Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 22 2017

- From the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas, Nevada

this is Poker Night in America.

(upbeat jazzy horns and piano music)

- Hello and welcome to Poker Night in America.

I'm Chris Hanson alongside Joe Stapleton.

We're coming at you from the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas.

Let's take a peek at our lineup and chip counts.

A couple of big ballers buying in.

Ryan Fee and Kyle Bowker.

Wow, $25,000!

Look at all the money.

(light jazzy horns music)

- [Joe] So Bryn Kenney is straddling.

That is a blind raise under the gun.

Buys you position before the flop.

(chips clicking)

- Thank you.

(chips clicking)

- [Joe] Ryan Fee's raised that queen jack suited.

Bowker is three-betting with 10, six suited.

- [Chris] Welcome back to Poker Night in America,

Kyle Bowker.

- [Joe] Now if Fee were in position.

I can see him calling here out of position.

He might actually put in another raise.

(chips clunk)

- [Jose] There it is.

These two must have some history together

to be playing this weird.

Why not just see a flop with queen, jack suited?

- 45.

- [Dealer] Raise.

- [Chris] Up to $4,500 from Kyle Bowker.

(chips clicking)

- [Joe] Yeah, let's just five bet call

with queen, jack suited and 10, six of spades.

Why not?

- [Chris] I wonder if this is how the rest of the day

is gonna be between these two.

Kinda knocks the fun out of it for everybody else (laughs)

when they've got that much money on the table.

King, seven, nine is the flop.

- [Joe] Both players miss but are

probably gonna act like they didn't.

Fee checks to the aggressor who checks behind.

- [Chris] Jack on the turn so Fee pulls further ahead.

- [Joe] Fee checks to him again.

- [Chris] Double gutter now for Bowker on the turn.

- Four.

- [Dealer] $4,000.

(chips clinking)

- [Joe] Well, this is obviously a good

bet if Ryan's thinking about it.

My guess is Ryan thinks probably sometimes he's smashed,

sometimes he's barely ahead and pretty much every time

he's gonna be facing a massive river bet.

And he folds the best hand.

- [Chris] Nice job, Kyle Bowker.

- [Joe] Can't really blame him.

- [Chris] Some fireworks early on here in Las Vegas

on day number three. (digital swoosh)

Poker Night in America brought to you by Kimo Sabe Mezcal.

- [Dealer] Raise $300.

(chips clunking)

- [Joe] Alright, Jennifer Tilly's playing cards.

I love it.

- You got in there quick on this one.

(Jennifer laughs)

- [Joe] Cindy Kerslake, she's Canadian, aye.

- [Chris] She calls, Bryn Kenney calls.

Esther Taylor calls. (chips clink)

- [Joe] This is almost a family pot,

it's just like my own family.

Missing my dad at Christmas.

- [Chris] And the flop brought to you by Kimo Sabe Mezcal

it eight, 10, three, couple of clubs.

Kenney with the nut flush draw, Tilly with the

third nut flush draw.

- Eight. (chips clinking)

- [Joe] Except if she knew how ridiculously bad

her reverse implied odds are she would not

be betting $800 here.

- [Chris] Well aren't you getting a little judgmental?

(Joe laughs)

- [Joe] I don't know what reversed implied odds means.

- [Chris] You read that in a book again didn't you?

- [Joe] I don't read books.

So Bryn calls with the nut flush draw.

Bryn's got Jen in jail here.

- [Jennifer] Just me and the notorious Bryn Kenney.

- [Joe] Oh, but somehow she catches good on the turn.

- [Chris] Oh, that's fun bottom pair, good!

They both check.

- [Joe] And she catches good on the river, too!

- [Chris] Stop.

- [Joe] Bryn's got really no shot at not betting this.

He's never gonna suspect Jen's this strong

after playing it the way she did.

(chips clink)

I mean who backs them self with

a two pair with queen, duece?

- [Chris] Jen Tilly, that's who.

- Six.

- Oo! - Raise $6,000.

- [Joe] Really tough for this raise to get called

by a worse hand.

(chips clicking)

- Don't beat anything.

- Nothing? - Nothing.

Can't find the hand that I could beat in the deck.

- Good lay down.

If you can't beat anything in the deck.

I'd say you made a good fold. (Bryn laughs)

(digital swoosh)

I love those reality shows,

'cause Phil did,

I bet you.

So we're always trying to guess,

did the producers tell them to say that you know?

Oo is that person hired, like somebody walking by?

Is that a real person or is this somebody they hired?

And then sometimes we can tell

when they make the crew members go

and like sit in the empty tables behind the people.


- [Joe] Jen's in with queen, nine.

(chip thunks)

The dean of Brynston, Bryn Kenney,

he's in with two 10s.

- [Jennifer] Angry fold from E.Tay.

- [Esther] (laughs) I'm like trying to justify it.

- [Joe] Ace high flop, two clubs.

Bryn Kenney's got the best hand, he checks.

Checks around to Jen.

Oh poor Jennifer taking more stabs than

the last three Chuckie movies combined.

And losing nearly as much money.

I think those movies do really well in Spain, actually.

(chips clink)

- [Chris] And he raises it to $1,450.

(chips click)


Run, Tilly, run. (Joe laughs)

Get away.

- [Joe] Oh boy.

- Raise, 45. - Oh, no.

- [Joe] I think Bryn expects to be up against

a draw a lot here, we could see another bet easily go in.

(chip thuds)

Just a call.

- [Chris] All right, so we've got $9,500 in the pot,

as we move to the turn.

When Jennifer Tilly and Bryn Kenney.

Tilly picks up a straight draw and gets a check from Kenney.

Oh, you could take a free river right here.

That's what she's gonna do.

Straight doesn't come for Tilly,

(Joe laughs) it's quads for Bryn Kenney.

- [Joe] So now she has absolutely no chance

of bluffing him off this hand.

Let's see if he gives her the opportunity.

- [Chris] No, he's got to bet.

You can not let her check behind you.

That would be the worse feeling.

- 76.

- [Chris] Other than when I was told

I was gonna have to spend the night with you

in Las Vegas tonight.

(Joe laughs)

I mean it's not bad for me, it's just bad for you.

Like I snore.

- Mm.

You blinked like you didn't like the river.

- [Joe] Oh, he liked the river.

- I don't like the bet.

(chips clinking)

I think you have a busted flush though.

- [Joe] Jen's read is worse here than the time

I tried to tackle Infinite Jest.

It's like 4,000 pages.

- I should have bet the turn. (chips clink)

- [Joe] Read a book sometimes, guys.

These references are going over your heads.

- All right, I didn't watch of the super high roller,

I just watch you busting out and I thought,

"I can beat that guy."

(Joe laughing)

- [Joe] Love her.

- Ah.

Nice, nice, Bryn Kenney move, Bryn Kenney.

(Bryn laughs)

- [Chris] Not a move.

- Maybe I just have quads.

- [Joe] Screw you Kenney, I'm going home.

Poker Night is brought to you by

Sit & Go 2.0.

Go to and claim your free

Sit & Go 2.0 strategy ebook.

- If Alan had the straddle on, you would have called.


- You would owe another $100.

- Why did you not put a straddle on?

- He forgot, he just forgot.

- I'll do my Tony G. Impersonation.

You come to my game?!

(everyone laughs)

- You owe her $100.

- [Esther] Yeah, give her $100,

give the nice lady $100. (laughs)

- No, that's all right.

Okay I'm gonna, is that a straddle?

- Yes. - Okay.

I will now make it.

Now that's more reasonable. - Okay, $300. (laughter)

- I will give you a chance now to get three,

three straddles. - Why didn't you give me

- [Jennifer] a chance before when I had the pocket kings?

- [Esther] Oh are you saying you don't have

as good this time?

Is that what you're saying? - That's like such

a waste of kings.

Here this is for you, for giving me those kings.

- [Dealer] Thank you very much.

- You know maybe somebody would have had.

At least you played a two, five and then hit two pair.

I would, uh!

That's a good one for kings. - You have quads, now huh?

(Esther laughs) - Mm, yes, I bet.

- Don't bet. - I'm going to bet.

- Don't bet. - Why?

- 'Cause I have a king. - I don't care.

- [Joe] I haven't felt this bad for Jen

since Bullets Over Broadway split the Oscar vote.

- Do you really have a king, Alan?

No, he says he doesn't.

- [Alan] Do you?

- I can not tell a lie.

Therefore I will say nothing.

- I will find out now, whether you have king or not?

- [Jennifer] By betting?

- By checking.

- I can't help myself. (laughs)

- [Joe] Jen's still betting.

Still firing with 6% equity.

- Uh-oh.

- [Joe] (laughs) Sometimes 6% gets there.

Oh Alan, I haven't felt this bad for him

since he was runner up in who looks like an eagle contest.

(chips clinking)

- Call.

- River!

- Whoa, a nice hand. - Oh, oh.

(girls laughing)

- Wow she turned that over quick.

- Yeah, sorry. - She did like when I

- [Esther] did with the sixes. (laughs)

(eagle screeches)

(chips clinking)

- [Dealer] Raise $300.

- [Chris] Ryan Fee makes it $300 with his queens.

- [Joe] Whoa, Fee.

Trying to live a life that's completely free.

(cards flip)

- [Chris] Nothing going on today for E.Tay.

- [Joe] That's too bad because she's bought

like 40 drinks for the crew today.

(cards flipping)

- [Chris] Set of queens for Ryan Fee.

- [Joe] And this really should go check, bet, fold.

- [Chris] There's the check.

(chips clink)

There's the bet.

(chips clink)

- [Joe] And what a weird float this is.

- [Chris You were wrong, sir.

- [Joe] Yeah, this is quite optimistic.

- [Chris] Now you're playing poker like me.

Ah, look I picked up a draw, this is so great!

- [Joe] Richardson is halfway through

a runner, runner which is longer than most people

last watching that movie, Boom Roasted.

(chips thud)

- [Dealer] $1,100.

- [Joe] Of course Richardson now has to call it,

he's picked up the flush draw.

(chips clinking)

- [Chris] $1,100 was the bet and the call

so let's see a river.

Nothing there for Richardson.

But it's his play let's see what he does.

- Does not think eight high is gonna be good at show down?

Bets $2,100.

- [Dealer] $2,100.

- [Joe] Ryan ain't Hollywooding here.

He's never gonna fold 'cause only two hands that beat him.

He is however trying to figure out

if a worse hand can ever call a raise.

And against Eagley, Maceagleton over here.

He might think no.

(chips clinking)

(chips clink) Nope, he thinks yes.

And no, the raise will not be called.

- [Chris] Nice big pot for Ryan Fee

and his flopped set of queens.

(chips clinking)

- [Dealer] Raise $400.

(card click)

- [Chris] There we go, now we're talking.

- [Joe] E.Tay, more like AA Tay.

(chip clicks)

- Raise $1,100.

(card flicks)

(chips clinking)

- [Joe] Ryan.

E.Tays literally not played a hand all day.

What are you doing, Ryan?

- [Chris] Yeah she doesn't really fancy me

as the person who's like getting antsy

and deciding just to play anything.

- [Joe] Especially not to three bet just anything.

Cold three bet.

But Ryan decides a could four bet to $2,600

with ace jack suited.

(chips clinking)

So does E.Tay think he's got a hand he can't fold,

or does she think he's messing around?

Oh, she thinks he's got something.

And E.Tay makes it $6,300.

Oh Ryan, you could have seen a flop

for like $1,100 and no you done gone made a mess of things.

- [Chris] I think you'll take 9K, pre-flop with aces, right?

- [Joe] Absolutely, all the live long day.

- Welcome back to the Golden Nugget in Vegas.

We are still bringing you high stakes action.

And it continues right now.

- I mean I was getting, what was it?

It was $200 to win $1,200 and I got to play

a pot with three ladies.

I was definitely gonna be in there with my three and fours.

- What does that mean with three ladies? (laughs)

- [Joe] All right, don't get offended there Nurse Jackie.

- Is not, is that, (laughs)

is that the wrong word?

Hot chicks, is that better?

- (laughs) Hot chicks. (laughs)

- [Joe] Human beings, Ryan, we're all human beings.

Speaking of ladies.

- God they're so hard to win with.

You just can't win. (laughs) (everyone laughs)

What'd he say?

You guys are awesome.

Ah, again with this one. (laughs)

- [Jennifer] Now you've done three ladies

and Cindy gets all like,

"Three ladies!" (laughs)

- It's just so hard to win. (laughs)

- [Jennifer] Hot chicks. (laughs)

I just surrender, I'm just sorry

and just please forgive me, I'm sorry.

- It's kind of like saying.

Like there's some actresses they don't want to be called

actoresses, actresses, 'cause they say,

"Well you wouldn't say a lawyeress, or a doctoress.

- [Joe] Wow, this flop is huge.

- [Jennifer] Poker playeress.

- [Joe] This is a bigger flop than Jen's

last four movies.

That she turned down.

That's right I went high, you were expecting low.

- [Chris] Nice job.

- [Cindy] Just 'cause they're women.

- [Chris] It's good to see you turn over that new leaf.

(Joe laughs)

(Cindy laughing)

- Not throwing any bows. - Girls, girls.

- [Ryan] Trying to make some friends.

Real hard to do that. (laughs)

- [Joe] Bryn Kenney flops the nuts,

Jen Tilly also flops a gigantic hand.

We're left with these two to the turn.

(chips clinking)

Bryn's hand gets a little less valuable on the turn.

- [Chris] We could of had a lot fun if it were

say like a six.

(chips clink)

$1,900 the bet from Kenney.

- [Joe] And Jen certainly can't fold.

Bryn knows that worse he's chopping.

(chip clinking)

And that remains the case on the river.

(chips clinking)

And this is a nice attempt at a blocker bet from Jen.

She's doing this in hopes of not facing

a massive, confusing bet from Bryn here on the river.

But remember,

Bryn's kind of like the best of all time.

Also he's got the nuts, so.

Seems fairly obvious what's gonna happen here.

(chips clink) - Ah!

I hated that ace.

'Cause I figure you had a an open-ended straight draw.

(chips clinking)

- [Joe] I'd like to say Jen gets away from this,

but I've seen her call on this show,

oh so many times.

I've seen her call more often than a jealous boyfriend.

- Well if I bet the river and you don't

have the winning hand, then the only way

you're gonna win is to raise.

- Ask him if he has a jack.

- Do you have a jack?

- If I have a jack it's either ace, jack or not.

- Well not really.

It could be a jack, king. - I'm telling you.

I'm telling you the only jack I have here

is either ace, jack or not.

- [Joe] Ah, Bryn is the goat.

He's so good.

- [Alan] Ask him if he has an ace.

- Tell him to show the ace. - I'm gonna show my hand.

And then I will see if you gulp, okay?

(Cindy laughs) - Well you have

a set, I'm sure.

- Oh I do have a set.

- Yeah, you flopped the set.

- How do you know?

- [Esther] 'Cause I'm not folding.

- [Alan] He's very slippery.

(chips clinking)

- If you bluffed me, you bluffed me.

- [Joe] Good fold, Jen.

- You had an ace, ace, king.

- Show it.

- Show we don't want to- - I have it.

- You're gonna see it, you're gonna see it.

Oh my God, you lost a-- - Ah!

- You got lucky on the turn.

- Nice hand. - You lost the minimum.

- Nice hand.

(twanging harmonica and guitar music)

(light digital swish)

(crosstalk) - Once again

- [Joe] the straddle is on.

This time it's Esther Taylor raising blind.

- [Alan] What does that give me?

- Ace, 10 of clubs.

You would have a top pair.

- [Chris] Okay everybody has got into a hand so far,

except for Cindy Kerslake, she's in the small blind,

Let's make it happen this time.

She's back on Poker Night in America.

Even though she's Canadian, we allow it.

(Joe laughs)

- There they go. (chips clinking)

- [Joe] There they go, there they go,

there they go again.

- That was weird to turn around

and all those people were standing there.

(Joe laughs)

Try, oh you got his money?

(girls laughing)

- [Esther] They're coming to collect.

(chips clinking)

- [Joe] That's weird are they busing in tours?

- [Chris] People do seem to be streaming by

like this is some sort of attraction.

- [Joe] I think they're just here to use the bathroom.

- [Chris] Yeah you can use the facilities,

but you got to make a spin by the table.

- [Esther] Well if you go to Bally--

- [Chris] Bowker and Fee heads up once again.

These two are very deep in their stacks.

- It's $30 for 90 minutes. - $1,600.

- [Esther] It's called Bally Foot Spa.

- Bally Foot Spa.

- And of course you like tip like you know well, but still

like the price is good. - Exactly.

- And they go. - That's someone massaging

- [Joe] you for 30 cents a minute.

That's less than a phone call on Boost Mobile.

- [Chris] $1,600 was Bowker's bet and Fee called.

- [Joe] Fee's five still good for now,

but they are a virtual coin flip

if the board runs out completely.

Five still good.

(chips clinking)

- Four.

- [Dealer] $4,000.

- [Joe] And a bet from Bowker gets

feed a fold for the best hand

for the second time today.

- [Chris] Kyle Bowker has got his number today

of the two players who bought in for the most money

at the start of the night of $25,000.

- [Joe] Bowker and Fee, San Francisco's

most unlikely cop duo.

- [Chris] Back inside the Golden Nugget poker room

in Las Vegas, let's check out the chip stacks

after a very active table.

Ryan Fee is in the hole $11,000

and Alan Richardson is stuck a bit.

- [Joe] J. Tilly is up over $6,000 after some very

lucky and unlucky entanglements.

Alongside Bryn Kenney, who's up about the same.

- [Chris] And if you want more Poker Night,

It's easy to find us, we're on social media,

including Twitch and YouTube,

where you can find full episodes live streams,

and exclusive content.

Also don't forget to download our new, free poker app.

You and your friends can have your very own poker night,

as well as a chance to win a seat in our show.

Search for us in the app store and download it today.

For everyone at Poker Night in America,

with Joe Stapleton and I'm Chris Hanson.

We'll see you next time and thanks for watching.

(digital swish)

Poker Night in America is brought to you

by Kimo Sabe Mezcal

and Sit & Go 2.0.

- Only quads.

- You had quads of 10?

You didn't like the river 'cause you thought like,

oh that's - I don't like that one.

- He had two pair.

- What?

- Two pair. - Yeah I had two pair.

- 10s, 10s up. - 10s and 10s.

- [Esther] 10s up and down.

- How when they think people are weak

they're actually

incredibly strong? (Esther laughs)

- [Bryn] Like at the top.

- [Jennifer] What?

- [Bryn] At the top of the range.

For more infomation >> Jen Tilly CRUSHED By Bryn Kenney On The Flop | S5 E23 Poker Night in America - Duration: 19:36.


The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution - Duration: 7:38.

The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution

Have you ever wondered� what level of consciousness you�re truly at?

Not in terms of it being a contest, or to say you�re better/worse than other people,

but as a kind of inner GPS that simply tells you where you are.

As humans, we tend to have very distorted and biased perspectives, especially when it

comes to ourselves.

It�s really easy to go on a yoga retreat and think you�ve transcended stress forever,

or think you�re enlightened after reading a few spiritual books.

This is why it�s crucial to have references that �tell it like it is� and objectively

reflect where you�re at.

The 8 Stages of Conscious Evolution

Note: The first 2 stages are considered lower consciousness, while stages 3-8 are considered

higher consciousness.

This is not a judgment of being better or worse, but simply a means of classification.

Stage 1: Life Happens to Me (Externalization)

Stage 1 is categorized by patterns of externalization and an overall victim mentality.

The dominant emotions are fear, disdain and hopelessness.

There is also a belief that life cannot be trusted.

In this stage, blame is placed on other individuals, society, government, nature, disease, etc.

and other elements believed to be outside of one�s conscious control and influence.

The motivating forces of stage 1 are safety and security.

Stage 2: Life Happens by Me (Control)

In this second stage, individuals realize that they have some degree of control.

Yet this control is often motivated by fear and survival.

For example, war is an extension of this stage of consciousness.

The enemy is perceived as a threat, and because of this, people believe they are morally justified

to kill, eliminate or repress that enemy.

This level of awareness is cut off from the following deeper understanding: Life is not

a random series of events over which control must be exerted, but a deeper reflection of

the internal psychodynamics of a person�s own mind and consciousness.

Stage 3 : Life Happens in Me (Creator)

In this stage, the individual begins to understand the direct connection between their own perceptions,

beliefs and emotional state and the conditions of their life, relationships, experiences

and reality as a whole.

This level of consciousness is represented by a fundamental shift, from disempowerment

to empowerment.

In order to fully complete this stage, an individual must undergo a deep transformational

process that includes the purging of all perceptual distortions (limiting beliefs) and the healing/release

of all emotional wounds and traumas.

Stage 4: Life Happens For Me (Receiver)

In this stage, we see the evolution of the self into the beginnings of deep joy and peace.

As the resistance to perceived undesirable circumstances in life falls away and one begins

to understand that there is an intelligent �flow� operating in every moment guiding

the evolution of consciousness on both an individual and collective level through what

could be dualistically termed positive and negative experiences.

The individual realizes here that even in great suffering, there is great wisdom and

potential for expansion and evolution and that nothing is out of place, ever has been

or ever will be.

Stage 5: Life Happens Through Me (Philosopher)

At this stage of consciousness, the individual begins to understand and observe that the

Universe is evolving itself through them.

The individual begins to realize that all perceived suffering or negative events are

either: a) Created or called into their reality by

aspects of their own consciousness in an effort to be resolved and transcended as part of

their individual evolution and as part of the larger collective evolution or�

b) Exist due to their conscious or unconscious resistance to what is unfolding, which is

essentially a resistance of oneself.

Individuals in stage 5 live more through their intuition, as intuition becomes clearer and

clearer as one moves up the stages.

Stage 6: Life is Me (Sage)

At this stage of awareness, the individual begins to understand that reality does not

exist independent of consciousness, and therefore consciousness, or awareness if you prefer,

is the causative factor of the universe and all that exists�that consciousness is creating

all reality.

Individuals in this stage experience a profound sense of unity and oneness with everything.

When an individual fully enters and embodies this stage of awareness, their simple presence

itself becomes a transformative experience for others.

Individuals in this stage often become teachers or leaders, dedicate their lives to service

of others or seek solitude to spend time in introspection, although they may also choose

to live very normal and inconspicuous lives.

Stage 7: I Am Infinite (Avatar)

Individuals at this stage of growth begin to transcend the physicality within which

we are proverbially �trapped� until we reach this point.

Here individuals begin to harness conscious control over this process by directing their

awareness in such a way (through belief, emotion, thought, visualization, the manipulation of

energy, intent, accessing transpersonal aspects of the self and likely other mechanisms not

yet discovered) as to be able to make use of these �higher order� quantum-transpersonal

abilities of the self.

Stage 8: I Am Energy (Mystic-Shamanic)

Individuals at this stage tap into phenomena like:

The ability to project consciousness across space and time, which encompasses the ability

to see, experience and remember aspects of the self existing in other dimensions of time

(past, present and future).

The ability to interact with and communicate with other forms of consciousness such as

plants, animals, objects and consciousnesses not currently existing in physical form.

The ability to intuitively pick up sensory data beyond the limits of the physical senses.

As an individual becomes more grounded in the later phases of stage eight�which encompass

this dimensional awareness�and simultaneously completes their evolution through lower stages,

one would theoretically achieve complete enlightenment or non-dual self-realization.

This framework is beautiful because it allows you to effectively calibrate where you are.

It naturally creates self-awareness.

Awareness is the first step toward any change, and transformative in and of itself.

For more infomation >> The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution - Duration: 7:38.


Sovann Rithy - Success Come from Love what you do | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:11.

Sovann Rithy

success come from love what you do

bring to you by

Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Sovann Rithy - Success Come from Love what you do | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:11.


Plunket's Miscellany Skyrim - Duration: 6:44.

Hey everyone,

Today we take a look at eighteen new mods from the mod author Plunket.

seven of these will add a little something to existing locations in the game.

Another six of these mods will add some unique abilities and interesting spells and the final

five mods will add other small additions to the game.

These mods can be found on the nexus under the name Plunkets miscellany.

The first small extra is Arcadias Cauldron.

This adds a great looking cauldron to the shop arcadia's cauldron, which can be used

for alchemy.

Fellstarfarm adds a fallen meteorite just behind fellstar farm.

Fellstar farm is located in Ivarstead.

The meteorite can be mined giving you iron and corundum ore.

Then we have 4 shields.

This adds four decorative shields on the wall of the four shields tavern in Dragonbridge.

Scorched hammer adds a scorched hammer hanging over the door to the Scorched Hammer in Riften.

Sleepinggiant adds a petrified giant to the sleeping giant's inn in Riverwood.

4 skulls adds 4 mammoth skulls scattered around the Four Skull Lookout.

And finally the file wolfskullcave adds some wolf skulls to the Wolf Skull Cave.

In my opinion, these small additions already easily could have been in the vanila game.

Some small additions for some extra immersion.

These are very similair to his older work; A stone in Shors Stone.

Next we have six unique spells.

These spells can be found in Winterhold's prison; The Chill.

The mod arrows to lockpick allows you to make lockpicks out of arrow.

You do this by wielding a iron, steel or nordic steel arrow and then cast the spell.

You will transform one arrow each time.

The dunce cap is made as a fun spell and allows you to put a donkey mask on a npc's face.

Succesfully hiding that ugly bastards face =)

lovecantrip is a spell that will make the target like you more.

It can also be used to make nearly anyone a follower of yours and some npc's will want to marry you.

The trip cantrip is something to stagger the target.

A good way to get npc's out of the way blocking you.

Remove clothes is a spell that does exactly what you think it will do.

In addition npc's react in dfferent ways.

Some will be embaressed and flee, others will attack you and some might even laugh.

After a minute or so they will dress themselves up with plain clothes

and waiting a while longer will restore their main clothing.

spook allows you to scare off kiddy's.

Next are 5 other small additions to skyrim

Plunket's antidote allows you to cook frostbite venom, transforming them in cure poison potions.

Sailor clothes makes all the sailors in game distinctive with their own unique set of clothes,

which in my opinion really go well in skyrim.

The lizard on a stick adds new food called the lizard on a stick.

These are sold by various merchants and are often displayed on a counter.

Saltbarrels adds 3 salt ponds to the game.

You can extract salt from these.

Handy if you cook a lot in Skyrim.

And finally we have the target practice for ungrateful bastards.

This adds new targets on The Great Porch in Dragonsreach, the Palace of Kings, atop the

Arch Mage tower, around Solitudes marketplace and at the watchtower close to Whiterun.

You get 100 gold for each target destroyed.

In addition you will be reminded to endorse the mods you like to use, you ungrateful bastard.

These are some rather small additions to the game.

I always found Plunket's mods are either fun to use or they make sense to be added to the game.

Plunket himself has a good sense of humor too, which reflects back in his work.

If you liked these take a look at the my older video I made about his mods.

Of course endorsing this mod is much appreciated and a like or subscribe here is very helpful too.

Thanks for watching everyone, have a great day and I see y'all next time.

For more infomation >> Plunket's Miscellany Skyrim - Duration: 6:44.


BREAKING: Top Obama Official Who Unmasked Over 250 Americans Right Before Election Was Just EXPOSED - Duration: 1:57.

So it turns out that everything Devin Nunes told us about Obama unmasking Americans during

the elections was 100% true.

Now, thanks to a new report, we finally know WHICH of Obama's top people was doing the


According to the report from FOX, former UN Ambassador Samantha Power used unmasking more

than 260 times during 2016 right up until Trump's inauguration in January.

The two sources, who chose to remain anonymous, both said that Power was ordering an unmasking

almost every single working day of 2016.

Samantha Power is expected to make an appearance on Capitol Hill next month, to answer Congressional

questions about her role in the unmasking of Trump officials during an election.

Of course, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes had already revealed his discovery

of hundreds of unmaskings of Americans in 2016 to DNI Director Dan Coates, but he did

not yet have a name.

Now, we do.

This revelation comes out right after one about a wiretap on Paul Manafort - during

his one week as a Trump campaign official as well as the Awan family cutting a deal

with the government.

One cannot help but wonder if they are all connected or if the timing really is purely


Of course, the next question we need to be answered is, "What roles did Susan Rice,

John Brennan, and Barack Obama play in this?"

They are all FAR from innocent and if they were spying on a different party's political

campaign, and using ANY of that info to their advantage, even now, someone NEEDS to go to


what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Top Obama Official Who Unmasked Over 250 Americans Right Before Election Was Just EXPOSED - Duration: 1:57.


Top 15 Upcoming PS4 Exclusive Games of 2017-2018 | Best New PlayStation 4 Exclusives - Duration: 11:01.

15 Games are set to release exclusively on the PlayStation 4 this 2017 and beyond.

Let's check them out right now!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

Dive into the grey, medieval world of Skyrim and make your dreams come true with the power

of virtual reality.

Released more than five years ago (which means a lot in the realm of videogames), Elder Scrolls

fifth chapter is still surprisingly relevant in today's generation, with new platform releases,

and this VR optimization.

Take on the noble quest of the mighty dragonborn and unite the divided nations against the

villainous dragon Alduin.

Experience the fantastical world first-hand--equipping weapons, collecting mystical items, and performing

powerful spells against the beasts of the land.

A new perspective on a modern classic, It's set to release this November 17th.

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

We've joined Aloy on her adventures in her post-apocalyptic world where the past and

future collide into a cyborg primitive mess.

But, in this newest DLC, Aloy shuffles back to the center stage as she goes on a quest

to find the truth about her and the machines that populate the land.

With a brand new icy area, fight against monstrous new enemies using a whole collection of new

weapons and armors.

Known for their beautiful visuals, it's time once again to climb mountaintops, hunt robotic

dinosaurs, and travel around their vast open-world as you sail off to a new adventure.

Watch out for the monster in the mountains!

It's set to release on November 7th.

Gundam Versus

Western fans of the hit anime will finally get front-row seats to Gundam's colossal battles.

While it's the fifth generation of the acclaimed Gundam Versus series, this release marks the

first time a title reached western shores.

Choose from the 90 different iconic Gundams at launch, with more to come in the DLC releases.

Suit up into your favorite Gundam incarnation and pit them against their own in traditional

2v2, or the newest 3v3 mode.

It's the biggest Gundam Versus game yet, and they're all coming to you right at your


Bask in the detailed destruction of its enhanced graphics, and savor the titillating excitement

of Gundam versus Gundam action.

It's set to release this September 29th.


Ancel's announcement of Beyond Good and Evil 2 was one of the highlights of this year's

E3, but it did spark some doubt on the upcoming release of this PS4 Exclusive.

In development hell sice 2014, Ancel has assured us that his open world survival game is still

in the works.

Prepare to take a dive into Wild Sheep Studio's prehistoric paradise, set in vast wilderness

of the neolithic period.

The game is more than a simulation, letting you control a shaman-like human that can posses

animals and their varying skills.

Master the wilderness, and tame the creatures of their continent-sized world.

Sadly, no release date yet.

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle

Ark System Works takes a detour from their usual fighting games to bring together some

of today's best franchises into one ultimate competition.

Announced last July at the EVO Championships, Cross Tag Battle will feature characters from

Persona 4, Under Night In-Birth, RWBY, and of course, their own BlazBlue series.

Combining the strengths of Ark System Works' impressive design and cinematics with today's

iconic japanese personas.

Duke it out with Ragna, Yosuke, Linne, Ruby Rose, and more in a 2 versus 2 tagteam system,

ala Marvel vs Capcom.

No confirmed platforms yet, but its set to release sometime in 2018.

Hidden Agenda

Supermassive Game's upcoming crime thriller gives us an interesting take on the PlayStation's

newest PlayLink system.

Gather your friends around the TV Screen, take out your smartphones, and partake in

a co-op experience like no other.

As a group, you and your friends will take control of two dedicated law enforcement agents

on a mission to solve the curious killings of the Trapper.

Prepare to stand your moral grounds as you democratically determine the fate and survival

of the two characters.

But, the stakes are made even higher with one player fulfilling a "hidden agenda" that

needs to be prevented.

Let the conflicts arise, once it releases on October 24th.

Detroit: Become Human

Take the climb up the peaks of uncanny valley with Quantum Dream's thrilling action adventure.

Set in a distant cyberpunk future where lifelike Android dominate the world, navigate through

the individual tales of three Androids whose fates are decided by the players themselves.

Deal with the struggles of sentience, fulfill your duty, or write your own destiny along

with Kara, Connor, and Markus.

With a narrative painstakingly written by David Cage, and topped with a revolutionary

realism, we had a lot of things to look forward to.

Cycle through indecision and regret, as its set to release sometime in 2018.

Days Gone

Battling the slow decay of the zombie genre, SIE Bend Studios delivers a survival game

that pushes the limits of open world exploration.

Take a trip to a vibrant post-apocalypse United States and take on the shoes of a former bounty

hunter ready to conquer the viral wilderness.

Use detonators, noise, and all the heavy artillery you can find to help you escape from the clutches

of the horrific Freakers.

With their overwhelming numbers, you'll feel the tensions rise in each scene, as you struggle

to get a hold of sanity and hope.

It's not the first zombie game with a heart, but it's definitely something worth checking


No release date yet.

Gran Turismo Sport

Ushering a new era of Gran Turismo games, relive the adrenaline-pumping rush of high-speed,

high-stakes racing.

With its Tag Heuer partnership and VR support, there's a lot to forward to.

Originally scheduled for release in 2016, the developers pushed the launch to 2017 to

make the game better -- 4K, HDR and supersampling supports on PS4 Pro.

In partnership with the FIA, Sport promises new game modes worthy of racing fans.

And with the PlayStation VR, they also plan on adding a touch of virtual reality to fully-immerse

players into the racetrack gearing up for its October 17 launch.

Shadow Of The Colossus

From the ashes of the PlayStation 2, Team ICO's mastercrafted action-adventure game

gets a PlayStation 4 makeover.

This time, SIE Japan Studios and Bluepoint Games take the helm to recreate the beautiful

classic for everyone to play.

This is a completely different experience.

The visual enhancements, textures and the smooth 60 frames per second makes it an exhilarating


Ride along its desolate world with your trusty steed and slay down towering Colossi in epic

third-person action.

All for the power of love.

There will be feels.

It's coming out in its full glory sometime this 2018.

The Last of Us Part II

Joel and Ellie's adventures have just begun.

This sequel to Naughty Dog's emotional action-adventure adds more feels to the feels train.

The clicker infested world has grown worse and the cure isn't coming anytime soon.

Apparently, no gameplay footage was announced.

The only hint we have is the only cinematic trailer with a fully mature Ellie and Joel.

It's not fun and games anymore as both characters mature in every passing season.

Set 5 years after the first game, expect the two of them go hand in hand in a dying world.

Perhaps the game's biggest feature is the focus on Ellie.

Rumors state that she's the playable character now.

More details will be revealed soon.

Hopefully this game comes out soon!

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Just recently, Final Fantasy IX came to the PlayStation 4 and it's only a matter of

time before every Final Fantasy game releases on Sony's latest console.

Announced years ago, Cloud's journey around the city of Midgar is just the beginning.

Now with a fully remastered gameplay and visuals, expect the most popular Final Fantasy game

to wow you on your seats.

According to Square Enix, it will be divided into three massive parts.

It will feature the same story from the original Final Fantasy but remastered to the very core

including a new combat system similar to Kingdom Hearts.

No release date yet, but we hope it's coming out soon.

Death Stranding

With Hideo Kojima giving up the Metal Gear series for good, it's time he moves on to

another project.

Silent Hills may have been cancelled for good, but his buddy Norman Reedus returns for the

game's leading role.

Also supported by Guillermo Del Toro and Mads Mikkelsen, they team up to make an ambitious

science fiction game that might exceed Metal Gear's legacy.

Although there has been no news on how the game works so far, it's only a matter of

time before Kojima drops a gameplay trailer soon.

Unfortunately, we have to make do with its weird cinematics and odd posters for the meantime.

Considering it's a Sony-developed game, it's a PlayStation 4 exclusive and we hope

it's coming out soon.


MARVEL's friendly neighborhood hero swings into action on Sony's platform.

Created by the same team that gave us the Ratchet and Clank series, get ready to step

into the shoes of Peter Parker.

Balance his daily life and superhero persona and find out the true meaning of responsibility.

Inspired by the critically acclaimed Arkham series, Insomniac promises a huge open-world

of New York to explore.

Using the game's physics-based web slinging, stop the flow of crime in every direction.

Face off with Peter's Rogues Gallery including Mr. Negative and more.

It's one of our most anticipated games for the PlayStation 4 and we can't wait once

this game releases sometime next year!

God of War

Returning to Sony's latest hardware is its iconic videogame demigod.

Kratos embarks on a new and perilous adventure to the realm of Norse Mythology.

Tested by the hands of time, he's becoming older by the day.

But despite his looks, he's still not on retirement.

Together with his Son, they go on a grand quest to the realm of Valkyries and Frost


The gameplay is still similar compared to the classic.

But the new and improved third-person over the shoulder camera offers a more thrilling

action-oriented gameplay.

Use fabled weapons and take down your enemies with pure satisfaction.

His son Atreus will also accompany Kratos ala Last of Us' Ellie.

It's highly recommended to play this game on the PS4 Pro to feel every pixel in 4K resolution.

The game is coming out next year.


For more infomation >> Top 15 Upcoming PS4 Exclusive Games of 2017-2018 | Best New PlayStation 4 Exclusives - Duration: 11:01.


Wisconsin man adopted from Romania orphanage goes home - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Wisconsin man adopted from Romania orphanage goes home - Duration: 2:05.


400 Player PUBG, Pirate Bay Hacking Us, GTX 1070 TI -- Weekly Download #62 - Duration: 7:08.

Hey Welcome to Zach's Tech Turf and Weekly Download episode number 62, which is my tech

and PC gaming news series.

If you're completely lost right now because you can't see my face like normal, fear

not, as I said in my military deployment video, the next few episode of Weekly Download will

be like this so if you're watching this video go live then that means I'm currently

on my military deployment.

Oh and also, you guys know I'm sipping on my coffee, make sure you guys let me know

in the comment section what you're sippin' on, let's get into it.

Alright so

I can't start off the tech news this week with anything other than these GTX 1070 TI

rumors that are floating around.

I don't think we've ever seen a 70 series Nvidia card get a TI version, but apparently

a photo from a web forum in China is floating around that shows someone taking a picture

of their computer specs and it says GTX 1070 TI Strix O8G.

Now this very well could be photoshopped, and I would most probably guess that it is,

except for the fact that if Nvidia did release a 1070 TI with performance right in between

a 1070 and a 1080, that could seriously put them over the edge compared to AMD's Vega.

We already know that the Vega 56 GPU is competing against the 1070, if and only if it's priced

at MSRP mind you, and that the Vega 64 is a little bit slower than the 1080.

A new Nvidia card right in between these would probably be an AMD kill shot so you never

know, hopefully we get more information about this soon.

Next up, Pirate Bay actually announced that users visiting their torrent site will actually

end up mining cryptocurrencies for them.

Yea what?

Ok let me try to explain this.

In an effort to make money elsewhere and completely ditch their advertisements, if you have a

web page open to the Pirate Bay, they have installed software on that page that forces

YOUR CPU to run at about 20-30% and min crypto currencies for them.

This obviously has some people raging but there's a decent amount of people who actually

think that it's a good idea.

Pirate Bay has blatantly announced that you can kill this operation by having an ad blocker

installed, and that if they end up do making enough money to run the site then they will

completely remove all their ads.

It's honestly a pretty bold move but I don't know, do you guys think that it's a good

idea, do you think more websites will do this kind of thing?

Let me know in the comment section down below, I would love to hear your opinions.

CCleaner announced that their super popular computer software was hacked this week and

you should definitely be aware of this if you're using the software, but only if you're

using the 32 bit version.

Apparently hackers discovered a backdoor, basically a vulnerability to get into people's

systems through CCleaner, and the hackers made away with some of your computer information,

but doesn't really seem like it's that important of information, certainly not like

the Equifax hack.

Right now they are just reporting that they stole info such as your current software installed,

IP addresses, network adapter info, etc.

It honestly doesn't sound like that big of a deal, at least not yet, but if you're

using the 32 bit software make sure you're always up to date with the latest patch, which

goes for anything you install these days.

Zotac is at it again with creating pre-built tiny gaming PC's, but this time they've created

something that truly looks exceptional.

As you can see in the picture here, that is one tiny PC.

It's called the Magnus EK or Magnus ER, and these systems are rocking either a GTX 1070

or 1080 which is VERY impressive for the size.

The cheaper model, the EK, is packing an i5 7300HQ processor, 8 GB of RAM, a 120GB M.2

SATA SSD, 1TB HDD and a GTX 1070.

Zotac hasn't announced exactly when they will be released or what the price will be, but

if priced right, this is a pretty neat little idea.

To start off the PC gaming news, if you're a Call of Duty hater, feel free to skip ahead,

but for you COD suckers that buy the game every year, like myself, you'll be happy to

hear that the World War 2 beta goes live on PC on September 29th which is only a few days


You also don't need to preorder the game and it's completely open for anyone to join which

is awesome.

They didn't say what content we'll have available to use and just said that they are testing

out their online backend infrastructure at scale.

I'm pumped.

Next up, we all know that every game developer has or will start a new battle royal type

mode in their games because of all this PUBG success right?

Well Automation, a game development company, is working on a 400 player battle royal style

game that's set to release in 2018.

It's still untitled, or they just haven't released the title yet, but this game is going

to be something like Planetside 2 where servers can hold up to 1,000 players as it's an

MMO tactical shooter.

The battle royal type mode will hold 400, feature 144 square kilometers of map, compared

to PUBG's 64, and also feature player progression and social hubs.

The developers aid they hope to have something playable in the spring of 2018.

Sounds awesome, obviously.

Hollow Knight is getting its second expansion already, this time coming on Halloween.

According to Team Cherry's update, the new quest will involve lighting a nightmare lantern

in order to summon a Grimm Troupe to Hallownest.

I have absolutely no idea what that means but I know some of you have been asking me

to try this game out on my Gaming On A Sunday morning series so maybe I will soon.

You know, after all these new baller games come out this holiday season.

For Honor is getting yet another update, and this time Ubisoft is adding a 4v4 multiplayer

capture the flag mode.

The mode is called Tribute and the 3 flags are actually shrines and each of them have

an offering that will grant a team buff as long as they are holding it.

I actually just reviewed the state of the game on my Gaming On A Sunday Morning series

this week, but I know that some of you have lost all hope for this game.

If you have, then sorry for wasting your time but if you're interested, I would check out

the video because quite a lot has changed in the game.

And to wrap up the news this week, do you guys remember Battleborn?

Well you should because it's not that old of a game, but the developers announced this

week that after their upcoming Fall update, no further development will happen.

I actually tried out Battleborn on my gaming on a sunday morning series, and like I said

in the video, it just didn't really hit home for me and it's trying to compete in a very

saturated market right now.

They did say that you'll be able to keep playing the game as it goes into maintenance mode,

but no further content will be created.

Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 62.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what your favorite tech or PC gaming

news was this week, or if I missed anything.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please drop a like down below to help support my

channel, and as always, thank you for watching and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech

Turf videos.

For more infomation >> 400 Player PUBG, Pirate Bay Hacking Us, GTX 1070 TI -- Weekly Download #62 - Duration: 7:08.



For more infomation >> COV CALLISTO KIT | MOD AND TANK REVIEW [JP SUB] - Duration: 11:24.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Family, Diversity, Safety, and Beautiful - Duration: 0:14.

To us Canada is





and home.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Family, Diversity, Safety, and Beautiful - Duration: 0:14.



what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I have a brand new

Call of Duty World War 2 video for you guys today so guys today I'm gonna be

talking about another new DLC thingy that is in Call of Duty World War 2 it's

basically season pass DLC and I know that sounds weird but it's basically on

another giant that came with black ops 3 where basically you know if you got the

season pass you also got like the giant map for zombies it's the same thing with

World War 2 this year and I'm not sure if it's a zombies map or if it's a

multiplayer map I'm pretty sure - multiplayer map but anyways guys yeah

let's get into the video alright guys so to start off this was first listed and I

believe Australia yeah was in Australia some website called he be games or

whatever I know it's kind of like the game stop or something post it up a new

image of cold booty World War 2 Pro Edition which revealed bonus content for

the Call of Duty World War 2 season pass is called the Carentan map but yeah I

don't know he said you guys will see it on screen here but basically call duty

World War 2 will have season pass DLC so the map was originally in call duty

tutor so this is a call of duty to remake map later it was made again and

called three four known as Chinatown if you guys have played remastered or the

old call duty and you guys bought the DLC I don't know who in the right mind

will buy the DLC for kako remastered but if you have then you would know what

Chinatown is if you played it back in the day the og trying to telling you

know what it is basically Chinatown was a remake of a

Call of Duty 2 map and they're remaking that call duty to map or trying to town

as it Karen 10 or whatever you want to call it it's supposed to be a season

pass bonus map so this is supposed to like extend the season pass content like

obviously season pass what it does is it gives you four or a whole year of free

DLC for Call of Duty and what that comes an extra bonus map or whatever just to

sweeten the deal or something like that I guess but other than that there's no

more new DLC this is the newest thing that's out right now I don't think there

has been any other new DLC a liter with yet so yeah guys I guess I'll just say

for the video I just want to show you guys that there is a new season pass

bonus map what everything you want to call but yeah guys hopefully guys are

gonna really get initiative like see videos are much I stay healthy you know

yeah I'll see you guys on the next one

For more infomation >> COD WW2 FREE DLC SEASON PASS!?!? - WW2 SEASON PASS DLC!!! - Duration: 2:39.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Friendship - Duration: 0:18.

We're here today because a 25 year friendship.

Finally moved out east to come see me and my daughter.

And despite the rain we had to come here because we can only do this once.

We'll be 80 the next time something like this happens.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Friendship - Duration: 0:18.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Friendship, Fun, Freedom and Happiness - Duration: 0:10.

Canada means friendship and fun.

It means freedom, and happiness..

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Friendship, Fun, Freedom and Happiness - Duration: 0:10.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Diverse Food - Duration: 0:08.

Canada means that I can have food

from around the world.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Diverse Food - Duration: 0:08.


Why the Battles Against Liberalism, Globalism and the New World - Duration: 7:55.

Why the Battles Against Liberalism, Globalism and the New World Order Are All Related

Do you love liberty and freedom?

If you ask that question to people randomly on the street, you are going to get the same

answer over and over again.

Everyone wants liberty and freedom, but what they don�t understand is that there is an

inverse relationship between the size of government and the amount of liberty and freedom that

we get to enjoy.

Every time a new law, rule or regulation is established, our liberties and our freedoms

are restricted in some way.

So the bigger government becomes, the less liberty and freedom we actually have.

On the federal level, there are now literally hundreds of thousands of laws, rules and regulations

And when you throw in the state and local levels, the total number of laws, rules and

regulations governing all of our lives is in the millions.

This is something that we learned about in law school, and it always stuck with me.

Of course we can�t do away with government entirely, because then we would have anarchy.

For example, we don�t want the �freedom� to run around murdering one another at random.

So it is very good to have laws against murder.

But in general, our founders intended for this to be a nation where government was limited

and where our freedoms and liberties were maximized.

Sadly, what we have today is radically different from what our founders intended.

Government has just gotten bigger and bigger over time, and this is true on the federal,

state and local levels.

And the bigger government gets, the more oppressive it tends to become.

North Korea, Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany are three examples of what can happen when

big government spins wildly out of control.

As I run for Congress, this is something that I am working very hard to educate people about.

I am running on a pro-liberty platform, and that means that I want to try to restore the

constitutional balance that our founders originally intended.

In order to do that, we need to dramatically shrink the size of our federal government,

and doing so would mean much more liberty and freedom for us all.

But you should see the looks of horror that I get from some liberals when I suggest shutting

down certain government agencies.

We have been living with big government for so long that they can�t imagine the federal

government not managing every area of our society.

When I try to explain that we would be better off transferring a lot of authority back to

the states, they look at me as if I am from another world.

They have been trained for so long to believe that intervention by the federal government

is the answer to any problem, and so to them anyone that wants to reduce the size of the

federal government is an �extremist�.

Fortunately, most people up here in Idaho�s first congressional district greatly welcome

my message about limited government.

When I ask them what they want from government, most of them tell me that they simply want

government to get off of their backs.

I have a friend named Bob that lives up close to the border, and he is sick and tired of

government control freaks.

He is a cattle rancher, and federal bureaucrats are making things so miserable for him that

he can barely run his business anymore.

I have promised to try to help him once I am elected, but for now things are really

tough for him.

Other Idahoans have other concerns.

My friends over at Health Freedom Idaho simply want the freedom to make health decisions

for themselves and for their own families.

But because big government politicians in Boise are constantly pushing government interference

in heath issues, they find themselves engaged in constant political battles.

We need to work hard to remove big government politicians from our state legislature and

from state legislatures all over the nation.

I have also been speaking to many small business owners throughout this campaign.

Over and over again I hear about red tape and oppressive levels of taxation, and I can

sympathize with them because I experience the same things as a small business owner


For decades, both major political parties have been dominated by big government politicians,

and so both parties have been marching us down the road toward big government socialism.

We have now gone so far down that road that anyone that wants to restore true conservative

values to Washington is considered to be an �extremist� by the left, and of course

they say �Christian values� are not allowed at all because of �the separation of church

and state�.

But of course they have no problem at all using the structures of big government to

advance their liberal agenda and to impose their liberal values on all the rest of us.

This is happening on a global scale as well.

The global elite have been using international organizations such as the United Nations and

international treaties such as the Paris Climate Agreement to impose their liberal values on

the entire planet.

And they are using international trade agreements to slowly but surely merge all of us into

the emerging one world economic system.

In the end, they want more and more power transferred into international hands, because

they believe that more �global governance� will allow them to achieve their ultimate


For Americans that love liberty and freedom, this is a fight that we cannot afford to lose.

We should strongly fight any attempts to erode American sovereignty, and we should greatly

resist any attempts to give global bureaucrats the power to make decisions which will affect

the daily lives of all of us.

These days even the mainstream media regularly uses terms such as �globalists� and �globalism�.

At the top of an article last year, the New York Times even ran this stunning headline:

�Besieged Globalists Ponder What Went Wrong.�

The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump were never supposed to happen, and in

so many ways we are starting to fight back against the globalist agenda.

Unfortunately, a lot of people out there still don�t think that we can win.

In fact, there have been Christians that have criticized me for getting into politics because

they are convinced that there is no possible use in fighting the globalists since they

are so powerful.

Yes, the globalists have immense amounts of power and money.

And of course their ultimate goal is to form a single global system that will manage every

single man, woman and child on the entire planet.

Should we just lay down and allow their �New World Order� to happen without any resistance?

I cannot do that.

I am going to fight any effort to steal the freedoms and liberties that previous generations

fought and died to secure for us.

And I am going to fight for my daughter�s future, because if the globalists ultimately

win, they intend to totally wipe out our way of life.

Big government is the enemy of liberty and freedom, and a �New World Order� would

be a complete and utter nightmare for humanity.

This is a battle worth fighting, and I hope that you will help us fight it.

In the end, it is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.

For more infomation >> Why the Battles Against Liberalism, Globalism and the New World - Duration: 7:55.


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For more infomation >> Hmong new movie 18 - Hmong Funny Movie - Duration: 1:16:32.


The last battles, the last eviction, and the final live vote determine the winner "Big Brother" - Duration: 59:31.

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For more infomation >> The last battles, the last eviction, and the final live vote determine the winner "Big Brother" - Duration: 59:31.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Freedom - Duration: 0:19.

Canada to me means freedom, beauty, everything that is good in the world.

To me, Canada means exactly the same thing and nothing needs to be said more.

Canada, happy birthday.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Freedom - Duration: 0:19.


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