Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

Top 20 Romanian Religious Names for Boys

Numele meu complet este Voicu Mihnea Simandan.

My full name is Voicu Mihnea Simandan.

Hi. This is Mihnea.

Welcome to Romanian Hub, the Ultimate Romanian Language Learning Portal.

This is the first episode in a new series called Learn Romanian Names in which,

obviously, I will teach you Romanian names.

Hai să începem.

Let's start.

Traditionally, Romanian boys were given names from the Romanian Orthodox calendar.

Mine is not… but here are 20 boys' names influenced by the Romanian Orthodox Church

listed in alphabetical order with their equivalent in English.


Andrei (Andrew)


Constantin (Constantine)


Cristian (Christian)


Daniel (Daniel)


Dan (Dan)


Gheorghe/George (George)


Grigore (Gregory)


Ilie (Elijah)


Ion/Ioan (John)


Iacob (Jacob/James)


Laurențiu (Lawrence)


Luca (Luke)


Marcu (Mark)


Matei (Matthew)


Mihail/Mihai (Michael)


Nicolae/Niculaie (Nicholas)


Pavel/Paul (Paul)


Petru/Petre (Peter)


Ștefan (Stephen)


Vasile (Basil)

And that's the end of another Romanian language lesson.

Now it's your turn.

Share with us in the comments section below a common boy's name from your country.

And, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE.

In that way you won't miss the next episode.


This is Mihnea, signing off from Bangkok.

For more infomation >> Top 20 Romanian Religious Names for Boys | Learn Romanian Names #1 - Duration: 4:07.


Learn Colors with Street Vehicles Toys and Wodden Hammer Educational 3D - Colors Toy cars for KIDS - Duration: 3:48.

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Thank you watching video

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For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Street Vehicles Toys and Wodden Hammer Educational 3D - Colors Toy cars for KIDS - Duration: 3:48.


Face Off (特化师) - Episode 19 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:31.

For more infomation >> Face Off (特化师) - Episode 19 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:31.


Only Side by Side With You (南方有乔木) - Episode 35 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:12.

For more infomation >> Only Side by Side With You (南方有乔木) - Episode 35 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 45:12.


The Power of God in You - Francis Chan Inspirational & Motivational Video - Duration: 5:51.

We live in a world where everyone's telling you you can't pull this off

We live in a time when

When people even in the church don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, and what he can do

Sometimes we just look at the scriptures and go, well yeah that

was back then and you guys it's it's not about back then it's it's about always

It's about, ever since the beginning of this book and all the way to the end

The followers of God were filled with courage

There was a fearlessness in them there was a confidence of my God will come through. We grew up with these stories

We really did and so these are the stories we grew up with

This courage and don't you remember as a kid just having this faith like God can do anything

through me. You know

What he says if i seek his kingdom first everything's gonna be taken care of I swear it'll happen

Oh no, that's being irresponsible

Oh no, not anymore not 21st century now we've got methods of you know

Taking care of yourself and looking to the future back then

They had they had to use faith, we don't have to now

Because we've set up other systems, and well God gave that as a provision to you, so it's like, no

I don't believe it

I believe I'm supposed to live by faith

And yet from the beginning when I read these stories it's about people who say no I'm not afraid

And all the way to the end all the way to the book of revelation, where it says you know

What those who conquer those

Who make it through there it says in Revelation 21:6 those are the ones that I'm going to bring with

Me and I'm gonna, say to them I'm gonna be their God they're gonna be my children, but the cowards

The disbelieving and he goes on to describe the lake of fire

We got to be those bold people those courageous people and I just, want to remind you week after week

About how much power is in you those who have the Holy Spirit of God inside of you

We get knocked down here and there and then people start telling you

You can't pull it off and and our faith and that risk, and that courage just seems to subside

And it's not right

It's not good that's not how we want to live

And it's so rare

That someone even in

Church gatherings so rare for someone to put their arm around you and remind you of how powerful you are

How powerful your God is who dwells inside of you

And what you can do

You know, we kind of we become more and more cowardly

He's never been pleased with cowardice

He's never been pleased with people who don't believe that he can come through and that he can do anything

You know people go man you spend a lot of time going and speaking to youths speaking to college students

Why and I go they still believe

They still believe that God can do anything like anything and they live like it

And they're looking for

40 year old guys

With kids

That will still do crazy things and they need to believe that

God is still God not just when he was when we were little kids

But when were 40 when were 80

Just go man I'm gonna go for it God's done some amazing things throughout time

You can probably even think right now of times when your dreams were squashed

Times when you just felt

God wants me to do this thing, God wants me to do this thing, and then feel things

Don't happen the way you thought they would and pretty soon people start talking you into being

A little bit more responsible and then pretty soon because that's where your flesh wants to go anyways

You just go yeah I can't do anything great

See sometimes in church

I know for me man I was going nuts

When I was in high school and then junior college but then I remember getting more educated and going off to bible college

And pretty soon you meet these people that are more educated than you are and you start to feel really

Dumb compared to them and then you think

Well I don't want to say anything because that guy is so much smarter just listen to him you know

And then then the more you learn the more you realize how much you don't know

And there's always someone better than you and you think, well I can't counsel that guy's got a PHD in counseling and you know

He was a guest of Dr. Phil

and you know, when you start going going going and you just start believing like

Well what am I gonna do okay and you just you know, what maybe maybe, they'll just come to church

And Francis will talk to him or or maybe this will happen or this happen to the point where you just don't even

Believe that God could do anything great through you anymore and is that really how we want to live

It doesn't make sense

We're children of God

Why don't I believe like I used to. As I grow

In my knowledge I want my courage and my boldness to grow with it not not the opposite

When's the last time you just went and did something that was just absolutely insane in the eyes of everyone else

But you had the confidence you knew it was what God was calling you to do

For more infomation >> The Power of God in You - Francis Chan Inspirational & Motivational Video - Duration: 5:51.


เลือกฆ่าตำรวจสร้างความรุนแรง เนื้อเรื่องมาร์คัส ตอน 4 ซับไทย - DETROIT BECOME HUMAN MARCUS PART 4 - Duration: 33:11.

For more infomation >> เลือกฆ่าตำรวจสร้างความรุนแรง เนื้อเรื่องมาร์คัส ตอน 4 ซับไทย - DETROIT BECOME HUMAN MARCUS PART 4 - Duration: 33:11.



For more infomation >> DIVINE 5 WEAV LIO VS KOTL SPEC MEEP SB TREE STORM - Duration: 8:34:07.


Cantora Luiza Possi posa nua para mostrar novas pantufas. Leia mais no OFuxico! - Duration: 1:09.

Luiza Possi surpreendeu seus seguidores, na noite desta segunda-feira (28), ao compartilhar foto em que aparece nua, segurando uma taça de champagne no banheiro

Na legenda, a cantora escreveu: "Olha! Comprei uma pantufa de unicórnio." A postagem dividiu os internautas

Enquanto alguns apoiaram e elogiaram a gata, outros consideraram a postagem completamente desnecessária

For more infomation >> Cantora Luiza Possi posa nua para mostrar novas pantufas. Leia mais no OFuxico! - Duration: 1:09.


Big Crop: Dwarf Orange Tree Navelina Seedless - Duration: 1:35.

This is one of my absolute favourite citrus this is a Navelina orange and I

adore this citrus because it's a great sized tree so you can see behind me it's

only a small compact tree and with the Navelina it's actually the scion that

keeps it small so although it's grafted onto trifoliata which is your regular

citrus rootstock it only grows a couple of metres tall so it's a dwarf tree and

it's wide and broad it crops beautifully and it has these absolutely deliciously

sweet juicy seedless oranges and I just love it so it's one of my favorite

oranges in my orchard I've actually planted more trees cause this one is so

productive so it's a early navel it comes off in about May and like all

citrus it's a heavy feeder so it likes regular nutrition some trace elements

every now and then lots of water when it's fruiting and regular water

throughout the year and apart from that its really easy to grow so you've got

no excuse not to have beautiful oranges in your garden so get out there plant a

lovely navel orange and in May you'll be picking these beautiful home grown fruit

For more infomation >> Big Crop: Dwarf Orange Tree Navelina Seedless - Duration: 1:35.


Ca cổ Miệt Vườn - Anh áo trắng lại làm hàng xóm ngủ không yên với anh ấy✔ - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Ca cổ Miệt Vườn - Anh áo trắng lại làm hàng xóm ngủ không yên với anh ấy✔ - Duration: 6:28.


Why Unloved Daughters Fall for Narcissists and Struggle to Escape - Duration: 3:24.

Why Unloved Daughters Fall for Narcissists and Struggle to Escape

Our childhood become the most important experiences that shape into our images and understanding

about relationships and how they work.

These kind of mental connections are mostly unconscious, and it's affected directly through

love and connections shared between parents and child.

In case of unloved daughters though, the lack of those connections causing them into adulthood

that unable to read and understand the intentions of those people to whom we're drawn.

And we end up fall for the wrong person, including a narcissist.

Actually, unloved daughters have every reasons to fall for narcissists.

That is why parents should be extra careful when they have daughters since they may choose

a toxic relationship with narcissists.

If you are wondering why unloved daughters often attract narcissists, you should know

the reasons.

#1 - Extreme neediness

Unloved daughters actually do not get attention from their parents.

Their needs are usually not fulfilled, and that is why they are typically easy to fall

in people's trap.

Moreover, knowing the fact that narcissists are really great in convincing stranger, it

is highly unlikely for unloved daughters to be in a relationship with narcissists.

#2 - Used to be manipulated

Narcissists like to manipulate people.

Even great people can be manipulated.

Now let put that in context where narcissists meet unloved daughters who are starving for

love, attention, and care.

They are easily manipulated and they can be controlled easily even by complete stranger.

#3 - You just cannot be angry

Even anger that either parents or the daughters feel, the narcissists can take advantage of


It is undeniable that they can penetrate your physiological shield by understanding yourself

before eventually attacking you and making you feel guilty.

Unloved daughters usually attract narcissistic since they come with an intention of attention

of protection.

Narcissists can provide that, but there will be extreme side effect in the end.

#4 - Deaf to verbal abuse

Narcissists need someone who do not like to complain a lot.

Since unloved daughters frequently receive verbal abuse from their victims, unloved daughters

are the perfect target.

They will not say anything back, and they will always be the object for narcissists'


#5 - Mood-swing

One of the biggest problem that should be addressed is related to mood-swing.

Unloved daughters always feel uncomfortable since they are depressed, anxious, and devalued.

They rarely feel happy, and it creates opportunity for a seemingly nice person, called the narcissist.

Well, those are the reasons why unloved daughters fall for narcissists and struggle to escape.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Why Unloved Daughters Fall for Narcissists and Struggle to Escape - Duration: 3:24.


Boycott Murree | Asli Qasoor War Kon? - Duration: 1:24.

Boycott Murree

For more infomation >> Boycott Murree | Asli Qasoor War Kon? - Duration: 1:24.


Policías municipales de Madrid a sueldo de Ivo 'El Búlgaro' - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Policías municipales de Madrid a sueldo de Ivo 'El Búlgaro' - Duration: 8:25.


Carmena pedirá a Fátima Báñez que 'sin papeles' cubran la falta de obreros cualificados en - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Carmena pedirá a Fátima Báñez que 'sin papeles' cubran la falta de obreros cualificados en - Duration: 7:29.


Arranca Segunda Semana Nacional de Salud - Duration: 4:37.

Es Noticia: Narcomenudeo en CU Acoso sexual Elecciones 2018 2018 REFLEXIONES Se encuentra usted aquíINICIO // Nación // Sociedad // Arranca Segunda Semana Nacional de Salud Arranca Segunda Semana Nacional de Salud El evento arrancó hoy en Puebla y concluye el 21 de junio

En este periodo se aplicarán 3 millones 160 mil vacunas Fotografía tomada de Twitter @Tu_IMSS 28/05/2018 20:31 Perla Miranda -A +A "Mientras tú los quieres, las vacunas los protegen" es el tema de la Segunda Semana Nacional de Salud, que arrancó hoy en Puebla y que concluye el 21 de junio

En este periodo se aplicarán 3 millones 160 mil vacunas, se entregarán más de 8 millones 700 mil sobres de Vida Suero Oral, más de 8 millones de dosis de vitamina A y más de 18 millones de albendazol para que las familias mexicanas se desparasiten informó José Narro Robles, secretario de Salud

Ante más de 300 estudiantes de primaria, brigadistas, personal médico y de enfermería, el funcionario dio a conocer que del 28 de mayo al 21 de junio se aplicarán más de un millón de vacunas contra VPH en niñas de 11 años, detalló que se entregarán vitaminas a niños de 6 meses a 4 años de edad en los municipios de riesgo para prevenir enfermedades diarreicas y se pretende desparasitar a la población de 2 a 14 años de edad en todo el país

En el evento, cinco alumnas de la escuela primaria Rural Federal Profesor Gregorio Díaz fueron inmunizadas contra el VPH

Narro Robles afirmó que el trabajo conjunto y coordinado de todo el sector salud ha permitido eliminar o controlar enfermedades, y como ejemplo puso al sarampión, que se presentó en México entre 1989 y 1990, ya que en la última epidemia hubo más de 70 mil casos y 8 mil defunciones, que se pudieron evitar

"Hoy estamos de fiesta, porque aquí en Zautla, Puebla arrancamos esta intensa jornada de salud que se realizará en todo el país, en la que participan alrededor de 57 mil trabajadores de todo el sector"

Aseguró que la salud empieza en casa y las madres son las mejores aliadas con prácticas higiénicas, alimentación adecuada, participación en los programas preventivos, llevando a sus hijos a recibir atención médica cuando se requiere

Las Semanas Nacionales de Salud tienen como objetivo romper la cadena de transmisión de algunos padecimientos y mantener eliminada la transmisión autóctona de éstos, a través de más de 50 millones de acciones de salud se busca prevenir las enfermedades evitables por vacunación, diarreas e infecciones respiratorias agudas, así como a contribuir a la reducción de deficiencias en la nutrición

También en Puebla, José Narro atestiguó la firma del convenio para poner en marcha una estrategia integral en todo el país para el Manejo Integral de Óxido de Plomo en la alfarería, el cual tiene como propósito proteger la salud de los alfareros, sus familias y de toda la población usuaria de loza vidriada destinada a preparar, servir y almacenar alimentos

"El plomo puede dañar la salud, por ello he venido a pedir que nos ayuden a mantenernos sanos, empezando por cada una de sus familias", dijo el funcionario ante el gobernador de Puebla, José Antonio Gali Fayad

Expresó que la buena salud depende de cada individuo, pero también de las políticas públicas y de los servicios, por eso insistió en la importancia de la alfarería libre de óxido de plomo, que tenga los dos ingredientes, belleza y salud

Al tomar la palabra, Julio Sánchez y Tépoz, titular de la Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (Cofepris), informó que en 44% de las comunidades se concentra 80% de los alfareros y Puebla está dentro de los tres primeros lugares de producción de alfarería

Enumeró las diversas estrategias que se realizan con el cuidado de la salud de las comunidades alfareras y los usuarios de productos de barro, entre las que destacó la capacitación mediante talleres y fomento del cuidado de la salud

 Esta medida se puso en marcha desde 2016, al momento se han realizado 300 talleres con la participación de 2 mil alfareros

mpb TAGS José Narro Robles, se aplicarán 3 millones 160 mil vacunas, Segunda Semana Nacional de Salud, jornada de salud, plomo, vacunas COMENTARIOS MÁS EN Metrópoli Ir a la sección de Metrópoli Reportan incendio en fábrica de cosméticos en Iztapalapa En tres semanas, fondos y fideicomisos de la CDMX deben ser transparentados: Contraloría Activan Alerta Amber para localizar a Ángel Hipólito, extraviado en Iztacalco NOTICIAS DEL DÍA Ir a la portada Arranca Segunda Semana Nacional de Salud Abogado demanda a Ramos por lesionar a Salah Elecciones Edomex

Actividad de candidatos a alcaldes 28-Mayo VIVEUSA Otra famosa que lleva las axilas sin rasurar Efectos indeseables del refresco en tu salud Michelle Obama sorprende con foto de su juventud

For more infomation >> Arranca Segunda Semana Nacional de Salud - Duration: 4:37.


Efforts appear underway to get summit with North Korea back on - Duration: 2:45.

BEIJING -- At the Truce Village that separates the two Koreas, American diplomats have taken the rare step of crossing the border to meet with their North Korean counterparts

The U.S. delegation is led by veteran diplomat Sung Kim. He's trying to find out if Kim Jong Un is really willing to give up his nuclear weapons

At the same time, the man who is basically the North Korean leader's chief of staff was spotted in the Beijing airport Monday en route to Singapore, the site of the potential summit

This weekend President Trump seemed to reverse himself, saying plans for the summit were still moving forward

He then praised North Korea in a tweet, saying: What did happen was a surprise summit between the leaders of North and South Korea on Saturday, and it began with a vigorous bear hug in front of the cameras

Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in met for two hours on the North Korean side of the demilitarized zone

North Korean state media says that at the meeting Kim "expressed his fixed will" that the summit with Mr

Trump take place. The outcome of a summit between two world leaders is usually negotiated before they ever sit down at a table

That often takes months if not years of work and planning. Mr. Trump's team is now trying to accomplish that in the next 15 days

For more infomation >> Efforts appear underway to get summit with North Korea back on - Duration: 2:45.


Hoàng Quân - LK trữ tình bolero hải ngoại nghe là nghiện không hiểu lý do tại sao - Duration: 1:08:05.

For more infomation >> Hoàng Quân - LK trữ tình bolero hải ngoại nghe là nghiện không hiểu lý do tại sao - Duration: 1:08:05.


Dos detenidos por herir a hachazos a un comerciante chino de Fuenlabrada en un atraco - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Dos detenidos por herir a hachazos a un comerciante chino de Fuenlabrada en un atraco - Duration: 2:51.


Kate Middleton enjoys time off with George and Charlotte - Duration: 3:01.

The Duchess of Cambridge is currently enjoying maternity leave and life away from the royal spotlight, but the new mum left baby Louis behind for a day of bonding with her two eldest kids, Prince George and Princess Charlotte

The family stepped out for a fun family day at the Houghton horse trials in Norfolk on Sunday, and they seemed like any other family, with the kids enjoying ice-creams and George getting to ride in one of the ambulance vehicles

Doting mum Kate, looked chic in a $70 cotton dress from Zara, which has since sold out

Kate accessories her look with a bag by Aussie label Little Makes Big, which retails for $189 - get in quick before they sell out

'We were sitting on the bench having something to eat and I noticed this beautiful woman in a blue dress who had two kids with her and I suddenly realised who it was," onlopoker Jack Schmollmann told the Daily Mail on Twitter The Sun on Twitter "I think other people noticed them but not everybody because they did their best to blend in and were just going about their daily lives

They were having a nice family day out, eating ice creams and sitting in the sunshine

Kate had picked up a toy of some sort for George which he started unwrapping and they looked like they were having a nice, relaxing day

"It was just the three of them but there were two plain clothes officers at a distance

" The family outing on Sunday was the first time that Kate, George and Charlotte have been seen in public since the royal wedding on May 19

This article originally appeared on marie claire. 

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