Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

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For more infomation >> Apprendre l'Anglais gratuitement sur Mac et Android ! - Duration: 10:23.


Fixer Upper - How to Make Shiplap - HGTV - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Fixer Upper - How to Make Shiplap - HGTV - Duration: 1:11.


De taali Nehraji! - Duration: 19:08.

I've had 12 operations so far.

- 12 operations! - Yeah, 12 surgeries.


My knee, elbow, hamstring... all have had surgeries.

Don't make me count more. That's it. Don't want anymore.

- 12 is enough. - 12 is enough.

Which body part hasn't had an operation yet?

The tongue!

This is everybody's favourite impression of yours, you ask anyone about Ashish Nehra...

You know that buffalo of ours... Yuvraj Singh. He started this.

He started it and made it popular, because I've never seen you do that. He's exaggerated it so much.

Yuvraj Singh has spread the rumour that Ashish Nehra is the biggest miser!

The biggest miser is Ashish Nehra.

Right? My comeback is... have you heard of the saying, the guilty one always gets defensive.

The police asks "Who stole this?"

"Sir, it wasn't me!"

Before anyone says anything, he made that comment first.

And he added poor Virat Kohli's name to it.

Have got nothing else to say after this. I leave it to you to understand!

But he does pay. Whenever we go out he foots the bill…

And that day it rains.

What is that story about Viru (Virender Sehwag)? Going for training early in the morning...

That the two of you used to travel by scooter.

- Viru used to pick you up or was it you? - Viru used to pick me up.

He used to say in Najafgarh. I used to be in Delhi cantonment.

Then came Feroz Shah Kotla. We had to reach in the morning around 8 - 8:30.

So Viru used to pick me up from my house and then we would be on our way.

He had a big kitbag and I had my small bowlers kitbag.

While going, Viru used to ride while I would hug the kitbags and sleep.

While coming back, I used to ride and Viru slept.

Sometimes Viru would come to pick me up and I would still be sleeping.

So my dad used to say, "He's still sleeping, you wake him up please."

So that was my father... my mom used to keep a glass of milk for me.

But I never drank the milk. So Virender Sehwag used to drink it all.

Then Viru would wake me up and I would say, "Just give me 15 minutes".

15 minutes would become 25 minutes.

Like how today's breakfast has already become lunch.

How are you not on any social media?

Just like that, I'm not a big fan. I barely even use my phone.

I've just learned how to use WhatsApp in the past 5 - 6 months.

In the year 2017 you've learned how to use WhatsApp?

My wife bought me an iPhone 7. So a guy comes up to me and says...

"Oh sir, you have an iPhone 7. How good is it? Is it better than the 6?"

I tell him, "Listen brother, my previous phone was a Nokia E51.

I've jumped straight from that to this. I have no idea what the iPhone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was.

It is what it is".

He says, "But there are so many features in it".

I said, "All I know is WhatsApp, the green button and the red button, apart from that I know nothing".

But you will be damn good on twitter.

Who knows, people have been after me saying they'll pay me, per month that much...

This guy came to me and said, "Do 3 tweets a month and we'll pay you Rs 80 lakhs for the year.

But we will tell you what to tweet".

I tell them, "I don't listen to anyone, no one can tell me what to do.

I'll do what my heart tells me to. Get lost now".

If someone tells me to walk naked from here to there...

...and they'll give me 2 crore, that doesn't mean I'm going to walk naked.

- 5 crore. - No.

- 10 crore. - No.

- 20 crore. - No.

- You have to have a price! - No, there's no price.

- 50 crore. - No.

- I'm sure you'll do it for 50 crore. - No, I wont do it.

If I tell you to walk naked from here to there for 50 crores, you won't do it?

No, I won't.

By naked I mean complete naked.

- With your underwear on? - Then no problem, I'll do it.

For free?

We go into the pool with our underwear on don't we?

So, if someone tells me to walk with my underwear on...

...the one like this… Calvin Klein or VIP Frenchie so called...

I'll do it then.

That is different.

10 crore?

- 1 crore! - In my underwear?

- I'll do it for 1. - For 1 crore.

I wear my underwear to the pool everyday anyway, so I'm getting 1 crore for free anyway.

I remember when Zak was on the show...

...he said that the day you guys won the World Cup..., the trophy and Arush (son) were all in his room...

...that night. And he said that you ordered…

50 - 40 omelettes, basically we ordered 40 American styled breakfast.

About 40. We did end up eating at least 15-20 of them.

- What are you saying? - Yes.

He said they were just lying there, you ordered them and left.

Why don't you ask what time I left? I left at 8:30 in the morning.

8:30 in the morning! Otherwise when will a guy go home?

We had to meet the President in the evening.

To meet the President one must look a little bit presentable.

I should be at least standing straight.

When did we win the World Cup? On the 2nd of April, right!

It had been 2 years to the day since I got married, my anniversary is on the 2nd of April.

I was ready to get married on the 1st but people said not to...

...or else they'll think it's an April fools prank.

- So that's why I changed the plan by a day. - Just a little bit.

My wedding got planned and ready in 7 days.

We were just talking, I told Gattu Kapoor, Anjana Sharma and Jad (Ajay Jadeja)...

...we were at Anjana's house.

"Tell me the date". That's Gattu Kapoor's dialogue, "Just tell me the date".

I tell him, "Let's do it on the 1st of April". He says, "All right you've got...

...1 year and 7 days to plan this". I said, "No, this 1st of April, in 7 days".

He says, "What are you saying? I'm talking about a wedding, not a birthday".

I say, "Yes."

He asks Anjali, "What do you have at home?" "What do you mean?", she asks.

"Alcohol", he replies. "JD (Jack Daniels)".

"Should I open it? Are you sure? You won't make me waste it will you?"

He opened the bottle, we all poured a little bit. He says, "Shot. You're sure, right?"

I told this to Rushma (wife), she thought I was drunk.

I told her in the morning again.

Again on the 24th of March.

She was here on the 26th with her mother.

Everyone came on the 28th/29th.

We had our function in the hotel on the 30th.

We got married on the 2nd and that was that.


Now all you have to do is just dance.

I'll even do that after I stop playing. Don't know how to dance though. Need 2 vodkas for that.

You spend every summer there, right? For 2 months, with the in-laws? Hospitality?

My mother-in-law does so much for me and she's the best cook.

It's a Gujarati household. Do you know what they talk about during breakfast?

They talk about lunch.

And the conversations during lunch time is, whether there should be samosas...

...or kachoris with tea?

And after that what's for dinner? Full eating.

The household was vegetarian but then I came along and ...

...spoiled it a bit.

There's a kitchen at the back where chicken, prawn and fish gets made for me and my son.

- My menu is the same everyday. - What's your breakfast menu?

First, a cup of tea, without that the engine doesn't start...

Diesel engine... now you can't even stay diesel its CNG.

After that I have coconut water and cut papaya.

Then one day it'll be muesli with cold milk with cut banana.

On another day it'll be porridge.

After that an egg white omelet with toast and a glass of milk...

...either with turmeric or almonds and at times with a glass and a half of milk...

...with two bananas some honey and one cardamom and blend them. Cold.

- Smoothie. - Smoothie.

And some times a dosa, an egg white omelet or masala.

Occasionally every 15 - 20 days, aloo paratha.

With a lot of turmeric and...

...yogurt on the side and to digest all those parathas, a cup of hot tea.

But for that I need to be training for 3-4 hours for me to enjoy the paratha...

...otherwise all you're left with is dough in your stomach.

And if that happens then you tell God, "I'll rather be dead than be constipated".

Is it time for your stretch now?

- Does Rushma understand cricket? - Rushma will set up the field.

What are you saying? Field setting?

I have to keep her far away from cricket.

She'll tell me, "You shouldn't have bowled that slower ball you should have bowled a yorker".

What are you saying?

She used to watch cricket even before she met me. I met Rushma during the tour in 2002.

She came to The Oval to watch a match.

Brother, you mean you have a coach at home.

So that means in your personal life your wife tells you how to behave.

And on the flip side she tells you how to behave on the field as well.

All the big decisions at home...

...I make all the big decisions that are there in my life.

Like who should be the Prime Minister?

Was this movie good or not?

Who batted well today?

All the small decisions like where should we go for a vacation...

...where should we invest our money, where should we buy a house...

...what car should we get, what clothes to wear...

...all those small decisions are made by the wife.

- OK! - All the big decisions are mine.

This means all the talk in the air is yours...

...and the practical, daily use decisions are from Rushma.

- Which school will the kids will go to? - Yeah, all the small decisions.

You don't need to get involved in all these petty matters.

- I have no time. Busy! - No time.

Can't waste applying your brains on such trivial things.

I have to handle such a big country.

Kashmir to Kanyakumari is mine. Have to take care of it.

So you entertained everybody, but who entertained you?

Who did you find entertaining?

Harbhajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Rohit Sharma at times...

...and now Hardik Pandya as well.

Even he entertains me a lot.

He sleeps with his room's door open at night.

Once I was coming back at 2 am and I asked him, "Why is your door open?"

He says, "Everyone's welcome, even at night time".

He's always in style. Gel in his hair... I mean full stylish.

But when you guys started, there were so many seniors, you couldn't do that much...

- ...styling. - No, I was never really interested.

Amongst us there was only one who was interested in all these things.

Mr. (Yuvraj) Singh.

Even at that time. Zaheer Khan, Harbhajan Singh... not interested. Just simple needs.

Sideway cap, cars, sunglasses, bags, shoes - that was all Yuvraj Singh.

Today also his mind works in the same way.

But not his body.

Even in London, he needs at least an S-class Mercedes, with driver.

With cap.

With cap that also sideways.

When you joined which senior player were you the closest to?

I was like salt and sugar, I could blend with anything.

- Oh wow. - I was fine with all of them.

- Nothing bothers me. - But how come...

...this world we live in you need diplomacy, correctness.

Some people needed the correctness, but that was never my thought process.

I'm not a politician that I need to be politically correct. What I feel is right, I talk about it.

And when I feel there's something wrong, I don't talk about it.

The fist test match I played, Harbhajan Singh and I were roommates for 6 - 7 days.

Same in 2000-2001, after that gradually they all became my friends.

I used to have a lot of fun with (Javagal) Srinath. Who was our senior.

Full funny, Bablu paaji.

In 2001, VVS Laxman was my roommate in Zimbabwe for good 6 weeks.

He's clean and quiet, right? A good boy, a typical good boy.

At the time we were North & East.

Obviously Laxman is 5 - 6 years older than me also.

And I was 22 in 2001. And at 22...

Full of energy.

If I'm like this now, you can only imagine how I was then.

You would be destructive., come to our website.

You played under so many captains, how many captains have you player under? 7 or 8?

About 5. The first time I played for India, it was under Mohammed Azharuddin.

So Azhar (Mohammed Azharuddin), Dada (Sourav Ganguly).

Rahul Dravid.

- Anil (Kumble). - MS Dhoni.

And now Chikoo ji (Virat Kohli).

So that's 6.

And in the IPL it's different, depending on the team you're playing in.

Dada was always fond of you younger tribe.

Obviously he knew, he already marked the players he knew who would win the match.

If you look at the team later on...

From 2001- 2005, for those 4 - 5 years he had a big hand in setting the team.

If you look from 2005 -11, 12, 13 for the next 7 - 8 years how many players played.

The trend had started from there...

John Wright was the first foreign coach.

From then the trend changed.

I remember in 2001, we were playing against Australia...

I was the 12th man in the Calcutta test match where Dravid & Laxman made 280 & 180.

John Wright had set up our camp in Chennai.

I've never seen a camp like that in the last 8 - 12 years.

He made us run so much it was difficult to even sit on the pot in the morning.

And that was in the 2000's when we were supposedly young.

We were 20 - 21.

That's when we saw that you have to work that much.

Now they all are more professional with their...

6 packs, eating grilled chicken and grilled fish.

Now training has become a trend, which is good.

Do you see…

When you started playing, it's been 20 years...18 years.

It'll be 20 years soon, it's been 18 1/2 years.

- Which bowler has played for 20 years? - No bowler has played 19 years.

Not even 19 years.

Last night I was telling paaji (Kapil Dev) that...

I told him it's been 17-18 years since I've been playing.

He says, "It's been a long time for you as well".

I tell him, "It's been more than 18 years. It's been 18 1/2 years.

If I was a batsman, I would've played for another 5 - 6 years.

Even after 12 surgeries.

You tell me to only bat and field today then I can do it.

If I get out on the first ball then it's a different thing all together but...

...and stand in the slip. Then I can play a test match today.

In a test match I've hit the biggest six off Andrew Flintoff at Lord's (stadium).

And the ball went out of the park, to date only two people have managed that...

Tell me who?

- Ashish Nehra. - There's one more.

Viv Richards?

How did you know? Someone's told you for sure.

I also watch cricket, it's not like that.

Ajit Agarkar was about to make a 100.

When I went in Ajit was batting on 67...'s not as if he was thinking about the 100 at that time.

And anyway we were going to lose that Test match.

Once Ajit got his 100...

...I told him, "Now don't run this side. It's been way too long playing on defence.

Let me just hit a couple of big shots, my heart will be happy".

I swung my bat and his luck was so bad, it connected and the ball went out of the park.

- It fell in St. Johns woods. - We're losing the test match...

...those sitting in the Lord's balcony especially VVS Laxman...

...they're all laughing, cheering and clapping as if we won the test match.

Have you ever seen something like that? The ball was out.

Did you raise your bat or not?

No... I got a bit embarrassed. Though I wanted to do it.

And I hit one more six. It was a pull shot, off Shane Bond's bowling.

- Yeah and he used to bowl really fast. - This was in Hamilton.

By then I was already scared of the next ball. I said...

"Bondy, next ball just keep it straight, I'll leave the wicket wide open for you...

...but please do not hurt me".

There's one more story from the Lord's test match.

In that test match the umpire was David Shepherd.

- Do you remember David Shepherd? - Yes, very much. The hop.

When I was small there was a World Cup match or a test match I remember...

David Shepherd was umpiring and David Gower was resting his hand on his shoulder.

You know, you remember certain things in life.

So I told him, "I remember David Gower standing like this and today I'm playing and... are standing here. He says, "Come on then". "What?", "Come on then, you can do it."

I put my hand on his shoulder. He says, "How is that feeling?"

That's very sweet.

Very sweet. He was a good guy.

Tell me about the 2011 World Cup, I've heard stories from everyone about the 2011 World Cup.

Honestly, my story about the 2011 World Cup started a month before...

...and I was struggling because of my back injury on & off.

Somedays I was feeling good and somedays I wasn't.

So my World Cup wasn't that great and after that I missed the first few games...

...then played 1- 2 games, didn't perform well in those matches...

Then in the semi finals when I was playing well… I broke my finger.

It was fractured and had surgery, there is still a screw plate in there.

I missed the final.

At one point I was actually thinking of leaving and getting a replacement.

But the World Cup was in India and at every airport we went to there was pressure...

...people saying that we have to win the World Cup. So that World Cup pressure was different.

But after 12 surgeries how do you get the motivation to get back again?

I don't know anything else otherwise.

If you're playing for India, then there's no bigger motivation.

If that's over, then there's always the IPL that is going on.

If that's also over then you can always spin the ball in the park.

See, I don't get these small muscle pulls.

If anything happens it's a grade 4 tear or a surgery.

Touch wood I don't get the flu, cough or fever.

If something had to happen then it would be chikungunya or malaria.

Nothing small ever happens.

I had chikungunya last year.

I've been in pain many times but the pain I felt then.

I was in the Ritz Carlton, Bangalore NCA.

I had done sprints all evening.

The body changed in 3 - 4 hours. I ordered a juice and burger at the Ritz.

The rest is history.

Within one hour the masseuse came... the AC was off... I was shivering.

I sent him back. Went down to the steam room, I was shivering in there as well.

Switched the AC off and I was sweating.

I mean I was shivering for one hour and sweating for another.

For the next 15 days...

I couldn't get up from my bed to go to the loo. I had to hold the wall and go.

For 6 weeks I didn't train, it happened on the 22nd of August...

...on the 5th of September I went for a pool session as I didn't have one for 15 days.

I did the session and couldn't move for five days after that.

After the 22nd of August, the first session I must have done...

...on the 22nd of October.

I did nothing for two months... nothing.

- The body becomes a shell, huh? - I couldn't do anything.

I missed a lot of cricket because of my injuries... now I'm thinking I'll play as much cricket as I can. I'll try at least.

But T20 is good, only 4 overs.

I don't think my body can manage more than 4 overs… as long as I bowl 4 overs, I'll keep bowling.

At the age of 38 - 40, even 4 overs is a lot for a fast bowler.

- You are anyway 40. - Not yet, I'm still 39.

- Almost there, you'll bowl till you're 40. - I'll play my last match when I'm 40.

Excellent, want to eat anything else?

No, I can't. I'm sweating all over.

Should we sit in an AC room. I don't get it, the weather was so pleasant yesterday.

I sometimes wish to remove all the hair from my head.

But that'll be too much. Then you'll only see my teeth.

Now at least there's some equilibrium.

No, I can't. I'm sweating all over.

Should we sit in an AC room. I don't get it, the weather was so pleasant yesterday.

I sometimes wish to remove all the hair from my head.

But that'll be too much. Then you'll only see my teeth.

Now at least there's some equilibrium.

For more infomation >> De taali Nehraji! - Duration: 19:08.


EXKLUSIV: Letztes Merkel Interview vor der Wahl! ZUKAR 17 - Die Chefin - Duration: 7:42.


What's up everybody?

I'm Firas Alshater with you again.

I've got my new ZUKAR piece with me today.

I can welcome the boss of Germany here with me.

Zukar Episode 17 - The boss

Ah, here she comes.

Mrs. Merkle, good day to you.

A wonderful good day, dear fellow citizen.

Hello, nice to have you here.

Oh, look at that.

That's a Pokémon, right?

That's very trendy at the moment, isn't it?

You know, I've caught one, too.

It looked like Wolfgang Schäuble!

There you go, there you go.

The Chancellor duet

My friends, this is Mrs. Merkle and she's Federal Chancellor...

Here in Germany.

Right, Mrs. Merkle?



OK. Mrs Merkel. Can you explain for the audience,

what it means to be a chancellor here in Germany.

It's the head of government.

Well, to put it in a nutshell: The Boss.

The boss! This means you can easily arrest everyone, leave them in prison

and you can do what you want?

No, I beg you.


Do you own all car companies or the large companies in Germany?

The phone companies?

That would be... No, that would be...

But at least you control what's on TV, right?

Now that would be a very useful idea.

But unfortunately, no.

So what do you actually do?

I determine the direction politics take.

For example, what companies we save at the moment.

I see. But you don't have to ask anyone, right?

Well, yes I do.

- For example, the coalition partner. - Aha. - In Germany, you must always ask someone.

Oh right, that's democracy.

We learned that in the integration course.

Integration course?

You took part in an integration course?

Yes of course, I come from Syria and I had to visit this integration course.

You are Syrian? You don't look like it whatsoever.

Are you sure you come from Syria?

No, I'm from Baden Wuerttemberg ... Maybe.

No really, I'm from Syria and that's why I'm interested in this topic: Refugees.

Refugee policies

- Could you explain your policies in short and simple words?

If we look at the financial policies we have been pursuing in the last years,

then you have to see that Germany has achieved quite some progress.

This has certainly been interlinked to disadvantages and therefore I can only say to citizens:

Thank you! That was great support.

It was certainly not easy for everyone, yet we have embarked on a course

that will help us to be financially healthy in the long run...

... Integration.


Excuse me.

How do you see integration?

Is it moving forward?

I see significant progress.

For example, after a 6-month intensive course, 80% of refugees can already

use the German waste separation system quite well.

And they are clearly ahead of our citizens from Rhineland-Palatinate!

Many viewers and people from my community are interested in this topic.

That's praiseworthy.

waste separation

I have a question from Mohammed from Dara, he asks: Can weapon parts from ground missiles

be added to the residual waste if they were made in Germany?

No one shoots ground rockets in our country.

Well, they often stick inside your body and you can't get them operated and taken out.

I, for example, even have a piece of grenade stuck in my hand.

Yes. In that case I would recommend going to the waste collection point, they also take scrap metal.

Very good idea.

But they need to be completely free of chemicals.

So no chemical weapon residues?

Yes exactly!

You are already well integrated.

Are you really sure you come from Syria?

Yes still!

Well, now we'll move on to the next question and this one is from Jamal from Damascus.


I also love Germany.

How can I become a patriot?

Well, that's not so simple.

Patriotism always has to do with your origin and not only with your attitude.

Well, it makes a difference whether one is proud to be a German or whether one loves Germany.

These two don't necessarily coincide.

The first are German patriots and the others are patriots for Germany.

Something like the fan club of the Germans.

Exactly, fan club.

We hope our guests will become our fan club.

You know, it's just like football.

You may not be allowed to join on the field, but you are allowed to cheer.

That's also wonderful.

And what about Boateng?

Well, if you exceed a certain amount of money there are special regulations in Germany, just like with taxes.

Special regulations?

I've seen that in my home country.

Mrs. Merkel, thank you for visiting us here in the studio today and taking the time

to make this great interview possible.

For this we would like to offer you our specialty, Syrian Baklava!

Thank you, but I'm on a diet at the moment.

Mrs Merkel, you can do it!

Jan, is that Baklava made with our weed?

Baklava - Awaken the Arab in you!

So friends, that's it for today.

I hope you had fun with the funniest boss in Germany.

See you in our next episode.

Now I'll say: Bye!

For more infomation >> EXKLUSIV: Letztes Merkel Interview vor der Wahl! ZUKAR 17 - Die Chefin - Duration: 7:42.


Honoring The Trailblazers - Duration: 12:53.

Honoring The Trailblazers

As we are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness that is sweeping our sweet

little planet, why not take a moment and honor all of the brave souls, the �unsung heroes�

who came here before us to assist with this shift and make it happen?

The empaths, the sensitives, lightworkers, wayshowers, all those who were holding light

and transmuting the dense energies so that others may awaken as well. These were the

ones who were �awake� before the word �awake� ever had a deeper, more profound


For many years, they have been the souls on the �front lines� of this awakening.

Some were very aware of their role and courageously used their voice and called �bullshit�

on the injustices and dishonesty of others as they were able to see through it all with

crystal clear vision. These were often the activists and the leaders of social movements.

They were those ahead of their time and established newsletters such as this one, intended to

wake the masses. And for many, they remained out of the spotlight and the world stage,

choosing to personally guide those closest to them.

For many, either aware of it or not, they went about their trailblazing in a more subtle

fashion, choosing to show the way for others by simply living their lives as the example.

You know, the ones who were eating organically before eating organically was cool or hip,

and before there were countless studies to prove that it was indeed healthier for us.

They followed their intuition. They were the ones who, in spite of all logical reasoning,

sold everything they had and moved across the globe simply because their soul was calling

them there, only to discover many synchronicities and reasons for this choice.

These were the people who were not satisfied with conformity and the status quo of getting

a job that didn�t fulfill them just to pay the bills and buy things they don�t need

and then hope to one day retire and enjoy life, if there�s anything left of it.

They snuck puppies into care homes just to see the faces of the residents light up with


They usually avoided or were very uncomfortable with organized religion.

Were often deemed as �lazy� or weirdos because of their lack of ambition or drive

for monetary goals.

They were the �tree-huggers�, barefoot walkers, and animal lovers.

They are the ones who ask you how you are doing out of concern, not social etiquette,

and wait patiently and interested in your reply.

Were often ostracized by their families for their different lifestyle choices.

They understood the importance of Nature and the detrimental ways of �progress� in

our industrialized civilizations.

They preferred to look into natural healing as oppose to give in to the world of prescription


Their bodies were some of the first to reveal the damaging effects of our toxic food chain

and vaccines, such as leaky gut and gluten intolerance, diabetes, thyroid problems, cancer

and Alzheimer�s.

They were the ones who refused to accept their ill health as their destiny and just a side

effect of �growing old.�

They were the dreamers who knew that their dreams were important. They understood that

peace and freedom are a right, not a privelige.

They were often exposed to trauma, abuse, and other challenging life situations.

They were the ones who refused to be a victim and instead chose to accept responsibility

for their life and learn the lessons that were intended for them to learn.

They did not harden their hearts but instead chose to help others with their experiences.

They have a genuine love and affection for all of humanity, regardless of culture or

skin color.

Chances are, you likely recognize many of these examples either in yourself, or in others

that you know. I have been blessed to have trailblazers in my life and to call them my

friends. I honestly don�t know what I would do without their wisdom and support. They

have a strength and an unwavering nerve that comes with experience. They know exactly what

they are capable of and there isn�t a whole lot that can surprise them.

One really has to appreciate those that were doing this great work at a time when the energies

were so very dense. They were working with the limited tools, opportunity, and knowledge

that they had at the time. It could be said that they had to learn the hard way. My own

mother endured health issues for many years until, thanks to the vast amount of information

on the internet, she finally discovered her health problems were all symptoms triggered

by the mercury fillings in her mouth.

At 32 years old, I realize that I am not speaking with decades upon decades of experience, but

I can feel and see the effects of this shift. There is such a greater acceptance of other

ideas and concepts that were quite taboo only a short time ago, even from when I took my

first level of Reiki training in 2010. It is nothing now to hear people speaking of

energy work and mindfulness as though they are everyday topics.

I am in deep gratitude for all of those who were lighting the way so that I could step

into who I really am. And while the trailblazers certainly had their hefty share of challenges,

my generation is, of course, facing challenges as well. We are learning to play in a new

arena. The energies are changing quickly and our sensibilities and our bodies are trying

to keep up. We are living within a higher dimension but still dealing with people and

the limited concepts of the third dimension.

These are the days when we can become tired, or fed up with the world. When our expanded

awareness threatens to become too much for our sensibilities to handle. We understand

how it might be nice to live in ignorance, to not be so aware and feel so responsible.

And these are the days when a trailblazer will swoop into our life, our unassuming angels,

to comfort and remind us of how amazing we are and of the great work we are doing. They

restore our energy and tell us, �don�t give up, you�ve come so far. There are greater

things ahead of you if you push beyond your comfort zone.�

The trailblazers have taught me compassion, patience, humility, and when I needed it,

tough love. They have been there to assure me, �no, you�re not crazy�, or else,

�this isn�t easy, but it is worth it.� They have reminded me that change is necessary

and that there is vast potential that awaits within uncertainty.

Sometimes they have come into my life to stay, others have passed through, or were there

only for a short time when I really needed them. On occasion, it was just a chance encounter

or conversation in the line up of a grocery store.

And as you read this, no matter your age or where you feel you are at on this path, take

a moment to honor yourself. Because the truth is, we are all trailblazers in our own, unique

way. We all have gifts to share with the rest of the world. And for every moment that we

are living in our truth, or expressing our authentic selves, we are lighting the way

and lending a hand for the next person to do the same. No matter what �hat� we are

wearing in this lifetime, absolutely everything that we do makes a difference. And every time

that we are true to who we are and express our authentic selves, we light the way for

another soul to do the same. It is absolutely no accident that you are here at this time.

And that is something that every trailblazer will tell you; you are doing more than you

can possibly know right now, but one day, it will be easy for you to see.

I would like to leave you with a few nuggets of wisdom and advice for this particular time

that we are in that have recently been shared with me from my friends, �the trailblazers�;

Right now, it is of utmost importance to listen to your body. These energies are intense.

In fact, the most intense that they have ever felt. This is huge work we are doing, and

if you don�t get the much needed rest that your body is requiring, you will get burn

out and end up needing to take a lot of time to recover. So if you are feeling like you

need more sleep even though your mind is telling you that you shouldn�t, tell your mind very

gently to f*#k off!

Not everything that you feel is yours. You are transmuting dense energies for so many

souls other than yourself, so honor the importance of that by listening to your body.

Do what ever it takes to stay grounded and balanced, be it taking regular nature walks,

spending time with loved ones, meditating, simply sharing healing time with a pet by

stroking their fur, going for a swim, or watching a sunset. Listen to your soul and pay attention

to what fills you with a sense of peace and contentment.

The other evening I sat on my deck and gazed into the setting sun. There was a magical

glow cast upon my yard, and as I sat there, I allowed my eyes to lose focus and simply

see the �light� that seemed to be glowing from within everything around me. It was then

that I heard a gentle voice say, �now you are seeing the love that is in all things.�

Needless to say, I was filled with a calm that I wouldn�t have had if I hadn�t sat

down and taken a few moments to enjoy the sunset. Nature is here for us, always. Spending

time with the trees is also very effective. They understand what we are going through

right now, and you will feel your energy lighten considerably in their presence. I prefer to

hug them or climb up into their limbs and wrap my arms around them for full effect.

Eat healthy and drink lots of water. Again, this is about honouring our bodies with proper


If you have fear, learn from it, integrate it. But do not let it stop you. We are here

for self-actualization. It is wise to be wary, and to practice discernment, but try not to

live in fear. This is when our vibration drops and we are left feeling powerless. Fear is

there to teach us something, so focus on what that lesson may be, not the fear itself.

Check in with yourself often. Just a simple question such as �am I on the right track?�

It is simply to confirm that you are aware of why you do what you are doing and for what


Follow the guidance of your heart as our brains can�t keep up to this shift. They always

need to �know� what is going to happen and what the outcome will be. This is not

how we operate on this level.

As I�ve been told, �we are in a new arena. The rules are changing.� I had a message

similiar to this pop into my awareness as I was enjoying an evening bike ride, �I

am not of this world, I don�t play by these rules.� I felt as though it was a reminder

from my higher self to not get caught up in the drama and anxiety of the third dimension

and all of the �shoulds� that we feel we have to surrender to to feel happy and


Stay humble. Just when you think you have it all figured out, your awareness will expand

and you will realize just how much you didn�t know. We can only grow so much at one time,

because if we tried to keep going and going, our bodies could never handle it. This is

where the burn out comes in. So remember that if you feel as though you have plateaud, this

is simply a lookout point to your next stage of awareness. As long as you are willing,

you will continue to grow, but trust that it cannot happen too quickly.

And above all, you can do this. Trust yourself. There is always help available, and you have

many guides that are working with you. Not to mention, the Universe is on your side.

Just think about the grand scope of that for a moment. The entire Universe which is capable

of all things is on our side. Meet the Universe halfway, and expect to be helped in magical

ways that you would never expect.

Lastly, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to all of the trailblazers of the world, those

who I have had the pleasure to meet and to talk to across the miles, and for the countless

souls that I haven�t. Thank you. This world is a better place because of you.

For more infomation >> Honoring The Trailblazers - Duration: 12:53.



For more infomation >> WIROWAŁO TO CI W BANI PO OKOCIMIE - BEKA NA TEAMSPEAK #28 - Duration: 5:18.



TDCSH today we're going to teach you to do Aku Aku mask

Decorate your playground with this friendly character Crash Bandicoot universe

or you can also put an elastic band and used as a mask


Next in TDCSH

I tell you how it's done

To mask Aku Aku you need templates you can download by clicking

the link we have left in description or entering where you can

find these or any of the templates necessary to carry out projects

you can see in our videos.

You can also follow us on our networks social where every day we publish

news about projects and prototypes that we have at hand.

You have links to all in the description of the video.

Once the templates will stick cut a cardboard sheet

We will do this with glue stick

then the cutter will cut

and these are all pieces that we need

in the next step cover with rubber eva the edges of the pieces

for this will cut throw a slightly wider than the song we want to cover

and the same color as the piece

once we have them we will stick to the parts hot silicone

in parts corresponding to the eyes knob and leave the mask without

cover the part where it will be linked to the other piece.

in parts with many peaks it is convenient strip sticking to go slowly to ensure

to fit close completely.

and so we have to be

This is the piece on which to mount all, but first we need to cover the back

We will do this with brown gum eva, We use the part as a template for

mark the piece we have to cut

before pasting the rubber eva piece go over edges with scissors

what about removing the strip stick before, this It should be flush leaving the smooth surface.

then the piece will stick we have clipped to the back of the piece

and so we have to be

We repeat the operation with feathers and the part of the knob

the remaining pieces will leave them uncovered as these will stuck on that part

and not remain in sight

and while we do the other pieces aprobechar to remind all tedigos

this season we publish 2 videos to week one another TUESDAY FRIDAY

both at 6 pm Spanish time

We also want to follow us on facebook instagram and twiter where you can find

daily publishing information on projects that we will be publishing throughout the week

and if you have not yet joined the Club TDCSH to you expect and register enters

Once we have covered with rubber eva parts parts that will expose

and we can start riding mask

We begin by carton parts with sight and which will form the face of AKU AKU

First mouth, attach it to the base hot silicone

We endeavor that is well centered piece and protruding at least half a centimeter of the base

We continue with teeth

then the nose

This piece will bend as it is shown in the video to get relief

and attach it to the base by applying silicone tips

and so we have to be

seguiermos eyebrows and eyes

we have the tasting aku aku

Then we will put the knob

We will attach to the base part with carton sight

Once we have the knob securely fastened continue with feathers

We will stick to the base as shown in video, this will do it with hot glue

once attached to the base use a kabob sticks to secure the

mask and that these do not move

We will stick by the back of the mask joining the base and feathers as

It is shown on video

after cover sticks and cardboard that is visible with rubber strips eva

brown gum eva use for part which is attached to the base

and the part of the pen, rubber strips of the same color eva

We are covering the finish of the cardboard that still is visible

Now as our mask we will use decorative pot with a refresh chapita

we hitch to hang on the wall

the will double in this way with pliers

then we attach it where indicated silicone hot

and with this we have completed our mask

ready to decorate our room, eating video game or anywhere you want

Fabricate a mask of AKU AKU to bring good vibrations anywhere in the house

Remember that AKU AKU is is an ancient spirit living inside the mask

and helps Crash and his friends to defeat the forces evil

If you liked the video not forget to leave your LIKE and share it with your friends on your

social networks so that everyone can AKU AKU put in your life.

Video here today see you in the next!

For more infomation >> DIY CRASH BANDICOOT AKU AKU MASK - Duration: 6:36.


GALATASARAY | Okan KOÇ: "Galatasaray İlk Haftalarda Oynasaydı Fenere de Beşiktaşa da Fark Atardı" - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Okan KOÇ: "Galatasaray İlk Haftalarda Oynasaydı Fenere de Beşiktaşa da Fark Atardı" - Duration: 10:32.





Games4King G4K - Rescue My Father Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 6:05.

Games4King G4K - Rescue My Father

For more infomation >> Games4King G4K - Rescue My Father Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 6:05.


Himalaya Roadies Animesh Shahi Girlfriend Best Answer in Himalaya Roadies - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Himalaya Roadies Animesh Shahi Girlfriend Best Answer in Himalaya Roadies - Duration: 1:08.











Bo Staff Strike Tutorial | Under the Knee - Duration: 1:19.

Hello, and welcome to my Bo staff tutorial on the under the knee.

Before watching this video please make sure you've already watched the front spin video.

I'll put a link in the description or you can click on that little 'I' in the top right

hand corner to get to the video.

So from the front spin - we pull it out from behind our back, we are not going to lift

our palm all the way up, we are going to keep it palms down for now.

We are going to put it under the that left leg.

Now if my left hand is my left leg, the Bo will come all the way under and become vertical

on the other side.

And that fist will be on the other side as well.

This means that when I let go it can go up into the air without hitting my leg.

Once I let go, bring my right hand back from under my leg, and put that leg down, before

the Bo hits it, and then I catch with my left.

Once we caught it and it's back in our left hand we can continue the rotation, put it

behind our back, and do another front spin, or whatever comes next.

Thanks for watching the entire video, if you liked it please give it a thumbs up, if you

have any questions or want to see something specific please let me know in the comments


And check out and subscribe to my channel for more videos.

For more infomation >> Bo Staff Strike Tutorial | Under the Knee - Duration: 1:19.


Úrsula Corberó estrena arriesgadísimo look en San Sebastián - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Úrsula Corberó estrena arriesgadísimo look en San Sebastián - Duration: 2:11.


Kundo Phuler Mala Full Episode 22 Sep 2017 - Duration: 2:15.

Kundo Phuler Mala Full Episode 22 Sep 2017

Kundo Phuler Mala Full Episode 22 Sep 2017

Kundo Phuler Mala Full Episode 22 Sep 2017

For more infomation >> Kundo Phuler Mala Full Episode 22 Sep 2017 - Duration: 2:15.


¡Así es la tecnología para encontrar sobrevivientes! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> ¡Así es la tecnología para encontrar sobrevivientes! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.


Episode 6 - Rings - Duration: 9:49.

Hannah: You have one job James. Colton: Keep her under control, I got it Brianna. Hannah: At all times. Do you understand?

Don't let her go for a second, their smart. One slip-up, and we're goners. Colton: I get it okay? Just

trust me for once.

Ashton: Huh, this is going to be interesting.

Faith: You've got to be kidding me.

Hannah: Hey, what's up? Noah: What happened to Violet? Hannah: What do you

mean what happened- damn she looks good. Noah: Does that not bother you? Hannah: What? Her


Noah: No! The fact that she's hitting on your brother like that. Hannah: No it doesn't

Does it bother you? Noah: I mean I guess she can do what she wants


Hannah: Okay.

Faith: Hey. Why were you talking to Noah?

Hannah: Because he's a friend?

Faith: I would be careful, he may not keep you around for very long.

Hannah: Okay?

Hannah: Hello. Faith: Hey, it's Faith. Hannah: Yeah, I have caller ID. Faith: Right, sorry. I forgot.

Hannah: Is everything alright? Faith: Yeah. It's fine.

Um, did you talk to Noah? Hannah: Yeah, I did. Faith: And, what'd he say? Hannah: He- he doesn't really want to you.

Faith: It's been three days! I mean, if I'm

over when I found out, he should be too.

Hannah: Boys are strange about stuff like this. We both know that.

Faith: Yeah. Have you heard from Violet, at all? I mean, like, I don't know. Does Colton

talk about her? Hannah: Well, I mean Colton's a boy of- very few words. So, no. He hasn't said anything.

And, no. I haven't talked to her that much. I've only seen her around school.

*noise downstairs*

Faith: Um, okay. Sorry. Thank you. Bye.

Hannah: See you at school tomorrow. Colton: Noah never said he didn't want to talk to

Faith Hannah: It's called lying Colton. Colton: I know what the hell it's called Brianna.

Hannah: And you know I had to do it.

If you're not gonna have her doing anything. Make her sleep, she's creepy.


Colton: You're leaving me? Hannah: Yeah, I don't want to stay with you two. Colton: So you're just expecting

me to stay here. Hannah: Of course. Have fun. Violet: Why can't anyone see your ring? she's using

She's using you, you know. She doesn't really want you around. Colton: Go to sleep Violet.

Violet: What the hell was that for? Noah: What is wrong with you? Violet: What do you mean? Noah: You're not yourself

anymore. It was minor at first but- I don't even know who you are anymore.

Violet: People change Noah. Noah: Not you! Your Violet. Violet: And Violet has

changed so deal with it. Noah: Violet! Violet: What is your deal! Noah: What happened to

the Violet that wouldn't hug me for the first three years, because she was

scared to catch cooties. Violet: We're not eight anymore Noah, cooties don't exist.

Noah: Yeah and Colton isn't an mythology encyclopedia, but you're all over him. This isn't you V.

Violet: Then who am Noah? Noah: That's the thing, I know who you are, and I don't think you

do either.

Hannah: Hey, Violet. We got to get to class. Violet: See ya later.

Chase: Girl trouble? We warned you. Noah: Can you guy's just leave me alone.

Ashton: Well, you see we would. But you haven't learned that your girlfriends are a bit

psycho. We on the other hand are not. Noah: Stop calling them that. Ashton: Aw, look at that.

someone's protecting his girlfriends. Noah: No- no they're not. Just-

Leave me alone. Chase: Not until you, ditch them and come back with us.

Noah: Just listen, I've got stuff going on. You wouldn't understand.

Ashton: Stuff.

Ashton: You have stuff going on. Whatever man, that means you can ditch us and go hang

out with them! Noah: Shut up! You say that one more time I'm gonna punch you in the face.

Chase: Ah, a threat. Do we really need a repeat of what happened earlier? Ashton: you know Chase?

I think we do

Iris: What in the actual hell is this. Erin: I knew you were weird Noah, but this is a little extreme.

Noah: Listen I don't have time for you two today.

Iris: Sass! Didn't know you had it in you Noah. Noah: Don't you two have work to do? Erin: We're off today.

Noah: Great. Than you can help me.

Iris: Since when have you wanted our help? Noah: Never, but I do now. Are you going to help or what? Iris: Sure.

Erin: What exactly are we looking for? Noah: Anything to do with manipulation.

Iris: What's this for? Noah: A school project. Erin: You're so weird.

Faith: An energy drink, really Noah? Noah: Really Faith? This is the one

time you use the door. Faith: Well I didn't feel like climbing up to the window. Seriously?

Again? What's going on? Where's that stuff you made- I mean. Last time it took away

your bruises in like seconds. Noah: I ran out.

Noah: How'd you know was gonna be awake? Faith: I didn't. I was just gonna wake you up if

you hadn't been. Noah: Oh my god, please don't cry. I hate it when you cry. Faith: It's not like I can help it? Noah: I can't

watch you or Violet cry. I can't do it. Faith: Well, blame my parents. Not me. Noah: Why

your parents? Faith: Because they never shut up anymore. It's- They won't stop fighting.

And it's about the stupidest stuff, and it doesn't even matter what it is, they

just start screaming and it always ends with someone yelling or something

getting smashed to the ground. And my sister doesn't know what's going on I

have to like, send her to a friend's house every single day. Just so that she

doesn't have to hear any of it. Noah: How long has this been going on? Faith: Like a week. Noah: Why didn't you tell me.

Faith: You didn't want to talk to me. Noah: Who told you that?

Faith: Hannah. Noah: I never told Hannah that. Faith: So you're saying she's lying? Noah: Yeah that's exactly

what I'm saying. Faith: Why would she lie to me about that? Noah: I know. But I didn't tell her that.

Faith: And why should I believe you? Noah: Are you kidding me? I tried to talk to you,

wouldn't talk to me! I couldn't keep chasing you around like

a lost dog, because I wanted to keep my head. Faith: I wouldn't have chopped your head

off. Noah: Yeah- well not literally but

metaphorically no doubt.

Faith: Well I think I know how you and Violet feel now. Noah: No you don't. Listen.

Your parents love and provide for you, my parents don't even acknowledge my

existence and barely make time to see me. Violet's parents may not even exist

anymore so imagine how she feels. Faith: Well I told you you guys can come over anytime.

Noah: It's not the same Faith, you have a family. We don't. Do you want to know why

Violet and I both never come over, it's painful, Faith. It's a reminder, of what we

both don't have. I'm sorry your parents are fighting, really I am, and you're

welcome to come over here any time. But don't compare yourself to Violet or I.

It's nothing like both of our situations.

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