Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 30 2017

Hi adventurers.

Today we are going to discuss the TPCAST Wireless Adapter for the HTC Vive.

And the topics we are going to discuss are.

What's in the box


Our play setup

What the wireless VR experience is like

The issues


And last, but not least: Should you buy it?

And are we going to buy it?

First of all, thank you TPCAST for letting us borrow the review copy so that could try

it out and also review it.

So let's start with what's in the box.

Here we have a promotional package of TPCAST which consists of the European version.

In the box you can find the following:

HMD Receiver

PC transmitter

Power Box

Power bank

Dedicated cable for long distance connection

HDMI cable for short distance connection

Nylon mesh bag

HMD Receiver


Router power supply

Network cable

Belt strap

Our promotional package misses the belt, but the consumer package has a belt.

So first of all, how does the material feel?

It doesn't feel very high quality.

It feels like plastic to be honest.

It is lightweight though, but it does make me wonder about what the long term durability

will be like.

For the installation we have followed the TPCAST installation user guide and the tutorial


Both links are down below if you are interested.

We are quickly going through the installation process because there is a tutorial video

that is good and we have linked it down below.

What you have to do is put the cables through the HMD receiver.

You put short cable here.

And then you put the strap through the HMD receiver.

It might be little clumsy, but it does fit.

Now put the cables through the hole of the compartment cover.

Now make sure you put the strap on the compartment cover.

And then put the cables through the hole.

And then connect the cables on the HTC headset.

Lastly close the compartment cover.

And that's done.

Now get the router out.

And if your PC is connected to the network via the ethernet port.

Disconnect this cable and put this cable in the router's WAN port.

Then connect the LAN port of the router to the PC with the supplied network cable.

And now you can use the original 3-in-1 HTC Vive cable to connect to the transmitter.

This cable can stay connected to the linkbox.

Now place the transmitter somewhere high, like here.

Now just mount yourself using the belt that is provided.

Here we're using the Twitch belt, because we don't have another belt.

Once you have everything setup, the last thing to do to start everything is to put the battery


Then launch the wireless connection assistant and wait for it to complete.

A very high pitch sound will come up now, but that is also an indication that it works.

Now you can put the battery pack inside a pouch and put it on your belt or something


Start up SteamVR and you are ready to play.

Sometimes it doesn't recognize your TPCAST straight away, but we found this problem can

be solved just by restarting the PC.

If that doesn't work, try unplugging the power of the router and HMD receiver and then

replug it to restart both.

Once everything is setup, it all works great.

However I do want to mention that we think this setup process was quite tedious to do,

because it took us a couple of tries to get everything right.

The user guide that we were provided was not super user friendly, because there are two

different TPCAST software applications to use for the wireless connection.

At first we were using the USA version that was found on the USA website, but we did not

know that we had to use the European version of the software to get everything right and

working as well.

Also we feel like the cables on the HMD receiver are clumsy and too long over here.

It doesn't seem to fit the Deluxe Audio Strap well.

Not a big issue, but we do feel like the receiver might damage the Deluxe Audio Strap cushion

here after a while.

The original HTC Vive strap should not have this problem though.

For the best wireless experience, the TPCAST user guide recommends positioning the transmitter

close to the Vive lighthouse and pointing it towards the play area as shown in this


I understand why this is best, but I also think it is an inconvenience that we have

to buy another tripod and ball head to position it like this.

So we also checked if the TPCAST tracks well if you just place it on the floor or on the


She does experience some tracking issues when she turns around from the transmitter.

It's not ideal, but it suffices.

It is also a shame that you cannot adjust the HMD receiver to a different position.

It would have been great to not have the receiver on top of the headset all the time, because

this also prevents the use of overhead headphones.

In case you don't like to use earphones this could be an issue for you.

Now to let you know how we tested the TPCAST, here is an overview of our setup.

This is our play area and it has a size of 2.5 by 1.5 meters.

The router is over here on the table and we have placed the transmitter here.

The PC that we tested it on has a:

GeForce GTX 1070 card

an i7 6700K CPU with 4 Ghz

an SSD

and 32 GB DDR4 RAM

Now let's move on to what we think about the wireless VR experience itself.

So after playing around with the TPCAST we have to say that it does deliver what is promised,

and that is the feeling of complete freedom while playing VR.

There are some issues though, which we will explain in a bit.

But let's talk about the wireless VR quality first.

So what is the image like?

I have to say that playing with the TPCAST is great.

It delivers what is promised and that is a good wireless experience.

I don't see any noticeable reprojection, frame drops or distortion.

The signal quality is good and there is no noticeable latency.

Supersampling works as well without problem.

So all of that is good and we are happy with it.

As for the comfort and weight.

I am not sure if I'm entirely happy with that.

The HMD receiver adds a weight of 111 gram that isn't much, so easily neglectable.

The battery and mount adds a weight of 440 gram and that is heavy in my opinion.

It doesn't matter much while playing though if you have it positioned well.

The downside to this is that there is still a cable hanging around, but you also don't

really notice the cable if you have positioned it well.

The biggest advantage is the feeling of freedom and being able to make a lot of turns without

having to worry about the cable.

So what about battery life?

I could play a full 4 to 5 hours on a full battery without trouble.

After that I had to charge my battery and the charging does take a long time, about

8 hours for a full charge.

Which does mean that you need an extra battery if you want to be able to play all day or

are hosting a VR party.

So guys what I'm going to try right now it hot swapping the battery and see if that

works for me.

I've seen it working before and that it works.

But let me try it for myself So right now I'm seeing image.

So what I'm going to do now is get the battery out.

Put it back in and see what happens now.

All right so the software assistant has crashed.

I don't see any image.

It's all grey for me.


Nothing is happening.

I don't hear sound either.

Ok, right now I'm hearing sound, I'm hearing the game music.

But I don't have image.

So what I have to do now is click on Wait to restore and once this is restored it should

reinstate everything.

So the image and sound, both of them.

Ok, I'm hearing sound that it's connecting right now.

All right, now I have my image back.

It works again.

So it doesn't take a lot of time, but I can't really take the battery out and put

it back in to have image.

I need to press the software assistant to restart it again as well.

So if you want to restore or hot swap the battery.

You do need to put the button to make it work again.

Unfortunately this product still has some issues, which could play a big factor in whether

you want to buy this or not.

First of all.

As you could see during the installation, you now have to use an external router.

An issue with this is that the router that they deliver has a low maximum speed of 50

mbps down and up.

So if you have a higher speed at home the router is going to limit your speed.

You can solve this by buying an ethernet network card for your computer or USB to Ethernet

adapter so that you can keep on using your own network and router while being able to

connect the TPCAST too.

SweViver has made his TPCAST work as a separate network, so that it doesn't limit his internet


You can check out what he did in this video.

Link is down below.

I am not really a fan of this router.

It was initially the idea of TPCAST to replace the router with a dongle attached to the PC

in the consumer version.

I don't understand why this didn't happen as I think this router is just an inconvenience.

The 2nd issue is the whining sound that starts when you successfully connect the TPCAST.

It isn't noticeable when you are in VR and you have your sound on.

But without headphones it sounds like a whine on a high frequency and it can get annoying

especially if you are sensitive to that.

If you have a lot of people over watching you play for example, then this could be very


Chary and I don't like this sound at all either, because we play a lot of games together

with the other person watching.

This is a deal breaker for us, but that is personal.

If you record videos with your Vive, then luckily you can use a noise filter to filter

the whining sound out.

Our microphones doesn't pick up the high frequency much either, so luckily that isn't

much of a problem if you want to record.

At the moment there is a bug with the TPCAST where it blocks the built-in HTC Vive microphone

and camera from working.

Now, I do not use the camera at all, so that isn't an issue, but we often use the built-in

microphone for multiplayer games and I can imagine that this is a big issue to a lot

of people.

At the moment there is a fix for that by using a third party fix called OpenTPCAST.

This does mean you have to screw open your device, get the SD card out and flash this

card to fix the issues.

However I am not a fan of this and I don't understand why TPCAST haven't updated their

software yet, even though others have been able to.

If you do want to try OpenTPCast then please make sure you back up the original SD card

so that you can restore everything if needed.

Another solution would be to just buy a 2nd SD card and put the fix on there.

Now if you use headphones with your HTC Vive, you have to be aware that you cannot use this


You can try putting the headphones on top of the TPCAST, but it is bulky and not ideal

to do it this way.

We have tried for you though and it seems that the TPCAST still tracks even though there

is an headphone on top of it.

Now last but not least, not really a big issue, but still worth a mention.

To be able to play VR games now you have to do some extra steps to get starting.

You have to make sure the TPCAST battery is charged, you have to mount yourself using

the belt and lastly you have start the TPCAST connection assistant and wait for about a

minute for it to start.

It doesn't take a lot of time, but still - extra steps you to take every VR session.

So let's move on to its price.

The TPCAST itself is priced at 300 dollar in the US and 350euro in The Netherlands.

This is in our opinion expensive.

It is almost the same price as an Oculus Rift and it is half the price of an HTC Vive.

Also, if you want the complete, recommended TPCAST setup, you will need these extras too:


Tripod or lightstand 2.

Ball head 3.

Ethernet network card or USB to ethernet adapter 4.

Extra battery pack 5.

Extra Ethernet cable for the router 6.

A license to use the VirtualHere USB Server for OpenTPCast (at least until the microphone

is fixed)

Which will make the total price: $408 and we think that is a steep price.

So... what is our final say then?

If you want Wireless VR right now and you don't mind the tedious setup process that

requires you to be tech savvy and if you don't mind spending the money.

Then you should get it right now, because the wireless experience works great and is

like promised.

You will also support VR in a way as an early adopter, making it possible for companies

like TPCAST to improve their products and hopefully inspire more companies to create

products like this.

It is fair to remember here that this technology was considered "impossible" two years

ago or so and now actually is here and adds to a greater experience in VR.

However if you are looking for a consumer friendly product that doesn't feel like

a prototype.

I would suggest holding out and waiting for the new wireless VR solutions that are rumored

to come out in 2018.

So this test was interesting for us personally as well because we were also deciding for

ourselves whether we want to buy it.

Right now our decision is… to go back to good old cables.

The biggest reason for us is that we use the HTC Vive built-in microphone a lot and we

are also quite sensitive to the high pitched noise that is coming from the transmitter.

Well, this might not be big issues for some people, but for us personally it is because

we play in the same room a lot.

So this is a deal breaker for us, at least for the current price.

However, we would reconsider if these things are fixed, especially the microphone one,

or maybe if the price is lowered.

All right.

If you have any other questions, please let us know!

And if you liked this video and would like to join our VR adventures!

Don't forget to subscribe!

I'm Cas and I'm Chary and we say.


For more infomation >> TPCAST Review, Testing & Installation (Wireless VR Adapter for HTC Vive) - Duration: 16:34.


2色のイギリスゴム編みの編み方【棒針編み】字幕解説 2C Brioche Stitch / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 23:16.

For more infomation >> 2色のイギリスゴム編みの編み方【棒針編み】字幕解説 2C Brioche Stitch / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 23:16.


Hondo-ji Temple - Chiba - 本土寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:25.

If you have been living in Japan for a while, Chiba is a synonym for Narita Airport, Disneyland and other mega factories.

However, this is just one side of Chiba! Indeed, the sister prefecture of Tokyo has in fact many secret hidden gems

that are worth your attention, like for example the Hondo-ji Temple!

Built in 1277 the Hondo-ji Temple belongs to the Nichiren sect of Buddhism and was founded by Nichiro, a disciple of the famous monk Nichiren.

Alongside its strong cultural and spiritual past, Hondo-ji is also famous for

its amazing autumn colors as well as for its iris and hydrangea garden which blooms the first half of June.

For more infomation >> Hondo-ji Temple - Chiba - 本土寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 5:25.


Avengers: Infinity War trailer EXCEPT there's no Avengers - Duration: 0:57.

In a world where humans are about to get f*cked by a purple grape.

For more infomation >> Avengers: Infinity War trailer EXCEPT there's no Avengers - Duration: 0:57.


Shell Advance Outride Anything - 30 sec - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Shell Advance Outride Anything - 30 sec - Duration: 0:31.


Shell Advance Outride Anything - 15 Sec - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Shell Advance Outride Anything - 15 Sec - Duration: 0:16.


The Forest of the bloody Jack - Duration: 40:51.

Gamer Joe intro

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Forest of the bloody Jack - Duration: 40:51.


Liposuction-Is Liposuction Painful-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:08.

Hi, this is dr. Hourglass and welcome to another video in our channel Stars bodies.

Today we're going to discuss: "Is liposuction painful?".

In this channel we discuss everything you need to know to get the start body that you want.

Welcome back!

Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the US

and around the world.

The surgery is an effective body contour treatment that involves the surgical removal of stubborn fat pockets

from localized areas of the body.

There many people who wonder whether they will experience pain during and after liposuction.

Liposuction is a fairly straightforward procedure than other plastic surgery procedures.

The pain patient may experience during and after the procedure is also relatively minor.

However some patients still may experience pain after the procedure.

The procedure involves the use of a hollow cannula which is inserted into the target areas

through tiny incisions while like suction involves incision it is not as invasive as other procedures

like the tummy tuck and breast augmentation.

However some patient need IV sedation as well if you want to remain completely asleep

throughout the surgery general anesthesia may be used.

After administering your anesthesia, the plastic surgeon will introduce a tumescent solution into the target area.

This will constrict the blood vessels and reduce bleeding during the surgery.

Also it will make the surgery painless and comfortable for the patient.

The surgery will then place an incision in the target area and introduce the cannula into the area.

The cannula which is connected to a suction pump for a special syringe will then be used to remove

the excess fat from the area.

The patient may expect to experience some degree of pain and discomfort for the first 24 hours

after the intervention.

The severity of the pain depends on your pain tolerance level and the scope of the procedure.

The pain is normally manageable with oral pain killers.

Be sure to take your pain relief medication on time.

The area of the body that has been liposuction also determines the intensity of the pain after the procedure.

For instant if the procedure is performed on your leg, you make the experience more pain

than when it is performed on your abdomen.

It is important for patients to avoid sleeping or to rest on the liposuction site during the recovery period.

This will help make the recovery period painless.

In this video we discuss: "Is liposuction painful?".

In the next video we will discuss: "3 Unwritten rules of liposuction".

Remember to comment below share this video like this video and subscribe to our channel for more information

here the Stars Bodies channel, only on YouTube.

Also you can log in to our website

for more information about your procedures and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Liposuction-Is Liposuction Painful-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:08.


School Visit: McKee Elementary School - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> School Visit: McKee Elementary School - Duration: 0:41.


What is BAD Animation? - Duration: 10:06.

If you head onto Google and search "bad animation", you'll be greeted by endless

images from Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, and countless other shows.

While you'll find some genuinely valid examples of poor animation, the vast majority demonstrate

that there's a real issue in the anime community: a lot of people lack even the most basic understanding

of what 'bad' animation is.

Let's start with what bad animation isn't.

Screenshots of in-betweens are not bad animation.

There's a very frustrating habit in the community of pausing during sequences and

passing off funny looking in-betweens as examples of poor work.

Inbetweens exist to facilitate motion, they are not the key frames within a sequence.

Even the most outstanding of scenes can be packed with funny looking in-betweens, but

that doesn't somehow make the overall scene bad.

In the vast majority of cases, you cannot see them in motion, and that's perfectly


They've introduced the required fluidity into a scene, and that's all they exist


That's not to say inbetweens get a free pass.

They are perfectly capable of being bad, and bad in-betweening can absolutely ruin a scene.

For example, this dialogue scene in "Just Because" has the character's entire face

change shape as it moves between key frame and inbetween.

There's certainly something to be said about the general transition of the inbetweening

role moving from young animators within a studio to outsourced factory farms, but let's

be very clear and honest: that's not at all where the conversation is when these shots

are brought to light.

Time and time again, in-betweens are used in genuine attempts to discredit scenes, and

I think it's time to challenge that, and help foster more nuanced criticism.

If tweens very obviously break a scene, then sure, talk about that, and talk about it in


But there is nothing of worth found in posting stills with zero context.

Next: exaggeration is not bad animation.

Two of the founding 12 principles of animation are "squash and stretch", and "exaggeration".

The purpose of the former is to give a sense of weight and flexibility to an object or

person, while the latter exists as a powerful tool for creativity, as imitating reality

is... pretty dull.

Squash and stretch has been in use for decades and decades, and yet despite this, scenes

including it are some of the most commonly cited as examples of 'poor work'.

Whether it be the exaggerated face as Sasuke takes a punch, Android 17's extended limbs,

or Satoshi (Ash)'s face as he gleams with excitement.

They've all come under fire from certain parts of the various fandoms.

Again, it's an issue with fans pausing animation in motion and commenting on what they apparently

don't understand, or it's a bizarre hatred that their cartoons dare to look like cartoons.

Squash and stretch is essential – if you ignore it, you end up with animation that

looks like weird sentient puppets.

Exaggeration is equally critical.

In live action, actors can convey a number of emotions through micro-expressions.

A voice can only do so much though, so some of most exemplary examples of character acting

often elevate a performance through wonderful exaggeration.

The same goes for action scenes, too.

Horrifying facial expressions can do wonders of selling the impact of a punch.

Ugly is often equated with bad, but ugly can make an audience feel uncomfortable, and that's

very much the intent.

Art evokes emotion, and it's okay for those emotions to be negative.

Negative emotions can elevate the most dramatic of scenes.

It's also okay to find "exaggeration" and "squash and stretch" too extreme in

certain places.

Naruto vs Pain is one of the most spectacularly animated episodes in the entire show – it's

filled to the brim with some of the best animators in the industry – but it's also one of

the most divisive episodes because these animators are hugely idiosyncratic, taking these techniques

to the extreme in very overt ways.

For some fans, the extreme visuals are breath-taking, and hugely memorable.

For others, they're taken entirely out of the show, and wish for a more grounded approach.

Both viewpoints are perfectly fine, but it would be outright disingenuous, and frankly,

incorrect to say it's 'badly' animated.

Idiosyncratic expression is commonly mistaken for bad animation.

Episode 4 of Gurren Lagann and Episode 7 of Kemonozume are from Osamu Kobayashi, who has

an incredibly distinctive style.

He was personally invited aboard by the director, Hiroyuki Imaishi, in Gurren Lagann, and allowed

to do his own thing, despite Kobayashi asking whether his drawings would be corrected.

Fans kicked up a huge stink, which lead to a co-founder of Studio Gainax, Takami Akai,

coming out and quite bluntly saying, "The quality hasn't dropped, the style changed.

The staff really shouldn't listen to comments from amateurs who don't know any better,

but only from 'anime industry people'".

It's unfortunate that this had to happen, but it was necessary.

Loose, minimalist, or even just deviations from a set style are often met with hugely

negative reception.

Naoki Tate's loose style, and extreme use of smears are criticised regularly, for example.

Many fans don't like change, and struggle to separate their distaste for a style with

an accurate assessment of its quality.

So with all that said, let's look at what exactly bad animation really is.

One of the most obvious examples would be a scene that entirely disregards how form,

impact, and momentum works.

Episodes 5, 24, and 33 of Dragon Ball Super are the three worst in the series.

They're packed to the brim with anatomically incorrect forms, which contrary to what a

lot of people say, do actually matter when it comes to animation.

You can separate art to some degree – things in movement or in the distance will often

be lower detail and thus excused – but if the form falls apart, well outside of intentional

exaggeration, then your animation falls apart, too.

The movement itself is incredibly clunky.

The poses, even if you take them as stills, lack any sense of dynamism.

In movement, they defy the principle of inertia, which leads to very awkward and stiff animation,

and with little use of follow-through, the impacts just feel hollow.

Another example would be limited animation.

Limited animation is not necessary poor in and of itself, but it absolutely can be done

poorly, and I think the most recent example comes from a show ironically named DYNAMIC


Whether it be the horrendous band sequences or the infamous bike scene, the animation

relies heavily on digital key framing, moving components of stills around to create bizarre

puppet-like movement.

It's distracting… very disturbing at times… and definitely not good.

And it's fine example that well-drawn art can never sit in place of animation.

Moving well away from the specifics of actual movement, it's perfectly fine to levy criticisms

at episodes as a whole, even if they do contain one or two good sequences.

If an episode's supervision is lacking, leading to characters changing styles drastically

from scene to scene, it might not necessarily mean the episode is badly animated, but startling

inconsistency within an episode is not a great sign of polish.

It's fine for idiosyncratic animators to strut their stuff in key moments, or even

entire episodes as we mentioned earlier, but if you can literally see the key animator

change from cut to cut to cut, there's a real issue.

There are so many different ways to criticise animation fairly.

You don't need to result to pausing on in-betweens, or zooming in on low detail characters in

the background.

There are so many hilarious examples out there, and I do it and laugh about it with friends,

that is fine.

But passing them off as legitimate evidence for your criticisms is a great way to get

nobody to take you seriously.

This video isn't about telling you to shut up and just enjoy things, it's about challenging

how you view your anime.

It's about making you question whether something's bad or just different, or whether you're

really being fair when you're pausing on something intended to be seen in motion.

I am 100% sat up on my high-horse right now, and that's absolutely going to get under

some people's skin.

But I really hope it doesn't because I don't have better eyes than any of you.

My opinions on what's good and what isn't aren't facts.

I just want to be able to have discussions where we're being reasonable, and we can

talk about why something works or doesn't work, without resorting to examples that should

be reserved for comedy.

No more 'lazy' talk, no more 'budget' talk, let's focus on the 'who' and the


Once we're comfortable with that, we can shitpost in peace.

Thank you so much for listening and putting up with Mr. Negative over here.

I hope this was at the very least something useful to pass around, if not informative

for yourself.

I know that in a lot of communities this isn't much of an issue anymore, but in many of the

larger series mentioned throughout this video, it's unfortunately still rampant, and I

really wanted to play a small part in attempting to oust it.

Let me know what shows, episode, or scenes you find to be badly animated, weigh in on

what I've mentioned in the video, and feel free to ask any questions.

Be sure to rate the video, and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> What is BAD Animation? - Duration: 10:06.


CoBuy Success Story: Starla & Robert Buy a Home Together - Duration: 2:53.

Well my Dad, since I got my first job at 16 years always said buy

a home, buy a home, buy a home and I'm seems so weird and he's like just get a

group of friends together. I just looked at the number of our yearly rent and I

was like we are spending, you know, this is insane. Money just out into nowhere

like let's try and figure out a way to put our resources together.

When Robert and I decided to do this together we just kind of had this like grey sense of

are people allowed to do that and meeting you, Suzana, our agent kind of

were introduced to this idea of CoBuy and that it doesn't need to be as hard

as it is. I think CoBuy was most helpful in ironing out the details of how to

make our funds work together or asking ourselves questions about it that we

might not have asked. "Oh, you do need to consider this." They seem to have all the

right questions ready to go. But to have a structured sort of templatized

agreement that we just could plug in our own personal information into. Very

helpful. Yeah, it made it just, we didn't have to worry about the legalese. It kept

us with a checklist of steps and clarity on what we were responsible for and what

we could rely on like our team of people for. And if it's done in a way that

you're protected and they're protected it doesn't necessarily need to be

something that is risky. I do music stuff for a living and I'm telling my musician

buddies that I bought a house and they're just flabbergasted. And the fact

that I I look at my future completely differently

I think, I'm 41, and up until this point I've been like alright hopefully that

social security thing works out or I don't know I'll keep buying lottery

tickets once in a while. In the few months that we've owned the house like it's

appreciated what our rent was last year so it just seems like a no-brainer

and even if the home wasn't appreciating, even if it was just staying, the idea that

we're paying off the mortgage. Yeah, it feels like we're putting money into

savings instead of like money into the ether. For people who are considering

this process, like, it's so easy compared to what we thought it would be

like and the fact that...It could ruin somebody's relationship or make them

stronger and and we've been fortunate that like the last few months we've been

closer than we have in quite a while. Actually, I recommend, that anybody who's just

gonna get married, they should buy a house together first. First! And if they make

it through that then then they should get married. Yeah, that's right, actually.

Nailed it!

For more infomation >> CoBuy Success Story: Starla & Robert Buy a Home Together - Duration: 2:53.


Rehearsal 360° Starring Tank | Soul Train Awards - Duration: 7:14.

[indistinct chatter]

[drums playing]

Performing live is spiritual.

[music playing]

♪ I like it when you lose ♪

♪ I like it when you go ♪

♪ I could be aggressive ♪

♪ I could be a savage ♪

♪ I just need your blessing ♪

♪ Say that I can have it yeah ♪

Offsite rehearsal is kinda just to fine tune the individual elements

before it all comes together.

Working with Adam Blackstone is incredible.

He's a guy who speaks the same language I speak.

You know what I mean? We all just church kids.

You know what I mean? Out here doing a little R&B

every now and then.

But, you know, he's a professional...

Through and through.


[piano playing]


We didn't have to go back and forth at all

about the arrangement.

Soon as he sent me the arrangement that he and the band made,

I was like "Cool, I'll see you Saturday."

[music playing]


♪ When I take off my clothes ♪

♪ When I take off my, take off my ♪

[music playing]

♪ I like it when you go there ♪

♪ I like it when you ♪

♪ I like that you don't play fair ♪

[music playing]

You know, this song has kinda taken on a life of its own

in terms of the dance community.

So, you know, I reached out to a young lady by the name of Aliyah,

whose video just went completely viral

and sent this song spiraling in an entirely different direction

and I said I wanna use your choreography

for Soul Train like "Let's get it!"


When I choreograph to music, I listen to the lyrics, number one,

'cause I need the movement to make sense with the lyrics.

I also listen to how he's singing it, like where would I put myself,

where would I really be playing this song in real life?

[music playing]

♪ I could be aggressive ♪

♪ I could be a savage ♪

♪ I just need your blessing ♪

♪ Say that I can have it yeah ♪

[music playing]

The really important thing about this show is, you know,

it's all camera angles.

You know what I mean?

It's the swooping crane, it's the steady cam,

It's the still camera, you know, when they're back...

And so, you know, ultimately you have to put yourself

and your performance in the best position

for those cameras to allow you to shine the right way.

So your performance comes off, you know, the right way.

We would start in a diagonal for this really great affect,

just for staging purposes and then we'll just be in the middle.

You know, everything is all my idea.

You know, that's normally how this works.

See, Soul Train steals a lot from me, you know,

the directors and the principles who are in charge of this,

you know, I just kinda run off the top of my head, you know,

red piano and then Jessie's like "Oh my God, we should get a red piano!"

I was like "I just said that." But it's fine, they can take my credit.

It's all good, happens all the time.

But no, Jessie's dope, he said "There's a red piano,

I'm telling you right now, it's around and it'll be dope for you to perform on."

And, you know, we just kinda went back and forth

about the staging and putting it together

but ultimately what happens is once you get here and get on the stage,

you know, that's when you can kinda totally figure out

what the magic is gonna be.

[music playing]

Now that I've completed my second rehearsal on stage,

I can go back to the room, watch some football

and just relax and enjoy the night

before it all gets crazy tomorrow.

Ladies, keep your legs closed together...

'Cause this Tank will blow your bunker to bits.

[crowd cheering]

Ladies and Gentlemen, Tank!

♪ Please don't go ♪

♪ Please ♪

♪ When we ♪

♪ When we ♪

♪ When we ♪

Soul Train Awards, can I get comfortable?

[music playing]

♪ I like it when you lose ♪

♪ I like it when you go there ♪

♪ I like the way you use ♪

♪ I like that you don't play fair ♪

I said we gon' get comfortable!

[music playing]

♪ Face down, act up ♪

♪ Back, back, back it up ♪

♪ Lemme get both of them legs yeah ♪

♪ And put 'em both behind your head ♪

♪ Things is getting deep, deep Up in there ♪

♪ I feel your legs Gettin' weak up in there ♪

♪ Face full of that ♪

♪ I'm close baby don't push me This is how it always should be when ♪

♪ When we ♪

Your energy is like incredible.

Seemed like the crowd loved it.

They responded to the things that we wanted them to respond to.

And we wanted to make it again but we're so grateful.

Crazy, crazy, it was crazy.

I was trying to keep it sexy and it just went to a whole other...

I started growling like we was in church, the Lord wouldn't be pleased if we...

You give it all you got, you leave it out there, you walk away.

And that's why} I gave it everything I had.

[crowd cheering]

[music playing]

For more infomation >> Rehearsal 360° Starring Tank | Soul Train Awards - Duration: 7:14.


Sheet Pan Shrimp Scampi | Food Network - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Sheet Pan Shrimp Scampi | Food Network - Duration: 0:37.


TAG:Decida - feat Ananda Nunes | Alany Karoliny - Duration: 14:12.

For more infomation >> TAG:Decida - feat Ananda Nunes | Alany Karoliny - Duration: 14:12.


La fabuleuse robe de Priscilla Betti - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> La fabuleuse robe de Priscilla Betti - Duration: 4:27.


Grings - Limites infinitos - ( Aula 15 ) - Duration: 23:00.

For more infomation >> Grings - Limites infinitos - ( Aula 15 ) - Duration: 23:00.


Attorney: Video shows officer using excessive force in Lancaster Township, Butler County - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Attorney: Video shows officer using excessive force in Lancaster Township, Butler County - Duration: 1:35.


Sistine Chapel and Vatican Museums :: What to do in Rome #6 - Duration: 11:28.

For more infomation >> Sistine Chapel and Vatican Museums :: What to do in Rome #6 - Duration: 11:28.


Stranger in the Night Part 1 | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:10.

Stranger in the Night Part 1

I was chillaxing Just relaxing

When I heard a knock upon my door I wondered what for

So I waited and then I heard it once more Then before

Me stood a man who wore All black and his sweat began to pour

His shoes had holes his feet looked like they were sore

Then he told me he just came from the store Where he met a young lady dressed in fine

couture Who made his heart soar

And he thought he could score But when they got back to her place

She slapped him in the face He said his heart began to race

She made him feel like a disgrace Her body covered with white lace

Increased his heart's pace But then she sprayed him with mace

And hit him with a vase It was then that he wished he could erase

It all How the blow made him fall

And she stood over him looking tall How she got a call

And went into the hall So he moved closer to the wall

So that she couldn't see That he

Was about to flee From her house and way past the store

Where he finally arrived at my front door

…To Be Continued…

For more infomation >> Stranger in the Night Part 1 | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:10.


How Domino's Started - Duration: 1:57.

In 1960, Tom Monaghan and his brother, James, bought a small pizzeria called

"DomiNick's", in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The brothers

borrowed $900, and secured the store with a $500 down payment.

The brothers planned to split the work evenly, but James didn't want to quit his

full-time job as a postman. So within eight months, James actually

traded his half of the business to Tom, in exchange for a Volkswagen Beetle, that

they used to deliver pizzas. The pizza store became really popular, especially

with the students at Eastern Michigan. And it was actually Monaghan's first

delivery at Eastern Michigan, where he met his wife in the college dorm lobby.

After the first date, he gave his girlfriend a heart-shaped pizza, and the

rest is history. And the pizzeria kept growing in

popularity, and by 1965, they had three locations in the same count. Monaghan

actually wanted to expand nationwide, with the same "DomiNicks" brand name, but

the original owner wouldn't allow it. He didn't want to be held back, so he

changed the name to Domino's, in 1965, and began expanding like crazy. In fact,

nothing held Monaghan back, he was pretty relentless. He even hid behind

cars to catch pizza thieves, and he threatened them with meat tenderizers.

It's even quoted to say that, he didn't hesitate to swing a punch if someone didn't pay up.

And by 1983, they had their first international franchise in Brisbane,

Australia. They had pretty steady growth, but then hit a wall in the 2000s, when people

were saying that their pizzas were just gross and blend. By 2010, the future

would be pretty bleak, so they decided on a new and surprising marketing strategy,

with their new CEO. They publicly admitted that their product was awful,

and they promoted a new change in recipe. And since the change, Domino's stock price

has risen 1800%. And today they're worth about $8 billion.

And that's how Domino's started. Thank you for watching my video, if you

enjoyed it please subscribe to me on YouTube and follow me on Instagram


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