The queen- her corgis and James Bond.
What more could you ask for?
This is a clip of Bond escorting the queen to the London 2012 Olympic games opening ceremony.
Definitely an amazing duo.
Hey guys im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.
Before we get started I want to remind you to stay tuned until the end of the video as
I will be answering your questions and reading comments.
Also don't forget to leave your questions down below so I can answer them in an upcoming
Alright lets get started on out list of the top 5strict laws that queen Elizabeth does
not need to obey.
Starting off at our number 5 spot--Speed Limits- yeah that's right the queen can drive as
quickly as she wants.
Speed is nothing to the queen.
But being the amazing queen she is she doesn't abuse this power- shes always a safe driver.
Plus now a days she doesn't really drive that much anyway as she has a personal driver.
But She can technically break any speed limit rules anywhere in the country.
On top of being able to be a speed demon she also doesn't have to drive with a licence.
Licenses are issued in the Queens name yet she is the only person in the UK who doesn't
legally need one.
She also doesn't need a number plate on her car.
Yeah just breaking all the road rules.
But fun little fact for you guys- the queen is actually quite good behind the wheel.
She learned to drive during World War 2 when she operated a first-aid truck.
She also knows how to change a spark plug.
In at number 4--Passports- Yep it seems the queen doesn't need any form of id.
She is one of the few people in the world who doesn't need to have an official identity
However other members of the royal family are required to have one.
Also the queen is quite the traveller- which isn't a surprise seeing as shes the monarch
of 16 realms.
Also She is actually the most widely travelled head of state in history- visiting over 116
countries during 265 official visits.
Not too bad for someone who doesn't have a passport.
At number 3--Birthdays- now this isn't technically a law but it is something that only the queen
has- she has not one but 2 birthdays.
Yeah when youre the British head of state one birthday just isn't enough.
The queens actual birthday is on April 21st.
However her official birthday is celebrated on a Saturday in June.
Her actual birthday is marked publicly by gun salutes in central London at midday.
This includes a 41 gun salute in Hyde park- a 21 gun salute in Windsor Great park- and
a 62 gun salute at the tower of London.
For her official birthday celebrations she is joined by other members of the Royal Family
at the spectacular Trooping the Colour parade.
I have to say 2 birthdays every year would be pretty awesome.
Coming in at number 2--Taxes- Something people hate more than anything is paying taxes.
Its just a pain in the butt.
And if you don't get a return and owe money it just stings that much more.
When tax season rolls around that's when I miss working at cineplex for minimum wage.
I would always get a nice chunk of change back from my taxes.
But sadly those days are over.
All citizens in the UK and many other countries have to pay taxes depending on their earnings.
But the queen is exempt from this law.
As its written- The crown has a legal tax-exempt status because certain acts of parliament
do not apply to it.
But I guess in 1992 she was starting to feel left out or something because she voluntarily
paid taxes since then.
Also to add on to this the queen cant be sued.
Yeah its impossible so don't even try it.
On top of that she also has the right to not give evidence in a court- and she cant be
Alright and before we jump into number 1 I just want to remind you guys to please show
us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up- and subscribing to our channel.
And once again stay tuned until the end of the video as I will be answering your questions.
Alright and in at our number 1 spot --War- 1:46-1:53 . Yeah
so technically if the queen wanted to she could start a war against any country at any
As we know in practice these decisions are made by parliament.
But they officially do need the queens permission.
Luckily the queen is an amazing leader.
Shes calm and able to think with her head on straight and she doesn't make dicissions
based off being a hot head unlike a certain other ruler.
Luckily in the UK only the monarch has the power to declare war and peace under the royal
And since the second world war there have been no declarations of war.
But nonetheless the British Armed forces have taken part in armed conflict on numerous occasions.
Yes the queen is literally above the law.
On top of being able to start a war she also has the right to break any law.
But as I said before luckily the queen is quite modest.
Alright its that time od the video where I answer your questions and read comments so
lets get started.
From our most recent Dr. Phil video Alister Varden said- Wow this was amazing.
I hope you carry on making some count down videos maybe a video blog sometime.
Wish you all the luck with your channel.
Much love from South Africa.
Thank you so much for tuning in Alister and for your lovely comment.
We really appreciate it.
Dan H said- I love you so much court- you always make my day better even on my worst
days.- well thank you so much Dan - and you just made my day.
Our last video was about Disney characters who swung both ways and we received this comment
from Sofa King saying- Disney should never have homosexuality in there movies.
And this sparked quite the debate- some people agreed and others strongly disagreed.
Personally I think its great.
Disney has such a huge platforms- especially with kids- and I think its awesome that they
are showing kids at a young age that love is love.
And most importantly you need to be happy and proud of who you are and who you love.
Let me know your thoughts on this below.
Next- Teala Frazer said- why does it matter its 2018 people need to back off- yeah agreed.
Next- The Bid Master said- I love love love this channel and what is your favorite horror
Thank you so much!
And ooh that's a tough one id say either the conjuring- Texas chainsaw massacre or
Actually strangers isn't one of my favorites- I actually hate it but its definitely one
I find really scary because I hate masks.
Next- Aura Tea asked- whats your favorite Disney movie and which is your favorite character
in the movie- I have like a solid top 5 favorite Disney movies- but my favorite one over all
is beauty and the beast- and my favorite character would have to be Belle 0r- Cogsworth.
Alright that's all the questions for today.
If I missed yours no worries I might get to it in the next video.
But to make sure I get to you make sure you leave your question or comment in this video
as well .thank you all so much for watching.
Show us love by giving this video a big thumbs up and subscribing if you havnt already.
And ill catch you in the next one.
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