Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 1 2018

Hey everyone MSK Thapa here!!!!!!!!

This is a reversal video

The song title name is Maps from Maroon 5.

In the official musc video it starts in a hospital....

then he walks into emergency room where his girlfriend lay down on a bed...

in a critical condition.

And then the video goes through all the incident from back to starting!!!!!!!

And I have made from starting to the end .

Hope you all enjoy this video.

Like it!!!!!

comment your thoughts below.....

share this video with your friends,

And don't forget to hit the subscribe button & turn on the bell icon.

Bon voyage!!!!!!!

For more infomation >> MAROON 5 - MAPS REVERSAL MUSIC VIDEO BY MSK THAPA - Duration: 3:15.


beOUTq : la version pirate de beIN sports - Monkey - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> beOUTq : la version pirate de beIN sports - Monkey - Duration: 2:29.


SAGWA, LA CHATTE SIAMOISE - Les couleurs de Sagwa - Duration: 24:31.

For more infomation >> SAGWA, LA CHATTE SIAMOISE - Les couleurs de Sagwa - Duration: 24:31.


Giant ICE CREAM Snickers Bar How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 8:15.

Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and this week we're gonna make a

giant ice cream Snickers bar! So let's start by studying a little one. Obviously

it has chocolate on the outside we can see that and if you cut into it we can

see there we've got ice cream down the bottom and peanuts and caramel up the

top. Just let me dissect this into all the pieces so we can taste each

component on its own. The ice cream is slightly off-white and it does taste

like vanilla ice cream but it has a very slight nutty taste to it. I'm not sure if

that's actually from the ice cream or if it's just from the fact that it's been

sitting next to the peanuts in the bar but I think we can get away with just

using vanilla ice cream because my ice cream bowl will only make one litre at a

time and we're gonna need way more than that for this. The chocolate itself is a

milk chocolate ... it's probably also had a lot of extra fat added to it just to

make it easier to get that thin coat when you're pouring it over ice cream.

But with our big one we can get away with a slightly thicker coat so we're just

gonna use straight normal delicious milk chocolate. Now the bit I am really

interested in is the caramel ... once it is frozen it is quite thick but now you can

see when it's defrosted it's of course softer. It's definitely salted in flavour

so we're gonna have to add some salt in there too. Now I don't have a container

that's the right size so I'm going to use a cardboard box. For this length it

will be the right height but this is a little bit wider than it should be if we

were making it in proportion but I don't think anyone's gonna care if they get a

little bit of extra ice cream Snickers 😁 So I'm just gonna line that with some

non-stick baking paper and we're ready to start. Tip your ice cream out of the

container and cut big chunks out of it and add that into your box. Make sure you

fill up little gaps and then smooth off the top and then of course that's got to

go back in the freezer or it will melt. For the yummy caramel part we're gonna need

peanuts obviously glucose syrup sugar milk and cream and I'll put all these

recipe quantities on the

website for you in grams and ounces and cups and there's a link to

that below. Add the cream milk and the glucose syrup into the pan with the

sugar. Once you've got all of that in you wanna heat it over high heat. Now I like

to stir it at first just to make sure all the sugar is dissolved and then you

want to wash down the sides of the pan using a wet pastry brush ... this just gets

off any little sugar crystals that might have splashed up onto the sides and if

you don't get them off it can make it crystallize out at the end so instead of

having a nice smooth caramel you end up with like a fudge which is definitely

not what we want. Add a candy thermometer and make sure it's not touching the

bottom of the pan and let that boil unstirred until it reaches about a

hundred and ten degrees (celcius). You can take it off the heat at 105 if you want a softer

caramel but I want mine a little bit chewy.

remove it from the heat and add in those peanuts and stir those through. That

caramel color looks a little bit pale compared to what was in the actual

Snickers so I'm gonna add a little bit of brown food coloring to make it look a

bit deeper. Then stick the whole pan in a sink of cold water to cool it down

quickly. It looks like a big pot of baked beans at the moment! If you want to test

the consistency of your caramel you can put some of it into a bowl and then

freeze it to see how thick it will be ... if it's too thick you can just stir in

some extra cream at this stage. Mine is quite firm when it's frozen but I quite

like that texture so I'm gonna leave it just like that. If you want it like it is

in the bars add a little bit more cream to that or only heat it to 105. Once it's

cooled to room temperature you can spoon that over the ice cream ... yum 💕 Look at all

that caramel and peanuts mmm. Have I ever told you about the time when I was a

teenager and I went out for a run and when I came home I remember saying to my

mum it feels like I've been stung by a bee in the back of my throat. Now

obviously I hadn't because I would have known if I'd swallowed a bee but that's

what it felt like and mum said oh go have a

lie down and so I did and a little while later I came out and I just had blotches

all over me like red blotches! My whole head was swelling my tongue was so

swollen that I couldn't talk properly and I was finding it hard to breathe and

they rushed me down to hospital and obviously I was having an anaphylactic

reaction to something but they didn't know what it was and the same thing

happened several times over the next few years and to cut a long story short

after seeing many doctors and specialists who had no idea what was

going on I eventually saw a top immunologist who

told me I had food-dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis! Quite a mouthful there.

What that means is basically you need a trigger food which for me is

peanuts plus exercise and then you'll get the anaphylactic reaction. So if you

don't have the food and you exercise you're fine ... if you have the food and you

don't exercise you're fine ... but if you have those two together then you're

going to not be able to breathe and need to go to a hospital. So for me if I eat

some of these Snickers I won't be able to exercise for the next 24 hours so

that's my excuse 😜 If any of you have weird allergies and you're incredibly

rare person too which just means it's going to take ages to get diagnosed

properly tell me about it in the comments I'd like to hear about it and

commiserate with you. Put that back in the freezer for at least a few hours

then spread out some chocolate. I'm not bothering to temper this because it's

going to go in the freezer so we don't need to and then put that big slab of

ice cream and caramel on top. Use a spatula to quickly spread the chocolate

up the sides all the way up as far as you can. Now this is going to set really

quickly obviously because of the cold ice cream so you need to work fairly

fast and just keep spreading that up. Once all the sides are done pour more

chocolate on top and spread it out all over and then you'll need to of course

put this back in the freezer so that your ice cream stays frozen and doesn't

start to melt. Now it's time to wrap it up put it on some cellophane. Far out

that's heavy! I can't get my fingers out!

Got it okay now wrap the cellophane around first. I'm using cellophane

because I don't want the ice cream drips on the paper to make it go soggy once we

start cutting it, so I thought I'll put the plastic on first. Once you've done

that layer then we'll wrap around some wrapping paper and tape it into place.

put some glue inside each end and squash the ends together so that it looks like

the end of a chocolate bar wrapper then print a label and use some glue to stick

it on top. Make sure you put ice cream bar so people know to store it in the

freezer and then cut a zig-zag pattern out of each end and there you have a

giant Snickers ice cream bar! That wasn't too hard to make in the end and it looks

pretty impressive and it weighs a whopping 8.7 kilograms or

19 pounds so it's definitely one that you would want to share! Let's check what

that looks like on the inside...

Subscribe to HowToCookThat for more cakes, chocolates and desserts. Click here

for more GIANT things, here for more minis and here for gadgets. Make it a

great week and I'll see you on Friday.

For more infomation >> Giant ICE CREAM Snickers Bar How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 8:15.




son's people's uncle is a legislator but my brother is a legislator

calling her aunt is a legislator and its aunt is also MLA

wait i will call him..

yes brother hello where are you...

brother brother is this guys


brother carrot halwa your brother's flame, even if you don not have a name in the name of the name,why is it still the reason why the MLA

the brothers escaped because of you

come this side for a second

it is so many people have come to pay petrol money and nothing should be

will You Give me?


transfer to my bank..

alright come come.



Le message - DANS UN LIVRE - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Le message - DANS UN LIVRE - Duration: 0:52.


6月1號,必然翻身的幾大生肖 - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> 6月1號,必然翻身的幾大生肖 - Duration: 8:39.


【Kman】實測!五百元挑戰創傷店!能夾多少?#338 - Duration: 16:04.

For more infomation >> 【Kman】實測!五百元挑戰創傷店!能夾多少?#338 - Duration: 16:04.


How to switch between YouTube accounts in VSDC Free Video Editor - Duration: 0:44.

Open 'YouTube Uploader'

Delete everything in the 'User name' field

Click 'Relogin'

A browser'll open automatically and offer you to log into your Google account

Select a needed account

For more infomation >> How to switch between YouTube accounts in VSDC Free Video Editor - Duration: 0:44.


5 choses à savoir sur TOKYO! - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 5 choses à savoir sur TOKYO! - Duration: 2:17.


JACK - Comment font les chauves-souris? - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> JACK - Comment font les chauves-souris? - Duration: 11:01.


Much progress made with North Korea, but more work remains: Pompeo - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Much progress made with North Korea, but more work remains: Pompeo - Duration: 3:00.


Make Youtube Channel Art In Only 2 Minutes (2018) – Full Tutorial in Hindi - Duration: 9:10.


For more infomation >> Make Youtube Channel Art In Only 2 Minutes (2018) – Full Tutorial in Hindi - Duration: 9:10.


Shia Scholar: Allah Created 14 Gods (CC) - Duration: 1:49.

Although Christians suffer from ghulu (exaggeration) by believing in the trinity,

eg God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Some Shias have surpassed Christians by becoming 14-itarians (14 dieties).

Allah created 14 gods similar to Himself.

There is only one difference between Allah and the 14,

that they aren't Allah.

They are the creation of Allah,

since Allah created them.

'Illah Hussain bin Ali' means the elm (knowledge) of Allah,

Hussain (ra) and knowledge (of Allah).

'Hussain bin Ali' means all the divine/godly

knowledge, power, dominion, and welayat (successorship)

which runs in the system of creation.

For more infomation >> Shia Scholar: Allah Created 14 Gods (CC) - Duration: 1:49.


MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.


Мультики машинки гонки крутые игры детские игры для мальчиков Car X Highway Racing - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Мультики машинки гонки крутые игры детские игры для мальчиков Car X Highway Racing - Duration: 7:39.


Preparation for second round of ex-Pres. Park Geun-hye's corruption trial begins - Duration: 0:45.

Back here in the nation, prosecutors challenged a court ruling against Park Geun-hye.

They believe she should be convicted of additional corruption charges.

The Seoul High Court on Friday held the first preparatory session for an appeal trial on

the impeached leader, two months after a lower court handed her a 24-year prison term and

a fine of 16 million U.S. dollars.

The prosecution refuted the court's ruling that acquitted Park of bribery charges related

to Samsung Group.

It also said the funds provided to the now defunct Korea Winter Sports Elite Center,

as well as the Mir and K-Sports Foundations should have been counted as kick-backs.

The ex-president has not filed an appeal against the first ruling, but was represented by her

attorneys at the session.

The trial resumes next Friday.

For more infomation >> Preparation for second round of ex-Pres. Park Geun-hye's corruption trial begins - Duration: 0:45.


BANDAI Scramble Egg Hurrier GR-3 Review FR - Duration: 2:53.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Your captain Monsieur Toys speaking

Welcome on board of this

Hurrier GR-3

This plane was created in 1984 by BANDAI

in the Scramble Egg toy line.

Scramble Egg means in french "Oeuf brouillé"

this funny little guy is part of Egg planes

who are Super Deformed fighter jets and aircrafts

You noticed that they are egg-shaped.

This one is an exception because

most of the Egg planes

are plastic model kits to build.

This one is different

as it is a convertible toy

with die-cast metal parts

who turns into a robot.

There were three in the beginning of the 80's

in 1984 exactly.

Here it's the Hurrier GR-3

the best looking in both modes

in my opinion.

also the F16 Eagle

and the F16 Fighting Falcon

These toys are quite rare

Mine is loose

it has some pieces missing

that i will show you

I finally find it

I win the auction on ebay for about 30€

I'm super happy with it

It's a great toy to have

if your an 80's robots collectors.

It's a really pleasure for me to have it on mine.

I am not disappointed at all

Obviously the reason why i haven't paid much for it

It's because of the missing pieces.

Mint in box it cost around 150 to 250$.

The reactor/leg joint is loose here

Here the axle of the wheel is missing

I stille have the wheel but not the axle.

So obvously it falls.

It has two pairs of missiles missing too.

I have them !

Besides that it can transform pretty well

and it gives you an idea

of what the toy looks like

Here are the arms hidden on the sides

Tiny pilot here

These are the eyes of the robot

So the cockpit is in the head.

Here is the robot mode !

quite nice

Tell me what you think about it guys

If you find the 2 others...

I'm interested !

Do not hesitate to contact me

or keep them to yourself

you would be right.

Tha was a short review by Monsieur Toys

See next time

Bye !

Thanks for watching

Dont' forget to subscribe !

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