Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

Hello I'm Rogan, and welcome.

I will be filming two videos now—this one, and one unscripted to go up on Saturday.


Today I want to discuss a bill that Congress is trying to get through right now, HR 620.

I'm not going to go into great detail about this, since Annie Elainey made a video explaining it a bit more

in depth. I will link it both the card and below.

Basically, this bill wants to roll back protections afforded to disabled people under the ADA.

If you don't know what it stands for, it's Americans with Disabilities Act.

This act improved accessibility for a wide range of disabled people, including deaf people.

What HR 620 will do is actually make it much more difficult for disabled people to get their accessibility,

and essentially let businesses off the hook

(re: protecting the businesses)

for not being accommodating. This is just unacceptable.

Businesses have had 27 whole years to comply with the ADA, and have we seen substantial change? Not really.

Sure, in newer buildings, they follow ADA code… But if HR 620 passes, who knows what will happen then?

Oh, and I'd like to add this — EVEN in buildings that are up to ADA code, they're frequently barely up to code.

They meet the bare minimums of universal accessibility and call it good enough.

So many businesses genuinely do not care if disabled people are not able to access them and their services.

This makes me angry. The fact that Congress is trying to get this through right now makes me angry.

We have already put up with abled people discriminating against us for so long,

and ADA was finally a big step in the right direction.

Now Congress wants us to take a step back?

On top of rolling back LGBTQ+ rights, civil rights, health care? This is just not acceptable.

If you're able, PLEASE get in touch with your representatives and tell them what you think.

Many have the ability to call, text, or email them.

There's also a RESIST bot that you can text that will do the work for you.

I'll leave links below, they're in Annie's video as well.

Please do what you can to make sure our voices are heard and that this bill does NOT pass.

If you want to support my content financially, I have Patreon and ko-fi. Subscribe to this channel.

Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Thanks for watching, see you next time.

For more infomation >> ADA and HR 620 | Deaf Awareness Month - Duration: 2:55.


Ofisteki Koreli kızlara ayıp şeyler izlettim nihahaha / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> Ofisteki Koreli kızlara ayıp şeyler izlettim nihahaha / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 8:15.


Easy Feta Cheese Bread | Быстрый Пирог с Сыром и Зеленью | Poğaça Tadında Peynirli Çörek Tarifi - Duration: 4:44.

Hi everyone. I am Feride Buyuran and you are watching AZCookbook. Today we're

making a savory bread stuffed with feta cheese and fresh herbs. It's one of the

popular recipes on my brunch table and my breakfast table and I get asked for the

recipe all the time. And today I wanted to share it with you all. These are the

ingredients we'll use. For the dough I have 3 cups of flour, 1 whole egg and 1

egg white because I reserved the egg yolk for the glaze, I have 1 cup of plain

yogurt, 3/4 of a cup of olive oil and I'm using salt and baking powder. For the

filling we have feta cheese, about a tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley, I

have here already, and literally a dash of fresh dill. And for the glaze we have

an egg yolk that we reserved earlier and Nigella seeds. All right, so let's start

with the flour. I am going to put 2 cups of flour in my mixing bowl because I'm going to add

the remaining 1 cup later. So I have the flour here. I'm adding a teaspoon of salt

and baking powder and I'll need 2 and 1/4 teaspoons. Okay, give it a very light stir. Now I'm going to add the wet

ingredients to the flour. So in go the egg, in goes the yogurt and olive oil and I'm going to stir this mixture until

it's nice and blended, just lightly.

I'm adding the remaining 1 cup of flour to the dough. Let's just dump everything

in there. Give it another stir until a rough ball forms.

So this is how the dough will look. I'm going to knead it on my work surface.

Make sure your work surface is clean, mine is, I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit

of flour on top, like this, and I'm just going to transfer my dough onto this

surface. It doesn't stick to my hands, it's pliable. I'm giving it a light kneading

here. I think it's ready. Take a close look. This is my dough, you can see how

tender it is, not sticky. You can use your hands, you can use a knife, whichever way is

comfortable for you. So I'm going to make two balls out of this mixture. I have

crumbled feta cheese here, because it's salted already I'm not adding any salt

to it. And I'm using chopped parsley, more chopped parsley than dill. Feta and parsley

is a match made in heaven and dill too, so I added both to the mixture. And this is

going to go in this bread. I've preheated the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and

I'm ready to roll out the first piece of dough. If you think about a third of an

inch thickness it's good. I'm going to carefully transfer this dough onto my

parchment lined baking pan. I'm going to put my filling on top of this circle.

Make sure you leave about and half on inch of an edge. [Roll out the second dough].

I am ready to glaze it and for the glaze I'm using one egg yolk that we reserved.

Pour it on top of the bread and you can do the spreading around.

I am going to sprinkle some Nigella seeds on top. I'm going to put it in the oven, on

the middle rack, and bake it for about 25 minutes until the top is nice and golden.

My bread is ready. I cooled it before I can slice. First transfer it onto a cutting board, remove the parchment paper. So I'm just gonna cut it

like a cake and see how it cooked inside.

Tadaa! Take a look. I'll just try a little piece,

maybe from this here. It is going to go so well with with tea or even with

coffee or just by itself. I hope you enjoyed watching me. Get the detailed

recipe on Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and share it with.

your friends. Thank you and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Easy Feta Cheese Bread | Быстрый Пирог с Сыром и Зеленью | Poğaça Tadında Peynirli Çörek Tarifi - Duration: 4:44.


Which Switch - Tortoise Vs Cobalt - What Should I Use - Duration: 15:26.

if you automate your turnouts on your model railroad chances are you're going

to want to use one of these two switch motors here the cobalt or the tortoise

and I'm going to show you the differences in them the similarities in

them and what and you know I'm gonna tell you what I think about it so here

we go I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and if you have turnouts on there and you

want to automate it you have a couple of choices now there's more choices than

the tortoise and the cobalt but I'm going to discuss the differences and the

similarities of the two right here now as you could see the cobalt is just a

little bit smaller than the tortoise in every dimension Dan right there and then

this I and I accidentally drilled the hole in the top of my last tortoise but

anyway don't do this at home but luckily it didn't go all the way through with

the the cobalt switch machine you get this little cushion here and you could

also use this as a template for your holes when you're mounting it underneath

your layout it's just a foam rubber that has adhesive on both sides now with the

tortoise you know you get a template that's printed out on the page but you

could make your own template and they also sell a template but I just took

some cyrene and I traced out the the the holes and I cut it into the styrene and

what I do is right now I have it it's all dirty right now but you could I have

the transfer tape on it and so you could just take that off and put a new

transfer tape on it and you mount it up on the bottom of your layout and I'll do

I'll do a demonstration on the mounting of the switch

in another video but we're just showing we're just going to compare these right

here okay a few things that I've seen on the cobalt now I don't have any of these

mounted on my layout as yet and in another video I'm going to show you how

to mount this one and I'm going to show you how to mount the tortoise which

machine but on the Cobalt Classic Omega you have two different ways that you

could mount it the conventional way where you can mount

it where your wire comes up through or you could mount it on its side also on

the Cobalt you have the little board on there that

sticks out okay you could you have a little switch on it where you could

adjust if you're using anywhere from six to 12 volts or 12 volts up to 18 volts

you could switch it if you're using larger scales and also you have the push

in to hook up your wires now if you don't like soldering this is a good

thing to have right here because all you have to do is push the wire in hold back

on the little clip and push the wire in and you're good to go but I have this

one pinned so I'm not sure it says don't ten it but there it is it's good and

tight alright and that's all you have to do to connect them they're clearly

marked on here and also on the bottom the only thing that I don't like about

it is I've been in electronics on my life and electrical work and you have a

wiring diagram and on a wiring diagram if you have a switch you have a common a

normally open and a normally closed on here it says common left and right the

middle user manual which you get with the cobalt it will tell you right over

here for the common turn out frog right rail left rail and in common left

and right well that doesn't tell you if it's normally open or normally closed

that's the problem I have with this you just have to figure it out by using a

meter on it to say which one it is and they don't really give you any wiring

diagram anywhere they just give you the the wires coming out and tell you what

it is they don't show you a switch where there is a switch and what I had an

issue with on here also was on pin number three okay it says switch use

this wire for LED signals or system feedback okay but I had to figure it out

myself what how to use it okay nowhere in here

or on the website they tell you how to use it for somebody that isn't versed in

electrical work or electronics or doesn't know anything about electrical

will have an issue with this right here they're going to have to they're gonna

have to go on a YouTube video and find out how to do it and that's what we're

going to show you how to do right here the output of pin number three is half

of what the input is so if you're using twelve volts on pin 1 and 2 to operate

the the Kobalt switch machine the output on pin number three is going to be half

of that and I'm going to show you a little demonstration here where I used

LEDs in between 1 2 and 3 to get you give you a green and red indication

showing you which direction the switch machine is in you could also do that on

pin number one there's many ways that you could do it it and you could do it

that way also on the tortoise so that's my observation of the Cobalt

and I'll give you a little bit more when I have it hooked up down below now on

the tortoise which machine okay it's a lot larger you'd have the edge of

a circuit board there are no connectors on it you could solver your wires

directly on the circuit board there's a hole in each one and you could wire it

in or you can buy various connectors for it I have these right here I got these

at Bill's Train Track and they're inexpensive they're not made especially

for tortoise there a generic plug for any end card with eight pins on it and

what I do on there is I take a little as you can see on the edges there I put a

little toothpick on the side so the switch machine is lined up properly

because the connector is a little bit bigger and you could slide it back and

forth so I always put it and if you like you could put it on here put a toothpick

on either side of that on here you have a wiring diagram they show you how to

bend the wire they give you a diagram on how to bend the wire and where to bend

it they also give you a wiring diagram for everything on here and show you how

to hook it up let's hook these things up and take a look at them down on my bench

right here I got LEDs I got all kind of

goofy-looking stuff hooked up to it so you could see it in operation I'll have

both of them running together I'm gonna do a little demonstration right here and

let me find a something to point with so I could show you what's going on here I

have both the Cobalt and the tortoise hooked up to 12 volts

here's the negative and here's the positive 12 volts I have it going

through the switch so I could reverse it I have the power leads coming over here

and from here going directly to the tortoise okay now I have a jumper over

here and you can see I have two diodes right here the

or LEDs right there in red in the green this is coming off of pin three so

whatever you see on here is coming off of pin three which is half the voltage

of what's going in so twelve volt is going in on the black and white wires on

pin one and two and your LED signal from pin number three on this one will light

up these two LEDs right here now these two square LEDs that I have right here I

have on the 12 volt directly and then I have the resistor on there and I have

them reversed so whenever it's in one direction you have one lit up in the

other direction that the other one's lit up everything is equal you got 12 volts

one in the only thing on this one on the cobalt you have six volts coming out to

power these two LEDs so let me turn the power supply on and then you can see

that you have those lights lit up right there these two are in the same

direction and I'll reverse them right here and you see that the LEDs reversed

and you can see that the tortoise switch machine goes just a little bit faster

okay I'm going to take these two LEDs on from here so there's nothing interfering

with the signal wire to see if still the tortoise goes faster

yes and this and the tortoise still goes faster I'll disconnect the tortoise and

we'll listen to the sound on this one here now I'm sure once you get the the

the rubber on it and you know this is what they give you to deaden the sound

of it that I'm sure that once you have it mounted it's not going to make as

much noise but right out of the box and with nothing attached it's you know it's

pretty loud right there but anyway let me disconnect the I'll just disconnect

one of them so you can hear the difference now on the tortoise it's not

as loud as the cobalt in my opinion I like the tortoise which machine over the

cobalt even though the cobalt is much smaller

it is noisier the they added an extra set of gear reduction in there so you

cannot Center this when you're installing it and on the tortoise you

can see how easy it is to adjust it in the center when you're installing it and

I'll show you that on the next video the cobalt stall amperage is 30 milliamps

where the tortoise is 16 milliamps therefore you could only use half as

many on a power supply as you can on the tortoise and another thing I checked on

their website and there is no attachments that goes with this one this

is the Cobalt Classic Omega so if you have a situation where you can't mount

this directly underneath a turnout you're gonna run into a problem where

you're gonna have to make up your own jig tortoise has

the an attachment remote Remote Tortoise Mount and that also will allow

you to operate two turnouts with one switch machine which you can't do with

this unless you make your own Jake so you be the judge of it I'm a little bit

biased because I have 18 of these actually 17 of these installed I have

one more to go and I'll put it on one of the turnouts

where I don't have a switch machine now going into one of the industries if if

you'd like ease of putting your wires on there I would say go for this this is

that seems to be the only advantage of this because it's more expensive than

the tortoise it comes from Australia if you need to send it out for repairs you

got to send it to Australia this you send it to Illinois so I'll let you

decide we have some more videos coming out with LEDs and I'm going to show you

on the breadboard how to hook them up so you could light your buildings or any

other effect on your model railroad so take a look for them they're coming up

in the future once we get back on schedule I'll have three videos up every

week like I did before so take a look for them they'll be here if you would

like to see more videos like this go ahead and hit that subscribe button and

while you're at it and that'll notify you whenever I have a new video coming

out check out my playlist check out my patreon page

and support this channel thank you we'll have some more videos coming out in the

near future like I said before I don't know exactly

when they'll be but we'll get back on the schedule like we did before pre

Irma okay and we'll see ya!

For more infomation >> Which Switch - Tortoise Vs Cobalt - What Should I Use - Duration: 15:26.


pregnant meme - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> pregnant meme - Duration: 0:39.


The Truth About Jay Z And Kanye's Relationship - Duration: 5:42.

Kanye West and Jay-Z used to be best bros, with Jay even inspiring West's song "Big Brother,"

a track that truly moved Jay when he first heard it.

But since then things have gone downhill to the point where they're barely on speaking



Here's a look at what's really going on between Kanye and Jay-Z.

It's just business

A source told Page Six that while West truly adores Jay-Z as his "big brother," Jay doesn't

particularly like West as a person.

The insider said, "Jay can't stand him.

He looks at him as this crazy, eccentric motherf**ker he can tolerate in small doses.

Kanye is a nut job.

Everyone knows that."

The source added that Jay-Z only tolerated him for their 2011 Watch the Throne album

because, quote, "there was so much money to be made.

Jay was like, 'I'm gonna knock this out.

We're going to do a tour to bring in millions of dollars.

I can tolerate that.'"

That business relationship apparently went sideways in 2016, however, as TMZ reported

that West ended his deal with Tidal after the Jay-Z-led streaming service allegedly

failed to pay him a $3 million bonus that he was owed for the exclusive release of The

Life of Pablo.

But Tidal sources told Billboard that West allegedly didn't deliver on several music

videos he was supposed to provide as part of the contract.

Jay-Z ended up rapping about their money problems on the track "Kill Jay Z," saying about Kanye,

" You gave him 20 million without blinking / He gave you 20 minutes on stage, f**k was

he thinking."

Family feud

Business is business, but things got personal in 2014 when Jay-Z his wife Beyonce didn't

attend Kanye and Kim Kardashian's wedding.

The reason?

Reportedly, it's because Kim's friend Rachel Roy — rumored to be the infamous "Becky

with the Good Hair" referenced on Beyonce's "Lemonade" album — was also in attendance.

According to sources, however, that's just one aspect of the one-sided rivalry between

Beyonce and Kardashian.

Insiders told the New York Daily News that Kardashian was "trying to do whatever she

can" to get close to Beyonce, but Beyonce was having none of it.

A source told Radar Online, "Bey does not like Kim at all.

She's cool with Kanye, but can't stand Kim.

B calls Kim a 'scandalous social climbing wh*re' behind her back."

That led to strained relationships, as a source told Hollywood Life, "There was a time when

all Kim wanted was for Beyoncé and Jay to accept her but she's over it, she doesn't

feel like she needs their approval anymore.

It's kind of ironic because she's a big part of the reason this whole feud started.

She used to get so upset over Beyoncé and Jay-Z snubbing her and that infuriated Kanye.

He still can't believe that his own friends would disrespect his wife."

For all of that, it seems Kim wants Kanye and Jay-Z to make up, if only for publicity


An insider told Hollywood Life, "[Kardashian] doesn't want the beef, she wants status, and

some of that comes with being friends with the right people.

Clearly Beyoncé and Jay are the right people.

Kim doesn't like that Jay called out her husband on the album, but she wants Kanye to be the

bigger man and apologize so they can move on and return to being friends."

Kanye's meltdown

In October 2016, Kanye complained at a Seattle tour stop that his kids and the Carter kids

haven't played together.

While that's a weird thing to complain about on-stage, Kanye would easily out-weird himself

a month later.

In November, 2016, West called out Jay and Bey on stage after performing a couple songs,

accusing them both of putting business ahead of friendship.

During a concert in Sacramento, Kanye went on a rant in front of the assembled audience,

and shared everything from conspiracies concerning Beyonce screwing him out of an MTV Music Video

award, all the way to Jay-Z having killers, and asking him to not, quote, "send them at

his head."

After the improvised, 20-minute rant, Kanye abruptly ended the show — and wound up being

the next day's top news headlines as a result.

Jay-Z's response

Mutual pal Kareem "Biggs" Burke told Page Six he spoke to Jay-Z after Kanye's on stage

outburst, saying, "we're both just like, 'We miss the old Kanye.' …at this point, with

everybody's career, we're a little too old for rap beef."

Still, that didn't keep Jay-Z from putting Kanye on blast in the lyrics to his 2017 release

"Kill Jay-Z," where he seemed to mock Kanye's November, 2016 breakdown and subsequent hospitalization

for a "psychiatric emergency."

Jay-Z wrote, "'F**k wrong with everybody?' is what you saying / But if everybody's crazy,

you're the one that's insane."

Jay-Z Explained to Rap Radar the genesis of his lyrical takedown.

"The whole point is, 'You got hurt because this person was talking about you on a stage.'

But what really hurt me was — you can't bring my kids and my wife into it.

Kanye's my little brother.

He's talked about me 100 times.

He made a song called 'Big Brother.'

We've gotten past bigger issues.

But you brought my family into it, now it's a problem with me.

That's a real, real problem and he knows it's a problem…

He knows that he crossed the line."

The future

Though the rift between Jay-Z and West runs deep, a source told Page Six they'll mend

fences eventually.

"Their relationship is familial.

I'd be very surprised if they didn't work together or have some kind of relationship

in the future."

For the sake of music fans everywhere, let's all hope so.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Jay Z And Kanye's Relationship - Duration: 5:42.


Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE 8xxxR FULL PACK & JOHN DEERE 995 PLOW - Duration: 10:19.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The JOHN DEERE 8xxxR FULL PACK And A New JOHN DEERE PLOW.

JOHN DEERE 8320R/8345R FULL PACK 3 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 3 Design Setup 50Km/h Top Speed

JOHN DEERE 995 PlOW 4m Working Width 10Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 250Hp

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE 8xxxR FULL PACK & JOHN DEERE 995 PLOW - Duration: 10:19.


Крот и фольга. Какое давление выдерживает бутылка? (18+) - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Крот и фольга. Какое давление выдерживает бутылка? (18+) - Duration: 4:27.




The Oxford English Dictionary has entries for over 170,000 words currently in use.

We use each of these words, some more often than others, to communicate thoughts, ideas,

feelings, emotions, and so much more on a daily basis.

While many of us can come up with several unlisted words we�d probably benefit from

using less often, there is one legitimate word that I believe to be far more detrimental.

This word can not only be found within the pages of every English dictionary, but it

is also something most of us use daily, even within casual conversation.

The common word that I believe we need to stop saying so often is later.

I�m not suggesting we eradicate the word entirely from our vocabulary, but I am encouraging

us all to become aware of when we are using it, and how often.

Later Disempowers the Present Moment

While it is undoubtedly impossible for us to do everything that we need to accomplish

right now, we rarely use the term to express that reality.

Instead, we use it to justify not doing things that we are fully capable of doing, simply

because we�re too lazy to do them now.

We all know the garbage won�t take itself out and job applications won�t send themselves,

but still we opt not to deal with it now.

While much of what we regularly cast aside might seem harmless, the repeated choice to

save unpleasant tasks for a later date can take a toll on your overall approach to life.

Before you know it, you�re passing up golden opportunities to drastically change your life

for the better simply because you�ve become so accustomed to putting things off.

Later Feeds Our Addiction to Instant Gratification

We live in a world largely obsessed with seeking out and attaining instant gratification.

We cheat on our partners, quit on diets, and binge watch shows not solely because, but

often largely fuelled by, our need to get something desirable in the now.

One of the biggest reasons we use the word later as often as we do is that it provides

us the instant gratification of not having to do something right now.

While taking action may also be tied to gratification, it�s our future selves who will receive

it, not us right now, which for many of us isn�t as enticing.

I think most of us can agree that all of the best things in our lives thus far took time

to build and come together, so perhaps it�s time we ensure our lingo aligns with that


Later Is the #1 Cause of Regret

One of the most powerfully motivating thoughts I regularly turn to is something that I learned

within the book The Tools: 5 Tools to Help You Find Courage, Creativity, and Willpower.

It encourages readers to imagine themselves on their deathbed while asking what that person

would say to you right now.

While their advice may be to enjoy your youth (no matter how old you currently are) and

to cherish the time that you have with loved ones, there is no way they would ever tell

you to succumb to laziness.

No matter how much we accomplish in life, we are bound to always have been capable of

more, so let that inspire you to stop putting off the things that are important to you.

As I mentioned before, the purpose of this article is not to fully eliminate the word

later from your lexicon (nor is it to make us into machines that never relax), but to

instead encourage you to become more mindful of the power of language and how you use it.

For the next little while, treat the word later as you would a curse word around children.

Take note of how and when you are using it.

If it ever falls under one of the above mentioned uses, challenge yourself to do the opposite

to prevent yourself from continuing to form a behaviour best avoided.

For more infomation >> ONE WORD WE NEED TO STOP SAYING SO OFTEN & WHY - Duration: 4:37.


How to study better with 5 tips - Duration: 2:47.

If you're human and either in school or just love to learn you've probably found

that studying it terribly boring and you can't seem to remember what you just studied five

minutes ago.

Don't worry you're not broken!

It's actually quite common and today we're going to be talking what tips can do to remember

it all, if not more that you used to.


Create yourself a study area.

Finding your zen space or something like that is the best way to make sure your mind is

focused on the task at hand.

Lets say for instance you one day study on your bed, the next day you move to your living

room, then the next you sit at a desk where you play video games.

Well in all those cases you more often than not will have done other things there that

don't relate to studying.

On your bed you sleep or.. in your living room you like to watch TV and

at your desk you always play video games.

Well in those spots you have the habit of doing those things, your brain will know that

when your there you need to do this and that.

Instead go somewhere, home or not, pick a spot where you'll only focus on studying

and make sure that it stays as just that, a study area.


Prepare everything you'll need to study like your handouts, textbooks, online sources,


Having everything near and dear to you will assure you that you will never have to go

searching for this and that.

It'll help you keep focus only on studying instead of having to break that focus and

go off into the wilderwebs to find your missing loot.


Don't listen to music.

Listening to music is a myth, proven scientifically to be so.

I know that some people truly believe this to be true but when researchers experimented

with that they actually found that rhythmic music turned out to be distracting for the

listener and we all know that distraction is key to losing focus and eventually making

studying less effective.


Use whatever learning style works best for you.

For as long as western study has been the thing, we always thought that hunched over

the books, reading and listening to lectures were the only way to learn, but over the years

researchers have found that there are many different ways that people learn and each

of them have been shown to be just as effective as the traditional model of learning than

was originally thought.


remembering everything little piece of information is impossible, so just don't do that.

We've been told, "why can't you remember this?

You've just read it."

Well unfortunately we don't remember everything we read.

We remember pieces of information that are relevant to us so when studying just read

and note things that are directly related to what your studying.

So for example, you're studying to pass a chemistry test based on balancing chemical


When your studying and you come across a chapter about how the elements are formed you would

say "see ya" and skip it.

Focus on information that directly relates to what you need to know.

So I hope that you use these tips to make studying easier for you and pass your tests.

Like or dislike, if you subscribe make sure you click the bell beside it and I'll see

you all in the next two weeks.

For more infomation >> How to study better with 5 tips - Duration: 2:47.


Monte Mohr Announces Todd Walker as Broker of EXIT Realty The Mohr Group & Associates - Duration: 2:36.

Welcome back everybody.

Our real estate expert, Monte Mohr, is here.

He has decades of experience in the business and he's brought the newest member of his

real estate team, Todd Walker, with him.

Thank you so much for coming in.

Thank you, Kelly.

Alright, so new broker?

Yes, ma'am.

Starting a new brokerage, right?

Kelly, we all know that the health and well being of any company or organization is dependent

upon its leadership.

Here's a guy, 65 years old: I'm throwing everything that I am and have into what I believe is

going to be one of the best real estate companies in all of Tennessee.

That's the kind of focus, that's the kind of effort, and that's the kind of personal

intention that we're embracing here in this opportunity.

You can imagine finding a broker that's going to fit that criteria...


I'm thrilled to introduce my friend, Todd Walker, in that position.

I'm not trying to put any added pressure on him, but seriously our mantra is to be the

most passionately referred real estate company in all of Middle Tennessee.

Todd, you've been doing this for a while now?


What does it mean to you to know that you're going to be working with somebody like Monte

and his team?

First of all, I want to take the opportunity to thank Monte, because ultimately without

him I would not be here.

From the opening of our new office at 600 Frazier Drive (Cool Springs Brewery right

next to it) in Franklin to the attraction of quality agents, a quality support staff...

you have literally coached, mentored and trained us on how to create the best client experience,

in my personal opinion.

Thank you, sir.

That is so interesting because you said something there... the key word to me was mentor.


There are so many different places out there right now where you feel like they're competing

against each other.

There's not that mentor-ship.

But, that's something that Monte and his team really does.

It's something he believes in and, again, that's why I'm here.

After just over 3 years in the business, I would not be here without him.

We would not have the success that we've had.

It all stems from this individual right here.

When you talk about that mentor-ship, that's the number one missing structure in the whole

real estate industry.

A lot of companies believe that more is better.

We believe that better is better.

We're really trying to help our agents become all that they can become.

It's a totally different philosophy and we're seeing it work, because our agents sell more

real estate that the average agent out there by far.

There you go!

Give Monte a call.

You can do that today at (615) 636-8244.

Also you can find Monte online at

Give him an email if you want to send him one at

Congratulations and thank you so much for being here, Todd.


Thank you for having me.

It was nice to meet you.

For more infomation >> Monte Mohr Announces Todd Walker as Broker of EXIT Realty The Mohr Group & Associates - Duration: 2:36.


Headlines - @ 12 AM | 23 September 2017 | Geo News - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Headlines - @ 12 AM | 23 September 2017 | Geo News - Duration: 4:32.


Jake Paul TRICKED YOU! (MUST WATCH) - Duration: 10:50.

you're gonna run okay when you yeah do it yep

let it fall let it fall i'm gonna... good morning Jake Paulers this is Jake Paul

and you know guys I'm Jake Paul I'm savage like make sure dab on them haters we're

savage and guys look at my Jake Paul setup so this is my like there's Jake Paul

everywhere guys because I'm Jake Paul right guys and I have subscribed all my

accounts because like I need more subscribers more money so anyways guys good

morning guys and Nick Crompton is sleeping in the other room and I'm gonna

go wake him up because you know like I'm a savage guys you know right so I'm

gonna wake him up so guys Nick Crompton is sleeping in the other room I'm gonna go

sneak up on him and wake him up with a beautiful gift with my gun guys because

you know we are a bunch of savages right we're a bunch of 12 years old savages

so we are gonna go wake him up with this gun

it's not reloading guys oh my god yo Nick Crompton give up man give my food


good night

I'm such a savage please leave a like if you think I'm a savage and subscribe so

guys Jake Paul here so we're gonna do some awesome stuff today guys he's dead

Nick Crompton's dead I'm gonna finally eat my food

so guys we're a bunch of savages we're gonna kill everyone and we're gonna act

like nothing happened so yeah wake up Nick Crompton - how's it

going my it was just a DAB yeah dab on them haters right

Guys even Nick Crompton knows it he's fat but he still knows it oh my god

one eternity later guys make sure you leave a like if you think we're savages

guys merch link in bio guys merch link...Nick Crompton is having a lot of fun guys like

he's a savage too you know he dabs on them haters everyday so guys I'm gonna

go a little bit outside because you know like it's like I need that fresh I need

some fresh air guys so I need to go outside You guys are so

savage you're like destroying my house you guys are savages just guys like I I

like that you guys have savages and make sure to dab on them haters guys like

don't let the haters just take you down like like you know Nick Crompton is a hater

no he's not a hater he's like dabbing on them haters look at

that guys yeah like he's like dabbing on the haters every day that's that's why he's so

fat so guys I was getting pretty bored so me and Nick Crompton we're gonna

play some rock paper scissors it's gonna be fun so I start are you ready Nick

Crompton he doesn't like to talk like he's so Savage okay let's start wait wait

it's my life it's my favorite game - we are like savages he can't even get up

he's so fat we are so savage I never lose guys

remember if you ever lose make sure to dab on them haters and make them pay

like this guys make sure to dab on them haters merch link in..guys i don't know what to do for

the vlog like I'm really bored and they're like everyone's like left the

house and like Nick Crompton and me are the only one in this house right now so

let's see what Nick Crompton is doing oh he's like still oh no he's getting up

guys come on do it you are a savage man

you did it

don't forget we're savages and don't ever help people this is a prank dude don't worry

it's just a prank guys it's just a prank right

he's just joking this is a prank merch link in bio please buy my..Guys i'm

getting pretty bored in here so like I'm gonna go on the web and like search for

some new merch designs guys you know like merch for you I'm gonna steal them

from some other other guys from other youtubers and I'm gonna just use them

I'm pretty bored in here I don't know what to do like you know we are savages

but I don't know what to do oh there's someone guys I think like Team 10 is

back guys I'm gonna bully some more people yes it's gonna be funny what up

team 10 are you a hater man he's a hater you know what to do it on the haters


we dab on them haters guys like he's dying guys who this this is

actually some nice hat design so I'm gonna steal them and just write Jack

Paul here and people are gonna buy them guys it's gonna be savage I'm gonna

steal this too and he was pretty swaggy guys like to be honest he's a hater so

he had to die I hate to dab on him sorry guys I'm sorry you had to see this

but I had to dab on them haters like he's a hater but he is oh my god oh my

god oh you are so savage oh sh*t oh you guys oh who are you man are you

Nick Crompton or just a hater or I mean like my fan like you you're belly is

like Nick Crompton but like oh my god guys look at Nick Crompton he just ate my

fan man he was so swaggy he like dabbed on the haters guys like no no no Nick

Crompton why did you eat my fan man I'm gonna eat you now you know I'm gonna

take my revenge - i was hungry - but man what though like I know I didn't give

you food but like you don't know to eat my fans guys I even though I don't care

of my fans but don't tell them merch link in bio guys you can buy us this what

don't tell them don't tell them because I I give him food I don't know why he's

like not fat I give him food I give him money guys don't you tell them what I do

to you so guys as you can see Nick Crompton has like a lighter and we're

gonna play with fire guys but don't play with fire guys we can play with fire

because like I'm a savage you know guys but don't play with fire guys

don't tell them don't tell them I know I get money from them that's how I you

don't need money you're fat man

okay anyways guys we're gonna play with fire we're savages guys we're gonna light

some stuffs up because we know what to what to light with fire and what to not

because like we're savages guys but don't try this at home

so we're gonna try to light this whole kitchen guys this whole room is gonna be

so savage right Nick Crompton

you okay I'm sorry guys he only

thinking about food but like it's like already fat yes oh yeah

anyways yeah let's let's like light the fire and let's leave it in the room and

like everything burn this room and it's gonna be so savage guys break yeah let's

do this I'm gonna go and yeah you do it yeah do it do it do it do it you're

gonna run okay when you do it yeah

yo guys I hope you enjoyed this video like I made it just for fun guys so I

hope you liked it if you did make sure to leave a like subscribe if you are new

for more videos like this and let me know in the comment section down below

who i should make a video on next and let me do it guys so let me know in the

comment section below subscribe if you're new for more videos

and like if you like this video and yeah guys that's it bye bye peace peace out


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