Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 29 2017


BY Christina Sarich,

We�ve all got to learn the lessons of our karma, but at some point we also need to let

go. If we aren�t careful, the lessons which were meant to teach us about higher levels

of consciousness can keep us from achieving them. Here�s how not to get stuck processing

your karma.

Karma isn�t what most people believe it is. As defined by its Sanskrit root, karma

is a neutral phenomenon. The word simply means effect from a cause. Karma isn�t a punishment.

It is simply information in, and information out.

If you let go of an arrow from a bow, where it goes is simply a combination of your aim,

the force created by the pull-back, and the release of that arrow. Karma is the same.

It can be good, bad, or indifferent, in terms of the limited, materialistic view of the

world. Our existence now is thought to be a sum of our past actions � which arrows

we released, and which arrows we kept tucked away in their quiver.

The sum of all our actions which affect our current experience, includes our mental actions.

Every kind thought or compliment we have spoken or thought, eventually comes back to us, because

we live in a Holographic universe. If you look at fractals (a Mandelbrot set), you can

see this phenomenon displayed very clearly via divine geometry. One tiny swirl or loop

is repeated again and again throughout an infinite space. Even our solar system is a

fractal expression of the larger universe, so all that happens within it could be considered

the karmic reaction � the cause and effect of its collective consciousness.

Or, you can look at your life like a software program. Certain types of programs result

in one outcome, while another type of software will provide completely different information,

and thus a totally different outcome.

From an ancient yogic perspective (as well as Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, etc), there are

three types of Karma:


This is the karma thought to be responsible for your present body. If Sanchita karma is

the �storehouse� of your karma, from all past lives, Prarabdha is the store. It is

thought that you are only given what you can stomach in each life. Some karma is so profound

that it would cause the death of the physical body if we had to live it all at once.

It is said that once you agree to live a spiritual life, you may even expedite the processing

of your karma which can be very unpleasant! If your life seems to be going at warp speed,

it could mean you are living out karma at a faster pace. This will be in stark contrast

to some around you who seem to have it all made, as if every day were a walk in the park.

They have simply decided on a different pace to work through their karma.


This is the karma of your accumulated actions, or the �storehouse� of karma that goes

all the way back to single-celled organisms. So every action from every life you have ever

lived is contained in sanchita karma. You may have karmic credit, or you may have karmic

debts � just like a bank account; however, unlike in an earthly bank account, these positives

and negatives do not cancel each other out. You will likely experience each debt or credit

as a separate incidence.

At other times you may notice that you need to pay a debt for which you don�t feel you

owe anyone anything. This may be the accumulation of a sanchita karma debt from many eons ago

which was never paid in full � think of it like an arrow being let loose from the

bow moving across quantum space and time. Doing meditation, spiritual practice, selfless

service, or other types of �transactions� put a certain �information� into the cosmic

Mandelbrot, and can lessen the burden of karmic debts. Imagine having twenty things go �right�

in a week, and just one really difficult piece of karma occurring.

Here�s the good news: sanchita karma is updated every single moment with every thought

and action you engage in. With this powerful understanding you can greatly affect your

future experience.


Agami in Sanskrit means �to return,� �to arrive,� or �impending future.� Agami

karma is the karma you are creating in the present moment to directly affect your future.

If the arrow is about to be released, but hasn�t yet left the bow, that is agami karma.

This means that we can hold that bow for just a second, and choose not to release, it, change

its course, change its direction, or even how vigorously we let go. This gives us the

power to choose our future outcomes. Unlike prarabdha and sanchita � the actions which

your past self already decided upon, and therefore cannot easily be changed, agami karma gives

us full power to change course.

The Lesson

To move through your karma as quickly and as easily as possible, don�t resist the

lessons of prarabdha and sanchita, thereby making more unpleasant karma for yourself.

Humbly correct your present actions, and use agami karmic laws to your benefit. This will

keep you from becoming stuck in the rut of �bad� karma.

For more infomation >> WHAT KARMA REALLY MEANS - Duration: 5:56.



So, it's finally here.

After descriptions and leaks and build up and everything, it's finally here.

No need for long introductions, let's just get right into it and talk about the trailer

for Avengers: Infinity War.

*clip* So, the expectations around this trailer were

astronomically high, it would've been very hard to meet them.

But, I'm surprised, because this was just as awesome as I'd hoped.

Just through and through, spectacular.

A great tease that doesn't show too much and leaves you wanting more, but still left

me so happy and excited.

So the trailer opens with that classic Nick Fury Avengers monologue

but read from a lot of these characters, which hits that nostalgia a little early on.

And speaking of which, I wanna say, something that stood out to me surprisingly in this

was the music.

I saw the Avengers in cinemas when I was like 10 years old, and so I have quite a bit of

nostalgia for that awesome theme song.

So when it comes on here all epicly especially over the title, that was just really cool

to me.

I've gotta say, this really feels like the climax of the MCU, which, I think it's really

impressive that they managed to capture that feeling here.

After all these movies of the world is about to end, it's really hard to keep upping

the stakes and make each movie feel more monumental, but they actually did it here.

This seriously looks like the culmination of this universe, Kevin Fiege said Avengers

4 will end this section of the MCU and it's going somewhere new afterwards, and I believe

that, this looks like the end of an amazing saga.

Also, again, after you've grown to love characters for over 10 years, seeing them

all come together in a finale, there's just something amazing about that.

This epic insane finale with all these heroes coming together is so awesome, this universe

has been growing since 2008, with characters and storylines branching out all over the

place, and the fact that it's all coming together here is incredible and unprecedented.

Nothing on the level of the MCU has ever been done before in cinema.

I've said this before, it was awesome seeing these heroes teaming up the first time, but

now we've got an entire universe coming together, it's just pretty amazing to watch

play out.

Now, as far as what the plot looks like it's gonna be in this, I'm guessing it starts

with new Asgard getting attacked and really destroyed, Thor gets flung into space and

meets up with the Guardians while Loki gives Thanos the Tesseract, then Thanos and his

minions go from place to place collecting the other stones, while the Avengers try to

keep up.

It all builds up to the final battle in two places, one in space or on some planet or

in some dimensions somewhere where Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and the Guardians

fight Thanos, while on Earth by Wakanda, Cap and the rest of the team plus a Wakandan army

fight Thanos' soldiers.

And it just all looks so great.

In terms of tone, this doesn't necessarily look that much darker than the other Russo

outings, darker than Ragnarok and Guardians sure, but I don't think this is gonna be

that gritty or anything.

If anything, and I know I've already used this word too much, but this really has an

epic feel to it.

Like that final battle shot looks almost like something out of Lord ofthe Rings, but with


I'm sure this is still gonna have the classic MCU fun in it.

Although someone's definitely gonna die in this.

Whether it's Tony or Cap, someone's going.

Now just a quick speed round of other stuff I noticed or wanna talk about.

There are also just some great visuals in this trailer, not only the action but it all

just looks very nice, I really love the new Spider-Man suit too.

The Guardians reveal at the end was very fun, although, and this was never gonna happen,

but imagine how mind blowing that would've been if we didn't know they were in this.

That would be insane.

Still, fun reveal here.

When Black Panther said "shield", I'm sorry but all I could think of was "John

Wick 2".

Also, Vision's a bit all over the place in this trailer.

At one point he's all human Paul Bettany, which

I originally thought was after he got the stone taken out of his head, but then when

I looked at it for more than half a second I saw the giant very obvious glowing stone


So probably something Scarlet Witch is doing?

Also Vision gets the stone taken out, which we all saw coming.

I think that might kill him, though if it did I don't know if they'd put it in the


I only have 2 concerns with this really.

One is that it might be a little too crowded and I just feel like some characters might

really get sidelined here.

Like we've got all the Avengers here, plus the Guardians, plus Spider-Man, plus Doctor

Strange, plus Black Panther, plus Ant-Man's probably in there somewhere, and I just don't

know if they'll all get something to do.

Like I've said before though, I thought the same with Civil War and there it worked

out fine, so if anyone can do this, it's the Russoes.

And finally, I'm a little worried that this is just another round of the heroes fight

a giant CGI army, like I feel like we've seen in so many superhero movies now.

But this does look like it's gonna be worth revisiting that trope, because this is done

on such a massive and epic scale that it's still gonna be fantastic even if we've seen

it before.

So all in all, this trailer was so awesome to watch play out and it was well worth the


I obviously can't wait until it comes out next year.

So those were my thoughts on the Infinity War trailer.

What did you think of this?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

Friday with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe

for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR TRAILER *BREAKDOWN* - Duration: 5:47.


5 More Common Mistakes Made By Model Railroaders - Duration: 16:25.

we're gonna talk about five more mistakes that new modelers make whenever

they're starting out their model railroad so let's get started with this

right now I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel

was created to help other modelers who are need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and when you're starting out building your

model railroad you want to avoid the all the mistakes that all us other modelers

have made throughout the years now just a few weeks ago I gave you ten common

mistakes that model railroaders make and today I'm going to give you five more

that most modelers make and the reason I'm going to tell you this is so you

don't have to go through all the agony of redoing your model railroad because

of these mistakes now that's why I do these videos in the first place to help

you out with your model railroad and if you would like to see more of these go

ahead and hit that subscribe button and ding that Bell so you could be notified

whenever I have some more videos coming out so let's get started with this right

now with five more common mistakes that model railroaders make when they're

starting out in my last video I told you that you're gonna need patience

knowledge commitment and time and I had some comments about money too but

money's not the real big objects in it the the the most common things that

you're gonna need is the patience knowledge commitment and time in your

model railroad so I'm going to start out with number one here and number one is

wiring I've done a lot of videos on wiring and you should take a look at it

I'll put a link up here for the wiring projects on my railroad and you could

find now what you need to know about wiring

but that's where a lot of modelers make their biggest mistake on not knowing how

to wire their model railroad whether it be DC or DCC now DCC has a lot of

improvements and advantages over DC but there are still some of you that are

doing DC and I have a video we did a collaboration with Mark from M&M Rails

on that one go take a look at that video there how to wire your DC model railroad

with Atlas components it's a very good video and Mark does a great job of

introducing you into wiring your DC layout but anyway even with DCC you have

to know what you're doing with the wiring on there and if you take a look

at some of my other videos on DCC wiring you'll avoid these mistakes this first

mistake at least on wiring your model railroad you have to pay attention to it

and you have to know what you're doing with it before you get started so you

don't make that costly mistake of miss wiring your railroad where you turn it

on and nothing happens or you turn it on and beep beep you get a short right away

if you have any questions about wiring whether it be DC or DCC leave a

comment down below or go on to my web page and leave a question there in the

comment section I'll be glad to answer any questions that you have on wiring or

anything else about model railroading now number 2 lack of maintenance just

like an automobile you got to do some maintenance on it now on the newer

automobiles it's less maintenance all you have to do

is change the oil but on your model railroad you still have to do a lot of

maintenance on there and the biggest thing is cleaning your track nickel

silver is the most common rail today and it needs to be cleaned because it picks

up a lot of garbage it picks up oils it picks up dirt it picks up dust it picks

up every little thing on there especially if you're running your trains

on air because you have the the electromagnetic force between the wheels

and the rails and that makes it even easier for dust particles to go on those

rails so you have to keep those rails clean and you could use bright bores you

could use woodland Scenic's stick clean and stick for that you could use

anything you could use a track cleaning car any method you use but you got to

use it you got to keep it clean and the other thing is the locomotives they need

to be lubricated and not over lubricated either

now each locomotive that you purchase they'll have a little section on there

about lubrication read it and heat it because you're gonna need it

hey that was pretty good read it and heat it because you're gonna need it

yeah ok I'm a poet and I didn't even know it

so anyway lubricate those locomotives but don't over lubricate them because if

you're over lubricated it's gonna get down on the tracks on your wheels and

everything and you're gonna have more problems and not only with the the

locomotives with the rolling stock also especially if you have the plastic

wheels on there it's gonna get crud on the wheels and you're gonna have to keep

on scraping that stuff off of there so you won't have your rolling stock going

down they're looking like this so maintenance

lack of maintenance you got to keep up the maintenance on your model railroad

number three buying the wrong equipment I know you're in a hurry to go out there

and buy every component that you possibly think that you need but be

careful because some brands especially in DCC some brands will not work with

other brands even though they all work on the same standards put out by NMRA

if you buy and I had a question from one of my viewers they wanted to know how to

program DS64 with their NCE throttle and I

said you can't do it you got to do it with a Digitrax throttle so there

are components that will be interchangeable with manufacturers but

there are other components that will not so you have to be careful with what you

purchased don't just go out there and purchase something because you say oh I

think I need that you're gonna be running into problems if you do that

make sure you understand what you're buying before you buy it as far as the

electronics go because not all components will work with other

components if they're from different manufacturers now I can't tell you all

of them that all the mismatches or anything like that what they are there

are mismatches out there so if you're going to work on say Digitrax try to

keep everything Digitrax so if you're gonna do NCE try to keep everything NCE

try to keep everything as far as DCC in the same brand and if you have to go out

into different brands ask questions before you do it ask if anybody has

and if they had any problems doing it you don't want to run into the problem

of incompatibility between manufacturers because that's gonna get you in trouble

and you're gonna spend a lot of money for nothing 4 lack of organization

know where everything is and what you are going to do with it

I have totes and little boxes of stuff and I got them all marked and even

though I have them all marked I still have trouble finding them because I

don't mark them enough I don't put down every part so if you have to just take

some painters tape and masking tape on the boxes that you have and write

everything down what you have in there the contents or even if take a tablet

and mark down everything on that that you have in a tote and tape that to the

side of the tote so you could find it so you know that you've got all your parts

in there for Rock molds and plaster of Paris and oh dude do I have the cloth in

there oh man where did I put that write it down make a list put it on

there you don't want to be unorganized when you're doing your projects you want

to keep everything together and try to to think about what you're going to use

for a specific task and put all those pieces together all those tools together

now sometimes you're going to run into situations where you're going to use

some tools for one project and you're gonna also use it on another project on

those things you need to keep those things out separate in a separate spot

where your most common tools and supplies that you can be used on

multiple projects like files like pliers like screwdrivers like

cause anything like that you're going to be using that on different projects no

matter what it is keep them separated and organized together so you can find

them easily because you don't want us to be spending most of your time trying to

look for stuff for hours on end just to get something done on your model

railroad so remember that be organized that's most important you got to keep

everything organized and labeled so you know where you have it nah number 5

indecision I don't know how many times modelers and even myself that I have

done something and I ripped it out because I was undecided about what I was

going to do with it I couldn't make up my mind what I was gonna do and I've

seen a lot of other modelers do the same thing that they'll spend hours weeks

months on doing track work and scenery and then all of a sudden just pull it

out and start over again because they were undecided about what they wanted to

do whenever you do something on your model railroad stick to it

even though if it doesn't look good stick to it anyway because that

indecision is going to cost you money it's gonna cost you time it's gonna cost

you effort it's gonna cost you everything that you have done all that

good work that you have done even if you do have that indecision stick with it

modify it make it work so it works for you so you don't have to go back and do

it all over again from scratch and then once you get it done and start it over

again you're gonna say oh my god why didn't I keep that there that

was good anyway so indecision is a big thing that you have to avoid because

even though you think you're doing something wrong

it may not be wrong it's gonna be okay you could use it somewhere on your

layout it's gonna be placed somewhere on there you could use it for parts or

anything but just because you have something and you're undecided about

what you want to do with it or you don't know where to go with it keep it keep it

going get rid of that indecision about what

you want to do so there you go that's 5 more mistakes that you can avoid

just by listening to what I have to say that's all you got to do I had 10 before

and here's 5 more just pay attention listen try to avoid all those mistakes

and you're gonna have a good time with your model railroad with your hobby so

have fun with it like I said before if you have any comments or questions about

anything about the first 10 or this 5 mistakes leave a comment down below

in the comment sections and I'll be glad to answer them that's what I'm here for

to answer your questions and if I don't have the answer for your questions

I'll direct you in the right or I'll point you in the right direction so you

could find out what that answer is and you can also not only on the comment

section you could also email me or go to website and you can leave a comment on there in the

comment section of my webpage so go check that out and if you would like to

contribute to Toms Trains and Things go ahead and check out my Patreon page I

have some patrons on there already who are contributing to my

effort to help the Model Railroader to help me make better videos for you so

you could learn more about model railroading that's what it's all about

that's what this channel is all about that's what my webpage is all about I'm

here to help you build your model railroad and to build your skills so if

you'd like to contribute to my effort that all it takes is one dollar and

that'll get me going and providing you some better videos on teaching you more

skills better skills and how to build your model railroad so thank you very

much we'll see Ya

For more infomation >> 5 More Common Mistakes Made By Model Railroaders - Duration: 16:25.


Top 10 Superheroes Who Can't Get Laid - Part 2 - Duration: 5:22.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

You wanted more forever virginal heroes, and I have some for ya!

Now of course, there will be exceptions.

Even the most messed up superheroes generally find a way to get it on.

But hey, I'm just here to make some dirty jokes, so you'll forgive me if these people

have a few canon lays under their belt.

Make sure to like and subscribe to the channel down below if you enjoy this video!

And if you haven't seen Part 1, start there, linked right here.

Or down below.

Or both!

Now get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Superheroes who can't get Laid, Part 2!

Number 10: Infectious Lass.

I mean… the name speaks for itself.

Nobody in their right mind would sleep with someone named Infectious Lass.

She might as well be called Gonorrhea Girl.

And as it turns out, it's for the best that people keep their distance, because if you

were to have sex with her, you would very quickly find yourself riddled with thousands

of diseases.

So either keep your distance, or invest in a full body condom.

And frankly, that just sounds like a great way to suffocate oneself.

Number 9: Silver Surfer.

Silver Surfer has a very unique look.

He's shiny.

He's silver.

Aaaand he has no penis.

While some women might be able to look past the blinding light bouncing off his skin,

he'd have a pretty hard time actually doing the deed.

Because to do the deed you need the d.


No penis.

No penis.

Still no penis. (show pictures of him please) This is the worst, because he does still want

relationships, he just lacks the proper equipment to take it further.

Poor fella.

Number 8: Beautie.

Beautie is kinda in the same boat as Silver Surfer, except she's straight up stated

that she has no genitalia.

If you don't know Beautie, and a lot of you probably don't, she's a superhero

from Astro City, who's basically a living, life-sized Barbie Doll.

And like Barbie… she's missing a certain something that would make it rather difficult

to have sex.

I mean, I guess she could do mouth stuff, but that's both splitting hairs, and super

weird to talk about, so I'll just move on.

Number 7: Tobias from Animorphs.

Yeah, I know it might be a stretch to call him a superhero, but dangit I loved Animorphs

and I want to talk about them!

As you may know, Tobias, like the other Animorphs, could change into animals by touching them.

Unluckily, he ended up getting stuck in the form of a red-tailed hawk.

And despite what certain terrifyingly graphic websites would have us believe, most women

don't want to have sex with animals.

And he probably doesn't want to have sex with hawks.

Although he did eat mice…

God I need to read Animorphs again.

I should find books on tape!

Number 6: Deadman.

Yep, last time we had Deadpool, and we had Spider-Man, but now it's time for Deadman!

Deadman is kind of like Spectre.

He has no physical form, but can take over the body of others to enact justice.

So first of all, it raises the question of whether he would even be willing to have sex

while using another person's body, because that sounds kinda rapey to me.

And also, would it even count as him having sex, if it wasn't his body?

I dunno.

The semantics of ghost-possessed-sex haven't been fully fleshed out yet.

Oh god fleshed out works on so many levels.

I'm a genius.

Number 5: Arm Fall Off Boy.

Arm Fall Off Boy can't get laid.

Because his power is that his arm falls off.

And that's frickin bizarre.

There's nothing else to say.

If you want to have sex, don't rip your arm off and use it as a weapon.


Number 4: Bibleman.

There are so many reasons bibleman couldn't get laid.

For one, just look at him.

Come on.

The dude's a dork.

Not to mention that premarital sex would be a BIG OL' no-no for the Bible-verse-spouting


"But Ron," you might say, "What if he got married?

Surely then he could make sweet sweet love to a lucky lady!"

Well viewer, Bibleman already is married.

He's married to justice.

Full disclosure: that was a joke, I made it up, I don't know anything about Bibleman

because it's an awful, awful show.

But honestly…

I wouldn't be surprised.

Number 3: The Hulk.

As I'm sure you know, Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk when he becomes excited.

When he becomes excited.

Yeah, you know what I'm getting at.

If he got too excited, how shall I put this delicately, while BANGIN', things could

go very badly.

I mean, sure when he has more control he possibly could do it, but is that really a chance you

want to take?


Hear that?

That's the sound of everybody telling me he could sleep with She-Hulk.

Well guess what.

They're cousins!

You piece of garbage!

Number 2: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Man, the Ninja Turtles were just destined to be virgins.

First, they're giant turtles.

And you know what they say about giant turtles… well, they aren't sexy.

But it's not like they could have sex with other turtles, because they're all small.

And make terrible conversation.

Not to mention the fact that they're teenagers, so if they managed to find the one person

with a giant turtle fetish, she might turn them down just because they're underage.

No wonder they love their weapons so much – they're definitely compensating.

Number 1: Danny the Street.

Danny the Street would have a hard time having sex.

Because he's a street.

And streets oftentimes don't have sex.

Wanna get laid?

Don't be a street.

Are you a street?

You won't get laid.

There really isn't anything else to say.

The guy's a street.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

Want a part 3?

Would YOU have sex with any of these characters?

Let me know in the comment section down below!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

Negative Man.

Black Bolt.


When Cliff Steele, of course his last name was Steele, got in a car crash, his body was


But as luck would have it, they were able to put his brain into a robot.

And surprise surprise, the robot doesn't have a schlong.

So it couldn't do the dirty.

Sorry buddy.

other superheroes.

But I don't care!

This is anarchy!

The world shall burn with me!



Full disclosure, this is a bit of a graphic one.

We're going… deep.



As we all know, Supes is strong.

Real strong.

And presumably all his muscles are strong, including the muscles used to shoot your…


Now, he's learned to control most of his muscles, but the question is, could he control

those ones?

Truth be told, it's possible that he CAN control those muscles too, but the idea of

his jizz sending Lois Lane flying into space is just too morbidly hilarious not to mention.


Radioactive sperm.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Superheroes Who Can't Get Laid - Part 2 - Duration: 5:22.


They Were So Happy!! - Roman Atwood's Day Dreams (Ep 3) - Duration: 24:13.

For more infomation >> They Were So Happy!! - Roman Atwood's Day Dreams (Ep 3) - Duration: 24:13.


The One Star Wars Scene That Still Makes Mark Hamill Angry - Duration: 2:14.

More than 35 years after The Empire Strikes Back was released, there's something about

the Star Wars sequel that still doesn't sit right with Mark Hamill.

At the beginning of the 1980 blockbuster, Mark Hamill's iconic character Luke Skywalker

is captured by a massive snow beast called a Wampa on the icy planet of Hoth.

To get away, Skywalker uses his lightsaber to slice off one of the creature's arms.

But that apparently wasn't what Hamill signed up for.

Hamill revealed on Twitter he was originally under the impression that Luke wouldn't actually

hurt the Wampa.

"When filming [the] scene, I was assured my lightsaber swipe toward camera ([the] creature

[was] not on set) would simply singe [its] fur [to] scare him off.

Horrified to later see amputation and unnecessary cruelty.

Wampa was hungry (not evil).

Luke would never do this!"

The comments echo statements Hamill has made about the scene in the past on his show Mark

Hamill's Pop Culture Quest.

"Then I remember saying, 'Well, I'm just grazing his fur, right?'

They said, 'what, what do you mean?

I said, well, it's like a hungry bear, he's not evil.


"So I should just scare him off."

"Not only did I cut off its arm they did a insert of it falling in slomotion, I just - I never thought

that was right."

The topic came up when a fan shared a photo of a cake made to look like a severed Wampa

arm for National Cake Day.

But Hamill, an outspoken animal lover, said he's still angry about the scene.

Of course, the special edition of Empire Strikes Back has an even more graphic version with

the Wampa shown bloody and screaming.

A Twitter user responded that it all seemed gratuitous.

"Heck, it was even in the book.

Luke used the force to sense the Wampa's mind."

Hamill replied, "My acting was much better in the book."

This isn't the first time Luke's battle with the Wampa has made headlines, as a deleted

scene from Empire Strikes Back seemed to suggest the fight was added to explain the facial

scars Hamill suffered in a 1977 car accident.

"Bacta is growing real well.

. Scars oughta be gone in a day or so."

We'll find out how Luke feels about a whole new batch of creatures when Star Wars: The

Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15.

Hopefully, he's kinder to Porgs than Chewbacca is.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The One Star Wars Scene That Still Makes Mark Hamill Angry - Duration: 2:14.


Recomendaciones de En Busca de la Verdad. - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> Recomendaciones de En Busca de la Verdad. - Duration: 7:25.


Top 10 Most Fun Bosses of Dark Souls 3 - Duration: 14:44.

Hi and Welcome to Danklord vs Games.

My name is Kevin and today we'll be taking a look at the top 10 most fun boss fights

of dark souls 3, including all the DLC and optional bosses.

Please be reminded by the fact that it's a list compiled by myself which means - you're

most likely going to disagree.

If you do - go ahead and write your own top 10 list in the comment section below and I

might make a video of all your combined choices.

Also bear in mind this is all recorded on new game++ which means I have a lot of health

but very little patience.

Another way of saying…

I suck.

And lastly.

Spoiler warning.

Let's get started with number 10.

Aldrich, Devourer of Gods

She's really only fun for once reason.

Killing her.

So you run in and then you're reminded of her remarkable abuse of the spell that cast

arrows from the sky that also chase you around, which means you only have a few seconds where

you can get some hits in, and when you do, it feels good.

Almost too good.

So you start getting greedy and most likely die.

She's one to test your patience but if you manage to keep your sanity intact she'll

just melt away, leaving you satisfied and empty on the inside as you have one less boss

to look forward to.

Champion Gundyr

This fight serves best as a reminder of the respect that you need to have for the bosses

in dark souls.

You've defeated him once before and you assume the upcoming fight is going to be just

as easy as before.

Guess again.

You'll be clenching your butt waiting for the next phase that never comes.

Instead he just gets more and more aggressive.

He's ruthless with his attacks and gives you very little room to heal up.

But damn he's enjoyable to go up against.

Soul of Cinder

Even though this boss is almost always picked off last of all the bosses in dark souls,

this fight keeps me on the edge of my seat almost every time.

He always surprises me with his aggression making me question if I really should start

a new game plus just yet.

Then there's the backflips he does.

No other boss acts as nimble as this boss while at the same time being quite heavy and

aggressive in his attacks.

Imagine Dragonslayer Armour doing backflips.. yeah, no.

Dancer of the boreal valley

I have a confession.

This was the first time I even bothered trying to kill dancer on my own without the use of

npc summons or cheesing her.

The tight space combined with her spinning and off-beat attacks made me want to crawl

into fetal position every time.

She's ruthless but oh so fun to fight with her creepy ass introduction cutscene.

After having finished dancer fight I realized she isn't all that hard when you have some

decent damage output but the fight itself always stays enjoyable regardless of how you

deal with her.

Demon Prince

It took all the strength I had to not look up information of the latest dlc and my god,

was it worth the wait and patience.

Wait, two bosses?

Two fucking phases?

I loved it.

As it technically serves as the first boss of the ringed city dlc, I was worried that

this one would be equally short on content as the painted World of Ariandel, but to my

surprise, twice the bosses, was twice the fun to battle against and reassuring in a

way that this dlc would take some time to get through.

The fight itself was of no disappointment and depending on which boss you kill last,

the prince will be different with either lasers or fire as a primary attack.


I just couldn't do it without at least one summon but that didn't take anything away

from the amount of fun I had with the boss.

Twin Princes

I can't put my finger on exactly why I love this fight, but damn is the intro cutscene

good or what?

It's a fight I always remember to respect no matter which difficulty I'm on.

New game plus or whatever.

This guy always gives you a decent challenge but once you get the hang of it.

They're actually quite easy to defeat.

Just like all the other bosses in dark souls, this one requires you to be careful of your

estus use.

Not because they'll run out anytime soon, but because he gets more aggressive if you

heal up in the wrong moment.

Nameless King

Arguably one of the hardest bosses in the

game until you're able to consistently kill his dragon without using too many estus.

I almost always save this guy for last considering his difficulty.

And the fight is incredibly enjoyable even though the camera acts like it came somewhere

from the depths of hell.

His move set is just incredibly aggressive and he's always been able to stand the test

of time when it comes to difficulty.

If you want to shed tears of frustration.

Look no further.

The nameless king makes it happen as you progressively start overextending each of your attacks and die

Darkeater Midir

You can't really complain about not having enough space on this fight.

Midir and his massive health pool is quite a challenge to solo without the use of summons.

We've seen dragons before.

Like the ancient wyvern, but nothing quite like this fight.

It definitely feeds all your dragon needs and delivers on every point.

Just when you think you got the pattern locked down, he adds something new to the mix throwing

you off guard.

Patience is definitely the name of the game on this one.

Luckily he is an optional boss in the game, but not to me.

He's gotta die every time for roasting me with fire on that bridge, that time before.

Sister Friede

Another confession.

This was the first time I managed to defeat this boss without the use of summons and thus,

I've never truly understood the frustration that other players share of this boss, until


Three phases didn't seem like much when the first and second breezed by, but alone,

it definitely pushes your estus use to the max.

Once I finally managed to get her down, it gave me an incredible sense of relief and


Her attack animations and fighting style is very reminiscent of bloodborne but punishes

you for using the same kind of aggression as you would in bloodborne.

Overall an incredible package that I remember left me quite satisfied after the dlc had


Though, bleed builds were much more viable by then, so I'm glad I got to face her with

some proper difficulty attached.

Judge Judicator

These fucks.

Oh god they're fun.

Looking for some easy ember?

Just invade at this location and Judge Judicator got you covered.

(M'am I'm not sure I just think he was confused as to what the date was)

(He wasn't confused)

(He wasn't confused, he was hostile)


Slave Knight Gael

You travel forward in time to a point where you find Gael after years of killing.

Gael is looking for the blood of a dark soul to create a new painted world, and your entrance

to the arena shows all previous lord of cinders dead, but one lord, crawling towards Princess

Filianore for help.

The arena is massive and once again introduces three phases to mix so be careful of your

estus use.

I practiced his first phase for about an hour before I felt comfortable enough to get him

down on my own.

The fight is fought at a mid pace which isn't too hard to handle.

However the amount of time it takes to get him down is quite remarkable.

I know he can get staggered and made a lot easier but damn I clenched my butt so hard

throughout the 5-7 minutes of focus needed to get him down.

I enjoyed every second of it.

But I got so excited after killing him I skipped whatever cutscene started, so I'm glad I

went back to watch it all this time without the same amount of anxiety in my system.

And that is my top ten most fun boss fights in dark souls 3.

Let me know what you think in the comments down below.


If you haven't tried dark souls 3 by now.

You should!

That is all for now and I want to thank each and everyone of you for sticking by.

Also a huge thanks to all the latest subscribers.

Love y'all!

I'm recording under less ideal circumstances I guess you could say

So I'm sorry for the low volume, or, I'm speaking quieter

Yep, that's it.Thank you. Bye!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Fun Bosses of Dark Souls 3 - Duration: 14:44.


La gamification dans la rue - Duration: 4:47.

Gamification is interessting but we can't use it everywhere.

For instance, it's not the kind of thing you can see on the street.

Are you serious ? This is one of the place where it's almost the easiest

Ok, but gamification is not just fun. The goal is to improve something or

to resolve an issue.

Indeed ! Give me an example of a

"public" instance and I will show you how it is possible.

Ok. So how would you encourage people not to cross

the street when the light is red.

It's so easy! There is already a concept for some

time in Germany. It's called StreetPong and it's easy.

Inspired by the game Pong, the pedestrian play against the pedestrian on the other side

The game ends automatically when the light is green.

It's fun and it pass the time.

Ok. And how would you motivate people to move more ?

Are you serious ? It's too obvious. Just change little

behavior such as taking the stairs instead of

the escalator or elevator. It's often faster and moreover,

it allows you to move without wasting time!

The piano stairs is a very famous example. Installed in Stockholm,

the piano stairs from TheFunTheory have achieved their goal:

Take the stairs to the user rather than the escalator!

In Moscow, in connection with the Olympics, they have installed

a metro ticket distributor in exchange of 30 squats!

Or in Montreal, where they have installed a body heat detector

on the top of the stairs.

The more your body temperature is, the higher you will receive a discount

for the shop Rethink.

Let's take another example...speeding!

What's your suggestion ?

The idea was also taken during thefuntheory

in Sweden! Instead of charging those who

drove too fast, the concept rewarded drivers who respected

the speed limit by giving them a lottery ticket. In 3 days, 24'857 cars have

used this street. Whereas on average, people was driving

at 32km/hour, the average was of 25km/hour during the experiment.

And for the papers on the ground you propose to put piano in the bin?

Almost ! Here several ideas have been tested.

During this experiment, there have collected 72 kg of garbage when

in a normal day the average is of 32kg! That's more than double!

As other exemple, there is also the arcade game with the glass bottles!

The arcade has been used more than 100 times in an evening when it is usually used

only twice for the same period.

Of course, these are just some examples and most of them would not work great or

not even in long term. But what I wanted to show you today, was

the fact that gamification can be applied for much more situation that what we can

imagine at first.

Put fun in public places is put smile on faces and

create some happiness.

It's already the end of my video but if you want to know more

I have put all the videos in links below.

Do not forget to subscribe to my channel to not miss my next videos!

C U soon

For more infomation >> La gamification dans la rue - Duration: 4:47.


Tiger Zinda Hai Behind The Scene | Salman Khan | Katrina Kaif | Ali Abbas Zafar |2017 - Duration: 2:45.

Tiger Zinda Hai Behind the Scene

For more infomation >> Tiger Zinda Hai Behind The Scene | Salman Khan | Katrina Kaif | Ali Abbas Zafar |2017 - Duration: 2:45.


Manchester City vs Southampton -Full Match Highlights -l Premier League 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 17:06.

Manchester City vs Southampton

For more infomation >> Manchester City vs Southampton -Full Match Highlights -l Premier League 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 17:06.


Top 5 Meghan Markle Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:36.

Megan Markle is about to become one of the newest members of the Royal Family after news

broke just a few days ago that Prince Harry popped the question.

This is extremely exciting- but what do we really know about miss Markle?

There are some facts im sure a lot of you will find quite surprising and that's what

were going to be talking about today.

Hey youtube im Court McGiney and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know what is your favorite thing about the Royal family.

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our amazing channel if you havnt already and make sure

you give this video a big thumbs up so I can keep bringing you guys awesome top 5 videos.

Starting off at number 5--Clothing line- that's right this woman has her own clothing line.

Meghan created a clothing line which mocked her Suits characters fashion in an affordable


She decided to create the line after a lot of people came up to her asking where her

character Rachel; got a certain item of clothing.

Her line was sold in Montreal at Reitmans and every item was under 100 dollars.

About this journey she said- They will come up to me and say where do I get that blouse

that Rachel was wearing when she first kissed mike Ross.

And I don't want to break their hearts.

I remember that Rachel Comey backless blouse- believe me- I don't have that in my closet.

Or the 5 thousand dollar Tom Ford skirt.

But I want to help them find something like it they can afford.

That's was actually a really smart business move on her part.

In at number 4--Family Tree- it turns out Meghan has a pretty diverse family background.

In her immediate family tree she has African American and Dutch-Irish Blood.

Meghan said that growing up and appearing Caucasian she received a lot of scrutiny-

and had people question her all the time if her mother was he biological mother due to

the fact that she was black with dreadlocks.

In an interview she also said- While my mixed heritage may have created a grey area surrounding

my self-identification- keeping me with a foot on both sides of the fence.

I have come to embrace that.

To say who I am- to share where im from- to voice my pride in being a strong- confident

mixed-race woman.

At number 3--Gameshows- Who doesn't love game shows?

Before getting her big break in suits Meghan appeared on a well known tv game show called

Deal or no deal.

I loved that game show and im not just saying that because this point is about it.

It was actually great.

For in 2006 for one season only Meghan was one of the beautiful briefcase models.

In an interview she was asked what she thought of this job and she said- I would end up standing

up there forever in these terribly uncomfortable and inexpensive 5 inch heels just waiting

for someone to pick my number so I could go and sit down.

Coming in at number 2--Meghan who- it turns out Meghans real name isn't even Meghan…yeah

I know..

Like many actresses Meghan decided to choose a different name then her actual name to act


So she chose the stage name Meghan which is actually her middle name.

Her full name is Rachel Meghan Markle.

Which is pretty funny because Meghans characters name on Suits is Rachel.

So I guess that's not so bad that she changed her least its her real middle name.

and it is true a lot of actresses and actors use a stage name.

Some of the biggest actors in the world do it such as Brad pitt..whos real name is William

Bradley Pitt- and Marilyn Monroe whos real name was Norma Jean Mortensen.

Coming in at our number one spot--Cousins- yeah turns out that Meghan and Harry

are very very distant cousins.

Yep these 2 are actually related.

Harry and Meghans family lines have been traced all the way back to the 15th century- where

it revealed the 2 are actually related.

Yeah these 2 are 15th cousins- not that it really matters since its so far back in the

families histories.

But still how bizzare is that?

Their ancestry is linked through Meghans father and Queen Elizabeth.

Their shared relative was born in 1480 and was named Ralph Bowes.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 Meghan Markle Surprising facts.

Thank you so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Meghan Markle Surprising Facts - Duration: 3:36.


Everton vs West Ham -Full Match Highlights -l Premier League 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 18:19.

Everton vs West Ham -Full Match Highlights -l Premier League 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥

For more infomation >> Everton vs West Ham -Full Match Highlights -l Premier League 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 18:19.


Introduction - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Introduction - Duration: 4:16.


Homekeepers - Trina and Doug Koehler, Rafael Toledo of The Light Ministries - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Trina and Doug Koehler, Rafael Toledo of The Light Ministries - Duration: 28:31.


rich girl |meme| - Duration: 0:32.

if i was a rich girl


see i'd have all the money in the world if i was a

if i was a wealthy girllllllll

no man could test me, impress me.

my cash flow would never ever end

cause i'd have all the money in the world

if i was a wealthy girllllllllll

*weeb noises*

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