Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 28 2017

yo I know I know you guys play that one song too much sometimes and you hate it

anyways we's going oh oh I'm C pinch strength I'm the strongest legs to cpa

in the state of florida mainly in the region maybe in the southeast region

dare i say the u.s. do any other CPAs even lift I mean come on man

bad angle oh come on man good point be juicy how does he stay juicy he cooks he

told we cooks yeah I can cook yeah I can't believe I can't believe y'all

ladies men's don't know how to cook yeah I can't believe y'all men's don't agree

how to cook I'm gonna show you right here that ain't that hard alright I'm

going to show you how to do it how to ball out how to be so selfish and don't

we depend on nobody else ain't nobody gonna cut me off from shit I'll tell you

that right now sorry this is like an accounting channel

but but but it is turning into you know I mean when I watch a lot of

motivational stuff long inspirational stuff Ilana Fitness so it is kind of its

it I'm just whittling through and it's an evolving channel and it is what it is

I'm doing videos that I feel like doing and today we're gonna cook we're gonna

cook some chicken now look at this look at this trash yes this is how you know

this is how the kitchen is but I'm showing you I've shown you the real

there must be a shortage on real life er I'm serious because my last two weeks

since the hurricane came has been like oh I mean I used to go come for the

counting vlogs but now I come for the real talk now I come for the real vlogs

now I come for the real y'all should try it more often I mean if you're thinking

about god damn right it's like a little genre the realness the real rawness

just be yourself buddy anyways this is my trashy ass kitchen we're gonna do

some baked chicken today alright we're gonna bake chicken I want to show you

it's not that serious I used to meal prep for like two years straight a

couple years by having meal prep regularly and like a year probably I did

the baked chicken and other stuff for a long long time maybe a year I haven't I

haven't cooked the chicken in a year I just want to show you it's not that

serious I think the main thing is that you're gonna preheat the oven which

we're gonna do now we're gonna preheat the oven to we're gonna I like 400 I

think anywhere around 400 you're gonna be fine for chicken alright

preheat the oven to 400 once preheated I think it varies I'm gonna say the main

thing you want to do is make sure the the chicken is not red in the middle no

Salmonella you do not want to undercook the chicken that's the main thing and if

you do you didn't here for me I would say preheat the oven to 400 degrees

alright step 1 preheat oven to 400 degrees step 2

cook chicken to 40 to 60 minutes that's it everything else is how you want to do

it so I would say do it it's not so it's not very it's not so serious you just

cooked the chicken you know I'm saying you're not gonna do it wrong you'll see

just try and then every time chain Oh wasn't tender enough change it up you

liked this more seasoning put some more seasoning too much seasoning less

seasoning just just it'll get better every time I'm telling you I'm very

practiced about everything so let's see I haven't cooked chicken and like I

don't even know six eight months like this I just got some from Publix

yesterday we're going in so first thing yes we're gonna we're gonna preheat the

oven and then we're gonna clean this fucking dirty ass kitchen well it's

preheating get the chicken ready so preheating the oven

I haven't used this in a while bake

where are you baked nope clear off bake yeah boy 400

okay they it's gonna beep when it when it's ready for me okay so no so now I'm

gonna get the chicken ready and I'll be back for that all right where's back I

have this little pan I put in the oven just any panel do I'm trying to be so

serious because I think people make this cooking chicken so damn serious so look

I got what I get about four four pounds of chicken at the store yesterday I

boneless whatever but it's just chicken okay I got chicken come on open up I

like to run the water like this I just like to run the water get some of the

stuff off the just the oaky chicken the Salmonella or whatever either you office

is needed but this is the one stuff I do I clean it off when there's some water

and then I put it in the pan here and yeah then we're going to do some

seasoning in a second and I'll show you I'll show you the seasoning in a couple

minutes so I'm gonna this already the oven is preheating as we speak so after

we finish this we're gonna the main thing is you want to get the Salmonella

off and not get food poisoning sick from under cooking this chicken so as long as

you cook it right as long as you cook it you're gonna be fine chef boyardee DME

baby so what are we got we got some Italian

we got some Italian seasoning you know we put some of that on yeah buddy

big seasoning kind of guy I'm not at Pepperwood just suck which is

sucky I have a little bit garlic powder love me some garlic powder so I'm gonna

put some garlic powder on now you can season you can you can doooo season II

like a white person and that's like a little bit of pepper I think I don't

know or you can be anywhere in between diner uh sure what culture does a lot of

seasonings but I know everyone likes to make fun of white people for not using

seasoning and I concur they don't so season how you want it you're cooking

for other people you're cooking for other people sometimes you don't wanna

sometimes you want to leave it plain and then people can season it as they want

like if I was cooking this chicken for a bun for a whole group I would definitely

do less seasoning so there would be bitching the fuck up about the fucking

seasoning actually this is good this is seasoned like it's fucking seasoning

dude oh this is fucking good somebody out hey I got the big can about here we

put the body on I love the body uh it's a complete seasoning man it's got

everything in here so I could just have this now

you don't have to do this I'm gonna do this this is off GPO I'm gonna I'm gonna

put it over with foil hey look if you don't have a foil I don't know what to

tell you bro you're gonna have you're gonna have tin foil and duct tape like

hey I mean this is like a learning education Channel

the tin foil duct tape okay sure ladies need some other things maybe I don't

know but I know for a guy if you have those you're gonna be okay you get

pretty much everything done so I do that I do this to keep the juices in now I'm

gonna clean I'm gonna clean the kitchen up wait for the oven to preheat and I'll

see you back you guys are gonna laugh at me I didn't do anything with love and

preheat except answer a comment on YouTube YouTube content check my you do

but I got I got this but anyway so look the oven beeped

we're preheated at 4:00 he were preheated at 400 right here boom it beam

to my beep it should say preheated anyways I heard it beep it's preheated

which we're gonna did open that up and up why we're gonna get our chicken here

whoa arms looking decent looking decent now you put in come on board okay now

it's on the fly here right now it's not not too serious we're gonna put it on

four we're gonna time it for timer

twenty five minutes okay so look you're gonna see me back at twenty five twenty

five minutes I am I'm gonna clean this kitchen now because I have the power

cord now so I can listen to some music I'm gonna clean this freakin kitchen

while this is cooking I'm gonna try to get the most out of my day and I do

twenty five minutes then you'll see we do another then I flip everything check

everything out put some more seasoning on and then and

put it in the oven for another 25 minutes so it's 50 minutes of cooking yo

what's good you wouldn't we back we almost done it's gonna beep soon

you said ten seconds whatever cleans the kitchen during that 25 minutes yeah okay

I guess beeping hey turn the timer off for now now we're gonna see all the

potential weirdo power rentals see how it came out boy now my lean in I can't

go back that's what 25 minutes looks like now

I'm gonna flip these over so I can flip them over like

sorry for the breathing well look it's not that serious guys it's just chicken

alright look how moist it is so I do this on purpose like to that's why I

have the tinfoil over it because I like it moist come on man for the camera for

the games for the gods that was better that was embarrassing so that was

embarrass you know I like to embarrass myself I know please I got the Franks

red hot come on I am liberal on this one sighs gonna oh

it's gonna be so good it's gonna stink up the house so good oh oh god yeah yo

what is this some Italian seasoning we're gonna put some thyme seasoning on

so basically I would have done we've preheated the oven we clean the chicken

a little bit we waited for it we did some things wait for loving to preheat

we we had the chicken ready we seasoned it we've covered it with tinfoil we put

it in at 400 degrees juvenile 400 degrees Baghdad ass up you know how we

do it bag it oh that's almost such a jammer

late 90s right yes that's a lot of seasoning yes so Wow I'm looking bad but

it's almost out Wow Oh doggy so look man it's not that serious right season how

you want it that's how we're gonna do

look we're gonna put put that back on the tempo go on look at this whoo boy

sharps on your Bush hmm your boy can cook say boy can't cook step your game

up men oh man come on you boys got game your boys got crazy skill set okay

that's all I'm saying how long are you gonna put that in for

another 25 minutes timer twenty-five minutes timer all right I'll see you

back when it's done gotta have some are when you're cleaning cooking are Kelly

are so what's that tell me what we got there 27 708 subscribers funk crushed it

with the subbies lately Thanks to everyone who sub new old some things to

everyone who comments my life's changing on a daily basis

let's see what we did here we've got one minute left or two minutes so we're just

going to we're just going to clear everything out here so I cooked it for

48 minutes now you don't want to under cook your chicken that's what you don't

want to do so I've seen as much as you I last time I see it it was the last time

you see when I put it back in here so

let's go our being our arm arm veins on point here our muscle that's really

what's what's important a right all righty

yeah all right for the big reveal for the big reveal

Oh baby that's all look good okay Oh baby

now the main thing is here is it now it's it's uh it's still really you know

really juicy and stuff so what I'm going to do I'm going to pull it in here is

what I like to do it's really juicy still so I got to move that computer

over so now what we're gonna do is yeah we're gonna lay it we're gonna lay the

chicken on that so anyway it's not that serious I don't want to give you know

basically you don't want to under you don't want to undercook it so look so

now we're just gonna check right here the proof in the pudding right is it

cooked in the middle I mean look how

look how it splits with my fork that's how I like it so it's kind of it was

kind of crock pot ish so I mean look it's definitely done people it's


hot really hot but it's just wet it's cooked beautiful into those striations

in there huh so mmm that's how I like to do my chicken you do your chicken anyway

and it's kind of came about because I want I'm going to start getting back

into meal prep so this would be a great start for a meal prep people I made an

Instagram post before about a meal prep it was like oh my god I love the meal

prep I want to get started the meal prep how do you meal prep you just do it

basically you just make more you just make more food than you can eat at one

meal so you prep up another couple meals so yeah this would be you know what do

we got one breast here one two three four five six breasts so maybe six days

you can have a chicken breast um these are pretty clean this is a lot

this is a pretty much all protein so you know with this being pretty much all

protein you need some carbs baked potato rice maybe some of the vegetable you can

broccoli or something that maybe a little bit of fat or house of fat aside

but anyways that's wheel prep that's how I make chicken that is the video for

today I will see you tomorrow I love making these videos thank you so much

for watching please leave a comment down below and tell me do you like making

chicken do you know how to cook what do you cook just leave a comment down below

I'd really appreciate it like the video to please because sometimes I have

almost as many dislikes as likes when I started when I put up the video and it's

really disheartening because I always give it like in the beginning anyways so

anyways I've talked too much I'll let you go for today hope to see you

tomorrow CPA strength deuces

For more infomation >> CHICKEN BAKED in the OVEN / Cooking With CPA Strength / 400 Degrees Bake the Chicken 50 Minutes - Duration: 18:48.


قناة الجزيرة الجزائر الدولة العربية الوحيدة التي لم تركع لامريكا وحلفائها YouTube - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> قناة الجزيرة الجزائر الدولة العربية الوحيدة التي لم تركع لامريكا وحلفائها YouTube - Duration: 3:49.


Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 40:32.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 40:32.


Bigg Boss 11 Final Contestants List Confirmed -Check Out The Bigg Boss 11 Contestant Name And Photos - Duration: 6:39.

Bigg Boss 11 Final Contestants List Confirmed - Check Out The Bigg Boss 11 Contestants Name And Photos

For more infomation >> Bigg Boss 11 Final Contestants List Confirmed -Check Out The Bigg Boss 11 Contestant Name And Photos - Duration: 6:39.


The Greatest Local Ad Ever Made - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> The Greatest Local Ad Ever Made - Duration: 1:38.


מה קורה כשמתקשרים לשטן? ענו לי!!! - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> מה קורה כשמתקשרים לשטן? ענו לי!!! - Duration: 3:36.


Truth or Drink: Exes (Vernon & Shanessa) - Duration: 5:43.

- You're acting like you don't drink heavy.

- I don't want to be released from you guys

and be stuck with her, you know,


- My name is Shanessa.

- My name is Vernon.

- We was in a relationship about eight years ago.

- Look at this.

I'm valuing this experience.

- Can I drink?

(light orchestra music)

- What's wrong with you?

We were supposed to cheer.

- We're supposed to cheers?

- Yes.

- Describe our first date.

- We didn't really like date.

I have to drink on that, I'm sorry.



- The whole day?

- No no.

We can't even go there.

The first one. We can't go there.

We let it--


Do I ever pop into your head when you're masturbating?



I'll take a drink.


- Wow.

- Were you attracted to any of my friends

while we were dating?

Be honest.

- That don't say be honest. - It does.

- It says be honest?


I'm gonna have to take a shot to that.

When did you know it was over?


- When you hit me in the rib with your high heel.

Just cause of the fact I went back to jail.

- That was happening a lot.

We didn't have a healthy relationship let's just say that.

- Why did we break up?

- Well, we broke up a lot.

I am dead.

I almost forgot, you gotta get with LAD.


She is his mom's coworker.

I found out that

she was with child.

And anyway, but, you know what?

That's why.

That's why we broke up.

Is there anything you want to apologize for?

Oh my gosh, wow.

Timing is just right.

Do you have anything to apologize?

- I apologize that I was very childish

when I was very young.

- We were children. You can't use that.

You need something else.

I can't--

No, I'm not taking that.

- I just can't, I just like can't--

- You're gonna have to drink, then.

Good job.

- Would you go out with me again?

- We are going out. - She said, she said--

- He's taking me to dinner. - She said she would.

She said she would. - He is taking me to dinner.

You're taking me to dinner.

I'm gonna have to take a shot.

Cause I can't, I don't--

He doesn't want a relationship.

So, he's not, right?

Why are you looking at me like--

You don't want a relationship.

He's been telling me this the last two weeks.

- They just asked you a question.

They didn't ask me a question, you know?

- If I talk too, you talk back.

You already know the deal.

- Okay.

- Don't even act like--

You talk to me when I talk to you.

- Yeah, man.

- Sheesh.

Who was the first person you made out with

after we broke up?

- Audriana.

- You got me fucked up.

- What I do?

- You got me fucked up.


Audriana is my first girlfriend.

Is my first girl--

You don't even know the half of it.

You don't even know because

how could--

Okay, you lying.

You childish for that.

You childish.


Cause we both dated her before we met each other.

Actually, he was with her when we met.

That's why we can't talk about the first time we met

because just--


- Do you still love me?

- I don't know yet, you know?

That's some shit you gotta earn back, right?

Some people can't never earn it back.

I'm just saying.

- I should earn it back?

- No, no, no I'm not saying you should

at all.

I dare you to kiss me on the mouth--


You hear I said mouth though, mouth?

I'm not consenting to this.

- If you could do it over again,

what would you change?

- Definitely not be so violent

and aggressive towards you.

Are you happy with our current relationship?

- It's cool and shit.

You know, I like it.

It's fun, you know.

I'm just getting back to my life and myself.


I wanna cheers to

nice friendship and happiness.


(orchestral music)

- Cool?

Grab that ass, boy.



For more infomation >> Truth or Drink: Exes (Vernon & Shanessa) - Duration: 5:43.


Talking Tom and Friends - Cooler Things (Trailer) | NEW EPISODES OCTOBER 5 - Duration: 1:24.

All right guys. Let's do this!

What about me?

Quiet on the set!

Ladies and gentlemen...

Code red! Repeat: code red!

What are you doing with that fan?

Psst! I couldn't help but overhear...


Ooh, cinnamon and gravy!

I'm all right!


For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - Cooler Things (Trailer) | NEW EPISODES OCTOBER 5 - Duration: 1:24.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.84 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.09.28] - Duration: 33:44.

(Episode 84)

You're not welcome here.

Get out.

Get out right now!

How dare you show up here? Huh?

I came to present myself, Father.

Present yourself?


Have you lost your mind?

How am I "Father" to you? How?

I married him, Dad.

What? You did what?


I married him.

You did what with him?



We got our marriage license too.

You scoundrel.

What have you done to my daughter?

What have you done to my daughter?

Please don't be like this!

I came because he wanted to present himself,

not to get your permission!


you decided never to see me again, right?

Jin Bora, what's with you?

I'm sorry, sir.

Get out.

I can't stand to look at you,

so get out of this house right now!

You're no longer my daughter.

I don't need a daughter like you,

so go!

I'll be good.

I'll do my best to win you over, Father.


Why am I your father-in-law,

you dirty scoundrel?

Why aren't you shooing them away?


Didn't you hear me say I want you to leave?

Bora, you should just go today.

Please take her and go.

I'm sorry.

I'll come back some other time.

You're not coming here!

Let's go.

Bora... That Bora...

How could she...

Calm down, please.

You'll really collapse.

This won't do. I'll go get your medicine,

so hang on, okay?

I'll give it to that scoundrel...


I heard Moo Suhyeok went to look for Bora.

Did you go somewhere because of that?

Let's talk later.


I want to be alone.

Yes, Ms. Heo.

Dohyeon is...


Yes, okay.

Chairman Jin collapsed.


How is he?

Is it very bad?

Let's talk outside.

I need to talk to Dohyeon in private.

Yes, ma'am.

Have a seat.

What happened?

Bora came.


Yes. She said she got married.

She came with that guy Moo Suhyeok.


He came to present himself.

You know how your dad is.

He was screaming his head off

while Bora kept talking back, as always.

He kicked her out so heartlessly...

Why that wretched girl!

So how is Dad?

The doctor says he must be careful.

It'll really be dangerous

if he collapses again.

How is Chairman Jin?

It's not serious, right?

He has to be careful.

It must be because of that.

What do you mean?

Truth is, he's been dealing with of a bit a problem.

The police have been investigating

since some of his boys got into trouble,

so he's been on edge.

The police?

We're back.



Bora, so we meet again here.

It's good to see you. Welcome.

Thanks, Juyeong.

You should say hello too.

It's your new aunt.

Hello. I'm Bong Uri.

Nice to meet you.

Come on in.

Juyeong, take Uri.

Did you get kicked out?


Of course.

Anyway, thank goodness you're back in one piece.

I'm sorry.

What can you do?

You must wait until your father's anger subsides,

since even I'm very upset.

Yes, Mother.


tell them to turn in now.

They must be tired.


Don't think about anything and just sleep.

Good night.

Good night.

Ms. Jin, hang in there.

You can't call your sister-in-law "Ms. Jin."


Oh... Oh, right.

Do I get to be the scary sister-in-law now?

Good night, Bora.

Geez, Mom.

Why couldn't you be nicer?

Bora was walking on eggshells.


Do you know anxious I was that

something might've happened to them?

Ow. Ow, my head.

You're tired, right?


Man. But I'm exhausted.

The room's a bit small, right?

I didn't get to see your room

when I went to your house.

I bet it's very frilly and nice like a princess' room.

This isn't small.

It'll just be for the two of us.

I'm worried about Juyeong.

He'll think he got kicked out because of me.

Yes. He did get kicked out because of you.


How about getting a studio for an office?

Then Juyeong can stay there.

I have enough to get one.

Jin Bora.

Are you flaunting your money and playing

the rich girl already?

No, it's not that.

I'll take care of my own business.

You'll get it from me if you bring that up again.

But you were doing so well.

My poor dad.

I must be an awful daughter.

Yes, you're a terrible daughter.

So let's be good to him.

I'll be good to him too, okay?

- Hey. / - Mom.


I have something to tell you.

I have something to discuss with you too.

What is it?

You go ahead first.

I think we should at least get Suhyeok

a rented room so they can move out.

Did Suhyeok say that's what he wants?

No, it's not that.

But I feel uneasy.

Frankly, why would Bora want to live with us?

She'd prefer being alone with him.

That's true.

I'm a mother, and yet

I have no money to even get him a room.

Geez, Mom.

I just hope I don't burden you guys at least.

I'm so worried.

What is it you wanted to tell me?

Huh? It's nothing, Mom.

Uri, what's wrong?

Did you fight with a friend?

Then what is it?

Mom, don't get married.


Why not?

Yunseo says her stepfather started hating her

after her baby brother was born.

I doubt that.

I swear.

He only dotes on the baby,

and when Yeonseo touches the baby,

he scolds her.

He's just worried she might accidentally hurt him.


Yunseo cried earlier,

saying she's scared of her stepdad.

So you were worried I'd marry

and you'd get

a scary stepdad, right?


You won't marry and just live with me, right?




Mom, then promise me.

Mom, you promised, okay?

I'm back.

It's almost impossible to see you these days.

Why is it so busy at work?

I'm sorry.

Taejin, you come sit too.

I don't think we can leave Haechan like that.

He'll get better soon.

How do you know that?

That's enough.

Given the state your son's in,

should you be fighting?

I'm sorry.

Baekho, that's why I told you

to let Haechan be for a while.

I know.

I want to do that, but Huijin keeps...

It's just that I'm scared.

What if he becomes an anti-social loner

if he stays holed up in his room like that?

Geez. Haechan will get better in no time.

By the way, thank Officer Moo for us.

We were too frazzled that day to thank her.

What are you talking about?

It was Officer Moo who saved Haechan.


Is that really true?

Officer Moo really came though.

Otherwise, those punks would've done worse.

H-How nice of her.

Say, Baekho,

watch Haechan for a bit,

and if still doesn't get better,

how about taking him to a doctor?

A doctor?

It can't hurt to get a professional opinion.

That's ridiculous.

This is driving me crazy.

We'll think about it.

I'm sorry.

I'm turning in.

Good night.

You must be tired, so sleep tight.

Good morning.

Why are you up already?

You must be tired. You should've slept in.

You didn't sleep well because of us, right?

I'm comfortable here as it's our house,

but you must be uncomfortable.

Not at all.

What's all this?

It's nothing.

I just used what was in the fridge...

This is nothing?

I'll do it, so go on in.

No, I'll do it.

You shouldn't do this on your first day.

You can't make me into a mean mother-in-law.

Run along.


Go on.

I told you she'd shoo you away, right?

This is how Mom is.

Thank you, Mom.

But still...

Geez, that Moo Suhyeok...

Look at her dragging Bora out.

How funny.

Ms. Lee Seonok, you must feel betrayed.

This is why raising a son is thankless.

That's why you should be good to your daughter.

I don't want to look at you, so scram.

All you do is cause me grief.

When did I cause you grief?

Just take the food out.

This is amazing.

It's way better than your cooking.

Aunt Bora made it. What do you think?

It's very, very delicious.

Is Grandma's tastier

or Aunt Bora's?

Why are you looking at me?

Aunt Bora's.

Sure. A cooking teacher's has to be tastier.

My daughter's honest to a fault.

So what will Juyeong do?

He says he'll stay at the office for now.

Good grief. I feel so bad.

Mom, you should be considerate of Bora.

She's walking on eggshells as it is.

I don't think you're helping Bora at all.

I'd like to take Bora to work with me as of today.


There's a project we've been working on together.

We're behind as we took the past few days off.

It'll help for us to work together.

Do you want to keep her by your side all day long?

That's not why he's doing this.

He's worried she'll have it tough if left alone.

Go ahead.

Wow, Mom. You're so quick to catch on.


Why are you poking him?

Give us a pass.

Mom, thank you.

Just eat.

Um... May I help...



Inspector Cha will be a bit late today

because he went to the precinct.

So Officer Moo, you're on situation duty,

and the rest of you, work twice as hard.

That'll be all.

Suri Suri Chamsuri.

Why did Inspector Cha go to the precinct?

Don't know.

Maybe they want him back there.

Yes. That could be it.

You all heard what the Grim Reaper

said to him when he came by.

That there's no one as good as Inspector Cha.

Senior Inspector Hwang's not the only one.

I bet many people are out to nab him.

Do you suppose he'll end up leaving us?

Have you heard anything as his partner?

No, not really.

How would Officer Moo know?

I knew he wasn't meant to stay here,

but it'll be sad to see him go.

What will you do, Officer Moo?

I can't be your partner now either.

Senior Officer Jang.


I'd like coffee too.

The times have gotten better since

a subordinate can ask her superior for coffee.

Consider it my charm, ma'am.

Your charm?

Sure. You're terribly charming.

Based on how you talked back to Inspector Cha,

you could do the same to me.

Of course not.

I think you're more than capable.

I would never do that.

Thank you.

Do you really not know

what's going on with Inspector Cha?

He must've said something

about why he'll be late.

You're his partner after all.

He didn't even call?


I kept you waiting, didn't I?

No, sir.

So you went rogue again?

Inspector Cha,

have you always ignored principles

and the command structure?

Isn't it enough you got burned once for that?

Are you happy about

what you did to your colleague?

Don't go rogue like this again.

I really won't forgive you

if this happens again.

Thank you for your advice.

If you want to investigate,

put your rank on the line and do it properly.

Then I can give you all the help you need.

May I really do that?

I'll come see you if I need to investigate.

Don't forget what you said today.

Eat your fill.


You must feel very guilty, Bora.

Yes, very much so.

Don't ever forget and keep this up,


Otherwise, I'll barge into the newlyweds' bedroom.

I'll wedge myself between you two in the bed.

Have you gone mad?

You can't wedge yourself between us.

He's eating.

It is delicious though.

So? Is it nice? Are you happy?

Yes. I'm so happy I could die.

Darn it. I should date and stuff too.

Go ahead. Who's stopping you?

I need the right environment to date.

So let's work hard so that we can move

to a nicer office.

We've lost time due to you-know-who.

Why are you looking at me?

Because you're pretty.

Do you want me to eat or not?

Eat, eat, eat.

Moo Suhyeok speaking.

It's me.

I'd like to see you.

Don't tell Bora.

Yes, okay.

I have to step out.

Who was it?

The owner of the grilled chitterlings place.

I'm off.

Be nice to my wife.

I'll kill you if you get saucy with her.


What's this?

That's fig.

It's really good. Wow.


So you got married?

I'm sorry.

I really don't like your method,

and I didn't want Bora marrying like this.

But what can I do?

It's said and done.

But the situation is bad.

Dad collapsed.


How is he?

He's stabilized a bit,

but he needs to be careful for now,

so don't come by.

And don't let Bora know either.


It is what it is, so be good to Bora.

Don't make her miserable.

This is not a request.

It's a warning.


I'm back.

- Welcome back. / - Inspector Cha.

What was it about?

Is something going on?

What do you mean?

You were at the precinct.

Are you getting transferred back?

No, it's not that.

Inspector Cha, a word.

Yes, sir.

What took so long?

I had to wait as he wasn't in.

He's blatantly trying to put you in your place.

So what did he say?

To stay in line of course.

You said nothing was up with Detective Han.

I'm your superior

yet you didn't report to me.

Do you think that's acceptable?

I'm sorry, sir.

I know how you must feel.

I might have done the same thing.

But in any case, you got

your colleague into trouble.

You should be more circumspect from now on.

You can go.

That conniving Hwang...

Could he be out to get Inspector Cha fired?

You really put me on the spot today.


Everyone asked me why you went to the precinct,

but I didn't know what to say.

I'm sorry.

Shouldn't you

at least let me know if you're going to be late?

I'm your partner after all.

I couldn't help it.

What is it?

Is it serious?

Don't worry about it.


What can I do if you're going to be like this?

It's because you really don't need to know.

It's got nothing to do with you.

Okay. I'll mind my own business.

Why are you giving me attitude?

When did I give you attitude?

Right now.

You didn't even call after you left yesterday.

I didn't?

"I didn't?"

So you didn't even think about me.

Our family is in crisis mode due to Haechan,

so I couldn't tell them we're getting married.

I couldn't either.

Is Haechan okay?

He's not good at all.

Oh, no.

Don't worry. It'll work out.

Detective Han.

You found out?

What are you talking about?

Jin Dohyeon ransacked Huijin's restaurant?

What you said yesterday...

That a cop's sniffing into our affairs?


Who is it?

I think Cha Taejin's involved again.


The detective that's doing the digging

is Cha's longtime partner.

It's Cha Taejin again?

Darn it.

Jin Dohyeon speaking.

This is Cha Taejin.

I'd like to see you.

I actually wanted to see you too.

Let's do that then.


Dad's okay.

Right now?

What is it?



Why does he want to see me all of a sudden?

What's he going to say this time?

Long time no see.

Oh. I did see you recently.

I don't think this is the occasion to discuss that.

I guess it isn't.

So what was it about?

Speak plainly.

You ransacked my sister's restaurant.

That's right. I smashed it up.

I stopped myself from going further.

Mr. Jin, don't you know that's illegal?


I only did what I had to.

You know your mother lives with my father, right?

She was going to sue for a division of assets

to steal what's mine to give to you.

Is it okay to steal someone else's money?

Although they're not officially married,

she did take care of my father.

But isn't a few buildings enough?

So I ransacked the place as a warning.

Did you come to see me

because you got mad over that?

My father has collapsed.

Did you reappear to make me see you like this?

I did it to survive.

Why didn't you just die?

Why is this so salty?

Am I your servant?

Why do you take it out on me?

I'd like to see you briefly.

I was actually hoping to see you.

I discussed Uri with Taejin today.

A stepdad is a stepdad.

Don't expect too much.


I'll be right back.

Uri's not here.

What happened to Uri?

I was talking to Detective Han when...


For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.84 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.09.28] - Duration: 33:44.


Metin2: interview series part V - community & social media - Duration: 12:10.

So now I have a few questions

more related to the community.

That's why I have Bad Idol here.

Hey, my name is Bad Idol

but I answer to the name Tobias in real life.

I'm 36 and have been a community manager at Gameforge since 2008.

I've been working for Metin2 on and off since 2009

now as the community manager responsible for Metin2.

Then let's get stuck into the questions.


So, the first question is:

Are you working to improve communication both internally and externally?

Essentially so that things which aren't set in stone

don't get communicated directly to the world.

The first thing to say is that in any online game

just as in Metin2, there are many people involved.

That starts with the studio, Webzen

continues with our product directors

the QA testers, the community managers…

There's a host of different people involved.

That means it's easy for misunderstandings to occur.

It's enough when you don't know for sure

what the studio intended.

Who understood what and how?

Maybe there were misunderstandings right from the start.

What we certainly try to do is ensure that information is only released

once it is absolutely final.

Over the long term, it's impossible to stop the occasional

hiccough from happening.

But we're working very hard to ensure the information we communicate is solid.

That's one of the reasons why I've come back to working on Metin.

I was pretty good at that before, and I'm sure we'll manage it again.

Will we be able to count on greater community involvement

regarding updates and changes in the future?

Changes are a tricky point.

Of course we always consider that the community has a very important say in things.

As Tom, our product director, mentioned

that's one of the reasons we have our open beta tests.

Of course we can't run one of those for every single change

but for larger updates such as 17.4, for example

we're always going to run a beta test.

We're very keen to have the community give their feedback

and that means from every community

whether it be Germany, Turkey, Poland…

Metin2 is of course available in many different languages.

That's a really big opportunity because

the feedback which the community members provide

basically gets forwarded unabridged to the developers.

We don't filter the information to any great extent.

Sure, the flames and insults which might be mixed in

with the feedback, of course we don't forward that on.

Who wants to read that?

But what really gets through as feedback:

'That feels bad, that feels good

that feels like my class should feel.'

thinking of the class balancing update, for example

that kind of feedback is forwarded in full.

That means players have a decent chance

to see their feedback have an impact on development.

That means then talking of the Devil's Catacomb or the Baroness

if I were to gather suggestions over Twitch

you wouldn't be averse to reading through them?

Not at all. We're always open to suggestions.

Though I should say a short caveat:

it isn't feasible that every suggestion

gets implemented exactly as described.

But it's a great opportunity for us.

When people who are in the game

and honestly know the game better than I do, to be quite honest,

when they say to me it'd be better if it were this way.

It'd be pretty dumb of me not to listen.

And pass it on of course.

Could you imagine setting up a group of players specifically

to provide you with tips and suggestions regarding Metin2?

Definitely, we've already done as much. Both myself

and the product director have spoken to

numerous YouTubers, Twitch streamers or people in the forums

telling them to stop by for a coffee and chat to us.

We've done that many times.

Lots of players, usually surprised, gratefully take us up on the offer

and come and visit us.

And it's usually an interesting discussion.

Though we have to say that in addition

to the German version we also have many other language versions

which means people from all different cultures who have different ideas

about which classes should work in what ways.

It's our job to try to reconcile all those ideas.

That's the real challenge and it can be a big one sometimes.

Everyone has their own opinion about how things should be.

You see that when reading the forums or social media channels.

But that means if an individual really sticks out from the masses

someone who knows a lot about the game

then it's possible you'd start a dialogue with them?

Certainly, sometimes we take the initiative to talk to them.

But it's also possible that the player thinks to themselves:

'I wish I could talk more directly to Gameforge.'

In that case, write to the relevant community manager

and they can get the ball rolling.

We're really open to that.

Okay. Right, the next question:

In other games you see a lot of community-related stuff on social media pages.

What is there for Metin?

Metin2 has…

It's been fairly quiet on that front, I have to admit.

But we're going to breath some more life into it

and increase our presence there.

We have our own Facebook page for Metin2.

However, Metin2 is also getting on a bit, so it wouldn't

make much sense for a Reddit or Instagram page.

So I don't personally see that we need to be more involved there.

Facebook and Twitter are two areas we should consider.

They're established platforms and social media channels

which we could certainly run more actively, and we'll do so in the future.

Then I'll post the links in the description.

How is Gameforge's relationship with YouTubers and streamers?

And if someone is interested in getting involved, how do they go about doing so?

First of all, we have our own Let's Play Guidelines

which provide a rough framework for how we'd like that to work.

There's also an email address which you can write to specifically for Metin2.

Those emails actually land in my inbox

and I go through the initial stages with YouTubers

about what they want to do and how we can help.

For Metin2 there are in principle two different types:

on the one hand we have

what I'll call the common or garden YouTubers

basically regular YouTubers who think:

'Ah, I'd love to make a Metin2 Let's Play video.'

or maybe even a series about Metin2.

They can happily get some support from my side.

We look at it and talk about what

they would like to achieve and how we could help them.

Maybe we can supply them with a few items they need.

Or maybe they want to make a tips video

and needs a bit of support for that.

Then we have the brand ambassadors

people such as yourself or Fossy, for example

they obviously get more support from us.

That may be support in the form of

interviews like this one or something similar.

That's obviously something you can't do with every YouTuber.

—We wouldn't have the time for that. —It would be too many.

Exactly, we don't have enough time for that.

What we're currently looking for specifically, for example, would be serious and

professional people for Turkey and the English-speaking world.

So if any of you're interested or know someone who might be

send an email to the address

which Kevin will write in the description.

Get in touch and we'll get you forwarded on

because we definitely need you.

Okay, the next question is:

Lots of private server YouTubers have moved onto the official servers

but they still talk about the private servers in these official videos.

What action is Gameforge considering here?

It's a tricky one.

Private servers are illegal bootlegs which we cannot and will not tolerate.

Videos about those will be blocked, same as always.

If a YouTuber then decides, fine

I'll just avoid that by showing official content

and then badmouth Gameforge or the official servers.

Well, what can I really do about it?

Of course I can do something if they

do something really stupid or really nasty

and break the rules with what they say.

That is if they use very bad insults

or share illegal or harmful content

but you simply can't do that

for every individual YouTuber

or for every single video.

Nobody has the time or money to start constant legal proceedings

and then you'd be spending all your time in court.

It's up to each person to think about what they're doing.

Private servers are illegal and always will be.

We won't block legal content as we neither

have the ability nor do we see the need.

If someone feels the need to talk badly about us

go ahead, if it makes you feel better.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Come and join those oh-so-terrible servers.

They're popular enough, so it can't be that bad.

And if you don't want to do that

then live with the consequences.

If your video ends up blocked, I don't have much pity.

It's a contradiction in terms: they're playing the game, showing the content and complaining about it.

It doesn't make any sense.

Exactly. It doesn't make any sense for them or their channels.

If they get any benefit from it, by all means.

All I can say is: show private server content

and your video'll be blocked.

Show legal content and badmouth it, fine.

If you want to be so petty, be my guest.


Now we come to the personal questions.

How did you end up in your job?

A funny story really, in a rather roundabout way.

Originally I trained to be a medical radiology technician

which doesn't bear even the slightest relation to games.

But I got started, as strange as it sounds, as a player.

I took the long path all the way from starting as a player

then joining the team of volunteers

because I had a lot of fun with the game.

Back then it was OGame and WildGuns, two of our browser titles.

That's how long my Gameforge heritage goes back.

Then I part-worked part-fought my way up the team hierarchy

and proved myself, until I applied to join as a community manager.

Gameforge hired me and I've been here ever since.

Okay. And now the final question.

In Metin2, which race/class would you want to be?

In every game I play, I always choose to play

the healer or support classes.

While Tom's more the in-your-face, hit-me-if-you-dare

someone-will-heal-me type of player, I'm more the sort

who makes sure such people don't keel over dead.

So, let me say thanks for your answers

also on behalf of the viewers.

And with that – until next time!

See you again, thanks.

For more infomation >> Metin2: interview series part V - community & social media - Duration: 12:10.


Imperfect Produce Finds A Home For 'Ugly' Produce. - Duration: 2:37.

Twenty percent of all fruits and vegetables

fall into this category of cosmetically challenged.

This is stuff that's getting sold to

animal feed for like one cent per pound.

There's a huge amount of it that is

perfectly edible and nutritious and it

just doesn't look quite right

or it doesn't fit the specs that the

big industry buyers are looking for.

They'll literally just be left in that field.

That prompted me to come out to the West Coast

about two years ago to start the company.

Imperfect Produce is an ugly produce delivery service.

So, we basically take all the fruits and

vegetables that otherwise would be

wasted on farms just because of the way

that they look and we pack customizable

boxes for our customers for thirty to fifty

percent cheaper than grocery store prices.

So typically when you grow apples

for the fresh market and then it has to

go to juice just because a little bit of a scar,

typically the grower takes a loss there.

We're able to buy that for a premium

to give more revenue to that grower.

The biggest thing is the ability to pair up

value and values together.

The fact that you literally are saving a

significant amount of money on your

produce every week while getting it

delivered and then at the same time

making a big social value a big impact

on the environment and on food waste.

We're getting it straight from the farm,

so it's actually fresher a lot of times

than what you can find at the store and

the quality is just the same.

Food really gets wasted all along the supply chain.

Actually, the biggest chunk is by us consumers.

We need to create a culture where food is really valued

and food is really seen as precious.

What's really incredible about Imperfect is

they've really had an outsized impact on

the industry through the attention

that they brought to the issue.

Food waste can be a really overwhelming problem

and I think a lot of environmental problems feel

very overwhelming, but I hope to inspire people.

There's a way for all of us to get involved.

For more infomation >> Imperfect Produce Finds A Home For 'Ugly' Produce. - Duration: 2:37.


Farming Simulator 17 SAPHIR SILAGE PACKAGE - Duration: 12:06.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two New Tools You can use to compacting Silage.

SAPHIR Pack Includes SAPHIR MGS 300S Blade And SAPHIR SW 30 Compacting Drum

You can refill the SAPHIR SW 30 Compacting Drum with water for more efficiency

Valtra T FL

Blade need some Improvemend

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 SAPHIR SILAGE PACKAGE - Duration: 12:06.


Uma semana após furacão, Porto Rico continua sem energia e água - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Uma semana após furacão, Porto Rico continua sem energia e água - Duration: 2:39.


Colours For Kids Computer Coloring Pages How To Color Computer Drawing Computer Pages Learn Colors - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> Colours For Kids Computer Coloring Pages How To Color Computer Drawing Computer Pages Learn Colors - Duration: 11:58.


Declarado estado de emergência em Vanuatu devido a erupção de vulcão Monaro - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Declarado estado de emergência em Vanuatu devido a erupção de vulcão Monaro - Duration: 3:52.


Have young Swiss lost their rebelliousness? - Duration: 2:30.

I reject all bourgeois aspects of this society.

I accept anyone who isn't bourgeois.

In the 1970s thousands of young hippies

kicked off a social and cultural revolution.

They state their name and age.

These French-Swiss are guided by the ideals of love, peace and freedom,

breaking with a Switzerland they consider backward.

I'm being bossed about, pushed around.

This new lifestyle will be more and more foreign to the system.

In 2017, the main aim of young Swiss people

is to realise their dreams.

Nine out of ten feel that way.

We're fine, there's no doubt about it.

In Switzerland everything's OK.

We get what we need to do all we want.

I'm pragmatic.

I get things done bit by bit instead of rebelling.

But it was a rebellion

that gave rise to the peace & love movement.

Against factories and assembly-line work.

Manufacturing will die out, no-one will want to live like that anymore.

I get 200 francs a month, that's enough.

Work? Maybe 3 or 4 months a year.

Today it's work that preoccupies young people.

Working is good for you!

Work gives us prosperity.

We can't just rest.

It gives me independence and energy.

Are today's young people less rebellious,

or did the idealists of the 1970s

finally change the world?

For more infomation >> Have young Swiss lost their rebelliousness? - Duration: 2:30.


'King Jeongjo and Hamlet' play held at Seoul palace as part of arts festival - Duration: 2:13.

Chuseok, one of Korea's biggest holiday is right around the corner.

Naturally, the nation's cultural calender is packed with options.

The Traditional Performing Arts Foundation continues to provide something extra special.

Cha Sang-mi zooms in on the performances held at Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Passersby are mesmerized by an intriguing performance of Korean traditional music and


As part of this year's Korean traditional music festival, a contemporary fusion performance

is being held at Gyeongbokgung Palace - the largest of the five remaining Joseon Dynasty

palaces in Seoul.

(Stand-up) "The palace setting adds something to the

play's atmosphere,... and if you really want to get in the mood,... entry is free of charge

for those dressed in 'Hanbok', Korea's traditional clothing."

The Korean Traditional Performing Arts Foundation, under Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports

and Tourism, was founded in 2009 with the purpose of preserving and passing down Korea's

traditional arts.

(KOREAN) "We've hosted this program since 2010.

Previously, visitors to the palace would briefly drop by, but our shows have become massively

popular over the years.

Now our audience comes to the palace just to see our plays."

This year's Gyeongbokgung performance features a contemporary interpretation of Korean King

Jeongjo's encounter with Prince Hamlet of Denmark.

(KOREAN) "It's obviously nice to perform inside halls,

but the scenic beauty provided by the palace makes it a whole new experience.

I believe it makes our performance all the more fascinating when its held in this ancient


(KOREAN) "I wasn't sure what kind of play it was from

far away.

I thought it was a Korean traditional play, but I saw it was a mixture of Western and

Korean figures.

It was really well-made."

Over the past several years, some 380-thousand Koreans and foreigners have enjoyed the program,...

while soaking in the stunning night view provided by Korea's palaces.

The concert program takes place twice a year in four different palaces and shrines in Seoul

during spring and fall.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> 'King Jeongjo and Hamlet' play held at Seoul palace as part of arts festival - Duration: 2:13.


猫 感動話!飼い始めた 子猫が4日でいなくなって しまった理由とは - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> 猫 感動話!飼い始めた 子猫が4日でいなくなって しまった理由とは - Duration: 6:22.


Farming Simulator 17 Bale Transport With Xl Specialized 80MFG Low Loader - Duration: 11:49.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will Try to load as many bales I can to the Xl Specialized 80MFG Low Loader.

VOLVO VNX300 700Hp 90Km/h Tip Speed

Lower Third Axle V KEY Move Attacher M - K KEY Also M KEY Added OverSize load Sign

Xl Specialized 80MFG Low Loader Two parts Front And Rear X KEY Extend Low Boy

Timelapse start I was use autoload tools to make it fast For all the mod I use in this video You can find download link in description

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Bale Transport With Xl Specialized 80MFG Low Loader - Duration: 11:49.


D T M అనే అక్షరాలతో మీ పేరు ప్రారంభం అవుతుందా | D T M Character Numerology | Name Numerology | - Duration: 2:59.


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