How do you describe this?(29) (Vocabulary Building) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:31.Hi everyone!
Welcome to ForB's English lesson video.
I'm Rianna and today, we're going to show you a video.
I'd like you to describe what he is doing.
Let's take a look.
What is he doing?
He is shrugging.
He's shrugging.
To shrug is to raise the shoulder and drop it to say I don't know or I don't care.
Let's practice this sentence together.
Please repeat after me.
He is shrugging.
He is shrugging.
Now you know how to describe this situation.
Thank you for watching.
If you enjoyed this video, please like, share, and subscribe.
See you.
UNFORGETTABLE DAY IN RIO CARNAVAL 2018 - VLOG - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
সরাসরি আজকের আন্তর্জাতিক খবর 6 march 2018 - Duration: 13:48.bangladesh news 24
Puppy Doe animal abuse trial gets underway - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Gimp: Duotone Effect Technique Nr: 2. - Duration: 4:44.In this Gimp Workshop we will apply duotone technique nr: 2.
If you want to follow along, the download link is in the description.
When Gimp is open, we can bring our image into Gimp by drag and drop.
Click on the zoom icon in the top right corner of the window to maximize the image.
Now go to colors in the menu bar and click on desaturate.
We choose the option average, and click okay.
Now back to colors and click on threshold.
We can experiment by moving the arrow heads, to get a result that we like.
For this image I think we should not change anything,
so we click on reset and then on okay.
The effect of the threshold option is slightly better,
when we first desaturate our color image, like we did.
Go to the toolbox and activate the select by color tool.
Click in the white of the image to select it.
Now click on the black foreground color to make the color palette visible.
At the HTML notation we fill in: 3 5 c b f f,
which is a bright blue color.
Hit enter to see it in the current old preview pane.
Then we bring, by click and drag, this color into our image, like so.
While the select by color tool is still active,
we click in the black of the image, to select it.
Double click in the HTML notation and now fill in: 6 0 1 7 6 b,
which is a fairly dark purple color. Hit enter.
Then we click and drag the purple foreground color into our image.
Then we close the color palette.
Go to the menubar and click on select.
Here we click on none to deselect our selection.
We can still make corrections if we want.
While the select by color tool is still active,
we click on the purple area to select this color again.
Now go to colors and click on hue saturation.
I made the saturation plus 40, and the lightness minus 80,
by clicking on the slider lines.
When it is to our liking, we click okay.
Go to select and hit none.
We could do the same with the blue color.
Activate the select by color tool again.
Then click in the blue, to select it.
Go to colors and hue saturation again.
We make the blue a bit lighter by clicking 5 times on the slider line.
Then click okay. Now go back to select again and click on none.
When we want to remove certain irregularities,
we first activate the color picker tool,
and then we click in the purple color of the image.
Now click on the pencil tool.
Make the brush size about 200.
Place the cursor in the image, and when we press and hold the mouse wheel,
we can move the image by moving the mouse.
Then let go of the mouse wheel again.
If you do not work with a mouse, you can just use the scroll bars.
Zoom in by holding the Ctrl key and rolling the mouse wheel.
Now we can remove irregularities like so.
All done? Go to view, zoom and fit image in window.
And there it is, our own awesome duotone image.
I hope you have enjoyed this video.
If that is so, please be so kind to give it thumbs up,
maybe leave a nice comment,
and subscribe if you have not done already,
to support my channel.
Thanks for watching.
塔羅占卜|未來三個月,你特別的幸運在哪裡? - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
Подарок любимой девушке. - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
My Life Long Issues - Duration: 14:38.hello everybody and welcome so I wanted to do an update to my situation
obviously the losing Daisy big toe love me but you know gotta just move on it
happens people die that's the thing now I generally wanted to make this
video because I wanted to not confess I just wanted to give you more of an
insight into the sort person I am now I am someone who how do i express this I
am chronically lonely let me just say and the reason why I keep pushing people
away so sort of viciously is because of issues stemming from a relationship with
like family issues basically so anyone who knows me knows the story as to who
I'm talking about and I've had this sort of nagging feeling but even long before
that to be honest like even when I was in school I didn't really feel like I
fitted in I always felt like I was the outsider and I was just like everyone
knew my business everyone wanted to talk about me but I didn't really know much
about anyone and why that feeling of loneliness I've had it now for like more
than twenty years I'm a leaf of like faith right now so most of my life I've
had that feeling of loneliness and I've had this nagging feeling in my mind
literally all my life since I can even remember having the same sorts of when I
was like ten of this feeling of I'm gonna die alone and now the thing is
people or I talk to myself like I tend to make a judgment and then try and go
out my way to justify it and do I deserve to be alone all my life probably
not let's be honest I'm sure if my mum or little sister watching they're like
cause you dog the thing is for me like I didn't want
to play any sad music in the background or anything like that I just wanted to
give this to you guys raw because you know that I'm always brutally honest
with my feelings now a lot of the issues I've had in my life have stemmed from
that literally from that the feeling of loneliness the feeling of not fitting in
the feeling of whatever and like the reason I try to be so let's say helpful
to other people is so that I can dispel that feeling of loneliness
you know therefore like you know in order to get people to treat me as an
equal do I have to just be overwhelmingly generous or do I have to
be overwhelmingly kind to be treated the same you know I mean and I want this
video to be reassuring if anyone else is in my situation please let me know in
the comments down below like I'm just used to that because cultural wise cope
you know the culture comes into it as well there is very big differences like
I don't drink alcohol and that's not just from culture that's also from
personal choice and growing up that was a barrier because everyone around me
drinks you know so when I was at school people were sorry to drink when I was at
university everyone drank and I would be just sort of bored out my mind like when
I was at university I I remember like my housemates in one or two two of the
years maybe the first year and then like the last year of uni they were saying to
me things like oh you know you don't have to drink but just come out with us
anyway and I remember going to like out to the Student Union and stuff like that
and I was bored out of my mind because I was 100% aware of the fact that they
weren't dancing they weren't anything they were just drunk and you know the
whole night and I was just sort of sitting there in the corner like
but you know they're very aware of my surroundings while I was a professional
girl past guard if you know I mean so all the girls will leave their purses
with me to guard them while they were doing whatever and there was one night I
mean just a sort of sum up that feeling there was one night one of my housemates
was on medication and she couldn't drink and it was literally the whole night me
and her sat in a corner bored out of our minds and I said to her welcome to my
world and you know part of me there is some little part of me who's always like
you know what maybe I should do all these things just to fit in but then I
remember who I am as a person I've always been I don't want to say
independent but I've always focused on me you know let's say so I'm not going
to do things just to impress other people I think that's really important
not to do that I think that it is really important to be yourself I my feeling
towards that is more than any of these issues that I might be having and the
thing is as well like you know if you guys know me you know for well I
couldn't give a damn about impressing anyone like there isn't anyone who I am
scared of there isn't anyone who like there just isn't you know like the only
person I really care about is myself to be perfectly honest because and now it
might sound selfish but the reason why is because with my anxiety and whatever
I've had to deal when defend myself with years and years and years decades of
stomach pain it's my stomach my stomach is my kryptonite it's my weakest point
in my whole body and it's just obviously defensive you know people often say I'm
very defensive and I say yeah I have to be because the amount of pain from the
anxiety is just ridiculous like I was even even yesterday like I've been at my
current current job now for a good five approaching six months and I still had
the panic on the train yesterday so I have my
coping mechanisms to deal with there I've discussed like in other videos if I
saw a panicking light let it happen and it will go it'll
go away but the fact that even at my age I'm still having to deal with that crap
and hasn't permanently gone is very disappointing you know it's like that
would avoid be over this by now now
generally as well this has led me to become an addict now thankfully I don't
do drugs I've never tried a cigarette I don't drink alcohol I don't even drink
to your coffee so I don't have any ADD addictions in terms of chemicals so I'm
completely free of chemical addictions thank God for that my addiction is
basically like one is spending too much money later that's part of the big
problem life that's why I'm my age I still have no money I've got like I've
got debt I don't have savings and also as well another my addiction is just
living only day-to-day you know I mean like I'm living my life like I'm gonna
die tonight you know I mean I live every day like it's the last but it's not
necessarily a good thing to do that because because I've been spending years
in that mindset I done I haven't really set much up for the future that's why
I'm highly critical of people who do things where they put their future at
risk so I am really focused right now on my career I want to make sure that it
turns into something good and I've been working as a developer now for ten years
I will never be a full-time stream or a youtuber because it's too risky is
there's no stability in this so that's why I haven't even tried to be perfectly
honest but the amount of success I've had with this is overwhelming like you
guys have supported me for everything so I really appreciate you for that and the
the thing is as well for me is like reflecting on the choices are made
in life there's plenty of choices I could have made better simple as that I
could have made a lot of better choices and I am a lot of times like I am fully
aware of the mistakes I'm making and I still make them anyway and so of you
know I don't know if you guys have ever had this feeling of I know this is wrong
why did I still do it but I've had that feeling a lot in my life and generally
guys I wanted to make this video to just effectively say this is who I am this is
why I do things and I know where the problems are and I am trying to resolve
them let's just say so I don't want to blame loneliness on this it's not I'm
not blaming it it's just a case of this something I just I've always had to deal
with now going forward I do want to change a little bit why I'm doing in
terms of the streaming on YouTube because you guys know lately I've been
talking about it a lot that I'm not happy with the current routine because
what I was effectively doing was documenting all of my time in front of
hat c14 I was recording every single quest I was you know I'm trying to make
a billion guides as I was doing whatever and after four years of doing it I can't
do this anymore you know I can't stick to this routine
I've been completely burnt out to the nth degree I can barely even stand to
log into the 14 anymore and I have been playing tons of other games but even
then you probably have known as my livestream I'm streaming probably like
once a week at the moment because of the hot sort of you know pain pleasure thing
because it causes me pain it doesn't cause me joy so yeah so what can I tell
you guys generally I just want to be happy I did say about this in another
video that my purpose in life is to be happy and like what can I do to be happy
simple you know it's a question I need to answer for myself now one of the
things I can do to be happy is to be debt-free
now one of the things I've I saw I checked a couple of days ago where my
loan is that I've got five thousand remaining on my loans and then I'll be
debt-free and five thousand it might sound like a lot but it's to me it's not
much considering it used to be 15 plus and the reason why I even ended up with
that loan is because of my addictions because of spending too much money and
so on and also by maybe being naive I don't
say maybe definitely being naive to relationships and so on bit so like
lonely all my life when I had a girlfriend like Christina I splurged you
know I want I for that my role as a boyfriend that this is what I was
supposed to do support her love her whatever do anything for her even if it
meant effectively giving up all of my money and them even more money than I
didn't even have and yeah so that's it guys
consider this my confession this is who I am
you can belittle me can berate me you can comment a hatred and kick me when
I'm down and all this bullshit do whatever you like if it makes you feel
happy but I Know Who I am I know what I need to do to make myself happier and
yeah so bring it see if I'll give a shit simple as that and going forward guys if
you do have any constructive suggestions like have you gone through the same
thing how do you deal with their what do you how do you keep focused how do you
solve the chronic loneliness because a solution for me is what what is not a
solution for me is going out and doing things like drinking and meeting girls
I'm never ever gonna be the sort of person to like sleep around or whatever
it's not who I am and I never will do it I am definitely a one-woman man it's
just not in me at all ever to to do that I can't bounce girl-to-girl
it's just the I can't I can't take it with it I have enough stress and anxiety
as it is so and this is that's what I'm looking for I'm looking for my queen you
know I'm looking for the girl who finally balances me out and you know
fixes all my flaws and just you know makes me feel good and lets me love her
to the ends of the earth sort of thing so anyway guys that's it that's the
latest of where I am right now like I said in terms of YouTube in terms of
games or so on I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing I'm gonna go for quality
rather than quantity if you're not I mean I do have though a backlog of like
maybe 200 300 videos to publish so I will slowly slowly publish them
eventually but then going forward I am gonna make a lot less videos but a lot
better videos videos that I actually enjoy making so yeah anyway guys thank
you I am if free please subscribe if you like and I will see you the next one
thank you guys bye bye
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Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger.
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Bintulu - An Adventurer's Paradise - Smart Travels: Episode 25 - Duration: 11:50.Hi guys, I'm Zhin. And I'm Jiahui.
Right now, we are at T4
AirAsia is actually sending us to Bintulu!
So, if you don't know where Bintulu is,
it is actually located in Sarawak which is on the east side of Malaysia.
Actually, I've never heard of Bintulu before this so we did quite a bit of research,
And actually there are a lot of things to do there.
There are caves, national parks…
So, whether or not we survive Bintulu,
Stay tuned to find out!
Hi guys!
So, after a 1-hour drive from the Bintulu International Airport,
We are finally here at the resort.
This is called Samalaju Resort Hotel.
- A bit hard to pronounce but you'll get used to it. - Don't mispronounce.
The rooms are actually pretty spacious.
I think every balcony here faces out to the sea.
So, we're planning on going to the beach today,
but the weather is not super good.
Yeah but we are going to cycle.
It's only 15 ringgit per hour.
And I hope that's not endangering ourselves as well.
So, we actually managed to get a ride,
to one of the nearby neighborhoods.
It's like this small little village.
So, we're having Lelapan Ayam or Lelapan Chicken.
It's about 11 to 12 ringgit. It's quite worth it.
And the chicken thigh is huge.
It's so tender.
- The chicken is very good eh. - The chicken is good, it's damn tender.
If you're in Bintulu, I think it's always best to,
go to the villages and try out the local food.
Because that's where you get the authentic experience.
Jiahui, what's this?
Durian and a makeshift karaoke.
We were just kids when we fell in love.
Not a normal love…
My love is the same frequency. Don't have to be forced...
Good morning~
We will be going to one of the attractions in Bintulu today.
Which is called...
Niah Caves.
Oh, you know what's our guides name?
His name is Romeo!
We have arrived after about an hour and a half journey
from the resort to the Niah National Park.
- It's raining quite heavily, it's 23 degree celsius. - Hence, she wear like that.
If you wanna travel in style, bring your equipment.
The trek will be about 3km then we will go into the cave.
And they say it will pitch black.
So, we brought our torch lights.
We hope we'll still be able to video some stuff.
We are done.
Yes, we just got out of the Niah Cave.
It was really, really dark inside.
The walk itself was actually pretty steep because it goes down and it goes up.
It's pretty amazing la.
Looks like something you'll see on the Nat Geo magazine.
Later somebody reply uh.
Alright, so it's day 3.
Now it's 10.20 and we're at…
Similajau National Park.
My life in a nutshell.
My poncho!
Did you just fart?
We're finally done with our trek.
It's only 5pm and we're having our dinner at Gold Mines.
Gold Mines.
It's such a pretty place, I feel like I'm back in civilization.
And apparently, they are very famous for their cheesy melted burger.
I'm having a massive burger. It is called the Double Bypass Burger.
And it's like 2 beef patties with onion rings at the top.
It's like…
It's like smoked, barbeque…
It's like super smoky you know?
It's damn good. This is good.
I'm having salmon.
It's very crispy on top but it's a little too cooked for me lah.
But taste-wise it's good.
So, we're gonna eat now.
Go away.
Ok, today we are actually at Kampung Jepak,
Which is a fishing village.
Yes, it's actually very, very traditional here.
It's like really the authentic kampung life.
The purpose of us today is to try to see if we can go fishing.
Mamanching (Fishing)
with the locals.
Because of the waves, which is really, really strong.
So, we're trying to go just around the area to see where the fishing spots are.
Let's go uh.
She's going to bring us to her friend.
I feel like I'm back in the 80's when Singapore was like all kampung.
No speaking English.
Oh! Careful, careful it's gonna drop!
I see an island over there!
Is that Singapura?
Ok, so now we're at Tanjung Batu!
Which is like 10 minutes away from Bintulu Town.
It really looks like those front cover of the geography textbook.
It's so pretty, it's unreal.
So, now we're back and we're at one of the Pasar Malams in Bintulu Town.
And from what we see there is so much food.
We are going to get the Buntut (Butt) stick.
She doesn't know that it is chicken butt because she doesn't understand malay.
But I'm gonna get it anyway.
One butt!
She has no idea.
One, one ringgit.
Chicken, chicken!
Wa, she cook this eh!
This is what?
Chicken satay.
But they allow me to put the satay sauce on top.
Try it.
Is it good?
It's not like chicken satay eh.
Can I tell you something?
It's damn mushy like fats.
It's actually chicken butt.
Why is it so soft?!
I don't like to eat chicken butt…
How is their butt so small though.
You go ask the chicken uh.
So, we came across this stall which sells interesting drinks.
Like super pretty drinks.
Mine is the Honeydew.
With the coconut in the middle.
Mine is called Tea C special.
Oh my God.
It's very refreshing eh.
There chin chow inside, there's the chendol bits inside as well.
It's like milk tea with like chin chow infused inside.
So, right now we are having…
Chicken feet.
So, apparently chicken feet is very, very famous in Bintulu.
I've never tried Chicken feet before because I scared the like…
Wa, actually I'm a bit scared eh.
Look at that.
Actually, it's quite good eh.
It's actually very tasty.
The sauce is very good.
It's like sambal.
You need something like super cold to go with this.
It's like a very satisfying snack.
Bintulu night market has been amazing.
It really was.
It is such a good way to end our trip
Because today is our final night.
Really feeling the local vibes.
Yeah and the highlight was really that the price was so, so affordable.
And it's like quality food also.
So, we gonna continue eating.
So… Goodnight!
- So, it's day 5. - No!
And we are at Bintulu airport already.
It's the end!
What was your favourite memory for this whole 5 days.
I think my favourite activity was trekking at the Similajau National Park.
I loved it eh!
I love how sporting we were.
It was so much fun.
What about you?
I think the best was the first day.
We actually went out with the locals.
- Oh, right! - And then we went to the Kampung area.
Then we actually had durians.
I tried it for the first time.
- And we karaoked with the locals. - And you sang!
The best part about Bintulu I think for me for this trip is the people itself.
We were really, really lucky to meet so many
kind and helpful locals along the way.
So, thank you AirAsia for sending us to Bintulu.
Their actually flying directly from Singapore to Bintulu right now.
So, if you want instagrammable photos,
a whole new different experience,
a whole kampung life kind of immersion.
You should try and come to Bintulu through AirAsia.
For more information on AirAsia's flights,
You can check it out in the description box down below!
So, thank you for following us on our adventures in Bintulu.
If you like this video, you can check out more over there.
And remember to like, share and subscribe!
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