Here comes the fourth performer, Kim Jungmin.
(The fourth performance by Kim Jungmin)
(Kim Jungmin)
("Broken Friendship" by Kim Jungmin)
(A charming, husky voice)
("Broken Friendship" by Kim Jungmin)
Thank you.
That was spectacular.
Hong Kyungmin - Starting | 홍경민 - 시작 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.09.23] - Duration: 6:02.Here comes the sixth performer, Hong Kyungmin.
(The sixth performance by Hong Kyungmin)
(Hong Kyungmin)
I'll sing Kiyoung's song called "Starting".
I'm happy Kisung made his announcement today
because I can congratulate him through this song.
("Starting" by Hong Kyungmin)
Many of you must be sitting beside the one
you love but are afraid to profess your love.
(To everyone who's starting a new love)
Don't hesitate. Go ahead and profess your love.
We're not given that much time.
I'll be rooting for your new love.
Best of luck.
(We're rooting for your love.)
Thank you.
(He sang for everyone who is starting a new love.)
Detectival 2017 UK Full Report (Subtitles) - Duration:
Our gypsy camping car.
Our reality here in UK.
Day one - Detectival 2017.
My wife.
She is so proud to live in this harsh conditions.
And I will try to made some sort review about Detectival event for you.
I hope we dig something interesting also.
Minelab will show us his newest metal detector also.
But tomorrow not today.
About 8.00 AM.
Now we have registration day.
We was came here at night yesterday, so.
So, remember to subscribe this channel.
Hungry treasure hunter.
Before battle.
Kitchen part.
Very hard conditions.
No, is ok.
First day, Friday.
8.00 or 9.00 AM.
First treasure hunting today.
We are going to dig something.
Minelab Gold Monster.
Deeptech place. I'm also DeepTech dealer but in Poland.
We talk about new Vista Gold 30khz with gain adjustment.
Perfect tool for iron tested UK fields.
Very interesting machine. Check my other videos for new Vista Gold 30khz test from Detectival.
We talk about it soon.
Testing place - Minelab.
You can try all Minelab units here. Also new model soon.
XP metal detectors place and Gary.
You can buy or sell here what you want...
We should fight about it in Poland...
But we don't get it too fast. Sorry.
Minelab testing stand again.
I will try to check this place right now.
How they made it?
You can test it Minelab models here.
NOKTA stand and Dilek ;)
She show customer NOKTA products.
NOKTA Impact.
Polish metal detector. RUTUS.
I really like it.
So, we are in main camping place right now.
Peoples back from field.
But without luck this time, our team mate Mariusz doesn't find anything interesting.
But now is ok. Detectival is cranked up.
New Minelab pinpoiters. PRO-FIND 15 and 35...
Model 35. Iron Audio included...
Cheaper version model 15.
Without Iron Audio.
Mate from Poland, how are you? Tell me more about RUTUS Alter 71.
Rare machine in UK.
What you think about Alter 71?
How good is this metal detector?
Is not popular in UK, isn't it?
I was seen only one person more in UK and from Holland...
I really like it. And works vey good for me.
Under high voltage power lines works perfect with any EMI issues.
Very good targets operation feature.
'If You Had a Time Machine...' Ep. 10 Teaser | Room 104 | HBO - Duration: 0:41.(GRUNTING)
YOUNG MAN: If you had a time machine and you could go back in time
and prevent Hitler from becoming Hitler,
do you do it?
FEMALE REPORTER: More than a majority of voters say
they simply cannot imagine him as president.
We don't have a time machine, do we?
MALE REPORTER: He is going to basically say that the country's a mess.
Everything okay?
FEMALE REPORTER: Something radical, something violent may happen on this day.
~ドアドン~ MGSV 前回動画の解説 - Duration: 2:48.Explanation about previous video
Plant a C4 here..
Set off the C4 here, 2 soldier move away from children
Make a sound here..
2 soldiers come near
Close the door and..
Charge it
2 soldiers pushed down
Throw this soldier
Attract this soldier's attention
A soldier who notices existence of Snake is..
The soldier come while looking to right
Thanks for watching !
罐頭Lynn - Summer Flight 夏季航班 ft. 李宸瑋 Lee Chen-Wei, Jazon 黃詩堯 (Official MV) - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
destiny 2 TITAN PUBLIC EVENT GLITCH ! YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT ! how to farm - Duration: 5:34.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - recenzja quaza - Duration: 12:12.-------------------------------------------
Ewiges Leben möglich? - Clixoom Science & Fiction - Duration: 4:32.eternal life of the oldest and most desired dream of the people and
the course best without gray hair facial diseases and
Other side effects of age as the research the death forever
wants to defeat what mechanisms and are allowed to age body and how we
also themselves can ensure and young and fit to keep the clicks now
and science fiction welcome
the question large the need to clarify it is exactly what makes us all to
There are various scientific theses is clear the cellular
changes in the aging process influence
Nobel laureate elizabeth blackburn sees the telomere as
key they actually act on the ends of chromosomes like
caps but use the time them off when they no longer correct
work increases the risk that the body suffering from the
typical all diseases of aging such as diabetes or cancer heart
are circulatory diseases medicine We do not yet in a position to wear
reliably stop the telomere or to repair them again so other
scientists however, see the communication of
cells with each other and the resulting resulting control of functions
in the body as the ultimate basis of the various
aging processes because when signaling pathways for example, in a healthy body
disturbed trigger repair mechanisms are attribute this to cancer and diabetes
autoimmune diseases and there is actually trying to suggest
that aging process be slowed may by faulty signaling pathways
be modified when talking about aging that comes
one also to the relevant themes hardly stem around in the last year
there was a highly regarded study of Californian research teams in the laboratory
it had bred mice prematurely can obsolete the question of was versuchs
This aging process in retrospect are braked in their cells
activated then the research team, the so-called yamanaka these factors
Sitting are otherwise in stem cell stadium actively gene were a
long time always for just two days per week to
the result, the laboratory mice lived not only one-third longer
they did not develop cancer disease so the research team
also treated older healthy mice in this art and as the
sore these mice behave more quickly they looked younger after the treatment
and yes the study manager juan carlos in spa Belmonte says quote our
study does not show that age necessarily in one direction
Progress has to be the is process was much more positive and can in
careful regulation likely reversed End quote yes wahnsinn
but also established that these results not one on one for us
people can be transmitted and but the visions of science are
gigantic the Methuselah Foundation in virginia want to make it in the future
that people biologically speaking for always with an age of 25 years
can stay 90-year-old should stay as healthy
40 years younger Biotechnology making more and more progress in
direction eternal life supported by much money the pharmaceutical industry time the
magazine had asked kangoo 2013 turf of so can google the death
stopping previously had the digital Group google namely his daughter
calico founded around 1.5 billion dollar an answer to this very
find ask half of the financial one but
pharmacist to also controls the Silicon Valley billionaire larry ellison
is a year death opponent has to say and hopes that a lot of money to numerous
scientific discoveries leads then better in combination with
extend live our healing methods Up which is to reality can
but also each individual himself for ensure the quality of its own
improve life because in the best case, this also increases
the lifetime research teams worldwide repeatedly refer to that
meditation yes to such stress can reduce stress and much
accelerated biological aging say many studies and is now
it is still a gift for you in cooperation with the editorial staff of
technology review of the magazine is created this video and exclusive
for clicks to viewers, there is now an output free if you on these
link clicked it is worth, I can only say technology is really review
mega exciting yes and here it goes to another like
that we have made with the editorial virtual reality changed the world also
very exciting necessarily draufklicken and otherwise to then stay tuned
Người Biểu Tình Trong Mắt Chính Quyền Hồng Kông | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 9:42.On this episode of Hong Kong Uncensored:
You go to jail.
You go to jail.
Everyone goes to jail!
Welcome back to China Uncensored,
I'm Chris Chappell.
The Hong Kong government has just made
a huge mistake.
Um, yes, but sending political activists to prison
is not exactly the mistake I'm talking about.
The mistake is:
If you're going to secretly undermine
the freedoms of your people,
you have to do it in secret!
Like, if you're coming home at 3 am
after sneaking out to a party:
get your friend to drop you off down the street,
and climb back into your room through the window.
I'm just saying.
That's just common sense
and is not based on personal experience, Mom.
Anyway, Hong Kong authorities are still kinda new at this,
which makes them inexperienced and foolish.
Because when the Hong Kong court
sentenced these three political activists
to prison on August 17,
it really let the cat out of the bag:
The Hong Kong government
is undermining the freedoms of its people.
Of course, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam
defended the move.
"Rights and freedoms of Hong Kong people
are protected under the Basic Law."
Ah yes, Basic Law.
That was the agreement China and the UK
made ahead of the 1997 handover.
Under the One Country, Two Systems principle,
the Basic Law guarantees Hong Kong
a variety of rights and freedoms—
even rights and freedoms denied to people in the rest of China.
Anyway, go on Ms. Lam.
"But the exercise of these rights and freedoms...
is not without limit."
So what limits did three dangerous criminals violate?
Well, Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, and Alex Chow
were influential leaders of the 2014 Umbrella Movement.
"The 2014 protests—
known as the Umbrella Movement—
were triggered after Wong and his colleagues
stormed the city's government headquarters.
They were later found guilty of unlawful assembly
and were sentenced to community service."
Just to clarify,
"storming government headquarters" in this case
meant jumping police barriers
in front of a popular protest location
outside the central government offices
known as Civic Square.
Anyway, go on.
"But that wasn't enough for the department of justice
which applied for a review....
Joshua Wong will spend the next six months
behind bars."
So Joshua Wong and the other two guys you don't need to mention for some reasons
were sentenced to community service.
Which they served.
And then the court decided to sentence them again—
this time to 6 months,
8 months,
and 7 months respectively in prison.
Well, the Hong Kong Department of Justice
decided that the punishments weren't harsh enough,
and that they wanted a review of the sentences.
Of course Hong Kong Chief Executive
Carrie Lam will assure you,
Beijing had nothing to do with the decision.
"Our courts are exercising judicial powers independently,
free from any interference.
So any allegation that in these particular cases
that judges in the Court of Appeal
have made decisions under political interference,
again, are totally unfounded."
That's like when you sneak out at night
and then try to convince your parents the next day
that the lump in your bed that night
was you all along,
and totally not the pillows from the guest room.
What's interesting here
is that Lam defends the judges
as being politically unbiased,
but there are signs that the Justice Department itself
wasn't unbiased when deciding to "review" the sentences.
For one, it's highly unusual for them
to review the sentences in the first place.
There are reports that Secretary of Justice Rimsky Yuen
overrode his own prosecutors
in order to get those harsher sentences—
even though his prosecutors didn't want to do it.
Interestingly, Rimsky Yuen is also a member
of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,
the terribly-named rubber-stamp advisory body
to China's rubber stamp legislature.
Being in the CPPCC
is a marker of status and influence.
And you can get kicked out
for not toeing the Party line.
But I'm sure he made his decisions
about the Hong Kong activists
completely without any political agenda.
So when the courts handed down the prison sentences,
their ruling talked about the importance
of deterrent sentences.
That is, by severely punishing these three people,
they would make Hong Kongers not want to protest...
sorry, I mean, "unlawfully assemble"
in the future.
Which worked incredibly well.
In fact, the sentencing reinvigorated the movement
for rights and freedoms in Hong Kong—
with over twenty thousand people taking to the streets.
There's more uproar over this than for other recent events
that eroded Hong Kong's freedoms.
Like allowing Chinese police to patrol in Hong Kong.
Or saying the joint declaration Hong Kong Basic Law
is founded on no longer has meaning.
Or kicking out democratically elected pro-democracy lawmakers.
As you can see,
the Chinese Communist Party's influence over Hong Kong
has been getting really blatant lately.
So the question is why?
This carries serious risks for the CCP.
It clearly shows that the One Country Two Systems policy
that the CCP promised the UK
is being thrown out the window.
And that makes it hard for anyone
to trust the CCP about any agreement.
As Financial Times puts it,
"If a bilateral treaty,
signed by two heads of state
and registered with the UN,
can be unilaterally ignored,
what is stopping China from trashing
any other treaty it does not like?"
So why would the CCP take this risk?
Well, one factor is that the CCP
doesn't care as much as it used to
if the lack of independence
hurts Hong Kong's economy.
In 1997,
when the UK handover happened,
Hong Kong made up 20% of China's GDP.
It was also the main way for China to access Western investment.
But now, 20 years later,
other parts of China have grown so much
that Hong Kong's contribution to China's GDP
has fallen from 20%
to just 3%.
So why bother appeasing Hong Kongers with pesky freedoms
unless those freedoms have limits?
Another factor is that the government of the UK,
and every other country,
still wants to do business with China—
even if they're not super happy about this latest move.
I mean yeah the CCP is terrible
and breaks its promises,
So put on that awkward smile
and move on.
And here's another factor:
After the 2014 Umbrella movement was over,
many of the young people who participated in the protests
tried to continue to change the system from within.
For example, Joshua Wong and Nathan Law
founded a political party
so they could officially join Hong Kong's democratic process.
Nathan Law even won a seat
in the legislature last year,
along with many other new pro-democracy lawmakers.
Unfortunately, Law was kicked out of last month
for adding a Gandhi quote
while taking his oath of office.
That's another topic.
But now, they've been sentenced to prison,
they're disqualified from running for office for the next five years.
So the Hong Kong government
is effectively shutting them out of the political process.
I think that's one of the main reasons the Hong Kong government did it.
By disqualifying and shutting out pro-democracy legislators,
the pro-Beijing government is more likely to be able to pass laws
the CCP wants,
laws that got shot down in the past
like the patriotic education law,
or Article 23,
that anti-subversion law that would let police search people's homes without a warrant.
But here's the thing:
This move is extremely stupid!
What happens when you force people
to operate outside the system?
When you show them that protesting
is the only way to prevent the government
from stomping all over your rights
in order to appease the Communist Party?
You get this!
Twenty thousand angry people protesting.
And we're probably going to see a lotvmore protests in the future—
because the Hong Kong government's decision
tells the people one thing clearly:
Civil disobedience is now the only way
to make effective political change in Hong Kong.
Now, as for Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, and Alex Chow,
they've already started their prison sentences,
although their lawyers say they will appeal.
Hopefully prison won't harden them too much.
Joshua has already shaved his head
and talked about taking graphic design classes.
Good luck, kid.
Now, I personally admire these guys,
and for viewers who feel the same,
why don't you head over to Twitter,
and send them some words of support
from the China Uncensored 50-cent army.
Their twitter handles are in the description below,
and their accounts are being managed
by friends while they're in prison.
Don't forget to tag @chinauncensored
so I can see your tweets as well.
And as always,
let me know what you think in the comments below.
And coming up after the break,
if only getting political prisoners out of China
were as easy as getting money out.
When I was in Hong Kong last December,
I was lucky enough to sit down with Joshua Wong for an interview.
We talked about his plans for the future of Hong Kong,
and we even sang a song of angry men
from my favorite musical, Les Mis.
Of course, this is before I realized
Joshua Wong was a dangerous criminal.
So click here on the left to watch that interview now.
Sugoi quest for kokoro - Episode 1 (French fandub) - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
CIAO DA VIESTE SUL GARGANO! - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
A Brief History Of FAILED End Time Predictions - Duration: 10:56.A Brief History Of FAILED End Time Predictions
What can we expect the day after the �end of the world�?
According to wiki, there have been 183 end of the world predictions that have failed.
Many of these were prophesied by religious zealots through fear propaganda.
Here are just a few of them:
In 1284, Pope Innocent III (d.
1216) predicted that the world would end 666 years after the rise of Islam.
(do you see how long the divide and conquer principle has been going on?)
In 1658, Christopher Columbus claimed that the world was created in 5343 BCE, and would
last 7000 years.
Assuming no year zero, that means the end would come in 1658.
Mathematician Jacob Bernoulli predicted a comet would destroy the earth on April 5,
The newly formed Seventh Day Adventists, a group founded by former Millerites, predicted
the Second Coming would be in 1874.
Mother Shipton, a 15th-century prophet, was quoted as saying �The world to an end shall
come, In eighteen hundred and eighty one� in a book published in 1862.
In 1873 it was revealed to be a forgery; however, this did not stop some people from expecting
the end.
Camille Flammarion predicted that the 1910 appearance of Halley�s Comet might destroy
life on Earth, but not the planet itself.
Evangelist Wilbur Glenn Voliva announced that �the world is going to go �puff� and
disappear in September, 1935.
On December 21, 1954, according to Dorothy Martin, the world was to be destroyed by terrible
flooding on this date, claimed this leader of a UFO cult called Brotherhood of the Seven
Psychic Jeane Dixon predicted that on February 4, 1962, a planetary alignment was to bring
destruction to the world.
George Van Tassel predicted the Apocalypse to occur on August 20, 1967, during which
the southeastern US would be destroyed by a Soviet nuclear attack, according to this
UFO prophet, who claimed to have channeled an alien named Ashtar.
Evangelist Pat Robertson predicted in 1976 that the end of the world was coming in October
or November 1982.
Jos� Arg�elles claimed that Armageddon would take place on August 17, 1987 unless
144,000 people gathered in certain places in the world in order to �resonate in harmony�
on this day.
Hal Lindsey suggested that the Rapture would take in 1987, reasoning that it was 40 years
(one Biblical generation) after Israel gained statehood.
Louis Farrakhanm, the leader of the Nation of Islam, declared that the Gulf War would
be the �War of Armageddon which is the final war.�
Harold Camping predicted the Rapture would occur on September 6, 1994.
When it failed to occur he revised the date to September 29 and then to October 2 (and
many more times afterwards).
California psychic Sheldon Nidle predicted that the world would end on December 17, 1996,
with the arrival of 16 million space ships and a host of angels.
A prediction attributed to Nostradamus stating the �King of Terror� would come from the
sky in �1999 and seven months� led to fears of the end.
Edgar Cayce predicted the Second Coming would occur in 2000
The Nuwaubian Nation movement claimed that the planetary lineup would cause a �star
holocaust,� pulling the planets toward the sun on May 5, 2000.
Nancy Lieder originally predicted the date for the Nibiru collision as May 2003.
According to her website, aliens in the Zeta Reticuli star system told her through messages
via a brain implant of a planet which would enter our solar system and cause a pole shift
on earth that would destroy most of humanity.
Pat Robertson in his 1990 book The New Millennium, suggested April 29, 2007 as the day of Earth�s
Jos� Luis de Jes�s predicted that the world�s governments and economies would
fail on June 30, 2012, and that he and his followers would undergo a transformation that
would allow them to fly and walk through walls.
And most recently, a failed prediction of a planetary alignment was supposed to cause
a 9.8 Earthquake in California on May 28, 2015.
More to come�.
In 2015, we had a few more nutcases making end time predictions:
Religious zealots, pastor Lindsey Williams and Renee Moses predicted that a comet or
asteroid would hit Earth on September 24, 2015.
YouTube user �tuddy pena� told the world that Nibiru would pass by in August of 2015.
It will then loop around the sun and return past us again in September 2015.
The following are some of his YouTube video titles, all in CAPS:
The use of capital letters is as equally overdramatic as the fear-mongering titles of his videos,
in my opinion.
The origin of September 23, 2017 end times prediction comes from David Meade who claimed
that another planet would collide with Earth sometime on September 23, 2017 and Armageddon
would take place during this date�.
Here are a few more upcoming end time predictions that will fail:
Here are a few more upcoming predictions that will fail:
The world as we know it WILL eventually end�
In time, the end of the world will arrive but it will not occur through end time prophecy.
Sorry doomtards and religious zealots.
In time, one of two events will occur which will end life on this planet as we know it.
The first scenario is that our sun will eventually go supernova and will engulf the earth.
The second scenario involves our sister galaxy, Andromeda, as we are on a collision course
with this galaxy, but this won�t happen for billions of years.
In both of these scenarios, it is possible (and likely) that we will have developed the
technology to be able to live elsewhere, whether that is another planet that has life sustaining
elements such as a breathable atmosphere and water, or in space stations.
Depending on when any given prophecy was made, chances are, the day after the end of the
world prediction was made will not be much different than today.
Religious fear mongering
It seems many of the world leaders are eager to fulfill end time prophecies through Armageddon
despite their constituents demanding world peace.
Other religious zealots expect the return of Jesus Christ.
It is interesting to note that the letter �J� was not invented until the 1500�s,
which means there was no one named Jesus, John, Jacob, Jeremiah, Job, Joseph, etc�
Even if Jesus� real name was Yeshua ben Yoseph, his translated name would be �Joshua,
son of Jospeh�.
In astrotheology, Jesus is the �Sun� who dies on the (Southern Cross) for 3 days and
is resurrected (when the sun begins moving in its progression towards to summer solstice).
So yes, Jesus (the Sun) will return as he returns every day to give us sunshine and
life sustaining warmth.
The physical �Jesus� however, will not.
Jesus is some guy in Mexico.
Astrology and the end times
Astrologers tend to give the most valid information but they generally do not predict end time
Right now, Pluto is in Capricorn until the year 2023.
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in 1776, the year of the American Revolution.
Look around the world and you will see many revolutions going on right now.
Astrology teaches us that time (and events) are cyclic.
Perhaps this was the message of the Maya?
In defense of the Maya, there are no Maya on record who stated that December 21st, 2012
would be the end of the world.
The day after the end of the world
The day after the �end of the world� will not be much different than today with the
exception of the transition of the incoming energies as we exit out of the Age of Pisces
and enter into the Age of Aquarius.
These energies will continue to bring whistleblowers out of the woodwork as more and more people
with nefarious intentions are exposed while truth, harmony, compassion for one another
and coexistence become the �norm�.
We can expect the release of suppressed technologies that will make our current standard of living
seem like the Stone Age.
They say that those who don�t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
What has history taught us?
In the case of end time prophecy, we know of at least 183 failed predictions.
Here is the bottom line
As long as there is organized religion, there will be end time prophecy.
These predictions will come and go and one should not buy into the fear propaganda that
end time prophecy brings.
Religion was created by man to control man and as we know, religion equals subservience,
control and conformity� the same template as EVERY government.
All governments rule through fear so don�t buy into the fear propaganda
and enjoy each day by living in the NOW.
Kim Kyungho - You Do Not Answer | 김경호 - 대답 없는 너 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.09.23] - Duration: 6:02.Here comes the second performer, Kim Kyungho.
(The second performance by Kim Kyungho)
(Kim Kyungho)
("You Do Not Answer" by Kim Kyungho)
(Singing with all his might out of respect,)
("You Do Not Answer" by Kim Kyungho)
Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Seven Singers Sing Each Other's Songs [ENG/2017.09.23] - Duration: 1:40:31.(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
I think it'll be a very special show today.
The seven vocalists that represent our show
will be appearing today and singing
each other's most popular songs.
Yes. Legendary Big Match.
Seven Singers Sing Each Other's Songs.
It starts now!
(Immortal Songs started six years ago in 2011.)
(Seven singers were there in making our history.)
(Legendary Big Match!)
(They will sing each other's hit songs.)
It'll be a fierce bloody battle.
I want to win.
I don't want the light to go off right away.
I came here aiming for the trophy.
However, this is a war zone.
(Kim Jongseo sings "Springtime in My Life")
(Kim Kyungho sings "You Do Not Answer")
(Kim Jungmin sings "Broken Friendship")
(Yurisangja sings "A Sad Expression of Regret")
(Can sings "May I Love You?")
(Hong Kyungmin sings "Starting")
(Park Kiyoung sings "Forbidden Love")
(Seven Singers Sing Each Other's Songs.)
Immortal Songs,
- Singing the Legend! / - Singing the Legend!
(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)
He's both a legend and a competitor.
He constantly challenges himself.
It's Kim Jongseo!
- Kim Jongseo! / - Kim Jongseo!
I can see your famous glare now.
- Really? / - Yes. Those eyes...
It's because he's old.
You're getting old too.
- How could you say that? / - I'm sorry.
(I got too greedy.)
(Let's play this game.)
What kind of song are you singing today?
- It's Can's song. / - Yes!
- "Springtime in My Life". / - Really?
- It's so unexpected / - It'd feel so different.
- Do you feel threatened? / - Pardon?
- Do you feel threatened? / - Why would I be?
If he wins, our song will get popular.
That's true.
Actually, we don't want to win.
We want Jongseo to win.
- Are you cheering him? / - Yes, that's why we came.
- Really? / - Yes.
We want to get called for more events.
- This is important. / - Yes, it is.
It's a surprise you chose Can's song.
- That's right. / - I wanted to do a rock,
but there was no rock music on the list.
The rest of the songs weren't good enough.
(He has a sharp tongue.)
What's with you guys today?
What happened?
- No... / - I think
he has a big plan.
I can't even comment.
He's such a senior.
Also, it's very noisy here.
(He's making too much noise.)
He was here throughout our history.
He appeared on 60 episodes.
He even got married through us.
Hong Kyungmin is here.
You were given many nicknames.
They call you the prince of collaboration,
and the prince of props. You tried many things.
Is there a performance that resonates with you?
There are a few things I initiated on the show.
- The first Korean flag. / - That's right.
I was the first to walk into the audience.
We considered doing that
as cheating at the time.
Also, there's one more.
You met your wife through the show.
Yes, I met my wife through this.
Also, repetition
wasn't readily used until I started it.
Over and over again.
I remember when he did it.
(He was the first to repeat the lyrics.)
(It felt like he was going too far,)
(but he made us become addicted to it.)
- What are you singing? / - Today?
I'll be singing Park Kiyoung's song.
- Which one? / - "Starting".
He's saying it's just a beginning.
He'll be able to show us another great performance.
We'll look forward to it.
(You can look forward to his moving stage.)
This person was also a legend
and a competitor.
Kim Jungmin is here.
(Charismatic rocker, Kim Jungmin)
There's one thing you need to note.
I was a legend, but I was only a half.
- Partly legend. / - Is that why?
Was it because you don't have enough hit songs?
No, that's not it.
Maybe he doesn't have any.
They didn't say anything during Jongseo,
but they're speaking up for Jungmin.
Am I easy? Do I look easy?
Let me go. Come on.
What are you singing today?
I'm singing Kyungmin's "Broken Friendship."
- It suits you. / - It does.
It sounds perfect for you.
As someone who won multiple times,
what kind of advice would you give?
- To get a good score? / - Yes.
I think he chose the wrong song.
That's important.
That's the most important.
You should have told me earlier.
The thing is
Seunghwa got upset from the beginning.
We didn't know we'd all be legends.
I told him he's the legend and brought him here.
- But everyone's a legend. / - Exactly.
There are so many.
It's full of legends here.
Yurisangja debuted in 1997.
I think we might have debuted the latest.
1997? That's when my heyday ended.
(I already had my golden years by then.)
- 1997? / - Yes.
He didn't know.
Now that I look at it,
Chiyeul debuted in...
- I debuted in 2007. / - 2007.
- What? / - I've been a singer
for ten years, but I can't talk.
I can't say a thing.
We used to always sit next to the MCs,
but now we're sitting in the furthest spot.
- You must feel impatient. / - I asked
if Jongseo was ever the most junior.
He said, "Yes, I used to be a junior,"
"but all my seniors passed away."
(It's a sad but funny story.)
- It's not funny. / - We shouldn't laugh.
That's how long Jongseo has been singing.
It feels like a preview of a show
that will air in 20 years for the older audience.
They'll be singing each other's songs.
I will now pick our first performer.
- It'll be random, right? / - Yes.
Are you scared about the order?
This is my tenth time.
You mean random, not merciless. Right?
- Merciless is different. / - Read some books.
(My tongue was tied.)
For him, it would be
a moment where he sees like father, like son.
- Is it Jungmin? / - We don't have kids.
- Jungmin has kids. / - You have many sons.
His son would cry harshly,
but when this singer sings softly to him,
the baby copies him and babbles softly.
As most of us adults know,
it doesn't make sense.
He's a fool for his son. It's Yurisangja.
(He's still a singer in front of his son.)
Are you okay with going first?
Yes, it's fine. We'll just go.
It's fine going first.
We got the song we wanted the most.
- Which song is it? / - Which one?
"A Sad Expression of Regret".
- Really? / - It's the same for all.
If you got Can's song...
♪ The fishy smell ♪
You can't sing it like that.
The song sounds fishy.
Can we hear just the beginning?
Jungmin, can you sing us the original version?
(Masculine and husky)
(To give you to me)
That's amazing.
(You can look forward to it.)
I think they have a good chance.
- Really? / - Yes.
Are you here for the same reason?
- Aiming for events? / - I think so.
Is it noticeable?
What we realized while doing this
- is that the song... / - Isn't that great.
(The song isn't that good.)
(You're mean.)
Most of the comments are hurtful to Jungmin.
- Jungmin. / - I give up easily,
but I tend to build up hurtful feelings.
It'll take a long time to get over it.
Their voices always sound so pure.
- Yurisangja, good luck! / - Good luck!
- Let's go! / - Good luck.
- Good luck. / - Thank you.
- Do your best. / - Good luck.
- Right, our guitars. / - Oh, the guitar.
Why are you leaving your weapon behind?
Good luck.
(They represent Korean folk music.)
(The duo keeps folk music alive.)
(They win whenever they're together.)
(They'll aim for the win with perfect teamwork.)
(Sentimental folk duo, Yurisangja)
We don't sing sad songs or aggressive songs.
- We haven't done it. / - No.
That's why people have this image of us.
While practicing "A Sad Expression of Regret",
I thought we could do it too.
We're not trying to be a sloppy copy of Jungmin.
We tried hard to give it our touch.
We'll enjoy our time while singing
and creating a good memory with the audience.
("A Sad Expression of Regret")
(was the title song)
(of Kim Jungmin's second album.)
(It won first place for five weeks in a row,)
(leading to the sales of over 100,000 copies.)
(This hit song brought Kim Jungmin his heyday)
(and it still remains the singer's favorite.)
(The song is still popular among many men.)
Here comes the first performer, Yurisangja.
(The first performance by Yurisangja)
("A Sad Expression of Regret" by Yurisangja)
(Their soft voices warm our hearts.)
("A Sad Expression of Regret" by Yurisangja)
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
- Bravo! / - That was great.
- Bravo. / - It was so good.
Yurisangja, Yurisangja.
It was so amazing. I've never seen it.
We saw a lyrical version by Yurisangja.
- Jungmin, how was it? / - Yes?
It was excellent.
I've sung this song over 20 years.
I was fixated that the song
must be sung with desperation.
Hearing them sing like this,
I want to give the song to them.
"Take your tears away" feels so different.
When Jungmin sings it,
- ♪ Take away ♪ / - it's feels like, "Stop crying!"
Where as Yurisangja is going,
"Don't cry." That's how I felt.
- They're wiping tears. / - That's how I felt.
They were so gentle.
I think it can be used for weddings.
- Exactly. / - It's so good.
What did you think, Kyungho?
They looked confident today.
They didn't mind going first.
Throughout the song, I kept going,
"This is unreal" to Kiyoung.
I couldn't believe it.
I couldn't remember the original song.
You couldn't remember it? Is that what you said?
That's not what I meant.
I meant, they completely changed the song.
- I'm growing angrier. / - Jungmin.
It's been building up.
- He's up to here. / - Can you take it down?
She's our sole female artist today.
Her music heals us. It's Park Kiyoung.
(Healing musician, Park Kiyoung)
You're the only female artist today.
- Yes. I was surprised. / - Really.
Which song are you singing today?
I'm singing Kyungho's song.
Does this mean...
(Is it another high song?)
you'll go up high again?
- Which song is it? / - "Forbidden Love".
"Forbidden Love"?
Are we going to get some high pitches?
Of course you will.
I rehearsed right after her.
I saw her perform, right?
I already gave up.
Does she smile when she hits the note?
What? No.
- No? That's good. / - Why?
I hate it when they smile while hitting high.
You should express it when it's hard.
You can tell it's hard when he sings.
When it's hard to sing, he makes sure you know.
It's their comeback after four years.
The fantastic duo, Can!
- Hello. / - It's been so long.
It's been four years.
What will you sing today?
This will be a chance
for real men to sing "May I Love You?"
It'll also be sung by bachelors.
They're both married.
They have kids. They can't sing that song.
Us true bachelors will sing it.
- It'll be more sincere. / - Of course.
We'll be sincere. There's also a twist.
We'll show it to you on the stage. Coming soon.
You know what? We can already guess.
I will now pick our second performer.
- Who do you want next? / - Can.
I want to see how they'll sing our song.
Most singers are good
with words and are witty.
Out of them all, he's like a comedian.
He almost became a professional.
Bae Kisung.
Many people thought he was a comedian.
He was supporting a friend who dreamt of becoming
a comedian and tried out the test
with him at KBS.
His friend was cut, while he made it.
They say he passed the test.
He's the witty and charismatic rocker,
Kim Kyungho!
(Kim Kyungho)
- You passed the test? / - What year?
Just the first cut.
- My friend's dream was becoming a comedian. / - Yes.
- My dream was to become a singer. / - Sure.
He needed someone for the first test.
- Someone has to take a supporting role. / - A partner.
- You were helping. / - I just went
to help him, but I passed the test.
- You helped. / - Your friend failed?
- Yes. / - What skit did you do?
At that time, dialects were popular.
Yes, I remember.
- To be honest, / - Jeolla Province.
it came from me.
- Really? / - Seriously?
(Daily Dialect)
(It was a popular segment in 2002 on "Gag Concert".)
"I love you" is something we say to our loved ones.
I love you.
(I love you)
How do you say this? Jeolla Province?
Gosh, you know how I feel.
I love you. What about Gyeongsang Province?
(The funny dialects made people laugh.)
I love you, I want to kiss you.
You can say it simply like this in Seoul.
What about in Jeolla Province?
You caught my eyes today,
so you're going to have to bump into my lips.
That sounds hilarious.
He's so good.
It still works after all those years.
You're really good.
This is how I got past the first audition.
Great. Please say a few words.
Actually, I've been waiting
for a special like today.
I finally get to sing his song.
- I get to sing Jongseo's song. / - Great!
Kyungho never got to sing my song in public.
- Never. / - I'm so excited for it.
Please say a few words of determination.
- I... / - Jeolla Province?
Please tell us in Jeolla dialect.
I'll give it my all today.
I'm going to kill it.
- Kim Kyungho, let's go. / - Let's go.
(Funny rocker Kim Kyungho is off.)
I'll be back.
Hello, fans of Immortal Songs.
How are you? I'm Kim Kyungho.
(He's a rocker of 24 years.)
(His voice is incomparable.)
(He has a record of beating everyone.)
Kim Kyungho. You're amazing.
(Charismatic shouting)
(Fierce rocker, Kim Kyungho)
Through various interviews,
I've stated who my mentor is.
I want to be like Kim Jongseo.
I grew up watching Kim Jongseo.
I constantly said
I want to walk in his footsteps.
That's why it's the best song ever.
I prepared Kim Jongseo's "You Do Not Answer".
Today's competition is between real singers.
Since I'm a part of the competition,
I hope to move the audience.
Let's go, Kim Kyungho.
("You Do Not Answer" is Kim Jongseo's)
(title song of his first solo album.)
(This is the song that made his name known.)
(After quitting Sinawe, he was in a slump)
(when the melody came to him.)
(It's the song he's most attached to.)
Secretly, I've been wanting
Kim Kyungho to sing my song.
More than my stage, I'm excited for his.
Jongseo will be watching.
(He's nervous to sing in front of Jongseo.)
Here comes the second performer, Kim Kyungho.
(The second performance by Kim Kyungho)
(Kim Kyungho)
("You Do Not Answer" by Kim Kyungho)
(Singing with all his might out of respect,)
("You Do Not Answer" by Kim Kyungho)
(His belting technique touches their hearts.)
I have goosebumps.
I didn't know the song was so good.
He has explosive energy.
Towards the end, he belted, "Whose".
- That's right. / - "Whose".
(Now, whose bosom do I lean on?)
- That part was bad. / - Why do you say that?
I would have repeated it.
- You would have repeated it. / - How?
(Now, whose bosom, now, whose bosom)
Then the listeners would have thought,
"Now, who am I?"
They would have pressed the button in a trance.
"Now, who am I?"
It's great to listen to songs
- and cheer for everyone. / - It feels like a picnic.
It feels like we are singing songs
- after drinking. / - That's right.
- It's so much fun. / - Let's go for round two.
(I will sing another song.)
Immortal Songs is round one.
We are having a good time.
(Yurisangja versus Kim Kyungho)
Usually, you sing a legend's song.
Today, you sang a close friend's song.
Did it feel any different?
When the legends are on the show,
they don't really say anything bad
since their reactions are aired.
I think I will hear criticism today
when I go back to the waiting room.
20 years have passed since Yurisangja's debut.
That's right.
I heard you have a concert to celebrate the occasion.
Do you plan to sing this song at a concert?
"A Sad Expression of Regret"?
We will decide after we see the result.
If we win, we will sing it at the concert.
If we lose, we won't.
- Kim Kyungho. / - Yes?
Why are you so down?
Something had happened.
(The audience gives him a round of applause.)
You haven't done anything on TV,
but you say something had happened.
It's unfair if the viewers are the only ones
who don't know.
It's impolite to them.
Let's find out why Kim Kyungho is down.
Let's take a look.
(After singing, he dropped his microphone.)
(The audience was surprised.)
(The microphone becomes broken.)
(Kyungho's performance had to be stopped.)
It must have gotten turned off.
What will he do?
I haven't made a mistake in 23 years of my career.
It's okay! It's okay!
I'm sorry. I will go again.
(He performed after calming himself.)
That's why you were down.
I know. I never make a mistake.
I have seen your trick countless times.
- Show us. / - I always do it right.
(This is how I do it.)
(You are cool.)
It might have been bad on any other day,
but we are having a party among families today.
Yurisangja, how do you feel about it?
Kim Kyungho's performance
always takes my breath away.
I'm mostly worried about pity votes.
(I'm mostly worried about pity votes.)
You are the worst.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(Yurisangja always wins when they are together.)
(Kim Kyungho is the game changer.)
(Two men's beautiful harmony)
(The song becomes a sad folk song.)
Kim Jungmin's song became a folk song through them.
Will Yurisangja take a win?
(The intense rock spirit)
He sang a song by a musician he respects.
Will Kim Kyungho take a win?
(Yurisangja versus Kim Kyungho)
(Who will be the winner?)
(Kim Kyungho)
Please give a round of applause
to Kim Kyungho, who must be struggling
and Yurisangja.
I'm sorry. Thank you.
With a score of 419,
Kyungho raises his chance of winning the trophy
and takes a win.
Since this is Legendary Singers Special,
the starting score is 419.
- Jongseo, are you happy? / - Yes, I am.
How about you, Jungmin?
I'm not very happy.
I will now pick our third performer.
(Kyungho is the best.)
To make it fun,
- Jongseo should go next. / - That's right.
A match between a junior and a senior.
The singers are singing each other's songs today.
While the chances are low,
I thought it would be nice if two singers compete
with each other's song.
He is the singer
the audience and the viewers want.
Kim Jongseo.
(Kim Jongseo)
Kim Jongseo.
(The legendary rocker, Kim Jongseo)
This situation puts a pressure on Jongseo.
Have Jongseo and Kyungho taken the same stage?
That's incredible.
- I don't think they have. / - It has never happened.
Jongseo, you must have strategies.
What are your plans for today's performance?
Do I look like I'm thinking about plans?
Please say a few words of determination.
Since this is new,
I feel nervous.
I hope to deliver this feeling on the stage.
All right. Today, Kim Kyungho
and his legend, Kim Jongseo will compete.
The legendary rocker,
- Kim Jongseo, let's go. / - Let's go.
- Let's go. / - Let's go.
Rock and roll!
He sighed.
It's a big match of happiness
you can only see on Immortal Songs.
The duo who moved people, Yurisangja is back.
We were in tears.
- It was amazing. / - Yurisangja!
We got eliminated after performing first.
- It's our first time. / - That's right.
We came to have this experience.
Kyungho stopped his performance once.
We were watching from the side.
(What did they see?)
He did it for the show.
- On purpose? / - He dropped the microphone on purpose.
He did it since he made a mistake.
He threw the microphone since he made a mistake.
He did it so that he can perform again.
Most importantly,
"A Sad Expression of Regret" isn't so good.
- What are you talking about? / - He's being so...
I was giving you thumbs up.
It looks like he wants a refund.
"I don't like it."
Don't do this kind of a special.
Let's visit the show separately.
Hi, it has been a while. I'm Kim Jongseo.
(The legendary rocker who debuted 31 years ago)
(He has amazing techniques and overflowing energy.)
(His rock spirit explodes on Immortal Songs.)
(He made a record score and blurred)
(the distinction between the legends and guests.)
(He is still thirsty for more victories.)
(The legend who moves forward, Kim Jongseo)
I will be singing Can's "Springtime in My Life".
Since I haven't visited the show in a while,
I wanted to sing a rock song.
The lyrics are very manly.
That's why I chose the song.
I'm here to have fun.
I hope the audience will relax
and think of my performance
as a karaoke night with friends.
Please look forward to it.
("Springtime in My Life" is in Can's third album.)
(The original song is by Tube, a Japanese band.)
(It was used as an OST for a drama, "Piano".)
(It became a hit song with the drama's success.)
Here comes the third performer, Kim Jongseo.
(The third performance by Kim Jongseo)
(Kim Jongseo)
Hello, I'm Kim Jongseo.
The song I chose to sing
is Can's "Springtime in My Life".
("Springtime in My Life" by Kim Jongseo)
(Powerful energy,)
("Springtime in My Life" by Kim Jongseo)
Thank you.
- Bravo! / - He's so cool.
- Our song is stolen. / - He stole it.
We lost our song.
The song was great when Can sang it.
- But Jongseo's version sounded like / - Amazing.
the song was from a movie.
Why are you crying?
- She's crying. / - Are you moved?
- Because he was awesome? / - He was so great.
I debuted at Jongseo's concert.
- That's right. / - Yes.
I dreamed of being a singer
as I watched him sing at concerts.
He sings better now than before.
- He's so amazing. / - He is.
- Right. / - He doesn't move much.
But he lets it all out. I got the chills
- and I started crying. / - He's so cool.
What did you think, Can?
Not a lot of singers tried to sing our song.
He did an amazing job.
Singers have a limit as to how high they can sing.
It's difficult to hit the high notes on stage.
- That's right. / - But Jongseo did it.
(A chilling rock spirit)
(He surpassed the limit!)
Jungmin, what did you think?
He overcame the image
that we had of him.
I felt some kind of a change in him.
The rearrangement was fantastic.
The fishy song
is now Jongseo's.
Come on. It's "Springtime in My Life".
How can you call it a fishy song?
- How can you... / - That song is...
- "Springtime in My Life". / - That's right.
- Are you saying that because it's fresh? / - It's his.
(Kim Jongseo versus Kim Kyungho)
This is what I wanted.
What I really wanted was
for them to be standing there
after singing each other's song.
That wouldn't be easy though.
How did people in the waiting room react
to Kyungho's performance?
It was overwhelming.
Yurisangja was amazing.
- They did a great job. / - Everyone was moved.
But Kyungho came out and ran around the stage.
You mean he delivered a great performance.
You remind me of my late grandmother.
She always said, "Why do you always run around?"
I couldn't remember the previous performance.
- Everyone felt the same. / - I see.
This moment feels really special to me.
Kyungho had never sung my song before.
Same with me.
I never thought we could be
on the same stage.
(It's a very touching moment for Jongseo.)
- That's how I feel. / - By the way,
it's also very special for Kyungho.
He had numerous concerts every year,
but he was so nervous. So I asked him why.
He said it was because he liked and respected
Jongseo so much. That sort of
- pressured you. / - Since I was
in middle school, I wanted to be like him.
I became a singer and now
I'm finally here performing with him.
It's an honor. I'm so grateful.
Jongseo, I love you.
I see.
That's why Kyungho wanted to do better.
He didn't want to ruin Jongseo's reputation.
(Kyungho dropped his mic.)
(I feel bad for you.)
You must've felt terrible. "Gosh, Jongseo!"
- Stop it. / - You felt pressured.
I hope you're happy that Kyungho
respects you and loves you.
I hope you'll continue to love him.
Their scores are only
two votes apart.
Will it be a score of 419
or will it be a score of 421?
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)
(Immortal Songs, Part 2)
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(The result)
(Kim Jongseo versus Kim Kyungho)
It was a legendary performance
that can only be seen on Immortal Songs.
Will Kim Kyungho continue his winning streak?
(Will Kyungho continue his winning streak?)
(A legendary rocker)
Kim Jongseo sang
"Springtime in My Life" by Can.
Will he win against Kim Kyungho?
(Kim Jongseo)
It's a score of 421!
Kim Jongseo, congratulations!
All right.
Please give them another round of applause.
I will now pick our fourth performer.
What is terrible for singers to catch is
a cold.
Even if you're a great singer,
you can't sing if you have a cold.
- It's Hong Kyungmin. / - I have a cold too.
Do you have a cold too?
- Yes. / - Really?
But this singer
goes to record when he has a cold.
Because his husky voice
sounds more charming.
He has a unique voice.
It's Kim Jungmin.
(A handsome rocker, Kim Jungmin)
I recorded all my hit songs
- when I had a cold. / - Is that right?
- I see. / - When I'm not sick,
I can't sing like the recorded version.
- You have to be sick. / - That's my flaw.
Today I have a cold.
- You're in a great mood. / - I'm very happy.
We can hear you sing like the recorded version.
- Kim Jungmin, let's go! / - Let's go!
- Good luck! / - Go for it!
I'm Kim Jungmin. Nice to see you.
(He has a handsome face and a husky voice.)
(A tough rocker, Kim Jungmin)
(He was a legend on Immortal Songs.)
(The forever tough guy, Kim Jungmin)
I'll sing
"Broken Friendship" by Hong Kyungmin.
Everyone else is singing ballads.
I'm the only one who is singing a funky song.
"Broken Friendship" is the best choice
since I'm competing with great singers.
That's my conclusion.
I never imagined someone singing
"Broken Friendship" on Immortal Songs.
I'll bring home the trophy
of Legendary Singers of Immortal Songs.
("Broken Friendship" is the title song)
(of Hong Kyungmin's third album. The song topped)
(the music charts as soon as it was released.)
(With a funky rhythm and simple dance moves,)
(the song became a huge hit and it gave him)
(a title called "Korean Ricky Martin".)
Here comes the fourth performer, Kim Jungmin.
(The fourth performance by Kim Jungmin)
(Kim Jungmin)
("Broken Friendship" by Kim Jungmin)
(A charming, husky voice)
("Broken Friendship" by Kim Jungmin)
Thank you.
That was spectacular.
(A stylish performance)
Jungmin has a special talent.
- He made it his song. / - Exactly.
But the dance and the performance
reminded us of Hong Kyungmin.
- Kyungho is back. / - Welcome.
- Kyungho. / - Kyungho.
- Welcome back. / - Kyungho.
You're so confident.
How do you feel?
I feel relieved. I'll do my share here.
All right.
This never happened before.
I was going to do a trick.
This is the second time I made a mistake.
(He drops his mic.)
(He's surprised.)
I just hoped it'd still work,
- but it didn't. / - I see.
The mike didn't work.
I felt terrible. I looked over
and Seunghwa was right there.
I was afraid he'd scold me.
- I know how he is. / - I was next to him.
I realized something.
A singer looks the most pitiful
when he has to chase after his mike
- down the stage. / - Exactly.
(Kyungho goes to pick it up.)
(He doesn't want to show tears.)
(Kim Jongseo versus Kim Jungmin)
You went to record your songs
- when you had a cold. / - Yes.
That really happened, right?
"A Sad Expression of Regret", "Lover",
and "Rain" were recorded
when I had a cold.
They all became hit songs.
Today I have a cold.
- You do, don't you? / - Yes.
I don't know how you enjoyed my performance,
but I had a great time.
(He enjoyed it more thanks to the cold.)
There aren't a lot of dance moves,
but you must've still felt pressured.
Because you aren't a dance singer.
Kyungmin is a multi-talented performer.
He can sing and dance well.
I debated whether I should
dance or not.
I thought it'd be good
to show the audience what I prepared.
I think he shouldn't have.
Actually, the audience
must've felt awkward to see me dance.
- No. / - I won't do it again.
The audience said no, but please watch the show
on TV when you go home.
I hear you're planning to have
one concert a day
for a month.
This year marks my 30th anniversary since debut.
I did a lot of concerts in small theaters in the 90s.
But I stopped doing that at one point.
I'll have a two-hour concert every day for one month.
(He doesn't stop challenging himself.)
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(Kim Jongseo versus Kim Jungmin)
Will Kim Jongseo
continue his winning streak?
Jungmin sang "Broken Friendship" in his style.
Will Kim Jungmin win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will be the winner?)
(Kim Jongseo)
It's a score of 421.
Jongseo wins against Jungmin.
Jongseo is on a winning streak.
- It's just as we planned. / - Yes, it is.
I will now pick our fifth performer.
He looks like
a tough, manly man,
but he is actually timid.
So his nickname used to be "girl with a mustache".
These two men have tender hearts.
It's Can.
(A sentimental duo, Can)
I guessed wrong.
Kiyoung told me that
Kisung embroiders at home.
Yes, I do.
- Really? / - Yes.
- He cooks too. / - I cook too.
- He has a feminine side. / - Totally.
When we were members of M4,
whenever we had a fight,
he wrote a letter and brought it.
- He wrote a letter? / - A hand-written letter.
"Hey, you were too mean last time."
It's these two manly men's turn.
- Can, let's go! / - Let's go!
- Good luck. / - Go for it!
- Hello, we're Can. / - Hello.
(A talented duo with masculine power)
(They're back after four years!)
(Sorrowful voices and charming harmony)
(The fantastic duo, Can)
What will you sing today?
Everyone will be surprised
- by our choice. / - "What?"
- "This song?" / - It doesn't suit our image at all.
It's "May I Love You?" by Yurisangja.
I saw them rehearse.
They were soaked in sweat.
So I asked them,
"Does this song make you sweat?"
They looked like they were begging.
They turned the song into "May I Beg?"
We'll give our all and collapse on stage.
We'll do our best. Please enjoy.
("May I Love You?" is the title song)
(of Yurisangja's fifth album. Park Shinyang sang)
(the song in the drama "Lovers in Paris".)
(Along with Yurisangja's "To My Bride",)
(this song is widely loved and sung by people)
(on various special anniversaries.)
Here comes the fifth performer, Can.
(The fifth performance by Can)
- Hello, we're Can. / - Nice to meet you.
A lot of people asked us why we chose this song.
- People wondered why. / - Yes.
It's Yurisangja's...
(No way!)
What do you think it is?
"May I Love You?"
We have to do a good job.
I'm going to make
a special announcement.
I'm getting married this year.
Give him a hand.
Please forget the competition
and think of it as an exciting wedding.
- Please congratulate him. / - Please
(Let's have fun.)
enjoy it with us. We were more nervous
about the announcement than singing the song.
We'll sing "May I Love You?" by Yurisangja.
("May I Love You?" by Can)
Let's have fun, everyone!
Please enjoy!
Get ready to jump!
Let's go!
Ladies and gentlemen,
here come the brides and grooms.
Let's greet them!
Kisung, congratulations!
Thank you!
We aren't very careful.
- That's not our style. / - That's not us.
Shall we sing it our style?
Let's go!
All right!
- One more time! / - Great!
May I?
(The most beautiful proposal,)
- Congratulations! / - Heart!
("May I Love You?" by Can)
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
- I had the chills. / - Me too.
- That was great. / - Yes.
- That was amazing. / - It gave me goosebumps.
- Nice. / - Seriously.
There are many tricks.
- Wedding announcement. / - I didn't expect
a wedding announcement.
- Nobody expected it. / - Seriously.
You can never use this trick again.
You can only use it once.
What did you think?
I'm so grateful to Can.
- They were so cool. / - I think my mom will love it.
She would probably tell us,
"Why don't you try jumping like them?"
That's what she would've wanted.
Can did it for us.
- I guess parents worry. / - Yes.
- They did an ad lib a lot. / - She wants you to.
When I dance a little bit at a concert,
my mom says, "Why won't you dance like that on TV?"
- Did your mom say that? / - She did.
I see.
Did you know Kisung was getting married?
- No. / - Not at all.
Why didn't he tell us?
- It was so unexpected. / - It was a surprise.
- What did you think? / - I thought
they were only going to make it a fun stage.
Was I the only one who felt it?
They were comical,
but I saw Kisung's tears toward the end.
(Kim Jongseo versus Can)
You made a surprise
- wedding announcement. / - Right.
Have you picked a date for your wedding?
Not yet. It was supposed to happen in March,
but we'll do it in November instead.
- You want to get it done. / - Yes, this year.
So that's what you think.
Is your fiancee aware of this?
(She knows, right?)
She probably had no idea.
He's in deep trouble.
Everyone will think that she's married.
My gosh. All right.
If you'll do it anyway,
you should do it sooner than later.
I thought that I should
propose to her through the song on this show.
She must've been so touched by it.
It's one of these two. She was either moved
or would want to break up.
Gosh, stop joking around.
I haven't had a chance to tell her.
- Frankly, I'm so worried. / - You must be anxious.
- Send a video message. / - Gosh, no.
- A short one. / - Sorry?
- Just do a short one. / - Do it.
Profess your love to her.
I'll stay out of the frame.
Eunbi, would you marry me?
I love you.
He was so shy.
(He was shy but sincere.)
I see. I was right.
I don't think she's on board yet.
She must be so happy right now.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Please show us the result.
(Kim Jongseo versus Can)
(His powerful rock spirit impressed us all.)
("Springtime in My Life" sung by Kim Jongseo)
We get a sense that he might beat everyone.
Will Jongseo take his third win with his score of 421?
(Kisung announced that he's getting married.)
I'm getting married this year.
("May I Love You?" sung by Can)
Can even made a surprise announcement.
Will they be able to beat Jongseo?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Kim Jongseo versus Can)
(Whose light will go off?)
(The audience chose Can.)
- My gosh! / - With the score of 426,
Can put a stop on Jongseo's winning streak
and took their first win!
That's incredible.
- That was a smart move. / - Oh, my.
I think that all of you in the audience
gave him a big wedding gift by voting for them.
The performance was great, and they got a high score.
- Thank you! / - Thank you!
We beat Jongseo. I can't believe it.
I'll now pick our sixth and seventh performers.
(Who will compete against Can?)
This singer has a humble wish.
It's being able to see the sunrise while waking up.
I bet he's been wanting to do so,
but he can never see the sunrise.
Instead, his adorable daughter slaps his cheeks.
That's how he wakes up a lot of the times.
He says it hurts, but he's happy nonetheless.
The 40-year-old loving dad. It's Hong Kyungmin.
(Hong Kyungmin)
(It's finally Kyungmin's turn.)
This is exactly what he wanted.
He wanted to perform right after Can
and he got that spot.
- How are you feeling now? / - I feel perfectly good.
I'll get out there happily
and sing as if I'm singing at Kisung's wedding.
That sounds great.
This is his 65th time on the show.
He sure is a veteran.
After he performs, the winning score goes up.
He's like family to us.
- Kyungmin, good luck! / - Good luck!
(Best of luck, Kyungmin!)
- Jongseo is back. / - Jongseo!
(Jongseo is back.)
You did such a great job.
- It was so impressive. / - Go, Jongseo!
I was so nervous.
I choked while singing the first verse.
I wasn't sure whether to stop or not.
It shows how nervous I was.
You should've just dropped your microphone.
(It'll haunt Kyungho for the rest of his life.)
Hello, I'm Hong Kyungmin.
It's Hong Kyungmin.
(He's been on the show 65 times.)
(This veteran singer has walked the path with us.)
(His charming voice and relaxed presence on stage)
(From rock to ballad, he transcends all genres.)
(The irresistibly charming guy, Hong Kyungmin)
I'll be singing Kiyoung's song, "Starting".
Kyungmin has an amazing talent.
He's so relaxed in any situation.
That vibe will make the song sound more graceful.
The seven of us got together today,
so it'll be like a fun festival for us.
I hope that the viewers can feel the fun energy.
(Released as the title track of her second album,)
(it stayed in various charts for a long time)
(and made Kiyoung known as a female rocker.)
(The lyrics are about professing one's love.)
(It's still many women's favorite song to sing.)
Here comes the sixth performer, Hong Kyungmin.
(The sixth performance by Hong Kyungmin)
(Hong Kyungmin)
I'll sing Kiyoung's song called "Starting".
I'm happy Kisung made his announcement today
because I can congratulate him through this song.
("Starting" by Hong Kyungmin)
Many of you must be sitting beside the one
you love but are afraid to profess your love.
(To everyone who's starting a new love)
Don't hesitate. Go ahead and profess your love.
We're not given that much time.
I'll be rooting for your new love.
Best of luck.
(We're rooting for your love.)
Thank you.
(He sang for everyone who is starting a new love.)
- Oh, my. / - Kiyoung's crying again.
Kyungmin picked a song that shows his delicate,
- romantic side the best. / - It really suits him.
Kiyoung, why did you cry all of a sudden?
Being here today means so much to me.
While Kyungmin was singing my song,
it brought back memories from back in the days.
Do you think he'll be able to beat Can?
I think it'll be hard.
Can got such a high score.
I don't think Kyungmin cares about winning today.
He seemed very calm on stage. It was inspiring.
To me, Kyungmin looked like a church boy,
singing in front of his crush's house.
It almost looked like a scene from a musical.
- He's a Buddhist. / - I wanted to cry too.
- What did you say? / - He's a Buddhist.
- He's a Buddhist. / - Really?
Oh, is he?
He's a Buddhist.
(Buddhist boys are as charming.)
Someone looks like he has a lot to say.
Seunghwa, what are you thinking?
At the beginning, we were bickering at each other.
But it totally changed. All of a sudden,
Kiyoung started crying
and everyone began complimenting each other.
I don't like that.
(I'm going to be mean.)
Everything Seunghwa has done today
can be summarized into this.
"Cyber bully".
(The demons are coming out of my fingers.)
(Hong Kyungmin versus Can)
Kisung's surprise wedding announcement.
Gosh, that was really...
Your performance was incredible too, of course.
I think people voted for you as a wedding gift.
- Bingo. / - There was some of that.
All performers must've been surprised too.
Everyone talked about how smart it was.
(It can't be used twice.)
I happened to perform right after Can,
so I felt as if I was singing at his wedding
because that's sort of what the song is about.
He listened as if you were singing at his wedding.
As soon as you mentioned singing at my wedding,
40 years of loneliness as a bachelor and such
- got my eyes welled up. / - You got emotional.
I couldn't help but shed some tears.
I heard you put a lot of thought into your outfits.
(It's peculiar.)
Designer Eun Heejoo designed these suits.
Also, there's an artist named Kwon Sunchang.
This painting was done by him.
He painted directly on the suits without sketches.
- They're very meaningful. / - Yes.
Whom did the audience pick? Show us the result.
(Hong Kyungmin versus Can)
Both songs were about a sincere love confession.
Will Can take their second win with the score of 426?
Or will the romantic guy, Kyungmin,
be able to take his first win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(What would the audience's choice be?)
(The audience chose Can.)
Can's score of 426
gave them their second win.
(426 points is hard to beat.)
Kiyoung. You can beat Can, right?
I'm so nervous all of a sudden.
I mean, you'll sing "Forbidden Love".
That's the kind of song I like.
- "Forbidden Love". / - "Forbidden Love".
- "Forbidden Love". / - It's a bit sad.
Kiyoung, tell us what your goal is.
I'll treat all of you today.
(It looks like she's confident about winning.)
- You seem confident. / - I'll treat you all!
Kiyoung is the last performer for today.
- Best of luck! / - Best of luck!
Let's go out for dinner after this!
Hello, I'm Park Kiyoung. It's nice to meet you all.
(The show's iconic female vocalist)
(Her powerful energy is hidden in her soft voice.)
(She relentlessly challenges herself.)
(She's back with her new digital single, "Lie".)
(The healing voice, Park Kiyoung)
The song I'll be singing today
is "Forbidden Love". It's Kyungho's song.
I reinterpreted it in a totally new way.
Kyungho will be so surprised.
He'll go, "Is that how she transformed my song?"
Kiyoung will make our jaws drop.
I know that it's my song, but it suits her so well.
She'll do something special at the end.
I'm curious as to how many octaves she'll sing today.
I'm determined to win today.
But this is a battlefield.
I'll be sure to survive.
Wish me luck.
(Released in Kyungho's second album,)
(which sold about 880,000 copies,)
(the song was widely loved despite its genre, rock.)
(It was nominated for the number one song)
(along with various idol groups' songs.)
Here comes the seventh performer, Park Kiyoung.
(The seventh performance by Park Kiyoung)
(Park Kiyoung)
("Forbidden Love" by Park Kiyoung)
(The promise for eternity)
("Forbidden Love" by Park Kiyoung)
- Bravo! / - Great job. My gosh.
- She gave her all. / - Bravo.
When she started singing the song,
I almost couldn't recognize her voice.
- It was different. / - It caught my ears.
I had no idea she could sing like that.
I think she's determined to win today.
Overall, her voice didn't sound pretty or sharp.
- It sounded very mature. / - Will she be able to win?
She already won.
Hello, Mr. Village Representative.
She's fierce.
Shall I say attachment to winning?
- The desire to win. / - Yes, that's right.
I thought Kisung had the most of it.
She sure is fierce.
She sang too fiercely because she wants to win.
I think Can will win.
- You think Can will win? / - Yes, I do.
I'll cast my vote too.
- Are you voting for Can? / - Yes.
- How did you enjoy hers? / - Did you not like it?
No, I did enjoy it.
As a senior artist,
you should've taken your sunglasses off.
(We thought he was a dragonfly.)
You should've watched her performance properly.
- No sunglasses, please. / - Totally.
In normal circumstances,
Kiyoung will probably win.
- What's not normal today? / - It's a bit...
He's getting married, you know.
(Do you seriously not know?)
It doesn't happen every day, you know.
- The marriage card. / - It is a special case.
(Park Kiyoung versus Can)
I heard you cried again.
It was because of the lyrics at the end
about wanting to leave the world on the same day.
What's the age gap between you and your fiancee?
They're 12 years apart.
- All right. / - She's 12 years younger.
(My goodness.)
Well, I guess you don't know this.
The average life expectancy for women
is longer than of men.
And she's 12 years younger than you.
It means she can live a few decades after you die.
Why do you want to leave the world on the same day?
I've been working out and trying to lose weight
to be able to live longer.
(Be happy together for a long time.)
Seven Singers Sing Each Other's Songs.
Now, only the final result awaits us.
Can have won twice with their score of 426.
Will they win again and become the final winners?
Or will Kiyoung win the trophy dramatically?
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Show us the final result.
(Park Kiyoung versus Can)
(A surprise announcement and a fun performance)
Legendary Singers Special. This is the final match.
Will Can win the trophy with "May I Love You?"?
(The arrangement surprised even the original singer.)
(Will her soulful singing earn her the trophy?)
Kiyoung sang "Forbidden Love" with her everything.
Will she be able to win the trophy?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will win the trophy?)
(Next week)
Today's legend is...
(Hit song maker of the 70s and 80s)
(This genre-transcending songwriter)
(wrote songs about life and love.)
It's composer Kim Kipyo.
(The Hit Song Maker, Kim Kipyo)
(The little giant of the show)
(Fall into Ben's charm you didn't know about!)
(The good-looking traditional musicians)
(An exciting performance)
(by Song Sohee and Ko Youngyul)
(Paul Potts is back.)
(Will he be on the show every week?)
(The best collaboration in the show's history)
(Paul Potts and Bae Dahae)
(The performance that made the legend cry)
(The lovely girls, Pristin)
Sweetheart, I love you.
(The hottest girl group of the moment, GFriend)
(Their cute, bubbly performance)
(The genius musician with a sweet voice, Kevin Oh)
(His performance will melt all ladies' hearts.)
(Han Donggeun is back after ten months.)
I was very surprised.
I've never heard music like this before.
(The sentimental balladeer of the next generation)
(His powerful singing will deeply move you.)
(The Hit Song Maker, Composer Kim Kipyo)
(The audience chose Park Kiyoung.)
439 votes. Park Kiyoung won!
She got 439 votes.
The trophy for today's special
goes to the best performer, Kiyoung.
(Park Kiyoung is the final winner.)
Jongwon and Kisung have her a hug.
Please congratulate both of them.
Please give them another big round of applause.
(Seven Singers Sing Each Other's Songs.)
("Lie" by Park Kiyoung)
حميدو - البداية (فيديو كليب حصري) 2017 - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
Park Kiyoung - Forbidden Love | 박기영 - 금지된 사랑 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.09.23] - Duration: 6:16.Here comes the seventh performer, Park Kiyoung.
(The seventh performance by Park Kiyoung)
(Park Kiyoung)
("Forbidden Love" by Park Kiyoung)
(The promise for eternity)
("Forbidden Love" by Park Kiyoung)
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