Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

hi Superior Court week a big goon Inari

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turn down

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For more infomation >> JINER ACHOR (FUNNY) | UNNONE TV | NEW BANGLA FUNNY VIDEO 2018 - Duration: 4:16.


Android - IOS Telefona Güncel Kali Linux Kurma - 2018.2 - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Android - IOS Telefona Güncel Kali Linux Kurma - 2018.2 - Duration: 6:55.


13 questions in Pikarin【 Eng Sub】| Everybody in this world is Boy's Love! - Duration: 12:59.

I ran away from prison. Hikari Shiina

I cannot easily wear short sleeves

Cannot wear. Prison.

Prison escape

Well for today, I got so many from all of you

All the almighty questions I will answer today

Have you met Demon Kogure? How are you related?

He is actually a great Senpai of the Daemon World

I met him just once in the human world

When he was doing a live

I once saw him at the live

That's about it

But he is very famous in the Daemon world

What is your favorite food in the Daemon world?

What is your favorite food in the human world?

In the Daemon world, leg hair ramen is popular

Leg hair Ramen. Yes

In the human world, I guess human blood

It's not about the taste. It becomes power

Like soft shell turtles

It's not about the taste, but good for health

Human blood is good for my health

Good Job

What food do you like as a treat?

As a treat

What I like

Grilled inwards and cow rumen

And tuna. Canned tuna and mayonnaise

and SPAM

Cans. I love canned food


I also like salami

I also like chicken cartilages

I prefer fried rice or pilaf instead of white rice

Other things I like are samgyopsaru

Cheese Dak-garbi

I always hope to take pictures for Instagram

but I always eat it before taking pictures

What should I do? Tell me

I want to take good pictures fro instagram. BUT I eat it before I take it. What should I do?

How do you decide your pose? What are their meanings?

It's all inspiration in the head

For something like this...I wonder...

I will start with an cool

Like this one. Cool

I watch these while living my life

such as in drama Galileo

There was a pose like this

Which pose was Galileo?

There is this pose

There was a pose like this in Galileo

Masaharu Fukuyama could be doing this

I wanted to try this so I did

Very sophomore syndrome like. Others are

Cool pose in the mirror

Well, this one is..

Narcissist, the pose to enhance daemon power

and, thank you pose

Thsi one has the meaning of giving thanks

There is a pose like this sometimes

If it is the middle finger, I cannot show it on TV

but it's ring finger. Sole resistance in the human world

is this pose

There are others. My orginal

Such as Jesus Christ pose which I image in my head

and how I can illustrate that

is what I think

then a great pose will come up

Death voice is practice

At first it was practicing Stitch or...

Donald Duck voice which I imitated

then it was quite close to it

was the voice I had been practicing while watching Disney channel

then I learned something close to death voice

I think it was grade 6 when I was listening to Visual-K

and I wanted to do the voice. A bit close to Donald

Start with Donald, end with death voice

is what it was

Other than that, when you listen to the sound, it's good

The strongest shout is the shout from babies

Nobody can win. Babies have the strongest shout

Is the daemon world hot or cold?

Well, the daemon world is..

Zero degrees Celsius. Very cold

Super cold

All dogs in daemon world changes to Chihuahua

Even Dobermans turn into Chihuahuas

because of the cold


What is your favorite phrase?


What phrase?

What is phrase?

What phrase? Dogeza? Dogeza?

Dogeza is good? Dogeza

Dogeza. Together, Dogeza

If you are to be reborn, would you be angel or devil?

That is such a hard question

The thing is

I would want to be the devil

Devil would be great but

Isn't a devil born a devil who wanted to be born a devil really uncool?

A devil who wishes to be a devil. So uncool

They should say they want to be an angel,

but the devilish part comes out

The devil you cannot hide

That would be more cool

so I'd go with angel

I want to be the devil fast. Really soon

That doesn't sound like a real devil

So asking to be an angel seems more realistic

The angel with a broken wing. Angel

Choice: Angel

Skills limited only to the daemon world

So many of them. Dogeza Road,

Dogeza Road is always done in the daemon world

When I sing the song Dogeza Night

Everyone does the Dogeza, and I walk over it

I always do it in daemon world

Well, in the human world, I did it in the scramble crossing in Shibuya

If I don't do it early in the morning, the police will come to stop it

I'd say that even though I'm a person from the daemon world and not human world

Other skills...

In the daemon world, we usually have chopsticks stabbed into the rice

Not just chopsticks but others without bad intentions

In the human world, you get scolded for that

because of bad luck

What do you mean bad luck?

I'll eat it so how I stab it is my business

Who is your rival in the daemon world?



It was Johanne Clauser II but I killed him long time ago

Killed and buried

with gasoline

As you are the idol of the daemon world,

Your fans are monsters, devil or ghosts?

The fans are called the Makai-jin




Americans, Koreans, Chinese, Makai-jin


You are Makai-jin?


What gets you excited in the human world?

In the human world,

Rather than humans

In the living world

Head banging

People doing it gets me excited

People doing so much head banging

And ferets

Dogs...animals, I love animals


I love you animal

That's about it

Others include eyeballs

Those aren't much

What I really like recently is

Becoming of age ceremony in chaos

Ceremony in chaos

"Oh Kokura, Kokura! " Those people saying that. Party people?

And rea-jyus. Those are already

That is something totally different

Coming of age ceremony in chaos really excites me

I myself did not attend the coming of age ceremony

I didn't go to school much either

but I have a feeling of wanting to mix with those people

Gets me excited

It's probably that..

23....I am 23,000 years old now and

I'm still saying these things

I probably will not heal from saying these things

Saying social delinquents are cool at this age is quite terrible

Pretty bad


Too stupid and violent minded

Last question

When depressed, what do you do to recover?

What do I do when I'm depressed?

What do I do when depressed....

I imagine everybody in this world is BL

That is what I imagine

I don't get depressed now when a woman says something

but usually get depressed when a man says something

That is not by a fan but someone of higher rank

The adults from darkness, a.k.a the managers of my agency

When they depress me

in my head

I say, they are BL

between men

they are kissing each other

but comes strong just in front of me

That will make the human world much easier to live in

When you get scolded by your teacher

You'd think "What right does he have while he's rejoicing having his nipples touched in the back"

Your life will be easier. Happy?

Probably the best counseling is coming to the daemon world

The prices vary depending on the day

and the places vary

but there are many chances you will meet me. Probably 5 times a month

Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo

Sometimes abroad

This year I'm hoping going abroad outside of Asia




Those places

Where is Separade?

Where is Separade?


There must be a state called Mr.Children somewhere

Oh, it doesn't exist?

Keep waiting

Thank you so much for giving me so many questions

Thank you

Thank you

If there will be more questions coming from you guys

I will like to answer to them

More questions please. Please please

I will be waiting

I have recently started being a YouTuber

Please subscribe to the channel

Please do so. Subscribe

And the Makai-no-Yakata

Please take a look. You'll find when I'll come to human world

And lastly what you should not forget is

Kawaii Pateen, this Kawaii Pateen channel

Please subscribe to this channel. Rock 'n roll

For more infomation >> 13 questions in Pikarin【 Eng Sub】| Everybody in this world is Boy's Love! - Duration: 12:59.


【太鼓の達人】ドンとカッだけで譜面を当てるクイズ! - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> 【太鼓の達人】ドンとカッだけで譜面を当てるクイズ! - Duration: 12:22.


Financial assistance for low-income households increases 21% on-year - Duration: 2:46.

The South Korean government's financial assistance for low-income earners surpassed those households'


This needed support comes amid the country's worsening job situation.

Won Jung-hwan looks behind the record number reached for the first time in over a decade.

Financial assistance surpassed average earned income for low-income households in the first

quarter of 2018.

According to data from Statistics Korea on Tuesday,… financial assistance from the

government for low-income households, those whose income was in the lowest 20 percent

of households,... increased by over 21-percent compared to the previous year.

Low-income households earned 440 U.S. dollars a month on average, but received an average

of 555 US dollars in financial assistance.

This is the first time since 2003 that financial assistance for low-income households is higher

than those households' earned income.

This financial assistance includes government pensions and unemployment benefits.

But while the government has been expanding support for low-income groups,… the Statistics

Korea report shows that low-income households saw their earned income drop by over 13-percent

on-year due to the downturn in the labor market.

Some experts worry that if the gap between earned income and financial assistance for

low-income households widens, it could lead to further socio-economic problems.

"If too much money is going to people who can work, for example the younger retirees

or even younger people,... then they may get the idea that we don't have to work to earn

money,... if that happens then we are going to see a lot of problems in the labor market."

The government has been trying to boost the economy by income-led growth policies such

as raising the minimum wage and reducing working hours in order to help boost domestic consumption


But one expert claims this may not boost income levels in the long run.

"The problem with this policy though, is that you don't raise your labor productivity,...

so in the end you are not going to raise income by much, you may reduce the size of recession,

but it is very difficult to increase productivity and wages in the long run with this type of

income support policies."

Amid an increase in the portion of elderly households and the worsening job market for

temporary workers,... financial assistance could continue to make up the bulk of low-income

households' average income for a while longer.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Financial assistance for low-income households increases 21% on-year - Duration: 2:46.


Top 6 des endroits à ne pas manquer au MAROC - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Top 6 des endroits à ne pas manquer au MAROC - Duration: 3:02.


Cộng đồng mạng dạy sống với những bài hát này của Xuân Hòa ca sĩ mù hát rong - Duration: 1:00:05.

For more infomation >> Cộng đồng mạng dạy sống với những bài hát này của Xuân Hòa ca sĩ mù hát rong - Duration: 1:00:05.


單純簡單卻總是很幸運的4大星座! - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 單純簡單卻總是很幸運的4大星座! - Duration: 3:38.


Развивающие игры для детей гонки на выживание Hill Climb Racing 2 Завоёвываем второй уровень платины - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> Развивающие игры для детей гонки на выживание Hill Climb Racing 2 Завоёвываем второй уровень платины - Duration: 11:42.


Bester Fahrzeugglasmonteur Deutschlands | Best of Belron® 2018 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Bester Fahrzeugglasmonteur Deutschlands | Best of Belron® 2018 - Duration: 1:30.


MeMo - G - За да си 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> MeMo - G - За да си 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:28.


總是和渣男有緣的星座女 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 總是和渣男有緣的星座女 - Duration: 3:29.


愛情中,打死都不會主動的星座 - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> 愛情中,打死都不會主動的星座 - Duration: 6:40.


6 Struggles That An Empath Faces Daily (That Most People Never Notice) - Duration: 3:15.

Empathy is a valuable asset for persons.

It keeps the persons to be aware of surrounding.

It also makes them a good place to tell stories because they will listen.

Unfortunately, it also has dark sides that people may not know.

For instance, empathy often get in our way to moral reasoning and philanthropic service.

Empathy makes us too emotionally attached into people and things that near and dear

to us, even people that we don't even know before.

Of course it can be useful, but it's also very dangerous.

If you often feel empathy towards others, you might be able to relate into some of these


So, here are some of the difficulties of being an empath that people rarely see.

In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this

video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates

in the future.

#1 - Unable to handle emotion

Empaths listen so many problems and they also offer the most suitable for them.

Unfortunately, it can be a burden that cannot be controlled.

This happens because sometimes empaths think too much especially if the problems they are

trying to handle is pretty much similar.

#2 - Exhausting

Dealing with emotional problem is mentally exhausting.

The information from other people is sometimes too complicated to make sense.

This illogical link is confusing and exhausting to be solved.

Moreover, extended exposure to negative energy makes everything worse.

#3 - People use them

People with empathy usually have a lot of friends.

However, some of them only use the empaths for counseling.

This one-sided relationship is pretty common.

However, it makes the empaths feel stressed out.

#4 - Self-negligence

Empaths typically love to help others.

Unfortunately, it is unhealthy for the empaths themselves.

You can imagine that they do not have time for themselves which eventually leads to low

life satisfaction.

#5 - Difficult to fall in love

Empaths rarely fall in love because it makes their live complicated.

Moreover, after listening to series of stories from broken-hearted people, they keep their

feelings to themselves.

Not all people actually can persuade empaths to be in relationship.

However, it does not mean it is impossible.

#6 - They have burden

Sometimes, it is just impossible to solve people's problem in single siting.

In fact, it even takes days to eventually makes problem solved.

Throughout the duration, the empaths have burden which they cannot get off their mind.

Well, those are some of the difficulties of being an empath that people rarely see.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Struggles That An Empath Faces Daily (That Most People Never Notice) - Duration: 3:15.


WiFi Radiation Dangers of WiFi See It Measured How To Remediate WiFi Radiation YouTube 1080p - Duration: 7:37.

Здраво пријатељи Нил овде сигурносна зона ЕМФ (Електомоторна Сила). Покушаћу да вам покажем шта највише

од нас се излажу свакодневно на нашим рачунарским радним станицама

У реду, ово је мој сто где радим, а ја сам намерно претворио мој модем овде

мој 18-инчни верзијски модем са функцијом бежичне везе и тако ево акустични

мерач радио фреквенције, али приметите да је овај модем невино седео овде

Очигледно не ради ништа, када укључимо мерач радио фреквенција

мерење преноса бежичног излаза из овог модема и

то можете видети у јачини сигнала леве стране на левој колони

овог метра је да је скоро 6 волти по метру толико висок колико и он

А са десне стране микро-метра по квадратном метру

просек је понекад максимално оптерећен на 10.000, што је изузетно опасно

Читање радио-фреквенцијског зрачења кроз моје тело и већину нас

имамо наше модеме који се овде налазе на нашем столу или можда негде на поду

код нас, нећу вам показати ово, ја ћу ја претворити волумен

Крећем се по кући и сада сам ван своје канцеларије, идем у живот


Показаћу вам да се канцеларија вратила у том правцу кроз та врата

иако је очитавање мало, на мерачу који можете и даље

видети да је цела кућа мање или више под утицајем ове радио фреквенције

јер ја немам бежични телефон у овој кући

Уђите у спаваћу собу у реду, ово је место где спавам и погледам у метар ако ја

оставите то бежично читаву ноћ мерач и даље се региструје око 0,3

/ метар и око 1 до 5 микро вати по квадратном метру, ово нису високе процене

Али и даље ће ометати нивое мелатонина, то ће и даље узнемиравати мој сан

и можеш да чујеш да дозволим да претворим јачину звука, чујеш цифру која је

преноса фреквенције из бежичног модема и када се вратимо у

канцеларију овде, можете видети читања одмах

видимо то и питамо се зашто смо вртоглави, имали смо главобоље

ми имамо замор, ово је оно на шта ми излажемо да седимо овде

радите на рачунару са бежичним модемом сада, као што можете видети овде

оно што сам урадио је да сам прикључио свој мрежни кабал и да сам га заменио модемом

Добро, молим вас, ово је веома важно да разумете

Добро, добро сам се прикључио на мој плави или мој жути мрежни кабал, али сам сјајан или

мрежни кабал, без обзира на боју коју сам могао прикључити на модем и ја сам

прикључио сам другу страну овде у компјутер, па сам сада

тврдим све је у реду да укључим звучну или радио фреквенцију

Метар покушавам то учинити левом руком и нисам леворук добро погледајте

Ово што је све о читању и даље долазе са модема, дозволите ми

показати вам нешто врло важно овде

Ово је АТ & Т веб сајт где морам ићи да заправо онемогућим модем тако да идем

горе, ја га искључујем, чувам га и сада погледам шта се догађа са акустичним

још увек има волумен до краја и нема читања

Видите сада да је бежични модем онемогућен

сада сам слободан да будем изложен опасном радиофреквентном зрачењу и

ово је веома важно да разумем ако желим функцију бежичне везе на

модемом. Само се вратим овде и омогућавам бежичну операцију коју чувам и

бежични ће се вратити па молим те немојте размишљати са својим модемом само због тога

имате у себи прикључен мрежни кабал да је бежична функција

онемогућено је веома битно онемогућити бежичну функцију преко

софтвера или морате позвати свог провајдера интернет услуга и питајте их

како то учинити. Међутим још једном, као што видите, нема читања

акустични са модема, дозволите ми да видим да ли могу да урадим ово левом руком, па идем

да се вратим овде, претвори ћу да омогућим бежично

Ја ћу то спасити и погледати на то иако имам прикључен мрежни кабал

у њега мрежни кабл радиофреквентни мерач

показујући изузетно опасне нивое РФ (Радио Фреквенција) зрачења које излазе из снопа тако да

направите дугу причу кратко прикључите бежични модем у мрежни кабал

прикључите мрежни кабл на рачунар и обавезно позовите

ваш Интернет провајдер или можда знате како то учинити и онемогућити

Бежична функција на модему ће заиста помоћи вашем здрављу у великом броју

на који начин ће вам помоћи спавање, не могу то довољно нагласити


For more infomation >> WiFi Radiation Dangers of WiFi See It Measured How To Remediate WiFi Radiation YouTube 1080p - Duration: 7:37.


North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> North Korea, U.S. in multiple preparatory meetings for summit - Duration: 2:54.


Hot weather, showers expected _ 052918 - Duration: 1:48.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.

It's definitely cloudier than yesterday but the UV rays are just as strong.

Under the hot weather, the unstable atmosphere has created rain clouds that will shower sporadically

over the northern part of the nation.

There won't be much rain, but I suggest you have an umbrella handy.

The UV rays will be strong again tomorrow,... and in the urban areas, the ozone concentration

will also greatly increase.

In fact, there was even an ozone advisory issued in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province

today, so try to stay indoors during the peak hours.

The nation will have similar readings Wednesday,...

Seoul will wake up to 16 degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Gyeongju both start off at

18 degrees.

Seoul will top out at 24 degrees during the day, Gwangju will hit 27, and Busan will peak

at 25 degrees.

Clear and hot weather will continue for the time being.... and on Friday as we head into

June,... the daytime temperatures in Seoul will rise even higher.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Hot weather, showers expected _ 052918 - Duration: 1:48.


Son Heung-min helps South Korea to 2-0 win over Honduras in friendly - Duration: 0:29.

Turning to the world of sports.

Team South Korea beat Honduras two-nothing on last night's pre-World Cup friendly in


Star striker Son Heung-min broke the deadlock in the 60th minute, firing a powerful shot

past the opposition goalie.

Twelve minuets later, Moon Seon-min, let his presence known in his international debut,

by scorching the net.

The Taeguk Warriors' got another friendly set for Friday in Jeonju.

The take on team Bosnia at 8pm local time.

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