Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 6 2018

How's it going guys my name is Dave, and you know, one of the things people always ask me

on Instagram is: How do I personally hear from God? So today I'm gonna give you my

three tips on how you can hear God's voice ... and I may even teach you a Hebrew

word just to spice up the whole hearing from God thing! I am so PUMPED about

today's video, so let's crank up the bumper!

Well if this is your first time on my channel, this is where I like to do

2-minute devotions every Tuesday that are designed to help you take the next

practical step in your spiritual journey. So why don't you hit the subscribe

button right here so that you never miss an episode. So you want to hear from God, right?

Well let's throw up two minutes and see if we can help you out.

Did I say throw up? It's not like I'm gonna throw up two minutes but ... ah I'll stick with it.

What does it even mean to hear God's voice? I mean throughout the

Bible you read that God "Thundered His majestic voice." Or that the Lord

"Thundered from heaven." But on the other hand the Bible also says that God speaks

in a small whisper. So is it thundering or is it whispering? I mean if

God's got so many different ways of speaking to us, how we even supposed to

know it's God when he says something? And if I'm honest, whenever I really need to

hear God's voice, normally the only thing I hear is cricket's

Sometimes, if you want to hear something better, you have to put yourself in a

place where you can hear it more clearly. And it's the same with God as well,

so here are three things that you can do to help you hear from God today.

The first is WITHDRAW. You have to get away from all the noise in your life. See, God still

speaks to us but, we've built all of these things like careers and schedules

and programs and apps and devices that distract us from hearing the message

that God's trying to send to us. Sorry. Hello? You got the wrong number.

Yeah. Okay.

With all these distractions, it's so easy for us to waste any spare

moments we have, you know, switching on the TV or getting online or seeing how

many likes we have on a post. You know we don't kill time ... time kills us.

So, if you want to hear from God then you have to withdraw

The second thing is to WAIT.

You know, Psalm 62 says; "My soul waits in silence," but we don't like to be patient,

we didn't like to wait for anything do we? Author Dallas Willard says that we

often don't hear God's voice because we "do not in general want to hear it."

WOW! That's worth repeating.

We often don't hear God's voice because we "do not in

general want to hear it." Perhaps it's time we just stopped and waited for a

minute so that we could focus on listening for God.

And the third thing is to READ the Word of God.

As Wick Rarren ... Wick Rarren? Gosh! As Rick Warren says;

"Sometimes you have to stop listening for a voice and start looking for a verse"

in order to hear from God. But we have to do more than just read it, we also have to

do what it says. In fact, the Hebrew word for "hear" is "shema," which means to listen

but it also means to obey. It's like when I tell my daughter's to clean their rooms.

If they haven't done it when I get home from work,

I will ask them; "Did you girls hear what I said?" Now, I'm asking them if

they listened, but I'm also asking if they obeyed. So if you want to hear from God,

you have to read His word but do it as well put it into practice.

So there are my three tips on how you can hear from God: Withdraw. Wait. And read.

And that brings us to the QOTD: How do you hear from God? Why don't you leave

your tips in a comment down below. And if you'd like us to pray for you, why don't

you mention that in a comment as well, and our 2-minute Devotion family will

pray that you hear from God today. If this video was helpful for you, why don't

you hit that subscribe button right there! Feel free to share it on your

social media accounts with all of your friends ... and I will see you next Tuesday

For more infomation >> How To Hear From God — Three Tips On Listening And Hearing God's Voice. - Duration: 5:07.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E39 - Episode Review - Duration: 4:18.

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss it!

Today, we're exploring the ninety ninth episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as

well as the thirty ninth episode of Season 2, titled "Rangers Back in Time Part 1".

At Angel Grove High, each student has brought in a childhood photograph to share a memorable

moment from that age.

Aisha has a photo of her from her first dance recital, and she got to perform for her sick

grandmother there.

Kim is next with a photo of her in her first gymnastics competition, which she lost, but

it taught her to be a good sport.

Zedd sees this, and he goes "the Rangers met Zordon as teenagers.

If we turn back time, they'll be powerless!"

Thanks to the Rock of Time, they're going to do this, and let's be clear here, it's

literally called the Rock of Time.

Tommy is next with a photo from one of his first karate matches.

Billy shows a photo of him trying to put back together his mom's vacuum.

Rocky has a photo of him with a dog which apparently taught him responsibility because

Rocky is just that damn vanilla.

Adam has a photo with his dad.

Bulk and Skull have a photo of them as children, showing that they've been friends for stupid

long time.

Zedd is done watching this stupid episode, making a literal random rock just glow.

Apparently, the Earth is going to start spinning back in time because Superman logic is real.

The clocks are starting to go backward in class, too.

Billy notices this, and he mentions it to Ms. Applebee, and that's when I notice that

there's a literal 45 year old sitting next to Billy.

Zedd zaps the rock again, speeding things up.

Alpha sees that this is happening, and he watches the Power Rangers on the viewing globe

as well as the Earth, and now the Rangers are all children, and Ms. Applebee has long,

red hair while Rocky has a damn mullet.

Kim gets up and solves a math problem, and there's something with Bulk and Skull and

a shaving cream filled balloon that pops in their face?

Honestly, who cares.

This just turned into the worse version of the first season of Boy Meets World.

Class is dismissed.

They're going to the park.

Alpha and Zordon see what's going on, and they know exactly what happened somehow.

Alpha starts to build a device to bring the Rangers back to normal, and he even suggests

to just teleport them to the Command Center, but Zordon says "no, that would freak them


At the park, Aisha is dancing for Kim in a non creepy way, Billy and Adam are flying

a kite while Rocky and Tommy are literally still sparring.

A couple with a polaroid camera were about to take a photo of the kids like freakin'

creeps are scared by Bulk and Skull, leaving their camera behind.

Then Bulk takes Billy's kite, and they get all tied up in the kite's string.

This was not the content I came for, Power Rangers.

Goldar says he's sending down putties for absolutely no reason.

The six kids are playing with a dodgeball when a putty comes flying in, grabbing the


They surround the six kids, and they also show up around Bulk and Skull, freaking them


In true Adam fashion, he offers to let the Putties play with them, but it turns violent

as a creepy putty hand is flying around, coming for them.

It's extremely pedophilic.

Rocky decides to start to fight back, and he even hits one away with the dodgeball.

Then Tommy takes the dodgeball and throws it, destroying one by hitting the Z.

Now, they're all just aiming for the Z with the dodgeball, destroying all the putties.

Alpha is still working on his device, and Zedd is mad that the six kids are still good


He decides to create a new monster, the Photomare, made from the dropped polaroid camera.

Bulk and Skull are following the six others slowly, but then the six are turned into a

photograph by Photomare.

Alpha is still working on this damn device, and now he gets zapped to freakin' kingdom


Zordon sees what happened to the Rangers, and Zedd thinks he's finally won.

The end.

To say this episode is painful is a vast understatement.

It's almost so painful, I wish I didn't even have to watch it at all.

There's so much padding and forcing things to fit into the 19 minutes allotted, it's


Theoretically, it's not a bad plot idea at all.

But the execution is so terrible.

So terrible.

Plus, the child actors are horrific, even by child actor standards.

It's a shame, but what can you do?

Next time, this two parter is put out of its own misery, but until then, may the power

protect you!

For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E39 - Episode Review - Duration: 4:18.


AEIOU - La canzone delle vocali - canzoni per bambini - baby music songs - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> AEIOU - La canzone delle vocali - canzoni per bambini - baby music songs - Duration: 3:15.






Largest virus ever is a brazilian virus! Understand the Tupanvirus - Duration: 5:21.

Right behind me is the Biological Sciences Institute of the Federal University of Minas Gerais

the place where states the virology lab which discovered essentially the biggest virus ever found in the world

named Tupanvirus

This virus is so huge that it is making scientists rethink what is, in fact, a virus

and if they should be considered living beings or not

This is what we are going to talk about today.

Welcome to Olá, Ciência!

Brazilian scientists from virus laboratory at Biological Sciences Institute at UFMG

published a paper on Nature Communications last February 28th showing the discovery of two viruses,

called Tupanvirus,

in reference to the great Tupã God creator of universe, from Guarani indigenous people's mythology

Both viruses have two particularities whose make them unique in the world:

first of them, they are huge, the biggest viruses ever found

and the second one is that their genome is very large, making scientists rethink if they are living beings or not.

Behind this door, researchers analyzed two brazilian samples.

One of them, coming from Pantanal's water

and the other one being collected by a Petrobras probe at 3 km deep in the ocean.

In these samples they found materials from two specimens of virus, the Tupanviruses, the biggest viruses ever discovered.

These viruses can reach up to 2.3 micrometers, actually, being larger than some bacteria.

Besides, they have the most complete machinery to produce proteins ever found on virosphere.

And what does it means?

It means that if this virus had the same machinery of animal cells, human cells,

it would be capable of producing all the 20 amino acids necessary for life

Tupanviruses own the longest DNA molecule among all viruses

There are approximately 1.5 million bases that codify at least 1425 proteins

Just for comparison, HIV virus has 9.8 thousand bases and codifies only 16 proteins.

Much smaller, right?

Tupanvirus has been classified by researchers on Mimiviridae family

which comprises Mimivirus, which had been discovered by french scientists on 2003

Just out of curiosity, Mimivirus has this name because it has been mistakenly classified as a bacteria on 1997

At that time, researchers were analyzing some amoeba samples and saw that some bacteria were infecting them

Only in 2003, that researchers found that they were a virus and named it Mimivirus, a giant virus.

The name was because it was mimetizing a bacteria, playing mimic, so the name Mimivirus.

Before Mimivirus, viruses were extensively classified outside what would be a living being,

due to their inability to produce proteins,


and their need for a host for multiplying.

But in 2003, with the discovery of the genetic complexity of Mimiviruses and other giant viruses that would be discovered after that

the debate about viruses being alive has been rekindled

These giant viruses have many genes, capable of replicating DNA

repairing DNA

producing proteins

and other characteristics.

In the case of Tupanviruses, they have all genes necessary for producing the 20 amino acids that human and other living beings have.

But there is a great dilemma for researchers:

why does this virus has a so long genome at the same time that it needs a host for multiplying?

This is a totally unnecessary expense of energy,

which goes against evolution

It has this long genome that spends so much energy to replicate without having the apparatus to produce proteins,

it still needs a host.

Would be this virus the lost link between the inanimate, some molecule involving proteins without life and the first form of life?

Tupanvirus not only carries the longest genome between all viruses,

but approximately 30% of its genome is totally unknown for science,

which is making scientists to consider if this virus should be classified in another domain of life, specific for this organism.

Today we have three domains: archaea,


and eukarya.

Archaea is composed by archaebacteria,

bacteria is composed by common bacteria

and eukarya composed by animals, fungi, protozoa and plants.

Should this virus, being the lost link between the inanimate and life, be classified in another domain of life?

Obviously there are many thing to be studied.

And one thing that you should be certain of is that those scientists from Virus Laboratory will continue to work on this.

and you don't need to be worried about it,

as you are not an amoeba, the main host infected by these viruses.

It's all folks.

I hope you liked this fantastic research,

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For more infomation >> Largest virus ever is a brazilian virus! Understand the Tupanvirus - Duration: 5:21.


Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins seeks out Texas voters - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins seeks out Texas voters - Duration: 2:49.


How will Texas primary affect midterm elections? - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> How will Texas primary affect midterm elections? - Duration: 3:32.


Lầu Năm Góc Chi 22 Triệu Đôla cho Chương Trình Điều Tra Bí Mật Về U.F.O I Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 6:36.

Hey guys thanks for watching Beyond Science, it's Mike Chen.

And this is a really interesting story.

For years,

the United States government has always tried

to maintain a pretty much safe and somewhat skeptical position

when it concerns the possibility of alien life

and the likelihood that extraterrestrial beings

may try to visit our planet

or have already succeeded in doing so.

And whatever footage or information on unexpected sightings

of unidentified flying objects or UFOs

are released and made known to the public.

Government institutions are really quick to refute

the possibility that the origins of these aerial objects are not of this world.

Instead, they offer explanations that they deem more plausible

thus completely veering the public's attention

and curiosity from topics they feel are best left on discussed.

Perhaps, this is to prevent the public from descending into chaos

because of their misguided fears.

Or perhaps it is to spare the rest of us from having to deal with difficult truths

while those in the government think that

they are covertly acting with our best interest supposedly always in mind.

But every now and then,

earth-shaking revelations are made by top ranking officials of the government

about the secrets the institutions they serve

are keeping from the taxpaying public.

And among such revelations,

the recent acknowledgement by the Pentagon

that have formed and have funded

a top secret and long-running UFO investigation program.

So here's what happened.

On Saturday December the 16th,

the New York Times and and Politico published articles

which revealed that the US government

more specifically the US Defense Intelligence Agency

had been funding a secret investigatory program

that studied unexplained aerial phenomena

or UAPs,

and is supposedly operated from the year 2007 until 2012.

And taxpayers supposedly shout out around twenty-two million dollars

during this entire five-year run,

Called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program,

the clandestine effort to study UAPs

was initiated by former US senator and Nevada Democrat Harry Reid,

who at the time was the Senate majority leader.

Reid's proposed UFO investigation program

was backed by the late Senators Ted Stevens of Alaska

and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii

Most of the budget allocated for the program went to-

an aerial research company run by Nevada businessman

and a governmental contractor Roberts Bigelow.

And not only is he allegedly a close friend of Reed

who is also a passionate believer in the existence of aliens.

It is said to be the one who sparked the senate's interest in UFOs

and all things extraterrestrial in the first place.

Reports also noted that Bigelow provided financial support to Reed's campaign

for Senator re-election in 2004 as well as in 2010.

Now the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program

was led by a US military intelligence official named Luis Elizondo.

As for what members of the program

actually accomplished during its five-year existence,

it was revealed that

the secret UFO program mainly investigated the accounts of military and commercial pilots

who claimed to have witnessed or encountered unexplained aircraft phenomena.

And this was not to just find proof of extraterrestrial presence on earth,

but also to ascertain if some of the mysterious flying objects

were actually secretly deployed by other powerful countries

like Russia or China.

The officials in the program also interviewed any evaluated individuals

who claimed to have felt or experienced

some physical effects from their UFO encounters.

But aside from interviewing people,

the program supposedly recovered a metal alloys

and other physical evidences from discover UAPs

and store them somewhere in Las Vegas.

Anyway, out of the program's efforts,

they managed to write a 490 page reports

about alleged UFO sightings all over the world

for the past several decades.

This report, of course, has yet to be disclosed to the public

and though the program did not manage to yield irrefutable proof of aliens visiting earth

those who are part of the program, particularly Elizondo,

believed that their findings warranted serious attention.

So why was this operation terminated?

Well, funding of the Advanced Aviation Threat and Identification Program

was terminated by the US Department of Defense back in 2012.

As for why it had to end.

Political article mentioned a former congressional staffer

who revealed that while the effort was a worthy endeavor in the beginning,

the program failed to find anything of substance

and because they could no longer justify

spending taxpayer money to investigate UFO sightings,

the program was given a slow death.

However, some of those who supported the program believe that

the Pentagon is still allowing it to operate in some form.

And that officials even today are still investigating UAPs

or UFO sightings reported by servicemembers,

while also attending to other duties in the Defense Department's.

Luis Elizondo, in particular,

resigned from his position in the October of this year

as he expressed

his frustration regarding the Pentagon's indifference

over the merits of the UFO investigatory program

and the government's organization's refusal to fund its operations further.

Elizondo also decried the government's excessive secrecy over the subject matter

and the internal opposition the program constantly faced.

He also revealed that after his resignation,

a new official had already been appointed

to continue the covert UFO investigations of the US government.

And as for what the Pentagon had to say about these revelations,

the Defense Department in response to an inquiry by Reuters

confirmed the existence and subsequent termination

of the Advanced Aviation Threat and Identification program].

According to Pentagon, spokeswoman Laura Ochoa,

the UFO investigatory program ended in 2012

because the department found that

there were more pressing high priority issues

that deserve the funding the UFO program received.

As such, the Department of Defense thought that

it was in the government and the public's interest

to make a change by terminating the program.

But on whether the Pentagon really seized investigating UFO and UAP's sightings

the US Defense Department's response is pretty much a non-answer.

The organization neither confirmed nor denied

that some of its officials are really still handling UFO related issue.

Instead, it's stressed that it takes all threats and potential threats very seriously,

and the department promises to take action

when they find credible information about such threats.

And this s really not the first time

that it was revealed to the public

that their government has been secretly pulling the strings behind the scene

especially when it comes to UFOs.

In fact, the Advanced Aviation Threat and Indentification program

is not the only UFO related project initiated by the US government.

Some of those programs no predecessors include

Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book.

And they all shared similar objectives of gathering data about the UFOs

and determining whether they pose potential threats

to national security and the public safety.

And needless to say,

this recent reveal the UFO investigatory program

is not the first of its kind,

and we can surely expect it won't be the last.

But my question to you guys is -

do you feel like this warrants taxpayer money?

Do you feel like there should be an organization that we're paying for it

whose primary job is to investigate flying anomalies around the world.

For me the answer is 'yes'

But only if the government actually reveals what they find.

But let me know what you guys think about this in the comments below.

Thank you all so much for watching.

I'll see you later.

For more infomation >> Lầu Năm Góc Chi 22 Triệu Đôla cho Chương Trình Điều Tra Bí Mật Về U.F.O I Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 6:36.


If He Likes You You'll Know, It's That Simple - Duration: 2:27.

If He Likes You You'll Know, It's That Simple

There are so many sings indicating that he actually likes you.

Here is the list to know if he likes or even love you.


First of all, they will not only text you back.

There will be follow-up questions, and the conversation is not only a chit-chat.

It is more meaningful since it tries to establish communication and relation better.

He starts to open up himself, and he also tries to know you better.

You will notice such situation easily.

Moreover, you also can bet that he will text you first.


He's going to be super nice Someone who loves you, practically wants to

be treated well.

This is why you will notice that he becomes very nice person to grab your heart.

Be aware though that someone nice may turn to be narcissists in the end.

You will notice that his love is pure by the way he talks.

If he often refer to himself, there is a small problem you have with him.


He shows something real Words typically do not express anything but

false promises.

That is why if you see him struggling to give you the best treatment and care, you should

realize that he loves you.

You need to see his struggle which is usually too difficult to infer.


No excuse If he truly likes you, he will not make excuse

for things he could not do.

Instead, he will be struggling to death to prove you that he is the best man in the world

for you.

However, you also need to know the difference between excuse and feeling sorry.

Sometimes man also has some limitations, and you need to understand that as well.


You will always in his mind You know that through his actions, words,

and emotion.

You can see that the world is nothing without you beside him.

You can feel and see that through the effort he has made to make you the queen of his life.

All in all, that's the If He Likes You You'll Know, It's That Simple.

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> If He Likes You You'll Know, It's That Simple - Duration: 2:27.


Brad Meltzer Explains Harry Houdini's Connection to the Secret Service - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Brad Meltzer Explains Harry Houdini's Connection to the Secret Service - Duration: 5:19.


সারা বছর টমেটো সংরক্ষণ পদ্ধতি/টমেটো সংরক্ষণ ||Tomato Store Recipe/How To Store Tomatoes - Duration: 8:32.


For more infomation >> সারা বছর টমেটো সংরক্ষণ পদ্ধতি/টমেটো সংরক্ষণ ||Tomato Store Recipe/How To Store Tomatoes - Duration: 8:32.


📹Vlog #1 Festival Lyon Science - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> 📹Vlog #1 Festival Lyon Science - Duration: 8:34.


Never Had A Relationship at 21 Years Old - Duration: 6:41.

Welcome to psych irl.

My name is Donna and today I'm going to be interviewing my cousin who is 21 years old.

She's never been in a relationship, never been on any dates, never had a boyfriend,

and actually I know a couple people who are in the same exact situation.

I've also read studies that millennials are getting married later and later.

So by doing this interview i hope you get some insight into that and I'd love to know

your thoughts and feelings.

Do you relate?

Do you not relate?

And Why do you think there is this trend?

What is your name and what is your age?

My name is Marygold Martinez and I'm 21 years old.

I actually never dated or had a relationship before mostly because the people that like

me, I didn't really like.

The person that I liked, didn't like me back.

Oh I actually confessed to him in sophomore year but it wasn't because I wanted to be


He was with this girl and I thought like, "oh no I think I'm jealous".

So, you know maybe if I confessed to him, it will go away.

-what will go away?-

The feelings will go away.

But it does not work like that.

I don't think I've ever been pressured to be in a relationship because of friends.

They were more into their own relationships and my family is Filipino.

So, they were like "oh you should not be in a relationship.

You shouldn't have a boyfriend.

You have to go to school.

Do your college."

and I'm like okay.

I've probably liked people, but then I was like I probably just like him as a friend.

So, I didn't do anything

-So you had a crush on a friend?-

Maybe. Maybe I've had a curst on him but think "nah".

Yeah, I'm not sure.

- you're not sure?-


You don't know whether you like someone or not?


Sometimes I'm like "do I like this person?"

I'm just "mmm probably not".

So, I just go "we're friends.


-so, what's the difference then because the first time you were talking about you said you actually know you like this person-

Oh because I was jealous.

I do not actively look for a boyfriend.

I'm more focused on what goals I have to do compared to like "oh okay I'm trying to find

a boyfriend".

Basically for me, it's if I have someone I like and then we end up together then okay.

But then I'm not really looking.

So, right now I'm trying to be a performer.

Well I am a performer, but I'm trying to get more work from it.

Before hand also, I was actually a nursing major but then I stopped that to be a performer.

I didn't feel like it was for me.

So right now I'm focused on finding more performing work and being a performer.

And that's redundant but yeah.

Most likely I feel like the other person will not really be happy with how I'm acting towards

him because I feel like most of the time when you see a couple they're almost always together

most of the time and they will find a way to spend more time together.

Since I'm a really big big super introvert, sometimes I really do not like seeing people

for every day or like for a long period of time.

Unless I really like that person like a lot.

If you were an animal, I'd love to see you everyday.

Maybe when I'm like 40 I should be worried because I want a baby.

Not now but I want a baby (laughs).

I would say my ideal relationship would be, we would be there for each other.

Although you're kind of messed up sometimes.

They know like these bad things about you, but they're still with you till the end and

just like being there for each other and liking each other.

I don't really know, okay?

Alright so in my opinion when me and Marygold would talk about her and being in relationships,

I always got this uncomfortable vibe.

So, she agreed for me to set up a Tinder account and for me to take it over.

My goal for this is not for her to actually find a date and talk to a guy on Tinder.

It's for her to entertain the thought of being in a relationship, so I'm not going to be


I'm going to be funny.

I'm going to be awkward, but again it's for her to be comfortable with entertaining the

thought of a relationship.

How do you feel about this guy?

You just..

Well I want to know what your type is.

I'm just going to like everyone.

You're going to like everyone?

I like his money.

He has a lot of money.

He is too emotional.

Awful kisser.

He doesn't want to be here.

He's boring.

He's a designated driver.

He doesn't want to be on Tinder.

Someone made him do it, I bet.

Perfect for you.


Rafael, 18 years old.

Do you date people younger than you? or are you open to that?

Dating an 18 year old.


I don't want to do anything illegal.

He's not...

Alright Rolando, 22 years old.

He likes food, music, sleep.

He's a dog lover.


Ha Dragon Ball Z.

Do you like Dragonball Z?

I didn't watch super yet, but I do watch it now.

Before I thought it was creepy.


Do you like abs?


I like his doggos.

You don't say ew.

You're body shaming this man.

I'm sorry.

I'm flabby too.

He's not flabby.

Not looking for a hookup.

Sounds like your type.

He's from Manila, London.

Ooo Manila. Filipino.

I don't like Manila.

Look you got another match.

Jesse is 20.


Okay so he's a Pokemon champion, already.

Sup Boo.


I like that dog.

Alright we don't even know what this guy looks like, but uh I won't show you what he looks like

Let's just heart him.

Look you matched.


Might hold your hand.

He might hold your hand.

Do you like holding hands?

My hands are sweaty.

Oh would you date someone with a child?

If I like the person.

Oh you have a new message.

What does it say?

ooo What's your favorite video game?

What is my favorite video game?

Anything with you.


jk jk

I don't really have one, but so far I'm playing league of legends.

Are you a fun time?

I'm boring af.


I say that to everyone.

Prince Ali.


oops meant to swipe left

What's good Ali says.

What's good about what?

I don't know.

I think this is why you're single

For more infomation >> Never Had A Relationship at 21 Years Old - Duration: 6:41.


Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2 "Down to Business" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

♫ (Heart - Barracuda) ♫

What are you?

Are you gonna kill me?

People actually ask you that?

It comes up.

Knowing what was done to you might help you.

What if facing it makes me worse?

I've already killed someone.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2 "Down to Business" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


S. Korea's chief special envoy to N. Korea holds news briefing - Duration: 3:27.

For a comprehensive wrap up of news briefing held by South Korea's chief special envoy

to North Korea, we have live on the phone, our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung.

Connyoung, what can you tell us?

Daniel, as we saw at the top of this broadcast... we have breaking news:

The two Koreas have agreed to hold a third inter-Korean Summit at the truce village of

Panmunjom... the Peace House, to be exact.

The "Peace House" sits on the South Korean side of Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone.

They've also agreed to establish a hot line between the two leaders to ease military tensions

on the Korean peninsula.

Another huge news: North Korea has made clear of its willingness to denuclearize and also

made crystal clear that there is no need for the North to hold on to its nuclear weapons

if their sovereignty is guaranteed.

South Korea's chief special envoy also relayed North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's readiness

to hold openhearted

nuclear talks with

the United States.

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