Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 23 2017

HURRICANE MARIA Another Weaponized Weather Event Geoengineered

To Terrorize and Subjugate

With the meteorological onslaught of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, it�s now clear that

North America is under a full-blown invasion by the NWO ruling cabal and their geoengineers.

MARIA�s rampage through the Caribbean has already produced damage that is being described

as unprecedented and �beyond catastrophic�.

Puerto Rico may not have power for 6 months in the aftermath.

�We�ve Never Seen Anything Like This� � Maria Slams Puerto Rico With 9-Foot Storm

Surge, 155mph Winds

What�s quite suspicious is that even the mainstream media has written about the �rapid

intensification� of these superstorms.

As follows: �Rapid intensification� fuels major Atlantic hurricanes in 2017

So, there are two questions that everyone ought to be asking themselves: Why have there

been so many unusually powerful hurricanes this year?

And what is causing these frankenstorms to intensify into mega-hurricanes so quickly?

It�s important to point out that the last major hurricane to hit the continental US,

prior to the 2017 hurricane season, occurred in October of 2005.

This was followed by a baffling 12 year hiatus.

Then, mysteriously, with the election of Donald Trump, the Atlantic Ocean turns into a veritable

conveyor belt slinging one hurricane after another at the North American continent.

How is it that, since 2005, the U.S. mainland has not been hit by a major hurricane� � � and

then Donald Trump is elected POTUS and all hell breaks loose?!

Trump has stated that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Agreement

There is no greater act of defiance against the New World Order agenda than President

Trump�s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord.

Perhaps Trump really did not know how essential the Paris Climate Agreement was to the implementation

of the NWO agenda toward the establishment of a One World Government.

Global Climate Change Was Geoengineered As A Justification To Impose A One World Government

Surely the President was aware of how fraudulent the CO2-driven climate change narrative is.

He subsequently saw the globalist cabal work very hard to foist the final Paris Agreement

on the world community of nations in December of 2015.

Even the shocking November 2015 Paris attacks were perpetrated in the interest of locking

down that meeting venue just prior to the commencement of the United Nations Climate

Change Conference held in France.

Paris Terror Attacks: Executed To Lock Down Climate Summit Conference

KEY POINT: Only by a stroke of good luck did Donald Trump�s vacation home on the Caribbean

island of St. Martin survive Hurricane Irma nearly unscathed.

IRMA was also set to pass over Trump�s Mar-a-Lago at one point before it unexpectedly shifted


There�s no question that the geoengineers have put the President�s properties in their


Even Trump Tower in Manhattan is still within striking distance of now Tropical Storm JOSE.

Hurricane Jose: The Geoengineered Secret Weapon

What�s really going on here?

Unfortunately, what is really going on is far too big for most people to grasp.

President Donald Trump, every U.S. citizen and the American Republic are under direct

assault from the geoengineers who have been conscripted by the globalists to wage full-scale

weather warfare.

Not only are these geoengineers paid quite well, they are furnished with state of the

art weather manipulation technology that makes frankenstorm creation look like a walk in

a gentle summer shower.

The critical point is that TPTB have demonstrated a zero-tolerance level of obstructionism from

the Trump administration.

Because the U.S. Federal Government plays such a pivotal role in the execution of the

NWO agenda, it must be kept on the reservation at all cost.

For without the threat of U.S. military action, as well as government and Wall Street enforcement

via economic sanctions, financial terrorism and/or corporate sabotage, the Zio-Anglo-American

Axis* is basically a paper tiger.

Consequently, the cabal feels compelled to use any means necessary, and every way possible,

to corral Team Trump into the pen of climate control compliance.

Welcome to the 2017 hurricane season!

This stealthy strategy also means that the USA will continue to experience various types

of environmental terrorism in addition to the all-out weather war.

The record wildfires in LA were a good example of this.

So are the ongoing wildfires in several western states.

Countless residents in Montana still cannot leave their homes because of the unrelenting

smoke and airborne ash.

The bottom line is that the formation of a One World Government is wholly dependent upon

the emerging Carbon Control Matrix.

The false CO2-driven climate change agreement ultimately demands the complete command and

control over all carbon dioxide production worldwide.

Hence, a �Global CO2 Management Regime� will provide the basic framework of those

budding institutions that will initially comprise the One World Government.

One World Government Initially Emerging As Global CO2 �Management� Regime

Special Note: It appears to be quite difficult for many

readers to understand how superstorms are first created and then carefully guided to

their predetermined destinations.

Highly advanced scientific techniques and applied technology are now routinely utilized

within the realm of geoengineering.

Chemical geoengineering via chemtrails & chembombs, HAARP frequencies, Nexrad transmitters, power

plants, as well as secret satellite-based modalities, are used with great dexterity

in the manufacturing and steering of major hurricanes.

However, in order to maintain plausible deniability, the geoengineers are now quite adept at taking

a nascent and natural storm brewing off the coast of Africa and ramping it up to a Category

4 or 5 within hours.

(Read: Is purposeful geoengineering causing the �rapid intensification� of the 2017


Geoengineering frankenstorms during hurricane season provides all the cover the globalists

need to get away with these acts of war and terror practically scot-free.[1]

Hurricane season from hell

The NWO globalists and their geoengineer henchmen are on a very serious mission indeed.

In just a span of one month North America has seen the formation of major Hurricanes

Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria.

But there were others that never made landfall.

What follows is a comprehensive list of just the Atlantic hurricanes brought to US by the

geoengineers and their globalist sponsors.

Hurricane Franklin Hurricane Gert

Hurricane Harvey Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Jose Hurricane Katia

Hurricane Maria It�s now clear that this exceedingly dangerous

tag team will do whatever is necessary to turn Trump towards embracing the fictitious

CO2 climate change model.

Their nonstop crime wave indicates a resolve to coerce Trump into their Global Warming

camp come hell or high water.

That geoengineering is the real cause behind the climate chaos is now a fact of life on

planet Earth.

Remember: it�s all about applying the Hegelian Dialectic MO of Problem~Reaction~Solution.

Here�s how they created the �Problem� known as Global Climate Change: Geoengineering

Is The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2

The globalists don�t care if they have to devastate whole islands or destroy major cities

to impose their will on the planetary civilization.

From this point forward, concerning these NWO crazymakers, it�s going to be either

their way or the highway to hell.

The unfortunate victims scattered throughout the Caribbean are now witnesses � twice

thanks to IRMA and MARIA � to such transparently engineered hurricane havoc.

IRMAGEDDON: Who geoengineered Superstorm Irma and why?


Weather warfare and environmental terrorism are now undeniable manmade phenomena.

Those who perpetrate such heinous war crimes and mass murder must be held accountable post


However, as long as the political class and scientific establishment are systematically

ponerized, these recurring cycles of mass destruction and death will never end.

Which brings US to the only practical remedy left to We the People.

With so many folks waking up to the fact that the weather has been methodically weaponized

� against all of US � a critical mass of truth seekers must unify and act to stop

this madness.

Exactly what forceful action can be taken for maximum effect is yet to be determined.

Nevertheless, there is a durable solution to this intensifying weather war predicament

that is in the offing.

In the meantime, nothing but sincere and continuous prayer can create the reversal that is desperately

needed by all of humanity.

For it seems that only the Highest Power can successfully intervene on behalf of We the

People at this critical flashpoint of human history.

For more infomation >> HURRICANE MARIA - Duration: 10:17.


Se re feedeó - Parodia LOL - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Se re feedeó - Parodia LOL - Duration: 1:15.


That Cuban "Sonic Weapon" Mystery Just Became More Mysterious - Duration: 10:18.

That Cuban �Sonic Weapon� Mystery Just Became More Mysterious

If you�ve been following that strange mystery surrounding the so-called �sonic weapon�

attacks on the American embassy in Havana, Cuba, then the story just became a whole lot

stranger with this article that was discovered and shared by Mr. B:

US diplomat in Cuba claims he was attacked in bed after walking through �some invisible


What intrigues me here is a hypothesis I first advanced a few days ago in another blog on

this mystery, namely, that this story might somehow be related to the strange ramming

incidents of U.S. naval vessels � the John McCain and the Fitzgerald � which occurred

near Singapore and Japan, respectively.

There�s a bit more information in this article that might tend to corroborate my high octane

speculations in this regard. In my previous speculations, I have entertained various ideas

that might account for the strange rammings of the missile frigates, namely (1) some sort

of directed interference upon the electronics systems of the ships, via either (a) remote

electromagnetic targeting of specific systems or (b) hacking of the systems through compromised

hardware and/or software,; or (c) remote triggering of covertly implanted flaws in the hardware

or commands in the software. But I�ve also advanced the idea that (2) one might not rule

out the idea that the crews of the ships themselves were targeted by some sort of mind manipulation

technologies. Recall in this respect that one member of the Fitzgerald stated that he

felt �mystified,� a state of mind indicating confusion, inability to take decisions, and

perhaps even confusion over reading whatever electronic equipment he might have been responsible

for. The Navy seems to have opted for an �incompetence� and �inadequate training� explanation,

as you�ll recall, but it is to be noted that this explanation could be masking precisely

the more sinister possibility of mind manipulation technologies.

So back to Mr. B.�s shared article. Consider the following:

Aside from their homes, officials said Americans were attacked in at least one hotel, a fact

not previously disclosed. An incident occurred on an upper floor of the recently renovated

Hotel Capri, a 60-year-old concrete tower steps from the Malecon, Havana�s iconic,

waterside promenade.

The cases vary deeply: different symptoms, different recollections of what happened.

That�s what makes the puzzle so difficult to crack.

In several episodes recounted by U.S. officials, victims knew it was happening in real time,

and there were strong indications of a sonic attack.

Some felt vibrations, and heard sounds � loud ringing or a high-pitch chirping similar to

crickets or cicadas. Others heard the grinding noise. Some victims awoke with ringing in

their ears and fumbled for their alarm clocks, only to discover the ringing stopped when

they moved away from their beds.

The attacks seemed to come at night. Several victims reported they came in minute-long


Yet others heard nothing, felt nothing. Later, their symptoms came.

Even the potential motive is unclear. Investigators are at a loss to explain why Canadians were

harmed, too, including some who reported nosebleeds. Fewer than 10 Canadian diplomatic households

in Cuba were affected, a Canadian official said. Unlike the U.S., Canada has maintained

warm ties to Cuba for decades.

Sound and health experts are equally baffled. Targeted, localized beams of sound are possible,

but the laws of acoustics suggest such a device would probably be large and not easily concealed.

Officials said it�s unclear whether the device�s effects were localized by design

or due to some other technical factor.

And no single, sonic gadget seems to explain such an odd, inconsistent array of physical


�Brain damage and concussions, it�s not possible,� said Joseph Pompei, a former

MIT researcher and psychoacoustics expert. �Somebody would have to submerge their head

into a pool lined with very powerful ultrasound transducers.�

Other symptoms have included brain swelling, dizziness, nausea, severe headaches, balance

problems and tinnitus, or prolonged ringing in the ears. Many victims have shown improvement

since leaving Cuba and some suffered only minor or temporary symptoms.

So in other words, one has the following:

(1) Highly localized effects; and

(2) Various symptoms, including induced concussions, brain swelling, dizziness, balance problems,

and so on, all of which suggest some measure of disorientation, and so on.

One notes that the explanations given in the article appear to be dismissive of the idea

that this is some sort of mind manipulation technology, but I cannot help but think that

this may be a bit of deliberate dissembling for a variety of reasons, two of the most

important of which are (1) the very idea of mind manipulation technologies must be denied

for a variety of reasons, and (2) the technique itself must continue to be obscured from the

general public, even though a few minutes� research will reveal all sorts of patents

exist for the use of remote manipulations of the mind and emotions. One of the most

frequently mentioned methods is the use of entrainment and interferometry to induce �beat

frequencies� in the interfered area which induce various emotional states, depending

on the beat frequency induced. As for the first reason for carefully denying � or

pretending mystification � at what possible technology might be in evidence here, is that

the admission of such technologies would wreak havoc with, among other things, jurisprudence.

Consider only the case of the convicted assassin of Senator Robert Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan,

whose advocates over the years have come increasingly to suggest that his behavior implies some

sort of mind manipulation may have been in play in his case. Similarly with the assassin

of John Lennon, who claimed the existence of various �voices in his head.� Additionally

there is a growing literature from people claiming forms of mental and emotional manipulation.

And the list of patents on the topic grows. Thus far, the existence of such technologies

has not made any impact on jurisprudence, largely because most people simply do not

believe they exist. But there are a large number of patents in the public domain, and

eventually, courts will be forced to consider their existence and impact.

All of this brings us back to the Cuban mystery and the implications of the article with its

(1) strongly localized effects and (2) its implications that the diplomats in Cuba are

experiencing some forms of disorientation. When one thinks of these two effects, one

cannot in my opinion avoid connecting the dots to at least the McCain and Fitzgeraldincidents.

Viewed together, these incidents clearly imply that someone is sending the U.S. messages,

and given that warships and diplomatic staff are involved, this cannot but anything else

than a national security issue, and hence we approach a third reason for the rather

obvious avoidance, in this article, of the consideration of mind manipulation techniques

and technologies: national security. I have little doubt that, behind the scenes, the

analysts have to be considering such scenarios and hypotheses, and that responses are being


All of which leads to an important question: If these admittedly high octane speculations

be true, then who is behind it? Those who have followed the writings of Lt. Col. Tom

Bearden (U.S. Army, Ret.) over the years, will recognize some of the symptoms in this

article which he wrote about years, and in some cases, decades, ago, one of the most

prominent being precisely the induction of a beat frequency in the brain via electromagnetic

interferometry. I would suspect that it is even possible for such beat frequencies to

stimulate the audio components of the brain and �trick� them into hearing sounds of

various sorts. As Bearden pointed out in his various works, much research of this nature

was going in the former Soviet Union under the heading of �psychotronic� research.

Nor was the Soviet Union alone. The USA�s CIA MK-Ultra program is well-known, and it

stands to reason such techniques and technologies would have been investigated. There have been

indications of similar research in the United Kingdom and France.

So, who is sending the message? Anyone with the technology or a background of investigating

it would be suspect, but one thing needs to be remembered: the basic technique is rather

simple, so one may not exclude the possibility of extra-territorial actors. For my part,

I suspect the latter may be the case, for if it were Russia (or China, or Cuba, utilizing

Russian technology) sending such messages, replies in kind could be expected, though

none � to our knowledge � has been forthcoming as yet. And at this juncture, should we start

hearing stories of similar things being experienced by Chinese, Cuban, or Russian diplomats, my

high octane suspicion would still include the possibility that an extra-territorial

actor may be behind it, in addition to possible American responses. That we have not heard

of anything similar affecting Chinese, Cuban, or Russian personnel might be an indicator,

as well, that the USA has not yet made a determination about the �who�, but there�s no doubt

in my mind, given the literature available on these types of technologies, that the USA

already knows about the �what�; it�s just not talking� yet�

For more infomation >> That Cuban "Sonic Weapon" Mystery Just Became More Mysterious - Duration: 10:18.



Hey what's up how're you doing? You probably know that I recently

performed at musicallys Muserbattle in Berlin. That was so much fun there and I

managed to film some like very small but still some clips with some famous

youtubers which you probably know. For example I met Lionttv.

You probably know Lionttv and I managed to film a quick juggling trickshot with

him. So I was juggling like three clubs in front of Lionttv and he held the

fourth Club and just tried to throw it into my juggling pattern so that I was

able to continue with four clubs. And how that went, well you'll see now!

Now that was very cool, wasn't it? Like he's such a cool guy, big shout out to

Lionttv if you haven't subscribed him yet go subscribe him he's a super cool guy

Next up is a ball juggling trick with Freshtorge who you probably also

know. He makes awesome videos and I also filmed a quick juggling trick with him

like actually the trick was longer but somehow the person who filmed us just

cut off the beginning and yeah that was such a pity but ok I still got like the

main trick because yeah just watch it

At the Muserbattle I also met Channy Dakota. She's such a nice person and I

managed to take a selfie with her yaaay! I also took a selfie with Enyadres and

with TIL official. If you don't know them yet check them out they're like a

rock band and they're like super fancy I really love them. They just brought out

their first ever single on iTunes ''Brand New Life'' this song is awesome I've seen

them performing in life.

and last but not least i also met HelloRasmus! He's awesome he's my favorite guy

on the Internet at the moment like definitely such a cool guy it's so much

fun hanging around with him and yeah I taught him how to juggle a bit and his

attempts were actually really good because he has done it like for the

first time ever and I'm also in his vlog so make sure to check out the full video!

Link is in the description it's so much fun and subscribe to HelloRasmus he's

actually just called Rasmus but his name is HelloRasmus, sort of...

So make sure to check ot the full video! Link is in the description and give it a like and subscribe to @HelloRasmus

Make sure to subscribe to my channel aswell!

Yeah, so that's it for the video I think and euuh yeah bye!

For more infomation >> JUGGLING with LIONTV, FRESHTORGE and HELLORASMUS! - Duration: 4:07.


YENİ CİVCİVİM - Can Your Pet - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> YENİ CİVCİVİM - Can Your Pet - Duration: 3:44.


Magyar Minecraft film: A III. Világháború || PistonChannel - Duration: 17:07.

For more infomation >> Magyar Minecraft film: A III. Világháború || PistonChannel - Duration: 17:07.


SPECIAL MESSAGE - Duration: 13:46.

[Phone Finally Rings... Omg what a long number]

VOICE: Hello?


VOICE: Hi, who's this?

It's Mary from Carpoolparty!

VOICE: Carpool- What?

I just wanted to say that I think you're great!

VOICE: Oh, uh... Thanks.

Okay, bye!


[Hangs up phone]

For more infomation >> SPECIAL MESSAGE - Duration: 13:46.


Um dia na vida de La Mirada Chilena | Pigmento F - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Um dia na vida de La Mirada Chilena | Pigmento F - Duration: 6:12.


Rothschild and 1988 Magazine Make Terrifying Prediction for 2018 - Duration: 2:45.

Rothschild and 1988 Magazine Make Terrifying Prediction for 2018!

Hint: It�s Not Looking Good for America

�We are on the verge of a global transformation.

All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.

� � David Rockefeller

�Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order;

tomorrow they will be grateful.�� Henry Kissinger

As Kissinger implies, the new world order will not come in a third-world coup with the

blatant imposition of military force.

Instead, the circumstances are to be twisted so the NWO appears to be the �savior�

of humanity.

It would be startling if any other approach would be accepted.

It has always been the practice of the U.S. establishment to bring public opinion enthusiastically

onside to their global-scale projects.

�We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it.

The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.�

� Paul Warburg, speaking to the United States Senate, February 17, 1950

If you think the world is bad now it�s about to get much, much worse under the New World


Freedom, religion, health care, food and education will all be under the control of the upper

elite, and you and I will be in their grasp.

You will be told what you can and cannot do, where to send your kids to school, which doctor

to visit and if your life is �worthy� of sparing in the event you get sick.

Those with the best DNA will be spared and those at the bottom of the barrel�so to

speak�will be left out to dry.

Evolution will have brainwashed the masses into believing the lie that those unfit to

live in society should be eliminated in order to better the gene pool.

The picture of living in the New World Order is not a bright one, but I fear we may be

in for more than we bargained for.

For more infomation >> Rothschild and 1988 Magazine Make Terrifying Prediction for 2018 - Duration: 2:45.


DERBİ ÖZEL | FENERBAHÇE 2-1 BEŞİKTAŞ | Rıdvan DİLMEN: "Allah'tan Van Persie Yoktu" | Youtube - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> DERBİ ÖZEL | FENERBAHÇE 2-1 BEŞİKTAŞ | Rıdvan DİLMEN: "Allah'tan Van Persie Yoktu" | Youtube - Duration: 5:10.


林俊傑 簡簡單單 Shin cover - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 林俊傑 簡簡單單 Shin cover - Duration: 3:33.


[FREE] 21 Savage x Future Type Beat | No Case ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> [FREE] 21 Savage x Future Type Beat | No Case ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:37.


End of the World 2017: 1000 Subscriber Special - Duration: 1:41.

Hello boy sand girls.

I'f you're watching this video then chances are the world did not end as it was predicted

on September twenty-third of two-thousand seventeen.


Or maybe it did end and you're just in heaven right now, gazing into my brown sexy eyes.

Look at me.

I'm your eternity.

"Queries of the Interweb."

They said this day would never come.

They said, YouTube was not ready.

Let me be clear, in case I wasn't clear before.

Let me be clear.

change has come to YouTube.

For real guys, I'm super psyched that I got to one thousand subscribers.

There were times where I thought this day would never come.

But if you guys stick with me and keep taking my bad advise, I believe we can make it 'till

the end of the world, whether it's in two thousand seventeen or three thousand seventeen.

Who knows?

We'll continue to grow together and this channel is going to become huge or as our current

commander and chief would say, "It's gonna be huuuuge....huuge."

I guess ten thousand subs is my next milestone boys and girls, if you can still tolerate

me by then.

Some people have told me, that I'm the greatest youtuber they've ever seen in their life.

Thanks for a thousand subscribers guys.

Stay tuned, more videos coming weekly.

I'll catch you guys in the next video.


For more infomation >> End of the World 2017: 1000 Subscriber Special - Duration: 1:41.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Peace and Freedom - Duration: 0:21.

What the country needs to me is peace and freedom.

Because our vets have fought and died for this country

and my shout out to all the vets in this country.

They deserve our love and respect and everything our hearts can give them.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Peace and Freedom - Duration: 0:21.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Pride - Duration: 0:12.

It's great because it includes everybody.

It's a proud nation and Canadian people are welcomed everywhere.

So to me Canada means pride.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Pride - Duration: 0:12.


DIY Make Chocolate Cake - Amazing Chocolate Cakes Decorating - Satisfying Cakes Video - Duration: 10:46.

Thanks for watching

Please subscribe for more interesting videos

For more infomation >> DIY Make Chocolate Cake - Amazing Chocolate Cakes Decorating - Satisfying Cakes Video - Duration: 10:46.


Chamaecyparis (False Cypress) – Family Plot - Duration: 5:03.

All right Joellen,

we've gotta talk about some great landscape options.

The first one we'll talk about, falsecypress.

Can you tell us a little bit about that?

- Falsecypress, yeah, it's the chamaecyparis.

There's a lot of them.

It's a coniferous evergreen which means

it stays green all year long which is nice in the landscape.

There is a very large diverse group.

They are 60 feet plus trees in it.

- That's tall.

- And there are dwarf,

miniature plants that only measure in inches.

- That is dwarf!

My gosh.

- It's a very diverse group, and large.

Now some of 'em are fast growing,

and some of 'em are slow growing.

The ones that are fast growing tend to be the larger ones.

Some of the rock garden and small ones

they don't grow very fast at all.

That's why they only stay inches tall.

- That makes sense, OK.

- And the larger ones are used like hedges, you know,

in the landscape, you know you can get

several of them and make a little hedge,

get different kinds.

And mix it up with other plants 'cause you don't want a

monoculture in a hedge.

And some of the smaller ones, because they're so unique

in their shapes and sizes and colors,

they're mostly used as specimens.

You can put 'em in a container or just in the landscape

but you don't en masse plant them.

It's not one of those kind of plants.

It's more of a specimen specialty plant.

And of course, the chamaecyparis' that are

most used in the South are the obtuse

and pisefera varieties

and cultivars of those and there are many of them,

many, many, many.

A lot of the leaves are curled and twisted.

And some of them are just like little cords.

All very, very interesting and unique

in their own shapes and sizes.

They like well-drained soil.

So we don't tend to have that so much in the South

in this area.

So try to create a condition

where there is a well-drained area.

I have successfully planted these in the ground

but I was careful of where I placed them.

And I've had them for years.

But you do have to worry about that.

They do like sun so

don't give them too much shade.

- Full sun?

- Not full sun.

- Not full sun.

- Well the larger varieties like full sun.

But the smaller varieties could use some shade

here in this area.

- OK.

- But they can take quite a bit of sun.

Container's a good place to put 'em in fact

the smaller varieties really do well in rock gardens.


the new hypetufa containers that they're making,

they always want a dwarf chamaecyparis to put in there

'cause they're so unique and they're so small.

They're relatively free of insect pests too,

nothing really-- - (Chris) That's a good thing.

- Gets on them.

Now I have seen bagworms.

- Ah. (laughing)

- (Joellen) But of course you know

bagworms get on everything.

- They get on everything.



That sounds pretty good though.

- Easy care, I like that, put it in the pot,

doesn't need much water.

Can take some sun.

- I think I could do that.

- Cute little specimen plants

it sounds exciting.

- Now there's one more

I want to mention.

- Go ahead.

- And that is

the falsecypress that is native to the United States.

- (Chris) Oh, sure.

- There's one that's native, it starts in Maine,

goes down to the, it's a coastal plant mostly.

In Maine, down to Florida and then Alabama and Mississippi.

And you'll find it in wet areas which is why

it is so unusual because the others don't particularly

care for that much water.

- Aha, gotcha.

- But since these are larger cypresses

and they like the sunshine, they have figured out

they don't wanna be in competition with everything else

that's around them so they have found that if they live

in a wet area, they can get into full sun.

- (Chris) What's the name of that variety?

- It's...


- OK.

- T-H-Y-O-I-D-E-S, thyoides.

Chamaecyparis thyoides.

And it is native to the United States.

And what they're trying to do, there are quite a few

cultivars of it that are going,

so they're-- might be available but it might be available

in a catalog, it may not be a garden center around you.

You should have one or two somewhere,

they're just so unusual and interesting.

- All right, so Joellen says get one or two of those.

- You've convinced me, I'm getting one.

- Sounds good, all right.

For more infomation >> Chamaecyparis (False Cypress) – Family Plot - Duration: 5:03.


Best Makeup Tutorials |💄 Most Viral Makeup Videos on Instagram September 2017 #16 - Duration: 10:49.

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A to Z Bookish Survey - Duration: 7:22.

Hi, it's Maija here, today with a bookish tag video. I'm going to do the A to Z

Bookish Survey, which is quite a quick-fire tag, it has questions that

correspond to each letter of the alphabet. This is an older tag - it was

created by The Perpetual Page-Turner, and I will leave a link to her blog post in

the description. I recently saw the Problems of a Book Nerd do this on

her video, so I decided to do it, too, because it looked like fun.

So let's get started, because there are quite a few questions. A: Author you've

read the most books from. Without counting I would say it would be Terry

Pratchett since I've read most of his Discworld novels, so that's already over

30 books. B is for the Best sequel ever and for this I chose The Mad Ship by

Robin Hobb. I chose this one from Hobb, even though I don't think it's my

favorite book of hers, because it took me a while to get into the world and the

characters and the story of the Liveship Traders trilogy - I didn't really get

into the first book in the series until quite late on in the book - but this one

was so much more exciting, this is the second book, and it was so captivating

since I knew the characters already and had gotten used to them and had gotten to

like them. So much happens in this book, this is the best sequel ever. C:

Currently reading. I'm currently reading The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin and on my

Kindle I'm reading Engraved on the Eye by Saladin Ahmed. D: Drink of choice while

reading. I like both coffee and tea, but I think I more often drink tea while

reading since I do tend to read later in the day, and if I was drinking coffee I

wouldn't fall asleep at all. E: E-reader or physical book? Now, I like

both, but I prefer physical books. F is for Fictional character that you

probably would have dated in high school, and this was quite difficult. It would

have to be someone geeky, artsy, and a little bit goth, so maybe someone from

GloomCookie by Serena Valentino and Ted Naifeh. G stands for Glad you gave this

book a chance, and for this I chose The Book of Phoenix by Nnedi Okorafor. This

was a surprise for me since I didn't really

care for Lagoon, which is the only other of her novels that I have read, so I

didn't think Okorafor's writing was for me, but I'm glad I gave this one a chance.

H: Hidden gem book. Courtney Crumrin and the Coven of Mystics by Ted Naifeh. This

is actually a comic. I: Important moment in your reading life. Rediscovering

fantasy at the age of 12 by reading Dragonlance and David Eddings'

books. J: Just finished. From books, Sunbolt by Intisar Khanani,

and from comics, Tokyo Tarareba Girls by Akiko Higashimura. K: Kinds of books you

won't read. Books set during World War One (TWO!), westerns, political thrillers,

and psychological relationship thrillers. But give any of those a fantasy

twist, and I might be on board of trying them again. L: Longest book you've read.

This is either The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas or A Storm of Swords

by George R.R. Martin, I'm not quite sure which one, since my edition of A Storm of

Swords is split into two and I don't feel like adding the pages up right now.

So, it's either one of these, both of these are over 1100 pages. M: Major book

hangover because... I couldn't come up with anything. I'm sure there are some recent

ones, but for some reason I can't think of them right now. So I chose one from my

teens, and that is the final book in the Dragonlance Legends trilogy, The Test of

the Twins by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. This gave me quite a big book

hangover as a teen. N: Number of bookcases that you own. Now, I only own this

one double bookcase that is filled with books, but I do have one smaller one

over there, but it's mostly DVDs and games, even though it has a shelf of my

comics and some of my art books. O: One book you've read multiple times. The Lion, the

Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. P: Preferred place to read. I don't really

have one, which is quite sad. It used to be my armchair when I still had it, and

if I can get around to buying another armchair somewhere in the future, that

will probably be my favorite place again. Q is for Quote that

inspires you or gives you all the feels from a book you've read, and I'm not

really a quotes person. I might come across a great quote that I like a lot

while I'm reading a book, but I can't really remember them afterwards.

One thing that right now comes to my mind is from The Obelisk Gate by N. K.

Jemisin, and it's simply: "No voting on who gets to be people." R is for Reading

regret, and I couldn't come up with anything... S is for Series you started and

need to finish (in series that have all the books out in the series), and I chose

three series that I only have the final book still unread. And those are: Susan

Cooper's The Dark is Rising series, Rachel Bach's Paradox series, and Octavia E.

Butler's Patternist or Seed to Harvest series. T: Three of your all-time favorite

books. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice,

and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke. U: Unapologetic fangirl

for: The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas.

V: Very excited for this release more than all the others: The Monster Baru

Cormorant by Seth Dickinson. W is for Worst bookish habit. If I say

that I'm going to read something, then I don't want to read it anymore. Also

keeping on renewing my library books endlessly. X marks the spot: start at the top

left of your shelf and pick the 27th book. So... If I go from the top shelf and

continue to the left, I get to The Dragons of Autumn Twilight, the first

book in the Dragonlance Chronicles by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. But if

when I start from my top shelf and go left and then go down, I get The Virtu

by Sarah Monette, the second book in the Doctrine of Labyrinths series. Y: Your

latest book purchase. For physical books that is The Chrysalids by John Wyndham,

which was on sale for under five euros on the Book Depository, and for ebooks

it is Witch World by Andre Norton, which was a Kindle Countdown

deal. It's a classic fantasy from the 60s. And finally, Z stands for Zzz-snatcher book:

last book that kept you up way late. I couldn't think of a recent one, because I

have to admit that I have stayed up late for no reason at all recently, so a book

hasn't kept me awake - I would be awake anyway until ridiculous times during the

past month or so. So, that was the A to Z Bookish Survey. If you're ever in

the mood for a quick-fire tag to do, this is a fun one. I hope you enjoyed this

video, and I will see you in my next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> A to Z Bookish Survey - Duration: 7:22.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Green - Duration: 0:11.

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