Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 30 2018

7 Best Home Remedies For Anemia.

Do you feel constantly fatigued?

Or has your skin been pale and dull recently?

May be rest is not all that you need.

Anemia is a condition where your body is low on red blood cells.

Healthy red blood cells are the main part of haemoglobin in your blood that binds the


This simply means that if you have a low red blood cell count or haemoglobin then the cells

in your body may not get enough oxygen to function properly as a result of which you

might feel tired and energy less most of the time.There are many types of anemia but the

most common one is caused due to a deficiency of iron in the body.

The bone marrow requires iron to produce haemoglobin.

Without enough iron in the body, it will not be able to produce haemoglobin for the red

blood cells.

According to an IndiaSpend analysis conducted in 2016, India tops the list of nations with

most anemic women and children.

In pregnant women, iron-deficiency anemia can cause serious complications while in children

it can affect their language and motor skills.

There are many home remedies for anemia that one can bring into practice.

The symptoms of anemia.

Most of the important symptoms of anemia are very common and may go by unnoticed or confused

for something else.

Therefore, it's important to get your haemoglobin count checked if you've been experiencing

any of the following for a long time now:

-Constant fatigue.

-Paleness or dullness of skin.

-Severe hair fall.

-Lack of energy.

-Regular palpitations (heart beating really fast).

-Shortness of breath.

-Being moody or feeling low all the time.

As per the World Health Organisation guidelines, men who have less than 13 grams of hemoglobin

per deciliter are anemic and the same goes for women who have less than 12 grams of hemoglobin

per deciliter.

But, don't fret.

Anemia can be treated and managed with a little care and caution.

If you have anemia, the first step would be to talk to your doctor about taking iron supplements

and also enrich your diet with iron-rich foods.

Here's where we can help.

We've put together some of the best home remedies for anemia that can help boost your

energy and restore your vitality.

Here Are Some Natural Remedies for Anemia You Can Try.


Increase Vitamin C intake.

Anemia tends to weaken your immune system and thus, you may be more prone to infections

and inflammatory diseases.

Adequate doses of vitamin C can help fortify you from within and at the same time it also

helps in the absorption of iron.

Dote on oranges or you can even have a glass of lemon water every day.


Yogurt with Turmeric.

In his book, 'Ayurvedic Home Remedies', Dr. Vasant Lad suggest that those suffering

from kapha-type anemia should have a cup of yogurt twice a day, morning and afternoon,

with a teaspoon of turmeric.

In kapha-type anemia, a person may experience swelling and the skin turns cold and clammy.

This remedy helps in balancing the kapha dosha in the body.


Eat more green vegetables.

The high amounts of chlorophyll contained in green vegetables like spinach, celery,

mustard greens ​and broccoli is a good source of iron.

Keep in mind that it's best to have cooked spinach as raw the leaves contain oxalic acid

with may prevent the absorption of iron in the body.


Drink up.

Fresh beetroot or pomegranate juice acts as great blood builders and also blood purifiers.

Beetroots are rich in folic acid you can team them up with apples or carrot.

Pomegranates, on the other hand, are rich in iron and also other minerals like copper

and potassium.

Both these juices, if had regularly, can boost your energy levels by supporting healthy blood

flow and make you feel more active.


Copper water.

Copper water is considered very healthy in Ayurveda.

Dr. Vasant Lad also advices to have water stored in a copper vessel overnight every


This helps in replenishing your body with natural minerals and is also known to be very

good for treating hair loss.


Sesame seeds.

Eating sesame seeds is another great way of increasing your iron intake, especially black

sesame seeds.

You can soak the sesame seeds in some water for two to three hours and then grind them

into a paste.

Have this with a teaspoon of honey every day.


Raisins and dates.

These dried fruits offer a combination of iron and Vitamin C.

This enables the body to quickly and effectively absorb the iron from them.

Eat a handful of raisins and one or two dates for breakfast or as a mid-meal snack.

They are also know to give you instant energy.

For more infomation >> 7 Best Home Remedies For Anemia - Duration: 6:09.


রোজ মল্লিক | Model and Actress | Rose Mollick | Photo Video | Photo Shoot | Media Biodata - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> রোজ মল্লিক | Model and Actress | Rose Mollick | Photo Video | Photo Shoot | Media Biodata - Duration: 0:54.


Клуб, который дороже ЦЕЛОЙ СТРАНЫ! Top-10 самых дорогих спортивных клубов мира - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> Клуб, который дороже ЦЕЛОЙ СТРАНЫ! Top-10 самых дорогих спортивных клубов мира - Duration: 9:28.


Shameless Holiday Guide: Surviving New Year's - Duration: 1:19.




New Year's is all about reflection, resolutions,

and for many of us, brutal hangovers.

Begin the new year without regret with these handy tips.

Cuff me before I get disorderly.

Stay hydrated.


How long was that?

Not long enough.

Be responsible.

What the--

I can explain this.

Get a good night's rest.

Frank, did you sleep here again?

Eat a healthy breakfast.


Don't leave the celebration alone.


I have a kid and a stupid ex-boyfriend, so I'm not

looking for anything serious.

I just got expelled from college to do 30 days in rehab.

Then we're a perfect match.

Get some exercise.

Go, go, go.

And all means, hair of the dog.




Next round's on me!



For more infomation >> Shameless Holiday Guide: Surviving New Year's - Duration: 1:19.


Roebuck stalking uncensored - Patreon special - 4k - Duration: 27:09.

For more infomation >> Roebuck stalking uncensored - Patreon special - 4k - Duration: 27:09.


The origin of the leech [200 SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL] - Duration: 6:00.

yes ride horsey

once upon a time there was a great prophet called Dave and he was great

great this great prophet could do great things he could mesmerize his followers

with his great wisdom people of my gracious audience I shall now mesmerize

you with my great words of wisdom and woe woo yay baddabom pow

Bing bong bop OMG OO and one day he went on a great adventure to leechville

yes ride gracous horse ride me to victory now

we shall open the great gates to leechville

greetings leechville ah you can hear their gratitude well yeah but you did use me

as a horse to get here that is slave labour

are you speaking down to the great Dave definitely not looking down at you yes precisely now be out of my

sight peasant now what should i do first

what is that I spot a mere little leech in the way of I the great Dave well

a pathetic little leech you shall be no longer

Oh what's happening where am I my great magical powers worked magic

what are you talking about Oh leech you were a few minutes ago just a pitiful

little leech crawling on the floor but now you are a gracious magical being to

be my apprentice magical being apprentice what's all this about

are you trying to sell me scam v bucks follow me chosen one for I shall show

you the ways of Dave the great prophet who is great Dave who and they travelled

yes ride horsey

he taught him the great art of apology sorry ssaarli- get it right already

ah sorry sorry now that's better and how to play

pokemon go like a boss my apprentice I believe there's an ekans over here

Dave Pokemon go doesn't come out for another three thousand years

oh but you must remember leech I'm a Time Lord I can do timey things and above

all he taught him the art of sensing clickbait here I sense

clickbait within this room oh hello there Dave the great I was just here

making some good old clickbait how are you wow Dave how did you do that oh you'll

see but one day the leech grew too strong I'm so bored

I wonder when the great old Dave will come back- hello oh hello mr. clock how are you

doing today oh I'm fine I was just wondering if you

would consume me consume you well I don't know what good old Lord Dave would

think of that oh never mind Dave is just a boring old poopoo head you'll wish you'd never said that

yes leech consume my power

what is happening

I have the power leech what are you doing in here I have outgrown you

Dave what do you mean don't tell me you've ate the clock I believe I'm starting to

do timey things timey things it is currently 6:00 p.m.

but you're telling the time I could never do that if I dreamed of it

I am beyond your power now EEAAGGHH please have mercy

For more infomation >> The origin of the leech [200 SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL] - Duration: 6:00.



For more infomation >> TÜRKİYE 2019 YILINDA SİZLERİ NELER BEKLİYOR - DUYMADIM DEME ! - Duration: 3:53.


Να είσαι αισιόδοξος - Dalai Lama - Ελληνικοί Υπότιτλοι/Greek Subs - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Να είσαι αισιόδοξος - Dalai Lama - Ελληνικοί Υπότιτλοι/Greek Subs - Duration: 1:17.


♪ RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 THE MUSICAL - Animated Parody Song - Duration: 3:16.

Rob a train belonging to a guy Cornwall,

He heard the news, he did not like it at all.

Hired Pinkerton to track us down,

Forcing our gang to become nomadic.

Needless to say we were frantic.

After a violent bank heist in Valentine,

Our loose knot of lies quickly became untied.

John's son Jack was kidnapped, given to Bronte,

Used Jack as leverage to make us all pay,

Dutch refused to obey.

We got sh** on our plates, but we can solve 'em,

For 1899, just first-world problems.

We all must stick together, not lose our sh** if we are to survive.

John goes to jail while we sail off to Cuba,

The ship sinks, we get stranded on Guarma.

A revolution starts and we escape back home,

Dutch seems really off, he's more violent-prone.

His sense of humanity's gone.

We got sh** on our plates, but we can solve 'em,

For 1899, just first-world problems.

We all must stick together, not lose our sh** if we are to survive.

Rescued John and begged him to leave,

Start an honest life with his family.

I have tuberculosis, will die,

Watching the sun rise.

Dutch went nuts but was no bad guy,

It was Micah who stirred the sh** sty.

One day Dutch'll double cross Micah, John'll finish him.

We got sh** on our plates, but we can solve 'em,

For 1899, just first-world problems.

We all must stick together, not lose our sh** if we are to survive.

For more infomation >> ♪ RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 THE MUSICAL - Animated Parody Song - Duration: 3:16.


8 Great Home Remedies For A Sore Throat - Duration: 3:49.

8 Great Home Remedies For A Sore Throat.

With winter here, feeling a little bit under the weather is almost inevitable. For most

of us a normal cold is easy to overcome with a few days of rest but during that time the

symptoms can often drive you up the walls.

When you have a sore throat, it's hard to think about anything else. The coughing, the

pain and scratchy feeling are intolerable, making it difficult to even eat or sleep.

So if you're struggling with a sore throat or trying to prevent the onset of one, here

are some of the best home remedies around.

1. Salt water. Mix a quarter of a teaspoon of salt into a

cup of hot water and gargle it to neutralise acids, kill germs and get rid of that horrible

burning sensation. Just remember not to swallow it.


2. Lemon and water. Mix some lemon juice in water and gargle it

or drink it. The acid in the lemon will help reduce the swollen tissue in your throat and

kill the bacteria.

3. Ginger, honey and lemon. This is one of the most powerful home remedies

for cold and flu. Honey soothes the throat and has antibacterial properties too.

4. Peppers . Hot sauce or peppers contain papsicum which

fights inflammation and pain. Although it can burn a little, try gargle this solution

to soothe your sore throat.

5. Turmeric. This is another great gargling solution. Turmeric

is one of the most powerful spices, with many antioxidants and disease fighting properties.

You can add ½ a teaspoon of turmeric and ½ a teaspoon of salt in the cup of water

for a more effective remedy.

6. Cloves. Try mixing ground or powdered cloves with

some hot water to make a tea. Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties that can heal

your throat.

7. Green tea Green tea is one of the healthiest things

you can consume for disease fighting and building up your immune system. If you have a sore

throat, drinking green tea will ease the pain and kill the bacteria that's causing your

sore throat.

8. Apple cider vinegar. It's not the most delicious treat but adding

a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of salt to some hot water will give

your throat an acidic coating that germs won't be able to survive. If you simply can't

muster the courage to swallow it, gargling it a few times throughout the day will help.

For more infomation >> 8 Great Home Remedies For A Sore Throat - Duration: 3:49.


Tratamiento de las varices casi inmediatamente.| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 13:42.

For more infomation >> Tratamiento de las varices casi inmediatamente.| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 13:42.


The Video YouTube Took Down Part 1 of 6: God's Prophetic Word For 2019 - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> The Video YouTube Took Down Part 1 of 6: God's Prophetic Word For 2019 - Duration: 7:36.


SML Movie: Chef Pee Pee Pees Peas Reaction - Duration: 14:24.

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video, make sure to subscribe

With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media

So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

Hello everyone doing here and welcome back to another reaction so we'll be reacting to

Logan's new video that came out 9 hours ago so it came out like at 3 p.m. Right now. It's like 12:15 in uh

min at midnight right now and I just came back from

Six Flags as I mentioned from the last video or like the last few videos, so

Yeah, we'll be reacting to

SML movie


Chef peepee. Peace. Peace

All right. Bye the title there. Okay. So I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did make sure to drop the like button

And make it fast wash your hands too

Is he really coughing up peas - oh


Actually Thoreau was peas that he just coughed it up a wolf he coughed it up or it was from his nose

I don't know it could be both

I thought it was Peas. I thought it was coughing up

It could take a week or probably a little bit longer two weeks

Never even seen you could not even imagine

He grew a tail rattlesnake

Rattles and people looking on the floor for rattlesnakes

But no, it's the guy in front of them with the tail and then another guy took this and his lungs exploded

He took one breath of air - taking this pill and as long as just pop like balloons and then this other guy

Scratched out he's old but some really some side effects

Update they would not scratch and sniff stickers

So is he gonna take this pillow? What?

Snap your neck like a tweet. Okay, great. So, how are we gonna get him to take this pill? Huh?

maybe roll it up in a piece of

Maybe some Bologna. I mean that's what I do with my

Desk they say good praise me like a god I can change what people do with stuff like this one pill you out two pills

You've done. All right. You want to be a llama. I want to know what actually is that?

So we can put this pill in there Oh be a mouth chef peepee

Open your mouth chef peepee

Go be nice shot now swallow

Swallow I have the same problem with my ex-wife. All right, I'm gonna leave you guys to it

You call me if there's any problems. Okay. Okay. Thanks DUP

swallow let

Me finish making a stupid sandwich I

Gotta pee. Do I have enough time?

Yeah, yeah. Oh

Man, I really have to pee. Let me get my oh

Let's see the business


Do I really need to month my just why not just cut it out

That's kind of selfish this is probably just a side effect from the medicine I gave you earlier it's not a problem

Yeah, it's an easy fix I'll just give you a new medicine that'll reverse it but first they're gonna take

Just like mama used to make

Get you another purple pill and I found this one under the seat of my car and I'm pretty sure that it's gonna get you

To stop pee in peace. You promise doctor no

Was that a yes or no? No home


You have to eat it out of my hand like a giraffe what just do it

a dog

All right, no go pee so we can see what happens

I'm gonna edit it. I'm gonna cut it out


Of course you want to have pee coming out of your peepee no, peace or

Peace, but I mean if you had to pick between these Peas these peas

Which peas would you pick coz I pick these Pete's not

Not those peace because those peas could be DS if they swung around the wrong way. Yeah, and

Ppp's DS wouldn't be all that funny unless it was chef

Ppp's DS nice in which case? It'd be kind of funny but not as funny as chef peepee peas peas


Just give you a different medicine he'll be it'll be okay follow me

Okay, no more P and P is a pea and peas you're gonna pee pee after taking this pill

Yes, but third time's the charm cuz three is the magic number okay open your mouth so I can give you this pill Oh

Kind of mordant three could be

Did you do it did the people go peepee in the party

Yes, big boy went peepee in the potty, but it's a whole lot of peepee going on in the toilet. Come here. Okay?

Okay, this is just getting silly are those peas peeing peas. So chef peepee peas peas ping peas


You shouldn't be peeing peas peas or peas peas peas just pee or urine so it doesn't get confusing

All right, no more screwing around no more peeing vegetables no more peeing lettuce and no more peeing let us be in vegetables

You're it and there's nothing funny about urine

No, but it's like the fourth one, so eventually one of these pills is gonna reverse everything that's been happening to you

You can't reverse something by doing the same thing that caused it. Oh, yeah. What about a light switch, huh?

You flip it to turn it on and you flip it to turn it off. You do the same thing both times

Alright, and what about a TV remote, huh?

Yep, ah, you put you push the power button to turn it on and you push the same power button touch powering it off

I bet you didn't think about that dumbass. I'll take your pills stupid


How many times do I need to see that

IMAX wrong asleep darkness. Sorry, sorry about that

And now you P&P PPP's peeing pees and that is definitely a PNG

Can you say please please thank you. Hold on I have to sneeze achoo

Now I smell cheese. All right, do you feel a breeze?

Okay, right you took five mm, so what's the worst that could happen

I mean look

There's only two things that could happen either you take this pill and you pee pee

Or you take this pill and you pee another hilarious sentence, that's pretty god. It's a second

Look, I'm gonna take the stupid pill but if it doesn't work, that's what it got him. I sue your ass get in line

Let's see

Let's go

What would you do if you pee the piece I

Don't know I

guess I will do the same thing as a pee-pee did just call it doctor and then

if I have to go through that I go through that until when I

Went if it gets to normal again then

I'll be happy. So I hope you guys enjoy the video

Anyway, make sure to drop like I'm down below and subscribe to the channel as we're on the road to

900 subscribers but

I'm thinking that

my goal is to get

850 and

N900. So yeah, thank you guys so much for the support


Turn a pulse on occasions and thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next video

Goodbye, everyone

For more infomation >> SML Movie: Chef Pee Pee Pees Peas Reaction - Duration: 14:24.


WHO IS BLACKPINK ? (story, members, scandals...) [FR SUB] - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> WHO IS BLACKPINK ? (story, members, scandals...) [FR SUB] - Duration: 6:32.





A Deeper Look Into Belle Delphine...(manipulation) - Duration: 2:33.

bell Delphine is a 19 year old professional Internet THOT who blew

up because she rolled her eyes back and stuck out her tongue that was a video

that kick started her career now she has over two point 1 million followers on

Instagram an average is four hundred and five thousand likes a photo on average

Belle gains about six hundred and forty thousand followers a month and twenty

one thousand followers a day just scrolling down her Instagram you can see

why she has so many followers most of her demographic is bound to be younger

men and well I don't have to explain that one do I she's also made tik-tok

videos which went viral gaining her even more publicity you play with them balls

I could see five these tic toc videos are intended as a joke though some

people don't see them start ranting about them which Bell is taking to

advantage so obviously she knows her way around the algorithm now though we've

got the first segment now it's time to move on to the second segment of the

video and this segment is the patreon segment if our instagrams an entry

enough her patreon sure will Belle's patreon the second tier so bronze is the

lowest here you pay one dollar a month for it and gold is the highest here and

you pay $25 a month for it but more on to that later

that was over 2000 patreons and I guarantee 75% of them are under the age

of 15 well annoys me the most about that if she teases her body on Instagram just

enough of the horny boys go racing over to our patreon and by membership does he

slightly doubt to your images this is blatant manipulation and nobody's

calling her out for it even if a kid only spends $1 is still wrong they've

been smartly manipulated into purchasing her patreon ladies and gentlemen it

keeps getting worse she has a tear of called personal snapchat it's $50 a

month but don't worry is $50 but it's her new nautious social media it

includes daily selfies and day-to-day life photos bath and shower time selfies

daily pant it's very not-safe-for-work picks random

naughty videos anime bitches I look at her titties then

I take her home and we count up these fifties I come to your city how sneaky

no chimney I'll tickle her kidney and now I watch Disney I love me some hence

I go on next videos bitch I'm be basting my dick emoji Rios bitch donkey bangs I

might flip our computer I whip on my dignity

For more infomation >> A Deeper Look Into Belle Delphine...(manipulation) - Duration: 2:33.


Poki and Fed ✦ FOKI Moments of 2018 ✦ Pokimane, Fedmyster ✦ - Duration: 16:48.

That's insane I love how when you open

Why you gotta expose

Okay, well you know what let's just



Thought it was straw. I thought no one I didn't think anyone would give me ten thousand bits

So I was like remember I can't

Wait, wait wait, this is different

It's the same wait wait born I big broke

International daddy day

You please stop snacking it looks really inappropriate when you do that that Mac my

Candy, really?

Cuz you're like smack my snakes back my snick

Would you eat my y'all I would yell you any day no

I'm asking if you would eat my yard. If I said yeah, would you ye yeah, I don't what are you trying to say?

I'm not check




All right, your money is really not just fucking beta is

Nice nice Oh execution. Oh my god. You're crazy. Losing it. I

Can you attend


Do that that's actually please bed Meister physically

Federico he stated the host of either tall men with a slim figure weight wearing a black suit and bowtie

Quickly scanned a list of names. Oh, yes a follow me signor Federico

You have a reservation for to teach at Paislee italiano set the whole center cheerful tone. Oh

Sorry, I don't know

Italian the Spanish work

Focuses on


My god, what is your bad Oh

Freaking true I can hear him laughing from his room. I

Merely say that in chat and then say oh I was trolling by the way


That's how you make this shit book. So you have no you have to mean after the music. It's true right say true

It's true. I shot. It's not your trap back me up high trying

To boast shot. No. Oh, I'm not there shitposting

Like you like you dance-off between you guys

I mean how it be a dance-off. It'd just be like it would just be me winning

Imagine a scene where fed and many more twins and pokies the stepsisters

Pedophiles never die

Right, right because it is an experience right? It's an experience. I've actually never seen a whole

Whole video still I give this money back photo files never die. They die

If I'd like to appreciate

That thought she's gonna trip but she but she kept up a lot of yourselves her phone in her pocket. Oh

But seriously

Cute chat this cheating. They figured out a way they oh my god. They're so good. Oh

Don't look at change don't don't

Okay, okay, I want it like look up

Damn looking. It's really really important. You have to be listening not just looking. Okay. I'm doing both. Yeah


My god I

Lost sibling

Somebody has nothing to do with how you look like like you could have like a big stomach and be pretty thin, okay


Could basically hide behind you. Yeah, it's so good. I

See, oh yeah, I really wonder where fetes is the same thing not like to not necessarily I can disappear

Okay, oh

Look what screen shot a chat I fucking wind. Okay, okay

You notice when you say my name, how do you say my name

You dude they're like that it's cute

Are you well, I the way the reason again that upset is because like I told him to listen to this song I

listen to like

That's actually Almighty

Oh my my playlist - so let's skip pretty frequently. I'm really bad

I need people to make a folky remix to it and then you listen to it

It's okay


Too dark for you to chew

Yeah, just thing out the dogs feel like you know science and you know content


Maybe other

We check out all them

Horse in cash pile is still back. Fuck it. No just

Can do this you can do this you can do this. This is easy clap

Okay, it's okay, oh I'll be your emotional cock-block

See you later

These are my favorite streamers in one stream keep living much love from Canada, I love Canadians

One in particular I'm just getting there

Just one cheese

No toast, isn't that Canadian? He's he's fucking Taiwanese. I

Like Canadians Moroccans

Moroccans I was told in $3,300 next month

Yeah, I know I know it's called, uh, it's called

I'm gonna sleep with you

Although his fucking side

Just what are they repeating over and over


Wait, there's like a dead zone

It's like it's been all my skin

I need to smile

Chief Justice of streamers view worse


The seasons coming go like thoughts of you

Like a wave returns to the scene into the blue

May change, but it in a cycle

That I can lose

each painful, but the

- bastard

You came into my life

just like god nothing season not for the gesture time just like

I see that

The seasons turn and change just like you mine

Like the Sun yeah

We're gonna get more dogs

Or cats great

Okay, but yeah, that's pretty much like


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