Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 29 2018

A round of applause for the first guy of La Voz MMD!

And to the most handsome!

ohh silly...

And the most ugly!

is that, is the only guy!

is the most ugly, handsome, tall...

He takes all the awards!

Thanks so much Pikachu!

Thanks to you!

Pikachu's team

Pikachu's team COMPLETE

Did you like the audition?

Then, subscribe now for free to fantasy CLOOB

and you will can see: new Blind auditions, the Battle Rounds and the Grand final of the first season of La Voz MMD

Here in fantasy CLOOB and in english in Bella Papaya!

For more infomation >> Jack Frost sings «Boyfriend» La Voz MMD | Blind Auditions - Duration: 3:14.


Top 5 Strict Laws That Queen Elizabeth Does Not Need To Obey - Duration: 5:50.

The queen- her corgis and James Bond.

What more could you ask for?

This is a clip of Bond escorting the queen to the London 2012 Olympic games opening ceremony.

Definitely an amazing duo.

Hey guys im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to remind you to stay tuned until the end of the video as

I will be answering your questions and reading comments.

Also don't forget to leave your questions down below so I can answer them in an upcoming


Alright lets get started on out list of the top 5strict laws that queen Elizabeth does

not need to obey.

Starting off at our number 5 spot--Speed Limits- yeah that's right the queen can drive as

quickly as she wants.

Speed is nothing to the queen.

But being the amazing queen she is she doesn't abuse this power- shes always a safe driver.

Plus now a days she doesn't really drive that much anyway as she has a personal driver.

But She can technically break any speed limit rules anywhere in the country.

On top of being able to be a speed demon she also doesn't have to drive with a licence.

Licenses are issued in the Queens name yet she is the only person in the UK who doesn't

legally need one.

She also doesn't need a number plate on her car.

Yeah just breaking all the road rules.

But fun little fact for you guys- the queen is actually quite good behind the wheel.

She learned to drive during World War 2 when she operated a first-aid truck.

She also knows how to change a spark plug.

In at number 4--Passports- Yep it seems the queen doesn't need any form of id.

She is one of the few people in the world who doesn't need to have an official identity


However other members of the royal family are required to have one.

Also the queen is quite the traveller- which isn't a surprise seeing as shes the monarch

of 16 realms.

Also She is actually the most widely travelled head of state in history- visiting over 116

countries during 265 official visits.

Not too bad for someone who doesn't have a passport.

At number 3--Birthdays- now this isn't technically a law but it is something that only the queen

has- she has not one but 2 birthdays.

Yeah when youre the British head of state one birthday just isn't enough.

The queens actual birthday is on April 21st.

However her official birthday is celebrated on a Saturday in June.

Her actual birthday is marked publicly by gun salutes in central London at midday.

This includes a 41 gun salute in Hyde park- a 21 gun salute in Windsor Great park- and

a 62 gun salute at the tower of London.

For her official birthday celebrations she is joined by other members of the Royal Family

at the spectacular Trooping the Colour parade.

I have to say 2 birthdays every year would be pretty awesome.

Coming in at number 2--Taxes- Something people hate more than anything is paying taxes.

Its just a pain in the butt.

And if you don't get a return and owe money it just stings that much more.

When tax season rolls around that's when I miss working at cineplex for minimum wage.

I would always get a nice chunk of change back from my taxes.

But sadly those days are over.

All citizens in the UK and many other countries have to pay taxes depending on their earnings.

But the queen is exempt from this law.

As its written- The crown has a legal tax-exempt status because certain acts of parliament

do not apply to it.

But I guess in 1992 she was starting to feel left out or something because she voluntarily

paid taxes since then.

Also to add on to this the queen cant be sued.

Yeah its impossible so don't even try it.

On top of that she also has the right to not give evidence in a court- and she cant be


Alright and before we jump into number 1 I just want to remind you guys to please show

us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up- and subscribing to our channel.

And once again stay tuned until the end of the video as I will be answering your questions.

Alright and in at our number 1 spot --War- 1:46-1:53 . Yeah

so technically if the queen wanted to she could start a war against any country at any


As we know in practice these decisions are made by parliament.

But they officially do need the queens permission.

Luckily the queen is an amazing leader.

Shes calm and able to think with her head on straight and she doesn't make dicissions

based off being a hot head unlike a certain other ruler.

Luckily in the UK only the monarch has the power to declare war and peace under the royal


And since the second world war there have been no declarations of war.

But nonetheless the British Armed forces have taken part in armed conflict on numerous occasions.

Yes the queen is literally above the law.

On top of being able to start a war she also has the right to break any law.

But as I said before luckily the queen is quite modest.

Alright its that time od the video where I answer your questions and read comments so

lets get started.

From our most recent Dr. Phil video Alister Varden said- Wow this was amazing.

I hope you carry on making some count down videos maybe a video blog sometime.

Wish you all the luck with your channel.

Much love from South Africa.

Thank you so much for tuning in Alister and for your lovely comment.

We really appreciate it.

Dan H said- I love you so much court- you always make my day better even on my worst

days.- well thank you so much Dan - and you just made my day.

Our last video was about Disney characters who swung both ways and we received this comment

from Sofa King saying- Disney should never have homosexuality in there movies.

And this sparked quite the debate- some people agreed and others strongly disagreed.

Personally I think its great.

Disney has such a huge platforms- especially with kids- and I think its awesome that they

are showing kids at a young age that love is love.

And most importantly you need to be happy and proud of who you are and who you love.

Let me know your thoughts on this below.

Next- Teala Frazer said- why does it matter its 2018 people need to back off- yeah agreed.

Next- The Bid Master said- I love love love this channel and what is your favorite horror


Thank you so much!

And ooh that's a tough one id say either the conjuring- Texas chainsaw massacre or


Actually strangers isn't one of my favorites- I actually hate it but its definitely one

I find really scary because I hate masks.

Next- Aura Tea asked- whats your favorite Disney movie and which is your favorite character

in the movie- I have like a solid top 5 favorite Disney movies- but my favorite one over all

is beauty and the beast- and my favorite character would have to be Belle 0r- Cogsworth.

Alright that's all the questions for today.

If I missed yours no worries I might get to it in the next video.

But to make sure I get to you make sure you leave your question or comment in this video

as well .thank you all so much for watching.

Show us love by giving this video a big thumbs up and subscribing if you havnt already.

And ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Strict Laws That Queen Elizabeth Does Not Need To Obey - Duration: 5:50.


10 Super Abilities We Are Born With But Choose To Ignore - Duration: 4:37.

10 Super-Abilities We Are Born With But Choose To Ignore

by Conscious Reminder

The human mind has been shrouded in mystery for its entire existence.

The fact that we have characters like Jean Grey and Professor X in the superhero universe,

is proof enough that the human mind and its untapped energies and powers have always fascinated


Scepticism is the enemy however as the wisdom of the ages has always attested to this fact.

The human mind and body have an infinite amount of untapped potential.

Best part, everyone is born with these powers but no wants knows how to tap into them.

Like El Dorado, ignorance is slowly replaced by sceptic denial.


The voice inside you Remember all those prophets, from Muhammad,

Jesus, and Zarathustra?

All of them found what they were searching for, thanks to the voice that spoke through


The voice is of course the voice of God, resonating through their souls.

They were sensitive enough to shut them of.

Even Joan of Arc made it public that she heard voices.

Everyone among us has a voice talking to us, helping us.

It�s up to us to listen.


Your inner peace Your inner peace and inner happy place of

solitude is yours and yours only.

It is where you can truly find yourself and your true potential, if only you choose to

zone everything else out.


Your ability to hold your breath Holding your breath impacts your nervous system

and helps you calm down.

Holding your breath and releasing it slowly in 10 small portions helps trigger a mechanism

that makes your body feel lighter within seconds.

Besides this ability helps you enjoy the joys of water, which again is a common media that

helps people calm down.


Your stare Theorists call it the Gaze.

Ever seen people look at you back or answer absentmindedly after you�ve been looking

at them?

This is because your gaze is tangible and the other person�s entire existence is pricked

by it.

Gazes hence are very good methods of telepathic communication.


Your ability to communicate non-verbally This is because we are all one and we all

speak the same language inside our hearts.

This ability is particularly pertinent among couples in love, especially soulmates and



Your generosity The joy of giving is something transcendental.

This is how you come closer to your soul and also reach out to other souls.

This is a human responsibility that every major religion extols: charity.

Giving things to people who need the things you have more than you, is something that

can change the way we perceive life on this planet: something we should ideally be looking

at right now.


Your decisiveness Whenever in a fix, use your best mental faculties

and choose the option that speaks out to you.

The guardian spirit looking after us is more often than not always going to tell you what

is good and right for you through your own gut.

Your own gut feeling and the decisions it makes can be a game-changer during complex

dilemmas and situations that require you to pick between two equally important and equally

good things.


Your sense of humor It is true, laughter is the best medicine

and the amount of positivity that comes from a person laughing just for the heck of it,

is immeasurable.

Especially if the said person is someone you love, it does an immense deal to heal you

and better your day.


Your creativity The feeling that comes with you satisfactorily

creating a new piece of original art is unparalleled.

The amount of spiritual energy that creates, is astounding.


Your ability to meditate This activity can simply make everything better

and life more and more peaceful.

For more infomation >> 10 Super Abilities We Are Born With But Choose To Ignore - Duration: 4:37.


Overland Expo West 2018 - Camping and Overview - Duration: 9:11.

what's up everyone good morning were here out on the San Francisco Peaks we

were camping like here last night before everyone heads to the expo everyone's

already left to go down there I'm waiting till a little bit later in the

afternoon to go get my ticket and get in line for Overland Expo West this will be

my first year I'm taking my big old rig down there and I've been out camping for

the last three days all through Arizona I met up with Overland bound I made a

video about our first three days camping you can go check that out but yeah so

I'm gonna go get packing get everything ready and I'm gonna get out of here

all right we're here in line there's a lot of chatter on the CB radio sitting

in line here but if the amount of rigs in this line are amazing

all right made it in all Tetris tin here and it just finagled my way into a

little spot we've got such a huge Overland bound group going on it is

awesome everyone is getting ready for this weekend literally the first thing I

park next to is this opted Overland rig you're just making a gigantic shadow on

everyone such a cool rig but they're giving out free beer the amount of

vehicles here is ridiculous it's so cool check this out

so why don't we do a quick little run-through overview of everything I can

find this morning here at the event date one so check this out

my most favorite tent of course you know it

all right so it's a couple days and after the event here finished up as you

can see in this video you know I was six days in the woods sunburnt tired and the

energy level at the end of that video was a little low so I'm gonna redo the

ending here but now it was an absolute amazing event I would definitely go

again the camping was rough because it was a little tight we were Tetris in

there but other than that I mean it was such a fun weekend seeing all those rigs

seeing the creativity that people had and what they're making these vehicles

to do it was very very cool I'd like to thank overlaying bound for setting up

this whole convoy and everything down there especially Michael and Korey it

was an amazing trip I got to meet so many cool people Sian from the event who

helped orchestrate everything she helped me get my hat I had a really cool

conversation with primal outdoors he is an amazing guy very down-to-earth and

spent you know like almost a hour just talking with it was very fun I would

also like to thank all the guys from the front runner booth for hanging out with

me and then of the guys from shift pod the really cool tent the insulated tent

that you saw in the video they helped me get down to the event and had a great

time so thank you to everyone awesome alright but a few tips on the event is

if you are camping with a group of people I would highly suggest their

getting early if you can't be by yourself

your timing doesn't matter because there there were quite a bit of spaces if you

just explore but if you're camping with a group get there early

second is bring a a vehicle a mostly a bike to get you from the camping area to

the actual event it's like a half mile maybe give or take from where you're

camping to the event yeah it gets a little tiring if you just have to go to

put something back in your car I would also if you are planning on

buying anything from a vendor at this year's Overland Expo they still might do

some deals they might hold some deals just ask them this will have the deals

going on from the event if you don't and you can wait the deals there were pretty

insane one of which like I'm not regret but I

got a goal zero the 8,400 one and a solar panel there at the event they had

refurbished once for like half off so just the thing if you're in the market

for some cool stuff wait until the expo but but that's it today I'm gonna enjoy

the rest of this amazing day here in Sedona we're gonna go around some ATVs

and I will see you in the next video if you liked everything I do go check out

my trip down here with Overland bound that was a fun video subscribe if you're

not subscribed and I hope you like this video hit the little thumbs up below and

I will see you in the next one thanks

For more infomation >> Overland Expo West 2018 - Camping and Overview - Duration: 9:11.


DIY Firecracker Popcorn for 4th of July 🇺🇸 | Evite Recipes - Duration: 1:03.

(4th of July Music)

For more infomation >> DIY Firecracker Popcorn for 4th of July 🇺🇸 | Evite Recipes - Duration: 1:03.


I mis you - デオキシスDEOX - Duration: 2:18.

Sometimes, you even sound like her Do you remember this place?

Do you have some of your memories?

It was right here ... about five thousand years ago.

Everything I have ever done, I did for her.

And now it's gone.

But I'm still here.

Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes

What would she think of me now?

For more infomation >> I mis you - デオキシスDEOX - Duration: 2:18.


pixie cut with undercut sides - Haircuts for Mature Women - Barbershop - Duration: 23:55.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> pixie cut with undercut sides - Haircuts for Mature Women - Barbershop - Duration: 23:55.


Amazing Korean Street Food in Busan - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Amazing Korean Street Food in Busan - Duration: 11:53.


Hearthstone (Wild) Shaman 2 - 2018 *NEW* - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Hearthstone (Wild) Shaman 2 - 2018 *NEW* - Duration: 5:56.


El romántico discurso de la princesa Mary de Dinamarca al príncipe Federico - Duration: 16:35.

For more infomation >> El romántico discurso de la princesa Mary de Dinamarca al príncipe Federico - Duration: 16:35.


40 cosas que van a pasar en Reino Unido cuando muera Su Majestad la Reina Isabel II - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> 40 cosas que van a pasar en Reino Unido cuando muera Su Majestad la Reina Isabel II - Duration: 5:23.


女兒如廁照不雅!柯以柔一句話霸氣反擊 網友留言力挺媽媽 Big Ears - News - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> 女兒如廁照不雅!柯以柔一句話霸氣反擊 網友留言力挺媽媽 Big Ears - News - Duration: 3:13.


YouTube Önerilenlere Nasıl Çıkılır (EFSANE TAKTİK) - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> YouTube Önerilenlere Nasıl Çıkılır (EFSANE TAKTİK) - Duration: 10:50.


不認欠債「對抗到底」!秀琴備妥金流細節 朋友力挺沒問題 Big Ears - News - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> 不認欠債「對抗到底」!秀琴備妥金流細節 朋友力挺沒問題 Big Ears - News - Duration: 2:41.


参加自由【RAFT】夢のイカダ遭難サバイバル生活 ふーどの人のゲリラ放送(ふーどの部屋)#03 - Duration: 1:39:55.

For more infomation >> 参加自由【RAFT】夢のイカダ遭難サバイバル生活 ふーどの人のゲリラ放送(ふーどの部屋)#03 - Duration: 1:39:55.


How to sell wooden 3D puzzles on Etsy and is there a more profitable niche? - Duration: 2:08.

Why does the store with an excellent product have no sales at Etsy? Is there anything you can do? What other profitable niches are there for needleworkers who own laser cutting on plywood? We are considering a shop of wooden 3D puzzles - SmartToysEco. The shop is young, opened in 2018. Sells a very modern interesting product - wooden 3D puzzles - but there is absolutely no sales. How to help the store? What key phrases should be written in the headings of the listings so that they can find and buy the goods? What photos should be? What should I definitely add to the product description? What are the prospects for selling 3D puzzles on Etsy? An example of a successful Ukrainian store selling 3D puzzles on Etsy. What are the profitable niches for needleworkers who own laser cutting on plywood? How much can you sell the product? An example of a successful store. Key phrases by which your product is guaranteed to be found on Etsy and will be bought. See details in the video review of the store of wooden 3D puzzles:

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