of Mac is better.

But for the similar color between these two, I go for wet n wild.

Done for today! Hope this is useful for you!

Bye guys! xx

For more infomation >> Mac retro matte vs Wet n wild Catsuit | Fah Sarika - Duration: 2:13.


Simply Receive Your Healing with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 9-27-17) - Duration: 23:14.

DEBBIE: When I came today, I said, "God, I'm all yours, every

bit of me." I owe Him my whole life. And without

Him, I have no life. So He restored me completely.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: It is God's will for you to be forgiven and

healed. You receive healing the same way you received eternal

life. Simply receive by faith in the name of Jesus. Learn more

today on the Believer's Voice of Victory with Kenneth Copeland.

KENNETH: Open your Bibles with me, please, to Mark's gospel.

Now, we've been talking about, during this meeting, believing

the love, having faith in the love of God, having faith in

God, Who is love, having faith in love, Who is God. Learn to

trust His love. Now then, let's go back to the gospel of Mark

where we were when we began, only this time, let's go to the

very first chapter. Mark 1:38, "He said, Let us go into the

next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I

forth. And he preached in their synagogues throughout all

Galilee, and cast out devils. There came a leper to him,

beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto

him, If you will, you can make me clean." "If you will."

"Jesus, I know you have the power, if it be thy will." Now,

you and I both know there's people praying, and praying it

out of an honest heart, sincere heart. But you can be sincerely

wrong. (Audience Agrees) This man, he believed he--he believed

He could. Well, of course, he believed that. I mean, you're

hearing it all--you're hearing it all over this whole part of

the world. Of course, you're hearing it. But in your mind,

now, Dr. Luke says this man was full of

leprosy. In other words, the disease had run its

course. He's a stage four. He's about to die.

And he--he has been so browbeaten. This disease has

taken all the confidence he ever had in life, the confidence in

anything. Confidence in God having anything to do with him,

confidence in anybody having anything to do with him was

gone! He's had no physical contact with anybody other than

other lepers, this foul, nasty disease, this smelly, nasty,

terrible thing. Nobody wants anything to do with him. They

shun him. It's by law they shun him. By law, they stay away from

him. They don't have anything to do with him. And he lives among

people that have lost all hope for any kind of life ever! And

the sad part of it is God had provided healing for leprosy in

his Word, long before Jesus came into the earth. But the

preachers of the day were not preaching that. The preachers of

the day were preaching the curse. They were preaching

condemnation, so bent into the law, not the--not the compassion

of the law, but the meanness of it. Want to kill a man for

healing somebody on the wrong day. Now, brother, I don't even

want to spend time talking about that. (Laughter) These people

were not hearing the blessing. They were not hearing these

things. But at least--at least there was this little spark in

him to at least go to Him. (Audience "Amens") "At least I

can find out. It might be--if all that stuff they've been

telling about Him, about this compassion business and

all--(Laughter)--maybe. He ain't going to make me any worse. I

know that." (Laughter) Amen. Oh, and you've got to love it. You

just have to love it. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord.

"And Jesus, moved--" ha-ha-ha-ha "--moved with compassion, put

forth his hand, and he touched him." The touch in this case,

the touch of compassion, I believe, said more to the man

than the words. AUDIENCE: Yes, yes, yes. KENNETH: Somehow, you

know--I don't know, but somehow--this just comes up in

me, Brother James. It just--I don't see Jesus touching him and

saying something at the same time. I think He put His hand on

him. AUDIENCE: Jesus, yes. Thank You, Jesus. KENNETH: And just

looked at him. AUDIENCE: Yes. Hallelujah. KENNETH: And those

pools of compassion and love called the eyes of Jesus, He

just looked at him. And I can--can't you just, in the

man's heart, "Whoa, He touched me." (Indistinct Responses) "Oh,

my God, He touched me. Ain't nobody touched me--nobody

touched me in years. He touched me." That's your Savior. That's

your healer. And that's how He feels about you this morning.

He's easily touched with the feelings of your infirmity.

Easily. Amen. "Well, if He's easily touched by the feelings

of my infirmity, why don't He do something about it?" Sweetheart,

what do you got to do? A man goes to the cross and dies and

goes to hell for you. I mean, what is He going to have to do

for you? (Laughter) He's got His hands all over you right now.

(Audience Agrees) Receive it. Healing needs a receiver.

(Audience Agrees) Anybody open? (Cheers & Applause) Be healed!

AUDIENCE: Yes! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Praise) KENNETH:

Hallelujah! (Cheers & Applause) Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho. Mark said that

He kneeled. Dr. Luke said that He fell on his face. Here again,

I believe Jesus kneeled down there and just got in the dirt

with him, just laid down on the dirt right there with him. And

it just said He touched him. I don't--I don't know that it was

just this. Hugging is touching. (Audience Agrees) Just laying

down there and just grab him up. That's what compassion

has--compassion, when that--that anointing of compassion comes,

the first thing you want to do is just grab somebody and just

hug them and just smother them in the power of that love and

its power and its wonders. And He ended the debate. (Laughter)

He ended it forever! "I will." It's over. AUDIENCE: It's over.

Amen. KENNETH: The debate is over, for all men for all time.

AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: It is God's will for you and every

other breathing human being on the face of this planet to be

forgiven and healed now! (Praise & Applause) AUDIENCE: Whoo!

KENNETH: He has already shed His blood for your sin. He has

already forgiven you. All you need to do is receive that

forgiveness. All you need to do is receive that healing. Just

receive it. Just take it. Quit trying to figure it out. He

bought and paid for it. He gave it to you 2,000 years ago.

(Agreement & Applause) AUDIENCE: Whoo! Hallelujah. KENNETH: Say,

"It's mine. (Audience Repeats) I take it. I have it, and I thank

You for it. And I forgive if I have ought against any." Oh,

glory. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank

You, Lord Jesus. 7th chapter of the gospel of Luke, Verse 11,

"It came to pass the day after, he went into a city called Nain;

and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. Now

when he came near to the gate of the city, there was a dead man

carried out, the only son of his mother, she was a widow: and

much people of the city was with her." So you've got a preacher

going in one direction and a funeral going in another. Now,

when--just grasp this now. Jesus plus sickness equals healing, I

don't care if it is the Sabbath. Even His enemies believed,

totally convinced He's going to heal on the sabbath day. He's

going to do it. (Laughter) "In spite of all we do, He's going

to heal on the Sabbath." (Audience Agrees) Boy, think of

that. "What a terrible man. He's going to heal somebody on the

Sabbath." Well, yeah. Jesus plus leprosy equals wholeness. I

mean--and here they come, the funeral coming in one direction

and the preaching bunch's going in the other, He and all of his

partners going to preach. The Lord saw her. He saw that woman.

No idea why her husband died--no idea why the boy died. We don't

know that background. I don't see Jesus inquiring around there

asking questions about him before He ministered to her. Do

you? No. He saw her and had compassion on her and said to

her, "Don't cry." AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "Come on, mama, don't

cry." Boy, her tears got Him. It got to Him, got to His heart. It

got to God's heart, because He said, "I only do what I see my

Father do." AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: If He hadn't

seen His Father do this, He'd have walked right on by. But the

compassionate Father, He can't walk on by. No, no. That's why

Jesus was there in the first place. AUDIENCE: That's right.

KENNETH: Amen. And he's dead. "Come on, mama, don't cry. Don't

cry." (Laughs) Oh, glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord

Jesus. Thank You, Lord. "And he came and touched the coffin: and

they that bare him stood still." Now watch Jesus use the power of

His words. He used words full of faith the way a mechanic uses a

tool. I noticed that in Brother Oral Roberts, one of the first

meetings that I went to. I was part of the flight crew, and, of

course, I was in the meeting. And I noticed this man uses his

faith on purpose. Amen. Now watch it. Glory to God. "Young

man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and

began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother." AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah! (Applause) KENNETH: "And there came a fear on all:

and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up

among us; and, That God has visited his people." Who visited

the people? AUDIENCE: God. KENNETH: No. Compassion visited

the people. Compassion came on the scene. Compassion just

looked at the tears of that little mother and said, "Mama,

don't cry now. Don't do that. Quit crying!" AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. KENNETH: "I'll get him back." And I don't care

how--Mama, Mama, I don't care. Your child may not be in the

coffin, but he may be off out running in the world out there

somewhere. You may not even know where He is. I'm going to tell

you something, sweetheart. Quit crying about it and start

praising. (Cheers & Applause) Quit weeping and crying, and

start praising God. Quit weeping and crying, and put trust in the

compassion. Put trust in the God that loves you and the God that

loves that boy. And just stand up there and begin to praise

God. And every night begin to set that boy's place at the

table. Begin to set that daughter's place at the table.

Go in there and rearrange her room. Get it all ready.

Hallelujah. I don't care if she's married and got five kids.

Get her room fixed and get it ready as you're standing in

faith. You're doing a faith act. Yeah, just like you did when you

found out you was pregnant, you went hunting some baby stuff.

(Laughter) Well, you're pregnant with faith. You're filled with

faith. (Cheers & Applause) Glory to God. You're about to give

birth to that child again! You're about to give birth to

him or her again! In faith, you're going to travail in

birth, in intercession, in compassion and supplication.

Hallelujah. "The child is coming back," saith the Lord. AUDIENCE:

Yes. KENNETH: "I've seen your tears. I've heard your prayers.

Cry no more." AUDIENCE: Yes. Come on! KENNETH: He's coming

home. (Audience Agrees) (Praying in the Spirit) Listen carefully.

He's going to be released early and He's coming home already

born again and baptized in the Holy Ghost. And you receive Him.

(Cheers & Applause) You receive Him. He's coming. They're

releasing Him early. Hallelujah. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Hallelujah. Come

on, let's give the Lord praise. (Cheers & Applause)


KENNETH: Scar tissue in the body, scar tissues in

different organs of the body being removed. Hallelujah. Just

going away. Tumors disappearing by the anointing and by the

power of God. FEMALE: This is Debbie from West Pines,

Missouri. In 2012, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

She had four surgeries and suffered so many side effects;

scar tissue all over her body, and she had no feeling in her

left foot. This morning, when that word was called out, all

the pain left. She has full mobility. She can lift her arms,

her legs, and her foot. GEORGE: Praise God. Praise God!

(Applause) FEMALE: She is so excited that she--she said she

was totally healed from all that. MALE: Glory to God. Glory

to God. GEORGE: Give God praise for that. Hallelujah. (Applause)

DEBBIE: Five years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

And they had to do four surgeries. I went through chemo

and radiation. And I had lots of scar tissue, a lot of

neuropathy. I just came expecting. And He's faithful

because they spoke to, "scar tissue be healed." And it threw

me in the seat, and I felt the touch of God. And when I fell

back, it felt like a suction cup in my side. And I could--and

release in my ankle. So my whole left side like came to life. And

my ankle came loose, and I can move it around. When I came

today, I said, "God, I'm all yours, every bit of me." I owe

Him my whole life. And without Him, I have no life. So He

restored me completely so I can go forward in my ministry when I

go back. The Bible's full of words. The Bible's full of

promises. Turn on Kenneth Copeland. Seriously, turn him on

and listen to him. Listen to the faith words. Dig out every

faith word in the Bible and then believe that

you receive. Trust God and believe Him.

CATHY: This is Holly, and she's from Faith Life

Church here. She lives in Walnut Shade, Missouri. And this

is another scar tissue miracle. GEORGE: Wow. CATHY: She has had

several stomach surgeries. And when Brother Copeland and

Brother Keith called out "healing of scar tissue," she

felt her abdomen go down. HOLLY: Yeah. CATHY: She felt it

dissolving. HOLLY: Yes. GEORGE: Praise God. CATHY: Hallelujah!

LEN: Amen. GEORGE: Thank You, Jesus. KEITH MOORE: Stomachs are

being healed. Intestines. Where there are adhesions and ulcers,

be healed in the name of Jesus! Where there are blockages and

scar tissue, be corrected, be opened up, be--oh, hallelujah!

GEORGE: Hallelujah. KEITH: Be healed in the name of Jesus!

(Singing) "Oh, thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord." Let it flow!

Let it flow! TRACY HARRIS: Pastor George, we've got Lana

from Alabama, and she's with her daughters this morning. She had

some childhood diseases with digestion and all that and

carried on to her children that brought disease into them. But

she received that word about the bloodline today being free.

GEORGE: Yep, yep. TRACY: And the first thing she noticed while

Pastor Keith was singing about the digestion, she took that

healing, and she saw changes. Tell him what you saw changed.

LANA: I just began--my stomach has always been bloated since I

was little. And it began to flatten. And I could just feel a

peace. I've always had anxiety, you know, the gut-brain. I was

always full of anxiety, and I could just feel flattening. And

I was--I could see Jesus. I was holding their hands. And He

smiled at me, and I looked down, and my bloodline was healed for

generations. It was just on and on. (Cheers &

Applause) GEORGE: Praise God. TRACY: Hallelujah.

GEORGE: Give God praise! TRACY: Thank God.

For more infomation >> Simply Receive Your Healing with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 9-27-17) - Duration: 23:14.


Почему важно говорить "спасибо" в семье. Благодарность в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной. - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Почему важно говорить "спасибо" в семье. Благодарность в отношениях между мужчиной и женщиной. - Duration: 3:46.



can you love me? (laughs)

hey guys welcome back to my channel this is James

I have been saying the same dialogue again and again on my every videos, need to think of a new one

hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel this is James, mm we didn't know that right?

until you told us ur name, we thought you were Sacar Lil Buddha right?

Just like Sacar's drama

Just like Seema Subedi became hit, I need to invent something new

otherwise my viewers will kick my but

today i present you with... come on say it quickly

today I present you with a younger version of Bhim Niroula

just like bhim niroula's brother, someone who is as talented as Bhim niroula but not that talented as bhim niroula

even more than that, even worse than that!

omg so much talent, that must talent even I don't have not even this much

thats why i always do this hand sign, most of you guys probably didn't know

now theres a new genre in our nepalese music world, a new style of music

can you choose your own way? door of the heart

after listening to this song and watching this music no, the nepali lady from viral video sent this message

same like this here, you here, same like this this

anyways guys last week gaurav upreti sent me a link of a music video

please do react to this video bro it's a rest in peace type of rap song

now i don't normally react to music videos due to copyright issues but

but one clever man, not gonna say his name because

that man is right here, shh...

im gonna tell you what that clever man did

that clever man found out that there is no copyright on this video, and he made the video

okay now without further ado I'm gonna go ahead and watch this video

before I start watching this video I want to let you guys know that this

video is just for fun I know some people might get offended

now I don't blame you guys, what can we do? it's human nature

what can we do

music sounds like an electronic dance music

oh the main hero gave his entry

wow, wow, wow, wow my friend

my friend! this man reminds me of someone

my inspiration mr. bhim niroula every day I watch his videos and get inspired by

his talent (music plays)

they have been showing the same girl since the start, i guess it's a song about the girl

wow the change in the beat!

my friend! im enjoying the beat here and the man has started singing already!

where did you enter from friend? have to say the previous entry was good

kind of reminded me of Bhim Niroula but im enjoying the beat here but the voice entry was not expected!

wow! (laughs) solti what the H

what a dance move!

johan! johan! come here!

come here, i want you to watch, you can see here

it's a nice lovely video there's a lady sitting thinking about the husband or the boyfriend

(laughs) what is this mate? (laughs again)

Johan is gonna copy the dance a and then after that I'm gonna be doing the same

dance okay let's do it

now I am not an expert at dancing, i don't even know how to dance and

when I dance, I find it funny and laugh at myself

it looked like this man was doing some spiritual dancing to call the spirits and souls

spirits! come here spirits! dance when you have a chance!

this scene looks like, you know universities lecture hall?

where you present your powerpoint, looks like the lecture hall

it's not his like his university or something! because if he is dancing like that in front of his friends, he is absolutely crazy

can you find the road? door of the heart.. can you find the road? (he is holding his phone) find it if you can find it

now the whole song had the lyrics were

can you love me? can you find the road but

solti is using his phone, don't know whether to look at the lyrics or playing the music to synchronize the music for the video

this video started with the girl's appearance and ended with the girl,

that means the girl made his life worse

i feel like this person got inspired by a big artist a big singer

got over inspired by the big artist and made this song

he is not a professional singer nor a talented singer

when i see videos like this, i always think about one thing

this is all Bhim niroula's fault, guys kick his but

look like his family and his friends tried to make him understand, and his probably said this to him

my friend, don't sing, focus on something else, oh you dance well you can get job any where

think about how much money you will make, being a strper and geyclub

son, dont sing! listen to what we are saying! don't sing! now if you really want to sing then sing traditional bhajan!

but I don't think he listened to anyone

now while listening to this song, something came in my mind!

huh! oh jesus! now im gone! gonna have to wipe my poop with my hands! im gonna call someone

can you love? can you love? holding hands

now people who makes these types of songs!

they are heavily inspired, overly inspired by a big artist!

now they never sing or only sing sometimes

as a toilet singer or something

they probably just started singing or started taking singing lessons

and they think of them self as

i can sing as well, i can be famous as well!

everyone's gonna say my name, girls are gonna be after me

everyones gonna compliment me, going to make a bed out of dollar notes and sleep

gonna make a lot of money, gonna get a lot of girls!

and on top of that their friends and families who does not have any knowledge of singing and songs they must have said

wow rascal! your voice is really good, you should release a song tomorrow, it will be hit in Nepal!

anyways thats it for today guys thank you so much for

watching this video now I have gained a lot of new viewers recently,

saw this one welcome you guys to my channel now if you guys don't know who I am

my name is Bond

James Bond and also if you guys want to stay updated with my videos if you

don't want to miss any of my videos, please don't forget to subscribe and don't

forget hit that notification bail because soltis squad is always first

spirits! come here spirits! dance when your getting a chance

hey guys if you enjoyed watching this video don't forget to subscribe to stay

updated for more

For more infomation >> REACTING TO NEW BHIM NIROULA!!! (ROAST) - Duration: 8:51.


Щенячий патруль против Вредный Ромео Превращение Мультик для детей Игрушки Трансформеры Супер Крылья - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль против Вредный Ромео Превращение Мультик для детей Игрушки Трансформеры Супер Крылья - Duration: 2:30.


"Daytripper" by Fábio Moon & Gabriel Bá (2011) comic review - graphic novel recommendations - Duration: 1:58.

[Book cover of graphic novel "Daytripper" by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá (2011) - comic review from comics recommendation list]

Now, the next comic I'd like to recommend is Daytripper, which is by the Brazilian twin brothers Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá.

Daytripper is a comic about a young man who writes the obituary columns for his city's newspaper.

But beyond that, he wants to follow in his father's footsteps and become a great writer in his own right.

Mortality is the theme running through this slightly surreal 250-page comic.

In each chapter of the comic, we join the main character for a day in his life.

The chronology keeps on jumping around throughout each of the 10 chapters of the book:

in the first chapter he's aged 32,

then in the next chapter he's aged 21.

We also see him as a 47-year old, and 11-year old, and finally as a 76 year-old man.

So, in other words, we're following this guy for ten days of his life, but the ten days are scattered all throughout his life.

As you can see, the artwork is incredibly imaginative.

I especially like the illustrations of the character swimming underwater beneath a harbour full of anchored boats.

It sort of looks like that they are blimps floating above him, tethered to the ground by anchors.

The scenery keeps on changing throughout the comic, as we move throughout time, and move to various locations around Brazil.

So, we see everything from the city, to the beach, to the desert, to the countryside.

Anyway, it's really nice stuff. And it comes with a one-page illustrated introduction by Craig Thompson. Bargain, right!?

So, check out Daytripper by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá.

[title music: "Bunny" by Screamfeeder]

For more infomation >> "Daytripper" by Fábio Moon & Gabriel Bá (2011) comic review - graphic novel recommendations - Duration: 1:58.


The hunt for the new videos is almost over! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> The hunt for the new videos is almost over! - Duration: 1:01.


Routa Balkanika - Ep 6 - CROATIA : BMW R1200GSA 2016 & F650GS Twin 2010 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Routa Balkanika - Ep 6 - CROATIA : BMW R1200GSA 2016 & F650GS Twin 2010 - Duration: 3:34.


Dating SBMA Chairman Martin Diño, nilinaw na hindi Sinibak sa Pwesto—SMNI NEWSBREAK 9/27/17 @12NN - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Dating SBMA Chairman Martin Diño, nilinaw na hindi Sinibak sa Pwesto—SMNI NEWSBREAK 9/27/17 @12NN - Duration: 3:37.


When You Photoshop Celebrities Into Your Holiday Party This is What Happens - Duration: 3:45.

When You Photoshop Celebrities Into Your Holiday Party

When You Photoshop Celebrities Into Your Holiday Party

When You Photoshop Celebrities Into Your Holiday Party

When You Photoshop Celebrities Into Your Holiday Party

When You Photoshop Celebrities Into Your Holiday Party

For more infomation >> When You Photoshop Celebrities Into Your Holiday Party This is What Happens - Duration: 3:45.


Ascendum Gaming | TERA [Recruitment Now Open] - Duration: 1:23.

So, we meet once more.

Let's go on a new adventure, this time in Arborea.

Join Ascendum today and meet new players, hang out with us for community events, and

hell - let's even crunch some dungeons down.

We're a pretty laid back PVE guild mainly, but we'll be hosting a variety of PVX centric


If you're brand new to TERA or even a veteran that has decided to return after many, many

years to the game - we're open and we're available in Tempest Reach.

We can't promise an amazing journey, but we can definitely promise an entertaining one.

If you're up for giving us a chance, we'd love to have you here in Ascendum.

Join us today, at

For more infomation >> Ascendum Gaming | TERA [Recruitment Now Open] - Duration: 1:23.


Top 8 Famous Bollywood Actresses Who Did Romance With Both Father And Son | You Won't Believe - Duration: 5:01.

Top 8 Famous Bollywood Actresses Who Did Romance With Both Father And Son | You Won't Believe

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