SOM DONES | Nereasanfetv - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Lazos de sangre | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 24:27.-------------------------------------------
Поздравление с 8 марта и рекомендация для женщин - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Как стать мастером Фен Шуй? Советы Наталии Правдиной, как сделать карьеру консультанта Фен Шуй - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
కోర్టు సమస్యలు తొలగాలంటే | Vastu Shastra Remedies | Vastu Remedies | Sudarshanavani Paripurna Vastu - Duration: 5:00.SUBSCRIBE
Girl drift E30 | Girl change wheel | дрифтит на Е30 | Девушка меняет колесо | Поздравление с 8 марта - Duration: 7:09.
Today I will drift in this territory. There is ice all around, and only a small piece of asphalt.
I hope that I will succeed
and I will be able to do what I have planned
not bad
that's all for today . See you soon
2 days have passed. You see, 1k views.
click on the video, and I only have 898 views. I have evidence that YouTube reduces viewing
Una porno de familia | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:51.-------------------------------------------
Price Predictions: Stellar ($XLM), Waves ($WAVES), & SIREN LABS ($SRN)! - Duration: 12:47.Price Predictions: Stellar ($XLM), Waves ($WAVES), & SIREN LABS
ロリィタさんにおすすめ!上品なみつあみアレンジ♡ Lolita Hairstyles: How to do an elegant braided updo ❤︎ - Duration: 2:54.Hello everyone watching Wunderwelt Channel!
I'm Ujou Kazuki.
Today I'd like to show you a simple yet ladylike braided hairstyle.
First of all we'll part our hair into two sections.
If you have longer bangs on the sides, you can leave those out or not, whichever you prefer.
Next we'll do a simple braid.
Part your hair into three sections
and braid inwards.
Once you've reached the ends of your hair, tie it with a hair elastic.
Do the same for the other side.
I'd recommend to braid quite tightly.
When you're done, use another hair elastic to tie it.
Now take your braid and put it on top of your head like this.
You can position it any way you like,
but I'd recommend placing it along the hairline of your forehead
Then pin it into place with hair pins, pinned down from back to front.
I'm sure we have lots of viewers with different hair lengths.
My hair is not all that long either,
so I'm doing the best I can here.
Do the same with the other braid.
Make sure to place the second braid in front of the first and cross them on top of your head.
The braid is sticking out a bit on this side, so I'll pin it down to make it look more even.
Now you can add hair pins or ribbons.
I'll try adding a cameo hair pin.
The end result should look something like this.
This hairstyle is quite cool in summer
and allows you to move around easily.
I think it is suitable for all kinds of hair lengths
and you can change it up a little by varying the braid position,
so please give it a try!
Today's JSK is by Innocent World!
Thank you for watching Wunderwelt Channel!
Don't forget to subscribe ❤︎
Thank you! ❤︎
Waarom klinkt je stem raar als je jezelf terughoort? - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Learn Color For Childrens with McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Driving in Adventure Sports Park Kid Song - Duration: 11:29.Learn Color For Childrens with McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Driving in Adventure Sports Park Kid Song
Learn Color For Childrens with McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Driving in Adventure Sports Park Kid Song
Learn Color For Childrens with McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Driving in Adventure Sports Park Kid Song
Lavoro e Gioco - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
FASTEN - DER FILM | FASTING - THE MOVIE - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Tag: Tutti i colori di YouTube! - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
మీరు స్నానం చేయకుండా వంట చేస్తున్నారా అయితే ఏమౌతుందో తెలుసా| Devotional Telugu Remedies | Devotional - Duration: 4:20.SUBSCRIBE
#65 Knitting- and Crochetpodcast Puk Vossen - Duration: 19:33.Knitting and Crochetpodcast #65 Puk Vossen March 2018
Hi! Welcome to the Knitting and Crochetpodcast by Puk Vossen
This is episode, let me see... 65!
My name is Puk Vossen and I noticed that this channel has a lot of new followers.
So let me introduce myself again for those new followers!
Its great that you found this channel
I live in The Netherlands, in the city of Rotterdam.
I work as a knitting and crochet teacher
I design and make patterns
And I'm a social media contentmanager
esp for yarnshops, knittingdesigners and woolrelated businesses
In these episodes I'm telling you about my work, my plans
Whats happening in The Netherlands in knitting and crochet
and whats inspiring me.
You see me in my workingspace, my studio
I used to teach here private lessons, but now I'm mostly teaching
on different places all over the country. Also in Rottterdam offcourse, because thats where I live!
I'm also organizing #knit010 walks
the first one in 2018 will be in a few weeks, and there's also one in April
You can still sign up for these (see link on screen)
As you can see, the light is returning!
Spring is slowly returning, the last episodes were pretty dark.
I'm not using extra studiolights so I'm really happy with this!
You can see that the light is back, also on my Instagram account, on my pictures. And it makes me really happy.
The past few weeks were busy.
In my private life, it was
I wanted to say 'complex'
But thats not the right word, it was sad, and happy
everything at the same time. And now it looks like its getting back
to normal.
And thats better
It was also busy workwise, and i'm happy to say
that it will stay like this.
Last weekend I visited the city of Antwerpen with my sister
You will see and hear more about that later.
I will put some images/clips extra in this episode
I'm constantly looking down to my planner
this is episode 65, its March 8th
I think its Womensday, thats good: I'm a woman!
(totally stupid sentence, makes no sense..)
I make a new episode every other week
sometimes I'm having yarnie giveaways
there's no giveaway at this moment
because there's no KAL running in my ravelrygroup at this moment
But... the good news is.. there will be one with this beautifull shawlpattern
The pattern is called: "Halve Delft" because its a half circle, inspired by the city of Delft
This will be the upcoming KAL in my Ravelry group. I'm hosting this together
with the yarnstore Knotten in Delft. It will start on April 5th.
At that time you'll find all the info in my Ravelry group and there will be a yarnkit available
Really excited about the fact that I'm organising a special walktour in Delft
Date: sunday May 13th around the Market and yarnshop Knotten in Delft.
Its near the big Markt in the citycentre
Will be talking about craft and Delft in the old days
And we'll find out how the city inspired me to design this shawl
Follow me on instagram or Ravelry and you'll find all the details
Really looking forward to do this, and its really nice to share this with you!
Another design what I'm working on these last day is this sock
its made with 5 colors
Plantdyed organic sockwool by Heymamawolf yarns
these little skeins are enough to make the second sock
You'll find more Heymamawolf Yarns at Cross and Woods in The Hague
I'm designing this patterns esp for this type of sockwool
its about 300m on 100gram, so its not fingering
the standard kind of wool (the fingeringweight)
is around the 4-420 meters per 100 grams
So this is really thicker wool
And i'm also working on a new sock now, but it's only in one colour
also made from thicker wool
And you can't see this from this distance, but on instagram you can see it...
this sock has the exact same pattern
So this sock is gonna be the exact same but only in one colour
I don't have a name for this design, so if you have any suggestions
I would love to hear it
The best thing about this pattern is the stitch-pattern
No, im not going to spoil everything, you will read it in the pattern
So how is such a pattern created?
At first, I ask myself: Can I do something with this?, with this colours and this wool
Uhm, yes i can
And then i'm going to take a look at all my stitch-books
I bought this book on a garage sale
I don't know if i have put a date from when i bought it in the book
As you can see i have read through it a lot of times, and when i see something intersting i put a post it on the page
and the specific stitch for this sock
Is actually a brother or sister from this stitch
Am I saying this right?
This was a stitch that i got to know, because i was looking for something that was elastic but not really a ribbing
And this was kind of a in between solution
And then you start to testknit some swatches, and it was not elastic enough for me, so I changed the pattern
If you look closely you can see that there is only one purl stitch each time
And for my own stitch i used two purl stitches
And this means that a kind of colum structure is created
Instead of little spots
It is not always easy to find the right words to explain knitting
But I hope you understand what i mean because of what you can see
So this is kind of like the proces i go through
I look through the pages
I start knitting swatches
I come across a stitch and think; this is going to be the one
and after 4-5 swatches
That I can't show to you because I had to rip them because I could really only use these 5 balls of wool.
So I start making swatches, it has to be right it has to be elastic enough, not too thin not too thick.
That's how the design is created, it costs me enormous amounts of time
So it hurts me that a lot of knitters think, (a lot of people also don't)
But there is a group of people that think that patterns are free
Because they buy wool they expect the pattern to be free next to it
Ofcourse there are shops that offer a free pattern when you buy wool
they will include the price of the pattern in the price of the wool to make sure it's ''free''
But if you look at the time it costs me to make a sock
So not only creating the example but also the time it costs to find the right stitch and the right design for the right colour and the right wool
Is really a proces that takes hours
It's just work, and work has to be payed
So yes I ask money for my patterns
There is a group of patterns for wich i don't charge money
You can find these on Ravelry, under my free patterns
I do this because, when I want to buy a pattern from someone I like to see how they write it first.
So I find it useful to test out their free pattern first
To see which terminology they use, how they wrote it down, if there are pictures included and if it is clear for me
Because not everybody works the same
That is one of the reasons why I have free patterns on Ravelry
But this doesn't mean that all my patterns are free, and they won't become free in the future
Because i've put in a lot of time, effort and love :) in
And it is my job
And if you have a job, you want to get payed
Okay, that was my opinion for a bit
Next to it there is a blue sock
That is the fisher-sock, I was working on that already in my last episode
I finished this sock at that time, I also already showed it to you
And that one belongs to it
On my Ravelry project page you can see it as well
It is a really beautifull pattern from Renée Kies, and i'm really happy with it
But underneath that, what is underneath that?
This is my explanation-bord
I also do chrochet workshops, and this is the explanation-bord to crochet a flower
I will show it from a closer distance for you
You can see from here, all the steps for how you can make a flower
And this is the backside for example
So you can know exactly which step is been done at the moment
And you will notice this maybe when you do workshops
Not everybody works in the same tempo, and this is fine, but I think it's nice to have an explanation-bord
For if you are already at step 3 and your neighbours are at step 1
Then you can already (secretly)
not secretly
You can just look at the bord; what is expected from me and how can I go on from here
So you don't only have the written text from the pattern
But you also see the steps that have to be done
An advantage of this bord is that the flowers are pinned to the bord with pins so you can take them off and look at them closely
This is what i made for you, so that you can work clearly
I am going to teach how to Crochet a flower at the "Garenrijk" in Rotterdam
That date is already certain, that is...
Saturday the 7th of April
You can sign-up for that on their site
And i am also gonna teach crocheting flowers at the knitting and croching days
And these are on the 11th and 12th of May
So you can already look if you want to join these workshops
For the knitting and croching days you can only sign-up at the location itself
For the bigger workshops (3 hours for example) you can already sign up online
Yes! Antwerp
I went to Antwerp with my sis
Last year, we went to Groningen and now to Antwerp in Belgium
I didn't buy any wool! But my sister did, at the lovely Julija's shop in the Nationalestraat.
I bought this at the museumshop of the MAS
Its a book with stickers
round ones, square stickers and long stripes
At the modern museum MAS
Its a special building with stairways to the roof (thats free) from where you have a marvelous skyline
We were lucky, early sundaymorning with lovely sunny weather
in another store, I found postcards
Near the Cathedral, I found this funny one
The best is on the back: the name of the company is Department of unique business
Really a good name
You'll find extra clips of the city on the end of this episode
we bought a citycard, you have free transport and acces to the musea.
We went to the Rubenshuis, MASmuseum, Maagdenhuis and the Cathedral
and offcourse lovely food and drinks in the restaurants
knitted in our hotelroom
euhm... i was looking for something..?
I don't remember...
Just want to tell so much, its too much ..
If you want to know more about my classes, check my website
Do you own a yarnstore of you know a group of knitters who wants a class?
thats possible! Just drop me an email, and i will send you more information
Maybe you have special wishes about a technique or stitch?
Let me know, I love to teach
On my website you can find an overview of all the public classe
In April there will be a new Yarnstore of the Month in my podcast!
Maybe the yarnstores in The Netherlands are not so eager to be in the spotlight
Its a very simple and good way to have attention from a large group of crafters!
So if you are a yarnshopowner, or you know someone: please contact me for the conditions!
If you have any questions, please let me know. I love to answer them
Just contact me here trough youtube, on instagram or ravelry.
It was great to talk to you
a little bit chaotic
can't wait to come back in two weeks with a new episode!
I hope you have great weeks, with a lot of sunlight
with beautifull signs in nature for Spring
Knit and crochet a lot!
See you next time!
thanks for watching, please use the thumbs and subscribe to this channel!
thank you! And bye!!
MEP-PART [10] - 【Я чувствую, что тону/Human】 - Duration: 0:14.-------------------------------------------
《Girls' Talk - Cooking Girls》第49集 - 菜式:果醋上素腐皮卷 - Duration: 11:29.-------------------------------------------
Biju Menon & Samyuktha Varma Family Photos - Duration: 1:31.Biju Menon & Samyuktha Varma Family Photos
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