Well every Tuesday I like to have an opportunity to share either something
God's put on my heart or some of the amazing things we see him doing through
Orphan's Promise and other organizations around the world, but I thought today you
would really enjoy meeting one of our greatest partners in the field. We work
with Life Church and their Life Child program in South Africa in Malawi and
Mozambique and we're so thrilled to work with you guys because you're doing such
a great thing. Share for just a moment with people who are interested in
Orphan's Promise and the orphan plight around the world what God's doing in
South Africa. Well thank you Terry it's been a great honor to be able to be
partnered with you over all these years and to see what can happen. You know when
we work together, we are stronger together. And we see that right down onto
the ground amongst the needs of the children of the
broken societies that we work with. And we've seen that even in the
squatter camps, the settlements as we've gone together with OP and Life Child,
as we've gone into those areas and we've been able to uplift our children,
educate them, feed them, provide a beautiful spiritual platform for them...
help them understand that there is a hope in the future. And we've seen
testimony after testimony after testimony
of that kind of breakthrough. And isn't it amazing, Desiree, because I know you
have a mother's heart as I do, you see children whose lives were not only going
nowhere, but we're actually negatively impacted come into fullness of life?
Absolutely and you know to see the fear being removed from the children, and also
some of those mothers who are do disadvantaged and knowing they can
go into a workplace, knowing that their children will be taken care of... that
is just the most incredible thing. And we know that we're bringing generational
change. We know that a community is going to be uplifted and we're dealing with
the issues that are really at hand, that need to be dealt with. And I just want
to say thank you. Thank you so much to Orphan's Promise ! You've given us the
courage, you've given us the support, we feel like we're the hands, but we feel
you're the glove. And you've helped support and come alongside us, so we're just so
grateful. You know, one of the things I love is, I think of that scripture
that says, "...and then came a generation that knew not the Lord," but we are,
together, investing in one day being able to say "and then came a generation where
ALL knew the Lord." How powerful! What a privilege! Great to work with you
I wanna be your gloves! And you're the one who's undergirding all of this. We say
thank you Orphan's Promise supporters. We love you and none of what you're hearing
could happen without you, so have a great Tuesday and know you're making a
difference! Thank you!
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