Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 31 2018

Have you ever struggled trying to find yourself or find your purpose in life?

I'm going to lay out for you step by step what you may be missing all along. In

this video, learn how to find yourself and your purpose in life.

There's a big search that you and I and others are going through and that's

really to find our purpose in life. But why are there so many people struggling

with finding themselves and their purpose? Like what's blocking the way?

What's really in the way of us figuring this out? Now, I've got 6 ideas for you

here of what you can do to clear the space so that this can be discovered. And

over literally the last 15 years of mentoring people one-on-one and in large

groups, I have found a common thread amongst people who are confused or lost

in this area. And I want to share those 6 ideas with you. Because what if you

did take action on these 6 ideas? What if you did this? Well, then the fog and

the darkness would pull away. And you would find your purpose. You know what

would happen? You'd get moving. You'd feel some motivation, you'd make

some progress and wow, you're actually would feel really really good. Now, if

you're not into feeling good and knowing your purpose then this is not your video.

But here we go, I'm going to give you the 6 insights of what it takes to be able

to clear that space. First, what it takes. That it clear some room and seriously,

you have to clear up your stuff. A person who has a bunch of messy stuff, garage,

closet. All the things are in those boxes and

that one room in your house where it's all messy, if you got messy areas of your

life, how can you think clearly about your purpose and really discovering who

you are at that deep level? You can't. It really causes a lot of problems and

delays when we leave our stuff messy. But where do you start,

right? How do you start this? Well, to clean up your stuff, notice it's your

stuff. First, you take some responsibility accountability for your own shirts, pants,

socks, your undies. You know, your own things. Your own books,

your own part of the of the closet or the office or you know your side of the

bed. You... You clean up your stuff. And the more you start to respect and honor your

things, you begin to find yourself. Tough to find yourself when the things you're

managing are not put in a good order. So, start cleaning up your stuff. And

start with your own personal stuff. Second, get rid of stuff. If we have too

many things, if we have too much stuff what happens is our mind has to manage

all those things even when we're not around it. There's a portion, a little

portion of our mind that's connected to each item that we call our own or that

we've kept or we chose to keep it. But there literally is this little dose of

energy that leaves our mind and goes out to hold that thing in its particular

space. And so the more things you have, the more mind space is being occupied. So,

when you clean up your stuff and then get rid of some stuff, it

opens up your mind. And when it opens up your mind, it opens up your eyes. So, you

can find yourself and find your purpose. But too much stuff is going to block

your vision, block your ability to discover what this is. Number 3,

people. You find your purpose and you find yourself through serving others.

Because when you find your purpose, that purpose is going to be about helping

other people. It always comes back to that. Now, let's say that you decided, "Well,

my purpose in life is to be a veterinarian." Well, you're helping take

care of other people's pets or animals and that helps the people. If your

purpose in life is to be a home builder, well that home helps other people. No,

matter what you do in this life, it's going to benefit some other people. So,

how you find your purpose and find who you are, start being around people. More

people. And I there's lots of ways to do that. You get to decide what that looks

like for yourself, but the more you engage with people, the

sooner this will happen. Next is spending some time in nature. Nature has this

ability to be able to help us feel calm and peaceful. And also, Nature has no

"fakeness" to it. Nature is natural. So, when we spend time in nature and we see it as

it is, the way the trees are, the way the mountains are, the way the river is. The

way the stream and the lake and all the animals. They are what they are.

There's no covering up. They just that's who they are. And so the more time we can

spend in nature which if you can spend at least 30 minutes just being in nature.

30 minutes a week. If you can be an hour out in nature. Now, I'm not saying you're

out there fishing or hiking or camping. That's an activity. When I say be in

nature, like you literally are just being in nature. You're sitting on a rock

amongst trees for a half an hour, an hour. Just to soak up being in nature. There's

no hike, there's no camping, there's no fishing, there's no bike riding. There's

none of that kind of stuff going on. Because that's all those are

distractions. But being in nature helps us get past our cover-ups. Get past our

front that we put up to show everybody else. I mean, we we as people, we try to

show up in front of other people a lot better than what we are in our natural

state. Because we were worried that people are not going to love us for who we

are. So we show up to people. And so, when you get in nature, your natural side, your

authentic side comes to the surface to help you find yourself

and helps you find your purpose. We're just going to be about people. It really

is. Okay, number 5. Your health and nutrition. You know mom always said eat

your vegetables? It's true. See how mom always said you know, "Ho ride

your bike instead of staying inside all day long." Moms are right. They they're so

smart. They're so smart. But moms are right. The

more healthy we are and the more we focus on our nutrition, what happens is

it helps our brain function better. So, the better we take care of us, the better

our brain functions. And that helps us find what we're looking for. So maybe

it's time to pick up an apple, right? Or maybe it's time to eat something healthy.

And maybe it's time to go for a walk. Get out of the house for a while and go help

energize your body and take care of your body. When you take care of your body, you

take care of your brain. And when you take care of your brain, you discover who

you are and the purpose in which you are in life and what you're doing. Number 6

here is to write. I would suggest pulling out a pad of paper or opening up a

document on your computer. And just start with the sentence that says, "The purpose

of my life is." And then just let all your crazy ideas come out of your head. And if

you can't think of anything of what your purpose of life is, if you can't come up

with anything. Then what you do is you just write a make-believe story.

Just pretend. You're not writing to find the answer, you're writing to be creative.

And so when you type on your computer or write on your pad of paper and you're

writing, you know, "The purpose of my life is." You get to make-believe, pretend, come up

with funny, crazy ideas. Maybe it's... Maybe you want to be an an ice cream truck

driver where you can drive around neighborhoods and make all the kids

happy. Whatever it is. But you playfully write what you think your your purpose

of life is. Because as you playfully write all these fun ideas and... Maybe

maybe you saw a movie and you liked what that person did in the movie. It's like, "I

want to be able to do this and I want to be able to do this." If you can open up

your mind through writing, you can open up your creative side. And somewhere in

that playful writing, one of those playful stories is going to cause a twinch

on the inside. Just this a little emotional spark. We as people, we tend

to want to find the right answer at the right time at the right moment. But what

if the purpose of your life is to be creative. What if there's a thousand

options for you and all you have to do is pick. Maybe it's time to do number 6.

And playfully right. And if you comply fully right and just keep it playful and

just kind of just you know brainstorm and make-believe for a while. You might

find that spark. Because it's what I did. Years and years and years ago. Well we're

probably talking 17,18 years ago. I had this crazy idea. I playfully said to my

wife, you know, what I want to grow up... When I grow up, I want to be a

motivational speaker. And I busted out laughing. I said there's no way. I'm an

introvert, I have nothing to teach, I don't know anything. I barely past high

school. I'll never be able to do that. But when I said that at a very playful way,

there was this twinge that happened in the center of my chest. It was like,

that's weird. And my wife noticed it. She's like, "Hey, I just saw your face,

something happened." I was like, "No, I'm good." But I was being playful. I was not

being serious. I was just... Because I just watched somebody at this big seminar

standing onstage for a couple days and and I was like, "Well, I want to do that. I

couldn't do that." But there's no way I had the training, the education by blah,

blah, blah. But I was being playful. But it opened up my mind. When we're playful, it

taps into the child's side of us. And the child's side of us opens up creativity. I

really believe the purpose of your life is to be found and created. But you get

to step into that playful side. I am going to find some incredible, incredible

experiences here as you go to write about this. But

remember, it's number 6, it's not number 1. Do these steps along the way and

when you get to number 6, you'll find that you're much more open to discover

who you are and what your purpose of life. It's that's what we like to do here

at 3 key elements. This is our mission. It's our purpose in life. To

literally share what we've found with you. Help save time. Be able to help you

find direction in your life. So subscribe here to our You Tube channel and I'll be

sure to send you another great training video that'll help open up your mind and

help dial in on that purpose. And also check us out on our website at

We have some great training courses we love to share with

you there. So from for Kirk and Kim and my family

to you, hey your life matters. And that's why we do what we do.

For more infomation >> How To Find Yourself And Purpose In Life - Duration: 12:36.


The bread of life cured my eating disorder! - Duration: 6:21.

- On the outside I looked pretty good.

I was slim.

I was fit, like, in shape.

But inside I was actually a big mess.

I had no idea how to cope,

how to just live life

and function in basic ways

that as a young adult you need to learn.

When I was a child,

we went to synagogue.

We celebrated the holidays.

And there was a sense

of connection to the past

like the history of our people.

It was something almost

for children that you heard the stories.

There wasn't really much

thought or expression given to

that this was truth.

I had an experience

when I was in high school

that was very traumatic.

I was sexually assaulted

by some boys that I thought were my friends.

And it made me so fearful,

fearful of men, fearful of life.

It was just so traumatic.

Being assaulted sexually

made me feel very bad about myself.

I felt disgusting about myself.

And it was so painful.

I think I was enraged and hateful,

and I didn't know how to process those feelings.

I had a hunger for something inside of me that was intense,

and I was somebody who was very about my heart.

Like the drug I really got addicted to was sugar,

and I didn't stop

until I was in physical pain

from a bellyache,

and I just couldn't keep eating anymore.

And so the eating was a way

and the bulimia was a way

of numbing myself from the emotions.

I was searching.

I got involved in yoga.

Very intensely into yoga.

Like I even lived in a yoga center fro about a year

and we would get up six in the morning.

I was kinda trying to piece these ideas together

that make sense spiritually.

And one day I heard a woman

talking about having a relationship with God

where she knew that He loved her.

It was like a key where everything

fit together around the key.

That was what I was looking for.

Instead of trying to piece together all these ideas

and make something out of it,

I wanted that connection,

that peace that she had.

Finally I went to her apartment

and we're talking and she says that really

what she had that I wanted was Yeshua.

I never thought about Jesus before.

And she's telling me that

he could make this difference in my life

and she said that

the definition of a Christian

was a person who was following Christ.

If by that definition,

you could be Catholic and not be a Christian,

or you could be Jewish and be a Christian.

I went from the heart.

I prayed with this woman that night.

I was like okay I'll try.

So I prayed with her.

I opened my heart,

ask God to forgive me

of things I had done,

and I asked Yeshua to be with me.

When I left her apartment that night,

I remember walking to the bus.

This Yeshua was with me

in a way that was really different.

It wasn't like all these other things I was doing.

And I began reading the Bible little by little.

I noticed it wasn't so much while I was reading,

but in between readings,

things that I had read

would all of a sudden

come to mind in between

and relate totally to something

that was going on in my life.

It was just amazing.

The Hebrew Scriptures

from the beginning all the way through

prophesied of the Messiah,

and Jesus fulfills prophecies.

This book has life in it

and it like somehow it's hard to explain,

but it somehow like feeds me

on the inside and fills me up,

and I got answers to my prayers.

It was more of an interaction.

Praying wasn't just something I did.

It was something that was, like I say,

a relationship, an interaction,

like I would say something or ask God something,

maybe in the next day or over a period of time,

I see different ways

that God is showing me in my life

answers to my questions.

Jesus talked about

the internal issues of the law,

not just how you looked on the outside.

You might be following all the rules

but hating your brother in your heart, okay,

so the hating, the part that's going on in your own heart,

that's how Jesus interpret it.

When God says not to murder,

he doesn't want even our heart

to be in that frame of mind.

For more infomation >> The bread of life cured my eating disorder! - Duration: 6:21.


Footloose (Karaoke Version) - Kenny Loggins | TracksPlanet - Duration: 4:27.




For more infomation >> Footloose (Karaoke Version) - Kenny Loggins | TracksPlanet - Duration: 4:27.


【運動員報乎你知EP.1】短跑甜心廖晏均來分享 練體育就要唸體育班?普通班也會出國手! - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> 【運動員報乎你知EP.1】短跑甜心廖晏均來分享 練體育就要唸體育班?普通班也會出國手! - Duration: 5:35.


2019年 張醫師新年講話 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 2019年 張醫師新年講話 - Duration: 4:08.


Moto Bike Game (by Chop Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 11:14.

Moto Bike Game (by Chop Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Moto Bike Game (by Chop Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 11:14.


NEW YEAR'S EVE 2018 - Duration: 1:30.

Uhm.. sir.. come take a look at this

(som sexy beardo man hmm)

Ok, what is wrong C981?

(That's som deep ass voice)

There's some weird-looking meteor falling from the sky and I can't really explain what that is..

Could it be another Undentified Object?

If it is, you should contact the government about this "object"

We should not let anyone know what that object is..

*spooki alien dance*

Uhm.. sir?

I think it's not just a UFO..







(Moko is very fuckin pissed again)



holy jeebus it's scribblejews and motiondewaror

*epik fire greenscreen



rip circletoons

biggo heados


*stares into his beautiful twin with powerful hype dance while kidnapping all animators to space*


pls dont fight me im ur bruddah

holy shit sorry lol

*epik moment*

subscribe to pewdiepie

For more infomation >> NEW YEAR'S EVE 2018 - Duration: 1:30.


Церковь стала ИНДУСТРИЕЙ, проповедники - ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЫ, всё ради ДЕНЕГ. - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Церковь стала ИНДУСТРИЕЙ, проповедники - ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЫ, всё ради ДЕНЕГ. - Duration: 6:34.


Bạn phù hợp Note 8 Mỹ hay Note 8 Hàn? - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Bạn phù hợp Note 8 Mỹ hay Note 8 Hàn? - Duration: 5:49.


Noel ve Yılbaşının Tarihçesi - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Noel ve Yılbaşının Tarihçesi - Duration: 6:19.


Kako zamenjati sprednji zavorne klešče na NISSAN QASHQAI 1 (J10) [VODIČ AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Kako zamenjati sprednji zavorne klešče na NISSAN QASHQAI 1 (J10) [VODIČ AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:42.


Nascar Heat 2 World Truck series at ChicagoIand Speedway Ep 21 - Duration: 21:23.

For more infomation >> Nascar Heat 2 World Truck series at ChicagoIand Speedway Ep 21 - Duration: 21:23.


Nightcore - get you the moon (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:04.

You gave me a shoulder when I needed it

You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it

You helped me fight when I was giving in

And you made me laugh when I was losing it

'Cause you are, you are

The reason why I'm still hanging on

'Cause you are, you are

The reason why my head is still above water

And if I could I'd get you the moon

And give it to you

And if death was coming for you

I'd give my life for you

'Cause you are, you are

The reason why I'm still hanging on

'Cause you are, you are

The reason why my head is still above water

And if I could I'd get you the moon

And give it to you

And if death was coming for you

I'd give my life for you

'Cause you are, you are

Oh, you are

Oh, you are

You are

'Cause you are, you are

The reason why I'm still hanging on

'Cause you are, you are

The reason why my head is still above water

And if I could I'd get you the moon

And give it to you

And if death was coming for you

I'd give my life for you

For more infomation >> Nightcore - get you the moon (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:04.


2019 Mercedes S65 AMG - INTERIOR - Duration: 13:19.

For more infomation >> 2019 Mercedes S65 AMG - INTERIOR - Duration: 13:19.


Tin Tức Mới Nhất 01/01 | Thời sự thế giới | ĐIỀU TRA DONALD TRUMP BAO CHÍ RẦM RỘ TIN #024 @E4U - Duration: 38:40.

For more infomation >> Tin Tức Mới Nhất 01/01 | Thời sự thế giới | ĐIỀU TRA DONALD TRUMP BAO CHÍ RẦM RỘ TIN #024 @E4U - Duration: 38:40.


"Rudhiram" New Telugu Shortfilm Trailer By "Achyuth Kovidh" - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> "Rudhiram" New Telugu Shortfilm Trailer By "Achyuth Kovidh" - Duration: 0:55.


Agujeros de Guión: MATRIX - Duration: 12:23.

Video chosen by the patrons of 2 euros or more in Patreon


Today I will discuss one of my favorite movies: Matrix.

Matrix is ​​a film that combines cojonuda so big shootouts, fights flipante, philosophy and science fiction. What more can we ask?

Arguably the film is complex and many interesting topics: man against technology,

the myth of the cave, what is real and what is not ?, control over society, faith against reason, predestination ...

Sometimes sin of pretentious dialogues and metaphors pillaged by the hair, yeah.

And it gives some feeling that they wanted to cram as many things at once at the end ... the more convoluted is a script, because more holes will have.

Or at least there are several important questions that remain too much in the air. Here are some of them.


Machines conquered the world long ago, and reduced it to ashes. Since they can not use solar energy to recharge because clouds prevent the entry of lightning, need to use human warmth, we are your batteries.

To do this, the machines create huge farms to milk to humans and put their minds at Matrix,

a digital simulation recreating the world before the apocalypse to think they are living normal lives and create the bioelectricity.

The first big question is ... is it necessary for the simulation are dreaming? Is not that energy generally by the mere existence?

And how is it that do not use animals? This will save having to schedule all a fucking digital world.

Are there cows connected to Matrix? Or perhaps it would be better to focus its efforts on cleaning the fucking planet and eliminate black clouds to receive energy from the sun again.

By the way ... why is the sky so?

According Animatrix, humans decided to blacken the atmosphere to cut the supply of solar energy machines Zero1, and end their huge Technologist empire.

Which is absurd because humans depend enough sunlight. And how could it? It is something that is not explained.

Nor where they get food for all these people of Zion.

Why the simulation has to be the world 1999?

If you know there are guys that escape through phones, which hacked and can find people long before the agents, in this case Neo,

Why not acclimate simulation in the Middle Ages, for example?

Okay, maybe the simulation is to simulate what humans remember more familiar, the world in which they lived, not a strange world.

Although according Animatrix, when the machines rebelled against the vanity of man the world was already quite futuristic.

By this I guess the date or technological stage is not relevant to the correct operation of Matrix.

This leads to ask other questions. On the one hand we see new babies born, grown by machines.

These babies do not have memories of the first humans who served as batteries, so I insist.

Why not the Middle Ages? I dont know. They could pass on to all those babies to a Matrix 2, where you can invent the world you want.

And what if in Matrix I have a son? Are they born in the real world or that son are just ones and zeros?

How to insert Matrix's mind new babies grown in the simulation? Do you take advantage of the empty mind unrealistic children? But what happens when missing or too many bodies or minds?

It gets even more interesting in the 2nd part in Matrix Reloaded, when the architect tells Neo that were 5 versions prior Matrix.

Explained that one of them was a utopia of happiness, but it was a failure, and had to create a world where people could choose, even if falsely, because 99% accepted it better.

The remaining 1% is going to turn elect of Sion. I'll talk about this more in detail in the next video, which has fabric.

Finally there is the issue of ships, such as film, the Nebicaneser, which is quite advanced technologically.

They have some milk radars that detect techno-squid kilometers, while these monsters they have fucked them to spot them.

They only have a small antennae that detect noises and electricity.

Why not better detect human warmth? Furthermore constantly they are moving and hidden by huge tunnels that seem to be the sewers of machines.

Why so many machines need liosos tunnels? Normal sentries do not find that shit.


They say that Neo is the chosen one who will free from their bondage to humans.

However, at first Neo it is a computer simply working in an office. Receives a mobile and Morfeo is guiding him around the building while the agents are looking for.

Why Morfeo can see all their movements and agents, Matrix seguratas have to walk playing cat and mouse? From what angle you are seeing?

Perhaps from a security camera? Are the webcams? It is not known very well.

And why the architect or agents can not do the same? See through walls, for example.

The fact is that machines just catching Neo. Interrogate him and they put this bichejo to track him through the navel.

Morfeo called to be under a bridge and Neo goes to the appointment. And hey, they remove the bug and all quiet. So quiet that not even heal the navel.

And I suppose that agents would have more important things to do in Matrix Neo follow and spy on him.

Morfeo, known as the Greek god of dreams, gives Neo choose between staying in that digital simulation or go with him to the real world to fight the oppressing race machines of the future.

Neo decides to take the red pill, and Neo wakes up in his combine, to fall down a drain and being rescued by the ship Nebicaneser,

referring to Nebuchadnezzar II, which if you remember the episode of NeoBabilonia, this was a king who sought interpreter of dreams.

The question that arises is ... How Morfeo know exactly where Neo was enslaved and where it will fall?

It is assumed that the red pill is a kind of tracker, but does it affect the real world? Well, I guess they have hacked this machine somehow, but ...

Are you not realize that they are straining them and are awakening to people? How come you do not put up any type?

With how easy it would electrocute any human, living or dead, who were to be dewatered. Or whether machines think that Neo is so dangerous,

they could have drained much earlier in the real world and goodbye, no need to chase for Matrix. He is recycled and take the ass.


Morpheus takes Neo to see the Oracle to see if he really is the one. The issue here is ... who is the Oracle?

Is a human consciously or part of Matrix? And more importantly ... What does being the Chosen One?

Morpheus tells Neo that an earlier type with superpowers and the host, freed many, and when he died, the Oracle prophesied his return.

But why would anyone trust humans in principle forms part of the system? Is Neo the messiah who will liberate human or is it just part of a larger plan Architect?

And who that was chosen earlier and why it failed? If the alleged Neo mission is to awaken chosen as the minds of others, to blow a few times in view of everyone and convinces half the city.

With these flights Matrix is ​​difficult to keep secret. Although the mole then will people the real world is another story.

It is also interesting that women can somehow see the future. One of the themes of the film, especially the second, is determinism versus free will.

The woman knows that Neo will throw the vase but then says you have to choose between saving him or save Morpheus.

Apparently he has already chosen, and what you have to do now understand why that decision, but then it turns out choose a third way.

In my opinion, I think this is the most confusing point of the whole saga. You Are Neo responsible for his actions or only being guided by a destination uncertain nature?

In Reloaded they explain that Oracle is like the mother of Matrix, which helped the architect to understand human psychology to keep improving the simulation program in its latest version,

but he ended up developing a psychology to make decisions, and began to help humans.

And they tell that Neo is nothing more than an anomaly within a complex system whose mission is to go to the source to reboot when failures occur.

After that elects 23 elected and rebuild Zion, because this human city also part of the plan, and has also been destroyed several times.

But why leave this group live outside the system? Why if that 1% are disconnected do not accept Matrix no plug?

And why if the Overdrive was acquired because these feelings Architect lacks them? For now I leave these issues when analyzing Reloaded and Revolutions.


In one scene of the film, explained that deja-vu are small errors by alterations in Matrix.

We've talked about that are supposed to humans, including those still enslaved, they are sensitive to these changes.

But it is not uncommon for them to see the agents to impossible jumps or suddenly put to persecute people and end up dead?

And people dematerializing public telephones? That's also rare balls. What about people who have any of those experiences? Well, I think I get an idea.

"You live in Matrix. You live in Matrix. Are you using my lineage like cattle. To keep the sun alive"

Then there are some other weird little thing about Matrix works.

The first is ... If agents can do virtually whatever they want, take control of any human who is enslaved,

Why take on the appearance of "agents" rather than continue masquerading as people?

It would be much more useful when hunting rebels.

Throughout the film we explain how to access Matrix. You'll graves, they put a plug on the back of his head, and meanwhile Tank nonstop drumming things from your computer.

However, here we have the scene in Matrix Cifra agreeing with machines.

It has had to connect himself, no doubt, but what we explained in the film, without an operator the thing would have been a little complicated.

How comes? Who prepares the line? Besides, is not too risky to go there in the middle of the night and connect to go to a restaurant for dinner with your enemy?

What if someone wakes up and looks at the computer? Pillote often.

The fact is that pacta Cifra with Smith betray Morpheus in exchange for erasing memory and to live a rich life, and being an actor, someone famous.

Would not that be a rather brutal change in the system? What suddenly a famous actor appears nowhere? Must deja-vu cause gigantic.

And the strangest thing of all is that tank as if nothing survives two shots of that shit and die Dozer with just one.

But hey, this scene I think is best explains the central idea of ​​the first film in the series: the unreal to the real.

What is better? To live in a real but desolate world, eating garbage and in the midst of a war against machines

or live in a fictional world, completely ignoring reality, but with all the amenities at your disposal?

I think if the architect rather than forcing people to get to Matrix give them to choose between these two options ... have human cells to spare. In fact, it is the covenant that reach the end of the third film.


The agents manage to capture Morpheus, and interrogated to find out the access codes to computer Zion.

If Morfeo sing, they can not simply send them a message saying the change? Then also they do not seem too necessary.

Smith gives Morpheus grilled with a speech on humans are virus and destroy everything in our path and Matrix you are fed up and want to get out of there.

It is that to be a simple antivirus has enough inner world.

After the rescue sequence flipante Morfeo, who have shot him in the leg but can then walk quietly,

it says that indeed, Neo is the Chosen One. And the Oracle wrong. Or not? It never ceases to be very clear.

"I said ... just what you needed to hear, that's all"

"Yes, now, now ..."

It is in this sequence when one of the things I least like in action movies happens: the frasacas.

"Dodge this"

Knowing how fast they are agents, Trinity, aunt, why did you warn before shoot him?

Well before Morfeo he said no one had survived the attack of an agent. It does not seem so hard to kill.

Well, anyway, the fact is that everyone tries to escape the real world but find the fucking Agent Smith to complicate matters.

We see how sews Neo poor shot, but Trinity, with a kiss, he resurrects.

It's the cutest scene of the movie, and is open to criticism because it really is a deus ex machina, but after seeing the second part ... you may have a little sense!

Yes, it is a deus ex machina, but not the power of love who revives, but the machine itself, because you need it. Recall that is chosen to reboot.

Then of course, if the choice is necessary for Architect plans ... why agents pursue him all the fucking time to kill?

Is it some kind of test? What would the architect if you fail? Often cocoa.

After this, Neo manages to kill Smith through it and destroy it from within. Very poetic, of course.

And it will be something important to understand a little more the second and especially the third and the reason for that final that many did not quite like.

In the future analysis of the consequences we will see if a final meaningful and true to the rules established by their predecessors or simply a shit that I should go to the stake.

For more infomation >> Agujeros de Guión: MATRIX - Duration: 12:23.


С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ !!! - Duration: 1:23.

All a huge New Year greetings. Today we will not do anything!

I just sincerely want to congratulate you on the holidays that are about to come on our heels.

First of all, I want to wish you to always be with your favorite business, never to lose your enthusiasm for work and faith in yourself!

Always try to find new sources of inspiration.

Create something incredible, be proud of your big and small victories. Surprise everyone around with your creativity.

And believe me, in fact, people know how to be surprised. Of course, let the aunt muse never leaves you.

Let you, like me now, be surrounded by like-minded people, wonderful and kind people.

May the very miracle of which we dream of will happen to us in the coming new year !!!

Now put off the materials and scissors, think about your children, husbands, relatives and spend the holidays with the closest and closest to you people !!!


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