Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 28 2018

Whats up guys, after a long time without uploading anything I'm finally doing one.

Sorry about that. Last video I uploaded was about the Challenge Spoiler.

A lot of people commented on that video, telling me to wrap the hole roof black, im still deciding on that, but i think i will

And for todays video, even though I took a long time to film this its finally here.

Im installing a cold air intake!

The intake usually is one of the first mods you do to a car.

It goes intake, downpipe (exhaust) and then a tune.

I did all this in a different order

So its a bit strange, but thats what it is, so lets get started!

The intake im going to br installing today is for a Brazilian company which is called HoxHeim.

Its a more optimized version of the K&N intake

And its the best bang for buck there is.

Its very simple, comes with this box

that substitutes the original one

You'll remove this one, and place the new one here

It seals using this rubber part that meets the hood

You choose what filter you want to use

You can pick a K&N or any other brand to use

And you also choose the color

This aluminum part can be in several colors like: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Black...

Same goes for the K&N filters, you can choose between Red, Blue and silver

This is a part you use to adapt the MAF sensor

Goes right here

Its super easy and takes less than 15 minutes to complete

These are all the tools you'll need for this installation

First thing is, getting rid of the original air intake

You just need to loosen these two screws and it'll come off

next I'll unscrew this then the MAF sensor and finally the bolt thats actually holding the box

After unscrewing all these things you just need to pull out the box and place the new one in

After removing all the bolts, just pull the box upwards.

The whole box comes off, its fixed in place using these two pins underneath

Now installing the new intake

First thing is screwing back the bolt that was holding the box

This bolt won't be used for this intake

Because you removed the support you'll need a new one

So remove this bolt, which is where you'll screw the intake

This part bolts into the hole

Intake box installed and fixed into position.

Now we just need the extension for the MAF sensor and the filter

HoxHeim Intake installed

If you have any questions you can shoot me a DM in Instagram because I usually answer faster

It grabs air from this original intake goes through the filter and into the engine.

This rubber seals off the box from hot air when it meets up with the hood

Some of the optimizations over the K&N filter are the duct entrance and filter position

if you've seen the K&N intake, it has a huge hole for the duct to go through because its sideways

But that means a lot of hot air coming from the engine gets sucked back into the intake

The diagonal position is also better because this filter can suck air through the side and front, instead of only the side in the K&N Intake.

Now lets go out for a spin to hear the diference

Microphone inside engine bay*

Thats why I choose the HoxHeim intake. Its the best bang for buck and it has all these upgrades over the K&N

The link for their Instagram is going to be on the description below where you can order one for yourself

Now for the million dollar question...

Do you make more power after installing a cold air intake?

i think thats the wrong question, I believe it depends on the car the intake and the amount of upgrades your car has

My short answer is no, I don't think you make more power

But for me an intake is more than just power, like you saw on the clips before

Let me do a little pull

Im not sure if you can hear that, but its a lot of fun!

For me thats enough to make it worth it

So if i make more power thats an added bonus

Maybe later ill make a video explaining how it works and why would it make or not make any more power

Thats it for today, i hope you guys liked the video

If you did, hit the like and subscribe button

And until the next one!

Comment below if you used CC, so I can know if I should keep doing them. Thanks ;)

For more infomation >> Installing an Intake - Mini Cooper S F56 - Duration: 9:05.


Insane Genji Blade 12 Kills In ONE MINUTE! - Overwatch Stream Moments - Duration: 8:48.

Overwatch Stream Highlights

For more infomation >> Insane Genji Blade 12 Kills In ONE MINUTE! - Overwatch Stream Moments - Duration: 8:48.


【新英雄即將登場】《鬥陣特攻》出生來歷-火爆鋼球 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 【新英雄即將登場】《鬥陣特攻》出生來歷-火爆鋼球 - Duration: 1:26.


#27 - LA MIA PRIMA CERETTA - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> #27 - LA MIA PRIMA CERETTA - Duration: 10:19.


DIY Home Photo Studio Setup - Duration: 12:55.

This is Melvin see Melvin learn how to set up a studio in his home

See Melvin how to light. See Melvin learn how to make money in photography next on the slanted lens

All right, so Melvin this is the room. -

Yes it is -

So tell me what your vision is

What do you want to do? You have some thoughts?

This is a my media room in my home and I want to create a studio

Where I can do my pictures where I don't have to go out and rent a studio. Basically.

Perfect. Okay


Let me tell you my first kind of initial thoughts looking at it here

The bevels of the ceiling are gonna cause a little bit of a problem for us

but I don't think a huge one the fact that they're beveled won't bother you is for your soft boxes and things because if you

Push the static round against the wall. It's not gonna bump into that bevel. Its boxes are gonna stick out in front of it

Just enough. I think okay might be a little bit of a problem

You may want to favor this side

As far as lighting but you don't want to be tied in to always having to put your softbox on the same side

Okay, I think you can do both sides. First thing I would do here is I would paint the two side walls white

Okay reason being is that now those become you've got a little bit of a color here?

It's got that warmish tone

Which is what light bouncing on that warmer stone is going to give a little bit of warmth from that reflection

Okay, so let's just get rid of that by paying these white

Should I paint a coffee or a flat definitely flat what I flat like a okay?

Now that will become a nice kind of flat reflector

So if I set a box up on the side, we're like a figure here

Well, that's gonna bounce off the white bounce in back to the person. Okay?

Now that could be good or bad because sometimes it's just too much

Bounce, you know and then the ratios are just too it's like 1 2 1 it's like just over lit. Mmm

So we're gonna put a white a black curtain upon each wall

Okay, so that now gives you the option if you put your light up here

You can now draw those curtains back get a little bit of bounce off that white


What's nice about that in a smaller room like this is you don't have to set up a reflector always on this side you can

Use the wall as that reflector or you can do that either side - yeah either side so you can switch it to either side

You want to I wouldn't paint the back wall

Leave with that warm tone. You're gonna be putting C Lass's in front of it

Anyway, you might want to roll to seal this up

But just Julius, you know, who knows the last thing you want to talk about is the floor, okay?

It's hard. If you're gonna do a full full-body shot to have carpet because when you walk down the Seine listen

Just it crunches the seamless. It just doesn't really work, right

I think the best thing what I would do is I would just lay get three sheets of plywood down

4x8 plywood because this way this room is 13 by

11 perf width wise so we got 12 12 foot 8 foot back

Which is perfect to be able to roll your seamless out on it

Okay, and now you can you put your just lay them down tape them

You can roll your seamless out in this perfect. Okay. Have you seen you start filming on eat?

My scenes come out further then just pull them forward a little bit. Oh, okay. Now you've got a nice pace for your floor

And remember on when you shoot something like this is something really important

Those you have your your angle of view your photography or your camera's angle of view

And that's really controlled by the background

Okay, so that angle of view goes out it goes in this like a funnel back to the camera

Okay, so you're gonna see the entire background?

But now you don't see anything in these triangular corners right and left. That's where your lights go

Curtains curtains everything like that

So you're really from the cameras point of view if I camera reason right here to a camera it sees out like this we see

Our background so all these areas on the side. So you're not gonna use that much of this plywood up front

It's mostly good it just mean but you can put your stands on it and it'll work out nice

You can roll your seamless out on it. Okay?

The room is a little shallow for a full body without having to be on a pretty wide lens

Okay, but the one thing that we do have a door here and with that door we could do this

I can set it you stand there. Mm-hmm. I can move myself

So if I'm trying to get a full body on you, I'm not gonna get it here

I'm gonna have to step out this door about five or six feet out of the door

And then at that point I can get the full body. Yeah

Okay, add another ten feet. Okay easily another 10 feet

I just stepped out the door to the camera right side here. You can easily add another 10 feet in that view


and have your mama just work off to this side like from that side into your white or black here and

You can start using that run there. Okay, maybe your wife wouldn't mind if you just knock that door. I?

Made a little adjustment there

So I've been in Houston for a few days now and where I'm not gonna say exactly where we're at

But I've got a little sticker to put on my case and I'm gonna roll this case down the staircase here

We're gonna launch it into space for say that's really saying where we're at

But we're gonna put on our case right here little sq. Feet case a little sticker

action there

Yeah like that baby now, let's throw this inside

And I'm gonna keep it rolling and I'm gonna roll this down the stairs

Still rolling without any problem there if I get myself focused here we'll be in good shape and then

There we go

Still working still working absolutely fine and looking good SKB case

ready to rock and roll

now I'm not saying we're today but

That's maybe where we were

Okay, so we just got back here this morning and

You've been busy. Yeah, I just kind of tidied up things. I put the curtains up

Put the clamps on to make sure we got the elbows for the yep. So, yes, the one thing we talked about

This morning was because of this of the space and the the tightness of the space here. I would put a plate up there

In this corner, and I would put a 3/8 inch

On it a 3/8 inch plate you can buy them on

Amazon gonna be an H you know and

Just shoot into the wall

And there's just a place you can put a light in each one of the corners so you can put your rim light

From behind and you can hang it up in the in the ceiling the upside of that is a saves you space

Right the downside of that is it's always in the same place

And that that limits what you're doing a lot, okay

So using a stand that corner just gives you the ability to move it and to adjust it and do different things with it

well, the nice thing in the next step for you is

If you start to use continuous lighting and LEDs or something like that guys

Then you get you see exactly what its gonna do. Okay, and it makes it a lot easier to understand where lights go

Okay, where's when you start using flashes?

Flashes, you don't see it unless you take a picture you see in the camera, correct?

Well, we can start with we use my LED. I've got an incredible LED here

Okay, maybe down and get a shot of it, but it's the Intelli tech and it's called there a light cloth

But that's an expensive light for you for what you're starting out with. Okay, you'd be better off to

Just for the very first thing you get

The lights that we talked about in less than I did on setting up a home studio that we got from Lowe's

Okay and check out all those lights are just an easy. There's a one there

It's kind of a round bowl and it's a softbox basically really as you like

But check that let's now that'll give you some pointers on that. Okay, but for today's let's set up with your strobe

Let's let's make your strobe work

All right, and then as soon as we get a quick shot here

We're gonna do a quick shot something very moody

Then as soon as we get that shot, then we're going to just sit for two seconds

So I'm gonna tell him what I think he needs to do to

start his photo business cuz there's a couple of steps and he's doing

To start to make this a commercial venture for him. We'll talk about that real quick

We'll get a couple stools and just wrap it up on that. So, alright, let's get it. Let's get a shot

So let's get a stool here and let's get your light in here and let's go to town. Okay

So here we have it we've set Melvin's studio up for him we've got curtains on the side

Yeah, the place put seamless is in the back. He's bringing flooring in gonna do some painting

You're gonna do some video for us right as soon as this is all done

Yes, just some panning videos and just show us what's done here

And then I want you to do a shoot in here take a picture of your wife or something

Just do a shoot that when we're gone and send us some of those pictures

All right, one of the pictures I did at me as well

We're gonna show this okay as part of the lesson, so I went to how to set up the studio

We've gone through just some simple lighting techniques using a very small


Speed light by a single light with a reflector

So you can really work in the space and do a lot of interesting things in this space. Just that that one light

Shouldn't be a lot of fun. But now I'm gonna give you a little bit advice

All right about you said it would be great if you could make this in to a living and make money on it

Yeah, there's one simple thing you have to do

actually, I'm gonna say too but we'll start off with number one is I want you to think about

What is it out there in the world that people do?

That is interesting to you

So find something that you are interested in photographing

That people are going to pay for that's headshots senior portraits

Portraits of babies portraits of animals animals kit animals is a great one

I mean find something like that you really like

Okay and start focusing on that and make that your Instagram feed and shoot a hundred of them

I I want you right now in this space. You should shoot a person a day at least, okay

I mean you have the space you've got the equipment and you'll just keep learning just do one a day one a day and

Try to make them look really interesting and fun and and just really nice images

They're just these little niche markets that give you a reason to exist and start instagramming those get them up

Shoot one a day and pull one up on Instagram a day becomes your beginning point and you're you're kind of you're launched

Okay, people look at that and they'll either go man. He doesn't know that much or they'll go

You know what? I love what this guys doing? Okay, that person's gonna reach out to you and go

Hey, I love what you're doing when you take a picture of me. Well, sir, our next phase is

You start taking pictures of people who are reaching out to you

Then the so the first phase is you reach out to people try to get people then you try to find people

if people that are following your Instagram reach out to them when you see people that look really

Interesting to photograph reach out to them say hey, I'd love to do a shoot with you here and Cyprus outside of Houston

But have you come and do a shoot with you?

Okay, you know and so you start shooting with them and then the last stage is you start charging people. Maybe it's

$75 for a set of images. Maybe it's you know, you get that up to 150

You know 250 first seven and then he's you know

A head shot people should be charging $1,200 for a setting, you know when you really get to where you're supposed to be


so anyway

I hope you learned some things in there today about how to set up your studio how to do some simple one

kind of light setups to start shooting and then just some tips on getting out there and starting to create your own brand and get

People to follow you to be able to create your own world doing photography

This can be a part-time thing you do

It can be a fault that work into a full-time thing can just be a hobby thing

It really depends on what you want to do with it

But remember that principle find somebody who's gonna pay you to shoot what you are shooting. So keep those cameras rollin keep on clickin

Here the slanted lanes were really big on business so get over to the slender luscom and buy our business downloads

It's 16 segments that will help you shape your business. Plus it comes with a group call in once a month with me

Where you can ask all your questions, so get over to the salon lens calm today

The studio is all complete and all systems are go but first I'd like to say a very special

Thank you to JP Morgan from the slanted lens for helping me put this studio together Thank You JP

For more infomation >> DIY Home Photo Studio Setup - Duration: 12:55.


Nightcore - Unbreakable (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:29.

This video contains lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Unbreakable (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:29.


Endometriosis Feels Like Being Punched Up The Vagina With Sharp Knives | Body Language - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Endometriosis Feels Like Being Punched Up The Vagina With Sharp Knives | Body Language - Duration: 3:27.



Now say it "Olá Pessoas"

This is what happens when a spanish tries to speak portuguese

Sex toys

Some men don't have any problem with that

and they think that is a good idea

to get out of the routine, innovate,

do something different...

But others run away from that like the devil runs from the cross

There's a lot of different sex toys

that can be used individually or in couple.

The common ones such as

vibrators, dildos, rings, lub,

stop looking at me

handcuffs, blindfold and others

if it is some handcuffs, blindfold, ring,

something that can be used as a couple

maybe they'll be more into it

but a vibrator or a dildo


And why?

Because they are jealous

because they think they are going to be replaced

or they think they're not going to be as good as the toy

Sweeties, don't compare yourselves to a toy!

It's exactly that: a toy!

It will be the same as we compare ourselves to a inflatable doll

"no, you're not going to use that

because I'm jealous that I might be replaced"

for a inflatable doll...

And the fact that women wants to use sex toys

has nothing to do with your performance

Don't think that you're bad in bed just because she wants to use a vibrator

maybe she wants something new

or she can have difficulties in having an orgasm

she needs to me bore stimulated

and in this case the vibrator would do that

because the vibrator goes in a speed that men can't

Guys, don't worry

if you have to be replaced is not going to be for a vibrator

it will be for another man

we are never replacing a man for a toy

we need the touch, we need "that thing"

and the vibrator won't give us that

don't worry about that

I asked "why are you jealous of a toy"?

"What's the problem in using a vibrator"?

They said: "It's something you can use all day

If you want it, it's there

it won't get tired, you just have to change the battery

basically, it just stop when woman want it to stop

it won't happen us telling them "don't stop" but they have to stop

and he stops because he's tired

And we also have the size issue

the size of a few toys can be very intimidating

and that we can understand their problem with it

because if a woman wants to use something bigger or larger

than his penis, it's normal that he feels jealous

In my opinion

every woman should have a toy

or two

I have two toys

John Alexander and Salvador

yap, I gave him names

I bought one because well... a girl has needs

And the other my colleagues offered my on my bday

Women should have vibrators or dildos because

it's a way for them to get to know themselves better

they can understand better what they like

if they like slower or faster

they can even practice

like something you saw on a movie and you want to try to do the same

try it with your dildo first

try it, use your imagination

and when you try with your partner, you won't look so clumsy

you'll know what to do

So, every woman should have one

Every woman should use vibrators

so they get to know themselves better

and very important, communication with your partner

you can say it, do it like this because I like this way

Really important thing:

if you want to use a vibrator with your partner

talk with him first

like I said, for some men can be ok

they might be the ones to suggest it

but most of them won't like the idea

So talk first

and present good reasons

to take a third element to your relationship

if your boyfriend is not open minded

don't take a toy to your sex life out of nowhere

that can cause you some troubles and it's not worth it

Boys, once again, don't be jealous

don't think that you're going to be replaced

don't think that the vibrator is better than you

The fact that we want to use a toy during sex

doesn't mean that you are bad at it

Maybe we only want to try something new

or we need a different stimulation

but it doesn't mean that you're bad

don't forget that

and that's it

If you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe

For more infomation >> SEX TOYS | BRINQUEDOS SEXUAIS - Duration: 4:56.


The Vamp Stamp Founder Veronica Lorenz Talks Inclusive Beauty | This Week in Beauty 6/28 - Duration: 5:29.

- [Veronica] I just want to make beauty accessible.

(upbeat music)

- Hey guys, I'm Roxette Arisa,

and you are watching This Week in Beauty with Ipsy.

So today we are hearing from beauty boss Veronica Lorenz.

She's a makeup artist and also the co-creater

of the beautyblender that we all know and love.

But when a tumor caused her to lose mobility in her hands,

she actually began a crusade to make beauty

more accessible than ever, let's take a look.

- Hi, my name is Veronica Lorenz,

and I am the founder of the Vamp Stamp.

(piano music)

My love of makeup started when I was,

actually, a little girl.

I took a lot of art classes and I remember being bored

at night and I would do one side of my face one way

and one side the other way and I'd be like

"Mom, which one do you like better,"

and she'd be like, "They both make you look too old."

Makeup was definitely a form of self-expression.

I just want to make beauty accessible,

and sometimes you don't have to go high-tech.

You can start really bringing things back down

to simplicity, like just a plain old rubber stamp.

The Vamp Stamp came from my need to be able

to still do eyeliner after my illness.

So when you're given lemons, you know, you make lemonade.

My illness sucks.

It started pretty early on, and because of the type

of tumor I had, it would fluctuate.

It would move, so it was inside my spinal cord sort

of moving around, and they call it fluctuating symptoms.

So they had a hard time diagnosing me.

Think I was misdiagnosed for about eight years,

until it got really bad where I was having

a hard time running across a street

because the signal wasn't getting

down to my legs and so I was like

(grunting sounds)

like, it was weird.

And they went, "Oh yes, you have a big tumor

inside your spinal cord," and I was like,

"Thank God they found something!"

Everyone was telling me I was crazy.

After my first surgery I lost the feeling

in my right arm and hand, and I was right-handed,

and so I taught myself to be left-handed.

I went to makeup school as a left-handed person,

and you know, it's amazing how well your body adapts.

And every time I got treated, you know

you get more and more weak, and I could

sort of see the writing on the wall happening with,

you know, getting weaker in my hands, losing ability.

It was scary, no doubt about it,

because it was starting to affect now,

not just my right hand, but also my left hand.

And that's when I started to panic.

And yeah, the fear kinda set in.

I had my husband help me cut like the eyeliner shape,

and glued it to a pencil, and I got some ink

from the art store and Voila, it worked.

I was like "Oh my god it worked!"

I love this product because not everyone

can do eyeliner the same way.

(piano music)

I never sort of set out to make a beauty tool.

I created my first sponge in makeup school.

I took special effects class, and they,

and you use these orange stipple sponges

and all makeup artists cut them into their own shape,

whatever shape works for them.

And in class I cut mine into a teardrop shape.

My teacher said, "You get an A for sponge cutting,"

and I thought he was being very facetious and kinda mean,

but, as it turns out, not so much.

He was right.

And then hence, beautyblender was invented.

It was kind of surreal to be honest.

It was just sort of like my little sponge.

(piano music)

It's very important to feel good about yourself

and how you look and you know have that self-confidence

and you know makeup gives that to women or men too.

So I feel great that I can empower other women

to be able to accomplish difficult makeup tasks

in a non-difficult way because I've been there.

I mean, not everyone is, you know,

a Rembrandt or what have you, so...

And makeup is, you know, it takes a lot

of talent to do really well.

Doesn't matter how you look, it's how you feel,

and so if you feel good, you'll look good.

I don't regret getting sick or anything,

'cause I've learned a lot, and I wouldn't be

where I am today if it weren't for it.

(piano music)

- Thank you so much Veronica for letting us hear your story.

It's so amazing to hear about your journey,

so let us know in the comment section, what have you done

to turn lemons into lemonade in your life?

Tune in tomorrow to hear from Ipsy

in-house creator Micaela Klein.

You may know her as micaelakbeauty,

but she has a very exciting project

that she's ready to share with us.

So thank you so much for watching

This Week in Beauty with Ipsy,

I'm Roxette Arisa, and we will see you tomorrow.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> The Vamp Stamp Founder Veronica Lorenz Talks Inclusive Beauty | This Week in Beauty 6/28 - Duration: 5:29.


The Sojourn: Drift and Drift Gates - Avalon Archives - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> The Sojourn: Drift and Drift Gates - Avalon Archives - Duration: 7:04.


The Disease That Makes People Dance to Death - Duration: 5:32.

How will you die?

No one knows, but it's a chapter in our lives we will all reach someday.

It could be from an illness, an accident, or if you're fortunate enough, you might

pass away peacefully in your sleep, when you're old and ready to.

But what about something completely different?

An unconventional death that's out of the norm.

That's what we'll be exploring today, in this episode of The Infographics Show:

Death by Dancing.

In July 1518, the residents of the city of Strasbourg, which at that time was part of

the Holy Roman Empire, were struck by a sudden, uncontrollable urge to dance.

The whole episode started when a lady known as Frau Troffea went into the street and began

to shake her stuff.

She kept up her silent solo dancing routine for nearly a week, and as she continued to

dance, her moves became infectious, with other people soon joining in.

At the end of the first week, 34 others were jigging along by Troffea's side, and it

was clear the dancing was not going to stop.

The numbers quickly grew, and within a month, the dancing epidemic had claimed 400 new individuals,

twisting, turning, hopping, and leaping on the Strasbourg streets.

Local physicians were baffled, but they somehow came to the conclusion that the phenomenon

must be due to a condition known as hot blood, and their remedy to fix this fever was more


Those infected needed to shake the illness away.

So a stage was constructed, professional dancers were brought in, and the town hired a band

to provide backing music.

But the rigorous dancing routine did nothing to cool the residents' blood, and instead

had the opposite effect.

Many of the dancers collapsed from exhaustion, and some even died from stroke or heart attacks.

This bizarre episode carried on into September, meaning some had danced their socks off for

a full two months!

Eventually the dancers were taken away to a mountaintop shrine to pray for absolution.

It seemed only God could fix this crazy dancing disorder.

The Strasbourg dancing plague might sound like an imaginary tale, but it's well documented

in 16th century historical records, and surprisingly, it's not the only case of this strange epidemic.

Similar incidents took place in Germany and Switzerland, but nothing near the scale of

the case at Strasbourg in 1518.

What could have led the people of Strasbourg to dance themselves to death?

According to historian and Michigan State University professor, John Waller, who authored

a paper on the topic, the explanation is most likely connected to St. Vitus.

St Vitus was a Catholic saint, who 16th century Europeans believed had the power to curse

people with this dancing plague.

But it was not just the curse of the saint that set the town to jiggle; disease and famine

were both prevalent in Strasbourg at the time, and the heightened anxiety of the sick individuals

may have triggered the superstitious belief of the saint's curse.

In Waller's book A Time to Dance, A Time to Die: The Extraordinary Story of the Dancing

Plague of 1518, he says: "That the event took place, is undisputed."

Waller explained that historical records documenting the deaths from the plague, such as cathedral

sermons, physician notes, local and regional chronicles, and even notes issued by the Strasbourg

city council are all "unambiguous on the fact that the victims danced.

These people were not just trembling, shaking or convulsing; although they were entranced,

their arms and legs were moving as if they were purposefully dancing," he said.

Another theory suggests that the community of dancers might have ingested ergot, a toxic

fungus that grows on damp rye and causes spasms and hallucinations.

The same substance used to manufacture the psychedelic drug, LSD.

Waller's theory seems believable, but then how could people dance for days when disease

and famine had engulfed the town?

Where did they get their energy from?

Sociologist Robert Bartholomew from Australia's James Cook University proposed a different

theory, that the dancers were performing an ecstatic ritual of a religious sect, but Waller

responded, "there is no evidence that the dancers wanted to dance."

So maybe Waller was right.

The death dance was a phenomenon known as "mass psychogenic illness," a form of mass

hysteria usually preceded by intolerable levels of psychological distress, that caused the

dancing epidemic.

After all, according to Wikipedia, 7 other cases of the dancing plague were reported

in the same region during the medieval era, and one in Madagascar in 1840.

And there were also other strange plagues which back up the psychological elements of

Waller's idea, including a laughing epidemic that went on for 18 months in Tanzania.

So, death by the dancing disease, a curse from a cruel saint, or people tripping out

on LSD?

We may never know the truth, but dancing to your deathbed may not be the worst way

to say goodbye.

Can you think of any other diseases that make people behave in bizarre ways?

Let us know in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What Happens When You Die?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> The Disease That Makes People Dance to Death - Duration: 5:32.


Message des devs : présentation de Bouldozer (VOST) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Message des devs : présentation de Bouldozer (VOST) - Duration: 6:31.


Dagli sviluppatori | Ecco a voi Wrecking Ball | Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Dagli sviluppatori | Ecco a voi Wrecking Ball | Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 6:31.


En desarrollo | Presentamos a Wrecking Ball (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> En desarrollo | Presentamos a Wrecking Ball (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 6:31.


Wiadomość od twórców | Przedstawiamy Burzyciela | Overwatch (PL) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Wiadomość od twórców | Przedstawiamy Burzyciela | Overwatch (PL) - Duration: 6:31.


Wir stellen vor: Wrecking Ball | Entwicklerupdate (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Wir stellen vor: Wrecking Ball | Entwicklerupdate (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 6:31.


Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo Review: Character Creation (Recreated with Photoshop) - Duration: 11:47.

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

I am your host the Madqueen

On today's menu we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 video for you, and today, we're going

to review the character creation that we saw in the privately showed demo this E3

Before I go on, a warning: in exception of the images that are directly extracted from

the Cyberpunk 2020 sourcebook and, obviously, the trailer, no other image is official, I

recreated the character creation with Photoshop using the notes I took during the presentation

of the demo, so it may have some inaccuracies, I apologize for them in advance

The first thing to note about the character creation process is that it has the aspect

of a character sheet of the original pen and paper roleplaying game

It also has some peculiarities that are characteristic of Cyberpunk 2020 that we will describe later

Apart from that, we also know that during this character creation process we won't

be able to choose the class from one of the three playable character classes, that are

the Solo, the Netrunner and the Techie, depending on the decisions that we take during the game,

the gameplay itself is going to take us to a specific class

So, again, no choosing

Which is great because this way people that are not used to Cyberpunk character classes

will have a class adapted to their gameplay, but it won't be a closed system, most of the

skills that our character is going to be able to choose when we advance in the game are

going to be multiclass, so we're going to be able to pick these skills regardless of

the class the game chooses for you

The first step of the character creation is choosing the basic aspects of the character,

so the first screen that we find is the one to choose male or female

According to what we were explained while we were watching it, the gender of the character

will impact in the story beyond being treated with the correct pronoun, it will open possibilities

especially in the social part of the game

And we were shown the image like that, with the pixels

It seems that censoring the images was a decision taken to avoid exploiting the shock value

of character's nudity, as it was literally the first thing we saw in the game

Obviously, apart from the loading screen

Once we chose the gender and before we start customizing the visuals of the character,

and I will follow the case of the demo, that was played with the female character, we're

going to delve deeper into who this character is, and for that, we have the lifepath

Lifepath is a flowchart of, let's call them, "plot complications", designed to help

you give your Cyberpunk character an authentically dark future background

In here you can describe your friends, enemies, origins, family, personal habits or key events

of your life

I'm afraid that during the presentation of the demo we weren't able to see in detail

how this is going to work

I guess we will have some options to choose from in every aspect of the life path, and

the good thing about this is not only that is going to help us in the most RPG centered

aspects of the game, but it will impact on the game

With some luck, the Lifepath we choose will open secondary quests related to our family,

enemies, old grudges that, why not, we may even get the chance to have some revenge,

there are a huge amount of options

The best thing about these little details, that are not little at all, is that it allows

to replay the game several times and always play a different game

From the inside, we go to the outside: customizing the visuals of the character

We can customize the body type, the facial structure and the hair color and hairstyle

I know that some of you expected some sort of sculpting tool to be able to sculpt the

face and the body of the character but, unfortunately, that's not what we saw at the demo, what

we saw was templates to choose from of different ethnicities

Another thing that I missed in this screen when the demo was shown is exotics

All the faces in the template were very human, none of them showed exotic features, so from

the information here we cannot know if we will be able to customize our character with

exotic cyberfashion at the beginning of the game, or if this is an option that we'll

have later in the game

Or even if exotics are not in the game at all, but that would be odd

The thing is that the dev explaining the demo while we were seeing it commented some more

customization options that weren't in the screen at that moment, like hairstyle, or

if they were there I can't remember them because they moved through the customization

screens very quickly, but as what we saw was the pre-alpha it's probable that although

these options are already considered to appear in the character creation process, they weren't

implemented yet

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In the next screen, with our face, body, hairstyle and hair color chosen, now it's time for

decorating the body to achieve the perfect edgerunner look

and we can choose clothing and tattoos

As I mentioned before, I don't know if these tattoos are going to be just regular ink or

we're talking about light tattoos or something more exotic, but the tattoos we saw in the

trailer were static and made of regular ink, so I believe that's what we're going to have

Regarding the clothing, we could see later in the demo that certain garments will have

a bonus in skills, for instance, the jacket that V wears in this picture, that is the

same that she wore in the demo, if I recall correctly gives you +2 to the skill Streetwise,

that is a skill that gives you some extra knowledge on the seedy side of life: it makes

it easier for you to find illegal and contraband hot items, drugs, makes it easier for you

to talk to criminals, or even be friends with them or, if your streetwise pool is high enough

they may even owe you a favor or two

I'm glad we saw that, because this skill depends on the stat COOL that is my favorite

stat of the game and we'll talk about it in a minute

The last screen on the character customization screen is the numbers, because we roleplayers

love numbers, at least when they are associated with skills

Please note that the stats that I put here are the ones that are in the Cyberpunk 2020

sourcebook, it was impossible for me to notice all the information in the screen because

it went away too fast

Of these 7 stats, the only one that I believe is not going be in the game is Attractiveness,

because we have a visual reference here, this is something that should be tied to how you

design your character

Intelligence and reflexes are stats that are quite common to every game, cool is my favorite

stat and it basically rules how cool others think you are, how tough and neat in general

It also measures how well the character stands up to stress, fear, pressure or pain and torture,

so if your idea is to play like a Solo, this is a must for you

The skill I talked about that was related to V's jacket, streetwise, depends on this

stat, so I think is safe to assume that is going to be in the game

Technical Ability is a stat you need if you're playing as a Techie, also useful when you're

a Netrunner, but as a Techie is a must, because it measures how well you relate to hardware

and other technically orientated things

But, a very important thing to note in here, V is a Crystaljock, that is some sort of Netrunner,

but not a netrunner, I will explain this better in next video because is long, and this is

something that V has from the beginning of the game, before choosing class, being a Crystaljok

is something that comes as a basic skill with the character, so even if you are going to

play as a Solo, you may find Technical Ability very useful

On the other hand, let's not forget that this is the Cyberpunk world and everybody

is cybernetically enhanced, so first aid is also ruled by the Technical Ability stat

As I said before, I doubt attractiveness is going to be in the game as a stat and luck

is quite self-explanatory, and then you have empathy

As I explained in past video, or the video before, empathy is a stat that appeared in

the demo as implants had associated a cost in humanity, if you missed the video on how

empathy, humanity, and Cyberpsychosis were implemented in the demo, you'll find the

link in the description

There's another stat from the original pen and paper game that I didn't add here called

Movement Allowance, but this stat is for pen and paper turn-based combat so it would make

no sense in a video game, unless you want to change it for dexterity but I think that

reflexes has this covered

Then the skills, but for the life of me that I didn't have time to take a look at this,

and there are an insane amount of skills in this game, so go figure which ones of them

will make it to the video game version, apart from streetwise and, I can guess, combat sense,

interface, and Medical Tech, but we'll talk about these skills when we talk about the

playable character classes

And these are the customization options we could see in the demo of Cyberpunk 2077, let

me know your thoughts on this

Well, folks, thanks for watching

If you like what we do and you'd like us to keep doing it, please consider supporting

us on Patreon

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo Review: Character Creation (Recreated with Photoshop) - Duration: 11:47.


What If Australia Invaded New Zealand? - Duration: 5:49.

New Zealand.

A beautiful country comprised of two main islands in the pacific.

New Zealand has seldom seen conflict on its own shores, but what if a country set its

sights on the remote lands?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions.

I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What if Australia Invaded New



Before we sail on into this video, I just want to ask you what the furthest you have

ever been on a plane is?

For me I think it was 23 hours to Perth in Australia, but I did have two stop overs.

Also, why you are down there, why don't you hit that thumbs up button and click that

notification bell to stay up to date with big answers.

So lets imagine a future wherein somehow Australia has gone all crazy and power hungry and wants

to start annexing land to get a roll on that civilisation building.

Firstly, I have to speculate here, but surely of this were to ever happen it would be very

very far in the future?

Australia is huge….

7.962 million square kilometres to be precise, the 6th biggest country in the world.

Sure, some of their land is seemingly inhabitable, and perhaps New Zealand would look pretty

attractive as an overseas annex because of all that delicious coastline and good living

conditions they enjoy.

At the moment though, there is plenty of space to house the 24 million Australian nationals

and plenty of room to grow.

Maybe space wouldn't be the motivation, though….

Russia annexed Crimea, a part of the Ukraine as a power show.

It already has more landmass than any other country in the world.

Maybe the Prime Minister, Malcom Turnbull would go rogue… or maybe a new leader with

a game plan would make the power play.

Both Australia and New Zealand have been reasonably passive in terms of recent world-wide aggression,

although both did participate on a small level in key wars such as world war one, two and

the Vietnam, war.

Australia is much bigger than New Zealand, which has a population of 4.7 million.

In theory a bigger nation should be able to trounce a smaller, but in actuality it doesn't

always work that way.

Let's compare the countries military stats….

So Australia has an active military of 80 thousand full time personnel and active reservists,

whereas New Zealand has 11 thousand.

Australia also by far beats New Zealand with its aircraft strength and naval assets.

Australia has 469 total aircraft, New Zealand has 50.

Australia has 47 Naval Assets, New Zealand has 11.

Even though New Zealand is very defendable, if it was the two countries fighting it out

alone, in a numbers game, Australia would win.

Of course this would mean an end to the australian new zealand army corps as allies turn enemies...which

would be the crying shame here, as the two nations share a bond.

Neither New Zealand or Australia have any nuclear weapons or much in the way of fire

power, so if Australia were to invade it would likely be a naval operation, alongside a ground

attack force.

Of course, in traditional warfare, a successful invasion means capturing the capital city.

With New Zealand, this is actually pretty tricky – the Capital of Wellington is quite

defendable – and invasion would be tricky along the naval passage between the North

and South Island and the fighting would largely take place along the cook strait, Fitzroy

bay and Wellington harbour.

Again, Australia has the better naval assets, but it depends who else was drawn into the


Firstly, it would be very interesting to see where Great Britain stood – both New Zealand

and Australia are former colonies and current members of the common wealth.

The Queen is the head of state in both lands – if she was still alive when this invasion

took place, I am sure she would try to talk some sense into the Australian's.

Perhaps Britain would intervene, or perhaps they would stay out of it – but when one

first world nation invades another, Nato has something to say about it.

Neither Australia or New Zealand are members, but

they are considered Partners Across the Globe – what jurisdiction Nato would have in Oceania,

I don't know, but the political super powers across the globe would want and end to any


The United States may have strong opinions – if Australia could successfully invade

New Zealand, what about nearish by Hawaii?

Would Australia by eyeing up Papua and Papua New Guinea?

What About Timo-Leste and the Banda arc?

Australia may well need to be stopped, which would bring conflict to an area that has never

seen the effects of modern day warfare.

It would be a grave day indeed.

On a less grand level, it wouldn't make any sense for the two nations to fight – they

currently enjoy great trade relations and are bound by migration.

Culturally, the share a bond – bound by being two British speaking nations on the

other side of the world, if you will.

The two countries have fought small scale wars many hundreds of years ago, but to no


While they may have a sibling rivalry, the two countries, once joined by land 80 million

years ago, know that they're better together.

The only war this pair fights is those that happen a handful of times a year.

They're called Rugby.

And the people love it.

So, that is what would happen if Australia invaded New Zealand, but unless something

went really and truly wrong, it will never happen.

The two are like peas and carrots.

Peace time is the best time.

So guys, what do you think?

Do you agree with me?

Any Kiwis or Aussies watching?

How you doing over there?

To the rest of you, what video shall we make next here on LBQ.

If you liked this video, why not hit that thumbs up button and click on the notification

bell to stay up to date with big answers.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video, but until then….stay

curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What If Australia Invaded New Zealand? - Duration: 5:49.


The Truth About Doctor Strange - Duration: 7:22.

Doctor Strange is a very specific kind of superhero.

Instead of patrolling the city for muggers or bank robbers, he fights demons and warlords

from other dimensions and deals with the manifestations of otherwise abstract concepts, like Eternity

and Death.

But while his bizarre, mind-bending adventures have made him one of the weirder characters

in the Marvel Universe, the good Doctor has left huge footprints on the cultural landscape.

From Steve Ditko's psychedelic extra-dimensional landscapes to his numerous connections to

the world of rock 'n' roll, here's the truth behind Dr. Stephen Strange.

Who wants to live forever?

In 1974's Doctor Strange #4, the sorcerer battles Death.


Inside the Orb of Agamotto, Doctor Strange is confronted with the character Death, the

same skeletal woman whose tender affections have always been craved by Thanos.

Strange fights hard to free himself, but ultimately recalls the Ancient One's teachings about

how death is just another part of life.

After letting Death overcome him, he awakens to find that this was merely the first in

a series of trials that he must confront as the Sorcerer Supreme.

As a result of his surrender to Death, Doctor Strange is now actually ageless.

He can still die, but only from being killed by others.

As far as natural causes are concerned, he'll be around after most of us are dust, playing

cards with Thor and Wolverine.

The Sorcerer Supreme vs. Amy Grant

In 1986, Christian singer Amy Grant released a greatest hits compilation titled The Collection.

Four years later, a Marvel Comics artist decided Amy Grant could look a lot like a vampire.

The similarity did not go unnoticed, and Amy Grant's managers brought Marvel Comics to


Their complaint cited the comic's connections to "witchcraft and the occult," and how associating

Amy Grant with such a comic could do "irreparable injury" to her reputation among Christian


The two parties settled 1991, and while we don't know the terms of the agreement, we

do know one thing.

If you look up the digital version of Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #15 today, you'll

find an empty, red background replacing Amy Grant's borrowed face.

Too many zeroes

In 2012, The New York Post tried to speak to Steve Ditko, the creator of Doctor Strange

and co-creator of Spider-Man.

It didn't work out, mainly because Ditko is legendarily averse to talking to the media.

He did, however, answer one question: when they asked if he received any money for any

of the Spider-Man films that had been released up to that point, he simply said "no."

But that might not be entirely accurate.

In 2016, Abraham Reisman staked out Steve Ditko's Manhattan studio, hoping to get a

few words with the reclusive creator.

The best he managed was to get Ditko to answer his studio door, which Ditko promptly shut

again after shaking his head in what Reisman describes as "disgust."

He had more luck with other people with offices in the building, including one unnamed woman

who said she'd mistakenly received a check meant for Ditko, which she realized wasn't

hers when it had, quote, "too many zeroes."

If the story is true, that could mean that there is some kind of an agreement between

Ditko and Sony or Marvel Studios.

And if it's not Spider-Man, the most likely candidate is the Sorcerer Supreme.

Doctor Strange is cool with Doctor Strange

While Steve Ditko may not want anything to do with film adaptations of his creations,

at least one of his creations feels differently.

In The Unbelievable Gwenpool #3, the title character makes an appointment with Doctor


As a comic book reader from the real world who found herself transported to the Marvel

Universe, Gwen has no valid Social Security number or other identifying information to

give her new employer, meaning that she doesn't get paid.

While it's not Strange's usual problem, making fake IDs for travelers from another

universe is certainly something he can do.

When Strange peeks into Gwen's native dimension, he discovers the relationship between the

real world and his own specifically the film based on his own comics.

While he might not be thrilled, he definitely seems okay with the casting choice for the

main character.

The Doctor ROCKS

One of the first things we learn about Stephen Strange in the 2016 film is that he has an

encyclopedic knowledge of modern music.

But it shouldn't have come as a surprise, since Doctor Strange has a long history in

the world of rock.

Judging by the covers, the song titles, and the lyrics, his biggest impact was on Pink

Floyd, who used interior art from Strange Tales #158 on the cover to their 1968 album

Saucerful of Secrets.

It doesn't stop there.

T. Rex mentioned Doctor Strange in "Mambo Sun" on the 1971 album Electric Warrior.

In 1965 Jefferson Airplane, The Charlatans, the Great Society, and others appeared on

a handbill for a concert they called "A Tribute to Doctor Strange."

The prize for the most elaborate tribute to the Sorcerer Supreme, though, has to go to

Al Stewart.

The album art for 1974's Past, Present and the Future and 1975's Modern Times both feature

Doctor Strange, leaping into a portal and then appearing in a flash of light before

a mansion.

The clothes make the man

In 1968, Doctor Strange took over Strange Tales as his own comic, but sales began to


To shake things up, his costume was altered to a more superheroic look, but the most interesting

detail here isn't the costume itself it's the ridiculous way it was explained.

Doctor Strange #177 opens with Strange and his lover Clea banished to another dimension

by a villain who mystically disguised himself in Strange's form.

When Strange attempts to re-enter his own dimension, an unseen mystical barrier stops

him because there's already someone there who looks like him.

That's right: to fool the magical, mystical boundaries of the universe itself, Doctor

Strange casts a spell that changes his costume and creates a mask.

Because apparently that's all it takes.

Maybe he should've just tried glasses?

The Substitute Supreme

Before Marvel's Netflix heroes took the name, the comic book Defenders were a very different

group with lots...and lots of incarnations.

While the roster would change a dozen times over the years, Doctor Strange was almost

always part of the team which is pretty ironic since writer Roy Thomas originally didn't

want him involved at all.

In a 2013 interview, Thomas said he wanted the line-up from a story he wrote called "Titans

Three," with the Hulk, Namor, and the Silver Surfer.

Unfortunately for Thomas, Stan Lee was very protective of the Silver Surfer, and hadn't

been thrilled by "Titans Three."

To match the Surfer's cosmic power, he suggested that Thomas use Doctor Strange instead, which

is exactly what he did in Marvel Feature #1.

This time, it seems Lee approved.

Once the Defenders got their own title a few months later, the Silver Surfer joined the

team in #2.



By the way, Doctor Strange is powerful.

So powerful that even Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds, is no problem at all.

Well, that might be an exaggeration, but when the Avengers and Fantastic Four combined forces

against Galactus, Doctor Strange was the one who turned the tide with a spell that froze

the Devourer in his tracks.

The heroes took the advantage, and once the smoke cleared, the sorcerer revealed the spell

he cast forced Galactus to confront "the ghosts of all those he has slain."

Considering Galactus has destroyed entire worlds, it's easy to see why this particular

tactic was effective.

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