Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

15 Ramzan Ko Qismat Kholne Ka Wazifa | Har Behn Yeh Amal Lazmi Kare | by kamran sultan

For more infomation >> 15 Ramzan Ko Qismat Kholne Ka Wazifa | Har Behn Yeh Amal Lazmi Kare | by kamran sultan - Duration: 3:16.


How to Start Your Life in Canada: Banks, Apartments, Phone, Jobs – Complete Guide for Newcomers - Duration: 17:28.

So you've finally, after weeks and weeks maybe months of planning and hard work, you've

stepped foot in Canada, visa in hand and the whole country at your fingertips.

You've made it. You've moved here. Now what?.. That was me 15 months ago and now

I'm here to help you make those crucial first steps after you've touched down

and gotten your visa. We're gonna go through... everything - From the important

first things to do just when you arrive, what phone carrier to go with, apartments,

banks, driver's license, learning languages and how to get a job. Some of

these things are a bit more complicated than if you were just a Canadian citizen

like the driver's license, banks and language parts, so this video will hit all

the points an expat needs to know. If you're just beginning your journey and

you haven't gotten your working holiday visa yet, I've explained every little

detail to do with that in part one of this series right... here (top right) so give that a

watch first and come back. This is How to Move to Canada part two, so if you found

this video helpful hit subscribe for more guides coming up, and if you have

any questions feel free to ask them in the comments section down below, or check

out the Moving2Canada Facebook group I've linked in the description. They'll

probably be able to answer your questions faster than I can. Again just

disclaiming that any recommendations in this video are based on my own personal

experience, and this video isn't sponsored in any way. And I wish it was. (Who wouldn't)

so let's go. Social Insurance Number (SIN) The absolute number one priority after touching

down in Canada is getting your social insurance number you will need this for

anything remotely important like applying for a bank getting a phone

number etc so you need to get this as soon as possible so you're able to go do

everything else you're able to get your social insurance number at any Service

Canada office arriving in Toronto it's right at the airport why I said just

start the immigration and if you come in a Montreal Montreal has them in the city

I've linked a site in the description that will help you find the nearest one

Museum when you do go there make sure to bring your passport and your wife

Spanish as these will be your quiet no photocopies allowed phone how are you

gonna find an apartment without a number to reach you now to cual your

expectations right from the get-go Canadian phone plans are garbage

horrendous absolute bollocks whole telecom industry in Canada is

monopolized by the big three who don't compete amongst themselves so they can

keep prices hi they're all ridiculously expensive

they give you very little for your money and the prices vary from province to

province for example Ontario and BC are quite pricey with Quebec being more

affordable and Saskatchewan being very very cheap this is because those

provinces have actual competition with Saskatchewan having a province brawn

telecom called sasktel if you decided to move to Saskatchewan then definitely go

with them Sasuke for everywhere else don't even bother checking the p3 del

Rodgers Telus them and also avoid Fido at all Kong

they are the worst I went with them when I was on exchange here four years ago

and they were awful I paid $50 plus tax for one gigabyte won it was nothing and

when I tried to cancel my month-to-month plan at the end of April they ended up

canceling my plan a day before they said they were going to and then also

proceeded to try and charge me for the entire month of May when they won even

dreamy service avoid like the place okay so actual options definitely bring

your own phone and stick to simile montemagno plans it doesn't lock you in

and lets you keep costs down I recommend going with Kudo I've been with them

since I arrived the service is good and I currently pay $49 plus tax so total 56

dollars for six gigabytes of data unlimited calls and unlimited tax

including international it's been more than enough for me and if you use my

referral code right here you'll get $50 off your next bill there are cheaper

subsidiary of Telus so they have good coverage and they're available pretty

much all over Canada for Ontario there's also freedom mobile which is another

low-cost carry so check that out and pair and see what works for you yeah

it's way too nice to be in here doing this video let's go outside let's go


this is Bella this is much better I can do this alright let's go let's continue

so apartments this is a topic so massive I'm gonna do a whole video dedicated to

the subject but the main site you needed no rentals is qgg CA ki j IJ a dot CA

this is basically the gum tree of Canada for any Australians watching or the

Craigslist of Canada for an Americans Craigslist also exists and is worth

checking out as well but most people put all this stuff on Kijiji this should

also be apartment and house made Facebook groups for your city I've

linked the Montreal ones down below now those are places where you can find

apartments but what about inspecting them and deciding whether to move in let

me give you just a couple bits of advice based on my own personal experience ah

DC or her shows a apartments our ground floor apartments I personally avoid

these as if you live in a built-up areas such as Montreal where housing is

densely packed in every building is at least three stories basically no light

enters the apartment apart from the rooms with south-facing windows I've

been known for two months and I can confirm the common areas were almost

completely dark it's dark gloomy and depressing avoid it the same goes the

basement and half basement apartments before moving here I didn't even know

these existed and still don't know why they exist why why would you do this to

yourself the same goes for bedrooms with no windows don't do it don't do it we

actually do have a windowless bedroom in our apartment we just use this for

storage but imagine sleeping in here you don't know when to wake up it's soul

destroying I did it not in this room but in like another apartment for two months

don't do it do not do it I thought I could handle it for a few months but I

couldn't sure there are huge savings on our DC apartments compared to

higher-level apartments but the effect it has on your well-being insanity is

not worth it especially for windowless bedroom stick two bedrooms with windows

and upper level apartments ideally third floor if you live in Montreal because as

you see we get roof access and it's dope

sunsets from here are pretty sweet and just uh I know it's a nice thing to have

roof access this whole white thing is something I've never had to deal with in

Australia because even at ground level there's like everywhere but in Canada

light becomes precious in the winter and the price premium is what if you're in

Montreal it's still dirt cheap anyway you can save money in other ways other

things worth mentioning electricity is called hydro in Canada so ask if that's

included or not as bills can vary dramatically between summer and winter

which can be dollars and cents in the summer and up to hundreds and hundreds

of dollars in the winter this has been nice there's been pretty nice don't you

think I needed this let's continue this

downstairs okay so moving on thanks this was a very frustrating process when I

did it so another crappy thing about Canada it is the norm to charge a ten to

twenty dollar monthly fee for a debit account yes the banks charge you money

to access your own money this is a great country isn't that great also as a new

arrival you're automatically ineligible for pretty much every bank account in

Canada don't even think about going to tangerine I tried and it was way too

much of a hassle and to meet the requirements it'll cost you more than

any fees you'll save what you need to get is something called a newcomers to

Canada account these are accounts where the general requirements such as a

Canadian driver's license work history bank check are waived

and you get a debit account for free for the first year after that you need a

minimum balance of like three to four thousand dollars to waive the fee a

bunch of different banks often newcomer accounts but the only month worth

looking at are the ones from the Bank of Montreal BMO and CIBC they both offer

their debit accounts for free for one year and Bank of Montreal also offers a

credit card where you can get four percent cashback for the first four

months up to $125 and then it's one percent cashback after that it's not

worth going with any of the airline points airline miles credit cards in

Canada as they don't offer good value compared to the cashback ones

transferring your money from home to Canada so I'm assuming you didn't

I hope you didn't bring all your cash in your luggage on your way to Canada and

most your money is still in your home country in your bank account and you a

transfer that without losing too much in fees so the best method of doing this

will vary from country to country but for Australians what I recommend is

applying for a city bank plus debit card before you leave Australia this is the

ultimate debit card for travelling as there are no fees and you get an

exchange rate very close to the actual exchange rates I have been using this

card for all of my travels for the past four years and haven't had any issues

with the bank and when you do have issue say if you lose your card or anything

the customer service is fantastic super quick and very helpful one time an ATM

ate my card and they send me one within a day or two super quick and I'm not

even paying any fees for this service it's great when you want to move your

money into Canada or when you're just traveling in general you transfer the

money from your Australian bank account to the city bank account and then take

that Citibank card go to an ATM in Canada withdraw the cash from the ATM

and then deposit the cash into your Canadian bank account all you pay is the

withdrawal fee from the ATM and that's it the best way to get the most money

from you money other options I've had recommended quite a lot for other

countries include transferwise when you do this process it also helps quite a

lot to keep an eye on the fluctuating exchange rates I generally found that

the exchange rate would always spike on a certain day of the week for me that

was Tuesday I don't know if that's an actual thing or if it changed but that

was what I experienced driver's license so if you have a driver's license from

your home country and it's recognised in Canada link below you'll be able to

drive on it for the first six months without doing anything at all after that

you'll have to apply for a Canadian driver's licence or exchange your arms

the first thing to look for is if your country has an exchange agreement in

place with the province you're moving to yes that's right not with Canada but the

province it's best to treat each province as its own separate country

just for your own sanity or Australians we have an exchange agreement with

Ontario but not with Quebec great right makes so much sense so provided you have

an Ontarian address you can exchange your

Australian license for Ontarians if you're someone who paid for a 10-year

license back home don't worry you'll get it back after you leave or you can

request a new one without paying for it again when you write back home if you're

in a province with an exchange agreement with your country you'll have to do a

driving test links for those below languages in mostly Canada

you only need to speak English to get a job in Quebec you'll need to be at least

at professional watch proficiency / bilingual for pretty much any job

especially graduate roles only exceptions being in IT and the video /

entertainment industry if you can find work somewhere you're eligible for

heavily discounted French language courses at these french language

learning centers around Montreal one of them being the Santos on TV which gives

you a two month intensive French language course for $70 very cheap for

both languages the most important thing is your speaking ability and for that I

highly recommend going to language meetups

this is a great way to practice and also to meet some new friends mundo lingo is

one of the most well known language meetups with meetups in Montreal and

Toronto although it is basically a networking event it's great for practice

if you're just starting out and just want to practice basic conversation it's

basically a language meetup at a bar well it's good for basic practice after

a while you might find yourself repeating the same stuff over and over

and over again bonds your TV on dude let's get you paid for car light well

Quattro atom energy I'm already at it says the rides that there are and while

that's good for basic just networking it becomes less practice and more rote

memorization and repetition once you're at that stage I highly recommend going

to language meetups in your area like the ones on meetup calm I found them to

be way better for actually testing your skills once you get to a higher level as

I've gone into really deep conversations that have challenged me linguistically a

lot more often at these events compared to mundo lingo which has a lot of people

who just do the rounds with kind of like shallow surface level conversation it's

also a lot more quiet than a noisy bar it helps comprehension

ate a lot jobs so this is something I'm struggling with at the moment check my

previous video basically you can try to find a graduate job in Canada

it's gonna be extremely extremely difficult HR will routinely throw away

your CV because your degree is in Canadian and you have no Canadian work

experience even though your degree might be from a better University than the

ones you're competing with and your overseas experience is valuable just to

cut down on the amount of applications to go through sounds great right

that isn't discrimination at all Canada is so nice

the main websites to go through are indeed see a job you like oh is quite

good monster and Linkedin angellist is also good if you're looking for startups

but really if you want a job in your field it's easier just to know somebody

this is the same in pretty much every country on planet earth but in a foreign

country you have everything going against you so you're gonna need to pull

every single string to make this work you need to work hard and try and meet

as many people as you can as soon as you touch down right off the bat make

friends with your roommates friends if you have any definitely have roommates

if you move to a foreign country go to meetups like mundo lingo others Omnicom

and also go on to LinkedIn find the companies you want to work at and

personally reach out to employees not HR but actual employees and awesome art for

a coffee do whatever you can to grow your network and say yes to every

opportunity that comes your way why not to get yourself killed of course but

saying yes to every opportunity helps a lot when you're new to a country this

goes for jobs but also life in general one very important note with job

applications if you're here on a working holiday visa do not mention it on your

job application the red flag all they need to know if they ask is that you're

legally allowed to work in Canada just say you move to Canada and in any

interview say you intend to stay here I actually do intend to stay here so it's

not issue for me but if you're on sudden just keep your lips sealed and don't

mention it most employers won't be willing to hire and take the time to

train you if you're gonna leave up to two years unless if you want just a

service retail job or work in the ski fields this is an extremely uphill

battle and you're gonna need to do everything right to make it work last

thing permanent residency this is something that you'll need to do if you

intend to stay in kind of beyond the length of your working holiday visa if

you have enough points for Express entry through thing

like a full-time job and a university degree process can be as quick as six

months I will do a video on this in detail after I've done it myself just

like the honeymoon for Canada part one oh now I've just got a link in the

description for the official info well that's it hopefully you're ready to get

your life started in Canada it's that like button if you found this video

helpful I'll be doing more in depth videos on things like finding an

apartment in Montreal which is really complicated and weird and confusing so

I'll break it down how to get a job and the permanent residency process from A

to Z so definitely subscribe so you don't miss out on those by the end of it

I want this town 11 everything you need to know about moving in Canada and I

think I'm getting that I'm making progress let me know your thoughts and

questions in the comments down below and I'll see you in the next video there's

one last thing before you go I'd like to announce that I finally started selling

photo prints it's something I've been wanting to do for ages but I wanted to

make sure I got it right I had found a photo lab that I'm super happy with and

I'm honestly so stoked about how well these turned out it's so sharp and the

colors are so accurate there's gonna be over 20 different prints off the sale

shipping internationally in both 8 by 12 inch this size and 12 by 18 inch so

basically a 4 and a 3 in your choice of either Mac or metallic archival photo

paper I personally love the metallic just because of how rich and how deep

the colors and the blacks are as soon as I pull this out of the case and saw it

for the first time I was just like yes yes a hundred times yes I put a ton of

time into these videos I think the loss how to move to Canada video took over

fifty nine hours yeah a ton of time so if there's any photos on the Shonda Co

slash store that take your fancy I would really appreciate the support thank you

For more infomation >> How to Start Your Life in Canada: Banks, Apartments, Phone, Jobs – Complete Guide for Newcomers - Duration: 17:28.


GENERAL AWARENESS - All About World Bank - IBRD, IDA, IFC,World Bank Gk, Vishwa Bank,GKDKAcademy - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> GENERAL AWARENESS - All About World Bank - IBRD, IDA, IFC,World Bank Gk, Vishwa Bank,GKDKAcademy - Duration: 3:52.


(PSA) In Memory of Toot - Duration: 2:36.


It's been awhile since I have not posted a video, right?

Yeah, I have been working hard on something special to come to this channel,

and something else.

To upload as a good way of saying that I'm back but actually, not yet.

This is just another PSA...

...but it does not regard to me.

Earlier today, Toot, also known as my girlfriend who is also part of the team of this channel

... has passed away...

I was informed thanks to her brother who could send me the message:

She have been through a car crash, and died from hemorrhage.

Her last words, close to her brother...

so he would say these to me...

was that she loved me more than anything.

Even if we were distant. I always loved her like we were close to each other,

We always had fun, had so many things in common and

we never stopped talking about how much we loved each other...

... Until this point.

My father even had planned to go to the country state where she lives,

and it's not that far from the one where I live.

By the way, the country is Brazil. (In case you don't know)

Even though, things were not "ready" yet.

Honestly, guys...

I really have nothing else to say, it seems like this hiatus is going to be longer than expected,

and I'm sorry for that.

I need some time to recover until I can live like before.

It's going to be like pushing a marble block through a ledge,

until reaching the top.

And once reached, I can finally rest, smile, laugh, live as before...


I lost my beloved girlfriend, but she was also a special person,

to me and to many people around my community (As well as many friends around), as she were also part of the team.

Now in a better place, and in our hearts... Forever...

Rest in peace, Toot...

For more infomation >> (PSA) In Memory of Toot - Duration: 2:36.


Singing in Canon || Wolfgang Ep. 17 - Duration: 1:05.

*Presley sighs*

*Singing monotonously* Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...

...Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

*Louder* Row, row, row, your boat...

PRESLEY: ...Gently down the stream-- SESH: Row, row, row your boat...

Wh- What the hell, Sasha!

What do you mean "what the hell"?

Wh-- You ruined the song!

SESH: That's how the song goes! That's what you're supposed to do! PRESLEY: No it is not! Of course-- Are you kidding me!?

SESH: I didn't ruin it, YOU ruined it!! PRESLEY: Serious? Oh COME ON!

*Spooky Groove Theme Music*

For more infomation >> Singing in Canon || Wolfgang Ep. 17 - Duration: 1:05.


Top 10 Red Lipstick Tutorial Videos May 2018 - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Red Lipstick Tutorial Videos May 2018 - Duration: 3:57.


Day 29 - Back Bends with Popsi Narasimhan - 31 Day Yoga Challenge - Duration: 29:34.

Hi my name is Lindsay Gibson here at Majestic Yoga Studio, today is Day 29

we're almost there, have fun!

Namaste, this is Popsi Narasimhan I'm a certified Iyengar Yoga

teacher and I'm gonna be doing some backward bending poses in this session

so welcome and and enjoy the show and hope you can join me in in a class I'm

gonna sit in my Swastikasana before I begin cross my shins as I mind my tops

of the feet groins extending

towards the knees I relax my knees, knee should be below the pelvic line and I'm

sitting equally balanced on my sit bones as I lift my sacrum up I send the sides

of the torso and grow tall gently bringing my shoulder blades in towards

the midline of the body and into the back body as I lift my chest up bringing

my hands to the center of the chest closing my eyes and contemplating my

practice for today having an intention for my back bends today and then at the

same time saying a small prayer before I begin my practice of back bends

silently I'm chanting ohm the deep inhalation the exhalation

I begin my practice again with Aldo Adho Mukha Virasana as I bring my tops of

the feet down my knees apart extending my torso in between my ties and I reach

my arms forward extending my torso sides of the waist sides of the chest as I

stretch the whole torso also resting in between the forehead down on the floor

Child's Pose or Adho Mukha Virasana I come out of the Child's Pose turn my

palms out slightly i press the whole palm down turning my upper arm from the

inside out as I stabilize my elbow curl my toes under

as I straighten my arms pressing my palms down and I lift my knees up to

come to Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward-facing Dog lift my heels all the way up

and you should see an inverted V with the torso and the legs the arms torso

and the legs

I'll release my heels down and I stretch my whole arm, upper arm, the forearms

extending all the way from the wrists to the shoulders and up towards the buttock bones

and from the buttock bones releasing all the way towards the heels

so the energy goes up and down the buttocks pointing up towards the ceiling

now again I turned the I've got my palms turned out slightly my hands are

shoulder-width apart and my feet are slightly wider than

hip-width apart for this pose this is Downward-facing Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana now my transition to Upward-facing Dog as I move my torso

forward my arms remain straight I'm turning my upper arm more and more my

shoulder rolls on the inside out as I bring my chest forward my pelvis forward

am i I'm still on my two mounds on the back I lift my torso up so my chest

should now be vertical and I'm wringing trying to bring more and more of the

pelvis in between my arms I'm gonna repeat this a few times so take a break

in Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward-facing Dog this is the

chance to catch up and catch your breath actually back to again rolling the

shoulder bones back extending the collarbones lifting the chest as I bring

more and more pelvis of my pelvis forward and now back to Adho Mukha Svanasana

now if you notice the next time I'm gonna do Adho Mukha Svanasana

I'm gonna transition from the toe mounds to the tops of the feet and notice how I

switch the legs from this position all the way to this position coming to the

tops of my feet simultaneously on both feet now this time I should be able to

drag my feet forward bring more and more of my pelvis in between as I lift my

chest up keeping my lips absolutely straight my legs are absolutely straight

fully charged back to Downward-facing Dog

I can do the same thing on blocks and get a little more lift in the blocks I'm

going to do the the same thing turning the other way so you get a feel for the

same pose on the left hand side as well so I've got my blocks placed with my

hands shoulder-width apart curling my toes under as I press my palms

straighten my arms my elbows are firm and steady curling my toes and lifting

my knees up but let's go all the way up towards the ceiling coming on part top

of my toe moundsnow extending my heels down as I get my perfect leader in

Adho Mukha Svanasanaa from Adho Mukha Svanasana

I move forward straight arms again on to my toe mounds to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Upward-facing Dog you see with the block I got three more inches so my arms grew

three more inches and I'm able to lift my chest higher and bringing more and

more of the pelvis forward as you can notice back to Downward-facing Dog

and I'm gonna transition to the tops of the feet this time so watch me do that

come on to Downward-facing Dog to Upward-facing Dog

charge my thighs, charge the knees, charge the feet as I lift bring my pelvis

forward a little more you know slowly rest in Adho Mukha Virasana so you saw

them the the three inch height that I got in my arms what a difference it was

able to make in my torso in the chest the upper body just lifts up

ok catch your breath in Adho Mukha Virasana from just a second and we'll get ready for some

poses backward bending poses reclining on the matter so I'm gonna turn back to

the side so it's it's a one-sided pose since its symmetrical I'm doing both on

on the same attempt so again I'm no reclining in in this pose with my

frontal body on the mat with my chin on the floor I'm extending my tops of the

feet down on the floor as I reach my toes back I'm stretching all the way

from the tie all the way to the toes back towards the back of the studio here

I'm bringing my arms forward hands a little bit forward for the first pose

which is Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

I'm gonna start arching my back slightly as I lift my shoulders and my chest off

the floor my hands are a little forward shoulder width apart as I come up on my

I'm on my belly if you can notice my pelvis and the belly remain on the floor

as I lift my upper body up and look gently look a few feet forward so

there's not much weight on my arms I can lift my hands up so I'm not pressing my

hands firmly we take this one step further but I put a little more weight

on my arms and my hands and I'm straightening my arms to get a light

back arch a little more than back the first attempt slowly come on down and

then for the final pose I bring my hands out by the side of my chest I press my

feet down I press the buttock bones down towards the floor so buttocks are going

down this way pressing the down towards the floor as I become light on my hands

I'm using my upper body strength to lift up my hands are now fully off the floor

Bhujangasana slowly come on out rest on your cheek for one side in the opposite

side for a minute and we get ready for the next pose which is Salabhasana or

Locust Pose Salabhasana the feet are hip-width apart the ants

are by the side of the torso palms facing up and you're resting on the chin

now I'm gonna do the final pose and then we'll break it down in stages so the

final pose is take a deep inhalation and with an exhalation raise the legs

raise the arms and reach the arms back

so the legs are fully charged the aunts are fully charged and the arms are

reaching towards the floor so I'm going to do this in stages and watch me do

just the legs the lower part of the body so the the front the torsos remains on

the floor and my chin is on the floor I charge my legs I start to extend my my

my feet away as I lift my knees up as you can see my tights are fully charged

and now on an exhalation I raise my feet up bring it down catch your breath and

I'm gonna repeat this one more time before we switch to the arms catch it a

bit and on an exhalation lift legs bring it down now the front body the legs

remain the floor this time I'm gonna use my arms and my shoulders and the upper

body as I take a deep inhalation and with an exhalation raise the torso up

extend the arms back rolling the shoulders up and back

my feet are on the floor one more time deep inhalation and exhalation I want

to combine these two but I want to use these belts for some use to help us get

a little more in the back bend so I'm gonna belt around my my shins make it

sufficiently tight enough like so so you feel them acting as traction for your

feet and the object is to break the belt and with that action help us get into a

little more back arch I'm gonna bring my

arms back so I'm fully locked and loaded now my arms are on my buttocks

palm facing up I'm reaching back with my arms reaching back with my feet as well

now on an inhalation my hand on an exhalation raise the legs up raise the arms up

you see I'm trying to break the belt with my legs and with my hands my

shoulders are rolled back as I come out of this pose so I was resting on my

lower belly in Salabhasana the next pose is a post called Dhanurasana or Bow Pose

again I'm resting on the floor buttocks again in all these resting poses

in the in the lying poses where we do back bends the buttocks go down towards

the floor so again now in Dhanurasana I bend my knees my knees are hip-width

apart I bend my knees bring my feet all the way in towards the buttocks hold the

ankles with my arms and on an exhalation I press my feet back so the shins become

vertical but I pull my I'm using my legs to pull my arms and my arms pull my

shoulders that my shoulders lift you see that I'm pressing my feet back lifting

my arms I mean my shoulders are lifting and I pull with my arms as I lift my

legs up my ties go up and I have this dual play between the arms and the legs

one pulling the other as I lift either side of the body up my legs are going up

my ties are going up reaching up I maintain my knees hip width apart as I

pull with the arms press back with the feet pull with the arms press back with

the feet as I get my bow shaped body where my back is arching upper back and

mid back is arching and my thighs are lifting off the floor we can do the same

pose to really bring intelligence to the top of the thigh with a blanket so we

rest on the blanket it's hard when you're on the floor to be able to

lift the top of the thighs the legs go up the knees go up but the thighs the top

of the thighs refuse to go up so to to get the tops of the thighs up we use the

blanket and bring some intelligence there to the legs I'm also going to use

a block to hold in between to maintain the distance between the knees so my

knees nor are no longer going splaying out

okay I think I'm in position bend my knees hold the ankles now you see my

thighs are already lifted with the blanket take a deep inhalation and with

an exhalation I press my feedback lift the shoulders up again with the

interplay one pressing the other one lifting slowly release to come out of

the pose I dropped the brick but you get the idea

but the blanket will get a little more lift in the in the

thigh that's what you need so that was Dhanurasana I'm gonna move on to a pose

three poses that we did you were going against gravity

now you're going along with gravity so this is a post called Ustrasana or Camel Pose

again the feet are pointing forward and me pointing back the shins are

parallel the knees are hip-width apart as you see this whole shin and the

foot now becomes my foundation so this is the in a sense the foot I'm standing on

my shin top of the foot down my knees are hip-width apart bring my hands to

the hips I ascend my spine up vertically grow tall in a background as

you bend you want more and more distance between your vertebra so we

get more of an arch as you bend backwards so that's another thing to

note which is why you need the extension in the spine before you bend okay now

I'm rolling my shoulder bones back as I bring my elbows closer and closer

towards each other now as I do this action you'll notice that my thoracic

spine is moving in towards the anterior body

so by moving the elbows back I'm already forming an arch in my back

you notice that now I started to lift my chin up which gives a little more action

in my elastic spine as I start to arch back a little further now I start to

lift my eyes up and look back raising my chin up and looking back

looking back and arching my my back a little more I press my top buttock so

the buttocks are now pointing forward

I'm marching my lower buttock oh my lord but I pressing my lower buttock back and

getting a more of an arch as I bring my hands onto my heels rest my hands on my

sheet on my heels as I roll the shoulder bones back now if you notice I'm

pressing the tops of the shins down tops of the feet down that's my foundation

I'm ascending from there my knees are parallel hip width apart my my ties

should be vertical ascending from the knees up and I'm arching from the back

in Ustrasana Camel Pose my chest should be parallel to the ceiling if you

notice to come out of the pose I slowly lift with my chest come up with the head

last that was Ustrasana so these classes of backward bends that we did the hands

were behind the hands were back there is another class of back bends where the

arms go up so most of the poses that we did now the arms were back we started or

down below the shoulder line we started with Adho Mukha Shvanasana, Urdhvamukha Shvanasana

on us the arms were done then we went into Salabhasanathe arms were down

below the shoulders reaching back Dhanurasana same thing arms were down

reaching back holding Ustrasana again arms were doubt there's one more

pose that I'm going to show which is a slightly advanced pose which is

Upward-facing Bow which is Urdhva Dhanurasana I'm going to use two blocks for this one

in this pose my back is on the floor and upward-facing bow so I'm bringing my my

feet in all the way to the buttocks I'm getting a little more height in my feet

because I have a little hamstring pull on my left leg since the last two days

and I need a little extension with my legs because I may not be able to get

the most out of this pose with my feet on the floor so now I bring my arms up

by the side of my my ears my elbows are not pointing up and I want to keep my

elbows towards each other the elbows have a tendency to go apart but I want

to keep them in line with my shoulders so I pressed my palms down press my as I

press my arms I'd roll my shoulder bones into the into the mat I started to get I

started to lift my chest up my sternum up as I started to get the slight arch

in the back already now I press my feet starting with the heel and I move my

buttocks lift my buttocks as I lift my buttocks I move towards the

heels with my buttocks my head is still on the floor my hand is still on the

floor I'm moving towards my heels I place my head on the crown of the head

on the floor again I'm making sure my powers are pressing my elbows are in

line and I'm pressing my heels take a deep inhalation on an exhalation raise

yourself up extending the arms fully the arms should be straight you know you're

trying to bring the knees back towards the head

slowly come on down again the objectives to make sure that the knees don't splay

apart make sure that the elbows don't play apart as you form this arch I'm

going to do this one more time so bring my feet in as close to the

buttocks as possible rolling my shoulder bones I'm placing my

palms on the floor placing the palms into the floor my elbows in towards each

other and I'll lift my buttocks up move them towards the heels come up onto my

crown of the head and again press the palms stabilize the elbows press the

heels lift off

no I can lift my heels and move my feet and closer towards my head but because

of my back injury and my hamstring being tight today I'm not gonna do that

also sometime on blocks I don't want to injure myself further so I come back

down roll over to the side come on out of the pose and I'm gonna do a twist to

stretch the sights the paraspinal muscles which I used in my back bends so

I'm gonna do a slight twist to one side Bharadwajasana in a twist to the other

side as I bring my legs to the opposite side

and I'm gonna come back to Adho Mukha Svanasana our Downward-facing Dog now at

my feet mat-width apart now this is more

restorative Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward-facing Dog where the object is

not to do Adho Mukha Svanasana for the sake of Adho Mukha Svanasana but to

relax the paraspinal muscles relax the spine and in order to do that I'm going

to stretch bend one knee stretch the opposite leg when the opposite knee so

that's the other side as I stretch the sides of the torso sides of the back

muscles that I used for all the back bends slowly come back to Adho Mukha Virasana

as I take my knees apart come onto the tops of the feet extend the torso

forward and slowly come on out of the pose you can rest in Shavasana

and catch your breath and that was backward bending asanas a taste of

backward bending asanasAdho Mukha Svanasana, Urdhvamukha Shvanasana, Salabhasana,

Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Urdhvamukha Shvanasana

hope you enjoyed thank you, Namaste

For more infomation >> Day 29 - Back Bends with Popsi Narasimhan - 31 Day Yoga Challenge - Duration: 29:34.


How to find my passion? [2018] كيف أكتشف شغفي؟ - Duration: 7:04.

Greeting! This is Trex. Melanotrex.

The previous video we spoke about growing your passion.

Today we will speak about the most common question..

How to find a passion?

Our childhood was playful and fun.

Look at it as a divine rationale.

Before breaking through a struggling future, you will have already experienced joy.

Now you have this experience in your disposal.

Why not incorporate it in your struggling life.

Add a new flavor.

If you dislike a platter of broccoli add a nice ingredient to it.

Add chocolate.

So balance your equation.

Your concern might be...

People have talents and they are growing big.

They are active in the community.

Why not me then?

Let me tell you that nobody has no passion.

It is just impossible.

It might be trivial as just watching TV.

You know what. Let the term "passion" aside for now.

Let look at it's essence.

It is basically something enjoyable.

Like in the previous video.

So look at what your enjoy.

There must be something.

It could be just drinking tea.

Or watching TV or...

Driving your car.

Simple easy stuff.

I will add on this in a bit.

To clear it up with an instance.

You have exams for which no one enjoys studying.

But you enjoy a cup of tea.

So prepare tea and have it fix that melancholy mood.

So now we covered..

How to balance your life with a joy from the childhood.

Or someone that you are currently enjoying.

Collaborate your life with more entertainments.

Drink more tea.

..I'm fasting..

Next is even more exciting.

How to find, not only a passion, but a talent.

This needs a little creativity.

Here we need ingredients. We are making a salad.

..I'm fasting..

We'll cook!

Get more than one interest and bake them and see what you get.

For example, I have always liked drawing since I was a kid.

I have been drawing animals, monster, dinosaurs.

Like all kids.

Later, I started enjoying making stories.

Adding character to my drawings.

And get attached to them in a way.

Then I got interested in production.

I used to gather toys at home like dolls and dinosaurs or whatever..

And arrange them and make a short story..

Then start shooting footage from different angles.

Thereafter I come to realize...

If you put these interests together..

You come down to several choices like manga..



But Manga was my perfect fit.

That's why I draw manga.

At start Manga used to blow me away.

But the interests that I had are what led me to like it.

You: But I still can't fine my interest!

Simple but not easy.

You can start up a new talent.

Some love anime and video editing at the same time.

They like music too.

These 3 interests are trivial and found in many people.

But if you put them together you get AMV.

I attempted it too.

This thing wasn't there to begin with.

But it has become a new talent.

Similarly, You can find different interests and come up with something innovative.

Some like to read and open discussions.

And like photo shooting, so.. Youtube.

Which wasn't there before Youtube.

Of course.

Basically, put together your points of interest and come down to one talent.

It might not be innovative but something you never paid attention to.

But paid attention to interests it contains.

Like my story with Manga.

A valuable advice for high schoolers..

You are becoming a university student in a field you will stick with for your life.

List down your interests..

And find a field that consist of the majority of the list.

Again, you want equilibrium in your life.

To make your life easy, here is a link to..

A quiz that results to job suggestions.

But I still don't have a passion.

Focus! People vary.

Some follow their passion and some follow a serious job.

You would get confused from a lecture that tells you to follow a passion and they make a point.

And another lecture tells you not to. But still make sense.

You get confused.

What you should know is..

They are referring to 2 different audiences.

The lecture that discourages you to find a passion is meant for those who are trying so hard to find one.

You don't have a big passion you can grown that will make a big hit someday like a movie industry or music.

So what?! Don't mind.

Mind your abilities.

Everyone has an ability. See what works for you.

You don't have to look per se. Just mind what you comfortable with.

Not that fancy talent that others have.

It is about what you are already comfortable with.


Work hard then eat a chocolate.

..I'm fasting..

No matter how many article I read about this.

It's not black or white.

Unlike dentistry.

A veneer will not bond to a tooth layer called Dentin. So don't do it!

That's it.

All article agree on this because it is evidence based.

But when you attempt supporting a thought scientifically.

So difficult!

That is why. Despite the number of article, you get to choose what to follow.

Or create a new one. Go for it!

My most valuable lesson this year is..

Don't set boundaries around yourself.

Do not set limitations.

We are already limited to our 3D universe so don't worsen the case.

Keep it open and think freely.

Back to this.. The 2nd audience that are referred to in the lectures that encourage passion..

Are audience that already have passions they follow.

If you haven't seen how to grow a passion in my previous video, check it now.

I want to share this..In north Eastern university here in Boston.

I have given a lecture about this and my closure was..

The only thing that stands in your way to success is..

Yourself or death.

Wether it is a passion or a serious job.

Because failure is merely an obstacle.

If you stop at it, it becomes a failure.

So overcome it and continue the journey.

You will get there no matter what.

It's just moving on.

Guys! Success is easy.

As long as you are trying you are not stationary.

You are moving towards your goal.

The only thing will make you stop is..

Yourself if you choose to.

Here failure is a choice.

Or if death prevailed.

At the point you reached your goal..

work on standing out.

Getting distinguished is more challenging than succeeding.

Feel like getting too close to the cam.

This is Tarik Alakkad.

Esthetics dentist, manga artist and the author of the manga Brighter.

Today's question, what are the trivial things that add joy to your day.

Comment please.


For more infomation >> How to find my passion? [2018] كيف أكتشف شغفي؟ - Duration: 7:04.


不斷收到私穩條款的電郵是什麼回事?GDPR三分鐘快速解釋中文懶人包 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 不斷收到私穩條款的電郵是什麼回事?GDPR三分鐘快速解釋中文懶人包 - Duration: 3:53.


Detenidos siete menores y un joven de 18 años por quemar vehículos en Villalba - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Detenidos siete menores y un joven de 18 años por quemar vehículos en Villalba - Duration: 2:57.


Runner3 - A shift in perspective - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Runner3 - A shift in perspective - Duration: 3:28.


Ca cổ Miệt Vườn - Chú ấy hát vọng cổ nghe mà nhói lòng✔ - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Ca cổ Miệt Vườn - Chú ấy hát vọng cổ nghe mà nhói lòng✔ - Duration: 2:51.


《晚吹 - 有病有真相》第33集 -不同體味 暗藏病患 (主持:陳啟泰, 李蔓瑩, 英健朗 (小占)) - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 有病有真相》第33集 -不同體味 暗藏病患 (主持:陳啟泰, 李蔓瑩, 英健朗 (小占)) - Duration: 22:37.


More clouds, sudden showers in central regions _ 052918 - Duration: 1:51.

Good afternoon.

Korea and its neighboring countries will have warmer than average temperatures on Tuesday.

Some sudden showers are in store in parts of the central region along with thunder and

lightning from late afternoon into the night.

For a closer look at today's highs, Seoul will reach 25 degrees Celsius, while Daejeon

will have highs a couple of notches lower than Monday at 28 degrees, Gyeongju will also

be at 28.

Time to take out all your summer clothes, highs will be nearing 30 degrees starting

June first.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

South Korea will have partly sunny skies with passing showers in the central regions...

and North Korea will also have unstable weather conditions.

Over in Delhi, sizzling heat continues and there could be a dust storm on Tuesday, followed

by thunderstorms on Wednesday.

Melbourne will be partly cloudy with a light chance of showers during the day.

Over in the U.S., Chicago will notice much more comfortable temperatures, skies will

remain mostly sunny on Tuesday.

As for South America, Brazil's two major cities will be under sunny skies with highs in the

mid twenties.

Taking you to Europe,... Paris will have showers until Friday, keep an umbrella handy.

Lastly to Africa, Tripoli will have excessive heat with highs reaching 39 degrees, be careful

of heat stroke.

That's the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> More clouds, sudden showers in central regions _ 052918 - Duration: 1:51.


Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 2 Web Thermometer - Duration: 5:08.

Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 2 Web Thermometer

For more infomation >> Arduino Tutorial For Beginners – Part 2 Web Thermometer - Duration: 5:08.


Successful People | Blooper Reel (Season Two) - Duration: 10:01.

That is an ugly dog.

Oh I am going to

put you in your garage with your car on

and close it and make it

look like you killed yourself.

Nobody's gonna know!

[O.S.] Let's take it again. [laughing]

Guys, I've had three hours of sleep.

I know.

I think we should just stick to the line.

The blooper reel's gonna be like...

Stop me when I fuck it up this time! [laughing]

Just got off the phone with marketing

aaaaand... [laughing] Guess what?

Oh, god. [laughing]

That line went up.

[O.S.] Amazing. [laughing]

-It's gross. -Sorry. Yeah, it was.

So. How did it go?

Uh, well, he wasn't--

[motorcycle sounds]

I'm sorry. I have had so much gas.

This stack of folders need to be entered.

Make a spreadshw-eet,

put all the totals in the H column--

Sorry, yes. [laughing]

"Make a spread ssshhheeet."

Snap! [laughing]

They said they love your song.

Ha ha! High five!

She can't see me.

But that it's really offensive...

We went to college together.

She was a jerk to me 12 years ago

and then she tried to-- sorry, totally fucked that up

so hard!

-[laughing] -I was like, "Here!"

All right, let's take it--

And now I run this bitch like a woman's prison

while Sheryl hasn't had a hit since 2016.


Whoa. Even earlier.

No, you should not just be a mom.

Imagine if Halle Berry-- Nope. [laughing]


-What is-- What is her name? -No what?

[O.S.] Jada Pinkett Smith. -Her name's Jada Pink-- Yeah.

Thank you.

I am not a racist. [laughing]

I like nightlights-- or-- sorry.

[laughing] I do, too.

"I like nightlights!"

Oh! You lost?

You can tell?


Was that my line?

Make a spreadsheet,

put all the totals in the H column,

leave D through F empty for the capital deductions

and insurance controls you'll calculate this after--

-Insurance controls? -[laughing] Sorry!

That was completely wrong.

People have described my voice as "effortless".

Actually, they've said, "You sound like a cat!"

[door slams] Sorry!

[laughing] I'm sorry.

[laughing] What happened?

So, type in your code for me.

Yeah, um...

"6-9-6-9." I like it.

-No, no, no. -Okay.

Anyway, as I-- [laughing]

Oh! We're going right away!

People have said my voice sounds "effortless".

Well, actually, what they really said

was, "God, that's terrible."

I'm sorry.

You know it's coming!

Not exactly!

Well, actually, they said,

"It sounds like a death rattle."

You know who said that?

Conway Twitty.

-Oh. -Yeah.

On his death bed.

-[O.S.] Take one last one-- [laughing]

-This is so hard! -Yeah, okay...

Welcome to the club!

Uhh... Nah...

There's a mosquito.



Will it be back? Okay, good.

-You got it, I think. -No, I didn't get it.

-No? -It's fine. We'll keep going.

If I get Zika on this gig, I'm fucking killing you.

Next thing, she's signed to a label,

became a huge star,

while I was writing a Japanese hit

for Tracy Labear.

For Lacey Chabert.


She was a jerk to me in college 12 years ago

and then she crashed my red carpet

dressed like a pregnant Nomi Malone.

You're college educated?

Twelve years?

You're fucking ancient.

Twelve years ago?

That's like...

a presidential term.

Oh! [laughing]

I'm the-- [laughing]

I'm the singer!

Oh! [laughing]

Sorry! I'm so concentrated on what you guys were doing.

Make a spreadsheet,

put all the totals in the H column,

leave D through F empty for all the tuh- kah-

So, you know, for fifty bucks

I'd give you a hand job.

[laughing] -Sorry! Right! Right!

Maybe, uh...

Maybe let's play to make it easier to be like,

"So for fifty bucks... I would..."


"I would give you... the world's best..."

You know, for fifty bucks,


would give you

a hand job.

Oh, son of a...

I thought you were gonna pause a little bit more...

Always my fault.

It's starting to piss me off, Artie.

This one is coming to me.

I have a muse and she is speaking

right to me right now, so I'm just gonna let her

-channel through me... -Chet Fierce.

-and she says... -Chet Fierce.

Geriatric Twink.


Someday you're gonna be coming in here,

you're gonna be like, "I got gonorrhea."

And I'm gonna say to you,

"She gave it to you. Congratulations."

I'm gay.

"He gave it to you."

[O.S.] Let's do it one more time...



Just sorta like there's nothing--


It's too cold. My asthma.


Did you just laugh about my asthma?

[laughing] No, it's not funny.

You know as appetizing as that sounds...


[stomach growling]

I hate this place.

Sorry. My stomach was growling so hard.

I could hear it!

Oh my gosh.

Where's the Tender Greens delivery?

-Where's our salads? -Sorry.

Umm... Garfield.

Alf! [laughing]

These are just characters!

How about, um...

Unicorn Christmas?

-Oooh! -My two favorite things?


A Very Special Performance.

Just that.


One Night Only.

Susan's Dad.

Mister... Morris!

Susan's Dead.

Susan is Actually Alive.


I. Hate. Susan.


How Are You Doing Today?

I'm Fine, Thank You.

Now if there's like a yin to a yang,

of, like, who is doing better, like,

I am giving a speech at a Habitat for Humanity gala

and you're, like, coming up to the stage

as a client thankful for your house.

Like, if there's a yin to a yang

of, like, who is doing better than whom, like,

I am over here representing the yin with, like,

my fabulous, fabulous life

and you, like, can't even keep up with my on Snapchat.

Like, I am jetting on the Netflix private

to go to MIPCOM in Cannes,

and you are just, like, sitting at home,

sad-faced, using toilet paper for Kleenex

'cause you can't even afford the name brand.

I am getting my hair done by, like, Sally Hershberger

on 5th Avenue, and you're, like,

up on your roof putting lemons in there

to try to get some highlights.

Like, I have just won the lottery and

have donated it all to a foundation for charity

and am, like, applauded by the government

and, like, people around the world

and you are, like, dying to get in line to get a handout.


Like, I am over at Lake Como with the Clooneys, like,

giving them tips on how to raise those twins

and you are, like,

with your child on the side of the road

with a hand, like, homeless and hungry.


the denial is cute--

[O.S.] Hang on. The light went off.

I didn't pay the bill. [laughing]


I was once banned for sexual indecency.

[O.S.] From Facebook?

From the hospital.

From Epcot Center.

From the church.

From Costco.

From Delta.

From Carl's Jr.


From 24 Hour Fitness.

The state of New York.



[O.S.] Sorry!

[O.S.] I ruined our...!

[O.S.] Olive Garden.

[O.S.] Olive Garden! [laughing]

Olive Garden.

[laughing] [O.S.] Sorry!

[O.S.] I'm done! I'm sorry, sorry. This time, for real.

Olive Garden.

When you're here, you're family.


You are a one fast fag!


You are a one fast fag!

You know, Chet--

-[O.S.] Should we hold? -[O.S.] Yeah.


[O.S.] We don't need to sit down.

[O.S.] We're just gonna do it from here.

Okay. [laughing]

[O.S.] I'll give you a clear.

I had such a good one right there.


You know, Chet...

I don't want this baby.


It's almost cruel.

I know. [laughing]

[O.S.] Keeps you on your toes!

It does.

This is great!

It's somethin'!

You okay?

We're doin' this.

-[laughing] -Come on.

[laughing] I feel great about it.

Sorry that was so "Saved By The Bell" or something.

Yeah, sorry! "We're doin' it!"

-Let's just check in. -Yeah.

So, she leaves...

[LISA O.S.] Yes.


[DIRECTOR] Let's do that again.


It became a silent film!

I know! Sorry. [laughing]

Hey! You want me to call Jan for ya?

-Yeah! -Let me just...

I'll tell you exactly what to say.

You want me to type it out now?

Wait. Are you gonna text her?

No, I want you to call Jan.

No, no.

No. You're not gonna call her?


Please call Jan.

Fuckin' bitch.

[DIRECTOR] Cut. [laughing]

Hey, weren't you wearing a blazer when we left?

Oh, yeah.

Where'd that go?

I must've left it back there.

Can you turn around?

But I don't even know when you took it off.

Where'd it go?

It might've fallen off when I was--

-Oh, we ran. -Yeah.

We're not gettin' it!

I think we have time--



For more infomation >> Successful People | Blooper Reel (Season Two) - Duration: 10:01.


【星火三分鐘】陳鑫武《錯算》星火飛騰 393 - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 【星火三分鐘】陳鑫武《錯算》星火飛騰 393 - Duration: 3:27.


豐盛一哥 - 從顯化的角度看投資 Part 2 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 豐盛一哥 - 從顯化的角度看投資 Part 2 - Duration: 3:02.


S. Korea's Moon says more simple inter-Korean summits like the 2nd Moon, Kim meeting could happen - Duration: 2:51.

After meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Saturday...

President Moon Jae-in has emphasized the importance of being able to meet more easily and casually

with Mr. Kim from now on.... and has ordered his aides to come up with the necessary measures

to make his goal a reality.

Our blue house correspondent Moon Connyoung has this report.

May 26, 2018 "One of the greatest scenes from the first

summit was your crossover to the North for 10 seconds.

I feel bad that I don't get to welcome and treat you properly; the way I would have wanted


"Chairman Kim's popularity has soared in South Korea.

I think the fact that the leaders of South and North Korea could so easily meet up at

Panmunjom like this opens up a new era for inter-Korean relations.

Once unimaginable... in fact, up until this past weekend, that is... this kind of a casual

meeting is what the rest of us may witness more often in the future between leaders of

two sides separated by the most heavily fortified border in the world.

Or it's at least what South Korean President Moon Jae-in hopes for.

Speaking to his top aides two days after his unannounced face-to-face with North Korean

leader Kim Jong-un on the northern side of the Demilitarized Zone - the border area that

separates the two Koreas - President Moon ordered necessary arrangements be made for

future meetings of such... as he plans to make these "a normal routine between friends."

"The latest inter-Korean summit was extra meaningful in that the leaders easily got

in contact, easily made an appointment and easily met to discuss urgent matters without

complicated procedures and formalities, just like a casual meeting."

. The South Korean president asked his aides

to come up with measures... keeping in mind that similar instances could happen in the

future... to ensure there are no gap in the line of military

command, keeping national security council members on stand by, making sure there are

balanced on-spot media coverage as well as notifying

related countries before and after such meetings.

"Holding regular formal summits, such as the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit at Panmunjom this

past April or the one scheduled in Pyongyang this fall, are extremely important for the

development of inter-Korean relations."

"The South Korean president who's long held such vision believes what would really expedite

the advancement of cross border relations between the two Koreas are these impromptu

meetings between the two leaders on either side of the border... on needs basis.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.

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