Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 28 2017

Learns colors with surprise ice cream and garage color 3D for children

For more infomation >> Learns colors with surprise ice cream and garage color 3D for children - Duration: 3:10.






For more infomation >> REUSSIR SUR YOUTUBE, LA PETITE HISTOIRE - ROBY - Duration: 3:54.


LEGO UCS Millennium Falcon Speed Build: Part 11 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> LEGO UCS Millennium Falcon Speed Build: Part 11 - Duration: 3:34.


Health Tips in Kannada, ಗರ್ಭಿಣಿಯರಿಗೆ ಕಿವಿ ಮಾತು, Health Advice During Pregnancy, Mane Maddu - Duration: 2:07.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Health Tips in Kannada

Mane Maddu

Health Advice During Pregnancy

For more infomation >> Health Tips in Kannada, ಗರ್ಭಿಣಿಯರಿಗೆ ಕಿವಿ ಮಾತು, Health Advice During Pregnancy, Mane Maddu - Duration: 2:07.


PUBG + Rocket League Stream #2 - Duration: 1:39:51.

For more infomation >> PUBG + Rocket League Stream #2 - Duration: 1:39:51.


Flaming DIY BMX Jam - Furze World Wonders (Ep 1) - Duration: 20:56.

(futuristic electronic typing)

- I'm Colin Furze, inventor, former plumber,

and all around builder of things.

Now, over the years

I've put together some pretty crazy machines,

and broken a few world records along the way.

But now I've decided to take a break

from building stuff for myself,

and I'm using my creative influence

to go out and make things happen for other people.

Well boys. - Hey!

And these builds are pretty epic.

So to help me out

I've brought in my hand picked team of builders

for some much needed assistance.

And this time we'll be helping out a BMX rider

who's just looking for a place to grind.

- I have 100% faith in Colin, he's a rider,

he knows what to look for so I trust him completely.

- Get ready to shred, this is Furze World Wonders!

(crowd cheering)


What? What is this background?

Have we got no budget anymore?

How on earth did this get past the first meeting?


BMX has come a long way over the years.

Things that kids are doing now

would be considered professional, back when I rode.

Skate parks, bikes, it's all moving forward.

So when a guy comes to me and says

he wants to take it all back to its roots,

I'm like yeah, I'm up for that!

Just when I get back to him

'cause I have no idea where I am.

What is all this?

Has it changed yet?

No? Still the same rubbish?

I give up.

- Hey Colin, I'm Chijioke,

I actually know you back from whenever

you used to make BMX videos.

Hitting you up 'cause a bunch of my friends and I

really like building stuff behind old buildings

and kind of in alleyways and stuff like that.

A lot of our stuff gets torn down pretty quickly.

It usually lasts about a day or so,

which is kind of sad, but I mean,

the time we get to spend riding it is totally worth it.

Yeah, it'd be really cool to have you come out

and see what you could do for us.

If you're down I've got a bike with your name on it

so come on out and ride with us. Thanks, man.

(upbeat music)

- Now Chijioke is currently at work and no surprise,

considering he likes BMX and bikes,

he works in a bike shop.

So let's go and see what he's up to,

and see what he's thinking for our do-it-yourself BMX park.


- Hey what's up man? I'm in the back.

-How are ya doing, boy? -Hey man.

Colin, nice to meet you, man. - Nice to meet you, chap.

- Thanks for coming in. - It's all good.

What are doing there? Doing a bit of work, I suppose.

- Yeah, just working on a bike for a customer right now.

- Cool, right. Come on, temporary skate parks ?

You've got skate parks around here,

what's the fascination with them?

- It's fun, you get to do what you want.

You don't have control at a regular skate park.

So I mean, like any kind of temp spot or DIY stuff

is great 'cause you get to do whatever you want.

And you know just as well as anyone

building your own stuff is always a little bit more fun,

a little bit more enjoyable, so.

- What, do you mostly ride street then, I presume?

- Yeah, I mean, I usually ride street.

You know. I ride everything if it's in front of me,

but it's usually street if I have the choice.

(upbeat music)

BMX started in southern California,

like most extreme sports.

And most people know racing because it's in the Olympics.

I ride street and whatever comes in front of you, you ride.

You have to be really determined,

you have to not be scared of getting hurt

and it's my favorite thing to do.

Whenever you're in the middle of a trick

it's kind of slow motion.

I feel really at home, I feel really comfortable,

I'm at my most content.

I'm not concerned about what anyone else is doing

or what anyone else is saying,

I'm just happy to be on my bike and rolling.

(upbeat music)

I honestly don't know where I'd be in life

if I didn't have BMX.

I'd probably be studying to be a doctor like my dad,

or something like that, I don't know.

I'm thankful that I do have it, though,

'cause I wouldn't change my life for the world.

You used to ride a little bit, right?

- Yeah, I used to ride a bit of flat land.

So you know, this is a subject I'm not so completely alien to.

I smashed all my knees up and stuff, things like that.

The usual, the usual stuff, but there we are.

Where's your weapon then, where's your bike?

Let's have a look.

That's something that's changed, eh?

Here she is.

Well you've got four pegs, which I'm quite surprised at.

- Got to have four.

- Yeah, I mean, this is a lot lighter than mine,

mine weighs an absolute ton.

Right, we should probably go and have a look at the site

where we're planning to do all our wonderful creations.

But there's a BMX in front of me and it's got a back brake

and a back stump peg so I just want to try something

to see if I've still got it. - Yeah.

'Cause you know, you can't come into a bike shop,

see a bike and not try and use it.

(upbeat music)

- Whoa. (laughs)

I wasn't expecting that.

- Yeah, the old boy's still got it.

The old boy's still got it.

That's not too bad, actually.


Here we go.

Right. Less playing,

let's go and have a look where we're going.

- Yeah, sounds good. - You want to take that?

Might as well bring it with you.

- Yeah. - Right, let's go, after you.

(upbeat music)

So what did this place use to be then?

- I think it used to be a soap factory, I'm pretty sure.

- And what's happening with it now then?

- Pretty sure it's being developed into condos,

but the owner was nice enough to let us have one last day

and kind of set something up, so.

- Well I think it's a good space,

a lot of bits we can use.

We've got shipping containers,

there's barrels which we can kind of use

for the structure of ramps.

But I think, you know, you like your streets,

you like it a bit rough. - Yeah it's perfect, yeah,

that's definitely what I'm hoping for.

Something a little grimy, something a little more DIY.

- Okay I know what Chijioke is looking for

and it's got to have some edge.

So we'll make a course by putting up a series of ramps

using shipping containers.

We'll make a flat top section to launch from.

We'll set up some walls and some rails,

and build a giant flaming trophy

to properly cap off the night.

Alright I think I've got it.

So you back to the bike shop, I'll go back to the workshop.

- Sounds good, man. - Chijioke, have a good day.

- I have 100% faith in Colin,

he's a rider, he knows what to look for,

so I trust him completely and it's gonna be awesome.

(upbeat music)

- Right, team Furze is hard at work

clearing a whole area

and moving all of the rubbish out of the way

in order to get the ramps built

and everything in its proper place.

- On its side.

Now, while they work in the hot sun,

I'm gonna go inside and work with some actual fire.

Now, as well as building ramps for our DIY BMX park,

I want to make this an event.

And it's not gonna be an event without spectacle.

So I'm thinking fireworks. I like fireworks,

and I'm guessing you like fireworks too.

This is my thought, I want to keep it bike related,

so I'm thinking if we make a giant wheel of fireworks.

And as a little experiment to see if this is gonna work,

this is what I'm thinking.

This is gonna be like a small portion

of the bigger picture.

We're gonna put fireworks around this wheel,

set them off, and it should spin it 'round

like a Catherine wheel and look pretty cool.

And if this works then we can do it,

scale it up, and then do loads of them.

(upbeat music)

And there we are.

It's all mounted up with fireworks,

I've just got to put the igniters in

and then we can set it off.

(upbeat music)

Alright, there we are.

Three, two, one, go.

Yeah, that is good, isn't it?

I just think we need to do it bigger

and more and then more again.



That is exactly what we want

only more, more, more, and a lot bigger.

Let's make a bigger one.

(upbeat music)

Oh, I just want to build a big firework wheel.

Look at that, look.

Fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks.

(upbeat music) (grunts)

We've gotta do four of these.

It's bath night tonight I think.

(upbeat music)

Excellent, get them all spinning, look.

Yes, look at this!

How awesome is that gonna be?


Sparks flying everywhere.

What an end to the event, eh? Gosh.

- Nice work, man. - Good work, Will, good work.

Right, just got to get it back to the old soap factory.

-Will? - Yes?

- Look at the size of the door. Wha wha wha.

- We didn't think that through.

- I don't think that's gonna fit through there, is it?

(upbeat music)

I love the idea of a BMX flash jam,

but we're gonna need a lot of people.

So I've sent Chijioke to gather up as many riders as he can.

- Working with younger riders is always awesome

'cause it's really cool to see how kids have progressed

since you know, 10 years ago.

Ben, Jonathan and Dylan,

they're better than a lot of people my age.

These guys are the future of the sport and yeah,

it was cool to kinda show them a little bit about

being a little bit more street,

but they definitely had a handle on everything already

and they, I don't think they really needed my help.

(upbeat music)

A wall ride is a pretty scary maneuver

and I definitely wasn't doing them at you know,

12, 13 years old.

- When I learn new tricks I just really feel hyped up

and I feel a bit of a fear, obviously,

but I really try to believe myself and

just trust myself to do it.

- The key to not wiping out is,

I mean, there's no key,

you're gonna wipe out.

- Yeah!

- Yeeow!

- Like if you fall like, people want you to get back up.

They don't want you to stay down,

they want you to go back and land the trick.

-That was awesome, man.

- We all just try to learn tricks together

and motivate each other. You don't ever like,

put each other down or anything.

- BMX is one of those sports that is perceived as like,

a tough guy sport,

but at the same time it's one of the most

supportive groups of people I've ever been around.

Whether it's just learning how to hop for the first time

or doing a 20 stair rail,

people are gonna be there giving you encouragement

and letting you know that you can do it.

There's not really many other things that I've experienced

that are just as supportive as that

and it's an awesome thing to be a part of.

-Yeah, dude. That was so clean. - So clean.

- I like that...

- That was awesome, man. - Thank you.


- Now, as well as a park, I promised fire.

So I've had an idea.

When Chijioke comes and grinds along here,

I want to make him so he makes sparks,

lights a fuel and creates fire.

And for this, I've got Matt.

A Team Furze pyro dude.

Yes, what Matt's gonna do,

we're gonna put a spark generator in Chijioke's peg

so as he hops up here,

we'll fire it off remotely,

sparks are gonna fly out, fuel is gonna light up,

he's gonna feel like a super hero.

So then, first we should test is a bit of fuel,

what have we got Matt?

- I have some beautiful camping fuel for you here,

it's gonna give you some nice bright orange flames,

it's gonna look fantastic.

I have one of these spark producers.

It is eight feet long, burns for eight seconds,

lots of time to make sure

that we've got sparks splashing into the fuel.

- Alright let's give it a test.

-You've got the burn. -Yup.

If you want to spray some fuel down there.

We could try and write his name in it, couldn't we?

Right so he's coming up,

and....pops on.

(sparks hissing)

Right, well the sparks will light the fuel,

however we need to adjust possibly where the fuel is

and also test this on an actual bike.

Here we go.

Right, let's stick it in there, stick it anywhere you want.

And then Matt can push his button

and fire it off automatically.

What a brilliant idea, Colin. Thank you.

Alright, that's done.

Will! Here he comes.

Right Will, we've got your bike, it's all rigged up.

So I'm thinking, if you can tilt it down slightly,

when you get on it, that'll help us out a lot.

Okay I'll set the fuel then, you've got the burn.

You get psyched.

(laughing) Psyche up for the rail run.

Right, let's stick a load of it down here.

Oh yeah.

We'll do a couple of little extra bits, 'cause you know,

I'm confident the old boy's gonna nail it.

Put a bit under here, as well.

Just in case.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

I'll keep this. Right, go for it.

Alright, here we go, come on, light, light!



Chijioke's gonna be like, "What's happening?

"I've set the park on fire!"

I think he'll enjoy that.

Maybe get the rail on fire, as well.

Yes, now we're talking!

That's what we need to happen, proper carnage.


Brilliant. (whoosh)

(upbeat music)

With daylight fading fast,

Team Furze is erecting the frame

that will hold our flaming trophy.

-I have one close by.

And now, it's time to light it and see what happens.

Or, see if it spins like it's supposed to.

Looking good, is it looking good?

- It looks amazing. - Looks amazing.

- Pretty smooth, it doesn't take a lot to spin it.

- No, I like it. - It might work.

- Okay next thing we need to find out

is can it power itself?

So we're gonna get the pyro guys

to strap some thrusters to it and see if it will

start from a stand still

so I don't have to get next to it

and give it a helping hand.

We wired up? - Ready to go.

- Right, do you want to pass me the--

- Sorry. - Welcome.

- Welcome the pyro guy. - Force of habit.

System is armed. - System is armed.

Right, let's see if this thing works.

Come on, fingers crossed.

Come on camera man, move quick, move quick, move quick.

Right here we are, three, two, one, go.

(sparks hissing)

Come on, come on! Come on, come on!

It's kind of working.

It just wants a little bit of a-- go on!

(sparks hissing)

Just needs a little bit of assistance.

I love that smell, that smell is awesome.

Right, let's get it fully loaded for tonight

and I think we're about there.

Cheers, boy. - Here we go.

(upbeat music)

- Honestly, I think I'm gonna see something on fire,

I'm really hoping.

Some sparks, some wild like ramp setups and stuff like that.

I'm kind of hoping that it'll kind of blow me away

and I think it will.

- It's finished!

Yes, what was once a demolition site is now a BMX park!

Right, let's give you a bit of a tour.

So we've got the start ramp, they'll come down here,

they'll come belting down here

and then they'll go up to this one.

And this has been made from an old lorry container.

To do various tricks, flip off around there.

So after they've chosen which direction

they can come down here,

up to this ramp.

We built this up against a ship container,

you know, try to use what's around here.

We put a bit of plywood on the top of it

just in case they want to get on the top.

And then down here we've got various other things.

We've got this little transition caked in here

if they want to get some angles and stuff off there.

Got a little flat bank, a little grind top.

Various grind rails over here.

And of course, the grand finale of the night

will be lighting up a giant firework wheel!

Right, let's have a jam.

(upbeat music)


Come on.

Come on boys, come on.

Here we are! For our latest Furze World Wonder,

we have a DIY flash BMX park!


Here we are, we built this all for you.

We're gonna have a jam,

we're gonna have a little bit of a competition.

The winner is gonna be celebrating in style,

but we're gonna start with fire

and we're gonna end with fire.

So we're gonna start this off like proper awesome.

Chijioke, just grind that rail and we can get going.

- Sounds good. - Hit it, hit it hard!


(sparks hissing)

Yeah! (shouting)


That's how you start a BMX jam.

- I'm amazed at what he pulled off

in such a short amount of time.

I had expectations, but they were completely blown away.

It's got that DIY vibe,

but you don't usually get to deal with fire

and riding at the same time. - Woo!

-Yeah, Bill. (crowd cheers)

- What Colin built is amazing.

It's kind of surreal because it's unique

and it's something that's not gonna be recreated.

Definitely a rad experience.

- Drew's unbelievable.

He's one of the top riders in the world

so it's definitely a treat to see him destroy this thing,

and show people what can be possible on a DIY setup.

(upbeat music) (cheering)

- Judging a contest is usually a pretty difficult thing

just 'cause there's so many different styles

and so many different skill levels.

One of the youngest kids is seven

and then there's older guys like me, I'm pushing 30,

and everyone in between.

We're just looking for people using a lot of the course,

how high people go,

what kind of difficulty of tricks they do,

how consistent they are. - Yeah!

- Drew, obviously, he's a pro rider.

So given that he's the best, but like, you know,

that's not what this is all about, sort of thing.

- Yeah, yeah. I mean all the kids are killing it.


It's amazing, everybody's doing awesome.


- It's a lot crazier than I thought it would be.

I thought it would just be a couple little ramps,

but it turned out to be really sick.

- What is he 14? - 14, yeah.

- I think he's a good combination.

He's young but he's also got...

When you told me he was 14 I was like whoa,

I thought he was a lot older than that.

(laughing) - Here we go Sarah!

- I wish I didn't slip my foot on the bar spin,

but I was still happy with how I rode and landing that trick.




- It's an art form, everyone's got their own creative avenue.

You've got to really give it all you got because

it's only here for a short period of time

so you've got to really

get super creative and just go for it.

- Every time I see Travis I'm so blown away,

the things he does so effortlessly.

He's got that classic west coast surfer style

where everything just seems super smooth and slick.

(cheering) - Yes Trav!

- Whoa! (cheering)

- Come over here, we'll announce the winner.

Let's get over to the fire wheel. This way, this way!


Excellent, thank you. You made this event fantastic.

Everyone was riding with great enthusiasm

and it's just been a blast watching you all.

Now me and Chijioke have been talking and discussing

about who's won this.

We've come to a conclusion so take it away.

- First of all let's give a round of applause for Colin,

he did amazing, course is great.

Everyone rode awesome,

you guys are a real treat to watch.

Dylan come on up.

- Yes! (applause) -Awesome.

- At the end of the day Dylan was really, really killing it.

He was using a lot of the course,

he was doing a lot of tail ups and a lot of air variations,

which is awesome.

- Now your prize, a little bit different than normal,

you're gonna get to give a countdown to set this thing off.

- I'm normally a pretty competitive person.

Like, I compete around the world and stuff,

but to be honest, my main feeling was just being surprised

because there's a lot of good people that came out.

- Give us a countdown.

- Three, two, one! - Go!

- Yeah! (cheering)

- It's just a sea of fire!

- I didn't expect anything as big as it was.

- Dylan won!

Coughed a little bit of soot out,

but everybody really loved the spectacle.

- Yeah!

Alright, let's ride the bikes a bit more.

Thank you very much, everybody.

- Yeah! - He can ride!

- Whenever you ride something that...

that is kind of a one time thing

it kind of kicks you into gear

and makes you try things that you normally wouldn't.

I saw my life flash before my eyes a couple times,

but I mean, it's kind of one of those things where comfort

kind of gets kicked out the door

and you kind of push it a little bit more

just 'cause you know that

you only have a finite amount of time.

And I feel like it was kind of one of those

BMX bucket list things that I was able to cross off,

so thanks to Colin for that

'cause it was definitely a dream come true.

- What a fantastic night.

The fireworks have been great, the riding's been great,

but unfortunately this has all got to come down.

Tomorrow it's gonna be a building site

and they're gonna be building flats.

So guys, guys you're gonna have to stop riding.

We got to take it down.

Guys, stop, stop.

Not happening, is it?

See you next time on Furze World Wonders.

(upbeat music)



For more infomation >> Flaming DIY BMX Jam - Furze World Wonders (Ep 1) - Duration: 20:56.


Ich habe ein schneideprogramm für 100€ gekauft - Duration: 36:06.

For more infomation >> Ich habe ein schneideprogramm für 100€ gekauft - Duration: 36:06.


Dandy Media Repo en Kodi - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Dandy Media Repo en Kodi - Duration: 6:32.


Rock Show on Wheels - Furze World Wonders (Ep 2) - Duration: 21:05.

(futuristic digital typing)


I'm Colin Furze, inventor, former plumber,

and all around builder of things.

Now, over the years

I've put together some pretty crazy machines

and broken a few world records along the way.

But now, I've decided to take a break

from building stuff for myself.

I'm using my creative influence

to go out and make things happen for other people.

Oh, man! (laughs)

This is pretty cool. (shouting)

And these builds are pretty epic.

So to help me out,

I've brought in my humping team of builders

for some much-needed assistance.

This time, we're coming to the aid of a band

who could really use a lift.

- Rock music is about spectacle, and Colin gets spectacle.

- Turn it up to eleven. This is Furze World Wonders!

(crowd cheers)


(rock music)

Now if a band's gonna make it big,

they've gotta get out there, they've gotta do gigs.

That's gonna be like traveling across the city,

maybe even countries.

And if you've not got your own set of wheels,

you're gonna be taking the bus.

That's not very rock-and-roll, is it?

Eh? Like, rock and roll! (laughs)

Sorry, sound man.

Calm down, Colin, calm down.

Now, normally, I'm building crazy inventions for myself,

but I'm taking a break from that

and assisting some of my much deserved fans.

And I found this band,

we can definitely do Furze magic.

(upbeat music)

Why is he driving off?

We've still got another bass cab and a drum on there.

(whoosh) - Hey, Colin.

I'm Mike, this is Marcus, Nick, and Steve.

Together we are - [All] BamBoo!

- We're huge, huge fans of your videos,

especially the super speedy baby buggy,

and we think that you might be able to help us out.

- Our touring SUV has bit the dust.

- We need something new, Colin.

We need something crazy.

We need something nobody's seen before.

- Anything that you can come up with would be brilliant.


- Here we are, down at the scrap yard

because I've heard the band are going to be coming down

and crushing their old gig vehicle.

A little bit like this.

This thing is great.

It looks like something I should have in my backyard.

I wonder if there's a way I could make it jet-powered.

Maybe add some spice.

Never mind, Colin. Focus, focus, Colin.

I need to get out of sight before the band arrive.

I don't want to spoil the surprise.

(timer ticking)

I've been here a long time.

I thought they'd be coming here a little bit sooner.


(scheming music)

- Aw, man, it was too young.

Sweet, sweet Ravioli, she did us proud.

- The car's name is Princess Ravioli.

- I'm not sure where the Princess came from.

I think it just sorta happened.

- In a lot of ways, it's kind of

the fifth member of the band.

- Being a touring indie band,

we don't have a lot of money so, no car, no band.

- BamBoo has been playing together since 2015.

Tons and tons of shows and a couple albums now.

(song by Bamboo)

- When people ask us to describe what BamBoo sounds like,

we just tell them that it's pop with post-rock punch.

- I think one of the biggest compliments that we get onstage

from people who listen to our music is that

it looks like we're having a great time up there.

- We just have a ton of energy onstage,

and I really believe that we have good music to back it up.

We just have a blast and the audience has a blast with us.

- I think BamBoo has come pretty far.

I'm proud of how far we've come,

but I think we need someone like Colin

to take us to that next level.

(crowd cheers)

Now then, over the last 10 years,

I've built some pretty crazy vehicles

that have all been for me.

Because nobody else dared get in them or drive it.

But I like trucks and I like bands

and I got a band here who needs my help.

(scheming music)

Well, boys.

- [Band] Hey! (all laugh)

Sad day, sad day.

Well, you know, there's a lot of love for this vehicle,

clearly, but you know, it's a bit small anyway, isn't it?

- [Band] Yeah.

- Trying to get a band in there,

you've normally got vans and things like that.

- It was tight, man.

I think we had stuff stacked in the middle,

two guys on each seat.

- And of course, no room for groupies.

(heavy engine roars) Crush, crush, crush, crush!

(glass breaking) - [All] Aw!

(glass breaking) Aw!

(heavy engine roars)

- [Colin] He's not being very delicate, is he?

He's not appreciating the love.

(smash) (groaning and laughing)

Come on! Destroy!

(laughing and shouting)

(glass breaks and metal crushes) (laughter)


-What a sound.

(engine cranks down)

There we are boys, end of an era.

But you know, gotta move on.

Next time you see me, you're gonna have a new ride.

- Great! - Nice to meet you, boys,

- BamBoo takes our live shows really seriously,

and we like to make a spectacle, and Colin gets spectacle.

- [Colin] The boys in BamBoo need something

that's a step up from the little four-door they had.

And after a little digging in the used car lot,

I think I've got my hands on something

that could be more than just a van to lug their gear around.

(laughs) What a machine!

And like every Furze World Wonder,

I've always got the enthusiastic team Furze

to make the ordinary extraordinary.

Team Furze, the vehicle of choice has arrived!

- [Man] Colin.

- She's a beauty!

- This is, what?

- This is the band's new tour bus.

We're gonna turn this into a stage.

- This is a stage?

- Yep. (whoosh)

This van will be the perfect vehicle.

Inside, I want it to look like my own bunker,

somewhere the band can hang out while driving,

but also, I want this to be a mobile gig.

I'm gonna cut a massive hole in the side

that flips down into an instant stage,

complete with lights and sound system.

They can pull up, hand brake on,

bosh the switch, rock and roll.


Come on! - [Man] Alright!

- [Colin] While Team Furze starts transforming

a boring old delivery van into a mobile music festival,

I've got a plan to light up the boys' stage presence

that's guaranteed to bring the house down.


Now, the guys in the band are on a mission

to get more exposure.

They want to send their audience home

with a memorable experience.

Now, as someone who likes to dabble in pyrotechnics

and things that go boom,

I'm inspired to bring a little bit of spectacle to their music.

So I'm thinking, flame-throwing guitar.

Now, I have built a flame-throwing guitar myself before,


but I used propane as a fuel source.

And as brilliant and as effective it was,

you can't take propane into all venues.

But it does not matter. There is a substitute.

Lycopodium! Lycopodium!


Now, you get this from health food shops,

and pretty much the only time

I would ever go in a health food shop

is to find something flammable.

Now, on its own, it just looks like a powder.

If I pour a little bit on the desk here,

set fire to it, (crackling)

it doesn't really do much.

It kind of burns, but I mean it's not a flame thrower, is it?

You need to chuck it in the air. You need to aerate it.

To do that, I've built this. (sings fanfare music)

Oh, yeah!

Cordless leaf blower.

We've got this little flour dispensary,

pour the lycopodium in there, drops down into the tube,

leaf blower blows it along the tube

into the path of the blowtorch, whoosh!

I'll demonstrate.

Get it in there!

Chuck it all in, Colin. Blow the expense.

Light the blowtorch up.

Three, two, one! Rock and roll! (fire roars)

Yeah! (laughs) Look at that!


Immediately, a performance the audience is gonna remember!

Now, of course, we've got an issue.

This is not a guitar

and it doesn't even resemble a guitar.

Even if you put it behind a guitar,

the audience would be like wait up,

what's that behind your guitar?

So we need to condense this,

fit it on the back of Mike's bass guitar,

so at the appropriate moment in the gig,

he can let it rip. He's a rock god.

So, got hold of Mike's bass guitar and I'm gonna fit it

with a lycopodium delivery system.

And instead of a blowtorch,

we'll use a less explosive heating element

to ignite the fuel and get the party started.

(tool buzzes)

Guitar players everywhere are going like,

what are you doing to that guitar?

And we'll keep the harmless fuel in a tank on his belt

that will fly out the neck of the bass

at the push of a button.

So, Mike's onstage, the moment has come,

(shouts), yeah!

Worship me, I am a rock god!


Excellent. This thing rocks, all set, ready to go.


Team Furze, how are we doing?

I see a truck. In fact, I see a slit. I see hinges.

Oh, come on, show me. Show me.

- Working towards one button that does everything,

so Mike, you wanna raise the roof?

- Sure. (buzzing)

- (laughs) I mean this is rock and roll, no? Boom.

- You like that? - Yes.

I mean, look at it. It's a huge stage.

I mean it feels rock and roll already

and it's just a lot of plywood.

Few more bits to do (imitates chime)

And then interior (imitates chime).

Better get back to it.

You should be very pleased.

Don't walk off the end there, Colin.

Come out the door. (everyone laughs)

Once this van's loaded up with gear,

it's not gonna handle like a little car.


So I'm sending the boys off to driving school.

- We're driving that thing? (brakes screech)

- [Colin] Whoever finishes at the top of the class,

well, they can have the keys. (brakes screech)

- A little bigger than Ravioli, just a little tiny bit.

- First you're gonna go through some cones here,

and after that we're gonna do some skidding.

- We're gonna skid this thing?

- (laughs) You are.

- Are you serious?

- Who do you think is gonna be the best at it?

Which one of ya?

- Aw, me. - Right here.

- None of these guys.

We like competition.

It's healthy, healthy in a band, a little competition.

- Keeps you sharp.

- Oh yeah. - Regular, too.

(band laughs)

- [Instructor] Okay, so we're gonna come around here,

there's gonna be three red lights, okay?

The middle lane will be blocked.

So you have to pick left or right.

Gary's gonna switch one of the lights on green,

and you gotta deal with it.

(laughing and shouting)

One cone!

- Is that one cone?

- This is awesome, I've never driven anything this big.

(shouting and cheering)

- Oh boy.

Right now my strategy is to not freak out too much.

Come on, baby. (laughing and shouting)


- Poor pylon.

(tires screech)

(laughing and shouting)

- Alright, here he comes. - Alright, Steve, come on!

- I'm gonna stay calm. I'm gonna stay relaxed.

I'm not gonna stress out. I'll just feel the car.


- Whoa! He got cones!

(tires screech)

- This is a ton of fun,

you actually feel a little bit more in control than it looks.

Let me pick up some speed here.

Alright, my strategy today

is to rely on my incredible dexterity

and my love and passion for video games.

- Here he goes.

(horn honks) (band mates shout)

- He did it! No pylons!

(applause) - Oh my god!

- Whooo!

(tires screech)

Yeah! Alright!

Not too shabby!

- Okay, Mike wins, Mike's the winner!

Nicely done.

(cheering) - I'm not dead.

- I won, so I take my rightful place on the throne,

the driver's seat.

I think we're ready, boys.

- I think so. (whoosh)

- [Colin] Back at Furze World Wonders headquarters,

Team Furze are racing to get the mobile music festival ready

for its world premiere gig,

which we hope is only a few hours away.

So, got a working skeleton,

but for it to be a true rock stage,

it needs more bells and whistles.

Lots more work to do, basically.



(drumming and shouting)

- Colin, you're killing me. (Colin laughs)

We got a lot to do. - We have.

I'll stop messing around. (drumsticks click)

- Alright, yep.

- Okay, let's turn the shed lights off

and then we can test these ones.

- Tah dah! How cool is that?

Once this is all up, that's got lights,

and (imitates instruments)

I feel like I'm at a gig now,

not in the back of a van, so that's a good sign.

Now the guys were used to sitting all jammed together

in their little car, and as well as being a mobile stage,

I want this to be their little backstage VIP area.

Very comfortable.

So they can be chilling in the back

right up to showtime.

(cups clink) You've outdone yourself, Shaz.

You've outdone yourself.

- Thanks, Colin. (whoosh)

(anticipatory music)

- I don't know, man.

Colin did not tell us much at all.

He just told us to show up here and be ready to play.

- I'm pretty excited, to be honest.

I can't wait to see what he's done with it.

- Newer, younger model, it's exciting.

- Sleek, faster, stronger, better.

- Larger, hopefully.

- BamBoo are gonna love this.

This is gonna change their world!

(horn honking)

- What is this? - Oh my god!

(horn honking)

(Colin shouts)

(Colin laughs) (everyone shouts)

- They look excited!

- Wow, look at this!

- What do you reckon, eh? No more Ravioli!

You'll be cruising in this rig.

- Brilliant, it's brilliant.

- [Colin] This is just the dashboard,

just the front of the cab. You need to see inside.

- Absolutely! - Come in, boys, come in.

(door creaks)

- Whoa!

(everyone shouts) -[Colin] What do ya reckon, eh?

The days of Ravioli are gone!

Just stand there boys, just stand there.

Just take it in. - Forget Princess Ravioli.

This is King Tortellini, am I right?

(everyone laughs) Oh my goodness.

- Let's start with this. So Mike, you're the bass player.

- I sure am.

- This is a bass guitar, but it's not a normal bass guitar.

This one's got a flame thrower on the end.

(everyone laughs) - Oh my god.

I am a huge fan of fire, in general,

and when I saw the flamethrower bass

I almost lost my mind.

- Now, of course, when this thing's in transit,

all the music kind of becomes like other things.

Like the speakers are the seats. So if you wanna take a seat.

- Oh yeah. -Beauty.

-[Colin] The drum kit, as you can see, turns into tables.

Keyboard turns into a bar.

But this is not just a van, this is a venue.

So if you kindly look at that wall there, that's not a wall,

that's gonna fold down. That's part of the stage.

- No way.

- That becomes an extension of the floor plan.

- Bigger than most stages we play, man.

- The roof flips up,

of course, it's got all the lights on it, it's got pyro on.

- So the bus is incredible.

Spectacle is all there.

Pyros, I don't even know what a pyro is, but it's there.

Sounds like fire, that's more than an upgrade.

This is incredible.

- My mom would be so happy to see those coasters.

(everyone laughs)

- But you know, rather than talking about it,

I want us to go and demo it.

So I think we should go and have a flash gig somewhere.

- Yeah.

-[Colin] So, have you got anywhere we can go?

- I think I got a place. - Excellent.

- Go and have a gig?

- Alright, yeah! - Use it for what it is!

(cheering and clapping) Come on, boys.

Now then, who's driving, who's driving?

- I am. - You're the lucky boy.

- Well, now I can drive anything.

Going from a tiny little SUV

to something like this is incredible.

- Yeah!

- Driving, driving, driving, driving, driving,

the gig to the gig!

-[Colin] We're driving the gig to the gig.

- So I've got this place that's called Underpass Park.

It's really cool and there's always a lot of people.

I think music should be for everyone.

I'm not always super into covers,

so I love the idea of us going to this park and just playing

and anyone who's stopping by can come listen.

- Ready for a gig?

Check it out! (buzzing)

- Oh, this is awesome.

Now let's get set up.

This is gonna help our band in so many ways,

not just for transportation.

Now we can play gigs anywhere we want, right?

We can go to any part of the city and just set up shop.

Here we go.

- Anyone, Colin, if you'd do the honors?

- I've finished working! (drumming)

- Handing out drums is just a cool way to get people

to relax, be part of the music,

and it's a fun way for us to start a show.



(BamBoo performs upbeat indie rock music)


♪ You were lost to the oceanside,

♪ Following a scrap of light

♪ Taking in the view

♪ She was by your side

♪ Even though she saw right through you

♪ She seemed to like the view

♪ Stirred up in the night

♪ Said it's all alright

♪ She was moving in and out of view

♪ Dancing here in front of you

♪ But you had stepped down

♪ Hypnotized

♪ She says why can't you rock

♪ Why can't you fight

♪ What makes a heart want to hold on so tight

♪ Is it all alright?


(fire roars) (crowd cheers)


- BamBoo!


♪ Everything that you want me to do


♪ It's what keeps me away from you


♪ Everything that you want me to do


♪ (singing softly) (crowd cheering)

- Thank you, everyone, give it up again for Colin Furze!

(crowd cheers)

- I have no words. What if I did have words?

I would be, oh my god, that was amazing!

- Mike shot fire out of his bass.

- It was terrifying at first,

I'm still shaking a little bit.

Just like, my fingers.

- We're the BamBoo Boys!

- Yeah, baby!

- Colin did an amazing job and I couldn't be more thankful.

This was awesome.

- I think BamBoo needs to step up their game.

I think Colin's taught us bigger and louder is always better.

- Our expectations were like, they were already high,

because it's Colin Furze,

and he met them and then exceeded them.

Yeah, it was amazing!

- Thank you, sorry about that.

So then, build a mobile music festival with lights,

with fire, that can cross a city,

maybe even a whole country.

This is something I can now take off my bucket list.

Now, hope you've enjoyed this.

Keep on watching,

and it might be you getting a surprise visit

and a Furze World Wonder of your own.

Rock on!

(upbeat music)

That'll do. (laughs)

For more infomation >> Rock Show on Wheels - Furze World Wonders (Ep 2) - Duration: 21:05.


Triathlon motivation of Anja Beranek | Mercedes-Benz - Duration: 2:17.

The special thing about triathlon is the challenge, the extreme distance.

This has always fascinated me, even as a child.

And that's why I've stuck with it.

I am very lucky because my family supports the path I have chosen –

mentally or even in small things which happen in everyday life,

like walking the dog or ironing.

I was four years old when I did my first triathlon.

Back then I hung onto my dad's shoulders for the swim discipline.

And I think I also had training wheels on my bike.

The most beautiful thing for me is to share the joy.

If my family and my partner were not there at the finish line or along the route to support me,

it would not be half as much fun.

If in training or on race day you hit a point

where you think you cannot go any further,

then I have a whole box of mental tools that I can use.

Well, something quite personal:

this is actually a song that my nieces always sing to me when they cheer me on.

Apart from that, there are things to make you concentrate on your technique.

Yes, things that you say to yourself, which motivate you.

And when you finish you have an incredible feeling of happiness –

and that's the reason why I do it.

Challenging yourself in day-to-day life

and then facing the big challenge on race day.

For me, this is what makes triathlon so exciting.

For more infomation >> Triathlon motivation of Anja Beranek | Mercedes-Benz - Duration: 2:17.


NO TENGO TIEMPO PARA EMPRENDER (Alejandra y Toni) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> NO TENGO TIEMPO PARA EMPRENDER (Alejandra y Toni) - Duration: 4:49.


Accepting Online Payments Guide to Sell Anything - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Accepting Online Payments Guide to Sell Anything - Duration: 2:06.


10 Unseen Beautiful Wives Of Bollywood Actors | You Never Seen Before - Duration: 5:53.

10 Unseen Beautiful Wives Of Bollywood Actors | You Never Seen Before

For more infomation >> 10 Unseen Beautiful Wives Of Bollywood Actors | You Never Seen Before - Duration: 5:53.


The Secrets of the Nebra Sky Disc Home Planet of the Ancient Go - Duration: 7:17.

The Secrets of the Nebra Sky Disc (Home Planet of the Ancient Gods)

The Nebra Sky Disc is a 3,600-year-old bronze disc which, according to UNESCO, features

"the oldest concrete depiction of cosmic phenomena worldwide."

The disc is such an extraordinary piece that it was initially believed to be an archaeological


However, detailed scientific analysis revealed that it is indeed authentic and the precious

artefact is now included in UNESCO�s �Memory of the World� register, an international

initiative launched to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity, and is being held in

the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle.

The Nebra Sky Disc was discovered in 1999 by two amateur treasure hunters illegally

using a metal detector in Ziegelroda Forest, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

It had been ritually buried in a prehistoric enclosure atop a hill (the Mittelberg), along

with two precious swords, two axes, two spiral arm-rings and one bronze chisel.

The enclosure is oriented in such a way that the sun seems to set every solstice behind

the Brocken, the highest peak of the Harz Mountains, some 80 km to the north-west.

The surrounding area is known to have been settled since the Neolithic, and Ziegelroda

Forest is said to contain around 1,000 barrows.

The swords found with the disc.

Photo source: Wikipedia

The scientific studies of the Nebra hoard are probably among the most thorough ever

carried out on any archaeological find in Europe.

Study began when the objects were first impounded in 2002 and continued until the end of 2007.

Nevertheless, dating the artifact has posed many difficulties, and while scientists have

been able to determine that it was buried in 1,600 BC, they are unable to determine

its date of manufacture, meaning it could be much older than its burial date.

The Nebra bronze sky disc measures approximately 30 cm in diameter, weighs 2.2 kg, and is decorated

with a blue-green patina and inlaid with gold symbols.

These are interpreted generally as a sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, and stars (including

a cluster interpreted as the Pleiades).

Two golden arcs along the sides were added later (one has since become lost).

These were constructed from gold of a different origin, as shown by its chemical impurities.

The two arcs span an angle of 82�, correctly indicating the angle between the positions

of sunset at summer and winter solstice at the latitude of the Mittelberg (51�N).

A final addition was another arc at the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes of uncertain

meaning, variously interpreted as a Solar Barge (�the sun boat�) with numerous oars,

or as the Milky Way.

By the time the disc was buried it also had thirty-nine or forty holes punched out around

its perimeter, each approximately 3 mm in diameter.

According to state archaeologist Harald Meller, it is likely the circular plate represents

the Sun not the Moon, given that the arcs relate to solar phenomena.

Mittelberg hill, where the Nebra Sky Disc was found.

Photo credit: LDA Sachsen-Anhalt

According to an initial analysis of trace elements by x-ray fluorescence by E. Pernicka,

then at the University of Freiberg, the copper originated at Bischofshofen in Austria, while

the gold was thought to be from the Carpathian Mountains.

However, a more recent analysis found that the gold used in the first phase was from

the river Carnon in Cornwall.

The tin content of the bronze was also from Cornwall.

The Nebra Sky Disc reconfirms that the astronomical knowledge and abilities of the people of the

European Bronze Age included close observation of the yearly course of the Sun, and the angle

between its rising and setting points at summer and winter solstice.

While much older earthworks and megalithic astronomical complexes such as the Goseck

circle or Stonehenge had already been used to mark the solstices, the disc is the oldest

known "portable instrument" to allow such measurements.

Astronomer Ralph Hansen maintains that the disc was an attempt to co-ordinate the solar

and lunar calendars to tell Bronze Age Man when to plant seeds and when to make trades,

giving him an almost modern sense of time.

"For everyday calendrical purposes, you would use Moon years.

But for designing when to plough fields and when to harvest, you use Sun years," said


However, not everyone agrees that the Nebra Sky Disc was used for measuring astronomical


"It's a difficult question to answer, but I do not think it was used as an instrument

used for observing objects in the sky," said Curt Roslund, an astronomer at Gothenburg.

Instead, Roslund argues that few features on the disc tend towards exact representation

and that it is more likely to have been of symbolic value - perhaps used in shamanic


UNESCO�s interpretation is that the Sky Disc �combines an extraordinary comprehension

of astronomical phenomena with the religious beliefs of its period�, enabling us to gain

�unique glimpses into the early knowledge of the heavens.�

Addendum: The Disc Has Been Decoded

According to researcher Wayne Herschel, author of The Hidden Records, the Nebra Sky Disc

does NOT depict our sun and moon.

Mr. Herschel was able to decode many ancient star maps and they all point out to a different

sun and a different orbiting planet - the home planet of the ancient �gods� that

created mankind.

According to his website,

�There is an interpretation of the Milky Way in relation to the position of the Pleiades

which scholars seem to agree upon.

Once I knew that, the missing Orion constellation fell into place.

It was perfectly presented.

There are three dots in the very centre and it fits precisely between the two gold curved

edges that adorn the two opposite ends of the disc.

�I believe that in all likelihood the crescent on the Nebra disc is not representative of

the moon, just as the orb in all likelihood is NOT our Sun.

Primarily because the Sun and the stars do not appear concurrently when we look at the


It may seem like the plot of Prometheus, but Wayne Herschel�s book, The Hidden Records,

was published in 2006.

You can read more on the subject by following this link.

For more infomation >> The Secrets of the Nebra Sky Disc Home Planet of the Ancient Go - Duration: 7:17.


GALATASARAY | Turgay DEMİR: "Tudor'un Oyuncu Değişiklikleri Fantastikti" | Youtube - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Turgay DEMİR: "Tudor'un Oyuncu Değişiklikleri Fantastikti" | Youtube - Duration: 11:32.







The DNA tests on the remains of aliens found in the Nazca tomb has been found to be 100%


The bodies of the corpses, which only had three fingers, were found in a tomb close

to the Nazca lines in Peru and it was thought that they might have been a species that was

undiscovered or alien lifeforms.

The scientists could not get DNA codes from some samples that had been sent away for analysis,

but DNA types had been confirmed on a hand with three fingers along with a sample that

had been taken from brain tissue.

BODIES HAD BEEN MADE TO LOOK LIKE ALIENS Many people had hoped that the tests would reveal

that they were alien lifeforms as it would have been proof that aliens were real and

had visited earth.

However, from the samples scientists have now reached the conclusion that they are 100%

matched to the DNA of human beings.

The brain tissue and the DNA come from a male homo sapiens said a report from the Paleo

DNA laboratory located at Lakehead University in Ontario in Canada.

The report has now been made available online.

It says that the evidence from the DNA, which was the bone taken from the hand and the material

from the cranial brain suggests that they belonged to homo sapiens.

Many thought that the bodies were a species that has not been discovered or that they

could have been alien lifeforms.

However, the DNA has proven that this is not the case.


been carbon dated and go back to between 245 and 410 AD, however, scientists believed that

the bodies had been made to look like alien life using remains that had been mummified

by grave robbers of humans that had been buried in ancient times.

This led to organizers of the 9th annual World Congress on Mummy Studies, which was held

in Peru in August last year, lashing out on Facebook to say that an official inquiry should

be held into whether or not any archaeological crime was committed.

Nigel Watson, a UFO investigator from Britain, said that the DNA results had shown it was

a male human skull and hands and this meant that yet another fake had been uncovered.

Conspiracy theorists have not given up as easily as it was said that perhaps it was

a being that was related very closely to human beings but still came from outer space.


that he believes that the bodies might only be related to the DNA of humans.

Korotkov has been in the limelight before when he said that he had taken a photograph

of a soul leaving a body.

He went on to say that the DNA analysis had proven that the body was not that of a chimpanzee

or monkey, but only that it had DNA that was human-like.

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