Lego Miniature House Build Setup Review
【リーク ネタバレ注意】 『ターゲット?玉入れ?』オクト・エキスパンション 先行プレイ動画【スプラトゥーン2】 - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
TÜRKİYE 2-1 İRAN GENİŞ ÖZET CENK TOSUN GOLLERİ 28/05/2018 HD - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
First time in New York City! (Travel Vlog) - Duration: 2:19.Alright, so I'm now packing my bags for NYC
I don't really know what I have to bring with me, besides my camera gear and some clothes
I guess I'm just gonna buy everything there
So our flight has been delayed by five hours
I have been waiting at the airport and my brother has been sleeping at home
We're finally boarding now
Hi guys, just a little update about today.
We're getting me a tripod first, so I can shoot better video's and photo's
After that, we'll be walking to the Flatiron Building to make even more photo's and video's
And in the end we'll be doing a little skyscaper walk to check out the coolest buildings
*we went shopping anyways*
3rd Corporate War - Cyberpunk 2077 Lore - Duration: 7:46.Connection: Night City
Welcome to the MadqueenShow hub
I am your host B-62
Today we enter the Net
The Third Corporate War, that started in February 2016, was another milestone in Corporate Warfare
because it was fought almost entirely in the net
Hostilities began when financial examiners from the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
uncovered a confidence scheme being perpetrated
by certain investment counselors at Merrill, Asukaga,
and Finch against private investors, using the Rothstein Fund, a subsidiary of the Bank
of New York, as leverage
They notified the District Attorney's office, who began an investigation the next day
The Rothstein Fund, angered by Merrill, Asukaga and Finch duplicity and not wishing to get
dragged down in the investigation, turned everything they had over to the DA's office
They also hired local street netrunners to begin probing Merrill's data fortress in
search for the truth
Merrill's administration took this move from a former ally as a direct attack
They immediately countered by stepping up Net security and unleashed their netrunners
to launch an assault on the Rothstein Funds, first hitting Rothstein's financial targets
Then the Merrill, Asukaga and Finch strike teams turned their attention to actually destroying
Rothstein computer systems, which escalated the fighting
In life it is important to be one step ahead
that's how we created the fuel that moves your life
giving humanity hope
and we keep moving forward to a better future for humanity
Our constant investigation in biotechnology,
genetic engineering, and biochemistry
helps us help you live a fuller life
One step ahead
For several days, the situation was a confused melee
Data fortresses became armed camps as everyone nervously watched to see what would happen next
Netwatch responded by limiting net access and cracking down on computer crime, making
several sweeps resulting in numerous arrests and flatlines
Both the Rothstein Fund and Merril, Asukaga, and Finch decided to take it to the meat world,
so they began hiring mercenaries
During a 12-hour period, short pitched battles were fought in both, Low Earth Orbit and Earth's
surface, all to destroy the physical locations of the enemy's net communications gear
These battles ended with a considerable loss of life and millions of dollars in material destruction
The next six months consisted of endless net raids, most of them inconsequential and indecisive
Indeed, more damage was done during the 12 hours of actual firefights
that commo stuff is expensive, you know?
than during the entire remainder of the conflict
When it was over, in November 2016, the Rothstein Fund ceased to exist as a single entity
Merrill, Asukaga, and Finch turned the corpses of two of their executives who had started
the whole mess over to the Los Angeles District Attorney
They also got stuck with the bill for damages done in Low Earth Orbit and on Earth
By this time, corporate conflict shocked no one, although a number of analysts were surprised
that the war lasted as long as it did
The way the war was fought, being based mostly here in the net, was rather unusual, and it sparked
a couple-dozen theories by various pundits that perhaps this was the new way corporate
wars would be fought
Others maintained that, much like the infantry in military doctrine, solos will never go
out of fashion
Thanks for entering the net with us, I hope we'll see your avatars again, good evening
and long life to Rache Bartmoss
Captain America Killed By Thanos In The Avengers 4 Finale REVEALED! Captain America Lifts Mjolnir - Duration: just don't know when to give up do you stay down fine don't worry I could
do this all day
what is good YouTube Warstu here if you're into the Marvel Cinematic
Universe an Avengers for this is a channel for you so make sure to
subscribe to never miss a video so we know from the ending of Avengers
infinity war by now unless you've been stuck under a rock or living under a
rock for the past month you Reno the main marketing for Avengers infinity war
was how does Captain America hold off Thanos which was very misleading
we know that Captain America didn't hold off Thanos at all it was very misleading
was such a cool taluk point to talk about on the channel so where does the
movie go from here because at the end of Avengers infinity war fan asks wiped out
half the universe just like Gamora said he would if he got hold of all the
Infinity stones so now by now we know that the strongest avenger is gonna be
Captain Marvel which was confirmed by the Russo brothers not me sorry I know
it's currently actually Thor because in Thor 3 saw destroyed the Hulk in the war
arena although the Grandmaster cheated and
then thought and merely killed on us but the god of thunder himself doesn't play
video games or more pacifically doesn't play fortnight or call a jury so he
doesn't know about the headshot rule so recently there was a leak I
guess you could say so careful for spoilers but it might not be true so
this is a rumor don't take it as sense though so the movie evolves around the
relationship between Captain America and Iron Man timeline altercations have
restored Mill Muir and captain wields it against a fan owes to allow the others
to escape and is killed off holding Dallas off damn so which tells us
possibly how Captain America a case Steven Rogers aka Chris Evans will leave
the MCU we already know that the actors contract is out a day and it appears
that Chris Evans doesn't want to re-sign sources have suggests that he's
currently starring in a Broadway play called a lobby hero and he couldn't
attend the actual premiere Oliver and she's a villain to war because it
was open in I think a night to tions profile always went also went on say for
now he has no plans to return to the franchise you want to get off the train
before you are pushed he said and expects the planned reshoots in the full
will mark the end to his tender in the familiar red and white blue super suit
which is gonna make a lot of people cry because he's been that role for so many
years it's some people's favorite movies as Avengers Civil War Avengers the First
Avenger and all them kind of movies so people will be sad when it happens so
within infinity war we didn't get to see Iron Man and Captain America squash
their absolute beef so they would have to address that within the actual
Avengers for so that bit will actually be true recently did come out on an
article and Conwell comic book comp where them two were supposed to actually
meet an infinity war but that was the early stage of writing and it got
scrapped so we know that captain did she this is quite funny
we know that Captain America did actually slightly me move Milner during
Avengers age of Ultron which shocked Thor so we know that captain is worthy
he's worthy to embrace the enchantment enchantment you could say so it would
make sense if Captain America could hold it to be honest if you remember the clip
where all the other Avengers Hawkeye Captain America all tried to lift it and
they couldn't budge it so if he does die saving the re Iron Man this would make a
perfect ending for Chris Evans time in the MCU and it would be a beautiful
moment that would make people cry so how it went down in comics is a bit
different the biggest and most iconic moment came when we saw Captain America
stand up against Thanos resisting him when he tried to grab captain this
moment is surely homage to a big comic book moment for Captain America stood up
against an ass all alone here's how cat versus Stannis went down
in the comics the fight was absolutely brutal for the hairs versus Stannis it
managed to wipe all them out and only Captain America was left al
this was a huge moment in the Infinity Gauntlet comic as Captain America
delivered a powerful speech as long as one man stands against you that you will
never be able to claim victory I've lived my life by those sentiments they
are worth dying for and then there's the funny bit where you know in the first
Captain America movie wait I can do it all day long you know the bit weighs
getting beat up and obviously then they do that in civil war wases I can do this
all day long pretty funny or actually overlay a clip right now if
I could find it at the moment Captain America showed that one man really can
make a difference and sacrifice himself for the greater good everyone died but
this was the plan of Adam warlock he had kept it secret from the Silver Surfer
obviously we don't have this in the MCU in reserve in order to make the move and
cap was one was the distraction Thanos Wow he did that silver surfers struck on
that moment and took the gun out of Thanos hand well surfer eventually
failed but this marked the moment that the mad Titan can be defeated and by
this time his allies also began to turn against him now cap died at this very
moment so the fans are very worried that phallus would crush him in this movie in
at this very moment this would be an emotional moment for the fans even if
you don't like him no one would actually like to see Captain America die on the
big stage could Captain America and leave on such a high note saving the
whole world but my question to you guys is who is going to steal the Infinity
gun in this very moment we know that Avengers 4 is going to explore the
multiverse the quantum realm the Dark Dimension maybe and we also know that
supposedly out of the all the original Avengers that only two of them are going
to survive in my opinion it's going to be Black Widow and Thor no Thor and Iron
Man Ike I really can't see him kill an Iron Man tough guys so anyway guys let
me know do you think thought is worthy of lifting at mill near do you think
Thanos is going to kill Captain America just like he did in the comics and do
you think this is the end of Captain America for the MCU Chris heavens has
basically already confirmed this story by saying you gotta get that
before you are pushed well no one to be pushed off a train deal guys
so ever guys please like scrub and comment for all the MCU content it's
gonna keep rolling all the way through to tool phase 10 or well it's just gonna
keep going and going and going anyway guys I would get you in another video
very soon guys catch later
31 👑JOÃO BATISTA VISITA JESUS DURANTE A FESTA DE TABERNÁCULOS 👑 LIVRO DE URANTIA - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
ASMR Fast Aggressive Wood Sounds Twin ASMR - Duration: 10:06.Hello timers and welcome to this new video of ASMR Mr Time
Well I wanted to tell you how always if you like my channel
can subscribe
I like him too if you like the video
and can comment as always in the comments
(Worth the redundancy haha)
Today I'm going to make a new video it's going to be from Layered Sounds
What is going to be with this, sounds with a wood
This is a censer so it's to put incenses
That I asked my sister to make this video
Well before making the video I wanted to say hello
they asked me
First I'm going to send him to Uriel Nuñez that was the one who actually asked me
And I also wanted to tell Serci that today I wonder
If I had already tired of uploading videos
And well I wanted to make this video today
And then I also wanted to send you greetings to some who did not ask me
but they always tell me when I upload a video and they are
almost from the first video I uploaded
What they are, the first one is Lauti GamerYt, I'm going to name them through their YouTube channel
because good is the name that I know of you
Then to Sinta ASMR, also Veronica Lopez,
to Jaden The Famous Magician and Ava-Conda ASMR
Well, that is, there are many more obvious but those are pretty much
which I remember now if you do not name any
Now yes, I leave you with the video
That Guy - Duration: 0:07.-------------------------------------------
Holosun Elite, Citadel 12ga. and MORE Rapid Fire News! - TGC News! - Duration: 13:41.This week on TGC News, Holosun goes Elite, Citadel brings 12 gauges of fun, and new stuff
from Alien Gear, Lone Wolf, Brownells, and Mean Arms!
Welcome back to another episode of TGC News, the only gun news show that covers things
you actually care about, my name is Jon Patton.
If You watch this show every week, do me a favor and smash that like button, I want to
see if we can hit 3k likes in the first 24 hours!
Before we get into the news it's very important to take a minute to acknowledge the folks
that have given their lives to protect and defend this beautiful country we live in.
This is first airing on Memorial Day and I want to make sure everyone out there is taking
the time to think about how we got this far as a nation.
Now the news.
First up this week is a new optic from a company that has been slinging out a bunch of new
stuff this year.
With the introduction of their sort of affordable but premium Elite Series last year, holosun
has jumped up a level.
They made a name for themselves by offering good quality red dot optics at really solid
Between Holosun and Primary Arms, the sub 300 dollar optic market has never been the
Well in an effort to keep expanding and growing, holosun has introduced a new version of their
HS510C optic from their elite line called surprisingly the HS510C Elite.
On the surface it's fairly simple, an open reflex style sight that looks like an RMR
and an Eotech had a baby.
Digging deeper there are a few things that start to set it apart from other options.
First and foremost, the solar cell which is probably my favorite thing on Holosun optics.
It's basically a built in trickle charger and light sensor for your optic.
Beyond that, they have the "shake awake" feature which means it comes on when you move
your optic and shuts off after a user input segment of time.
THAT is pretty slick.
Moving on from there, the hood portion of the optic is made from titanium which is great
for strength.
It also has a multi reticle system to choose between a circle and dot, just a dot or just
a circle.
On top of that, the reticle is now Green.
That might not sound significant but it's actually easier for the human eye to pick
up green light AND according to holosun the new diode used for these green reticles is
significantly more power efficient than their red options.
That means the rating of up to 50,000 hours of battery life might be legit.
Now here's the kicker, you get some neat features and you don't have to pay a lot, The MSRP
on this HS510C Elite is $352.93 weirdest MSRP ever.
Now we've been working with Holosun for a little while now so you guys know how I feel
about their stuff, but what I want to know is how many of you would grab this over a
tube style red dot optic?
And In...
News, Citadel has introduced a new AK style shotgun called
the RSS1.
Long story short, it's a VEPR 12 gauge with a 20 inch barrel and some new furniture on
And a couple of other tweaks.
Starting in the back there is a fancy stock they're calling a mono stock.
In the past it was always thumbhole stocks because somehow a thumbhole stock proves to
pass the sporting purposes exemption with importation laws.
Moving forward, the dust cover has a rail on it which is cool.
The forend and gas tube have a nice texture to them and under the front sight base is
another picatinny rail for mounting a sweet laser or light.
And my favorite feature, the bolt lock button which is between the trigger guard and mag
well and then the bolt unlock near the pistol grip.
Not groundbreaking BUT its very cool to have those on any AK style gun.
MSRP on this thing is a not too awful 799 bucks.
We covered a different shotgun like this a few weeks ago that was an AK shotgun disguised
as a bullpup and I think these two are from the same line of thinking.
Find new ways to get these damn things into the country and everyone wins.
Now, I'm not sure that I would personally rock one of these as a primary over my normal
semi auto shotguns but it could be something fun to have in the collection.
It's time for some Rapid Fire news!
We have a bunch of stuff to hit so HERE WE GO!
First, Mean Arms, the company that came up with a really slick way to load compliant
fixed mag ARs through the loading gate has expanded on that idea and is now making one
for AR10's.
With the growing popularity of AR10 308's out there, this makes a lot of sense, MSRP
is a hefty 59.99.
Next, Brownells is expanding their line of gun offerings with the addition of the BRN
22 which is essentially a stripped Ruger 10/22 receiver.
This is fantastic if you are looking to build a ground up custom gun and don't want to pay
to buy a regular 10/22 to start.
The picatinny railed version goes for 89.99 and the non railed for 10 bucks less.
Lone Wolf, best known for being a giant in the aftermarket Glock accessory game, has
introduced a new slide thats grabbing a ton of attention including mine.
This is the signature series Number 23 slide.
There are a ton more in the series but look at this thing.
It's weird and rounded and ugly and beautiful all at the same time.
The price tag is going to hurt though.
The only way to get this is to buy one of their blank slides at 175 bucks and then pay
an additional 200 on top of that to get it milled this way.
Certainly not the worst we've seen here on TGC News, but not cheap either.
And rounding us out, Alien Gear released a new in-car holster as part of their shape
shift modular holster lineup called the driver defense holster.
The idea is that it straps around the bottom of your drivers seat and keeps the gun right
between your legs.
Making a good in-car holster system is a very challenging thing with not only the variety
of guns and people, but then add in the variety of vehicles on the road, the complexity goes
through the roof.
I think the short coming with this one is that it requires a car where you can actually
get a strap around the bottom seat cushion.
I know in most newer cars there are so many electronics and other nonsense that it just
wouldn't be possible and even if you could, you wouldn't want to mess up the seat itself
by strapping it tight enough to be useful.
MSRP on the driver defense holster is 59 bucks.
Our Guntuber of the Week is someone that I've known for the better part of 5 years, The
channel has evolved over the years and the main series called The Weekly Drill Down is
quite possibly one of the most fun recurring gun shows on YouTube right now.
Not to mention that the guy who runs it, Whitey, has been a very good friend to me over the
Say hello to FourGuysGuns.
Definitely make sure you get subscribed and tell them TGC sent you and of course there
are links down in the description as always.
your questions from all over social media this week the questions are again coming from
the gun Collective Facebook page,
Juan that is a great question, I think the best answer is that it depends on the kid.
Only you can judge when to teach your children about things like gun safety.
I've seen kids as young as three shooting and I've seen kids that are 10 whose parents
won't let them shoot yet.
Maturity and mindset matter a lot here.
The best way is to show people that it's fun and worth their time and money.
This is the challenge that Firearms instructors battle everyday.
How to get people interested in spending money on a service that if all goes well they may
never need.
Getting people interested in things like that is not easy but including them without being
an overbearing douche, and screaming, you have to go get training!
Getting away from that crap is what is really going to help us as a community.
Well Kyle it's a simple answer, vote out the jerks in office that support that crap and
repeal the law requiring the list.
It's backwards thinking to try and make the manufacturer pay money to sell you guns.
That's silly and we would do better to fight in our state capitals than to try and force
gun companies to comply with BS laws.
And hey, if you want your question answered right here on
TGC News, send it to me over on TheGunCollective.Com.
That is it for this week's show.
Guys if you disliked this video, hit that button, if you liked it, hit like, get subscribed
and consider supporting us via the links in the video description below.
And as always, thank you all for watching, we'll see you soon.
Volcanic Lightning: Because Exploding Mountains Aren't Bad Enough - Duration: 4:17.[♪ INTRO]
"On the landward side, a fearful black cloud was rent by forked and quivering bursts of flame,
and parted to reveal great tongues of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified in size."
That's what Pliny the Younger, nephew of the naturalist Pliny the Elder, wrote
after watching Mount Vesuvius erupt and cover the city of Pompeii with ash in 79 CE.
And that line ends with the first known report of a phenomenon called volcanic lightning,
where lightning streaks across the black clouds of ash and smoke above an explosive eruption,
even without a thunderstorm in sight.
But despite centuries of scientific study, and millennia of first-hand observations,
we still don't fully understand why volcanic lightning happens in the first place.
Though it probably has something to do with all that ash moving through the air.
Volcanic lightning generally happens during explosive eruptions that release
huge ash clouds high into the atmosphere,
so the most popular explanation is that all that ash somehow causes the lightning.
Like we've talked about before here on SciShow, lightning in a regular thunderstorm happens
when water vapor, dust, and ice crystals rub against each other.
Electric charges jump to some molecules more easily than others,
so all that rubbing creates a huge charge imbalance,
which eventually gets evened out by a sudden burst of moving charge in the form a lightning bolt.
Scientists still disagree on some of the details, though,
since lightning can be hard to study directly.
But studying regular lightning is a piece of cake compared to studying volcanic lightning.
The explosive eruptions that cause it also tend to come with
noxious fumes, earthquakes, and clouds of super-hot ash.
But scientists, and photographers, are persistent.
And most of those scientists studying volcanic lightning think that it happens
directly because of those huge clouds of ash.
The idea is that the ash rubs together in the air just like water does in a normal thundercloud,
creating a similar sort of charge imbalance.
And once the imbalance is big enough, you get a bolt of lightning.
Laboratory experiments have reproduced the effect on a small scale,
and scientists have even been able to track ash mixing as the
charge builds up around it above an eruption.
Which seems like a pretty conclusive case that ash causes volcanic lightning,
but some researchers have said that we shouldn't be so quick to jump on the ashy bandwagon.
Since water causes regular lightning,
they think we should take another look at the water involved in an eruption.
The idea of water in a volcano might seem kind of weird at first, but enormous volumes
of water can be dissolved in the molten rock that bubbles to the surface during an eruption.
That water boils in the heat of the eruption, which could lead to water molecules rubbing
together in volcanic clouds just like they do in normal thunderstorms.
Or all that water could coat the ashy particles flying around,
changing how the clouds charge up.
And a growing group of scientists think that this is the primary source of volcanic lightning.
Now, claiming that water causes volcanic lightning isn't new; it goes back at least to the
late 1700s, when scientists knew far less about volcanoes than they do now.
But research in the last couple decades has breathed new life into the idea.
Many clouds leading to volcanic lightning seem to balloon out at similar altitudes
as normal, water-based clouds, which means that water is likely an important component
of them, and helps determine their behavior.
On top of that, charges tend to be distributed in those clouds
just like they are in normal thunderclouds.
So based on the evidence we have right now,
it seems like ash is the primary cause of most volcanic lightning,
with water and other conditions of the atmosphere playing something of a supporting role.
But like anything in science, that might change as we continue to learn more.
And if you were ever to find yourself in Pliny's position, near an eruption that seems
big enough to end the world, and then lightning starts flashing around you,
you should probably not stop to wonder if it's ash or steam to blame.
Just, you know, get out of there!
Because there have been some cases of volcanic lightning causing destruction
down here on the ground,
like the strikes during the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 that caused forest fires.
There are even a few very rare cases of volcanic lightning killing people.
But even though some volcanic lightning can strike about a hundred kilometers
from the eruption, it usually stays much closer.
So if you're close enough to a volcano that you might be hit by lightning coming straight
down from the ash cloud, you probably have bigger concerns, anyway.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!
If you like learning about weird weather phenomena,
check out our episode on how animals can rain down from the sky.
Operation Disclosure Intel Alert May 23, 2018 - Duration: 1:55.Operation Disclosure Intel Alert - May 23, 2018
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks
from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)
All sources have been told to stay quiet as the Alliance finishes wrapping things up.
The Cabal have 3 states in which they operate out of.
Washington D.C.
(Military) London (Financial)
Vatican (Spiritual)
Over the years, the Alliance have successfully infiltrated the states and their ranks.
Washington D.C. now belongs to the Alliance under Trump.
The Deep State/Shadow Government is being exposed.
Operations in taking London is nearing completion.
The Royal Family's bank accounts have been frozen.
The Vatican is being exposed of their Satanic rituals and pedophilia.
Over 8000 Cabal individuals involved in shadow banking have been taken out/apprehended by
Alliance Ghost Operators.
The Cabal's world or the "real world" as they like to call it is collapsing before their
very eyes.
This is our world, not yours, it never was.
The RV release is now underway.
Why R. Kelly's Streaming Numbers Aren't a Real Win for His Career - Duration: 2:09.For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
The #MuteRKelly campaign is in full swing, which included R. Kelly's music being removed
from Spotify's editorial playlists and their Discover section.
It was a controversial, polarizing move, but one interesting stat came out this week regarding
R. Kelly's streaming numbers: they weren't actually affected.
Prior to Spotify's announcement, Kelly's music reportedly had 6,584,000 weekly streams
for the year.
From the timeframe of May 10 through May 16, Nielsen Music reports that Kelly grabbed 6,676,000
Keep in mind, these stats come from streaming services that include Spotify, Apple Music,
and Pandora, among others, but it was enough to prompt R. Kelly to gloat.
"It's too late, they should have did this sh*t 30 years ago.
I've got a million motherfuckers hating me, and 40 billion motherf**kers loving me."
Now R. Kelly isn't wrong in the sense that he's still got fans; but as writer Michael
Arceneaux pointed out in a recent article on Complex, that's primarily because R.
Kelly's been a veritable hit factory since the early '90s.
It's also one of the reasons why the #MuteRKelly campaign won't totally wipe him out of the
industry: Kelly has too much cache as the quote King of R&B built up to be effectively
wiped out, like a number of stars before him.
That said, as Arceneaux points out, #MuteRKelly won't totally wipe him out of the scene,
nor does it strive to do so.
"[I]t's not about forcibly making everyone permanently tune out R. Kelly.
What is possible, though, is turning a man long accused of being a predator into a public
pariah, effectively stripping him of the institutional support he should have stopped enjoying long
As for those who continue listening to R. Kelly's music no matter what, at the very
least, they can be called out for any public display of support of him and what that signifies."
R. Kelly is right in another sense: the public, music critics, and the industry at large should
have done something when the first allegations of him having sex with underage women came
to light.
From the Village Voice to Vibe magazine, these allegations and stories of holding women in
sex cults have hit the news cycle over the years, on multiple occasions.
The question is, what will it take for some fans or outlets to start pushing back, and
demanding more from the people that make music?
Time will tell, and from what it seens, the #MuteRKelly campaign is a marathon, not a
For Complex News, I'm Frazier.
For more stories like these, keep it locked right here to Complex on YouTube.
Rep. Scott Taylor on veterans' access to private health care - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
1 YEAR POST BIG CHOP VLOG - Duration: 25:19.Today, it makes it a year
I'm shouting because of my music. It makes it a year since I have cut my hair
so this is gonna be I think a pretty long video but bare with me because it is going to be
three things in one
me styling my hair for my one-year day and
Then later, I'll do a story time on my big chop
And then the third thing is advice on how to take care of your hair after your big chop I already know I have done 5 tips
But it's just gonna be really brief. Just yeah
Yeah, but yeah, so I'm gonna style my hair, today I am just going to do like two puffs, like that
So basically the first thing I'm doing is I'm just parting my hair
I am using this right now, it's the Cantu Leave In Conditioning repair Cream
I do not have a lot of this left, I am just going to use a bit just to hold it
But the Cantu is like a base
I'm going to Holland today so it is a long trip and daht, like nahh, I think I will just pack it up
Bit full cause you know revision books are taking up most of the space. going on holiday to revise guys
I might change this into a vlog as well
Might as well but I might not film as much in the car because
I'm using my phone to record and I use my phone for music. So maybe when why we take breaks?
obviously I
Know, how can I forget my maple some
It's a bit red now, but also that I want to take some black so
I'm gonna be back
I'm waiting for this is sold out
I'm gonna be right back
Just one like the one social media and step make myself ready to go. So I'm I'm calm
I'll be back
Okay, my mama car a Russian now, yes my shrink comes at
I'm just now after 11:30
Drive there and everything. So this is about to be a fast drive. I should do something now
If you made me miss my train you are buying a new one a new train ticket
I mean you are giving me back the monies paid for a ticket 17 Ronzoni. Yeah. Thank you
New jeans a white plain top, I've been born for jacket just like when it gets to evening us that's getting cool off
Going take off though
Then this is my books
What the textbooks my actual books? I'm
And we gather make parts, you know
We Gucci I'll get back to you guys they are cuz we in a rush now and
This pollen is just flying everywhere show taking my head here without this book
I'll be back with you guys
Me for my train will consume that five minutes
So basically I said that I would get back to you in the car up in the Train
But I didn't because it was a bit busy. So it's very embarrassing if I just
Take out my phone
Not like the chain was proper for like I didn't sit down for the first with the judge
So I'm poppin out and this is my food for the road trip guys, yeah
Now we're on our way to the Train
Yeah ordered ordered this but we know if they solve Palmer violets in Holland supermarkets
I'll get back to you later. Because right now optical tom they named the trade office
I said, um I said that I'd be game back to you guys when I'm in the car train
Currently we are in Belgium and we're taking our first break hopefully our first and last break because we want to get home early. I
Slept in the car train, that's why I couldn't it's Channel Tunnel. Sorry, it's closed my dad calls it coaching the Eurotunnel Channel Tunnel
Basically yeah, we're in Belgium right now
We got to bug him like 20 minutes ago. I know
We weren't free France. I know in Belgium and then after Belgium, we're driving through Holland
Which will be about an hour drive to get to the town got
My house is why you looking at me like you want to take a picture I can take one day last forever
We haven't flown together
You know, it's just it was I was pleased to actually look
when I was getting off the train, I was planning to me that was on the chain by didn't just remember I
That's taking a smoker smoker. He's a smoker
Yeah, my dad's a smoker
When you look for love wait, because he's been working out
So it was weird seeing him like that. But yeah
People are looking at me as if I'm crazy like I'm just faced time in someone I'm facetiming like the whole world
Has a little bit messed up because I was sleeping I don't owe you
Might not you know, I don't take any breaks, but we take enough. Wait don't come out you guys. I wish I could take like
Wait Larry yet there we there very
Well, um, yeah, basically, um
Was gonna say that if you take another break out recruit and I wish that I could have recorded like driving
But my phone is the DJ and my phone is the vlog
Yeah, Maura and I really want to get camera guys
Like does anyone want to like should I make like a GoFundMe and everyone can just like donate on?
one pound
And I plucked my eyebrows today
I think I did it too thin I use if I cut my hair guys and I get back home. I will try to do
story time and
Three time and
Yeah, I'm having so much fun today, um, and also guys you see this right here
and don't think much of it just
Let's start you
Because I just noticed I've been doing my neck like
Don't even it's not from a boy, okay
It's from a friend
It was just bad. Okay, he's don't look at me like I'm
I'm okay, but still
Are you I work out. Oh, I'm just surprised
Like I've keep again nice here. I keep opening my neck a lot opening my neck, but you know, I mean revealing my neck
My mama hasn't asked my dad hasn't asked so
It's not even that big not gonna lie
There's like one back here apparently
Thank you or something
But I will
It was not from my boy you guys, but I don't mean I'm a lesbo
If I don't video
Record on the trip still then. I record let me get home right now. It's like after 6:00 by Britain
It's after 5:00
But yeah, it's nice and bright it's 33 degrees here we in Belgium and that's why I love my
Holland and my build you really similar but
Like the weather when it's cold is cold when it's hot, it's hot
Not this you can British weather that when it's December is 30 degrees
But when it's August it's minus 10 like no. I am NOT for that people come weird right now
So I'm gonna end the video because it's really irritating me how people keep looking at me. So yeah
So basically we just went to a little stop again literally at near the Dutch border
I just finished a little new break and I walked around with it. Yeah, so then
I'll cope. Ooh anyway, so
Yeah, anyway we're going to hone them now guys, so get back to you guys and when we're back home
Keep it. Yeah DP is after seven right now and it's fine
I'm still getting perfect like in like this is why I like someone because like I'm getting perfect like you out like this time
Do you know how much that Mesa mean? Yeah
Yeah, eight fight you will be home
822 it says yeah
So and sometimes my dad drives a bit faster so we might even get ya know one or two minutes before. Yeah. So, um,
Yeah, we bought ball Gately
Yeah, but I'm gonna stop vlogging now because I bet Pop has missing my music yeah
The guy later, hey guys, so we in Holland now
The light is just beautiful I
Think this would be my phone
But I'm gonna see my beautiful cat Ruby
How fat my suitcase
Okay, yeah, it's a bit heavy
Okay slave
Can just go like this I don't feel cold at all
I wish to hear me already got ale
So excite
Excited to see my baby. That's my baby
This is so
My room
Smells like it's always smelt smells like it's always smelt
My big came about why did I do my big chop and
My I did my bitch up because I felt as if I had damaged her and I I think I did
those day I did a hairstyle and I
straighten my hair straighten my hair all the time and at the front and then it was always straight from then on I
Hated it so much. It was just weird. The rest of my hair was away VI had texturized hair before
The rest of my hair was wavy but then that was just that straight bit and it just really made me angry
so and was I always wanted to have a natural hair because I'm mixed-raced and I had texturized hair so I felt as if
Needed natural hair that that was going to be my actual
aspect of me like
Being a mixed-race girl like that was what I needed to do and Harry. So yeah
Yeah, that's why I got my hair
Um, I caught my hat on the 26th of May
2017 around the evening and I was on the phone to my best friend Maya at the same time
that's why I never recorded it or anything and I did it really quickly because
My mom wasn't home and I was scared when she got home
She'd get angry and I overheard get angry the next day when I've already cut all the hair off
So I was rushing I was washing it. So it was uneven actually and I went to bed
I actually sent a message to my mom with a picture of me and I said oh I cut my hair mom and then
The next day I
Went to her and she was like, oh are you happy now? And I was like, you know, I am I am happy and
Yeah when I got back to school
Reaction when I got back to school. Everyone said you're gonna regret
Blah blah blah you had such a nice long hair before why would you do stuff like that? I'm not gonna lie
I just ignored it
Some of it did affect me a little bit, but I'm almost about like, you know
I know why I did it and I know what's gonna happen. I'm
one year post
So, yeah, um, yeah, I'm just I'm really happy I caught my hair I don't regret it
Nothing like that. I think that's my big short story time. The other one was much more detailed. But yeah
Basic tips is just keep doing protective styles like grades and stuff like that moisturize your hair with the time deep conditioner law
Bantu knots, you know stuff like that stuff
I mentioned in my five tips for her if you keep consistent with all that you should be getting it
I am an advantage because I am half right so long. It's very little bit faster
But you know
If you're for example, pretty black and want to do pictorial you have anyone know how to pull your hair
Just take those tips on if you wanted me if you want to know how
like if you wanted to make in more detail though, check out my five tips to grow your hair the Joe and
Yeah, basically
That's it I think I'm gonna end my vlog here because like
There's nothing else to say and I'm not redoing anything else. I think I'm just gonna the ice cream and watch Netflix now. So yeah
Hope you guys enjoyed this video
If you like to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel
Yeah, my social media my snapchat is Rosie love free free free
my Instagram is X chance and
Like Twitter X underscore shines
Um, so yeah, basically
I think I'm gonna upload this video
I want to actually try and upload it today so that I can upload the reaction videos that I've already
completed and half edited
After because I feel like this one's more important and it's my wanna post big job, and I think he'll be really cool
If I I upload Liebig the day of my actual on your post big shot. So yeah
I'm gonna try and be more active, but the only problem is right now
I'm in the exam period so that's a bit tight, but I'll still try I'm I am filming videos
I'm just not posting them because I can't be bothered. So I'll try and be more bothered and yeah, I think that's it
Hope you enjoyed this vlog. Love you guys
Η σέξι εμφάνιση της Βανδή και το μήνυμα της στο Instagram - Duration: 0:53.Η σέξι εμφάνιση της Βανδή και το μήνυμα της στο Instagram Ενθουσιασμένη και πολύ σέξι! Μια βραδιά γεμάτη διασκέδαση, κέφι και μουσική πρόσφερε η Δέσποινα Βανδή στους φανατικούς θαυμαστές της στην Κύπρο! Η ίδια μάλιστα θέλησε να τους ευχαριστήσει μέσα από την προσωπική της σελίδα στο Instagram αφού όπως η ίδια έγραψε κατάφερε να συγκεντρώσει 10
000 κόσμο. «10.000 φωνές σήμερα στον Πρωταρα στην Κύπρο ενώθηκαν με τη δική μου και ζήσαμε μια μοναδική βραδιά!Πόσο με συγκινείτε κάθε φορά που έρχομαι!10
000 ευχαριστώ από την καρδιά μου! Σας λατρεύω!❤️❤️❤️ #cyprus #concert»
Greater Manchester Community Renewables - share offer 2018 - Duration: 1:37.JMC as a community benefit society as if that means that we raise money from
local residents to put solar panels on school roofs so how does the project
work people like you invest money into GMCR we use the money to buy solar
panels and install them on local schools and community buildings this generates
clean energy helping the school to save money generating return for investors
many services in the project go into community from to help support local
projects on energy and climate change in 2016 we raised two hundred eighty six
thousand pounds from our members who wanted to invest their money in an
ethical project that would help the community and the environment and that
funded the installation of solar panels in three schools in Salford and on a
community center in Partington the project made a great difference so first
of all it's helped the schools and the community centre to save money they've
saved over two and a half thousand pounds and our builds just in the first
year alone we've generated more than 110,000 kilowatt hours of clean green
electricity from those panels but also all the children coding at school learn
about renewable energy and you can see in action right on their buildings the
next step of the project is to raise more money we're looking to raise
another hundred and forty five thousand pounds this summer to install solar
panels on four more primary schools in Salford and we'd love your help made
Mit "sehr gut": "Let's Dance"-Ekat hat Master bestanden! - Duration: 1:57.Ekaterina Leonova (31) hat im Moment allen Grund zur Freude: Mit ihrem Schützling Ingolf Lück (60) wirbelte sich die Profitänzerin am Freitag ins Let's Dance-Halbfinale und erhöhte damit ihre Chancen auf den zweiten Show-Sieg in Folge
Jetzt flatterte schon der zweite Mega-Erfolg ins Haus: Ekat schrieb während der aktuellen Staffel ihre Masterarbeit – für die sie jetzt ihre Note bekommen hat! Auf Instagram gab die Rhythmus-Queen das Ergebnis ihrer Abschlussprüfung, die sie im April neben den harten Trainingseinheiten absolviert hatte, bekannt
Damit verriet sie, dass sie sich nicht nur extrem gut bewegen kann, sondern auch ein ziemlich kluges Köpfchen ist: Das Schreiben, das Ekat in ihrer Story postete, zeigt schwarz auf weiß die Note "sehr gut"
Da wird der Schönheit wohl ein großer Stein vom Herzen gefallen sein: "Yeeees!!! Das Masterstudium ist erfolgreich abgeschlossen!", kommentierte sie die erfreulichen Nachrichten
Ekat studierte BWL an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf. Dass sie trotz ihres Studiums nie ihre "Let's Dance"-Kandidaten vernachlässigt hat, bewies sie schon im vergangenen Jahr mit ihrem Sieg mit Gil Ofarim (35)
Seit 2013 gehört Ekat fest zum Cast des Erfolgsformats – bisher landete sie jedes Mal mit ihren Promi-Tänzern in den Top fünf
Tipps für Promiflash? Einfach E-Mail an:
Veteran bullock drivers step back in time on unique island hop adventure - Duration: 6:45.Bush hits the beach: Bullockies race tide to Robbins Island ABC Northern Tasmania By Rick Eaves Bullock teams lugging a cart-load of bullockies, bushmen and their swags — it's a sight as traditional as a slouch hat, yet incongruous against the vast sandy backdrop of a tidal flat
Racing the tide, caught by the squalls The unique adventure of taking bullock teams across the passage between Robbins Island and Montagu on the Tasmanian mainland has long been a dream of Ritchie Wells, who at 43 is one of Tasmania's youngest bullockies actively working his own team
A veteran of numerous horseback cattle drives between the island and Montagu, he saw a chance to re-harness the imagination of his own bullock team, while taking some bullock and horse-driving veterans he admires along for the ride
And it was not just a race against the day's tide, but a race to capture stories and heritage
It may only take a decade to halve again the number of people still living who have a direct connection to the days of real working bullock teams
2Ritchie's team pulls an original dray with hay bales for seats, so old drivers like Harold Scott, Dinks Bramich and Warren Purton can enjoy the sight, sound and rhythm of a working bullock team
Brian Fish has come all the way from Oatlands in Tasmania's midlands to work his team across the passage
At 72, he exudes the fitness and stamina bullockies were known for as he strides alongside his team
The route across the low-tide passage was pioneered by island co-owner John Hammond and his brother Keith in the 1980s
The wagyu beef farmers 'bogged' a couple of horses on their way to finding a hard-sand route, winding around and sometimes through the many deeper water channels along the way
Sand under blunny boots, a brand new experienceFor Brian and his bullocks, the experience is all new
"What wonderful set-up to be involved with," Brian says, between shouting instructions to Freckles, Tiny, Bluey and the team
"This is probably more exciting even for me than for the bullocks because I've had no experience of beach sand much at all
" For Ritchie, the trip is about sharing the love of working teams and offering an adventure to people whose lives were lived hard and hands-on in the bush and on the land
"It's also a chance to preserve some stories and knowledge from these blokes," Ritchie says, lifting his voice above the evocative sound of an old dray ploughing through saltwater puddles — and interspersing conversation with vital instructions
"TIGER! Come 'ere Ranger, WHOOP BACK, come here Ranger, whoop back… "There's a lot of dams and roads on the island here that were all done with bullocks in the early days
" Storytellers reign, awaiting the next day's low tideThe bullocks are long gone from all but the odd special interest farm now, but the Hammond family still enjoys doing some of their farm work on horseback
Prized wagyu cattle are moved routinely between their farm at Montagu and Robbins Island, and also across the broad Mosquito Sound to the smaller Walker Island
John and Keith Hammond have invited dozens of horse people over time to enjoy these real-life working adventures, saltwater musters almost unique to the far north-west of Tasmania
A highlight is the night of storytelling that inevitably takes place as riders overnight at the Bluff House and East End House on the island
It is not optional either — there is no riding back off again until the next day's low tide A prime topic for beery debate around the wood heater is the age-old question of horse teams versus bullocks
It's a Ford vs Holden kind of subject."I'm fair in the middle, it's horses for courses," says Harold, from Mengha, south of Stanley
"And then you wouldn't yoke bullocks to work land and crops. The horses are quicker for farm work
"Harold worked with both until his retirement as a driver in the mid-1980s.At that point, he had not yet bothered to drive a tractor
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