Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 23 2017

With less than 2 months until the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, we finally

got a trailer that better shows how these games are different from Sun & Moon.

It provides a clearer context of what Alola has to offer and honestly makes us excited

to see what else might be there.

So it's time to bring out the old Analysis Machine to see what secrets and hidden details

the new Surf's Up trailer might be hiding.

Let's begin with the return of the Trials.

While the structure of them seems to be the same in that you'll have to go to each Captain,

complete their Trial, and defeat a Totem Pokémon before eventually challenging the Island Kahuna,

the exact details have seen more than a few changes.

First up is Mallow's as the trainer is in the Lush Jungle.

It even has the same large block that requires the Machamp Shove, but there's one obvious

difference, Sudowoodo are everywhere indicating that they're now part of the Trial.

And this is confirmed by the Pokémon website which has an image of the trainer deciding

whether to take the Big Root from Sudowoodo or not.

So it seems they must be dealt with now in order to gather the necessary ingredients

for Mallow.

We then see the Hokulani Observatory which has a new scene with Togedemaru and Charjabug.

Could Sophocles' Trial be completely different this time around rather than simply identifying

Pokémon calls?

He appears to have some new kind of invention up his sleeves as we soon see a mechanical

Vikavolt go haywire.

Will we actually have to fight that?

Or is it the reason the Totem Vikavolt arrives this time?

We'd assume it's the latter option.

Even Acerola's Trial at the Thrifty Megamart is going to change in some way though it's

not clear how.

We see her calling out, 'Get Out' over and over again making it seem as if you've

somehow been trapped inside the abandoned store.

We know from Sun and Moon that it's haunted by the Totem Mimikyu but maybe this time it's

a lot more proactive.

It's hard to say for sure though.

We believe however that the Trials will mostly be the same, at least as far as the broad


After all, despite the changes to Mallow's Trial, we still see the Totem Lurantis sneak

up behind the trainer, drawn by the food Mallow made.

There's definitely one exception though, Mina.

In the original games, she didn't have a Trial at all and wasn't met until you reached

the Vast Poni Canyon.

But here, she seems to greet you as soon as you reach the Seafolk Village.

Mina even replaces the Seafolk Chief as that exact spot, atop the Wailord boat, was where

he appeared.

So maybe Mina will fulfill his role this time around.

We then see her in her parents' house which is when the Trial officially begins though

we don't know what that Trial could be.

Perhaps it takes place on Exeggutor Island?

After all, that island was described as the home of a Trial in the past according to the

Seafolk Chief in Sun & Moon.

Whatever happens, you do eventually battle Mina but she only has 3 Pokémon rather than

her usual 5.

This is likely because she's fought during the main story rather than in the post-game.

It's going to be new, we just don't know exactly what it is or if it'll even tie

in with her Fairy Pokémon specialization.

This somewhat ties into Lillie as the trailer is quite upfront about the transformation

she goes through over the course of Sun & Moon.

That all seems to be the same as this conversation still happens at Aether Foundation before

travelling to Poni Island.

And this reaction, which was for the Seafolk Chief, is now very likely in regards to Mina.

Then there's this scene with Necrozma which again confirms that it will appear soon after

either Solgaleo or Lunala does.

It all seems the same, but then there's this new poster for Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

where Lillie is actually holding a Pokéball.

She never had her own Pokémon during Sun & Moon.

Could she actually receive one here?

And which Pokémon would it be considering those familiar with the original games know

who obtains the third starter, so it couldn't be that one.

That is unless a major change happens to the story, which is possible, but a little unlikely

considering everything else we've seen.

It could take a page from the anime and give her an Alolan Vulpix, but we really don't

know for sure.

Hau also has a few new scenes in this trailer.

One features him talking to the trainer in the Hau'oli Cemetery where he talks about

helping you win.

It doesn't seem related to Pokémon battles though.

Instead, we think this is about the new Mantine Surfing.

Now, we'll get to a proper analysis of this new feature soon enough, but the reason we

think this is what Hau is referring to is because we can see him cheering you on in

the background after you first take off with the Mantine.

Perhaps he's the one who shows you the ropes when it comes to surfing.

The other Hau scene takes place during the Japanese trailer in Paniola Town.

He still runs up to challenge you like before, but this time his Starter in its first evolution

will be alongside him.

It's a minor change, but we wonder what it could mean for him.

He calls out for Pikachu and his team to do their best in Sun & Moon so maybe he'll

have a stronger connection to his Starter in this version?

We can't be sure, but that would be our best bet.

But speaking of Pokémon, the new trailer also stated that there were more than 400

Pokémon to catch in Alola this time around.

That's over 100 more than what was in Sun & Moon.

Kalos still has the largest regional Pokédex at over 450, but it seems possible that Alola

could match it in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.

We even get a preview of some of the Pokémon that can now be found in the region, and it

includes Tropius, Larvesta, Mareep, Larvitar, Zorua, Houndoom in Ultra Sun, and Manectric

in Ultra Moon.

And thanks to the arenas that we see them in, we actually have an idea of where some

of them can be found.

For example, Mareep's battle shows Wela Volcano in the background which likely means

it can be found there.

And Zorua may even be catchable near Hau'oli City as we can see the trainer school nearby.

The others are a bit harder to place though.

However, there are still more Pokémon coming to Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.

The Photo Club artwork shows that Swirlix will be in the game while some of the actual

pictures show both Inkay and Litwick.

The Japanese trailer even shows that Heracross will be catchable along with Dedenne.

These are some really great additions and the Pokémon website even confirms something


The Alola forms of Vulpix and Sandshrew will remain exclusive to the version they were

in originally so Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon respectively.

There's still way more Pokémon to see make it into the game though.

The trailer also showed off a bit more of the new Photo Club and how the pictures you

take can be customized.

More importantly, the Pokémon website has an image of all the options.

You can choose the models, which Pokémon will be part of the models, the background,

how the models are posed, and what the Trainer is wearing.

We see plenty of examples of the possibilities in the trailer and how nothing is really off


You can even set the background to be the Hau'oli Cemetery though we do suspect that

you have to visit a location in order for it to be an option.

Once the photo is taken, different after effects can be added, which even includes the photobombing

Hiker and Poliwag musical notes.

Another photo from Hano Beach has an effect showing Poké Puffs from Kalos.

Could they return in some form here or is it simply a reference?

The same question goes for the clothes that your Trainer wears.

Is it decided from all the clothes you've bought or is there a special selection that

you choose from.

After all, we see the Trainer dressed up in both the Black Belt's clothes and even the

full Team Skull uniform.

It would be pretty great if we could run around Alola in those outfits and maybe even dress

like the other Trainer classes in the game.

But we're not positive that that's actually possible.

For now, it seems more likely that it's exclusive to the Photo Club, but we'd love

to be proven wrong.

But the Photo Club does serve a purpose besides taking cute pictures.

According to the Pokémon website, it also increases the affection a Pokémon has for


It's nothing too major but at least it has some kind of gameplay benefit too.

The Japanese trailer shows a bit more of the mode where we can see the Iki Town background

that also contains a juice stand as well as a demonstration of how the photos are customized.

And those customization options are even listed out at one point though there's only three

pages of them, which seems a bit short.

So maybe, like the backgrounds, they have to be unlocked as you progress through Alola?

Finally, we have the brand new Mantine Surfing.

In the our last analysis, we pointed out the new beach and how Mantine seemed to be a new

Ride Pokémon, but it wasn't obvious how it would be different from Lapras or Sharpedo.

Now we know.

Players will be able to literally surf on it and the competition on the beach is to

see who can earn the most points by pulling off various tricks.

These tricks include some standard spins but also Pokémon-inspired moves like the Primarina

Twist, the Gorebyss Spiral, and the Huntail Spiral.

The mention of the last two might also indicate that the Clamperl line is now catchable in


The Surfing game can basically be considered an expanded version of the Pikachu Surfing

game from Yellow.

But unlike that game where you just had to pull off tricks, there seems to be hazards

when riding Mantine.

In the Japanese trailer, we can see Tentacool litter the water and they must be weaved through,

kind of a like a slalom.

In addition, there are Sharpedo that charge at you from the waves that must be dodged

as well.

We'd assume that hitting either of them would cause your score to lower.

So Mantine Surfing really does seem to be a pretty exciting mini-game.

However, Mantine serves another purpose.

It can also be used to travel between the islands of Alola.

The problem is, we don't really know how much freedom we're given.

Is it as simple as riding a wave and trying to score as many points as you can as you


Or will it be like Soaring in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire where we can freely go across

the ocean to potentially find secrets among small islands?

So far it seems to be the former based on this image with Corsola on a nearby rock.

That is an absolutely massive wave that never seems to go down.

Additionally, looking at the new map of Alola, there really isn't that much to see between

the islands.

Just a few boats and what appears to be schools of water Pokémon.

What's much more prevalent are the waves and how the waters seem pretty rough out there,

especially compared to the original map from Sun & Moon.

So we don't think you'll be able to freely explore the waters of Alola.

This is more of a fun way to travel between the islands though we wouldn't be too shocked

if there was a surprise or two discovered using this method rather than simply flying

with the Ride Charizard.

Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is starting to come together as its own unique experience.

With new areas, new Ultra Beasts, more Pokémon to catch, and more side activities, this is

looking more and more like the director's cut of Sun & Moon, a definitive version that's

split in two due to the nature of Solgaleo and Lunala.

But will it come together as a better experience than the original Alola adventure?

It won't be long until we find that out.

Of course, if we missed anything be sure to let us know in the comments.

Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Pokémon and other

things gaming.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon ANALYSIS - Surf's Up Trailer (Secrets & Hidden Details) - Duration: 11:44.



For more infomation >> YUGOWAVE - RHAPSODY IN BLUE - Duration: 3:32.


High spirits for Bayern at Oktoberfest - Duration: 2:47.

There was already a great atmosphere in the air as FC Bayern München arrived at the Käfer tent

for their annual Oktoberfest visit, and the high spirits

will no doubt get even higher over the new few hours or so.

Before the festivities began, we had a chat with FC Bayern sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic.

Hasan, how important is this Oktoberfest visit straight

after the disappointing 2-2 draw with Wolfsburg,

also considering that there is a Champions League away game against Paris St. Germain

coming up on Wednesday?

Well, we're obviously not happy with the result yesterday,

and we're well aware that we didn't play well.

Of course we've already talked about why that was the case

and we will do more analysis over the coming days, but Oktoberfest is part of our tradition,

and I'm a big fan of tradition.

It's also important for the players to be able to take their minds off

things given the busy schedule that we have.

But our full focus will be on PSG from tomorrow,

make no mistake!

Hasan, have a fantastic Oktoberfest,

and my suggestion is just to wash away the Wolfsburg game.


Sit back and enjoy some of the best snippets from Bayern's Oktoberfest trip to the Käfer tent, captured by Klaus Eicher!

For more infomation >> High spirits for Bayern at Oktoberfest - Duration: 2:47.


DIY Homemade Hair Masks for Dry Damaged and Frizzy Hair - Miracle Hair Growth - Duration: 4:17.

Homemade Hair Masks for Dry Damaged and Frizzy Hair

Homemade Hair Masks for Dry Damaged and Frizzy Hair

Homemade Hair Masks for Dry Damaged and Frizzy Hair

Homemade Hair Masks for Dry Damaged and Frizzy Hair

Homemade Hair Masks for Dry Damaged and Frizzy Hair

For more infomation >> DIY Homemade Hair Masks for Dry Damaged and Frizzy Hair - Miracle Hair Growth - Duration: 4:17.


Spirituality and Money - Why You Must Make Money as a Spiritual Person - Duration: 6:57.

I want to speak about money and soul.

I notice that

those who are...

spiritually inclined

have some sort of a resistance

towards making money.

It feels that money isn't spiritual somehow,

and all activities

associated with making money

don't seem to be spiritual.

So we are going to talk about

how to spiritualize your money.

And the first thing that I want to let you know is

in the past,

when we were living in a different age,

the Piscean age,

we had to renounce our positions


go away from the world

to retreat in temples and...

convents and other places,

away from the material world.

So in order for us to grow spiritually,

in the past,

we had to not manage

the material responsibilities.

We had to actually say no

to 'real life'.

That's how

we were developing spiritually

because we would be

one with God,

meditating for hours a day,

and being in service,

and never had to worry about

where the money comes from,

how to earn money,

and how to manage money.

That was not in the picture.

So now we are living in a different age.

The humanity entered into a new age,

the age of Aquarius,

and it has completely different requirements

and it has a different frequency.

So the requirement for us

in this new age:

in order for us to develop spiritually

we need to be able to do it

within our normal life,

so to speak,

while living our daily life

within the community.

Not when we renounced our positions

and our material responsibilities,

but when we are right in the midst of it,

when we are running a family,

running a business

and... having friends

and all that comes with living

normal life in the modern society.

So in order for us to grow spiritually

we are meant to...

figure out

how to be spiritual

and bring our spirituality

into everyday life.

I know that a lot of us are wishing

it was easier

if you could go away on a retreat

and spend some time away from it all

so that you can become more spiritual

and focus on your meditation,

or yoga, or spirituality,

but I tell you: No.

Yes, you can go on a retreat


the true spiritual growth

happens when you come back.

Because you probably experienced

that you've gone away

for a few days or two weeks on a retreat

and you meditated,

and it was so blissful there!

And then you come home and what happens?

Friction and tension happens.

Because like: 'I've got to, you know, deal with all this business stuff!

And I still got to deal with all these...


issues and problems

and all these kind of mundane stuff.

And we think:

'I just wish I could sit on a cushion for a little bit longer meditating!'

And sometimes we do.

And nothing wrong with that.

But if you are not translating

your spirituality into your daily life

then you are really missing out.

So now coming back

to the topic of money and soul.

So money and soul.

Feels like they are not related,

that money is bad,

soul is good,

and they are on the opposites of each other.

But now that you know

in the past, yes,

we had to renounce our positions

and say no to money.

Money was bad

and tempting us to do evil things.

So we had to...

block ourselves

from managing money

in order to grow spiritually.

Now we are living in the age

where we are meant to become successful

in the business sense

and grow spiritually at the same time.

So in this age,

in the Aquarian age,

money and soul are connected.

So money and soul

must be integrated

which I call spiritualizing money.

So how you do it

is you come to the issues of money

and to the earning of money

from the soul.

So when you are approaching

the money situation

from your soul

then money isn't bad,

isn't wrong

or isn't in contradiction to your soul

because then it becomes the tool

for your soul

to do what it needs to do

on the physical plane.

You see?

So your soul has come here

at this particular time


that this is the name of the game.

Business is the name of the game.

Making money is the name of the game.

But I know what you are thinking.

You are thinking:

'Oh but money is not important...'

'Service is important for me,

money is not that important.'

Yes, I understand.

I used to be there, too.

I used to think,

not until recently really,

I used to think that:

'Yeah, I just want to serve, you know,

I just want to be of service to spirit

and I don't want to worry about the money.'

And what I find out is that

when I have money

then I don't worry about it,

but when I don't have money

then it's very hard.

You don't have to be driven by money,

you don't have to be obsessed by money.

Because I know you are the kind of person

who's obsessed about service,

not about money.

But you cannot reject money.

You cannot continue to turn away from it.

You cannot continue to renounce it.

You need to face it,

you need to...

get to a point

where you

manage it well

and it's working for you.

You need to make it work for you

as a soul.

And that's how you spiritualize money.

And then soul and money

become friends

to be able to make a big difference in the world

that you have come here to make.

I hope this serves you,

let me know if it does.

If you have any comments or questions,

leave them in the comments below,

I love hearing from you.

And I'll see you in the next episode.

If you liked this video

subscribe to my channel,

and if you want to be

part of my inner circle

sign up to my Newsletter,

I send out inspirational tips

every week.

I'd love to connect with you

and I'd love to help you

make your biggest dream come true.

I'll see you in the next episode.

For more infomation >> Spirituality and Money - Why You Must Make Money as a Spiritual Person - Duration: 6:57.


FIFA 17 Tournament at CUMSA, Glasgow 🏆🎮🥈 - Duration: 3:43.

Who's winning?

Is he winning?

I think you're gonna win this tournament

(Hahaha, I eliminated him later)

Smile for YouTube

Come on guys. Someone score

Come on. If you lose, you lose everything.

Good match man

I scored. It's my first goal of the tournament


Eat my dear

You're hungry right?


For more infomation >> FIFA 17 Tournament at CUMSA, Glasgow 🏆🎮🥈 - Duration: 3:43.


The Rules of International Rules Football - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:57.

Ninh explains the Rules of International Rules Football

The object of the game is for your team to score more points than the opposing team.

'International Rules Football', sometimes referred to as 'Compromise Rules Football'

– is a hybrid sport that combines Gaelic Football from Ireland, and Aussie Rules Football

from Australia.

Both sports are played similarly and it might be helpful to watch my videos on both games

– the links are down below.

International Rules Football is played with two teams of 15 players each, on a rectangular

field that's generally a maximum of 145m x 85m.

The ball is a round ball just like in Gaelic Football.

The goals are 6.5m wide and the crossbar is 2.5 m above the ground just like in Gaelic

Football, with the addition of wide posts just like in Aussie Rules Football.

If a player successfully kicks the ball under the crossbar into the net, this is a 'goal'

and is worth 6 points.

If a player kicks or deflects the ball over the crossbar, but between the goalposts, this

is an 'over' and this scores 3 points.

If a player kicks or deflects the ball between a long goal post and a short behind post,

this is a 'behind' and this scores 1 point.

The game is played in 4 x 18 minute quarters for a combined playing time of 72 minutes.

Highest score at the end of time, wins.

Surely it's not that simple?

Well, the basic concept of the game is simple enough, but moving the ball around the field

is the most difficult part to understand.

You can move the ball by Kicking it out of your hands, kicking it along

the ground.

And running with the ball, so long as it's no more than six steps, or roughly 10 metres.

If after 10m you want to keep the ball, you must bounce the ball on the ground to be eligible

to take another 6 steps.

You are only allowed to bounce the ball twice before disposing or getting rid of the ball.

You can also choose to move the ball by tapping it off your foot, known as soloing, just like

in Gaelic Football.

And you can do this as many times as you like.

A player can catch the ball with his hands in the air.

A player can hand pass to a teammate, however, a team cannot hand pass on 4 successive occasions.

If you kick the ball in the air 15 metres or more, and a teammate catches it without

the ball bouncing on the ground, this is known as a 'mark' or 'marking the ball'.

The player is then awarded a free kick from that spot.

Got it so far?

Good, because there's more.

There are 15 members of the opposing team who are trying to take the ball away from

you so that they can score themselves.

They are allowed to make contact with any opponent so long as they have the ball, or

if no-one has possession, make contact with any opponent within a 5m radius of the ball.

They are also allowed to use their hands to block shots, or to knock the ball out of your


Just like in Australian Rules Football, you are allowed to tackle the ball carrier.

This is where you grab the ball carrier under the shoulders and above the waist and pull

them to the ground.

If they do tackle you and you had a chance to get rid of the ball, this results in a

free kick to the tackling team.

That's a lot to take in, but there's a few other things you'll need to know before

playing or going to a game.

For example: Free Kick

A free kick is a restart in play, usually after a player has broken one of the rules,

or after tackle.

If a foul or tackle occurs, a free kick is awarded at that spot.

When taking a free kick, the player can kick the ball from his hands, or from the ground.

Order off For serious offences, a player can be sent

off with a yellow card, but a substitute may replace him.

Or a Red Card where you are sent off the pitch without a substitute replacement.

20m Penalty.

If a team has had a free kick awarded against them, depending on the severity, the referee

may also add a 20m penalty to it.

This is where the non-offending team can take their free kick 20m closer to the goal.

Penalty Kick A free kick offence in the goalkeeper box,

may result in a penalty kick.

The ball is placed on the ground at the 13 m line and only the goalkeeper can guard the


Just like in soccer, it's one kick only, and any goals scored count towards the overall


Interchange A team is allowed to substitute a certain

number of players per period.

To do this, they must swap players in the designated interchange area.

Free Kick or Mark after the Siren Similar to Aussie Rules Football, if a free

kick or mark has been awarded but the time runs out, the game doesn't end there.

You are allowed to take the kick.

This means that games can be won (or lost) with no time left on the clock.

Remember to watch my videos on Gaelic Football and Aussie Rules Football to get a solid grounding

of the rules.

But if you have found this video at all helpful, please like, share and subscribe.

It takes me ages to make one of these videos and good karma is very much appreciated.

But in the meantime, enjoy International Rules Football.

Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK

For more infomation >> The Rules of International Rules Football - EXPLAINED! - Duration: 4:57.


☆ 1 HOUR ☆ MY ALL ♫ Instrumental Music Christian Sleeping Babies ☆ - Duration: 1:00:46.

☆ 1 HOUR ☆ MY ALL ♫ Instrumental Music Christian Sleeping Babies ☆

For more infomation >> ☆ 1 HOUR ☆ MY ALL ♫ Instrumental Music Christian Sleeping Babies ☆ - Duration: 1:00:46.


KAITO's Newlywed Life Prequel 【English subtitles】 次回作予告でKAITO兄さんを喜ばせちゃいます 【MMDドラマ drama】 (sm6181451) - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> KAITO's Newlywed Life Prequel 【English subtitles】 次回作予告でKAITO兄さんを喜ばせちゃいます 【MMDドラマ drama】 (sm6181451) - Duration: 2:30.


Hours After John McCain Promises To Keep Obamacare, Trump Issues Stunning Response | Top Stories - Duration: 1:39.

During an Alabama rally on Friday, President Donald Trump blasted Sen. John McCain, calling

the Arizona Republican's decision to oppose the latest GOP effort to repeal Obamacare

"honestly terrible."

Trump stated that at one point during the health care reform effort — Republicans

have tried two other times — he'd been given a list of ten Republicans to lobby for


"John McCain was not on the list, so that was an unexpected thing.


Honestly terrible," Trump said in Huntsville at an event for Sen. Luther Strange, who faces

former judge Roy Moore in a Republican primary.

Trump added that McCain's "last campaign was all about repeal and replace, repeal and


"We're going to do it eventually," Trump vowed, referring to his pledge to repeal former

President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act.

Trump added that he still believes Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who like McCain has said he

will vote against the bill, could change his mind.

"I haven't given up on him, because I think he may come around, OK?

Wouldn't it be ironic if he took John McCain's place — and they definitely do not like

each other.

Wouldn't that be ironic?" Trump said.

"That would be very ironic, for those of you that know the inner workings of the Senate."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you stand with President Donald Trump!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Hours After John McCain Promises To Keep Obamacare, Trump Issues Stunning Response | Top Stories - Duration: 1:39.


PROVED: Bangladesh Army Deployed New Tanks in Bandarban - Duration: 1:25.

Dear viewers and subscribers, we said in a previous video that

Bangladesh Armed Forces fortified their positions near our border

regions to thwart any security threat.

If needed more troops and

equipment will be deployed there.

Earlier army heavy transporters

carried MBT-2000 in Cox's Bazaar and Bandarban districts.

These are the most advanced main battle tank in Bangladesh Army's

tank inventory.

Our army wants to ensure security of the country.

Government trying hard to avoid any clash with our neighbors,

though, if diplomacy failed alternative measures for ensured security

has been taken.

Bangladesh want to improved security situation in the region.

Heavy artillery, mortar, fighter jets, warships and submarines are deployed

in the southern part of the country.

New tanks are being deployed to

increase strength.

Teknaf and Bandarban area will be prime concern.

Moreover, Bangladesh started negotiations with respective parties for

new advanced weaponry from various European, Russian and Chinese sources.

To make purchase process faster Government of Bangladesh directly enquired

for the RFIs from vendors.

MBT-2000 are night-fighting capable and

will give Bangladesh Army an advantage to fight at night and adverse weather conditions.

For more such videos keep updated by SUBSCRIBING Defense Update Bangladesh channel.

Love your country, and support in

an emergency.

For more infomation >> PROVED: Bangladesh Army Deployed New Tanks in Bandarban - Duration: 1:25.


How to Draw a Horse for kids ! Youtube Videos for Kids - Duration: 10:30.

How to Draw a Horse for kids ! Youtube Videos for Kids

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Horse for kids ! Youtube Videos for Kids - Duration: 10:30.


Respondiendo Preguntas Parte 3/? + NUEVA PÁGINA DE FACEBOOK | Shady Santos - Duration: 14:46.

For more infomation >> Respondiendo Preguntas Parte 3/? + NUEVA PÁGINA DE FACEBOOK | Shady Santos - Duration: 14:46.


Dota 2 Maphack + Auto Dewarding by Pudge, VALVE PLS FIX IT - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 Maphack + Auto Dewarding by Pudge, VALVE PLS FIX IT - Duration: 6:15.


Misgendering Trans People is Not an Act of Violence | How To Deal with Being Misgendered - Duration: 12:06.

Are people misgendering you? How can you learn to cope with that?

And why is being misgendered not that big of a deal?

Let's talk about that now.

[Autumn Asphodel]

Hi everyone! We are going to be discussing being misgendered,

how to cope with it, and why it's not an act of violence like

some activists claim. First, we must understand what is

misgendering. Misgendering refers to the act of

accidentally or purposefully referring to someone by the

gender pronouns they do not go by. For instance, since I am a

transgender woman who was born male and have transitioned to

female, people can misgender me by calling me by male pronouns.

I do not present as male, I do not look male, I do not sound

male, and so on. Rather, my identity is female since I

present, behave, and take the role of a female according to my

society. I have been accidentally and intentionally

misgendered, and neither of which, at almost any part of my

transition, affected me once I began my transition. However,

when I was presenting as male, being viewed and referred to as

such was very upsetting to me. Nevertheless, once I did

transition, being seen and referred to as such wasn't a big

deal since I knew in my mind I was a female. I was accidentally

misgendered initially by my family since it takes a while

for the people around you to get accustomed to calling you by

different pronouns. However, it was when I built an online

presence that I started being misgendered in a demeaning way.

But, despite all the terms people used and even the hatred

that came from some people, I never let that affect me to such

a degree that I would consider it anything more than simple

harassment and insecurities in that other person. A common

argument some people make, especially those in the

transgender community, and activists, is that being

misgendered is an 'act of violence.' Saying it's an act of

violence is nonsense for the simple fact that it's just

words. The reason why people think it's violence, however, is

often because it's uncomfortable being misgendered and it can

lower your own self-worth and esteem. Accidental misgendering

is understandable, but deliberate misgendering is rude

and ignorant. Regardless, to those who claim or think

deliberately misgendering someone is an act of violence,

let's be clear and rational here, it's not.

He/she/they/them, whatever you decide to call yourself and

identify, are just words. The moment you begin to let words

hurt you is when people start seeing how little self-esteem

you actually have and will often exploit that to hurt you more.

Am I affected by when people call me a man, guy, dude,

whatever? No, because the people who are deliberately saying this

are people who are often rude and inconsiderate and don't need

to be in my life. It's not an act of violence, but rather an

act of rudeness and perhaps harassment. These people are

entitled to their opinions the same as anyone else is. There

are people who see me as a male, and you know what, I was born

male and will always be one biologically so I see where that

thinking comes from. I get nasty comments every single day about

my transition, how I mutilated my body, how I will never truly

be a female, and guess what, it doesn't bother me because I

don't let it. If you let simple words hurt you,

then you've given these people so much more power

than they should have on the way you

feel about yourself. Let's take a deeper look at why people

think it's an act of violence. A large number of people who think

being misgendered is an act of violence are often people who

let their entire life and world revolve around their gender.

It's usually gender this and gender that and that's all they

think about. Some people going so far as to constantly observe

what pronouns people use for them and try to censor and

change other's perception and opinions of them. These very

same people often suffer from a severe lack of self-confidence

and worth because they essentially let other people

determine how they feel about themselves by the words of

others. The truth is, words can be abusive, absolutely. I will

not delegitimize all the victims of verbal childhood abuse, since

I personally was one. A child developing is greatly affected

by the words and actions of their parents when growing up as

their mind is developing. If they are constantly told they

are unloved and left all by themselves, abandoned, they will

feel alone and unloved when they are an adult until they can

overcome their past trauma. But, the moment when someone is an

adult and can make the decisions of their own life, they choose

to let the past and present actions of others affect them.

So, when someone feels that being misgendered is an act of

violence, the problem isn't with the person that is doing the

misgendering who has the right to their opinion and freedom of

speech, but rather with the person taking offense in the

first place. You don't have to let it affect you, and if you

do, the only person you can blame is yourself. Check out my

video about taking offense that goes into much more detail.

If you are misgendered, there are plenty of reasons for this.

Let's say you fully pass as a man or woman and no one can

tell. Yet, it's only until after you tell people that they

misgender you. They could do so accidentally, but also

intentionally. In this other person's mind, they know you

were not born as the sex you are presenting as and thus will try

to delegitimize you. Or it could even be the other way around,

that you don't pass well and people can't see you as male or

female. Let's say you have transitioned to female, but your

voice is deep, you have very dark facial hair, a receding

hairline, and so on. These are often traits of a male, and thus

people see you as a male. This can be extremely challenging for

some, and they want to pass so badly, but are unable to.

Regardless of if you pass or not, however, you can still be

happy and not worry about being misgendered. This is entirely up

to you. This also goes along with the society you live in,

and the expected roles of male and female determined by your

society. Now this is different from the biological differences

between men and women. Men typically are this and that way,

and their body structure reflects this. That's

biological. Societal is mostly the interests, such as men like

to do this and women like to do that. So, if you disobey society

and go against the typical "boys like blue, girls like pink,"

mentality, then people will view you differently as what they

consider male or female because they are conditioned, by

society, to believe these things determine male and female, when

in reality, it's many other things that determine it.

Another reason people may misgender you after they find

out you are trans is because they go by biology, saying

things like, "You are not biologically male or female."

As if that's a reason to purposefully misgender someone.

While it is true that trans people aren't biologically the

sex they transition to, as in chromosomes, physical features,

genitals, and so on, if you present as such, and wish to be

viewed as such, then others should respect that. But, it

doesn't mean everyone will agree with it. If you are being

misgendered, what are some ways you can cope with this?

Let's talk about that now.

Dealing with being misgendered can be challenging since it does

affect your self-esteem and self-worth. But, that's the hint

as to what to work on to being able to take being misgendered.

For you see, the biggest thing is working on your own

self-esteem and self-worth. If you love yourself, accept

yourself, and live each day with gratitude and positivity, then

other people trying to bring you down will be unable to put a

dent on your happiness. I'm not saying you will be exempt from

negativity entirely, but most of the time it just wouldn't

matter. To build up your confidence with being

misgendered, realize that these pronouns are just words. Does

'he' define you? Does 'she' define you? Do they really

define who you are? No, you are much more than your gender. As I

mentioned earlier, when all you think about and focus on in life

is your gender, you will be incredibly impacted when someone

misgenders you because you are constantly observing and

analyzing others and their perception of you. Instead of

worrying about how others perceive you, focus on how you

perceive yourself. When you let those pronouns, or other words

from people in general, define you, then you are letting the

other person have too much power. How you feel about

yourself is what you think of yourself. You can't let people

define you, only you can define you. If you identify as a woman,

but don't look it to others, does that really matter? If you

are a woman, and feel like a woman with whatever you consider

what a woman is, then that's all the happiness you need. The way

I compare it is like this, an older person transitioning may

feel like they will not pass or look good enough. But, that

doesn't matter. When they transition, they find the

happiness within themselves and that's all that matters. Other's

opinions don't matter and should not define you. Check out my

video about this that goes into much more detail. You cannot

force people to call you by the correct pronouns. Let me say

that one more time, you cannot force people to call you by the

correct pronouns. Self-explanatory. There are a

lot of people who do this, not just with being misgendered

either. When you expect and demand people change for you,

all that shows is how self-centered you are. Rather,

you have no control over someone else's thoughts and actions.

Focus on changing yourself, not how to control others.

In conclusion, misgendering refers to the act of

accidentally or purposefully referring to someone by the

gender pronouns they do not go by. It's uncomfortable being

misgendered and it can lower your own self-worth and esteem,

and that's where to begin with learning to deal with it. You

cannot change other people's perception of you, or their

thoughts or actions, but you can learn to build your own

self-confidence to properly deal with being misgendered.

It's so important to share this information any way you can.

With censorship on the rise, it will be buried and hidden and we

must fight against it. However you can support this cause helps

fight the censorship. If you would like to see more content

like this, feel free to donate via Patreon or PayPal. Sign up

for my free email newsletter. And be sure to check out my

other content. Thank you very much! If you have any other

input on this topic, I would love to hear it so please feel

free to leave a comment and let me know what you agree or

disagree with, and/or how this has helped you or someone close

to you. Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for watching my video!

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For more infomation >> Misgendering Trans People is Not an Act of Violence | How To Deal with Being Misgendered - Duration: 12:06.


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