Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 7 2018

Price Predictions: Bitcoin ($BTC), Ethereum ($ETH), NEO ($NEO), Stellar ($XLM), & Ripple ($XRP)!

For more infomation >> Price Predictions: Bitcoin ($BTC), Ethereum ($ETH), NEO ($NEO), Stellar ($XLM), & Ripple ($XRP)! - Duration: 14:04.


WARFACE: Для PvP Фигня ? - РПД Custom - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> WARFACE: Для PvP Фигня ? - РПД Custom - Duration: 12:26.


A Dinosaurs Life - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 18:44.

For more infomation >> A Dinosaurs Life - Roblox Gameplay Hrithik - Duration: 18:44.


Hãng bán hàng trực tuyến Amazon sắp đổ bộ vào Việt Nam, tin vui cho anh chị em làm Youtube ? - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Hãng bán hàng trực tuyến Amazon sắp đổ bộ vào Việt Nam, tin vui cho anh chị em làm Youtube ? - Duration: 1:52.


Growing Fig Trees in Australia - Planting & Pest Guide - Duration: 4:15.

Figs are one of our favourite things here at Daley's nursery

and the reason being is there's nothing

better than a freshly picked ripe fig if you've never tried

one you're actually missing out on something that is delicious

they're completely different to the dried figs that you find in little

plastic bags in the supermarket so this is ready to pick and you can see the

skin is starting to crack and it's very soft and delicate and if I break it open

it should be like succulent and sweet you can see it's a little bit moist and

it's just the most luscious sweet and delicious thing in the world nothing

better than eating a fresh fig if you want you can take them into the kitchen

you can dry them you can actually just pop them under the grill with a little

bit of sugar on them to caramelize them you can make jams and preserves there

are so many things you can do with figs in the kitchen but they're also really

beautifully and straight off the tree so here look at this crop beautiful things

so if you want to grow a beautiful fig tree like this in your garden there's a

couple of things that you need so firstly is full Sun and perfect drainage

and your tree can grow four to five meters or like this you can keep this

pruned back you'll see this is about two and a half three meters and that's an

ideal height to keep your fig pruned and that way you can access the fruit it

fruits on its new growth so you can cut it back hard every year they're also a

latexy fruit and tree so when you cut it they have a white sap and you need to

be very careful you don't get that on your skin it can burn so when you're

dealing with Figs it's a good idea to wear a long sleeve shirt just make sure

that you don't get any of that sap on your skin you'll avoid sap burns

they also need protection from birds so we love the fruit birds are going to

love the fruit bats possums they're all going to come in and raid your figs

because look at this beautiful fruit so just net your tree we've got these under

Exclusion netting and that's the best way to protect your fruit from all those

pests that going to want to share your crop

So this particular variety of Fig

is called a black Genoa and it has this lovely dark mooroon flesh with beautiful

red succulent flesh so it's a really sweet delicious fresh fig there are a

few common pests and problems that figs have that they all suffer from so

there's an insect pest called a fig beetle and they tend to skeletonize the

leaves so if you notice that you have little caterpillars lined up in a row

eating your leaves they'll do this and you can see on the reverse of the leaf

there's some of the juvenile insects there so if you get yourself an

insecticide and treat those on small trees they can defoliate it on larger

trees you can just pick them off and drown those in a bucket of water it's

quite a simple way of controlling those if you're organic

don't let them get out of control where possible figs also suffer from fungal

problems so if we have a wet summer here we have terrible problems with our figs

fermenting on the tree a nice dry summer like we've had this year hot dry where

then we get beautiful figs so seasonally you can have great seasons

and you'll have in-different seasons so this year we've got a really good fig

season a beautiful crop on the tree and it's all to do with the weather so a

nice hot summer places like places with a Mediterranean type climate climate we

have a dry summer is really ideally suited to figs. They're a great

deciduous tree you'll get summer shade winter Sun and a beautiful crop of fruit

at the end of summer

For more infomation >> Growing Fig Trees in Australia - Planting & Pest Guide - Duration: 4:15.


Ottawa Real Estate Market Statistics|Whats My Home Worth?|Ottawa Houses For Sale|Low Inventory Homes - Duration: 8:20.

hi guys I'm pretty excited today I got the new Nikon D5500 camera to record my

real estate videos so I'm gonna have even more videos coming with short

updates on the #OttawaRealEstateMarket My name is Tom Witek I'm a #RealEstateSalesperson

and you can find more information about me at

This is going to be a #February2018OttawaRealEstateMarketUpdate you can go to

to my website and and download the PDF file that shows you the tables with

different price ranges usually for condominium and residential sales okay. So you can go to

ok so let's get into it

#solds okay so February 2018 there were 979 #solds versus

#February2017 which had 1,002 #solds so there's less #solds

by only 2.3% You have #condos category which #sold in #February2018 250 condos and

#ResidentialHomes 729 now this is probably because breaking news there

is a #LowInventoryOfHomes and it continues in #February2018

okay so we have #December20017, #January2018 and now #February2018 with #LowInventoryOfHomes and

I can show you exactly which #homes are actually best to sell right now but

let's go over through a few problems that are

okay so if this trend continues of low inventory this will become a seller's

market and usually either buyer or seller or balance market is defined when

the trend continues for six months okay the second problem is compounded by new

builders who are hindered because builders cannot find enough land because

the land prices went up and there are also urban boundary issues and

development issues okay the third problem is the limited supply of rentals

on the #OttawaRealEstateMarket so you have not enough of rental units so what

happens renters where do the renters go well

they're turning into owners right and the most affected are the #CondoSales

#TheCondoSales are going up now let's jump into this area now #AverageSalePrices

for #OttawaResidentialRealEstate for #February2018 it's $429,600

dollars versus #February2017 we are up by 2.7%

In the #CondominiumMarket the increase is... The average sale...the #AverageSoldPrices are

$273,174 and that's an

increase when you compare it to #February2017 by 5.6%

Now you can check out my website at

for the #NumberOfUnitsSold and #AverageSalePrices for each property class and that

You are interested in now most this is what's important

#MostActivePricePoint is again it's between $300,000 and

$449,900 for the #ResidentialMarket

and this is the most active #sales okay you have in this #pricepoint #pricerange

You have 47% of #sales of the whole #OttawaRealEstateMarket so that means

#sales below $300,000 and #sales above $450,000 account for 53% In the #OttawaCondoMarket

the #MostActivePriceRange was $150,000 to $250,000

and these #sales in that #PriceRange accounted for

56% so again, below $150,000 and above $250,000 #sales account for 44%

so #LowInventoryOfHomes continues now another so this is what

happens basically I took this #pricerange but you could have taken $300,000 to

$399,000 but even to make it a smaller chunk we can use $350,000 to $399,000 You have an increase of

#housesSold in #February2018 by 30% okay and this spills over in my opinion between

to #homes being #sold between $500,000 and $750,000 which now account for 39.4%

so what is happening? so people from this

#PriceRange of $350,000 to $399,900 are #selling their #homes and upgrading to the $500,000

and $750,000 #PriceRange #MortgageRules that have changed in #January2018

so people are still people who qualified for #mortgage in #November2017 and #December2017

are still shopping and closing #homes because they have 120 days

pre-qualification for their #mortgages so we want

to get on the action within that period; close on the #home and move using

the old rules and interest rates now interest rates went up a little bit and

the #MortgageRules have change its much harder to qualify right now okay so

the problem is supply shortage which leads to prices going up prices going up

creates #affordability issues and #affordability issues can give you this

option of #CoachHomes #TheCityOfOttawa came up with an initiative in #October2017

to allow owners to have #CoachHomes I'm going to be doing another

video about the #CoachHomes already posted one but you can get the

information about the #CoachHomes and and maybe this is this is an idea for

you basically the way that #CoachHomes

works is if if you comply with all the rules, all of the requirements you can build

an extra structure on your #land and then either use it as an #investment or use it

as as let's say you have elder parents and you want the parents to to move in

they're not moving into your #house they're moving into a separate structure

anyway so my name is Tom Witek with I am an #OttawaRealEstateSalesperson

and again if you go to this this website address I'm going to post this in

the comments you can download the whole information. Please do #Subscribe and #HitYoutubeNotificationBell

I'm going to be producing more and more videos for your

enjoyment thank you very much

For more infomation >> Ottawa Real Estate Market Statistics|Whats My Home Worth?|Ottawa Houses For Sale|Low Inventory Homes - Duration: 8:20.


TÚP LỀU LÝ TƯỞNG _ MC DIỆU THU Hát Giao Lưu Đám Cưới Rất Hay|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> TÚP LỀU LÝ TƯỞNG _ MC DIỆU THU Hát Giao Lưu Đám Cưới Rất Hay|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 4:27.


Múa DÁNG XUÂN - học viên Trung tâm Nghệ thuật Đôi giày đỏ RSAC - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Múa DÁNG XUÂN - học viên Trung tâm Nghệ thuật Đôi giày đỏ RSAC - Duration: 5:14.


Dude Perfect YouTube Success Story Breakdown (2018) - Duration: 4:49.

In case you haven't heard that dude perfect well they're the high-flying

gravity-defying Creek shot-making group currently closing fast on 30 million

subscribers to perfect is one of the fastest growing channels on YouTube

right now they're unlikely to slow down anytime soon so this video I'm going to

show you how they get millions of your fans every month the perfect are a

perfect example how to be a great youtuber and being a great businessman

at the same time so this would be as much of a YouTube creator breakdown as

it is a business development and a marketing right now I spoke about this

in all my previous videos there is no luck involved in the case of do perfect

it's a matter of execution and the awesome content and a great growth

strategy look at their videos they all have a single common thread the jump

cuts the intense emotion this is not accident these are techniques to keep

the video incredibly engaging since the human brain is trained to pay attention

to rapid changes and even more people showing extreme emotions the guys do

perfect are all natural performers and great comedians and they're all willing

to be goofy in public without being self-aware many people watch their

stunts and think there's just too much to be honest if you were to behave like

they do during their videos outside the context of a trickshot video it probably

would be a little bit overboard what you need to understand is that you have to

be over-the-top when the cameras are rolling because this is exactly what is

needed to be a successful YouTube the key takeaway here is even if you may not

be as intense as dude perfect which most people aren't to be honest you don't

have to change who you are but when the camera is on you can't dismiss the

importance of high energy lets you go high energy on your videos people will

not be enticed to watch you and that's a fact so think about it the single most

important thing this perfect doing their videos which you can do today it just

increase your energy level in your videos in order to be high energy you

need to build a great video routine into your video production process which will

make you naturally more high-energy look at how this perfect start each video now

I realize that this may seem too much but I can assure you that it

a huge difference in your mood so as crazy as it may sound when you're

getting ready to make a video find a way to move your body and be active use

music or anything else that will get you pumped up and excited if you do this

routine for a minute or two before you start shooting your video you will be

shocked at how it can improve your video quality and get you more watch time to

help you grow your channel but to focus on these things alone would be to miss

the point of their success there are plenty of high-energy and funny

youtubers out there and they don't have nearly the reach of dude perfect

what makes dude perfect different is the sense of being part of the fun when you

watch a dude perfect video you feel as if you are right there with them the

whole video is designed to give you that feeling to point of view angles and

interactions with the camera as if it was one of the guys and the same rules

apply to you the video creator on YouTube regardless

of your space mesh you can have a comedy channel of law or a do-it-yourself

channel but if you don't have high energy and if you don't include your

viewers in your experience and make them feel like they're right there with you

they're not gonna be enticed to watch you so if you guys remember I promised

you a business breakdown of dude perfect in addition to need you to create a

breakdown and here this dude perfect made some smart choices on the business

side as well they have managed to build a family-friendly merchandise heavy

household name the subtext of all their videos is how

much fun they're having every time they make a video the family-friendly

wholesome fun which advertisers love think the reach of logo ball - all the

controversy and drama on average dude perfect post one video for a week which

gets about 5 million views within the first week in a day the channel gets

around 6 million views from all their existing videos which means they're

making out 4 million dollars a year just from ads apart from ads dude perfect

also generate a cool million every year from YouTube red viewers who pay a

monthly fee just to watch videos without ads they also bring in another two

million dollar per year from endorsement deals that they have a GMC nerf and

Pringles in addition they sell about a million dollars worth of merchandise

annually and they've also launched an iPhone game and a TV show on cmp sum

total dude perfect bring in about 10 million dollars per year which isn't

shabby they could potentially be making

but they're very careful with their brand trying to keep it family-friendly

this has led them to reject major endorsements from alcohol companies and

avoided being featured in some magazines one thing to remember before you embark

on your journey to become the next is perfect is that nothing is easy making

it on YouTube takes a lot of patience a lot of hard work and a lot of sweat and

tears and having said that I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make

sure to hit the subscribe button and the notification bill so you don't ever miss

a new upload again

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