Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 28 2017

DONNA MARY: It has put me on a different path

of, um, expectations, what to believe for,

and taking the limits off of my believing.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: God's Word is full of promises for your healing.

Today on the Believer's Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland

studies Psalm 91. See God's compassion at work

and learn where healing can be found. Now here's Kenneth.

KENNETH: Open your Bibles now to the 91st Psalm.

And we will watch compassion at work. There

are three different individual speakers in this Psalm. This

Psalm is prophetic, and we're living in its--we're living in

the light of it today. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of

the most High--" say, "Most--(Audience

Repeats)--high." It doesn't get any higher than that. "--shall

abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Here is the first

speaker, which, in this case, it's you, it's me. "I will say

of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God--" who is

love; "--in him will I trust." That first-person speaker,

that's the last word you and I say in this Psalm. And if you'll

notice this, it's the way it's written. And every time you read

it, you notice it's kind of written funny. Well, it's

written correctly; it's been read funny. (Laughter) Now, the

next speaker is Jesus. And since you said what you said, now He

has something to say to you. "Surely," Kenneth, "He," the

most High God, "shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler

and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover you," Kenneth,

"with his feathers, and under his wings shall you trust: his

truth shall be your shield and buckler. You," son, "shall not

be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that

flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walks in

darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at

noonday. A thousand," Kenneth Copeland, "shall fall at your

side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not

come nigh you." (Audience Agrees) "Only with your eyes

shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked." I wrote

in my Bible, "Like a bad movie." (Laughter) Why? I'm in the

secret place. I'm seeing all this. I'm seeing all this

happen. I'm seeing a thousand, ten thousand, all of them coming

after me. Ha-ha. But I'm hidden away in the secret place of the

most High God. How did I get in there? I believed it with my

heart and said it with my mouth. (Audience Agrees) Hallelujah.

All of these different things here includes sickness and

diseases and all the curse. Now, notice this: "Only with your

eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked.

Because you," Kenneth, "made the Lord, which is my refuge--" This

is Jesus talking now. "You made the Lord, which is my refuge,

even the most High, your habitation." AUDIENCE: Amen.

KENNETH: Do you see that? He's saying to you, He's saying to

me, He's saying, "Kenneth, you'll only see this with your

eyes because you made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the

most High, your habitation, your refuge." And because of that,

"There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come

nigh your dwelling." AUDIENCE: Amen. Glory. KENNETH: "For he

shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all

your ways." Now, wait a minute. Don't jump and run from that.

"To keep you in all of your ways." What ways? All of the way

now from Verse 3 and all the way down, and all of this stuff, the

angels are the agents of the most High that have built the

blessing wall around you while all this stuff is coming after

you. (Audience "Amens") This is the soldier's psalm. And it's

not just--it's not just for the military, it's for every soldier

in the army of the Lord. AUDIENCE: Amen. Yes! KENNETH:

But it is directly effective in the military. AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: A very good friend of mine pastors up in Alaska, Keith

Kurber, full colonel, special forces. And I--he--we were--he

was being deployed, and Gloria and I were in Alaska ministering

up there. And so I laid hands on him and shared these things with

him. And I told him, I said, "Keith, teach this--" He was

taking over a high-casualty unit, a lot of--lot of

casualties, just--anyway... I said, "You make this just like

it was when those kids learn the orders of the day, basic

training. And somebody walks up and says, 'Number four,' you've

got to shout order number four, number five, number seven. If

they come up there and--where, if--you come up and say, 'Verse

8,' 'only with my eyes shall I see the reward of the wicked,'

where they quote it every day, quote it every day, quote it

every day." He said, "Kenneth, I'll do it." And he did. And, I

said, "Keith, now, when this deployment is up, I want to hear

from you." I got a phone call at 3:00 in the morning. (Laughter)

"Kenneth!" I recognized his voice. I said, "Tell me about

it, Colonel." He said, "I want you to know, we had zero

casualties!" (Cheers & Applause) Zero. Zero. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. KENNETH: Zero. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah! KENNETH:

Now, he called me again a few weeks later. He said, "I've got

a question for you." He said, "I got a report," and he said,

"They've gone back to taking casualties again." And he said,

"I want you to help me with that." He said, "They're not as

bad as they were, but I want you to help me with that." I said,

"Keith, that's obvious. The--whomever took command

didn't carry on." AUDIENCE: Yeah. KENNETH: "Now, the reason

it's not as much is because the troops carried on." AUDIENCE:

Yeah. KENNETH: "You've got people probably--probably, I

don't know this for sure because I don't know these people." But

I said, "You've probably got some non-coms that enforced it."

AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "Somebody in there is believing

it, and they're still doing it." But whoever--whomever took

command didn't demand it. It's got to be enforced. Well, see,

you don't have to wait. Glory to God. This is over your

household. (Audience Agrees) This is--hey! Glory to God.

Glory to God. Glory to God. "They'll bear you up in their

hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone." I prayed this

for the benefit of our partners yesterday morning because we

were talking about the Citation X and talking about the

Gulfstream V and all of that and--that we're believing for

and so forth. And I demonstrated this, that every time we sit

down in that airplane, every time, we pray this right here.

AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Amen. "Father, we plead the

blood over this airplane together." See, we overcome him

by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, or the

word of our confession. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "We

plead the blood over this airplane today for protection

against every evil spirit, every evil person, every evil thing.

Every evil, wicked plan of the devil is now stopped and

thwarted, praise God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ministering spirits, lift us up, lest we dash our foot against a

stone, and keep us in all of our way according to the 91st Psalm.

And, Father, I pray you bless our partners beyond measure

today." AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Hallelujah. We pray it every

time. Gloria and I get in the car, we pray that prayer. Glory

to God. Amen. And from time to time, the Spirit of God will

pick up with you there, and He'll--you'll start praying in

another direction over here, or something else will come up.

I've had that happen, particularly in private prayer

time, you start praying in the Spirit down these lines, and,

man, it's just being led of the Spirit, praying for all saints

perseveringly. AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. KENNETH: "In the Spirit"

can be translated "praying perseveringly for all the

saints, being led of the Spirit." And you just start

praying that direction, and all kinds of wonderful things start

happening. Why? You're in the secret place. You're in there in

your secret place. Amen. The devil ain't got a clue what

you're talking about. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Ha-ha-ha.

Glory to God. Hallelujah. There's healing this morning in

that secret place. (Audience "Amens") "Thou shalt tread upon

the lion and the adder the young lion: and the dragon shalt thou

trample--" Boy, I like that word, "stomp," "trample." Ha-ha.

"--underfoot." Ah, you and I spoke, got Jesus stirred up, and

He started ministering to us. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: And

He's ministered to us all the way down through this 13th

verse, and all of a sudden, the Father speaks out, "Because--"

He's talking to Jesus. See, He's talking to Jesus. "Because he,"

because Kenneth, "set his love on me, therefore will I deliver

him: I'll set him on high, because he's known my name."

AUDIENCE: Whoo! KENNETH: "He shall call on me, and I will

answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him,

I will honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him

my salvation." (Cheers & Applause) I said it, Jesus said

it, and the Father said it. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Amen.

KENNETH: Now, why would the Father say that to Jesus instead

of saying it to me? Because He's your Lord and He is your Savior,

and He's the one that's going to carry it out. (Audience Agrees)

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: You're just standing there in the

secret place, saying, "Yes, amen." (Laughter) "Yes. Thank

You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. Oh, thank You, Jesus. Thank You,

Father. Thank You, Jesus. Go, ministering spirits." (Laughter)

"Get under my feet, Satan!" (Cheers) AUDIENCE: Thank You,

Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. KENNETH: Say it, "Get under my

feet, pain." (Audience Repeats) "You're a trespasser in my body.

This is a living sacrifice. Belongs to Jesus. He

bought it and paid for it. Get out, cancer!"

DONNA MARY: I'm Donna Mary, and I'm from Columbia,

Missouri. I have been legally blind in my left

eye since I was in second grade. I've worn glasses.

And then when I got older, I started wearing

contacts. But I only wore contacts in my left eye. I had

to turn completely around to see behind me when I was driving. I

couldn't see anything far away at all. And reading was--you

know, I always had to wear glasses. And so one service with

Gloria Copeland was the Healing School. And I had never been to

Healing School with her before. But I was sitting way in the

back in the congregation, and she said something about healing

of the eyes. And I had a thought, "Oh, my gosh, I never

thought of that." GLORIA: And the spirit of blindness, we

rebuke you. Eyes be opened! Eyes be healed! Cataracts, get off of

them in Jesus' name! (Cheers) Glory to God. DONNA MARY: And I

felt something tangibly touch my eye. And I didn't think a lot of

it except it was extremely tangible. I mean, I felt

something really touch my eye. For the rest of the day, I

didn't think much of it. But the next day was church, and I was

there, and I was looking around and in amazement how clear and

vibrant everything was, and the colors. And I was like, "What

has happened?" And I looked down at my Bible, and I closed my

other eye, and I could read perfectly. And I was like, "Oh,

no, my gosh, I've been healed." And I was so excited. Even to

this day I can still read the finest of print on my iPhone.

And I really enjoy just reading anything I can get ahold of

because I was--had many restrictions because of that eye

being blind. But now I can see. I was in Healing School a year

after this particular one, and I had been having pain in my--in

my back, not in my spine, but in my side for over a year. And I

told the Lord, "I know that this is possible, and I don't want to

go to a doctor to--I know healing, and I know Your Word,

and I'm going to take this healing from--from You today."

And I went down there. She laid her hands on me, and I've never

had that pain again. I spend every morning with Gloria

Copeland in Healing School. Healing is my passion. It's what

I'm passionate about. It has put me on a different path of

expectations, what to believe for. And taking the limits off

of my believing, seeking Him for more, for more healings, but,

you know, like anything's possible. I hear so many people

nowadays talk about how sick they are, how many medications

they're on. And it gives me an opportunity to say, "Did you

hear about I Peter 2:24?" And there's so much power in that.

There's enough power in that scripture to heal the entire

world. And just that one scripture, helping people say

that you can hold fast to your faith, don't quit, and don't

give up, even if you don't see the manifestation right away,

it's coming. Healing always comes, as Gloria would say,

and Jesus always comes to Healing School.

For more infomation >> Where Healing Can Be Found with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 9-28-17) - Duration: 18:56.


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