Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

UFO Religions Back in the News

by Paul Seaburn

� A hearing was recently held in Boston on the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a

French national who wants to become an American citizen.

Perrier-Bilbo refused to take the oath of citizenship because it ends with the words

�So help me God.� Perrier-Bilbo is a devout Raelian who doesn�t believe in God.

� The Raelian Movement is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by French car racing journalist

Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Ra�l after being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft

who claimed to have selected him to deliver a new origin message to humanity and start

a religion based on it.

� Raelians believe that an alien species sent scientists called Elohim who created

all life on Earth through DNA manipulation.

Raelians support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and other futuristic


� Vorilhon was taken to the alien�s planet where he met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad,

who told him to be more like the aliens, who were peace-loving and had no money, sickness

or wars.

� Said Perrier-Bilbo, �My hope is for the phrase, �So help me God� to be stricken

from future naturalization ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists

or agnostics who want to defend the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional

oath.� The results of the hearing are still pending.

� In Britain, George King founded the Aetherius Society in1955 after he received a telepathic

communication from an alien intelligence representing an �Interplanetary Parliament� that existed

on Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

King claimed to have met Jesus on Venus in 1958.

King�s Aetherius �religion� borrows from yoga, Eastern mantra and New Age and

promotes spiritual self-advancement and world service.

King died in 1997.

� Members of the Aetherius Society recently announced its �Operation Prayer Power�

pilgrimage in July to Holdstone Down in north Devon, England.

Other Aetherius pilgrimage destinations are Castle Peak in Colorado, Mount Ramshead in

New South Wales, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Le Nid d�Aigle in France.

While the big three major world religions get all of the publicity, there are plenty

of other spiritual collectives between them and atheism.

One group that attracts a lot of paranormal fans are the UFO religions whose members subscribe

to the existence of extraterrestrials traveling to Earth in unidentified flying objects, often

to take part in the evolution of humanity.

Two such groups coincidentally popped up in the news recently, proving that they�re

not as obscure as some might think (or hope).

A hearing was held in Boston this week in the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a French

national who wants to become an American citizen � except for the part about taking an oath

of citizenship that ends with the words �So help me God.� Perrier-Bilbo�s objection

comes from her membership in the Ra�lian movement, which is a UFO religion founded

in 1974 by French car racing journalist Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Ra�l after

being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft who claimed to have selected him to deliver a

new origin message to humanity and start a religion based on it.

In his first book, Le Livre qui dit la v�rit� (�The Book Which Tells the Truth�), Vorilhon

says the alien�s species sent scientists called Elohim (�those who came from the

sky�) who created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation.

The alien, also an Elohim, took Vorilhon or Ra�l to their planet where he allegedly

met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who told him to be more like the aliens, who were

peace-loving and had no money, sickness or wars.

Ra�l�s followers support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and

other futuristic technology.

Perrier-Bilbo just wants to be a good Ra�lian-American and she was given the opportunity to take

a modified oath in a private ceremony, but in this litigious, political and social media

world, that wasn�t enough.

�My hope is for the phrase, �So help me God� to be stricken from future naturalization

ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists or agnostics who want to defend

the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional oath.�

For more infomation >> UFO Religions Back in the News - Duration: 5:11.


Inside a Colorado School's Lockdown Drill - Duration: 10:54.

- [John] Police officer, open up.

- Part of it is just kind of,

it's always in the back of your mind,

is this gonna be the last day I go to school?

- [Narrator] Since the shooting at Columbine High School

in April 1999, Jefferson County Public Schools

has found itself at the center

of the fight for safer classrooms.

They're using lockdown drills to prepare teachers

and students if a gunman enters the campus.

Kids as young as three years old go

through these drills on a regular basis.

This April, Jefferson County gave HuffPost exclusive access

to a drill at one of their local elementary schools.

We sat in with a third grade classroom,

but for security reasons, the district has asked us

not to reveal the students' faces or hiding places.

- I've been referred to as the generation

of mass shootings, Generation Columbine.

I've grown up doing shooter drills

and everything like that, which is unlike my parents

or a lot of millennials and everything.

It really shows how our culture has really evolved,

yet we've done nothing to change it.

If lockdown drills prevented mass shootings,

we wouldn't be having this conversation.

- [John] I'm impressed with how quiet you are.

Good job today.

I love your positioning right here at the front of the door.

- There's lots of what-ifs, right?

They have lots of what-ifs,

and we could spend days talking about what-ifs,

but what if something really does happen?

Well, what if this happens at our school?

You know, I always respond to them

we practice these drills so that we can stay safe.

Our job as adults is to keep you safe.

- With the lockdown, we wanna make sure

that they're dropping on their hands.

- [Narrator] As the largest district in Colorado,

Jefferson County is home to over 86,000 students.

And in the past 19 years, it's been the birthplace

of new standards for lockdown drills

and specialized law enforcement training.

John McDonald is the district's executive director

of safety, security, and emergency management.

Over the past decade, he's trained officers

and led drills in the county's 157 schools.

With each one, he hopes to shave precious seconds

off the time it takes to secure every classroom.

- Really, it's a program that empowers students,

and that's what we love about it so much.

We call it emergency-prepared, not emergency-scared.

That's the term that I've really come up

with over the years to explain

what the standard response protocol is.

It's four actions.

It's lockdown, lockout, shelter, and evacuate.

As I understand it now, there's well over

26,000 schools around the country.

Has anybody called to dispatch yet?

- Not yet. - Okay.

Why don't we go ahead and let dispatch know

we're gonna start this, and then whenever you're ready.

(knocking on door)

- Sheriff's office, open up.

Come on out.

It's okay, we're all done.

Hi everybody.

You guys are really good.

I like how quiet you are.

Okay, so here's what we're gonna do.

I need everybody to stand up for me

and be super quiet, no noise.

Be as quiet as you can be.

I'm gonna have you follow your teacher.

You're gonna go in a single-file line.

We're gonna evacuate to the gymnasium, okay?

All right, good job.

Follow the teacher.

- A lot of the times with school shooters,

they used to go to that school,

or they've been a student within the past 19 years.

They know exactly how lockdowns work.

They know that you're still in the room

even if they can't see you.

Shooters, people who do this, they're not stupid.

- If you do nothing but lockdown

behind a locked classroom door,

we know that's incredibly effective.

We know that's a time barrier between you and the bad guy.

We know that there's only been two instances

in 20 years of bad guys breeching

a properly locked classroom door.

So if you lockdown, then you're my hero.

If you evacuate with kids, you're my hero.

You make a good decision to protect kids and yourself,

then you are my hero.

- [Kid] It's my birthday today.

- When you're thinking about I wanna be a teacher

when I grow up, it's not the first thing

that I think that you think of, but as teachers,

you kind of become that momma bear

or that papa bear and know that that's what you're gonna do.

I feel prepared with the training

that they've provided us as administrators

and even as teachers across the years.

- [Narrator] The Frank DeAngelis Center for Community Safety

is the first of its kind in the country.

It's named after the former principal of Columbine

and was once a working elementary school.

Now it's used as a hyper realistic environment

to train thousands of law enforcement officers

for active shooter situations.

- Imagine you're the first responder on scene.

You're the officer coming in.

You've got shots being fired in a school.

You walk in, you see smoke.

You don't know what's happening,

but you can hear the shots being fired

at the end of the hallway.

You gotta fight your way through the smoke.

Explosive devices, IEDs, are used

in these school shooting events in many cases.

Columbine was a perfect example.

Of 99 IEDS in the building, 49 went off.

In Arapahoe school shooting, he had Molotov cocktails.

We've seen that time and time again around the country,

so we practice and train for that.

The first officers on scene cannot wait.

They can't wait for a SWAT team.

They can't wait for four to five more officers.

The problem is by the time four officers get there,

most of the lives are lost.

So, they created a tactical program

for the single officer.

We put all of our patrol teams in our school district

through that training annually.

It's a requirement.

You have to successfully complete that.

It's so important.

- I believe we should continue with the lockdowns

until we really do see a change in our country

where this isn't really happening anymore

and we don't have to have lockdowns.

But there's still so many flaws to it

where no one is prepared at all.

How can you be prepared for a shooting?

- All right.

We can do some cool things with the simulator.

We can fill this room with smoke if we want.

Darrel can turn on lights here

so that we can create an environment

not unlike law enforcement's gonna face

moment in time, or were gonna be

in the middle of as we respond to a crisis.

- Adam six, shots fired.

What's your status?

The system will track these shots fired,

so we can go in and see what his accuracy level is

in reference to the system because this will enhance,

even though you're talking to a screen,

you're stress level really goes up,

and it can affect your shots.

- So we also build targets in classrooms.

And the whole purpose of this is shoot, don't shoot.

So who's the bad guy, who's holding the gun?

- [Narrator] 32 states now require their schools

to develop a plan for emergencies.

Of those plans, 96% include training their students

and teachers in how to respond

to an active shooter in the building.

At Columbine High School,

lockdown drills are part of the normal routine.

Students like Kaylee Tyner say the drills are necessary

but more needs to be done outside

of schools to solve the problem.

- I'd say if anything,

it's just a huge disruption to your learning.

Unfortunately, in an ideal world,

we wouldn't have to prepare for these things at all

because you should be safe going to school

without a question, you know.

And the fact that here in America you're gonna go to school

and once a month we're gonna do these set of drills,

it definitely kind of,

it becomes part of your cycle of going to school.

I don't wanna say we shouldn't have them

because obviously there is a need for them.

But there's more that has to be done.

It's now up to our politicians to really do their job

and protect the citizens of the United States

by implementing laws that are really going to help us.

My hope for the future, I'm not gonna be unrealistic

and say that I hope next year no school shootings happen

because I've always hoped that and always been disappointed.

But I hope that by the time I have kids

and I send them to school, I don't have to transition

into suddenly being a parent that now fears

for their children like my parents do.

- It does make me sad.

We always tell kids you're safe,

but they say they see things around the world.

And safety is number one, and whatever we can do

to help them be safe for a changing world

that's gonna be their world when they grow up,

I think is important.

- So you know, 19 deceased, 29 wounded

in schools from gunfire in Colorado.

And certainly Columbine redefined it

I think on the national level.

And we continue to feel that.

It hasn't gone away.

It's something that we never say can't happen here.

For more infomation >> Inside a Colorado School's Lockdown Drill - Duration: 10:54.





REACTION/ILK IZLENIM: Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin - I Like It - Duration: 6:17.

Don't forget to subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> REACTION/ILK IZLENIM: Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin - I Like It - Duration: 6:17.


4 Great Home Buyer Questions & Home Buying Tips 🎥 - Duration: 9:26.

Hi everyone.This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr in this video I want

to go over a little Q&A I have a lot of buyers ask me questions so I decided

what to do instead of just answering one question for video I wanted to go over

four questions there's some really good questions here if the diviners have been

asking and I want to make sure that everybody gets their questions answered

so I'm going to go over these four questions and answers in this video

okay so let me go over these questions on the first one I got is can you always

amortize a 30-year mortgage over 15 years now this could apply to buyers

that are looking to buy a home or people who currently own a home so this is a

great question and I personally do this pretty much in all my house so example I

have had 30-year mortgages and I've amortized him over 20 years I've had

30-year mortgages I've hammer tiesm over 15 years my Santa amortized that just

means I've earned them off so I have I currently have a couple rental

properties right now that are on 15 year mortgages and I'll be paying them up in

ten years so I just do an amortization schedule so pretty much any mortgage

company's going to allow this you could always put additional money into your

principle for paying it off early now if you're on a hard money alone if you

don't know what a hard money loan is don't worry about it if you're on a hard

money loan you're going to know what it is they may have something in there that

you can't pay your mortgage off early but if you're on your regular mortgage

your FHA VA conventional Fannie Mae Freddie Mac with mortgages like that no

problem you can pay them off early so you could go to the bank that the

mortgage is at and you could talk to them about just realities in it and they

can tell you they should tell you what you could do and how to do it I would

always advise before you send additional money in to make sure it's set up with

them and the money's going to your principal or you just give your lender a

call and talk to them and they could sort of tell you what to do again always

call your bank so the second question is what is your opinion on rent Heath

versus mine and I know a lot of you probably think hey Lance you're a real

estate agent you're going to be real bias on this but you know what

I was bias back when I was in engineering I was bias back when I was

in mortgage banking if you know anything about buying versus renting the one

important fact is in this country eighty percent of all wealth all wealth is in

real estate not in the stock market it's not in all these other things it's in

real estate look at look at the big play especially even in

Tampa that Bill Gates is making right now in real estate look at what Warren

Buffett did with real estate but hundreds of thousands of homes in then

by prudential and they're now called berkshire hathaway that should tell you

everything you need to know yes because at the end of the day if you rent a home

look at it for a long-term play unless you're going to live with your parents

or someone for free the rent is just going to go up and up and up and up and

the home prices are going to go up and up and up and up but there's so many

advantages to buying a home over renting a home you get tax write-offs you get

depreciation if you're on a fixed-rate mortgage it's pretty much gonna stay the

same maybe property taxes might go up slightly or house or insurance might

trickle up as well but you're fixed in so it's the amount of money over a 10 20

30 40 whatever years that you would be losing on renting is absolutely just

mind-boggling so definitely own at home when I bought

my first home it wasn't anything I wanted I was actually right next to a

highway in a condominium in Southern California but you know what I was 23

years old I got my foot in the door and I learned a lot of valuable lessons and

I'm a minor so definitely worth it by nova renting what is the best time to

buy a home and what signs what signs do you look out for in the economy now this

is a great question right here i actually did a video on wednesday best

time to buy a home as far as the different months i sort of do a

breakdown so not really sure if that's what you're asking in this question

right here but i'm gonna put a video above on that so let me tell you what

signs do i look out for the number one side that i virtually put almost all my

weight in is the consumer confidence when the consumer confidence is good

real estates good when the consumer confidence is okay real estate okay when

the consumer confidence is bad real estates bad it's just always been that

way I do tend to look at other signs like

you know what's the economy doing as far as is it does is it really going good

but again the economy is going to go good with consumer confidence is good I

look at what's the what's the unemployment rate but and I think that

could be fudged a lot I tend to look at what the are people making more money

right now what are they not making more money but

I don't really put a lot away than that I pretty much put everything in the

consumer confidence I always have and it's it's always been 100 percent spot

on I've been doing market reports and statistics for years now and back in

2011 I was doing and I was saying the markets going up and up and up and up in

the consumers confidence starting to go up and up and up and people were saying

I didn't know what I was talking about more on this I'm yeah I'm just like you

look at it and that's exactly what happened you know the consumer

confidence follow the curve it's pretty much the same thing so that's my take on

it what are the things you look for before buying a house mm-hmm so that's a

sort of a tough question because I don't know where you're going with it with the

question with us but let me tell you when you're buying a home there's three

main things you need to look for you need to look at number one is get a good

knowledgeable honest real estate agent number two is get a good honest

knowledgeable loan officer number three is get an honest extremely

detailed home inspector those are the most important things now

when I look at homes with buyers I'm not looking at everything they're looking at

I'm not looking at all the fluff in the house I'm not seeing everybody's doing

this by any means but I've worked but thousands of homebuyers and a lot of

times people go in and they're just looking at different things and I'm

looking at I'm looking at you know what's the floorplan like what's the

resale ability like what's the subdivision like who built the home is

this more of a quality built home is it more of a quantity built out what are

the what's deikun efficiency like in the home compared is

it good is it bad you know lot of these different things I'm looking on the

ground of course if it's a pre-owned I want to see if there's any settlement

cracks in the tie or anything like that I tend to look I tend to look at the

ceilings is there a roof leak how old's the roof hubble's the HVAC how old's the

water heater I'm looking at things in a completely different light as the buyer

because what they're looking at when it comes to the cabinetry and then them

backsplash and countertops and all that stuff the flooring that's personal

opinion now I will tell them if we walk into a home you know hey these are like

apartment style cabinets you know they need to be asking in the low into the

range because they've done no updating or you know different things like that

if I'm working with a with the buyer and they're buying a brand new home and it

comes with thirty and six inch cabinets I'm like I don't care what the cost is

you get 42 inch cabinets at least in Tampa you do it's the kiss of death if

you want to get 30 or 36 inch cabinets in Tampa

I'll tell them if they're gonna spend the money anywhere spend it in the

kitchen so I'll just look at it things a little bit different I hope that answers

your question on that subject but I I got a you know on a lot of these I need

to know a little bit more on what you're thinking so anyhow I hope these four

answers to these questions were helpful if you have any questions at all don't

hesitate to leave them in the comments shoot me an email let me know I'm you

know I get a lot of questions coming in so a lot of times it's just easier for

me to knock out a few of them if you like these videos subscribe to my

channel hit the bell you'll get notified if you like this video give me a thumbs

up if you have any again how many questions reply shoot in email I wish

you the best of luck if you're working in the Tampa area looking to buy a home

and the damn Bay Area let me know I would love to help you have a great day


For more infomation >> 4 Great Home Buyer Questions & Home Buying Tips 🎥 - Duration: 9:26.


আপনি কি ভাগ্যের উপর ভরসা করেন || way to Success || Success Motivational Video - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> আপনি কি ভাগ্যের উপর ভরসা করেন || way to Success || Success Motivational Video - Duration: 3:45.


Cospedal carga contra los jueces de Gürtel y acusa de "machismo asqueroso" a Podemos - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Cospedal carga contra los jueces de Gürtel y acusa de "machismo asqueroso" a Podemos - Duration: 3:41.


Quỷ Quyệt : Chìa Khóa Quỷ Dữ ( Insidious: The Last Key ) | Bộ Phim Kinh Dị Hay Nhất 2018 | Full HD - Duration: 1:43:25.

For more infomation >> Quỷ Quyệt : Chìa Khóa Quỷ Dữ ( Insidious: The Last Key ) | Bộ Phim Kinh Dị Hay Nhất 2018 | Full HD - Duration: 1:43:25.


ESTADÍSTICAS TOTAL DE MESSI Actualizada - 29-05-2018 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> ESTADÍSTICAS TOTAL DE MESSI Actualizada - 29-05-2018 - Duration: 2:06.


బ్రెడ్ ఆమ్లెట్|how to make bread omelette|bread omelette in telugu|bread recipes - Duration: 4:55.

please like and share

please subscribe

For more infomation >> బ్రెడ్ ఆమ్లెట్|how to make bread omelette|bread omelette in telugu|bread recipes - Duration: 4:55.


Diy Neodymium Oil Drain Plug. Will it work? English Subtitles - Duration: 1:20.


made a short video

about magnetic oil drain plugs

the ordinary ones have weak ferrite

magnets which doesnt attract

much metal

so i get myself some rare earth

neodymium type magnets

but my main concern is

heat generated by the engine

as far as i know

this type of magnets

start to loose their magnetism

at aroung 80 degreees celcius

they start loosing

their magnetic properties

so basically I wanted to see

if this magnet will survive

in the hot engine oil.

the way to make these are pretty simple

I got myself an ordinary drain plug

drilled it out to the same diameter of the magnet

and then pressed the magnet inside with a bench vise

this is all it to it. and Soon I will publish the reults

ıf you have questions please ask

and if you want to say thanks please subscribe

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Diy Neodymium Oil Drain Plug. Will it work? English Subtitles - Duration: 1:20.


[이달의소녀킼킼 #13] | LOOΠΔKick #13 - HyunJin's animal farm 🐇🐈🐕🕊🐸 - Duration: 0:56.

HaSeul: HyunJin's animal mimicking

HaSeul: First, rabbit

HaSeul: Second, cat

HaSeul: Third, dog

HaSeul: Fourth, bird

HaSeul: HeeJin did it first

HeeJin: Don't you know what bird is?

HaSeul: Your bird just flew up to the sky, right?

HaSeul: Fifth, frog

HyunJin: Again, Again.

HaSeul: oh-ab-bob? lol

HyunJin: Wait!

For more infomation >> [이달의소녀킼킼 #13] | LOOΠΔKick #13 - HyunJin's animal farm 🐇🐈🐕🕊🐸 - Duration: 0:56.


علاج الخلاف ◆ كيف نعالج الخلافات والإختلافات في حياتنا؟ ◆ الدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 19:42.

For more infomation >> علاج الخلاف ◆ كيف نعالج الخلافات والإختلافات في حياتنا؟ ◆ الدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 19:42.


Iglesias impulsará otra moción si Sánchez fracasa: "Cs no puede presentarla; nosotros sí" - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Iglesias impulsará otra moción si Sánchez fracasa: "Cs no puede presentarla; nosotros sí" - Duration: 4:14.


【Eng Subs】ワタシが日本に住む理由 with Billy Matsunaga - Duration: 0:31.

A little girl from a small village comes to Japan

It was the first time on a plane

When I got off the plane the air smelled sour


There wasn't even one handsome guy around

Japan didn't make a good impression on her at all

But she fell in love with kimono

I wanted to become an expert for kimono

and learn even more about it

I'll put 100% of my energy into kimono

Only kimono

For more infomation >> 【Eng Subs】ワタシが日本に住む理由 with Billy Matsunaga - Duration: 0:31.


Το έριξε έξω ο Κώστας Μαρτάκης. - Duration: 1:09.

Ο Μαρτάκης διασκέδασε στον Βέρτη Το έριξε έξω ο Κώστας Μαρτάκης. Ο τραγουδιστής πήγε μαζί με την παρέα του να διασκεδάσει στο Yton όπου και εμφανίζεται ο Νίκος Βέρτης

Απόλαυσε το πρόγραμμα μέχρι τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες, ενώ μάλιστα κάποια στιγμή, πήγε και στα καμαρίνια για να συναντήσει τον Νίκο Βέρτη και να έχει μια σύντομη κουβέντα μαζί του

  Οι δυο τους πόζαραν χαμογελαστοί στον φωτογραφικό φακό. Δείτε τους λίγο πιο κάτω στις φωτογραφίες που ακολουθούν

  Πηγή φωτογραφιών: NDP

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