Would you like to hear how a duck quacks?
{duck quacking}
Well, this wasn't a success...
Jurassic World - The Game Dinosaurs Ludia Episode 34 Secodontosaurus HD - Duration: 21:04.Jurassic World - The Game Dinosaurs Ludia Episode 34 Secodontosaurus HD
welcome back to Jurassic world the game episode 34
the guy's a lot of this episode is gonna be a tournament battles because i am in
the cigar to God to Saurus tournament right now and I mean I small some really
cool battles i wanted to go ahead and put some in here on this this first one
is part of the storyline this is I think the battle or I think it's level 41 from
mistaken I believe it's 41
so go ahead and take a look at this
okay so how's my circus soup is first the true gun because they killed my
tirax it's not very nice of those guys man that Sarkis soup is amazing in every
that that guy could take down so many different even I mean it's great against
carnivores rips apart carnivores thought he has a legendary I got him up to level
yeah i mean he was worth every penny
so if you need a legend if you need a good battle like water creature get this
guy and gets him off the level morning so many years really good battle level
20 30 is going to get really expensive because each one of him is like 3,100
3,100 3300 DNA
oh yeah he's expensive ok so he's out bought I got my herbivore first flying
dinosaurs and it's not my attack is 266 there's
three health is way less than mine so this battle should be mine
no program ok here we go for attacks got through 1659 damage and he and and
victory for my Stegosaurus received hundred and ten DNA
ok no I believe this is one of the missions i got in trouble with 60 or
more dinosaurs
I believe that most for level 40 you need 60 or more dinosaurs to progress
and that was tough because i only had 35 but then I the one after that which i'm
stuck at right now you have to have little teen level 40 dinosaurs which is
super tough I mean you could use dinosaurs that are cheaper when you're
wasting a lot of DNA to build up the dinosaur you are never going to use if
you do try to sell them even at level 40 get a very little bit of your DNA spent
on his back
ok so this guy just wiped out my deals
doors and go okay so here I just go ahead and wipe them off because I he did
full attack so i only have to you
minimum attack to take involved and here i got there
he's gonna wipe off my Dimetrodon but he's gotta come on that's my circle
suitcase so if you do get this guy he's a great finisher just like off i use my
Spinosaurus as a finisher on this guy's a great finisher to I mean you put them
in the end there and this guy could take down pretty much anything so he went all
out there so I mean I didn't need a pack of 6 but it's the end might as well
follow the guy on it here so okay i want that and I'm I'm in the top 10% here i'm
at number 80 here I do get up to number one and then our i'd let it go for a few
days so then I drop way back down to like eight years and it's been since
then I've been bouncing back and forth the tournament's ok i'm not going to win
it because I can get to the top of the top 10% but what I didn't knows there's
a five-percent ear and there's a one-percent here and that five percent
and one percent are all the toughest dinosaurs I mean you come into
dominance rex and other dinosaurs at a level 40 and they have even stronger
ones there so I getting past the top 10% for me ames much as possible so I do a
lot of these battles now just for fun and for the prize wheel I mean I've got
some pretty good prizes i got a super-rare card back in one of these
battles me and I mean I got really good dinosaur roaring like 600 DNA in that
pack and I mean it was an awesome back and I've got enough you surprised packs
a few common acts I've got some DNA mostly you're going to get our meeting .
but that's the secret
one of the secrets is look four sections they have a bunch of DNA I mean if you
got like sometimes you have like six or eight DNA in a row so and that look for
like I usually look for the card pack that comes before that and memorize it
memorized the card pack before that and the one before that so that when i hit
the card back like right before all that DNA off click on it and a lot of times
it'll stop on one of the sections of DNA
I mean sometimes it doesn't sometimes it flies past I mean I had times where is
going to it looks like it's gonna click over to 600 DNA and this stops I mean I
think there's I think the pride wheel has something in there where well let
you win 600
get a saw me that you know that is really disappointing I mean I've had
that happen two or three times at least it's not more 23 I remember
ok so here the spider wrap just what be off see if you use your Spinosaurus is
the user raptor get this final raptor which I mean that guy just looks
compared the two I mean he looks wimpy and he is wimpy at level 1 hybrid up to
level 10 wimpy you have to get another one and get him up to our least level 22
get him above the strength of the Spinosaurus itself and i mean we're
talking he's probably for 6,000 DNA in them so here I'm just going to go ahead
and what mall attack of 70 block to unite decimated and
here so I wiped that guy out these tournament ones are called to because
it's totally unpredictable
it's not like a storyline okay here at see here i just moved up to 90 in the
top 10% like i said i do get up to number one and a little past in a little
bit into the five-percent top 5% but like i said i mean there it's their
dinosaurs a crazy powerful so I mean you don't you don't have a chance
they're ok let me know guys if you guys like these tournament battles i mean i
don't want to bore you guys but the main point for me of this game is to fight
these battles so to me you know fight the battles and look at the strategy
that other guys have
ok this pasta sukis that's one of the ones i want in the super-secret I'm in
super rare pack so I mean he is cool and you can't actually get this guy that all
till I think like levels 63-year sons and so something crazy
ok so here are one of the main things you guys want to do its best if you can
start with like a dinosaur you're willing to sacrifice
that's at least powerful off that he won't be wiped off the first attack and
then build up your reserve because I your reserve is the main thing this game
I mean you want your reserve super-high here i got my Stegosaurus against
they're all water creature la i did build my reserve up to six and see he
only had two left so that our I wiped him all and i have on to block here too
so what what I hope is that the next guy can't just wipe my attack
ok say he didn't even try so here here it's kind of scary off a lot of times I
like doing when I get into situations like that I'll do like to reserve to
block so that roxy is what we all girl anyhow he had seven yes seven attack
seven attack very rare very rarely will you get 27 attack against you
ok so here I got 6 cme gets ok so he did anything so I mean I took a risk there
by only doing it to tackle more fun it was enough to wipe them off and I've got
some blocks in there so this guy
hopefully Walters like me out then here I just attack for I mean he didn't block
the fam he's out so I mean hang onto the end a lot of these battles on these
things start to look bad and then all of a sudden you're on top all here i'm
moving up to 76 the prize wheel you do get you still do get a lot of coins of
me but like i said if you look for those big groups of DNA once in a while you're
going to get DNA and we don't don't just click anywhere in the wheel
I mean at the beginning I try to just click anywhere in the wheel and it does
not help you at all is just you never win anything
okay here I'm one against the Gnostic tricks horas love
so he is a lot more polish oh brother in urban will hopefully spread is this tag
don't attack attack attack of okay my turn psycho bringing my her before which
you level little bit so i think yet at this point I just attacked six
the guy has one block that will take him out the next guy wipe me out and then
I'm against him with my trainer on so he's got six he's gonna use it an attack
three outfits you know he did too
ok so he did absolute minimum
I mean he's got you got lucky white count so here
they do what I usually like doing to reserve to block and hope the guy
doesn't have like an attack of six or something
ok so here are the attack of six at this point i am going to attack
okay so that should be enough to wife because the thing is if I don't attack
their he's probably going to have like eight and then he will attack for sure
ok so here I'm moving up now to level 6 25 like I said these tournaments are
I mean yes see there i got hosed again
ah they are fun but they do get stressful to I'm it is never fun losing
that because i am only showing you got my winning ones but if you added all my
losing one's
quite a few more because i have like a first-rate team I've got a second-rate
team i got a third great team and sometimes I even dip into my portray
team because my first-rate dinosaurs when i use this minus $OPERAND horas the
level 40 he takes about three hours and 20 minutes to recover so I can't just
keep using him in battle
ok here is where are the game almost starts to freeze and if you do enter
these tournaments you're gonna run into that sometimes I think lluvia doesn't
have enough servers to keep up with demand and I mean it's just sometimes
they're just freezing the little the game it will won't come back at all and
you automatically lose your opponent who is against you
I mean all they notice and you're not doing anything so they just keep the
fact they win regardless and I mean that's it and you don't get a chance to
recover don't get anything I mean I want a battle and the compare the game froze
and when I came back I mean it didn't even give me a chance in the cartwheel
and it did not move me up in the tournament
either saw me that that really ok so here I got my Spinosaurus as a finisher
in so like I said sometimes you're going to run into like really bad odds
Institute you're gonna think so you're gonna lose but you know just just keep
playing it smart
I mean keep building up your reserve and a lot of times you will win
I mean even battles as seemed impossible here
ah has two blocks if I wouldn't had two blocks easily with what we all so here
I'm just gonna attack
ok he had nothing left so he went all while that last attack
usually you could tell they go all out they'll have like let's say four or
something and if they do for attack you know they went all out so you only have
to do a minimum attack to destroy them and their i moved to 56 coins again at
this point I don't think I was trying to watch for big blocks of DNA yet that's
why you're seeing a lot of coins because at this point i was just clicking
because that wheel went so fast I thought you could improve your odds any
but you actually put salt
watch for big blocks and then you click x 6 it's a card pack about six or seven
before the big blocks of DNA and you've got a much better chance of getting in
rather than just clicking anywhere
ok so here they brought in your care sword to its ok he didn't kill me select
good but at this point I should almost bring in a carnivore
yeah because I need my Pteranodon for their water creature for their amphibian
so pay you have to pay attention to classes and never attack right off the
unless you can kill the guy and one here
if you could kill the guy in one hit ok go for can't never act first
I mean at least ninety nine percent of my battles where the guy attacked first
that guy lost so building up your reserve is enough sometimes it's a
gamble but it's so here what I did was cause you on my reserve to unblock and
hope the guy doesn't attack all off and he did it but he brought in is the
bricks are so i have to bring in my spinal here because I need my train a
dog for the amphibian so at this point
yeah I'm still building up my reserve I need to reserve three block
guy tax
they're idiots ya see attack 2513 easily would have watched me on at this point
out bringing my training on attack all out i'll wipe this guy al because it
this is the most dangerous guy is it against my carnivore he's got the class
advantage so if you'd probably like me off gotta wipe out my training on but
then I have money I do you guys we are getting close to the end of this episode
let me know if you liked this tournament battles because i had a lot of fun
making these for you guys and if you like it make sure you guys click like
and there's an awesome end card was a lot more fun videos so make sure you get
check that out
ok cool it in attacks at this point I'm just going along and hope you can't
block everything because i only need to hit him probably twice up he's out
ok also
guys if you get a chance to try the tournament's try them they are a lot of
ok so here I'm moving up to level 76 so if you wait overnight you go way down
A Flash of Light Occurs at Moment of Conception - Duration: 3:20.A Flash of Light Occurs at Moment of Conception
Scientists have discovered that a "breathtaking" flash of light occurs at the moment of conception.
For the first time, researchers from Northwestern University have now demonstrated that when
a human sperm first meets an egg a bright zinc spark can be seen, not only a "remarkable"
phenomenon but also one that might be a game-changer for in vitro fertilization.
"It was remarkable," said the study's co-author Professor Teresa Woodruff. "We discovered
the zinc spark just five years ago in the mouse, and to see the zinc radiate out in
a burst from each human egg was breathtaking. All of biology starts at the time of fertilization,
yet we know next to nothing about the events that occur in the human."
"All of biology starts at the time of fertilization, yet we know next to nothing about the events
that occur in the human."
The researchers say that the size of the flash of light provides valuable information about
the health of the eggs. The brighter the flash, the more viable the egg, and thus the better
option for in vitro fertilization, which has a high failure rate (around 50%) and often
involves clinicians using imprecise means of testing or simply choosing whichever eggs
they think appear to be most viable.
"This means if you can look at the zinc spark at the time of fertilization, you will know
immediately which eggs are the good ones to transfer in in vitro fertilization," explained
Woodruff. "It's a way of sorting egg quality in a way we�ve never been able to assess
"This is an important discovery because it may give us a non-invasive and easily visible
way to assess the health of an egg and eventually an embryo before implantation," said co-author
Dr Eve Feinberg. "There are no tools currently available that tell us if it�s a good quality
egg. Often we don�t know whether the egg or embryo is truly viable until we see if
a pregnancy ensues. That�s the reason this is so transformative. If we have the ability
up front to see what is a good egg and what�s not, it will help us know which embryo to
transfer, avoid a lot of heartache and achieve pregnancy much more quickly."
Below is a frame-by-frame showing the flash of light when the sperm first enters
the egg:
TRANS VISIBILITY + AN ANNOUNCEMENT! - Duration: 6:24.Hello, I'm Jackson Bird and today is the International Transgender Day of Visibility.
Ta da... [cheering sound effects] (laughs) It's like Christmas for trans people!
Except you don't get gifts.
You just try to fight against being beaten up.
That's great.
being trans is great.
No, it is.
That's what today is all about.
The holiday was started in 2009 by Rachel Crandall to counter the solemnity of Transgender
Day of Remembrance in November.
On that important day, we remember those of us lost to violence and transphobia.
By contrast, today is a day of celebration and pride for the beauty and diversity of
our trans experiences.
Every year there is a theme and this year's theme is resistance.
Because of course.
How could it not be?
The Trans Student Educational Resource put it so well that I'm gonna steal their words,
"In the increasingly transphobic global political climate, we must use our newfound
visibility to mobilize trans people against oppression… while visibility is important,
we must take action against transphobia.
Visibility is not enough alone to bring transgender liberation.
However, we can use visibility as a vital tool for transgender justice."
Visibility is complicated.
It's good for people to know more about what it means to be trans and for trans people
to feel less alone, but it can also lead to more violence when people can no longer simply
forget that we're here.
You may have seen me posting about trans visibility throughout the month using the #31DaysOfTransVisibility
hashtag started by Allison Kinney.
Projects like that are so important to expand our visibility as trans people but also to
resist the systems of oppression that would keep us down.
By telling our stories in our own ways, we are challenging stereotypes and disseminating
crucial information about the complexity, authenticity, and persistence of our existence.
So, in honor of Trans Day of Visibility and the theme of resistance, I am overjoyed and
nervous to announce a new project I've been working on to amplify the voices of trans
people of all different backgrounds and experiences.
Coming in April – next month! – is my new podcast, Transmission.
Each week I'll be sitting down to talk to a different trans person about what it's
like living in this new age of heightened visibility and about how we can start building
bridges of awareness to all the cisgender people out there.
I want to cut up the reductive noise of misconceptions and break through the surface level knowledge
of trans people.
I want visibility to happen on our terms.
I want people to start understanding with compassion instead of tolerating without comprehension.
Now I know everyone and their mom is launching a podcast right now, but I truly believe this
is the best medium for these goals.
The lack of video allows people to remain anonymous if they need to be, which widens
my pool of trans people I can talk to - from just people who are already open and public
about their identity.
There's also less pressure to make a short, snackable packaged product like with youtube
videos so I won't have to cut any one's story short.
And, I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda hoping the inherent intimacy of the podcast listening
experience will help open some minds and hearts.
Or not.
I mean, who knows.
Especially these days.
But in any case, it'll be launching in April.
Probably on a Tuesday.
Y'know, Transmission Tuesdays?
Kinda catchy.
You can follow the show on Facebook, Soundcloud, the official podcast blog page, and also follow
me on Twitter for updates and to find out when it is actually launching.
It will be in April.
God willing.
All those links are down in the description box for ya, of course.
You know the drill.
You know how this goes.
Also, it'll be on iTunes as soon as iTunes will have me.
I am starting the podcast off pretty modestly, but can't wait to expand it in all directions
so I would super appreciate all of you checking it out and supporting it now in its early
days to help it get off its feet.
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me out with Transmission so far, especially
to TED with whom I am a resident right now.
Haven't talked about that much, but I'm currently in the TED Residency Program.
They're providing me with a workspace and a lot mentorship that is helping with this
They're also letting me give a TED talk this summer.
...which I feel like they don't know what they've gotten themselves into with that one.
I'm probably either gonna like call out the cis hardcore or else play that clip of
Jeff Goldblum laughing on loop for like ten minutes.
(Jeff Goldblum laughing)
ANYWAYS… here's a preview of episode two of Transmission.
I hope you like it.
Thank you for watching and I'll see ya next time!
- What I was going to say is people (tuba sound)
(laughter) - I don't know if the mics are picking that
up, but every time Aaron tries to get serious again, the instrument just like starts.
Ah it's so good.
- That's just rude.
That's just someone - It's like they can hear us.
-Yeah - They're just purposefully kinda...
-Oh yeah.
Again with the overlap of public and private space.
-Well exactly, yeah - ...in New York City.
Can't record a podcast in peace.
- This is Transmission, a new podcast amplifying the stories of transgender people of today.
I'm Jackson Bird and each episode I'll be sitting down with a fellow trans person to
hear their story – who they are, how they got here, what it's like navigating this new
age of heightened trans visibility, and who they are beyond being trans.
- Well, alright, important question before we do dive in: what is your Hogwarts house?
- (sigh) Lately, I've been getting more specific –
- You know that it's gonna be a long answer when it starts with a sigh!
-When I'm able to view the people perpetuating that violence with the most compassion possible,
I'm able to see that they, what they're reacting to is, is what has already been wounded and
taken away from them.
They've already been policed.
They've already experienced violence.
Even as cisgender people, whose current gender identity is congruent with the sex that they
were assigned at birth and when I get harassed, when I experience violence, I often see it
as someone saying basically like, "why do you get to do this?"
There definitely are a bunch of people that I, that I've been following for years who
really inspire me in terms of the way that they consciously contruct their gender online
and speak new trans realities into existence.
- We're definitely in that age of like we are all putting our stories out there like
we are not silencing ourselves.
We have those platforms to be able to tell our stories now.
- This conversation and more continues on Transmission, which launches in April.
Please subscribe wherever you're listening and be sure to follow the podcast on facebook.com/transmissionpodcast
or me at jackisnotabird on twitter to be the first to hear Transmission when it launches.
臉紅的思春期(bolbbalgan4) - Galaxy 給你宇宙 中文改詞 (CC字幕) - Duration: 4:16.-------------------------------------------
nail polish & chat: marriage and my channel name || Christi Kerr (tirlen) - Duration: 4:57.Hello, everyone, today I'm going to be
painting my nails. I have nail polish,
this is literally the only nail polish
that's in my possession right now that
belongs to me, and I'm just going to kind
of chat with you about whatever I feel
like chatting about, so... I'm horribly bad
at painting my nails, by the way, and this
will be the first time I've painted
them in like almost a year, and before that
it also been like a year, so... And even
when I painted my nails regularly, I
wasn't good at it, so... Well, that thumb is
all right. We're off to an ok start. So
you may have noticed that my channel has
a different name now. And I'm also
changing up some of the design because
it's been the same for a while. Okay, nice
and messy. You can't tell cause it's blurry.
Or maybe you can because it's just that messy.
But yeah I changed my channel name. I was
going to talk about it on twitter and
not in a YouTube video, but this YouTube
video lends itself to that. So basically,
tirlen was a word that I made up in
high school just because I wanted a
random word to be my username for
everything, and it doesn't really feel
like me anymore and so I've been wanting
to change it for a while, and I changed
it to Christi Kerr, which is my name,
partially just because that is me so it
feels like me more than anything else
could, but also because I'm graduating
very soon and my channel is becoming
kind of a portfolio of sorts, especially
with some upcoming content that you will
see soon. All of my social media right
now is still tirlen except for, I made
a facebook page that you should go check
out if you are so inclined. I'm trying to
have better posture and sit up straight
because I'm always like this all the
time. The reason that I have this nail
polish--because like I don't paint my nails
at all ever and
all my old nail polish is at my parents
house. The reason I got this--I actually
got it like 10 or 20 minutes ago in the
mail. It was in like a bridesmaid package
thing that my best friend sent out that
had like a "will you be my bridesmaid?"
card and then like some cute stuff and
nail polish! It's like very very weird to
me that my best friend is getting
married. Like, literally we've known each
other since we were four. Like we met
each other before we even started
kindergarten, we were in preschool. And we
have maintained the friendship for 19
years. Or probably closer to 18. Our
friendship can legally vote so that is
nice to get that extra ballot that we
get to fill out. Because that's
definitely how that works. But I don't
know, it's just weird because like I'm
really really happy for her but I am
like so not in that place in my life
right now that I like forget that other
people are. I don't want to sound like
too weirded out by this because I like
really am happy for her and I really,
like, do see her being at the point where
she's ready to get married, I'm just not. I'm not.
I think that these kind of YouTube
chats are really like underrated right
now. It seems like every YouTube video
now has to have a point and you know
that wasn't the case like years ago on
youtube. Like they were all just like sit
and chat and talk about like five
different things within one video. And
you know, I like this. I think it's fun to
just kind of sit and chat and do
whatever. And I think that's kind of
like those chatty get ready with me
videos are, so that's kind of what this
is based off of, I suppose. Oop, sit up
straight. Sitting up straight for too
long makes my back hurt like honestly
like it's hard work.
[drops nail polish lid] Ugh!
It feels weird to have my nails painted. Like,
it doesn't seem like me. I'm not used to
it. I'll probably get used to really
quickly, but then once it cracks off I'll
probably go another year without
painting my nails. We shall see. I think
they're done, though, so I'll go ahead and
wrap this up. Thank you all so much for
watching, I love you very much and I will
see you guys next week, and my facebook
page is linked in the description if you
would like to go check that out.
New Giant Jurassic World Surprise Egg / Hybrid Indominus Vs Indominus Rex / Velociraptor, Unboxing - Duration: 15:57.New Giant Jurassic World Surprise Egg / Hybrid Indominus Vs Indominus Rex / Velociraptor, Unboxing
gonna have another awesome giant
surprise dinosaur toy opening today but
first of all let's go ahead and take a
look at some of these previous set that
I've opened here I actually went ahead
and bought all the toys new again
because as of this june hasbro is losing
the license to them so all of these toys
are going to disappear from the shelves
probably forever so if you do want to
get it you want to get them now because
once that are gone they are not coming
back because has broken out we release
them because they've lost the license
key to them so if you do like any of
these make sure you guys pick them off
several of them you cannot buy anymore
that original and dominance back there
if you want to get it you're going to
pay double the price on ebay right now
and once it's gone forever from the
stores you probably get a pay a lot more
but several of the smaller ones are
still available so if you are interested
in them you can check out my description
below this video I will include a link
or you guys could buy them okay and here
is the awesome jurassic world aww
souvenir movie egg i showed you guys the
last video let's go ahead and take our
first toy out of it okay our first toy
is these awesome dino eggs you buy from
china i ordered these on ebay you put
them in water and the dinosaur in sight
grows to the point where it breaks out
of the shell so odd to grow full size it
takes about three
which ah it's really cool for kids
because they can watch it to the egg
dissolve some it cracks and then finally
it breaks open the dinosaur comes out
and the dinosaur continues to grow and i
will show you i have some here that i
had in a cup for two days now so they're
going to get bigger than that but as you
can see the eggs like crack open and
they continue to grow so let me go ahead
and take these out and show them to you
okay so here they are as you can see
they are already bigger than the egg and
they still have another day of growing
to do so this was the original egg they
have a hole in here so water could seep
in and slowly it breaks the seal around
the edge here and it pushes the egg open
and it crumbles so it looks like the egg
is actually hatching but ah the egg will
mostly stay intact like hero break apart
and it will hatch so it's really cool so
here is some of the dinos this looks
like looks like nucleus soros maybe then
this one uh be a mosasaur
brontosaurus like another ankylosaurus
this is a duck-billed platypus and then
Triceratops so these are really cool
they're really fun for kids to watch as
the hip like crack and then it grows and
then the Dino actually pops out of the
eggs so they are inexpensive you could
find these on ebay and then let's see
what else we had in the egg awww we have
dinosaur transforming egg these are
super all stuff we've had it open this
up so I've got five of these guys here
I've got more than that I have a video
later of all my dinosaur transforming
eggs but here is five new ones i got
these once again i ordered these from
China through off ebay so let's see
let's go ahead and I believe you can get
these on Amazon too if you could i'll
put a link below my video so here you
have an egg that got like riches here so
you just pop it open and the whole
dinosaur is folded inside the egg I love
these little transforming 81 so then you
have to figure out
he's just called so the legs are holding
then there is the skull so we're going
to have to fold these legs also like a
step popped off
ok let's go a seat go ahead and see what
we got alright this one actually does
not look like a dino this is I believe a
skeleton of a saber-toothed tiger check
out how cool that is I mean all of that
came from this cool egg and the egg
forms the body and then one you want to
put it back together you just go ahead
pop this open you go ahead and pull
everything back up here like a was nice
and easy go ahead and close the egg BAM
done egg has been transformed back and
then let's go ahead and check out the
victory I don't know what's in the yet
guys so this looks like a baby
Triceratops meet once again just hold
its legs down then you're going to pull
its arms down you just want to make sure
you stay clear of the egg so the egg
doesn't block you and then you close the
egg so once again the egg forms the body
and there you have your awesome
Triceratops transform it back simply
open the egg oh actually oops I forgot
his tail
so transfer it back just go ahead hold
it back you can fold it back in any
order you don't have to fold it back in
a certain order so that's the cool thing
about it so this is a much easier for
kids to because if when it's in a
certain order you got to fold it back
sometimes it gets a little complicated
but here you can hold it back any order
you've got the egg back okay go ahead
and check out this other one like I said
super awesome toys haha okay this one is
not even a dinosaur how this one got in
there I moved on though because when i
ordered it it said five transforming
dinosaur egg this one is definitely a
lioness but that's cool too and the cool
thing is they could move their head up
and down too so all of them got the big
old egg body so once again hold
everything in nice and easy same as you
would for the dinosaurs
snap it back together and you're good to
go okay so we've got two more of these
blew up this one might be an inkless
to the furthest my dress i believe i
reviewed a t-rex who delighted some
other transforming game that really one
of them worse than t-rex so we got our
ankylosaurus here with spikes on his
back and will move its leg to a bird a
little bit so I mean I can't say enough
about these eggs and when they are
totally awesome okay I guess some of
them you do have to pay attention to
order you put it in because that right
there you have to hold the tail first so
some of them you don't some of them you
do but you know it's pretty common sense
I mean even for smaller children it
should be easy for them to figure out
how to do and then we've got one more oh
this one looks like a t-rex yeah we got
an orange t-rex awesome like I've always
liked the carnivores I mean to me
herbivores were kind of boring I mean
they're huge but they're not gonna not
going to like big dinosaurs day
okay so there we go he could stand on
his own two that is awesome Wow I think
that one was my favorite let me know
which one's your favorite two out of the
five okay so this one looks like you
might have to pull the tail first oh
this one may be the head okay that one
you pulled the head first and then
you're going to go ahead and pull the
tail and then the legs and the arms then
close the egg and you are done five
transforming eggs guys that was awesome
but that's not all guys we also have a
awesome takara tomy stat this is a t-rex
and a Spinosaurus so let's go ahead and
open this up takara tomy makes a really
cool toys I mean this here folds down
while it folds out into like a
background here either a background or
you could use it like a play mat then go
ahead and take designers off I mean
these I really love to Kara tomy dinos
and we check out that t-rex he is also
and then you've got the Spinosaurus
you've got a little fish here that they
eat and a nest full of eggs okay so
let's go ahead and check these guys out
I guess the t-rex made it with
Daspletosaurus and they had eggs there
we go okay so the cool thing is his
mouth does open and close the arms don't
move with the legs do so you could pose
this guy in two different positions the
tail is are broken in sections that you
could turn around 300
keep it green so this is a really cool
good-sized I know and they did a great
job with the detail and also the
Spinosaurus I mean I I am totally
impressed with these sit with this set
it is so totally cool so the mouth opens
and closes the legs move the tail
rotates you got to spine on its back
really good detail great paint job so
you could have these two guys fight with
the awesome background we've got a
little fish here that you could pick
into one of their wow so they can eat it
and you got a little nest here for today
and then we got one final dinosaur toy
this says did you dinos living the
prehistoric life i repeat what you say i
sing solo or in a choir so here is two
other ones you could buy and here it
says clap and play and i'll repeat what
you say what's awesome okay whistles to
make me sing and dance cool ok guys so
here I got it opened and here I got it
turned on in solo mode to get this guy
to our repeat what you say don't you
just go ahead and clap your hands
and there he sing what I said before
repeat after me say what I say repeat
after me David I say repeat after me say
what I say Dinah and then he also has a
choir boat where he worked great think I
know sitting then you can put him in
choir motor and we whistle he'll sing
the song
okay so that is all the toys that we
have for today let me know which one of
them was your favor I had a lot of fun
opening these up with you and stay tuned
for my other Dino videos and I will have
more surprise egg if you guys do want
more surprise eggs please click like
that's the thumbs up button under the
video and drop your comment what you
would like to see unpack well he's
saying something there Wow guys that was
a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the
video make sure you click subscribe and
thumbs up button down below the video in
today's secret word is the word go ahead
and put that in the comments section
below the video those you remember my
club go to the video ends there's an
awesome and card lot more fun with you
click the boxes below for a lot more fun
videos and if you want to see even more
go ahead and click the subscribe button
HOW I GOT MY SCARS | STORYTIME! - Duration: 9:23.hey guys it's Kristin so for today's
video I thought it might be kind of fun
to show you the different scars that I
have and tell you how I got them a
little bit of a spin-off of my story
time videos it's kind of like a story
time but with like a bunch of different
little mini stories all mixed into one
now before I start if you guys like this
video please give me a thumbs up it
helps so much wasn't your like what
would be the best way to go like were
scars like not so bad scars or maybe
like the first ones I got head to toe
who knows i don't know so i just kind of
like made a list of the ones i can think
of and i'm gonna go in that order i
guess so the most like I guess known one
for me is my finger if you watch my
channel you know that I've had like
major issues with my finger I've had
surgery on it recently like it's an
having been six months yet and my
fingers just like majorly jacked up so
as you can see I mean it's straight now
but I've got this really ugly scar in
the middle and it's all you know dark
and stuff so I don't know how long this
is going to take to heal it's not super
attractive I'm not going to go into a
lot of detail on exactly how this
happened because I did a whole video on
what I did to it and it's already posted
but pretty much I was trying to make a
dog collar when I was like I think I was
like 13 and I couldn't find scissors so
I use a nice and just went like this and
it slipped and pretty much took the
finger off so here's some pictures of
like what it looked like before the
surgery and now this is what it looks
like after so as you can see it's still
pretty messed up but the good thing is
when I go to plate now look at straight
before it was like like all wonky like
it was like an S it was really ugly so
that's probably the worst one that I
have now this one I'm probably get to do
a close-up on I have one of my very
first scars and actually love this scar
I kind of wish there wasn't fading as
much and i know it sounds like so stupid
but to me like scars are memories you
know like and some of them are not
always great but some of them are this
one is from when i first started working
at a vet hospital and this was like way
back I was like 18 I think it was one of
my first like real jobs I was working as
a vet assistant in Washington State I
was assisting with a surgery pan when
the dog
out of surgery we cut their nails just
so that they're nice and trimmed for
everyone or whatever well when the dog
started waking up we went to take the
trach tube out and the dog just lost his
mind start slashing and whatever and
just like Wolverine my arm it was bad
there was blood everywhere because I
literally had just cut the dog's nails
so it was just it was a bad one okay the
other one that i have i only have ever
talked about this and like I sometimes I
forget that it's there but I have a scar
under my chin now I don't know if you're
gonna be able to see it on camera so if
you can't see any of these I'm going to
zoom in but I have a scar right there
this was probably my very first car that
I ever got I was eight months old and my
dad was giving me a bath and apparently
like a bubble bath with soap and
everything and he went to go pick me up
out of the tub and I went like this and
I put my arm straight up and his hands
just went down and flipped right up and
I felt smacked my chin like this on the
bathtub and my mom says that like blood
was just gushing everywhere cuz like
they say like head wounds are really bad
so I that's all I really know about the
story but then they like stitched me up
and stuff another this little scar
mention another one that's really bad I
have like two injuries that are really
bad so I have the singer when I almost
cut it off and then my ankle which I
pretty much broke my ankle and that also
is the videos not going to go into a lot
of detail about that because you want to
know more about like the whole story i
also have a video posted about that i
actually have two scars i have one on
either side of my ankle this is probably
still to this day the most painful scar
that i have if something hits the
outside of my ankle I will literally see
stars and almost pass out there must be
some sort of nerve damage there or
something it just hurts so bad on a
man's bike you know how to bars straight
well my dad used to put a pillow there
when I think it was like six because I
was in kindergarten for five or six but
we could put a pillow and ride around we
did this all the time never had an issue
but one day this guy just like backed
out of the driveway so fast and we had
no reaction time and my leg swung into
the spokes wire of his wheel and you
know girls so that one is a really bad
scar so this scar here I got this one
like seven or seven years ago or so and
it was when we're living
in Rochester New York we had a back door
and it was pretty much like a wood door
and then the middle was all glass so the
one day we were going out I think we're
going going outside or something I don't
know what it was far as me and Matt and
the wind it was really really windy and
the wind came and the door was going to
like slam and it was I was afraid was
going to hit my hand or slam him in my
face so I put my hand up to stop it and
my hand went straight through the glass
so I have a scar it's like probably i
don't know almost two inches long you
know I kind of just patched it up I put
a bunch of cream on it and stuff one
reason to why I have all these scars
except for the finger is that so I feel
like that one doesn't count but I hurt
myself and it's like really bad badly
hurting myself and then I just don't go
to the hospital so a lot of these I have
scars because I kind of like okay well
we'll just patch it up i'll put some
have you can put crazy glue on them I
put band-aids on whatever and then after
a while they're fine but they don't heal
properly so they're all like jacked up
and stuff and then on my other hand the
bad hand was a bad finger I all of this
scar here this won't happen probably I
think the most recent it happened the
day we went to go see the resonant the
movie one of those mandolins Yuri sliced
the vegetables and stuff on well someone
put it back in the cupboard with the
blade completely open so it was facing
me so I reached into our cover to get a
pot and just went it sliced my finger
really bad same thing bleeding bleeding
bleeding put a bandaid on it soaking
through the band-aid kept wrapping it
eventually at some point I had my I had
my finger splinted with the other one
and I had them both wrapped so that I
could have the padding like super super
thick I don't know if you guys have ever
cut your fingers or done anything on
fingers it is the worst pain because it
just pumped like this like you feel like
your fingers going to fall off now we
were sitting in the movie and I just
remember thinking like this movie's
awesome but in the back of my mind I
like my finger hurts oh my god my finger
is throbbing it hurt so bad and it took
a while to heal like I mean probably two
weeks before it actually started closing
so I'm pretty sure this was a deep deep
cut and I should have had stitches but
you know we just put some butterflies
thing on it and catch
we were good so another one I have I
have one on my head I don't know if you
can so you can see this one actually so
I have a dot right there and I have a
dot right there so these ones are also
from when I was really little I got
chickenpox I think I was like right
around the same age is like the chin one
like 8 months 10 months something like
that but I got chickenpox and I don't
really know I don't remember this either
but apparently I was like scratching
them really bad and these are scars from
chicken pox so if your parent or if your
child watching this and you get chicken
pox do not let your kids pick at their
chicken pox your child do not pick at
your chicken box especially if they're
on your face who wants cars on their
face okay the other one that I have you
can't really see it because my toe ring
is on and my toe ring has just now I
have this big mark on my foot but here's
a picture of what it happened so I have
a scar on my toe my second toe on my
left side and it's from my toe ring so
you have to be careful kind of total
rings you get the touring that I was
wearing at the time it had very kind of
sharp edges which I right there should
have known but we were standing by the
window or something because we thought
we heard something and it was a middle I
think it was like a weekend or something
and we thought someone was like doing
something to our cars and I remember we
were standing by the windows and my dog
came over and I was like she get away
like trying to get her away and she got
all scared and her nails on my foot and
so when she took off she went like this
and she like ripped the toe ring off
with my skin it was disgusting they took
so long for that to heal because it was
literally like she took the skin off my
cell and it had to all grow back and it
took like a month or something I'm
really really sorry if you know if
that's really graphic or whatever but
that is a scar that i have okay and then
last one is such a baby one but it is a
scar so it still counts I don't remember
a ton about this one but when I was I
think like seven maybe or eight and I
just remember being at the playground
and you know how the playground I don't
even know if they have this anymore but
they have like those big thick like four
by four pieces of wood that go all the
way around the whole playground so as
one of those that have like the sand and
the dirt and stuff inside of it and I
was running I was like oh I'm going to
go play in the park and Iran
and I trip in the corner of the piece of
wood hit my knee but yeah that's that's
the scar that's the last one that is a
total of nine scars that I have on my
body I'm pretty sure I'm going to get
more in the future because I'm only 34
and I have nine already you so nosy
maybe maybe 10 years from now I'll be
making another one of these videos but
anyways if you guys like this please
give me a thumbs up and if you want to
see more videos from me don't forget to
subscribe I'll talk to you later peace
News Conference: South Carolina Final Four Preview - Duration: 27:37.-------------------------------------------
[LSPD] Полицейские будни на Trinity RP #8 - Duration: 12:20.-------------------------------------------
Chief Keef Type Beat - "Turbo" (Prod. 9 Lives & RoyalAliceNYC) - Duration: 4:01.
Recomiendo Música Pop Turca | I recommend Turkish Pop Music - Duration: 7:14.I recorded a video about the TOP 10 TURKISH POP SINGERS some time ago, and you liked it a lot.
But some of you thought that the list was incomplete.
I agree with you! That's why I'm sharing a new list with my favourite pop Turkish singers.
So the coming ones are the singers I'd recommend to you.
You can check the information box below to find new links to different songs.
You can also search Youtube for new songs if you like any singer I'm gonna mention.
First one:
Please, listen to his songs because they are amazing.
I'll let you listen to the song "Bircaç beden önce". They lyrics say:
"It feels like our last meeting was a few lies ago. Maybe the last time we loved was a few bodies ago"
He is such a poet according to the lyrics of his songs.
I've chosen to show you "Unutamam". The song says: "I didn't forget, I couldn't forget.
"If it was about staying alive, I was alive. But the biggest part of my soul stayed with you".
It's the turn of Özgun. The song I've chosen for this video is "Yalnizlik" (Meaning Loneliness)
It says:"Come on, break my heart again and again. Come on, it's your last chance as long as it is beating"
The next one is Gökhan Türkmen. This song makes me always smile.
It says: "Talking to you is like looking in the mirror, Whenever I listen to you, you're in silence"
Ferhat Göçer is one of my favourite Turkish singers.
That's why I have his album.
I'm not lying, I really like him.
His voice is so warm, I hope you have the same impression than I do.
I'm gonna play "Git", it says: "Leave, I can't stop you anyway even if I'll become a mountain...
...You'll dig a tunnel in it, Leave, maybe you'll love someone who looks like me, or someone who doesn't"
It's the turn of Yalin and the song "Sonsuz Ol"
It says: "I cried, I wrote a song for you so that you would be eternal"
I'm a great fan of Yasar because I love all his songs.
Every time I listen to this song I enjoy it a lot, so I hope you feel the same.
It says: "I loved you when we woke up and when we were sleeping. I loved you even despite of yourself".
Some of you thought that leaving Rafet el Roman out of my first list was something very unfair.
So I'm including him in this list with a song that makes me smile.
It says: "You can't ask me to forget because this heart of mine doesn't understand that word"
By the way, if you like other songs of the singers I'm mentioning, let me know in the comments.
We're coming to the end of the list. The next one is Sinan Özen and the song called "Bazen" ("Sometimes")
I wanted to end this list with a woman, because I didn't mention any yet.
I prefer to listen to male voices than female ones.
But I listen to the songs of Candan Erçetin so I hope you like her.
I've chosen the song "Sensizlik", which means something like "Your absence"
It says: "Now your absence is walking around in this house you left"
I've finished. What are the songs/singers you have liked the most?
If you want to suggest any other songs to me...leave everything in the comments.
I'll read everything and I'll answer back.
Let me tell you that I've got a facebook page as well (the link will be on the information box)
It's offical. I am everywhere.
Do we meet in the next video? Ok.
See you!
5 Ciekawostek o serialu19+ - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
韓劇《聲音》孫恩書談時尚潮流 Son Eun-seo at Seoul Fashion week (Eng Sub) - Duration: 1:01.Do you remember the actress
who played as an exemplary policewoman "Park Eun Soo" in the drama, 'Voice?'
In the drama, she portrayed her deep emotions through acting and received great reviews.
That person is Son Eun-seo!
Hi everyone! I'm Son Eun-seo!
Hallyu World spotted her at Seoul Fashion week!
We wear lighter clothes for spring
so I like wearing light, bright colors such as pastel tones, or an white look
I also like to have lighter fabrics.
I think those will be a trend for this coming spring as well.
Q: Do you have any special beauty tips for your skin?
Cleansing is definitely the most important.
And now it's in between seasons, so I care a lot about moisturizing my skin.
Average Is For The WEAK! - Student Motivational Video - Duration: 4:53.You've gotta wake up early
I don't mean just on weekdays, I mean every day
You've gotta value work, more than you value sleep
Changing your behaviours, overcoming negative habits
It's challenging
It's hard
Very few people are willing to endure the pain
and sacrifice, of what it takes to be great
They settle for average
Average is dangerous
Average is for the weak
Some of you are lying to yourself
You say you wanna be great
You say you wanna get to the next level
You say you wanna be the best in your class
or the best in your school, you wanna do great things
but your actions don't match your words
There are those of you with phones
and with every new phone that comes out you get it
every upgrade you get it
every piece of software you get it
You're upgrade your technology but you're not upgrading yourself
You've gotta invest in yourself, don't let yourself be average
the average waste their lives away every weekend for what?
Not me! I'm in charge of my own life
Everything in my own life
that I'm not happy with if my own fault
I take responsibility
You will never hear me complain about my circumstances
as the reason why I'm not where I want to be
If I don't like where I am
I'll work harder
I am a perfect reflection of the hard work
or lack of work I put in
Your commitment and obsession should always be
to be better today than you were yesterday
When you look at the lives of the greatest men and women the world has produced
one thing is common among them all
You see relentless, sickening work ethic!
To get to the top, you have to skip hanging out with friends
watching TV, and wasting your time on meaningless things
Great students marry their books
they hustle for knowledge, just as billionaires
hustle for opportunities
While others are sleeping
they're working
while others are playing video games
they're learning
when others are out drinking and doing other things that don't count
they're studying
Learn from them
Follow in their footsteps
Stand on the shoulders of giants. Get a head start
Go grab your books, go to the library
and start exploring the world
My mother told me that readers are leaders
and that has proved itself today
If you go through life just trying to stay comfortable
life will send you more and more discomfort
You'll get more and more problems
Life will keep trying to drag you down
and because more people are so concerned about
staying comfortable instead of growing
and reaching higher because they don't want to move beyond their limitations
they keep struggling
Do you think Bill Gates started Microsoft
feeling comfortable about it?
Do you think Usain Bolt
slept his way to becoming the fastest man?
Do you think Will Smith
procrastinated his way to the top?
Of course not!
They worked.
If you think that things are going to fall into place magically
If you think you will do it later
If you keep procrastinating
If you're waiting for that perfect time
You are deceiving yourself
You have to create that perfect time
When are you going to stand up and start hustling?
I have met students who are lazy
Students that bask in that euphoria that
everything is going to be okay in the end
students who do nothing to change things
Students that only dream
Students that have only wishes
This time
You're going to tell your teachers
your classmates
that here I come!
I have come to win
to excel, to look down on my weaknesses
and make them my strengths
Turn off the phone, the TV
and the laptop
I'm heading to the library
You are heading for success
You are heading for greatness
It's in your hands
How much more time are you willing to waste?
How much more time are you willing to burn?
Wake up!
If you have to make sacrifices
to be where you want to be
so be it
If you have to tell your friends you can't go out drinking with them anymore, so be it.
You are not average
Do you want to see average?
Look out the window
Everyone you see
They're average
Not you
That's not you!
Student Motivational Video - Subscribe to Stay Motivated
Neon Ultra Review - Old School Twinstick Shooting Action - Duration: 2:50.Do you remember the Vectrex?
Well if you're not ancient like I am, then.. probably not.
The Vectrex was a system designed to use vector graphics.
Something pretty advanced for the time and it came like this:
Yes, it is a system that is essentially just a monitor with a controller attached to it.
Because the system was only capable of graphics like this:
Many of its limited library involved shooting stuff. In Space.
The Vectrex was expensive and not exactly a smash hit.
Not to mention the fact that if the monitor dies there's not a lot you can do about it.
So it's not exactly a system you'll find lying around at garage sales any time soon.
So how is one supposed to get in some sweet vector-based shooting action
without spending loads on this thing or turning to emulation?
Well just take a look at Neon Ultra, an indie title on the PC.
While I don't think Neon Ultra's graphics are actually vector-based, they do have that appearance.
There's also a filter placed on top to give the game a sort of "blurry monitor" look.
I think it's kind of a neat effect but your mileage may vary on that.
Coming out of the Steam Greenlight program, Neon Ultra is a stripped down, arcade-like, twinstick shooter.
By "stripped down", I mean just that:
This game has a single game mode with very little added on.
Turn it on and shoot crap until you die and try to get the high score.
I'd describe the actual gameplay as a cross between Asteroids and Beat Hazard.
Movement is done with the left stick and the right stick is how you shoot.
Very much like Beat Hazard.
The Asteroids-like gameplay comes in with, well, all the asteroids flying into the screen.
Some of them are freakin' huge!
Besides asteroids, there are also little triangles that will fly in and shoot bullets at you
as well as other hazards showing up like arrows that fall down the screen.
With all of this and the brightly coloured powerups, the screen can turn into a huge smear of colours and shapes
making it quite a bit more difficult.
It's certainly got a lot more going on than the Vectrex ever did.
The last thing really of note is the music and it's suitably upbeat and techno-y.
There aren't loads of songs and it certainly no Shatter -
a game with one of the best soundtracks of this type ever -
but it's pretty decent considering.
Neon Ultra is a pretty small game but for the price you pay -
around 2 or 3 dollars -
it's a fun little distraction and worth it if you wanna just turn something on and shoot some crap for a while.
¿Cómo deben cuidarse el cabello los hombres? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:24.-------------------------------------------
CS:GO - Rotating Door Exploits - Duration: 2:46.This video is sponsored by TradeSkinsFast.com, trade some old skins, get some new skins,
it's 100% safe to use so make sure you check it out!
Hey guys, Maxim here.
So a guy name "huPo" made a video about the door exploit that some of the pro's were using.
Fallen explains this in a video by "Thorin" which I will link in the video description.
Basically you can exploit the rotating door by throwing a decoy in front of it.
The rotating door will then get blocked so the person opening the door will trigger it
to open the opposite way.
Now you might be thinking how can this be an advantage?
Well if you can pull the door open instead of pushing it open you would see more of the
enemies side and you could use this for a potential surprise kill.
Here's a clip where JDM is getting help from a teammate to throw a decoy in front of the
This decoy will block the door so JDM can pull the door open and get a kill.
The thing is, it only works when someone else throws the decoy, I tried it so many times
myself and could never get it to work properly.
If someone else throws the decoy then it works, you can even bounce the decoy and time it.
A good decoy throw for this door is standing here, aim at this dot and slowly walk while
Tell your teammate to listen to the decoy bounce to open the door at the same time.
You can do the same thing without walking and just jump-throw.
There's another trick but it requires two people.
First person needs to crouch in front of the door and touch the corner, second person has
to stand ready to open the door and ta-daaaaa.
It doesn't matter where the first players aims as long as the model is in the corner
of the door frame, which the player model isn't in this example.
And you can do this on any rotating door, so for example Overpass.
You could also do this on Nuke.
This might be harder to fix because it's actually conflicting with the player model so I wouldn't
be surprised if it keeps working for a good while.
Anyway that was it for this video, hope you enjoyed, I'll see you guys soon but in the
meantime, go bananas!
My First Time In A Gay Club | Jason Farone - Duration: 9:24.all right hello everybody welcome back
for one it is Suzanne Friday on the
actual time and day that it was meant to
be on Friday I know I had a great time I
hope you enjoyed it if you're not sure
what I'm talking about you're just
tuning in for today's yesterday for the
last two days on wednesday and thursday
i had an sss triple SS q tal it's been
something i apologize cause the way that
every shirt that I've had throughout
this week is wrinkled I've got this new
thing where I i decided i'm just going
to take my clothes ball them up and
throw them into these you know the
little squares you know they're not
decorative they're like those cubbyhole
squares and they're like made of that
hard material and you put things in
organized it's like socks and underwear
things that you don't care if their
wrinkles this now everything the code is
now wrinkled because it gets balled and
throw it into these squares because I I
just can't I can't with the folding oh
boy you don't need to hear any of this
you want to hear your guy question Jen
here we go Errol kind of catchy little
tune maybe you will use it Google Exley
would you not could you could you not do
that that'd be great here we go you're
my wet dream jansen countries them
you're my wet dream James and did you
ever have a wet dream now let me ask you
something I've had plenty of wet dream
but they are due to sweating and they're
not sensual whatsoever I don't talk in
even remember the dream no I don't think
that I've ever had because I don't even
know what a wet dream truly is do you
have to have like a full-blown orgasm or
can you just pre a little in your life
without the weird staying on the sheet
red wet dream I'm not quite sure how it
works but I don't think that I
qualifying so I haven't had one but I'm
glad that I was doing
for you to me and I send you towels
there don't know what to do he didn't
get a dog yet but show us a pic of a dog
you think is really cute want to see
what you like hashtag soon van friday
yet so i haven't gotten this puppy yet
here i got a picture right here on my
chest shop because i love these rules
dishes they come right there these
designer dogs they come in three
different three different colors they
come in three different because you can
you can order them how la is that you
can order the dog you're like I want it
to be this date that curly
hypoallergenic not a Parker pretty smart
oh it's crazy what you could do so these
are these little f1 Goldendoodles oh
Jesus look at this yep one mini
Goldendoodles check that out is that
some of the cutest oh my god about the
cute ism so I love them and if I could
get one right now that is what I would
get that is what i find is very cute and
i love them locked or FFF what would it
like your first time in a gay club I'll
tell you what it was like this is a
great story so I was 17 I was in New
York and we were we were all in the dorm
it was a whole group of us I was the
youngest one because everyone got their
use around 18 years old but so you
couldn't get into clubs there in New
York so a lot of them had to go to get
like fake you know fake IDs go down to
the village right I think with minnesota
minnesota so if anyone is in minnesota
your shit is super easy to duplicate oh
it's like a kindergarten project
compared to New York Oh anyway so
everyone was from Minnesota in the door
even though no one was except one girl
so we went down to this club was on
Sixth Avenue it was Chelsea in Manhattan
so called heaven it was called heaven
nightclub in fact the song what's that
song Andy that song right there so that
was that was really popular at the time
and it came on while I was dancing in
heaven thought it was the most amazing
thing that ever happened in my life like
the most the universe's were crossing I
was at the intersection of amazingness
joining like I was 17 I was in the club
was the first time I ever went out to a
gay club so some of the older gay guy
that brought me with them they were like
let's just kind of keep an eye on Jason
to make sure he's okay so about about a
half an hour later everyone scattered
like you do in a club and no one sticks
together I don't see the potential maybe
I'll kiss you you know so they ever was
like go through gone so finally but a
half an hour people brought you know
round up and they're like where the hell
is he does anyone anyone seen Jason and
there were these pillars these stairs
that go home and I don't know how what I
think it was only for gogo boys because
they were all I go-go boys on it but I
was completely shared list like jeans
were unzipped I had a drink in my hand I
was on the very top of the as high up as
you could go if it was like a pyramid
that went up to like the top nasir I was
on the top there were like people
clogging oh my god that's all that favor
of ever seeing I like hard so he's ok so
anyway that is my first experience in a
gay club I got mono that night too I did
I sure did well I gave it like nine
tries but yeah hard case of mono oh my
god and the funniest thing was I got
rushed to the hospital later couple
weeks later I have to go to the hospital
because my tighter count was so high
when you get mono if any of you are
going to college or having hear you're
getting mono or your have mono right now
is about taking your talking places
crying you such a hit such a freshman
sickness to get so many kids at my dorm
got it but I got no worse oh my if
you're tighter count goes up you
shouldn't be working out because I guess
it can like it can make you more sick so
that's what it this man I got rushed
down to the hospital and the funniest
thing was the cabbie that took us there
he was this sorry guy and my friend of
the time Sarah
she fucking huge overweight she was my
best friend big fat fag hag right she
gets in the car we are racing the guy
big she's pregnant and going in children
she doesn't understand an accent I was
dancing and crying I'm in so much pain
I'm the patient and she is what does he
mean what is he talking about and I am
dying I can't say he thinks you're
fucking he thinks you're going to crap
out a kid on the back seat here oh man
anyway that's my quick little story
there quick little story Jesus anyone
still here anyone with us ah do you
think being a public figure will hurt
future relationships abso-fucking-lutely
in fact I just had a little dose of this
recently so you guys remember a couple
weeks ago when I posted the pic of that
blond kid that I was kissing and we had
a great time and I showed my ads on
snapchat with unfairly for little cakes
you know cuz you count each cheek oh
that was a lot of screenshots you guys
took about one so anyway I really got
into this case we're having a good time
we stayed up really late we hung out and
then I was supposed to have like a date
within the next week turns out get this
shit he texts me and he's like I don't
think that I can give you what you need
of like what I need was like I asked for
lunch why it's not like I have her a
kidney here do you want to like you much
that's all I want to do is like it's get
to know you a little better I got you
know you physically let's do the other
part now so he's like no I I know what
you're looking for I saw your video you
want love a boyfriend and a dog and I'm
like oh my god yeah well yeah that's
kind of what i want i didn't say like
that definitely us right now he's like
but I know what kind of minds that
you're in it was actually very sweet
because he's like I broke up with
someone very recently I'm not kind of
looking for that if you are you don't
want to waste your time I appreciated in
the long run which also pissed me off
because he was so mature about it as
well so I couldn't really get angry with
them but yes in the long story short do
I think that sometimes my honesty and
publicizing exactly what
looking for and wanting kids sometimes
screw up a potential date or
relationship not only do I think the
answer is yes the answer is it has
happened already so yeah anyway the
answer to that is yes and lastly in your
opinion Jason what is the best decision
you ever made my cheese I think the best
decision I ever made probably was when I
was a four years old four or five years
old my parents said to me I think early
on I realized I didn't do well with
finding friends and making friends
long-term and I didn't feel like I could
trust people I guess from a very young
age so my parents have you dad I said
what do you want and I said I'm on a
friend that doesn't have to go home at
night and they gave me my brother and
today my brother is truly my best friend
and I would be shell lost without him so
the best decision I ever made was to
tell my parents get in there and fuck me
out a brother oh yeah that's that's my
answer alright guys I hope you enjoyed
this week's of Coons and Fridays there
were three 3s for breeding food fans
friday i love you so much of a great
weekend and I will see you next week
love you bye
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