Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 23 2017

Today I'm going to be showing you how I made this shiny gold my little pony custom.

You will need

A my little pony toy, I chose apple jack because she had gold tinsel and I thought it would match nicely.

Yellow Acrylic Paint

Gold Glitter in a Variety Of different Flake Sizes.

PVA School glue

six gold Gems

Gold shiny nail polish

Black Acrylic Paint

first we're going to take Our Pony and tie her hair up put it out of the way and we don't accidentally Get paint in


I'm using some spare loom Bands Because They're small and They Work Really well for Pony Hair

Now i'm putting on a White base coat This is optional since we're going to be covering her with glitter Anyway?

I Feel Like it'll give an Even base for our Next colour... YELLOW!

Do the same and try not to miss any Patches between the leg or in the bundle of her hooves.

and make the paint super even.

Once its all dry take some Pva glue and Apply It on the upper Half of her head

I'm going to be doing a Gradient of different Glitter Flake sizes so on the top of the head i'll be Applying really fine Glitter

Flake But When i get to her hooves the Flakes Will be super Big

Pour on the Glitter

Once you're satisfied wait for her to dry and Work on the next Session

Apply Slightly Larger Flakes

Then Again For The upper legs those Flakes are Really Sparkly


and the Final Section is the lower Leg where we'll be Applying the largest flakes.

I Love The Glitter gradient

If you Guys Only Have One Type of Glitter That's fine you can Just Apply It to the pony all in one coat

Now i'm taking the gemstones and some Pva glue and Applying three dots on her flank

so there's three gems on each Side.

Thought Gems Would Really Tie in with the customs gold Look

Now take the gold nail Polish and a Small Brush and fill in the colors of her Eyes

Ended Up doing two coats of This nail Polish

Then Go ahead and fill in the backs of her Eyes

Be Careful not to over line them take Your time and a Steady hand When it comes to the eye

And The last Steps fill in the Highlights and the White and the bottom Half of her eye

and That's It you're done

Didn't she Turn out awesome? what do you think? let me know in the comments Below!

Don't forget to subscribe and Hit that bell button down below to be notified for future videos!

and thats all BYE GUYS!

For more infomation >> GOLD My Little Pony GLITTER Custom! DIY MLP Toy | Alice LPS - Duration: 7:23.


FAKE ORDER - The Chapter of Dusk (FF VII AUDIO DRAMA) [Final FAN-tasy Real] - Duration: 26:18.

Jill... Claire...

Why are you doing this?

You´ve got the best education.

My guild is the country´s biggest assassination clan.

I wanted you two to inherit it all.

You only wanted to get us in bed. Snip, snap.

Prick´s down.

Why don´t you admit that you´ve killed our brother and my fiancé?

Maybe we´ll let let you live.

Well, no, we won´t.

But we could release you from pain.

I already told you. Those two new members did it. Alpha and...

What was his name again?


I told them to

to get that bewitched book

that had been written by a Cetra, some people say.

But that´s just a myth.

I thought that´s nonsense.

How could I have known

they would do something like that for it.

I wouldn´t approve a murder mission for something like that.

He´s bugging me, Jill.

Where are Alpha and Zero now?

Zero´s whereabouts...

nobody knows.

But after that cursed incident Alpha went to Midgar

and she got a scholarship at ShinRa for being highly skilled.

She´s climbing the ladder there fast.

You know ShinRa´s looking for new members for a new special unit.

That Turk... Special Squad.

Let´s kill him already!

I-I have good contacts to ShinRa!

I could commend you to them, yes!

Yeah, yeah!

That´s it!

Draw the cable now, Jill!


After paralyzing his body with countless needles, the sisters beheaded him with a steel wire in the end.

They killed him in a way that he had teached them in the first place.

He was probably right. Oh no... So what are we doing now?

The ShinRa Company... That´s not a bad idea.

Shall we apply?

Hm... Well, they´re looking for people who can protect them from the rebellion of Avalanche.

So there´s quite a good chance to get info about Leon and Carlos.

Yes. And it´s going to be very interesting, if that Alpha is really there.

Well, yes...

There! Let´s go to Midgar!

...Wait! Yes?

What about them?

Are they really dead?


Are you still afraid of ghosts?


The old geezer showed the secret technique of apparent death only to us.

And second: Do they look as if they ever lived in the first place?

Lol... No... Right.

The two sisters, who were changed by cruel fate so much,

walked off and left a field filled with deformed, lifeless bodies...

Two years ago

in the port city of Junon.

In the under town people were busy at work, on the market, the fishing ships.

And at the coast a dolphin jumped very high into the sky, as if he wanted to reach something.

Townsfolk always said:

"I wonder, if he wants to see the cannon."

Junon was divided into under town and upper city.

Below there were the common folk.

Above was a big ShinRa military complex.

A huge cannon was being built there for months.

Scarlet, ShinRa´s chief for weapon development,

managed that incredibly expensive project.

ShinRa said the cannon was needed to protect the people

but the townsfolk saw it as another tool of suppression.

But nobody dared to say anything against ShinRa´s regime.

After all, it controlled the whole world with its military forces and exclusive rights to energy.

And well, people kind of appreciated the secure life, that was made possible by ShinRa... exchange for freedom

what many young people thought. And even worse:

make-believe prosperity at the expense of the planet.

ShinRa´s wealth was built on exploiting the nature.

A ticking time bomb...

Jill and Claire Valenfield had just left tailoring school

where they worked on uniforms for ShinRa employees all the time

which were exported from Junon to every region in the country.

Always those boring infantry uniforms.

That´s just how it is. The school is owned by a ShinRa executive.

General Heidegger, right?

If all infantrymen had his stature, we´d need three times the amount of fabric.

Hahaha, so true!

However, I wouldn´t have any motivation in class...

...if we weren´t making

pretty dresses secretly~

The sisters took a breezily, colorful dress out of their bag

on which they worked every unobserved minute.

Put it on and let´s make photos!

Shall we go to the park tree again?

I eavesdropped on Leon yesterday. It seems he´s gonna meet Carlos there today.

Well, I don´t say no then.

I thought so.

When they entered the park they already saw their brother Leon

and his friend Carlos Kenvera, Jill´s fiancé.


Hello~! What are you doing here?

Yeah, I´m happy to see you, too...

You´re interrupting an important mission briefing here.

I actually believe you this time

but when you do it at our most favourite place, it´s your own fault.

All four of us meet here almost every day

since we were littly kids.

1:0 for the ladies, Leon.

Jill and Carlos embraced each other while Claire was sticking her tongue out at Leon.

You can stay under one condition:

Bring me the tongue of...

Leviathan! Ahahahar, groaarrr!!

Oh boy, Leon... Do you think that´s funny?

Someday you won´t impress me with anything. Even if you...

I don´t know... write me a letter, when you´re dead.

What about a new photo series?

"The not funny jokes of Leon V." Put your camera away.

You´re bugging me.

Eh, eh, no chance!

Oh boy, that´s as "interesting" as

your series "The cats of Grandma Thorn" or

"The front-doors of Junon".

"The grumping of Leon V."

What about "The new dress of the lovely sisters"? Have you made one secretly again?

Yeah. Wanna see it?

If you´re wearing it, darling. Sure.

I´ll help you change dresses.

Let´s go there.

We´ll be back in a minute, boys.

Yeah, yeah...

Actually we don´t have time to meet the girls now.

I know, I know. But honestly...

I don´t want to miss Jill in that dress.

I thought so.

Well, you can.

So, where did we pause our briefing? Well.

We´re supposed to get that book before ShinRa.

But what´s so great about this "Book of the Ancients" in the first place?

Have you not yet heard of it?

You already accepted the mission, you know?

Listen. I´ll tell you.

It is said the book was written by the Empress of the Cetra herself.

Pandora. Dear me, myths, legends, sci-fi.

That´s your style. Don´t interrupt me!

Some believe she had discovered a method

how to travel through space and time

based on thousands of years of periodic world history

which is written into the book magically. Automatically.

Insane, right? Like I said:

Dear me!

If you have the needed energy and apply several different conditions,

you can supposedly travel as far as world history has advanced.

Not only through time, but also

to all other dimensions.

Oh yeah... other dimensions.

If you can believe old theories about the crystals of life, which symbolize the worlds,

then it´s actually reproducible.

Oh dear, now I finally understand why we as newbies

got a real mission. Seemed funny to me.

They don´t believe that nonsense themselves. Why?

It´s beyond human mind, yes,

but that doesn´t mean it´s beyond the mind of...

a cetra.

Ah, whatever.

Let´s assume the book really exists.

Everything will be clearer then. And no matter how low the chance is,

ShinRa can never be permitted to get that chance.

That´s totally right indeed. And hey, if your other worlds really exist, please tell me.

We should move there at once. I bet it´s way better there than here, haha.

Oh, yes.

ShinRa inc. becomes even more down-and-dirty.

How long do they think we will tolerate that?

Maybe ShinRa´s not afraid, because general public doesn´t care.

People don´t realize their livelihood is snatched in the long run.

No wonder. ShinRa controlls the media.

People only see and hear what ShinRa wants, and riots are smashed by SOLDIER at once.

And everyone only thinks about themselves. Corruption, exploitation, lies, and so on... You know what I mean.

AVALANCHE is the best place to be for us.

No one else got so far as the rebel alliance.

They´re no cowards. They don´t just talk.

They act!

I believe we´re on the verge of changing the system.

The rebellion is indeed like an avalanche that is getting bigger and bigger... and someday going to crush ShinRa.

Both of us newbies still have a long way to go though. Barret, Tifa and the others are top rebels.

Dude, Tifa´s such a hottie. You say it, man.

I´m gonna tell Jill...

Dare youuu!

Hey, we´re back!

May I present... Miss Junon Jill Valenfield!

Claire, don´t be silly. Wow, Jill, you

are so beautiful! Right?

There´s much love in this dress. Yeah, Yeah, quite nice...

Time for a group photo, Mr. Grumpy.

Come together!

Smile aaand...


Hey, it turned out awesome!

Ok, so now you can finally go away.

Leon, enough now!

You´re so stupid lately! Listen, Claire,

How could I be cool, when the company we´re hating so much

is building a huge cannon above us?

Is that the reason you have to leave? Unfortunately not.

That´d be on a whole different level. We´ve just started at AVALANCHE.

The resistance group has gotten quite big

since so many rebels and system critics joined.

Maybe we´ll be able to break free eventually.

What else? WE are members of AVALANCHE now, hehe.

Oh dear... Let´s hope for the best.

Carlos, we have to go.

Take care, ok? Don´t worry, darling. And now kiss me, please.

Sob stuff alert, haha.

Anyway, I wish you loads of luck in your first mission.

After disbanding, the two young rebels went off on their steamboards.

By the way, have you heard of the next victim of muring?

Once again the symbol for infinity has been left on the wall.

Really? Damn!

That´s the new emblem of the headhunter guild Endless Spiders.

Apparently in honor of two new members, who are very strong.

Shiro warned me about them.

It´s said they´re extremely dangerous.

Let´s hope we don´t have to confront them.

Dude, don´t scare me! I already have remorse.

Why? Because of your sisters.

Sometimes I think we shouldn´t have joined the rebellion.

I mean, it´s quite dangerous, and

well, I´m very serious about your sister.

Don´t back off now!

You wanted to free our town for Jill.

And nobody can through knives as good as you.

AVALANCHE needs people like you. Well, yeah, but...

No "but"! No pain, no gain.

A bit of risk is normal.

And weren´t you the first one to volunteer for this mission?

You impressed me, man.

That´s why I accepted at once. Although I wanted to join Shiro´s group before.

I remember. You like her, don´t you?

Of course. She´s a woman of high level capability. Unlike Claire, the crybaby.

The two friends left the road and started to walk.

According to Shalua Rui´s report, the Book is in possession of a mysterious couple, who meets at the tower at night.

What´s mysterious about that? Well,

eye wittnesses report that no one has ever seen them entering or leaving the place. But nevertheless they meet every night at the tower.

To tell you the truth, I heard something else:

They meet at the lake in the park. Aha?

Well, no problem. Let´s split up.

The young rebels disbanded with a casual act of friendship.

While Leon went off to the lake

Carlos went to the tower square.

Dude, what have you done? Oh dear!

Oh my god, come on, no!

I´m not even having some peace and quiet in the library.

Hey, you! The training ground is on the other side!

Here is the library.

A place for privacy and learning.

Merafleur nags again. You can´t order us anything!

You´re not even a Turk!

What´s going on here?

A tall man entered the place. You could see at once, that he belonged to SOLDIER, ShinRa´s unit of elite fighters.

What are you doing here?

Training ground is on the other side! She´s totally right.

So why do you act so dishonorable?

Aah, s-s-sorry, sir!!

The embarrassed infantrymen ran off.

The elite soldier looked up to Merafleur, who didn´t really know how to react.

You´re Merafleur, right?

Oh... yes... Yeah, yeah, that´s me. Why?

My name is Dash Rockslave. I was ordered to support you on your new mission. I´m going to pick you up in an hour in the foyer.

Oh, ah, haha.

Got it, ok!

See you later!

My goodness, gracious me!

Dash Rockslave himself! First Class Soldier.

HE is going to be my companion?

This must be a misunderstanding.

It was very unusual indeed, that she as a Turk candidate got assigned to a First Class Soldier.

How could that be?

But the answer was secondary. It was the outcome that mattered. Clear was:

With Dash Rockslave by her side, the mission would be a piece of cake.

I wished we wouldn´t need to cross the under town.

There are those dirty rebels in every corner.

In the meantime Leon reached the lake

and checked the location.

The last time, the author had been seen, is here.


Very strange...

The lake is frozen.

In this time of the year?

But since sunset it´s gotten really cold.



Can you come to the lake, please?

You should take a look at what I found.

Oh, come on, I´ve just yet arrived at the tower. I´m gonna stay here for 15 minutes and then I´ll come, ok? See you soon!

I´m starting to get a bad feeling about this...

I shouldn´t have accepted the mission.

Merafleur, we´re ready to go.

The ambitious Turk candidate walked down the stairs in her tailor-made, dark suit.

Her seemingly endless long hair adapted elegantly to her movement.

Merafleur felt like a princess.

The present ShinRa employees, in particular the women,

were envy, because Dash Rockslave was popular in the whole company, and waited for her like a prince.

Not on a white steed,

but on a Hardy Daytona motorcycle.

Dash nodded his head, and Merafleur sat down behind him, embracing his firm torso.

Again she relished the envious gazes of the others, who

...and that´s what she already had planned...

would be her inferiors soon.

She felt this mission would lead to her promotion.

The time of humiliation, because people smiled down at her research on the Book of the Cetra, will be over.

I wasn´t in the under town for quite a long time.

I don´t like being there.

We won´t need long for this mission.

Trust me!

For more infomation >> FAKE ORDER - The Chapter of Dusk (FF VII AUDIO DRAMA) [Final FAN-tasy Real] - Duration: 26:18.


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For more infomation >> Bad Baby go to Fishing Giant APPLE Funny Toddler Learning Colors with CAMEL Songs for Kids - Duration: 10:53.


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With me, you'll float too

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For more infomation >> Kygo - Stargazing ft. Justin Jesso (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:59.


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Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

For more infomation >> Logan Lucky FuLL'MoViE'2017'Hd - Duration: 1:01:01.


Kingsman: The Golden Circle FuLL'MoViE'2017'Hd - Duration: 1:01:01.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

Kingsman: The Golden Circle Full Movie 2017

For more infomation >> Kingsman: The Golden Circle FuLL'MoViE'2017'Hd - Duration: 1:01:01.


FNaF: SL | Goldbox | Astildi - All Alone | (Русские субтитры) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> FNaF: SL | Goldbox | Astildi - All Alone | (Русские субтитры) - Duration: 0:59.


Logan Lucky FuLL'MoViE'2017'HD - Duration: 1:01:01.

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

Logan Lucky Full Movie 2017

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