Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

What would you rather have --

seven years of bad sex or seven years of bland food?

-Woman #1: Food. -Woman #2: Food.


Nah, brah, I can't eat wack food for seven years, man.

I'll beat my dick for seven years.


Hey! Yesterday, Trumpito had lunch

with a delegation of African leaders,

and he was very cordial and polite,

and he pronounced everything correctly.

Psych! No, he didn't!

He came in. He was like, "Wow.

Looks like Harlem in here."

"Yo, what's poppin'? Yo, what's shakin'?

Yo, you niggas got the scented oils on decky?

Yo, I need some black soap. Holla at me.

What's good? Yo, anybody braiding hair in here?"

He's like, "Yeah. You know Ben Carson, right?

He's like, "Hey, Bo Jackson, nice to meet you.

I'm a huge fan.

Yo, this is amazing.

Oh, man. Yo, Pele! I love you."

He's like, "You have no idea who I am.

fuckin' piece of shit."

"Let's hurry up. Sit down, eat some fufu.

[ Laughs ] Yo.

He's like, "I'm not learning no names."

He's like, "Yo..."

He's like, "Yo, Gabi, Mugabu. Yeah, whatever.

"Happy Kwanzaa day to you, too, my guy."

Word up. Bumbumtu. All that shit."

He's like, "Yo, my sister, I'm on you.

I support your natural journey."

And it is a great honor to introduce to you

our 45th president of the United States,

Donald J. Trump.

The "J" stands for "jerk-off."

Donald Trump rubbed the stump like it was the Apollo.

He's like, "Yeah. Brings me good luck."

Yo, homey didn't give him no -- Yo, run that back.

Everybody's clapping. He ain't clapping.

He's like, "Yo, clap, nigga. Stop...playin' me.

I'm the...president, nigga. Stop playin'.

-"Come on. Clap. -Yo, clap, you...clown."

He's like, ", nigga."

And I'm greatly honored to host this lunch,

to be joined by the leaders of Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia,

Ghana, Guinea, Nambia, Nigeria, Senegal.

Whoa. Whoa. Wait. Wait. Wait.

What was that? Nambia?

Nigga, that sounds like... some genital-care product.

I feel like Donald Trump got an early copy of "Black Panther."

Oh, shit!

He's seeing it the country before we see it.

I see you guys! Little comic nerd.

But look. He...up. There's a country named Zambia,

and there's a country named Namibia.

But not Nambia, my guy.

That sounds like some shit that helps you go to sleep at night.


I'm sure Nambia was just a one-off mistake.

He just did that one time. Yeah, nah, nah, nah.

In Guinea and Nigeria,

you fought a horrifying Ebola outbreak.

Nambia's health system is increasingly self-sufficient.

Where is that, nigga?

Is it like Atlantis, nigga? Is it under the water?

Everyone at the table was like...

Nobody stood up and was like, "Yo, it's Namibia, nigga!

Put some...respect on my name!"

No, they was just cracking up. "This guy doesn't know shit."

"Stupid as shit."

Then Trump had some good news for his new friends.

He was like, "Everyone gets a do-rag."

You know what I mean?

Africa has tremendous business potential.


I have so many friends

going to your countries trying to get rich.


I congratulate you. They're spending a lot of money.

That didn't end up so well the last time, my guy.

Maybe we don't do that again?

Fam, what are you...

Like, I don't want your friends -

Are your friends coming by boat?

'Cause... Yo! Come on.

I'm just gonna ixnay that, my guy.

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

After his lover fest on the Emmys,

where liberals gave him the wild...

[ Slurps ] know, dick-flute solo,

Sean Spicer gave his first post-White House interview

to "Good Morning America."

"Good Morning America" has had some strong interviews this week.

Shout-out to them. Not stronger than this show, though!

Never. Nothing but illustrious guests.

Ah, remember this?

Just normalizing white supremacy.

This will be the largest audience

to witness an Emmys, period!

Have you spoken with the president about your cameo?

-I have. -And what did he say?

He was very supportive. He thought I did a great job.

And so it was very reassuring.

Desus: Did he really? Or is he lying again?

Yeah, he's definitely -- He might be lying.

People have hard feelings towards you

because they feel that you lied to the American people.

Have you ever lied to the American people?

I don't think so.

Mero: "I don't think so." "I don't recall."

Desus: "I don't know her. I didn't lie."

Yo! Nigga did the Lil Wayne deposition.

He was like, "Nah, don't try to Kevin Hart me out here."

"I don't know."

Faris: Unequivocally you can say no? I -- I --

Look, again, you want to find something --

I have not knowingly done anything to do that, no.

Ohh. Circling. Circling.

-Fam! -Backtracking.

When he begins that, he looks to the side.

That's how you know he's lying. I don't think so.

Mero: What was the first thing he said, though, in that statement?

That's his tell. He says that every time.

Faris: Unequivocally you can say no?

I -- I -- Look, again...

"Look, again." Yo, when he says that shit. "Look, again.

I'm about to hit you with some wild-fugazy lies."

He said he did not "knowingly" lie.

That's why he was a good press secretary.

He's a good liar.

That's all he's good -- He's a liar.

That's your job. Embrace it, man.

Get a jersey that says "Liar 01" on the back or some shit.

I don't think so.

Last night, Axios reported

Sean Spicer could be the honeypot

for the Russia investigation.

Whoo! That's right. You know what I'm sayin'? Yeah, boy.

Ain't gonna be Dippin' Dots in jail, my guy.

-Oh, wow. -Mm-hmm.

To quote Stringer Bell, "Are you taking notes

on a criminal conspiracy, my nigga?"

Wow, B.

He's about to be Sean Snitcher, nigga, like, for real.

When "GMA" asked about the Russian investigation,

the Spiceman's friendly tone --

Remember he was in the bunny suit --

it changed.

Let's talk about the Russia issue,

which seems to be plaguing the presidency.

Has the Mueller team reached out to you at all?

I'm not going to discuss that issue at all.

Have you hired a lawyer?

I'm not gonna discuss that issue at all.

So you haven't been subpoenaed?

I'm not gonna discuss that issue at all.

Desus: She's smiling. She's like, "I got you, boy!"

Did you ever hear inside the White House

that Mueller should be fired?

I'm not gonna discuss that issue at all.

Desus: He was about to answer.

He was like, "Let me just give her a little something."

If you are approached, will you testify?

The White House has been very clear

that they're gonna be as cooperative as possible.

You're not under the auspices of the White House anymore.

I understand that, but I would do anything --

There's an issue of executive privilege,

and as long as that's not invoked,

I will do everything to do my part

to further this investigation.

Desus: Should've just said, "No comment."

-Why would you start talking? -He basically said --

Yo, he can't stand under the pressure.

-No, bro. -He gonna crack.

He's gonna snitch on everybody. He's gonna point people out.

Like, "Yo, it was Trump. It was Jill Stein, Putin."

"Rex Tillerson, too. I caught you jerking off in the bathroom."

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

[ Laughs ]

Newly woke Jimmy Kimmel is clapping back

at his people telling him to shut up about healthcare.

That's right. His third eye's open now.

You know what I'm sayin'? So respect that.

He became a big proponent of healthcare after he did

that whole speech about his child

and they need healthcare and such and such.

I don't know. I buy sneakers. I don't what it is we're talking about.

I also got some words that were not so nice,

particularly from our friends at "Fox & Friends."

Sunday's politically charged Emmys

may have been the lowest-rated in history,

but that's not stopping Hollywood elites

like comedian Jimmy Kimmel

from pushing their politics on the rest of the country.


Thanks, Brian. That was Brian Kilmeade.

And the reason I found this comment to be particularly annoying

is because this is a guy, Brian Kilmeade,

who, whenever I see him,

kisses my ass like a little boy meeting Batman.

Oh, he's such a fan.

Ahh. He said your man's a fan, ma.


He follows me on Twitter.

He asked me to write a blurb for his book,

which I did.

He calls my agent looking for projects.

Drag him!

He's dying to be a member of the Hollywood elite.

The only reason he's not a member of the Hollywood elite

is 'cause nobody will hire him to be one.

And, you know, the reason I'm talking about this

is because my son had an open-heart surgery

and has to have two more.

And because of that, I learned that there are kids

with no insurance in the same situation.

I don't get anything out of this, Brian,

you phony little creep.

Oh, I'll pound you when I see you.

-Yo, he's talking extra spicy. -Oh! Jimmy Kimmel!

-Jimmy! -Jimmy "The Hands" Kimmel.

-Yo. What? -What?!

Nigga put the extra hot sauce on that shit.

Brian, you phony little creep.

Oh, I'll pound you when I see you.

Yo. Time-out.

That's the most threatening a white guy can go.

"Oh, I'll really wallop ya."

Yo, my nigga, you gotta hold to that.

If you see Kilmeade on the ave,

you gotta snuff his shit, bro, for the culture. Stop playin'.

Brian's calling Hannity like, "Yo, let's ride on this nigga."

[ Laughter ]

That will be my blurb for your next book.

"Brian Kilmeade is a phony little creep."

That's right.

He kept it clean.

He should've been like, "He's a bitch nigga!"

"Bitch-ass nigga, nigga., nigga!"

"Pull up! Drop your pin, nigga!

You know what I mean?

Jimmy Kimmel gotta run up in the Fox News studio.

They gonna have a video of him getting dragged out by security.

Like, "Yo, come outside, though!"

"Yo, what's good? You wild-ass, nigga!"

-Did Brian respond in. No. -Hell no. He's buns.

No. It's quiet on his Twitter.

Yeah, bro. He's gonna tweet "Z" in like two days.

He's sitting at home. Shades are down.

Like, "Damn. Jimmy Kimmel got money on my head."

Nigga's calling Bill O'Reilly.

Bill O'Reilly's like, "...outta here, nigga."

Jimmy Kimmel, if you send us $5,000 each,

we'll jump Brian for you.

Straight up. Cash, though.

[ Rhythmic clapping ]

Uh-oh! On-air meltdown alert.

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell

had some technical issues the other day,

and somebody leaked out the video of the BTS.

That's behind the scenes. You know what I'm sayin'? If you're not in the industry.

what, you don't watch porn?

You don't watch porn? I was about to say.

That's literally where I learned what BTS meant.

I thought it was some other wild shit like --

And I was like, "Oh. Behind the scenes? Ohh."

...see how that one goes. Thank you, Rachel.

Well, today President Trump visited Texas,

but he forgot to bring any empathy with him.

But he did bring a hat...

a hat that is for sale.

Man: 15 page seconds.

Now he's getting tight.

What's going on? Why am I losing this?

Why don't I have sound?

All right. It's back.

Someone's pressing buttons and turning my sound off.

Who is -- Who's asking for a Labor Day rundown in my ear?!

[ Laughs ] Nigga. They're pressing your buttons.


[ Laughter ]

All right, I want to apologize to everyone on staff.

I know... this looks familiar.

You know if I don't get my lemonade cayenne pepper,

I be a little bit itchy in the morning.

Who knew Lawrence was all...



[ Laughs ] Yo!

Man: 10 seconds.

[ Laughter ]

Yo, he restrained the spaz. I respect it.

Man: 10 seconds.

"Agggh!" [ Laughs ]

Stop the hammering!

Stop the hammering out there!

Who's got a hammer?! Where is it?!

Yo, you got the hammer, nigga. That's what you acting like.

Holy shit.

Go up on the other floor!

Someone go up there and stop the hammering!

Stop the hammering!

O-kay. Relax.

Yo, they're newlyweds, guy. What do you want?

I'll go down to the goddamn floor myself and stop it!

Keep the goddamn commercial break going!

She was like, "Uh, here's the new script."

She was just like, "Uh, here you go, sir."

Stop the hammering! Stop the hammering!

She thought he was gonna turn around and be like,

"Get the...away from me!"

She ran away.

She was like, "Yo, I'm out.

You're not gonna yell at me...that.

I don't get paid enough for this shit."

She's like, "Yoink!"

Fam, she ran like there was gunfire, nigga.

Like, "Oh, shit."

...out-of-control shit!

He's getting -- He's super-tight.


Jesus Christ!

Crazy...sound coming in my ear.

This fucking stupid hammering!

It just fucking sucks! to be out here with this out-of-control shit.

Wow. They should let him curse on his show.

It'd be a much more interesting show.

This is the Lawrence the people want to see.

Any...thing can come in on my ear at any moment.

That's what I know.

Anybody can get into my fuckin' ear at any time.

Yo. Yo!

Yo, Larry. We got to start calling him Larry now and shit.

Larry O.D., nigga.

Gonna have to take a couple shots to relax.

Shit, bro. Come on, dawg.

You ever saw Mike Francesa's meltdown

when they wouldn't turn his mic up?

But I thought your answer was outstanding.

Thank you.

Coming from you, that means a lot. Obviously.

Francesa: Put my mic on!

[ Laughter ]

Relax, Mike. Mike, chill. Other people are talking.

Drink some more Splenda. You'll be a'ight.

Thank you. Coming from you, that means a lot. Obviously.

-He's trying to get in there. -Put my mic on!

[ Laughter ]


Number-one show in late night. Nothing but illustrious guests.

That's right, my pals. Tonight we got Victor Oladipo.

He's an NBA guard for the Indiana Pacers,

and his debut single, "Song For You,"

is out right now.

-Victor, come to the table! -You know what I'm sayin'?


How's it going, Victor? Got the new single in stores.

What's it looking like in the streets right now?

It's looking pretty good, man,

especially for my first go-around.

You know, people like it.

Some people might not like it. But who cares.

I'm just doing well for myself.

When people found out you had the ability to sing,

did they take it seriously at first

or they thought you were gonna sing some hood shit?

Yeah, yeah. They thought I was playin'.

♪ Just in case ♪

-Something like that. -You know what I'm sayin'?

No, they be thinking I rap or something.

But, no, I'm not a rapper.

You know, I can sing a little bit.

So I'm just sharing it with the world.

If you could start a rap group, not a rap group,

but a music group -- I guess like NBA City High...

[ Laughter ]

...what NBA rappers would you team up with?

♪ What would you do if your team was on the road? ♪

NBA rappers I would team up with?

Damian Lillard, obviously. I guess Iman.

-There you go. -I guess that's the way to go.

That's the new Migos right there.

Do you ever get into it with the fans on social media?

No, people can say what they want.

Yeah, it's funny 'cause they saying what they want,

but I'm not saying nothing to them.

I don't even know who they are most of the time.

-Ooh. See? -Bloop.

-You ever block any people? -You can say what y'all want.

Nah. It don't matter. It don't matter.

What's your usual fan interaction?

Is it usually positive? Are you getting yelled at?

I'm getting all types of stuff.

Yelled at, positive.

"Why you singing? You need to be focused on basketball."

I can see myself doing that at the mall

like, "Yo! Stop singing, nigga."

"Yo, my man, come on, B. Get out the studio.

Man, come on. We already got Trey Songz."

[ Laughter ]

What's the party scene like in Indiana?

There is none.

[ Laughter ]

We was gonna say. Like, you played college ball there.

What's it like to go back? You know what I'm sayin'?

And see all the shorties that you knew in college

that's washed now?


[ Laughter ]

Getting messy over here. He's like, "Nah, nah, nah."

Nah. I go back. It's cool.

There ain't no party scenes for real.

The campus is 45 minutes from where I be living.

So I ain't gonna be there very much.

Plus, those guys are young now.

-Yeah. -It might be dangerous to go...

That's true. You're from PG County.

-Best county in the world. -Henh!

Everyone that comes on the show is from PG County.

Facts. Best county in the world.

Best county in the world.

What's the D.C. strip-club scene like?

Shout-out to The House.

The House? I don't think --

Oh. Stadium.

Stadium. They got that thing on the roof.

I don't know. I ain't been there

in a long, long, long, long, long, long, long time.

They got, like, a swing on the roof.

I don't even know what's going on over there.

-Hey. -You know what I mean?

But it's a nice little club.

My best friend actually used to manage over there,

so I used to get in there free.

-Who? Clarence? -No. My man Keith.

-We'll talk after. -All right.

[ Laughter ]

What's the most money you've seen lost

during a bet during practice?

No names. You know what I'm sayin'? Just let us know.


'Cause we're hearing that big money is bet at practices.

Somebody bet 10K a spot -- around the world and back.

So 10K -- That's $100,000, yeah.

Whew. Damn, bro. I could use that.

I think we all could.

Pay off a quarter of my house and shit.

And they had to bring the check the next day.

-Ooh! Did he bring the check? -Yeah.

Homey called his accountant.

He's like, "Hey, listen. I need 100K."

"For what?!"

"I mean, some shit. Don't worry about it."

What is your most memorable dunk

you've done so far in your career?

My most memorable dunk?

That dunk that will always be with you.

Probably when I dunked on Dwight Howard.

Ooh! You know what I'm sayin'? Bro, you climbed that mountain.

You're like, "Get the...outta here!"

-Bring up that footage! -Yo. Watch this shit.

-Yeah, that shit was crazy. -Don't let your kids see this.

-Oh! -Ohh! Violation! Damn, son!

Check your clavicle, nigga. Shit might be shattered.

-Ungh! -Ohh! Ohh!

What'd you say after that?

I was just screaming. I was just screaming.

You ever been on the court

and you see a play, you see a foul

that should have been called and it doesn't get called for you

but it gets called for someone else,

do you have to say anything to the ref?

Do you just keep it to yourself or...?

I ain't trying to...your money up.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, no. Yeah. I just keep it to myself, man.

I might say something every once in a while to the refs,

but those who get their calls get their calls.

It is what it is, man. You just gotta keep playing, man.

You play hard, bro, some day they give you them calls.


You got the good meter training, man.

I respect that.

Yo, listen. This hurts me in my heart.

They ranked Carmelo Anthony of the New York Knicks 64th.

They ranked me 78th.

They ranked you 78? Wow! So they're clearly buggin'.

They're trippin' like big shoes.

So, when you see people who don't play the sport

ranking you...?

I have no respect.

All due respect, I have no respect.

[ Laughter ]

-Yo! -So, what's next?

After the basketball, what else you working on?

-More music? -Yeah, more music.

My EP come out October 6th. So that's gonna be crazy.

I got seven songs on there.

Every time I got free time, I'm in the studio.

So who knows what else is coming next.

Is there somebody you want to collaborate with?

Like a Rihanna?

Taylor Swift would be crazy.

-Oh, that would. -Yeah. Word.

-That's a whole new lane. -We out here!

That's doing numbers. That's doing numbers.

-Yeah, it's crazy. -Ohh.


What would you like your rainbow to say?

"Feathery." You want me to explain why?

-Yeah, yeah. -Yes.

"Feathery" is a word me and my friends came up with

growing up in PG County.

Shout-out to PG County.

And I feel like everybody can relate to it.

It's like the greatest of all goods.

It's better than better. It's better than great.

But it's not heavenly. It's featherly.

And I feel like any and everybody can relate.

When you hear the word "feathery,"

you think of something light and positive.

You know what I mean?

I think it can, you know, really impact

people's lives in a feathery way.

-So live your feathery life. -Henh!

-Give it up for Victor. -Yeah!

"Song For You" out now!

-PG County, stand up. Ahh-ahh! -[ Trills tongue ]


-Shout-outs. -Shout-outs.

Shout-out to Kevin Hart just acting like that shit never happened.

Listen. It's the twitter law.

Tweet through it, don't acknowledge it,

keep your life going. That's it.

We're all riding on horses, baby.

Why should we be judged for past indiscretions?

Come on. It's in the Dominican constitution. Never admit shit.

So, here he is, you know, He's like, "Listen, IG.

I know you're concerned about my family and my wife's happiness.

Here we are unbothered.

Stay in your lane. Worry about yourself.

You know what I mean?

Look. See? Here's me. Do I look bothered?

Do my kids look bothered? Does my rib look bothered?

No! Okay?

It's all good in the Hart house.

Why don't you worry about your own house?"

-Damn. -Look at him.

He's like, "Yo, if I got hit, where's my scratches at? Nope."

"Where they at, though?"

You know what I'm sayin'? He don't care.

Everyone else is like, "Kevin, you got to stay off."

He was like, "Nope. I'm gonna be on here.

Y'all gonna see my face. I'm-a show you."

"I'm turning comments off."

He's like, "I'm Kevin Hart. Ain't nothing you can say.

My bank account's too hefty, baby."

TMZ dropped more details today.

Kevin and Eniko are dropping serious cash

for a "Lion King"-themed shower -- a baby shower --

at Calamigos Beach Club in Malibu.

You need that. You need that.

Yo, if you don't have a chimp in a diaper at your baby shower,

did you even have a baby shower?

My nigga Bubbles don't come through,

is this shit really poppin'?

Was this planned before the TMZ stuff or...?

I feel like this was maybe

a $25,000 shower before the TMZ stuff.

And she was like, "I want a...chimp in a diaper, nigga!

I want 10 of them!

Yeah, they kicked it up.

-...asshole, trying to play me." -Six figures.


Yo, shout-out to my brother who thought it was mad-cool

to take me to college bars on a Thursday night.

'Cause I went up to him. Shout-out to Binghamton.

And it was me --

Shout-out to Heather, my beautiful wife.

We went out there.

And...for the first time --

That was her first time meeting my brother,

so we went to his little frat house or whatever.

And niggas was just smoking mad hookah,

drinking mad rum out the bottle like, "Ahh."

I got wild-belligerent, yo.

And then my brother got wild-belligerent

and took his shirt off and was just like,

"Yo, I'll... all y'all niggas up!"

And I was like, "Bro, chill, bro.

We in Binghamton, nigga. We're not on Tremont.

You're bugging, bro. We're gonna get...lynched out here."


Got wild buns that night, though.

Weren't you with your wife?

Yeah. That's buns, nigga. Buns is buns.

It don't matter if it's monogamous buns.

Wife buns ain't buns, nigga.

That's buns, nigga. You stupid? That ain't buns.

When you reach a certain comfort level with your wife,

you're doing shit that shorty that you met at the bar is not gonna do.

You know what I'm sayin'? I'm gonna leave it at that.

I don't know if this nigga's on SoulSwipe or what.

Listen. You got to look your wife in the face every morning.

I don't.

I mean, within reason. You know what I'm sayin'?

I'm not into no weird shit. That might be it.

That's the mother of your children. There's certain shit you can't do to her.

[ Laughter ]

I'm not into no weird shit. I don't do butt stuff.

-Don't judge. -No kink shaming.

What you do is what you do. Don't worry about it.

No kink shaming, but I'm not putting that robot up my ass.

Some of us pay that extra deposit on the hotel room,

knowing we're gonna ruin shit.

[ Laughter ]

Maid come in like, "Oh, my God.

The maid come in like, "No!"

What is this?! Oh, that's kakke!"

You walk in that room, you feel like you're in the beginning

of "Law & Order: SVU."

"Yo, why's there blood on the wall, B? What is this?"


For more infomation >> Thursday, September 21, 2017 (Full Episode) - Duration: 23:47.


(Liberian Music 2017) Mr Smith Lib Money - Baby Ley Go play Official Music Video - Duration: 4:26.

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For more infomation >> (Liberian Music 2017) Mr Smith Lib Money - Baby Ley Go play Official Music Video - Duration: 4:26.


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For more infomation >> Shopping in Korea: Richard Quinn x H&M A/W 2017 | Q2HAN - Duration: 10:02.


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For more infomation >> Strip Rattle & Roll - Underwater Footage! - Rattling Streamer - McFly Angler Fly Tying - Duration: 7:14.


Fixer Upper - How to Make Shiplap - HGTV - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Fixer Upper - How to Make Shiplap - HGTV - Duration: 1:11.


Guildleves & Behests | RoaR | Episode XXI - Duration: 14:58.

Remnants of a Realm is brought to you by – Bravestone's Lalafell Sausages.

Delicious flavors, from the ripest Lalafells in the realm!

Hello Eorzeans!

I'm Lukile Bravestone and welcome to this episode of Remnants of a Realm!

Last week we revisited Mor Dhona and the many locations that could be found in the southern

part of that region.

This week's episode is actually going to be very, very different.

We're not looking at a location, not a dungeon, but a feature.

A remnant that we're faced with less and less every day.


If you've been following this channel for a while it will come as no surprise to you

that Final Fantasy XIV 1.0's key feature at launch was the Guildleve System.

It was a new take on leveling and questing that Square Enix was very proud of.

The game's early promo material made sure to emphasize this groundbreaking feature.

It was naturally also listed on the back of the game's box.

The guildleves served as mini quests with their own quest bosses that had to be killed,

or in the case of gathering and crafting – items that had to be gathered or crafted and delivered

to the levemete to complete.

The guildleves themselves were represented by these very neat looking stained crystal

paintings set in a frame of precious metal.

The interesting thing about these was that they all had a lot of information on them.

You see, each leveplate had a theme, and the top of the leveplate would indicate what the

theme was.

This would also correspond with the stained crystal painting in the middle of the leve.

On the lower right corner you'd find the issuing city of the leve.

If a leve had already been completed before, this leve would get a red wax seal on the

upper right corner to indicate this.

The guildleve system was actually quite complex, consisting on several types and sub types.

The guildleves could be one of two main types.

Regional or Local.

A Local guildleve was a levequest that could be completed in the safety of a City State

and was intended for Disciples of the Hand.

Regional guildleves took place in Eorzea's many camps and Aetherial gates.

They consisded of: Battlecraft leves, Fieldcraft leves, Faction Leves and Tutorial leves.

Tutorial Levequests would only teach you the basics of the leve system and would only award

a very small amount of exp and gil upon completion.

Battlecraft leves were leves intended for disciples of war and magic.

These would often have you kill a certain amount of monsters in a specific area.

This was considered the standard leve, and a must for leveling in 1.0.

Fieldcraft leves were leves intended for gathering, and would require the adventurer to gather

a specific number of a specific item.

Fieldcraft leves were split into another three categories, Miner, Botanist and Fisher.

Faction Levequests was considered special levequests, and was not categorized as regular

battle, field or local leves, but instead a category of their own under regional leves.

To pick up one of these, you'd need the required faction points indicated in the leve

select window.

Faction points would be accumulated through regular regional levequests.

The harder the regional levequest was, the more faction points you'd receive.

Faction leves started at level 20, all of which required 100 points to sign up for.

Level 30 Faction leves required 200 points, and a level 40 faction leve required 300 points.

In addition to these, there were special mission leves that would become available once you

met a certain criteria, that could have a level requirement all the way up to level

50, the cap at the time.

These levequests were all sought after for their big rewards.

To start a levequest, you first had to pick up a leve from a levemete.

Once the leve was selected you'd be presented with the leve information window, informing

you of rewards, as well as the leve's backstory.

Every leveplate had a magical seal placed on them, so you had to locate the aetheryte

or Aetherial gate the magical seal was keyed to.

The leveplates were made with stained crystal instead of glass to make attuning to the aetherytes

and Aetherial gates easier.

Once there, you had to interact with the correct aetheryte and select "initiate a levequest".

A list of all the leves you were currently holding would pop up.

Any leves that couldn't be initiated at said aetheryte would be greyed out.

Clicking the leve of your choice would once again bring up the leve information window.

Proceeding, a difficulty window would appear.

The difficulty was represented by stars, and went all the way up to 12.

After selecting the difficulty, you would get a final confirmation window – note here

that the faction Brotherhood of the Broken Blade is evaluating the leve, and will provide

you with 20 faction credits upon completion.

Once commence was pressed, you were good to go!

The mini-map would now show a golden arrow on the map, showing where your levequest required

you to go.

On the left side you'd have your mission objectives, with the leve timer.

Once the leve was complete, an Aetherial gate would materialize in front of you, , and the

famous fanfare plays.

Interacting with the Aetherial gate would bring up the leve summary window with the

rewards gained as well as time spent on the leve.

You'd then get the option to either return to the Aetherial camp, think longer, or if

you just want to… hang out here, you'd allow the node to dissipate.

Congratulations, you've finished a levequest.

The major issue with the leve system was the restriction put on how many you could use

in a certain timeframe.

At launch, the leve system only allowed you to complete 8 regional and 8 local guildleves

every 36 hours.

However, all guildleves could be shared, so people often formed massive parties and shared

each others' leves.

This way, you could do loads of leves at once.

In addition to this, after completing leves, they would be saved in your leve history tab.

Once you'd completed your 8 leves, you could visit a levemete and have your leve history


This would give you an additional leve to complete, sometimes with a bigger reward than

usual, other times you'd get crap.

The system was not perfect, and in most cases you'd get leves you simply couldn't complete.

A very common issue was that the levemete would give you a level 40 guildleve regardless

of the level of the leves in your leve history.

Anyways, after Yoshi-P took over as producer/director, the leve limit was raised to 99 allowances

that would regenerate by four every 12 hours.

This made guildleves even more accessible, and Final Fantasy XIV's guildleve system

became a popular power leveling method.

The game launched with 14 different leves, all ranging from battle to crafting to gathering


Constancy, Devotion, Diligence, Industry, Ingenuity, Justice, Munificence, Piety, Promptitude,

Temperance, Tenacity, Valor, Veracity and Wisdom.

Several more were planned to be released, and were found in the game's data files,

including the leveplate we saw derplander use in the opening cutscene, but was never

implemented in 1.x's lifetime.

Most of these would later be used in ARR.

Guildleves also had a lot of unique music.

You see, there was not just one track for battle and one track for gathering leves.

Nonono, there was different music for each ZONE.

So for instance, let's take a listen to one of my absolute favorite and nostalgic

battle levequest themes from La Noscea, called "In the Shadow of the Colossus".

And once again, if you played 1.0, this is going to tug at your nostalgia strings:

The game launched with 5 unique tracks; 4 zone tracks for battlecraft and faction leves,

and one for gathering.

Due to the nature of crafting leves, there was no theme created for those.

In the Black Shroud, initiating a battlecraft leve, would trigger "Bathed in Woodsin":

And since we've covered the other two, let's give Thanalan's battlecraft guildleve theme

a listen as well, called Desert Moon Defied:

In addition to levequests, the game would also offer a system that didn't require

leve allowances to function – Behests!

This gem of a system was intended to ease the pain of having run out of leves, by offering

large scale open-world leves that anyone could participate in.

Behests would spawn every 30 minutes at pretty much every camp or dungeong that offered levequests.

A battlewarden would appear a few minutes before the behest began.

Interacting with the battlewarden, you could review the behest objectives and sign up.

If you regretted your decision, you could also talk to the battlewarden to retreat from


Behests made sure the world was alive, and yes, Behests did have its own theme, No Quarter:

Some behests were larger in scale, and would sometimes have a last boss that would spawn

when the initial objective was complete.

At this point, another theme would play; Fury.

When the game relaunched as ARR, the guildleve system remained intact, but it quickly dawned

on returning 1.0 players that this system didn't quite function like it did in 1.0.

Initially, 1.0 players returning to ARR would flock to the levemetes to grind.

Comparing 1.0's guildleve system to ARR's system, there really wasn't that big of

a difference in terms of exp and gil rewards.

However with ARR's new dungeons and FATE system yielding far greater rewards for the

effort put in, it would seem the leve system was just tacked on JUST BECAUSE.

The leve system is briefly introduced in the very early part of the main scenario, in a

cutscene you can't even skip.

But it offers very little explanation as to why you'd want to use this system, and so

new players would mostly ignore the content entirely.

The battlecraft leves would continue to decline in popularity, while the crafting and gathering

leves slowly gained more popularity.

With Heavensward, the new temple leves were introduced for both disciples of war/magic

and hand/land, more resembling the faction levequests reward-wise, but few actually used

the large-scale battlecraft leves, as there was still more to gain from duingeons and

other content.

They started to feel more and more like ancient relics from a time past.

With the release of Stormblood, SE put the final nail in the coffin for battlecraft leves

– Kugane would not be issuing battle leves for Disciples of War and Magic.

And so, after almost 7 years, the sun finally sets on Final Fantasy XIV's battlecraft


If you want to experience the magic of 1.0 leveling, form a party with some friends,

and burn through some battle guildleves, as a final toast to a system that once was this

game's most prominent feature.

Behests would completely disappear from the game with ARR.

At least by name.

The FATE system that was introduced with ARR used a lot of Behest's core concepts.

However it would no longer require you to sign up to the event, and the spawn rate was

now random, instead of a fixed 30 minute timer.

In certain FATEs you can even find Battlewardens overseeing the FATE.

Guildhests is probably the most obvious remnant of Behest in the game as well.

These are almost entire behest missions stripped down to a 4-man (and in some cases 8-man)

duties, issued by a Battlewarden.

They serve more like duty tutorials now.

So Behests seems to have actually branched out into two different kinds of content.

Though I have to say, guildhests do seem a bit… dated, and much like battlecraft leves,

seems to have been entirely abandoned, not having a single guildhest added since the

launch of 2.0.

FATEs, however, are as popular as ever.

And would you look at that, it's the end of the episode.

There is one more feature we have to look at, but I'm gonna save that for next week!

I hope you enjoyed this episode and all the stuff we covered!

Make sure to let me know in the comments what you think, and remember to leave a like if

you enjoyed and subscribe for more!

Also buy my sausages.

I'll be back next week with another episode of Remnants of a Realm!

See you then Eorzeans, and may you ever walk in the light of the Crystal!

For more infomation >> Guildleves & Behests | RoaR | Episode XXI - Duration: 14:58.


AvatarStar EP.1 - Duration: 1:09:45.

For more infomation >> AvatarStar EP.1 - Duration: 1:09:45.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 16:12.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 16:12.


NieR:Automata #42 - Pudełko z mięsem [Napisy PL] [18+] (Ścieżka C) - Duration: 32:13.

For more infomation >> NieR:Automata #42 - Pudełko z mięsem [Napisy PL] [18+] (Ścieżka C) - Duration: 32:13.


EXKLUSIV: Letztes Merkel Interview vor der Wahl! ZUKAR 17 - Die Chefin - Duration: 7:42.


What's up everybody?

I'm Firas Alshater with you again.

I've got my new ZUKAR piece with me today.

I can welcome the boss of Germany here with me.

Zukar Episode 17 - The boss

Ah, here she comes.

Mrs. Merkle, good day to you.

A wonderful good day, dear fellow citizen.

Hello, nice to have you here.

Oh, look at that.

That's a Pokémon, right?

That's very trendy at the moment, isn't it?

You know, I've caught one, too.

It looked like Wolfgang Schäuble!

There you go, there you go.

The Chancellor duet

My friends, this is Mrs. Merkle and she's Federal Chancellor...

Here in Germany.

Right, Mrs. Merkle?



OK. Mrs Merkel. Can you explain for the audience,

what it means to be a chancellor here in Germany.

It's the head of government.

Well, to put it in a nutshell: The Boss.

The boss! This means you can easily arrest everyone, leave them in prison

and you can do what you want?

No, I beg you.


Do you own all car companies or the large companies in Germany?

The phone companies?

That would be... No, that would be...

But at least you control what's on TV, right?

Now that would be a very useful idea.

But unfortunately, no.

So what do you actually do?

I determine the direction politics take.

For example, what companies we save at the moment.

I see. But you don't have to ask anyone, right?

Well, yes I do.

- For example, the coalition partner. - Aha. - In Germany, you must always ask someone.

Oh right, that's democracy.

We learned that in the integration course.

Integration course?

You took part in an integration course?

Yes of course, I come from Syria and I had to visit this integration course.

You are Syrian? You don't look like it whatsoever.

Are you sure you come from Syria?

No, I'm from Baden Wuerttemberg ... Maybe.

No really, I'm from Syria and that's why I'm interested in this topic: Refugees.

Refugee policies

- Could you explain your policies in short and simple words?

If we look at the financial policies we have been pursuing in the last years,

then you have to see that Germany has achieved quite some progress.

This has certainly been interlinked to disadvantages and therefore I can only say to citizens:

Thank you! That was great support.

It was certainly not easy for everyone, yet we have embarked on a course

that will help us to be financially healthy in the long run...

... Integration.


Excuse me.

How do you see integration?

Is it moving forward?

I see significant progress.

For example, after a 6-month intensive course, 80% of refugees can already

use the German waste separation system quite well.

And they are clearly ahead of our citizens from Rhineland-Palatinate!

Many viewers and people from my community are interested in this topic.

That's praiseworthy.

waste separation

I have a question from Mohammed from Dara, he asks: Can weapon parts from ground missiles

be added to the residual waste if they were made in Germany?

No one shoots ground rockets in our country.

Well, they often stick inside your body and you can't get them operated and taken out.

I, for example, even have a piece of grenade stuck in my hand.

Yes. In that case I would recommend going to the waste collection point, they also take scrap metal.

Very good idea.

But they need to be completely free of chemicals.

So no chemical weapon residues?

Yes exactly!

You are already well integrated.

Are you really sure you come from Syria?

Yes still!

Well, now we'll move on to the next question and this one is from Jamal from Damascus.


I also love Germany.

How can I become a patriot?

Well, that's not so simple.

Patriotism always has to do with your origin and not only with your attitude.

Well, it makes a difference whether one is proud to be a German or whether one loves Germany.

These two don't necessarily coincide.

The first are German patriots and the others are patriots for Germany.

Something like the fan club of the Germans.

Exactly, fan club.

We hope our guests will become our fan club.

You know, it's just like football.

You may not be allowed to join on the field, but you are allowed to cheer.

That's also wonderful.

And what about Boateng?

Well, if you exceed a certain amount of money there are special regulations in Germany, just like with taxes.

Special regulations?

I've seen that in my home country.

Mrs. Merkel, thank you for visiting us here in the studio today and taking the time

to make this great interview possible.

For this we would like to offer you our specialty, Syrian Baklava!

Thank you, but I'm on a diet at the moment.

Mrs Merkel, you can do it!

Jan, is that Baklava made with our weed?

Baklava - Awaken the Arab in you!

So friends, that's it for today.

I hope you had fun with the funniest boss in Germany.

See you in our next episode.

Now I'll say: Bye!

For more infomation >> EXKLUSIV: Letztes Merkel Interview vor der Wahl! ZUKAR 17 - Die Chefin - Duration: 7:42.


Honoring The Trailblazers - Duration: 12:53.

Honoring The Trailblazers

As we are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness that is sweeping our sweet

little planet, why not take a moment and honor all of the brave souls, the �unsung heroes�

who came here before us to assist with this shift and make it happen?

The empaths, the sensitives, lightworkers, wayshowers, all those who were holding light

and transmuting the dense energies so that others may awaken as well. These were the

ones who were �awake� before the word �awake� ever had a deeper, more profound


For many years, they have been the souls on the �front lines� of this awakening.

Some were very aware of their role and courageously used their voice and called �bullshit�

on the injustices and dishonesty of others as they were able to see through it all with

crystal clear vision. These were often the activists and the leaders of social movements.

They were those ahead of their time and established newsletters such as this one, intended to

wake the masses. And for many, they remained out of the spotlight and the world stage,

choosing to personally guide those closest to them.

For many, either aware of it or not, they went about their trailblazing in a more subtle

fashion, choosing to show the way for others by simply living their lives as the example.

You know, the ones who were eating organically before eating organically was cool or hip,

and before there were countless studies to prove that it was indeed healthier for us.

They followed their intuition. They were the ones who, in spite of all logical reasoning,

sold everything they had and moved across the globe simply because their soul was calling

them there, only to discover many synchronicities and reasons for this choice.

These were the people who were not satisfied with conformity and the status quo of getting

a job that didn�t fulfill them just to pay the bills and buy things they don�t need

and then hope to one day retire and enjoy life, if there�s anything left of it.

They snuck puppies into care homes just to see the faces of the residents light up with


They usually avoided or were very uncomfortable with organized religion.

Were often deemed as �lazy� or weirdos because of their lack of ambition or drive

for monetary goals.

They were the �tree-huggers�, barefoot walkers, and animal lovers.

They are the ones who ask you how you are doing out of concern, not social etiquette,

and wait patiently and interested in your reply.

Were often ostracized by their families for their different lifestyle choices.

They understood the importance of Nature and the detrimental ways of �progress� in

our industrialized civilizations.

They preferred to look into natural healing as oppose to give in to the world of prescription


Their bodies were some of the first to reveal the damaging effects of our toxic food chain

and vaccines, such as leaky gut and gluten intolerance, diabetes, thyroid problems, cancer

and Alzheimer�s.

They were the ones who refused to accept their ill health as their destiny and just a side

effect of �growing old.�

They were the dreamers who knew that their dreams were important. They understood that

peace and freedom are a right, not a privelige.

They were often exposed to trauma, abuse, and other challenging life situations.

They were the ones who refused to be a victim and instead chose to accept responsibility

for their life and learn the lessons that were intended for them to learn.

They did not harden their hearts but instead chose to help others with their experiences.

They have a genuine love and affection for all of humanity, regardless of culture or

skin color.

Chances are, you likely recognize many of these examples either in yourself, or in others

that you know. I have been blessed to have trailblazers in my life and to call them my

friends. I honestly don�t know what I would do without their wisdom and support. They

have a strength and an unwavering nerve that comes with experience. They know exactly what

they are capable of and there isn�t a whole lot that can surprise them.

One really has to appreciate those that were doing this great work at a time when the energies

were so very dense. They were working with the limited tools, opportunity, and knowledge

that they had at the time. It could be said that they had to learn the hard way. My own

mother endured health issues for many years until, thanks to the vast amount of information

on the internet, she finally discovered her health problems were all symptoms triggered

by the mercury fillings in her mouth.

At 32 years old, I realize that I am not speaking with decades upon decades of experience, but

I can feel and see the effects of this shift. There is such a greater acceptance of other

ideas and concepts that were quite taboo only a short time ago, even from when I took my

first level of Reiki training in 2010. It is nothing now to hear people speaking of

energy work and mindfulness as though they are everyday topics.

I am in deep gratitude for all of those who were lighting the way so that I could step

into who I really am. And while the trailblazers certainly had their hefty share of challenges,

my generation is, of course, facing challenges as well. We are learning to play in a new

arena. The energies are changing quickly and our sensibilities and our bodies are trying

to keep up. We are living within a higher dimension but still dealing with people and

the limited concepts of the third dimension.

These are the days when we can become tired, or fed up with the world. When our expanded

awareness threatens to become too much for our sensibilities to handle. We understand

how it might be nice to live in ignorance, to not be so aware and feel so responsible.

And these are the days when a trailblazer will swoop into our life, our unassuming angels,

to comfort and remind us of how amazing we are and of the great work we are doing. They

restore our energy and tell us, �don�t give up, you�ve come so far. There are greater

things ahead of you if you push beyond your comfort zone.�

The trailblazers have taught me compassion, patience, humility, and when I needed it,

tough love. They have been there to assure me, �no, you�re not crazy�, or else,

�this isn�t easy, but it is worth it.� They have reminded me that change is necessary

and that there is vast potential that awaits within uncertainty.

Sometimes they have come into my life to stay, others have passed through, or were there

only for a short time when I really needed them. On occasion, it was just a chance encounter

or conversation in the line up of a grocery store.

And as you read this, no matter your age or where you feel you are at on this path, take

a moment to honor yourself. Because the truth is, we are all trailblazers in our own, unique

way. We all have gifts to share with the rest of the world. And for every moment that we

are living in our truth, or expressing our authentic selves, we are lighting the way

and lending a hand for the next person to do the same. No matter what �hat� we are

wearing in this lifetime, absolutely everything that we do makes a difference. And every time

that we are true to who we are and express our authentic selves, we light the way for

another soul to do the same. It is absolutely no accident that you are here at this time.

And that is something that every trailblazer will tell you; you are doing more than you

can possibly know right now, but one day, it will be easy for you to see.

I would like to leave you with a few nuggets of wisdom and advice for this particular time

that we are in that have recently been shared with me from my friends, �the trailblazers�;

Right now, it is of utmost importance to listen to your body. These energies are intense.

In fact, the most intense that they have ever felt. This is huge work we are doing, and

if you don�t get the much needed rest that your body is requiring, you will get burn

out and end up needing to take a lot of time to recover. So if you are feeling like you

need more sleep even though your mind is telling you that you shouldn�t, tell your mind very

gently to f*#k off!

Not everything that you feel is yours. You are transmuting dense energies for so many

souls other than yourself, so honor the importance of that by listening to your body.

Do what ever it takes to stay grounded and balanced, be it taking regular nature walks,

spending time with loved ones, meditating, simply sharing healing time with a pet by

stroking their fur, going for a swim, or watching a sunset. Listen to your soul and pay attention

to what fills you with a sense of peace and contentment.

The other evening I sat on my deck and gazed into the setting sun. There was a magical

glow cast upon my yard, and as I sat there, I allowed my eyes to lose focus and simply

see the �light� that seemed to be glowing from within everything around me. It was then

that I heard a gentle voice say, �now you are seeing the love that is in all things.�

Needless to say, I was filled with a calm that I wouldn�t have had if I hadn�t sat

down and taken a few moments to enjoy the sunset. Nature is here for us, always. Spending

time with the trees is also very effective. They understand what we are going through

right now, and you will feel your energy lighten considerably in their presence. I prefer to

hug them or climb up into their limbs and wrap my arms around them for full effect.

Eat healthy and drink lots of water. Again, this is about honouring our bodies with proper


If you have fear, learn from it, integrate it. But do not let it stop you. We are here

for self-actualization. It is wise to be wary, and to practice discernment, but try not to

live in fear. This is when our vibration drops and we are left feeling powerless. Fear is

there to teach us something, so focus on what that lesson may be, not the fear itself.

Check in with yourself often. Just a simple question such as �am I on the right track?�

It is simply to confirm that you are aware of why you do what you are doing and for what


Follow the guidance of your heart as our brains can�t keep up to this shift. They always

need to �know� what is going to happen and what the outcome will be. This is not

how we operate on this level.

As I�ve been told, �we are in a new arena. The rules are changing.� I had a message

similiar to this pop into my awareness as I was enjoying an evening bike ride, �I

am not of this world, I don�t play by these rules.� I felt as though it was a reminder

from my higher self to not get caught up in the drama and anxiety of the third dimension

and all of the �shoulds� that we feel we have to surrender to to feel happy and


Stay humble. Just when you think you have it all figured out, your awareness will expand

and you will realize just how much you didn�t know. We can only grow so much at one time,

because if we tried to keep going and going, our bodies could never handle it. This is

where the burn out comes in. So remember that if you feel as though you have plateaud, this

is simply a lookout point to your next stage of awareness. As long as you are willing,

you will continue to grow, but trust that it cannot happen too quickly.

And above all, you can do this. Trust yourself. There is always help available, and you have

many guides that are working with you. Not to mention, the Universe is on your side.

Just think about the grand scope of that for a moment. The entire Universe which is capable

of all things is on our side. Meet the Universe halfway, and expect to be helped in magical

ways that you would never expect.

Lastly, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to all of the trailblazers of the world, those

who I have had the pleasure to meet and to talk to across the miles, and for the countless

souls that I haven�t. Thank you. This world is a better place because of you.

For more infomation >> Honoring The Trailblazers - Duration: 12:53.


Red Dead Redemption | German - English Subtitles | Episode #01 - Duration: 14:10.

English Subtitles

Welcome to Let's Play Red Dead Redemption.

Before Red Dead Redemption 2 released next year

I would like to show you the story from the first part

and the protagonist John Marsten.

We arrived in Armadillo.

Go to the saloon.

Then we go there

and see what the first quest brings for us.

Use L to move. Use R to look around.

Hold X to run...

Ouch, that hurt.

So then we'll ride with the good Jake a round.

Hey! Do not push me away.

Use L to move your horse.

Yes, we'll do it.

To give your horse the spurs to

make it faster, press X. If you hold X,

your horse will maintain its momentary speed.

Hold down R1 to slow down and stop your horse.

If you are riding near a companion,

hold down X to keep its speed.

Ah, ok!

While you are galloping, you can get an extra spin

speed by pressing X repeatedly.

This temporarily reduces the stamina of your horse.

The stamina of your horse is displayed as a bar to the left of your radar.

OK. So, John is looking for an old friend.

Holding circle to focus on important people,

places and events.

Cadaver! OK!

Then we approach Fort Mercer.

And if you have paid close attention.

This woman was already on the train.

Will we survive it?

All this and much more in the next

episode Let's Play Red Dead Redemption.

For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption | German - English Subtitles | Episode #01 - Duration: 14:10.


Cheapest Camera Slider on the market?? Koolertron Camera Slider Unboxing, Review and Test! - Duration: 4:00.

Hello there guys!

It's CoolFox over here and today, I'm bringing you an unboxing and review of the Koolertron

Camera Slider!

Before we begin, I would really appreciate it if you subscribed as we are working towards

500 subscribers by the end of the year!

Starting with the unboxing you get 2 sets of wheels, a GoPro mount the slider itself

inside some styrofoam, a spring and some cogs, 2 triangle screws and 2 triangle brackets

and a phone mount.

The wheels are of very good quality and they turn very nicely and smoothly.

They are made out of some kind of hard rubber so weight isn't a problem.

You also get 4 included stands which you can screw onto the side of the wheels and extend

them by unscrewing them.

They hold in place via a bracket and they have a rubber foot at the end.

Screwing on the wheels is as easy as screwing on the stands.

You screw them in via the triangle screw and a you have 2 mounting options for each wheel

which are either at the end or near the middle.

The swivel is adjusted via the tightness of the screw.

The slider can be moved around by unscrewing the red knob.

The red knob is made out of great quality metal and the sliding mechanism is done with

4 plastic feeling mounts which go between the plate and the slider.

Screwing on a phone mount is very easy and I did find that it supports a maximum phone

size of 5.5".

To put on a tripod head, you have to screw in the included thread and the unscrew in

the head itself.

The slider itself is very smooth and pairing that to a smooth tripod head will result in

a smooth combination of shots.

My slider did have a small scratch which did affect the smoothness a bit so do keep that

in mind.

Now moving onto some test shots, here you can see the slider itself in action without

any warp stabiliser added afterwards.

The smoother the tripod head the smoother shots like this can be made.

Sometimes as seen here, the slider does go a bit off balance and might end up leaning

to one side, and therefore pushing down on the other side results in an abrupt motion.

Here is an example shot with Warp Stabiliser from Premiere Pro added.

This is another shot with the wheels instead of the slider.

They do attract bumps quite a bit and should keep in mind the type of surface you are going

to work on before using the wheels.

Even with Warp Stabiliser on, the shot still doesn't look too good as the bumps are still

easily seen.

That is it for today guys, I hope you enjoyed this video.

If you did, please leave a like and subscribe for more content.

This was CoolFox and I'm out, Peace!

For more infomation >> Cheapest Camera Slider on the market?? Koolertron Camera Slider Unboxing, Review and Test! - Duration: 4:00.



For more infomation >> WIROWAŁO TO CI W BANI PO OKOCIMIE - BEKA NA TEAMSPEAK #28 - Duration: 5:18.



TDCSH today we're going to teach you to do Aku Aku mask

Decorate your playground with this friendly character Crash Bandicoot universe

or you can also put an elastic band and used as a mask


Next in TDCSH

I tell you how it's done

To mask Aku Aku you need templates you can download by clicking

the link we have left in description or entering where you can

find these or any of the templates necessary to carry out projects

you can see in our videos.

You can also follow us on our networks social where every day we publish

news about projects and prototypes that we have at hand.

You have links to all in the description of the video.

Once the templates will stick cut a cardboard sheet

We will do this with glue stick

then the cutter will cut

and these are all pieces that we need

in the next step cover with rubber eva the edges of the pieces

for this will cut throw a slightly wider than the song we want to cover

and the same color as the piece

once we have them we will stick to the parts hot silicone

in parts corresponding to the eyes knob and leave the mask without

cover the part where it will be linked to the other piece.

in parts with many peaks it is convenient strip sticking to go slowly to ensure

to fit close completely.

and so we have to be

This is the piece on which to mount all, but first we need to cover the back

We will do this with brown gum eva, We use the part as a template for

mark the piece we have to cut

before pasting the rubber eva piece go over edges with scissors

what about removing the strip stick before, this It should be flush leaving the smooth surface.

then the piece will stick we have clipped to the back of the piece

and so we have to be

We repeat the operation with feathers and the part of the knob

the remaining pieces will leave them uncovered as these will stuck on that part

and not remain in sight

and while we do the other pieces aprobechar to remind all tedigos

this season we publish 2 videos to week one another TUESDAY FRIDAY

both at 6 pm Spanish time

We also want to follow us on facebook instagram and twiter where you can find

daily publishing information on projects that we will be publishing throughout the week

and if you have not yet joined the Club TDCSH to you expect and register enters

Once we have covered with rubber eva parts parts that will expose

and we can start riding mask

We begin by carton parts with sight and which will form the face of AKU AKU

First mouth, attach it to the base hot silicone

We endeavor that is well centered piece and protruding at least half a centimeter of the base

We continue with teeth

then the nose

This piece will bend as it is shown in the video to get relief

and attach it to the base by applying silicone tips

and so we have to be

seguiermos eyebrows and eyes

we have the tasting aku aku

Then we will put the knob

We will attach to the base part with carton sight

Once we have the knob securely fastened continue with feathers

We will stick to the base as shown in video, this will do it with hot glue

once attached to the base use a kabob sticks to secure the

mask and that these do not move

We will stick by the back of the mask joining the base and feathers as

It is shown on video

after cover sticks and cardboard that is visible with rubber strips eva

brown gum eva use for part which is attached to the base

and the part of the pen, rubber strips of the same color eva

We are covering the finish of the cardboard that still is visible

Now as our mask we will use decorative pot with a refresh chapita

we hitch to hang on the wall

the will double in this way with pliers

then we attach it where indicated silicone hot

and with this we have completed our mask

ready to decorate our room, eating video game or anywhere you want

Fabricate a mask of AKU AKU to bring good vibrations anywhere in the house

Remember that AKU AKU is is an ancient spirit living inside the mask

and helps Crash and his friends to defeat the forces evil

If you liked the video not forget to leave your LIKE and share it with your friends on your

social networks so that everyone can AKU AKU put in your life.

Video here today see you in the next!

For more infomation >> DIY CRASH BANDICOOT AKU AKU MASK - Duration: 6:36.


Pour avoir des résultats différents... - Duration: 12:53.

For more infomation >> Pour avoir des résultats différents... - Duration: 12:53.


2 short skits from NCS [Eng sub] - Duration: 2:26.

Beating for the other team, huh Black?

Piss off Crouch.

Let's go, Barty.

Yeah, do what you always do, go run and hide.

You're lucky you're already disowned.

Why don't you just leave?

Make me, Lupin.

Maybe I will.

I trust I'm not seeing two prefects dueling?

Technically we're not dueling...


We're... discussing.

With our wands out.

Why do you care, Potter?

He's probably here to join in on all the fun...

Oh wait, he's above all that now!

Careful Barty, he might give us detention!


Yeah. Maybe I am above it.







I've missed you so much!

I've missed you more!

Let's never be apart again!

Oh you're right my love, let's be together forever.

Do you promise?

Of course!

I thought he just went to the bathroom.


He's been gone like... ten minutes.

What drama queens.



I'll see you in class, Malfoy.

Not if I see you first, Potter.

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