Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

Mind Hack � How Corporations Took Over Our Bodies and Brains

The science is in: Processed food is addictive, can make you extremely unhappy and will prematurely

kill you. How did this happen? And how have food manufacturers been able to deceive the

world about these facts? Dr. Robert Lustig has written a new book, �The Hacking of

the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains,�

in which he explains how and why this occurred.

He is perhaps most well-known for his brilliant research into sugar and obesity, and his previous

book, �Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease,�

was a New York Times Best Seller. Lustig is an emeritus professor of pediatrics in the

division of endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco, and a member

of the Institute for Health Policy Studies. Since the last time I interviewed him, he�s

also completed a master�s in public health law.

The Genesis of �Hacking of the American Mind�

The motivation for �The Hacking of the American Mind� began some 30 years ago, while still

a postdoctoral fellow in neuroscience at Rockefeller University. There, he learned about the interaction

between dopamine and serotonin in the brain. At the time, only basic correlational data

existed, but there appeared to be a very specific interaction going on between these two neurochemicals.

�As I was researching the data for �Fat Chance,� four years ago, it became very

clear that the data had come in on the role of diet and behavioral health,� Lustig says.

�In addition, we also now had neuroimaging studies. I realized everything was falling

into place � that this issue, dopamine and serotonin, was actually at the core of what

had now become our depression and opiate crises. At the same time, I was giving Psychiatry

Grand Rounds at a U.S. medical school in 2014. The woman who ran their outpatient treatment

program took me on a tour of their facility. She was a recovered addict herself. She said

something to me that was so jarring. She said, �When I was shooting up, I was happy. What

my new life has brought me is pleasure.� I thought to myself, �That�s wrong. That�s

exactly turned around.� But I didn�t say anything to her. I went home and talked to

some psychiatry friends. They said, �Oh yeah, a lot of people seem to get addicted

with this concept in mind.� I said, �Well, there�s a book there.� That was the genesis

of this book.� Why Processed Food Diets Fuel Depression

Tryptophan, which is the precursor for serotonin, is one of the rarest amino acids in our diet.

But it�s a mistake to think the answer to depression is as simple as taking tryptophan

to boost serotonin. The reason for this is because most of the tryptophan is converted

to serotonin in your gut, and it does not freely travel into your brain. Lustig explains:

�Tryptophan is the only amino acid that can be converted into serotonin. Tryptophan

is the rarest amino acid in our diet. Eggs have the most. Certain poultry and other avian

species have some [tryptophan]. There�s very little in vegetables. Obviously, carbohydrates

have virtually no tryptophan whatsoever. It�s actually pretty hard to get tryptophan

into your body to start with. Take processed food on top of that, then it�s even harder

because it tends to be tryptophan-depleted. [Moreover], 99.9 percent of the tryptophan

you ingest either gets turned into serotonin in the gut for your gut�s purposes, or it

goes into your platelets to help your platelets help you clot. [So] very little tryptophan

actually gets to the brain. Top that off with the fact that tryptophan

has to share an amino acid transporter with two relatively common amino acids: phenylalanine

and tyrosine, which, by the way, are the precursors for dopamine. You can see that the more processed

food you eat, the more dopamine you will make because you will have the precursors for that.

They will actually crowd out the ability to get tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier

� Yet, serotonin is the nidus of contentment, of happiness. It explains why diet is so problematic

� � Face-to-Face Interaction Has Neurochemical


Many try to bolster their happiness through certain food choices, but this actually does

not work, and Lustig provides compelling arguments that the foods you crave drive up dopamine

and drive down serotonin. Rather, it�s experiences that make you happy. People can make you happy.

You can make yourself happy. In his book, Lustig outlines a number of different strategies

to become happier.

�Ultimately, the goal is [to increase]your serotonin,� he says. There are four ways

to boost your serotonin, and they�re all free. They�re also things your grandmother

likely told you to do. First and foremost is making human connections.

�Turns out that Facebook does not count as connection. When we�re talking about

interpersonal connection, we�re talking about eye-to-eye,� Lustig says. �The facial

emotions of the person you�re talking with activate a set of neurons in your brain called

�mirror neurons,� which are the drivers of empathy and specifically linked to serotonin.

To be able to generate a feeling of empathy, which ultimately turns into contentment/happiness,

you actually have to connect. You can�t do it over the internet. You can�t have

a connection with �anonymous.� It just doesn�t work.�

On the contrary, social media generate dopamine, associated with pleasure, and hence can drive

addiction. The main problem is that when dopamine goes up, serotonin goes down. So, online communication

is actually a major causative factor of unhappiness.

Lustig also elaborates on how companies � both food manufacturers and electronics companies

� capitalize on the biology of dopamine versus serotonin to get us addicted to their

products. There�s even a book on this topic written by Nir Eyal, called, �Hooked: How

to Build Habit-Forming Products.�

Dopamine Versus Serotonin

It�s important to realize that the dopamine (or reward-generating) pathway is the same

no matter what your source of pleasure is. It can be a substance, such as nicotine, alcohol,

heroin or junk food; or it can be behavior, such as internet surfing, shopping or pornography.

The problem, in a nutshell, is that dopamine is an excitatory neurotransmitter, and in

excess is neurotoxic.

When dopamine is released, and the neuron on the other side accepts the signal, it can

damage that neuron. Over time, excitatory neurotransmitters can cause cell death. To

protect itself from damage, the postsynaptic neuron employs a self-protective mechanism

� it downregulates its receptors.

By having fewer receptors, the dopamine cannot do as much damage. So, each time you get a

�hit� or rush of dopamine, the number of receptors decrease. As a result, you need

increasingly larger doses or �hits� to get the same rush. Eventually, you end up

with tolerance, a state where even a large dose produces no effect. Once the neurons

start to actually die off, you�re a full-blown addict.

�The point that you need to know is that it takes three weeks for the receptors to

repopulate. The cravings can go on for upwards of a year when you�re addicted. This is

a long-term process that sometimes requires medical intervention and medical management

by physicians who understand addiction medicine,� Lustig says.

Serotonin, on the other hand, is not an excitatory neurotransmitter. When it acts on the serotonin-1a

receptor (the �contentment� receptor), no damage occurs. Hence, happiness does not

lead to addictive behavior. Keep in mind that dopamine downregulates serotonin, so it�s

basically impossible to achieve happiness (related to serotonin) through pleasure-seeking

behavior (related to dopamine).

One of the cheapest pleasures that stimulates dopamine is sugar. Many reach for sweet junk

food when they feel down, thinking it�ll help them feel better, but neurochemical science

reveals this simply cannot happen. Add the stress hormone cortisol to the mix, which

downregulates the serotonin-1a receptor, and you have a recipe for both addiction and depression.

�That�s what we�re seeing throughout all of civilized society, not just in America,

but around the world,� Lustig says.

Other Serotonin Boosters

There are three other ways, besides connecting, that boost serotonin and happiness. The remaining

three of the four Cs are:

1. Contribute: Meaning the act of contributing to something greater than yourself; making

a contribution to society. �You can get happiness and contentment from your job, but

there are certain criteria that have to be met,� Lustig says. �Most people, unfortunately,

have a boss who is not contributing to their happiness. The workplace is not usually the

best place to achieve meaningful contentment.�

2. Cope: Lack of sleep, insufficient exercise and multitasking are all causes of unhappiness.

Sleep is extremely important for healthy serotonin production. Here, avoiding exposure to electronic

screens is important, as blue light inhibits melatonin production, thereby making sleep

more elusive. Electronics will also disrupt your sleep and deteriorate your health by

exposing you to unnecessary microwaves, discussed in this recent article on depression.

3. Cook: If you cook, you�re likely going to increase your tryptophan, reduce your refined

sugar intake and increase your omega-3 fats (anti-inflammatory) and fiber. Overall, this

will result in improved gut health, which has tremendous impact on your mood and mental


�Numerous investigators � have shown that your gastrointestinal flora tell your brain

what they want through signals that go through the bloodstream, and potentially even neural

ones as well. If you do not feed your bacteria, you cannot get happy. Eating real food you

prepare yourself is super important,� Lustig says.

Eating Real Food Helps Optimize Tryptophan and Other Vital Brain Nutrients

As mentioned, a big part of the happiness equation is to increase serotonin by optimizing

tryptophan. However, the dilemma is that most of the serotonin produced in the gut is used

there locally. It does not enter your brain. Lustig explains:

�There are many diversions for tryptophan away from the brain. It can be metabolized

in the intestine itself. It can be metabolized in the platelets. It can be turned into kynurenine,

which is a secondary metabolite in the liver. It may not be transported across the blood-brain

barrier because of phenylalanine and tyrosine taking up the aromatic amino acid transporter.

In addition, of course, your serotonin neurons must be functional. There are things that

will kill off serotonin neurons, including party drugs. For instance, MDMA, or Ecstasy,

is a famous dopamine and serotonin killer � Once you�ve lost those serotonin neurons,

it�s pretty hard to get any sort of happiness signal.�

So, how do you boost systemic tryptophan? One of the keys is to eat real food, and to

make sure you include high-tryptophan foods, the highest of which is egg whites. You also

need omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, which is a component of every cell in your

body. More than 90 percent of the omega-3 fat found in brain tissue is DHA.

�Omega-3s are probably the single most beneficial thing you can put in your body. They are anti-inflammatory.

They are anti-Alzheimer�s. They increase membrane fluidity. Therefore, they increase

neuronal distensibility, which means it�s less likely that any given neuron will die,�

Lustig says. �The problem, of course, is that when we

took the fat out of the food, we took ALL the fat out of the food. It�s been a real

chore to get the medical cognoscenti to turn around on this. I do want to do a shoutout

to the American Heart Association, because they have now debunked their long-standing

cholesterol-fat hypothesis. They now recognize that saturated fat was

not the demon they made it out to be, and that there are seven classes of fats, and

that you actually have to consume omega-3s. You have to consume monounsaturated fats.

In fact, you do have to consume some saturated fat because it�s a major component of membranes.�

The Corporate Takeover

So, how have food companies contributed to the problems of food and drug addiction? According

to Lustig, �If you look at the Supreme Court decisions that took place between the mid-�70s

and mid-�80s, they took away individual rights and loaded up corporate rights in a

very distinct fashion.� In his book, he describes four specific Supreme Court decisions,

one of which basically deregulated corporate speech.

Corporations can say anything they want, whenever they want, regardless of whether it�s actually

true. Our current epidemics of opioid and food addiction are outgrowths of corporate


�We are now seeing the advent of the post-truth society because of how the Supreme Court chipped

away at our own individual rights,� Lustig says. �By doing so, corporations have affected

our ability to experience pleasure and happiness. They�ve actually inserted propaganda into

our limbic system, our reward generating system, so that we constantly seek reward at the expense

of our own happiness. This is why we currently live in the world

we live in. The late political philosopher from Princeton, Sheldon Wolin, wrote a poignant

book called �Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism,�

[in which]he envisioned that corporations and government � would become one and the

same. If you look at what�s going on in the White

House today, you can see that Wolin�s nightmare scenario has been realized. It�s fascism

in the sense that we don�t seem to have a voice of our own. It�s not fascism in

the sense that it�s corporations that�s told us what to do. It�s that we�ve basically

abdicated our own responsibility for our own health and safety.�

The EatREAL Trust Mark

Speaking of living in a post-truth society, you might not realize there�s no regulation

against restaurants blatantly lying about what they�re serving you. Larry Olmsted,

in his book �Real Food/Fake Food: Why You Don�t Know What You�re Eating and What

You Can Do About It,� addresses this. There are no consequences, no regulatory action,

for lying to customers. The deception will only enrich them � until or unless they�re

publicly outed and perhaps boycotted.

One way to protect your interests when eating out is to make sure the restaurant is affiliated

with Responsible Epicurean and Agricultural Leadership, better known as EatREAL, a nonprofit

Lustig helped create. It teaches restaurants what they �should be doing,� and provides

a trust mark to the public � a green fork.

The High Cost of Added Sugar

Processed fructose, mostly in the form of corn syrup, has become a major contributor

to the $3 trillion health care budget in the United States, and there�s clear data linking

sugar consumption to de novo lipogenesis � a disease process associated with fat accumulation

in the liver, causing insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, metabolic syndrome and associated

diseases. That includes Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, lipid problems, cardiovascular disease, cancer

and dementia.

�We have the mechanism by which this occurs. In fact, our paper in Gastroenterology1 demonstrates

that if you take sugar out of the diet of children with metabolic syndrome and substitute

starch � calorie for calorie exchange, glucose for fructose exchange with no change in calories

� � in 10 days, you can reverse metabolic syndrome.

You can reverse the insulin resistance. You can reverse the liver fat. You can reverse

the burden on the pancreas. Basically, all of the metabolic perturbations go away. This

is the smoking gun,� Lustig says. �In addition, we have a paper in BMJ Open2 which

models what could happen in terms of health care expenditures and disease rates if we

reduced our sugar consumption by 20 percent, which is what taxes would do.

Or if we reduce sugar consumption by 50 percent (which is what the United States Department

of Agriculture suggested we do), for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease alone � the United States,

over the next 20 years, could save $103 billion, just on that disease alone. Ultimately, this

is where the money goes. This is why health care will be defunct. This is why Medicare

will be broke by the year 2026 � We have to deal with health. Health is going

down the tubes. There�s no amount of health care that can fix what�s wrong with our

diet, unless we fix the diet first � The bottom line is we are in trouble. But you

can�t fix a problem until you recognize what the problem is. This book, �The Hacking

of the American Mind,� demonstrates how the science, how the biology, ultimately has

influenced not just our health, but in fact, our policy.�

More Information

In the past, people had a much better understanding of happiness and pleasure. Lustig�s book

describes how these terms have been purposely conflated and confused by businesses and governments

because it helped sales. To turn the trends of addiction around, you have to understand

the difference between the two.

�So, what�s the difference between pleasure and happiness? There are seven differences:

Pleasure is visceral; happiness is ethereal. Pleasure is short-term; happiness is long-term.

Pleasure is usually achieved alone; happiness is usually achieved in social groupings. Pleasure

is taking; happiness is giving. Pleasure can be achieved with substances; happiness cannot

be achieved with substances. The extremes of pleasure all lead to addiction,

whereas there is no such thing as being addicted to happiness. Finally, pleasure is dopamine

and happiness is serotonin. Understanding the difference between the two

is something, for some reason, that the American public just never got. We have to make them

get it in order to turn this problem around. Academics don�t get it. Businesses don�t

get it. The federal government certainly doesn�t get it. We have to make them get it. That�s

why this book is so crucial.� I couldn�t agree more, and �The Hacking

of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains�

will certainly help you understand the distinction between dopamine, serotonin and the variables

that help optimize these neurotransmitters. Most importantly, the way he explains it all

has the power motivate healthy behavior.

�The bottom line is it�s about the science,� Lustig says. �There will be detractors who

will say this is garbage. But the bottom line is there are 600 references to the primary

literature to demonstrate that this is not gobbledygook. The science actually predicts

the phenomena that we see and the society we�ve become.�

For more infomation >> Mind Hack – How Corporations Took Over Our Bodies and Brains - Duration: 21:10.


Jalapeño Cheddar Beer Bread | Food Network - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Jalapeño Cheddar Beer Bread | Food Network - Duration: 0:52.



hey guys it's Zoe welcome back to my channel for today's video I'm gonna be

showing you guys what happened at my sweet 16 birthday party

My Super Sweet 16 Birthday Party

Hashtag Zoe

Sweet Sixteen

so the first step to having an extravagant sweet 16 birthday party is finding an outfit what

do I wear well I wanted to wear a dress to my party so I was on the hunt for a

dress and it was not easy let me tell you I went to so many different places

to find a dress and I finally found one and I was very happy with it and here is

the clip when I found the dress okay the dress so once I found the dress the

that I'm going to be wearing to my sweet 16 birthday party

this is what it looks like. I really like it.

I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do!

So once I found a dress,

day of I had to obviously get ready so I did my hair while my friends in my hair

and here's the clip of that

Sweet 16 hair style

then I have to do my makeup that I was in a really big rush so I didn't even

get a chance to film, my sweet 16 makeup look, but here's picture of what my makeup looked

like so for my party I wanted it to be kind of like club themed almost and so I

found this really cool venue well I didn't find it my mom found it so it

credits my mom but we found this really cool venue and it was like a little

nightclub looking thing and I really liked it so that through who had it and

here's some footage of the nightclub it's on the night club okay I'm underage

I understand because it's a venue just looking then of course we have to have

Sweet 16 party location

Then of course

snacks because what's a party without snacks obviously it's not even a party

it's just a room with people in it you need snacks okay for next time if you

want snacks to your party what are you been doing? You need party snacks!

obviously so if you had a donut wall and here's what that looked like

Donut wall and party decor

also can I just mention at my party okay obviously there's a donut while there

like I just mentioned 500 times and everyone was taking pictures of the

doughnut wall but barely anyone actually ate the doughnuts because all my friends

were like I'm on a diet like I I'm really healthy I'm from LA I

just gluten free, healthy, vegan, nothing wrong with people who are gluten free or

vegan and just like my friends aren't on diets come on just eat a donut man

calories don't count when you're in a party especially mine

and also I decided that I wanted tacos at my birthday party so I got a taco guy

he was really cool so shout out to the taco guy, you had good tacos!

birthday party catering

and of course what's a party at a club venue without dancing so here's the footage

into dancing with some music that is not going to match it because the music I

was playing was obviously copyright music so please enjoy this montage with

my friends and I dancing at my party with some royalty-free music it's not

gonna match up at all but hopefully it's funny

so that was time for cake and I decided not to have the cake this year because I

feel like I don't know if I got a huge cake a lot of times people don't eat all

the cake and I have an extra cake and then I end up eating all the cake and I

don't want to end up eating all the cake even though it's good and I like cake but

not that much so why would I order a whole cake if only half the cakes is

being eaten and then I have to eat the rest of the cake but because I don't want any

way I could decide to get cupcakes um so I got cupcakes from just like the

grocery store and I put these disco balls on it on the cupcakes to match the

club feed because in the club there was a disco ball see okay so we had that and

then everyone said happy birthday to me. So because the song "happy birthday" is

copy written also, here is a video of my friend singing "happy birthday" to you

without them actually singing "happy birthday!"

My Super Sweet 16 Birthday Party

Birthday cupcakes

Hashtag Zoe

make sure to leave a comment down below telling you when your birthday is and

maybe you can find your birthday twin in the comments my birthday September 8th

so if your birthday's September 8th leave that in the comments down below

and also comment when your birthday is so you can find your birthday twin

like I just said, so I will be filming a what I got for my birthday video so stay

tuned for that it is coming soon yeah all my social media links are linked

down below and I will see you guys in my next video bye

My Super Sweet 16 Birthday Party

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> MY SUPER SWEET 16 BIRTHDAY PARTY! - Duration: 5:43.


Top 15 Viral Makeup Videos on Instagram September 2017 - Duration: 10:12.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe for more

For more infomation >> Top 15 Viral Makeup Videos on Instagram September 2017 - Duration: 10:12.


My Despacito Story │ Kovistories - Duration: 6:04.

Feel the rhythm!

The music!



For the beginning I should say that

I'm really into Latin American music,

as you could already notice.

Yes, I'm a total maniac, it's like a hard drug for me

and Despacito is a really quality material.

But people in my country usually don't listen to

Latin American music so much, actually they almost

don't listen at all (To this music, of course). So hello, I'm the proud exception here,

I'm like the delegate of Latin American music,

so... it is so...

But with the arrival of Despacito everything changed.

The old prophecies came true, the meteorite fell down to the Earth,

fish began walking on land and I was thrown into paradise.

Despacito was everywhere.

I will compare it to something. Let's say that you really like chocolate

and ice cream. And this food, these delicacies begin growing all around you

on trees, on grass, you can just come and chip a piece.

It's yours, your favorite flavors, your favorite food, you can...

It's a paradise, how would you call it?

Despacito ruled the world. I was walking in a street, I heard Despacito.

When I was shopping in a supermarket, there was played Despacito.

I went to a forest and I heard the echo of Despacito.

Everybody was singing Despacito.

Even my dog was singing Despacito and my satisfaction

was higher than the Statue of Liberty.

Sorry, my cat was singing Despacito, I don't have a dog.

But... it was just Despacito!

Everybody knew Despacito. I'm sure that even the weird pilgrim

from the last cottage behind our town knew Despacito.

I know that maybe for you it's just totally normal when somebody

listens often to Latin American music,

but in my country it's just not common.

So when Despacito came, it was an enormous change, like boom, explosion

in comparison to some of those

interesting situations before when I was trying to

speak with somebody about Latin American music.

Many times it was something like this:

Hey, what do you listen to?

Eh, I listen to pop, rock and Latin American music.

Ah! Latin American music...


what is it?

Ok, ok, ok, this is definitely not the case

of everybody here in my country, but let's say that

the majority just doesn't listen to Latin American music.

But after the invasion of Despacito it was like...

Hey, you don't know Despacito? Where are you living, man?

And even better it was in the radio:

„Today in the morning we are going to play our

favorite song Despacito, which is the anthem of this summer."

And later: „Today we are going to play Despacito"

And one hour after: „We are going to play Despacito."

And when I switched to another channel,

let's say that it was a rock channel,

I heard: „What a beautiful day, I know we are a rock channel,

but never mind, let's play Despacito."

And on other channels: „Let's play Despacito."

„Let's play Despacito."

You can imagine how I was feeling.

Yes, perfect!

But step by step the great times were changing again.

Black clouds were coming,

as the God of Despacito was losing his powers in my country.

And once...

I went to a restaurant.

I went to a restaurant and I ordered my favorite meal.

It's pizza by the way.

And then...


Despacito began playing!

Once again a great time for me,

however only for me.

The other people in the restaurant...

weren't so happy.

Actually it was something like this:

You want me to open it?


What the bloody hell was that?

The feeling of being a stranger in my own country again...

Welcome, good old feeling, I missed you...

So I ate the pizza, went home

and played Despacito.

We all know those beautiful moments while listening to music you like

and reading only positive comments. Like...

Moving on! During my space journeys through the internet

I also found some discussions where some people

claimed that Despacito was created by Justin Bieber.

No, wrong answer!

Justin Bieber didn't create Despacito,

Justin Bieber made a remix,

here it is.

But the original song with the ability of

high-speed spreading all around the world

and also the ability of being stuck in your head for hours

was created by an excellent singer Luis Fonsi from

Puerto Rico.

And an amazing rapper Daddy Yankee from

Puerto Rico.

And there are many more good artists who make

great songs of Latin American style.

Like Ricky Martin,

the Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias,

or Shakira.

If you are interested, check out their music.

One more thing...

I'm totally addicted to these songs.

And I'm also addicted to likes,

so I will be enthused if you give a like to this video,

share this video, let it fly around the world.

And subscribe to my channel, it will cause me extasis.

See you soon

and the song is here!

For more infomation >> My Despacito Story │ Kovistories - Duration: 6:04.


September 22, 2017, VTA Board of Directors Workshop Meeting - Duration: 3:55:41.

For more infomation >> September 22, 2017, VTA Board of Directors Workshop Meeting - Duration: 3:55:41.


How Silicon Valley Reacts to Apple's iPhone X - Duration: 2:28.

(upbeat music)

- Oh that is very cool.

(audience applause)

- The picture looks amazing.

- This is iPhone ten.

It is the biggest leap forward since the original iPhone.


- Now, unlocking it is as easy as looking at it

and swiping up.

And, you know, let's try that again.

Raise it, look at it,

again, raise it, look at it,

again, raise it, look at it,

- This is bad.


- Let's uh go to backup here.


- Fuck!

- Animojis track more than 50 facial muscle movements.

You can pick from a dozen different animated emojis,

to share and express whatever you want to express

to your family and friends.


- What in the name of fuck is that?

- Now we've been working on one with Snapchat

and I'd like to show it to you now.

I'm gonna launch in, you see it built a mesh of my face.

- He's fun.

- And uh, you know, the demo's interactive.

- And now I can just select a mask.


- I like it.

- That's a fucking lie.

- Yeah.

- We also let you manipulate these in full screen.

You can audition your favorites

and there's some really great ones like the kitty cat,

he's so expressive,

the happy puppy, check out the physics in the ears.

We've got a chicken


and the unicorn, mythical creature,

favorite of the startup (blowing lips)

- Okay.

(blowing lips)

(audience laughter)

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> How Silicon Valley Reacts to Apple's iPhone X - Duration: 2:28.


Destiny 2 Origin Story In-Depth Review - Duration: 5:12.

Hi Guardians welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendary gear, whether this is a weapon or armor in order to give you a comprehensive

understanding of the gear so you can play this game as efficient and effective as possible.

Today we are going to review the Auto rifle the Origin Story.

This is currently one of the most popular auto rifles in the game.

It sits in the Medium fast firing archetype which is the 450 RPM category, and if you

do not know this yet.

This is currently the meta of the game.

Let's go over the perks.

This gun has the hitmark IS Red dot 2 MOA

And the Red Dot Micro scope I use the Red Dot Micro to max out the range

of this gun so I can negate the damage fall off as much as possible.

Appended Magazine which increases the mag from 32 to 36

Flared magwell, which increases the reload speed and stability of the gun

And rampage which increases the damage of this gun after a kill , which we will talk

about it later in this review.

This gun sits in a very nice place at the moment, the 450 RPM auto rifles are dominating

the crucible and the Origin Story is one of the best in this weapon archetype.

It is a very balanced gun in terms of range, recoil and target acquisition.

On the short to medium range you won't have any problems hitting your target.

It has great range and the gun is very stable.

With the perks and scopes I recommend to build on the strengths of this gun by using the

Red Dot Micro scope which increases the range and Flared Magwell which does not only increases

your reload speed but also adds stability as well to the gun.

The perk that makes this gun special is the Rampage perk.

This perk will increase the damage of this gun after a kill for a short time and it stacks

up to 3 times.

But what does this perk exactly do?

So lets test it out.

Without proccing rampage you will do 23 damage to the head and 16 damage to the body

1 stack of rampage will increase the damage to 25 to the head and 18 to the body

2 stacks of rampage will do 28 damage to the head and 20 to the body

And 3 stacks of rampage will do a whopping 30 to the head and 22 damage to the body.

After some thorough testing of the rampage perk, we now know that this perk is basically

the stackable version of the Crowd Control perk from Destiny 1.

After a kill you will get a 15% increase in damage for 3 seconds and that can stack up

to 3 times.

It is pretty rare to get 3 stacks of rampage in pvp, since the perk only last 3 seconds

and sometimes you will need to reload which lets you lose precious seconds to benefit

from the perk, most likely you will be able to get 1 or 2 stacks of this perk before this

runs out.

But this perk does make a big difference if you are going into a 1v1 and your opponent

has a similar gun, assuming you have the same armor level as your opponent you will win

that battle if this perk is active.

So this gun is great on the short to medium range and it is has great perks as well that

really plays well on the strength of this gun, the only downside is that you will have

a harder time with hitting your target on those longer ranges.

But luckily for us, in general the maps are not that big so typically you don't have to

engage in the medium to long range.

And the gun actually does surprisingly well in the long range when you compare it with

other auto rifles, you are still hitting your target but you will need to do a lot more

recoil control compared with when you are on the short to medium range, which is really

where the origin story shines.

In Pve, this gun is great, the rampage perk works especially well here since you can easily

get multiple kills within a short amount of time.

In Pve I would swap Flared Magwell with appended mag so you have those extra bullets to deal

more DPS before the rampage perk runs out.

What more can I say, this auto rifle kills stuff and it kills stuff very well.

So this gun is very well rounded, in pvp this is my trusty workhorse which is consistent

and stable and it is easy to hit your target as long as you don't enter too much into the

medium to long range area.

And it is also doing a great job in PVE as well, the rampage perk will help with that

extra damage boost and it is very easy to proc this when you are dealing with a lot

of adds.

It won't be a DPS weapon for bosses but that is why you have your super or power weapon

for, your primary is to deal with low level enemies and that is exactly what this gun

is good at.

To sum it up the gun is a very consistent workhorse in Pvp and it does its job in Pve

as well which is slaying enemies, this gun is not crazy Overpowered but as I said it

just does its job very well, and thus I am going to give the Origin Story an A.

Thank you so much for watching this review, I know that some of us do not have a lot of

time to play the game, because of work , family or other things.

But I hope my destiny in-depth reviews helps you to be as efficient as possible in playing

this game so you can get the most out of your playing time.

So subscribe to be up to date on my future videos.

And while you are here have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen.

And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Origin Story In-Depth Review - Duration: 5:12.


free your mind - Duration: 0:23.


No problem.

Free my mind.

Free my mind, no problem.

For more infomation >> free your mind - Duration: 0:23.


Reacting to Bollywood ( INDIAN ) Actors age | أعمار الممثلين الهنود - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Reacting to Bollywood ( INDIAN ) Actors age | أعمار الممثلين الهنود - Duration: 5:34.


Law and Vengeance: Crashing The Glass Ceiling In The Legal Profession - Duration: 3:28.

Gina Romano is one of the main protagonists in this book.

I thought it was an interesting character, because what's happened in the legal profession,

and it's appalling.

You would think especially in the legal profession that women should have every opportunity to


That they should ... That there should be a reflection of the percentages of how many

people ... How many women in this profession, there should be a reflection of percentage

in the leadership structures, in seeing the best trial lawyers being female.

We ought to incorporate something that looks like females are being treated fairly in this

business, and we don't.

The glass ceiling the practice of law is no different anywhere else.

But over the years, I've worked with some of the most talented ... A couple of very

very talented female trial lawyers.

And Gina Romano is kind of a composite of that.

You know, she has the tenacity, she has the compassion, she has the intellect, she has

the training.

She just has it all.

And when I really see a very talented female trial lawyer, that's what I see.

So she's a creation from all that.

People that I've actually tried cases with, women I've tried cases with, and women I've

tried cases against.

And that's where Gina Romano comes from.

I get calls constantly from people who read my books.

And they love to play, "Who is that person?"

Because they know that generally that the Deketomis firm it's very similar to our law


I mean, they're absolute similarities.

The characters in there, most all of them are based on reality.

That goes for the good guys and the bad guys.

So yeah, they're all based on people I've either worked with.

Or at the very least, they're a composite of people I've worked with.

I mean, sometimes I name the names, Bobby ... You know, Bobby Kennedy for example, was

of council of me.

And we've been friends, and we do radio together, and television together, and have for 25 years.

So sometimes I'll actually use a name like, Robert F. Kennedy JR.

But most of the time when I don't do that, people are still able to figure what it is

that's behind that character and who they might be.

Gina Romano, it's interesting.

I borrowed a lot from ... I really borrowed a lot from my sister.

My sister, Italian-American.

She kind of has that Gina Romano HAD.

She had that Gina Romano way about her before her death.

And it was something that always I was fascinated by, was her ability to dig way down and show

incredible tenacity when other people would just cave in.

And I always really respected that of my sister.

And I borrowed that part from my family.

And then I mixed it in with lawyers that I've worked with and against over the years to

come up with this character, that it's impossible not to like.

I mean, if you follow Gina Romano's history growing up, the difficulties she had just

growing up, and understand where she landed as one of the best criminal trial lawyers

in America, you kinda have an appreciation for that character.

And she'll show up again in another novel that I'm working on.

For more infomation >> Law and Vengeance: Crashing The Glass Ceiling In The Legal Profession - Duration: 3:28.


Farming Simulator 17 ZETOR Zts 16245 Super And RC MAX 2 ToolPack - Duration: 10:26.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You ZETOR Zts 16 245 Super And RC MAX 2 ToolPack.

ZETOR Zts 16 245 121Hp 25Km/h Top Speed

RC MAX 2 ToolPack This Pack includes a Cultivator And A Weeder Both have 6m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 80Hp

Important !!!!!! The Weeder Can Fertilize Only Planted Fields

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 ZETOR Zts 16245 Super And RC MAX 2 ToolPack - Duration: 10:26.


Farming Simulator 17 STUMPS GRUSHER GALOTRAX 800 OFFICIEL - Duration: 11:22.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New Forestry Mods .

The GALOTRAX 800 ModPack includes ..

The GALOTRAX 800 Crawler Tractor The GALOTRAX Stump Crusher And Two Winch Fro Unimog Truck And For Tractor

A Small Winch Test


Here is other one new mod From Woodmeadow Farm Modding Cat D9G Dozer I will check if I can collect the sawdust with this machine

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 STUMPS GRUSHER GALOTRAX 800 OFFICIEL - Duration: 11:22.


Tylor Makes Everyday Jeep Day in a Cherokee Trailhawk - Duration: 0:19.

Hey my name is Tyler

I bought a 2017 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk

Absolutely stoked to take it home and drive it around

I dealt with Dari and he did a wonderful job

so thankful I came to this dealership!

For more infomation >> Tylor Makes Everyday Jeep Day in a Cherokee Trailhawk - Duration: 0:19.


Jared is Living His Best Life in a Fiesta - Duration: 0:15.

Hey my name is Jared Bailey

Down here at St. Albert Dodge

Shannon Stuht throws another touchdown!

with this new Ford Fiesta

Thanks St. Albert Dodge!

For more infomation >> Jared is Living His Best Life in a Fiesta - Duration: 0:15.


Utility worker gets trapped by fallen tree limb - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Utility worker gets trapped by fallen tree limb - Duration: 1:20.


LEGO Ninjago Movie on Rotten Tomatoes - What EVERYONE can learn from it... - Duration: 2:29.

Hello, just2good here, and the LEGO Ninjago Movie

is not doing too hot on Rotten Tomatoes right now.

It's literally mixed - 51% of critics liked it,

49% of critics didn't like it.

Of course, today is the day that this movie releases in theaters

in the United States.

Hopefully, with this low score that is no where near

the LEGO Batman Movie and LEGO Movie rotten tomatoes score,

I hope LEGO and Warner Bros. learns to take more time

between these LEGO Movies, and to be more careful of the team

they hire to work on the movie.

If you watched my non-spoiler review,

you should know I quite liked the LEGO Ninjago Movie,

and if you guys are LEGO fans of any type, I think you will appreciate it.

I recommend checking the movie out in theaters to support the brand

and to have fun.

But, I can see why critics didn't like this one.

It felt rushed.

It lacked the depth in characters the other two movies had.

And, from what I heard, Warner Bros. or LEGO

set a hard release date for September 2017 to tie in with the toys

but the film makers needed more time due to rewrites and such.

You can especially see this on how there's a lot of natural elements

in the movie that aren't made out of LEGO -

it's quicker and cheaper animation.

Again, I'm not sure why LEGO or Warner Bros.

wanted to stick with the September 2017 release date.

If they released this February 2018 following the February tradition

for LEGO Movies, the only real competition

would be the terrible looking Peter Rabbit movie -

the only movie in the month made for kids, and Black Panther -

the only real family movie for the month.

Oh, well, there's also Aardman's Early Man which could be competition

but Aardman's Movies usually do just okay in the United States market.

And, it could possible avoid the LEGO Movie fatigue

many critics are mentioning -

giving more time between LEGO Batman and LEGO Ninjago.

But what can fans of the LEGO and Ninjago franchisse learn

from this low score?

Honestly, to clean up their act.

I see a lot of people saying how this isn't a critic's movie.

What does that mean?

How was the LEGO Movie and LEGO Batman Movie

a critic's movie and not LEGO Ninjago?

In my opinion, a critic's movie is just a well recieved movie.

The LEGO Ninjago Movie's reaction across the board

seems to be that this is the weakest of the three LEGO Movies.

I always see where critics say we have to go easy on kids' movies

which is ridiculous.

A good kid's movie should be one

that appeals to multiple age groups in its quality...

a.k.a., exactly what the LEGO Movie and LEGO Ninjago Movie did,

what my favorite movie Toy Story does, so on and so forth.

I don't think we should say, well, this kids' movie sucks

but it's for kids so automatically it gets points.

No, that's an unfair assessement.

Anyways, what do you guys think of the LEGO Ninjago Movie's

rotten tomatoes score?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> LEGO Ninjago Movie on Rotten Tomatoes - What EVERYONE can learn from it... - Duration: 2:29.


Reviews for Mortgage Brokers in Barrie, ON - Tim Shwed - Duration: 1:02.

Reviews for Mortgage Brokers in Barrie, ON - Tim Shwed

For more infomation >> Reviews for Mortgage Brokers in Barrie, ON - Tim Shwed - Duration: 1:02.


無限ゲップパウダーは正直余裕!? - Duration: 4:49.

hi konnnichiwa

hi I'm Ryusei today

I found funny thing

look at this

you can't stop

forever Burp powder

today I do this

From A,B,C

until Z< I will say after drank this

if it is TV show, you have to fail

but here it is Youtube

so I won't act

really and seriously

I will do it

maybe it is so easy

I don't much burp

easy easy

let's open

The twist is apple

drink with water

first 1 pack

let's do it

like this

the smell is

a little

so so

it smells sour

at one time if you put it on water, bubble will come out

so at one time

drink it and

from A,B,C until Z

without burp

now you see it was easy for me

sorry my alphabet was weird because of French

half was French alphabet


two packs I will try

because it was too easy


so two pack at same time

but maybe it is too much?

and here there is something

this makes me feel bad

now it went out

it went out so now I'm ready

more clearly and slowly I will do next time

besides in English alphabet

it is sour

I will do it

it was easyyy

sorry for something


maybe here I had to do this but I didn't

but I said I don't act

like this thing

as a youtuber it is easy

today thank you for watching

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