Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017

YouTube has launched a new feature

and it's name is Creator On The Rise

And today we will learn about that

so come on let's play

how to get on creator on the rise

creator on the rise

youtube india creator on the rise

how to get our channel on creator on the rise

elegible criteria to get on creator on the rise

how to get on creator on the rise on youtube trending

how to get on creator on the rise in india

how to get video on trending in youtube india

how to get in trending in india

get on creator on the rise in india

for small indian yotubers

requirements to get on creator on the rise

guys welcome to asek thegamerguy and if you are a new visitor

then quickly hit subscribe button below this video

today we will learn about creator on the rise

this concept is from america

two concepts are there in america

artist on the rise

creator on the rise

artist on the rise is for music channels

creator on the rise is for non-music channels

small youtubers who make really

good videos but don't

get good number of views (1k-100k)

and now i is in India Too, thing is that in america

6 new creators are featured every week

in india only 1 is featured

and this is okay because every week only 1 creator is featured

and no artist on rise is there

anyone can be there

on creator on the rise tab

only one youtube channel can come on creator on the rise tab

on the trending tab and all his videos will be featued

and thing i want to tell you guys is why only one creator

can come once in every week because

there are less indian creators as compared to other countries

For more infomation >> How To Get On Creator On The Rise On YouTube India Trending Page - Duration: 3:54.


Verbes Pronominaux 2 - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Verbes Pronominaux 2 - Duration: 7:35.


戰鬥陀螺 九月份新商品 B 92 93 94 凱旋聖劍 電子數據發射器! & 抽獎! - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> 戰鬥陀螺 九月份新商品 B 92 93 94 凱旋聖劍 電子數據發射器! & 抽獎! - Duration: 10:40.


Свежие одесские анекдоты! Анекдот про одесситов! - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Свежие одесские анекдоты! Анекдот про одесситов! - Duration: 0:50.


Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know - Duration: 3:21.

Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know

For more infomation >> Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know - Duration: 3:21.


India is third in N Power installation - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> India is third in N Power installation - Duration: 3:57.


트로피카나 캔으로 밥을 지어보았습니다! (참치마요 밥) [닭갈비TV] - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 트로피카나 캔으로 밥을 지어보았습니다! (참치마요 밥) [닭갈비TV] - Duration: 2:25.


Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa - Duration: 1:09.

Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake. We live our life according to schedules.

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For more infomation >> Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa - Duration: 1:09.


【韓国】マシュマロトースト食べる。(スウィチュチキンのタレトーストーも!) - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 【韓国】マシュマロトースト食べる。(スウィチュチキンのタレトーストーも!) - Duration: 6:37.


GERMANY'S DARK CHAPTER - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> GERMANY'S DARK CHAPTER - Duration: 3:43.


[Inktober Preperation] Witch Sona, Promt Lists (Rohrer & Klingner Ink) - Duration: 5:53.

hello everyone! I hope you are well and you are as motivated as I am to start with the Inktober.

In today's video, I would like to talk about the Inktober and my experiences with it.

I will show you my material favorites, as well as tips and tricks in the next video.

The Inktober is about creating a picture every day.

And indeed a ink picture.

This image should be put online and be tagged with the Hashtag #Inktober and # Inktober2017.

Every single day in October.

Yes ... where should I start?

Hm .. I think sometimes the illustrators or Artists life is not so simple.

There are times when in addition to the Inspiration also the driving motivation is lacking.

This is when nothing works and a walk with the pencil feels like the ascent to the MountEverest.

Nothing works! The blank sheet is even emptier than usual. Just blank.

Yes - and in such situations there are two possibilities: taking a break and treating yourself well.

That sometimes helps me.

Recharge your batteries. Things that help me, is drinking tea, reading books, watching movies,

meeting with friends, doing sports, taking a hot bath

and doing things that make you feel good can help with recharging your batteries.

But you can also keep going.

Often it becomes easier soon after.

So if you sit down and just start drawing on the blank sheet.

then suddenly it is no longer empty and sometimes this is the point.

Exactly this is the icing on the cake, which has been missing, so that the flow is there again and the motivation also grows.

And right there, to get this sheet full and get this grip on the start,

this is where Inktober and Co. come into play.

I love creative events in social networks.

Especially challenges such as the Mermay, where during May Mermaids are drawn.

Every day a mermaid.

Or even Inktober. This is just cool.

I do not like it just because it challenges me to draw something every day.

This is sometimes even a bit tiring

But (I like it) because just a thousand others are participating

and you can network about the hashtags a little, can exchange,

meet many great new artists.

and simultaneously improve your own skills.

Yes, I have to admit that with my own drawings I am not only motivated

by the fact that I like to paint, to put my ideas and feelings on paper,

but it also motivates me, when these ideas are also seen and ultimately of course are liked.

Yes, when I have the opportunity to meet new people through my Images

and talk about things in the world, about feelings, about situations, experiences

And I think, regarding this, art is also a great way.

And I find challenges like the Inktober are just perfect,

As you are being inspired, you will get to see many new pictures and get to know a lot of artists.

So ... some more about the Inktober. It has been around since 2009.

Jake Parker has created it as one Challenge for yourself.

To improve his ability using ink

and to positively change his drawing habits.

That is, he thought, "what can I do to further develop myself?"

And meanwhile, thousands of artists think the same and also participate in the Inktober.

I think this is a great thing when so many great pictures are created in October.

Since 2016 there are so-called "Promt Lists", ie lists with terms for each day.

The prompts of 2017 are shown on screen.

The list can be used as inspiration if you do not know what you want to draw.

That is, the idea of ​​the Inktober is spun a bit further and worked out.

Exactly ... and this year I wanted to give my Inktober-Drawings a predominant theme.

Inspired by the prompt from Caroline Pietrowski

and a few dusted ideas, I will send a little witch and her cats on discovery tour.

Originally, I had thought I was only making one cat - the black cat from the greenery grows.

I had already shown this cat on Instagram.

But then, as I have drawn the little witch as a personification of myself (a so-called Witch Sona)

just for the reason I thought to myself: "I have two cats, so I paint two."

And actually I'm going to draw two cats, referencing my own cats.

Yes, I'm curious what the three will discover,

with the help of the terms of Caroline Pietrowsky.

On instagram there are numerous other promt lists under the hashtag #Inktoberpromt.

I will show you my favorites one by one.

Well, now I think for today I have talked enough.

Will you participate in the october?

Let me have a link to your Instagram or Facebook profile in the comments.

And do not forget to look around again soon, because then I'll show you my Inktober tools and many creative possibilities.

AND there will be a little raffle!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> [Inktober Preperation] Witch Sona, Promt Lists (Rohrer & Klingner Ink) - Duration: 5:53.


Pump On Campus | Health and Fitness Week - Duration: 5:54.

I don't fit with what people's perception of a powerlifter would be, people are always

like, you're not like, you know, they do this motion, you're not really very big are you.

And I'm like, well no, but I am strong

Bodybuilding is all about being completely dedicated from the heart, from the time you

get up in the morning till the time you go to sleep.

It's not something that just anyone can do.

It really pushes your body to the limit.

Like, how much harder can you train?

How much harder can you push yourself?

You have to sacrifice something to get something.

Pain is temporary and glory is forever

Eating 750 grams of boiled chicken every day

9 egg whites and three whole eggs

Just egg whites, toast

and one banana and a coffee

and two scoops of protein is your life.

I used to be a very skinny guy back when I was in my high school

that was the time when I had very few friends.

I was really overweight, if I said oh I'm gonna be a bodybuilder,

people would've laughed at me.

People doubted me last year when I said I was gonna do this

When I was 18 I started working in security,

I was really really small and I got thrown through a door one night and just, yeah...

I wasn't able to kind of physically handle myself the way I needed to.

I saw these amazing athletes in magazines,

I was like - damn. I wanna look like that.

So I was like you know what, let me start going gym.

And when I first started I was so so weak, like I couldn't shoulder press the 4KG dumbbells

I couldn't do anything, I couldn't do a press up

But as soon as I got into it, it becomes an addiction and then you cannot control.

It's something you kind of fall in love with, we don't have to motivate ourselves

to do it, we just love doing it.

If you can get into a community of people

who love training, it is very motivational

I just started taking progress pictures,

you know, showing my progress, and people were like 'bro you're making some good progress,

how you doing it?'

I think being online and speaking to other people doing what you do, becomes really really important

This is Gemma, 'The roaming bodybuilder'

So guys, I'm going to do a quick breakdown of the triceps

Alright guys, welcome to my YouTube channel

And for me I started discovering this whole, kind of like, fitness industry

Everybody's awake and ready for show day,

Game day boys

Already buzzing, first physique show,

What was your name?


I knew I was going to be standing naked in a tent and be meeting my fellow competitors

for the first time, - stark naked.

This might just be there strangest thing,

look at that, these are the tanning booths

I was kinda freaked out, I was like 'woah

woah woah', I didn't sign up for this!

You stand like this in the tent and then you have to turn

around and get sprayed,

and you'll have your fellow competitors standing right next to you,

also in the same situation

- like 'Alright how's it going? What's your name?

Nice to meet you!'

The bright lights completely wash you out, so you look, like slightly bronzed.

How do you feel boys?

Feel so good man, like honestly such a buzz

Judges will look at the overall aesthetics. You know so

muscle composition, muscle balance and conditioning.

So they like a small waist, wide back, capped shoulders, nice good like, good sized legs,

nice calves as well - a physique that really flows

So you'll have like a minute's worth of music and you'll have to do

Almost like a dance, but it's like showing off your best poses.

There's like the double bicep, which is an absolute classic. So you literally just

show your biceps.

Keeping the waist trim, wide back, capped delts.

And you also have to hold your poses for a really long time,

so it becomes very apparent when someone hasn't practiced holding their poses

because they get tired and have to stop and reset, and it doesn't look good.

I didn't get nervous until I actually was queuing up to go on the stage and then it

kind of just dawned on me of like, I'm in a tiny little bikini and I'm about to go

on stage and do my poses.

I kind of got on stage and was like *gasps*

'Oh my God!', everyone's staring at me. It was really really really nerve wracking,

I was sweating, I was shaking but again, you have to embrace it

because you put yourself in that position.

I was petrified, when I got on stage and stuff, but then you enjoy it, and afterwards you

see your stage photos and you get to see your improvements you wanna make and

now you're just hooked.

Eyes are all on you - so it's then, you

know, putting everything that you've done for the last few years together

for that one moment .

Lubomba Munkuli!

I felt empowered, to be honest with you, I felt like— That was like the sign that my

life has completely changed

So it was like a 'Okay I've made it' kind of thing. Now what do I do?

And then afterwards, you have the best part, the maddest cheat meal, pizza, donuts,

ice cream, whatever you want!

I went on a binge for a good week!

For more infomation >> Pump On Campus | Health and Fitness Week - Duration: 5:54.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 24 EYLÜL 2017 | SABAH SPORU GS GÜNDEMİ | SETENAY CANKAT & İLKER DURALI | Youtube - Duration: 11:03.


మీరు పెట్టే సంతకంలో ఎన్ని అక్షరాలు ఉండాలి | Numerology In Telugu | Numerology | Telugu Horoscope | - Duration: 3:08.


For more infomation >> మీరు పెట్టే సంతకంలో ఎన్ని అక్షరాలు ఉండాలి | Numerology In Telugu | Numerology | Telugu Horoscope | - Duration: 3:08.


Linkin Park: Crawling (Live Sessions) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Linkin Park: Crawling (Live Sessions) - Duration: 5:01.


சினிமா வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்காததால் தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்ட சீரியல் நடிகைகள் | Tamil News | KOLLYWOOD TALKIES - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> சினிமா வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்காததால் தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்ட சீரியல் நடிகைகள் | Tamil News | KOLLYWOOD TALKIES - Duration: 2:07.


ZenHow: How to Shoot Hyperlapse Video with ZenFone 4 Max | ASUS - Duration: 6:00.

Hi guys, this is Aaron with another episode of ZenHow

Some of you may have realized we're in Hong Kong,

a city with incredible skyline and unique skyscraper architecture

Exploring the city can take hours

A great opportunity to try out my new ZenFone 4 Max

How to Shoot Hyperlapse with ZenFone 4 Max

The Zenfone 4 Max has enough battery to last for days

It has a 5000mAh battery with 46 days of standby 4G time

or 40 hours of 3G talk time

Fully charged, it has enough battery to watch 10 movies

But what makes the ZenFone 4 Max really stand out from its predecessors

is his rear dual lens camera

It has the 13MP camera

and a super wide angle camera with a 120 degree view angle

This gives you 200% wider view

which is perfect for landscape and action style photography

So, why we're really here?

Today, I'm going to show you a photographic technique

which is quite time-consuming that can produce some staggering images

Yes. I'm talking about Hyperlapse

Hyperlapse photography is essentially a kind of time-lapse photography

In timelapse, we take a series of photos

with the same object within a certain period of time,

stitch them together into a single piece of footage

For hyperlapse we do the same thing

but also add camera movement

because we're going to take plenty of photos

you have to make sure there's enough space on the phone's internal memory

This shouldn't be much of a concern for ZenFone 4 Max users

It comes with a crazy 64GB internal memory

and if this isn't enough for you

You can add another 256GB additional Micro SD Card into the triple slots

Ok, let's start

I've put the phone on the tripod that it's now time to frame our image

For any timelapse or hyperlapse we have to switch our camera into manual mode

where we have absolute control over the consistency of every image

Next, we'll set the ISO

shutter speed

and the white balance

We have to choose a reference point for our object

to make sure it stays in the same place within the frame

For this, we'll use a six point grid

So every time you move the tripod

you have to adjust the position of the camera too

to keep the distance of your moves consistent

you can use your foot

so for every shot that you take,

move the tripod one foot

so how many photos will we have to take

Let's say the average video is either 24 frames per second

or 30 frames per second

if we want to do a timelapse for a 5 seconds

we're looking at either a 120 photos or 150

which will also mean 120 steps

Wow, well that took us some time

and the battery almost didn't go down at all

which is really helpful because this phone doubles as a power bank

which I'm going to use to charge my other devices

so let's go and take some more photos

then I will show you how to make them into a hyperlapse

so we have about 150 images we took at the Bank of China tower

We're going to stitch them all together and export them as a video

We can do this by downloading them onto the computer

and using a video editing software

or we can simply download a new Android app called Lapse It Pro

First we open the app and select gallery

Next we select import and choose the views details

Let's tease a look at what some of the options can do

In the info section, we can choose the square modes

which are most suitable for Facebook

flip the sequence or play it backwards

In trim, we can change the starting frame and the ending frame

In render, we can make sure all the settings are right

For example: interval, frame rate, size and quality of the final video

If you like, there's effects and music options too in this section

OK, finally we just need to give our video a name and hit "Great Video"

There, Done!

Let's play it and see what we have.

Well, that wasn't bad was it.

It's getting dark now.

Let's go back to central and try some night shots

All right guys, that's the end of our Hong Kong episode of ZenHow

Don't forget to leave a comment below and I'll catch you next time

For more infomation >> ZenHow: How to Shoot Hyperlapse Video with ZenFone 4 Max | ASUS - Duration: 6:00.








For more infomation >> BMW I8 ► 2018 BMW I8 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR REVIEW BY AUTO INSURANCE - Duration: 2:13.


சீரியல் நடிகை விஜியின் மகள் யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD NEWS | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> சீரியல் நடிகை விஜியின் மகள் யார் தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD NEWS | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 1:39.


Story of the People of God part 2 of 3 - Duration: 7:41.

This is the story of the people of God.

In this section, I'm going to talk about the New Covenant.

In the previous video I talked about all the Old Testament covenants.

But before I get into that, I want to also talk about the family words in the Bible.

If you recall, when I defined what a covenant was, I said that it's a contract that creates

kinship bonds.

It basically forms a family.

So when God made His covenants with us the idea was to form a family.

And true to form, the Bible treats the relationship between God and us like a family in many ways.

So, I'm going to show you some of the many family words in Scripture.

One of those words is Father.

Of course we refer to God as father.

Here is a quote from the book of Isaiah.

It goes, "For you are our father, Were Abraham not to know us, nor Israel to acknowledge

us, You, LORD, are our father, our redeemer you are named from of old."

These is also this one from the book of Matthew where Jesus himself is telling us to refer

to God as Father when we pray to Him.

So he goes, "This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name"

So, that's the beginning of the Our Father prayer.

Also you may have heard that Jesus gave two requirements that must be fulfilled for someone

to enter into heaven.

One is faith and the other is Baptism.

Interestingly enough, both of these words are very family words.

They may not seem to initially.

Faith is a family word because putting our faith in one another is necessary for healthy

family relationships as well as healthy friendships.

So, faith is a family word.

Then there's the word Baptism.

Baptism is literally an adoption into God's family.

Here's a quote from St. Paul.

"he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor

of his will, for the praise of the glory of his grace that he granted us in the beloved."

The grace that we receive from Baptism makes us adopted into God's family.

So, Baptism is a family name.

But there's also marriage words.

A covenant is a lot like a marriage.

In these marriage words the Bible treats God as the bridegroom, and His Church as the bride.

So, here is one referring to God as bridegroom.

This is from the book of Isaiah.

"For as a young man marries a virgin, your builder shall marry you; And as a bridegroom

rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you" So, this one here from the book

of Revelation refers to the church as a bride.

It goes, "I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from

God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."

And then another word in the Bible that people kind of misunderstand is when the Bible refers

to God as a jealous God.

A lot of people don't realize that whenever it refers to God as a jealous God, the context

is always that God doesn't want the Jews to worship other gods.

So He is using the word jealousy to paint the image of a husband being jealous of his

wife betraying him to others.

So, that's the context when it says that God is a jealous God.

So, it's again this family word.

So this is an example from the book of Exodus.

"You shall not bow down to any other god, for the LORD is a jealous God."

So, on to the New Covenant.

The New Covenant is Jesus.

So, lets reflect back on the events leading up to Jesus.

There was first the fall of Adam and Eve where God gave His first covenant.

Then the flood of Noah where God gave another covenant.

Then the covenant that God made with Abraham.

That was a three part covenant.

Then there was the time where Moses freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt.

And then after that God gave Moses the law and another covenant.

Then after that was the time of the Judges.

They didn't have a king.

They did pretty much whatever they wanted, but they had these judges.

Then after that there was the time when they crowned a new king.

And at that time David was given another covenant.

Then came the time of the prophets, where the Israelites and the Jews had rejected God.

They rejected God by disobeying Him and by failing their part of the covenant.

And because of this they were exiled.

The Jews were exiled into Babylon.

But they were eventually freed from exile, and allowed to return to their land.

Then after this there was what's called the Maccabean revolt, where the Greeks had taken

over and they were starting to force the Jews to believe in their own religion.

So, the Jews revolted.

Then not long after that, the Romans took over, and this is when Jesus came, and gave

us the New Covenant.

Jesus himself is the New Covenant.

He is also the fulfillment of all the covenants.

So here is a quote from Jesus when Jesus established the New Covenant.

So he goes, "Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from

it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of

many for the forgiveness of sins."

This is the New Covenant.

So, in the next section, I'm going to talk to you about the early Church and Church history.

May God bless you.

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