Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017

Welcome! I'm Elizabeth Harper and I'm here with this week's Angel Messages. So what I'd like you to do is

place one or both of your hands over your heart just like angel wings invite

your angels to guide you to either message one, two or three a message that

comes from their heart to yours. What you can also do is invite your angels to

guide you to a particular place in the video where there's an extra special

message for you from them. Just use your intuition to move your cursor when you

feel intuitively that it's time to stop your angels are guiding you and that's

where the message will be. Okay we're using Doreen Virtue's Archangel

Michael cards this week, these are prayer cards. I'll shuffle them

three times and then I'm gonna fan them out and see if you can intuit where I'm

going to pick the angel messages from.

I feel it there, the first message. I'm feeling like that, alright. The first

message here is "Explore Your Options" We see Archangel Michael on a horse that

horse energy is actually a unicorn but that horse vibration is power. So it was

a powerful stance that you're taking here. You are in your power. You're

looking at the direction that you need to go at this moment. Now these are

prayer cards so it starts with "Dear God thank you for your wisdom and love

helping me see, understand and assess all of my alternative

options. Please guide me in the best direction for my health, happiness and

life's purpose." There is this beautiful purple energy that's there, purple is the

color of mediumistic abilities. So you are being guided by your intuition, by

your psychic skills, by your ability to sense which is the right way to go and I

feel that you need to trust that as well. You can ask your angels for help for

support and they are going to... they're not going to nudge you or push you in a

particular direction but they are going to help you to maybe see or feel or

sense which is the right way to go which is the right way for you to go for

yourself. That will support your purpose, That will support your path. You might

see symbols or signs around you that will help you make these decisions. Now

again when I'm looking at this I'm seeing that you're in a position of

power and that's where you need to come from is knowing that you're in a

position of power. You always have choice, that's where your power is. You always

have a choice even when you think you don't, even when it can be difficult to

move out of a particular situation, if you decide that you have a choice that

puts you in that place of being in your power. The white vibration with purple

amethyst color together is about letting go and letting go of thinking that you

don't have freedom or that you don't have a choice and then coming into this

place of change and transformation. So fuel that you're gonna go through quite

a few different stages this week as you move towards a decision and this of

course again is about exploring your options, you always have options. Alright

out next car is "God is in Charge". This is a lovely

card look at that gorgeous energy there. So there's a being here and then of

course Archangel Michael with the sword of light that's right there. It says "Dear

God, please help me let go of this situation giving it giving it in faith

and trust to your divine wisdom and infinite love in order to resolve and

heal everything and everyone involved. God is in charge." There's a lot of violet

around that image and again I'm you know I'm noticing a theme with this, there's always

a theme isn't there every week? And there's very much a sense with this of

feeling as if it's like energy caving in or something coming around you that you

may not think there's a way out but this is saying that everything has a reason

for being in your life. There is purpose to everything there's a reason for

something happening. There's a reason for people being there in your life they're

drawn to you for a reason. Situations are drawn to you for a reason and when I

look at this and I look at the the angel energy that's here I feel as if

Archangel Michael is just waiting for this woman to say, "Okay. I'm ready to be

released from this. I'm ready to see the light the light that he's holding I'm

ready to be shown what's my next step." So I feel with this that that's all that's

needed is that sense of to stop struggling, to stop resisting and just to

open up to that light and say "Okay I'm ready. Whatever it is I need to do then

help me, support me. I'm ready to receive your guidance, your love, your your

release." As well there's a sense of freedom that's in this but I feel as if this

woman here is not seeing the freedom. Archangel Michael is there waiting to

help you to let go and release there could be some Karma release thats in

this as well. It's almost a sense of releasing some kind of karmic bond or or

karmic contracts that have been holding you in a particular pattern and now it's

time to release those. Lots of violet around this as well. That violet is a

beautiful energy of transformation and change and I feel that you know that

it's time that it's time for that change. You're making you're gonna make that

conscious choice to move out of situations that maybe just you don't

need to be tied to anymore. And those situations are not necessarily physical

they can be mental, emotional, even spiritual bonds. Whatever it is I'm

really feeling like there's a karmic release that's gonna go on here as well.

All right that's exciting! Okay so I picked up the same card. Our final

card oh nice gorgeous card as well. It says "Focus upon divine and perfect

health." Look at all that light in there and look at that there's a musical

instrument right there so that's being in tune being in balance. Now when I look

at this card I'm seeing all this golden color and then the wings almost even

though they're kind of black or charcoal there's a green tinge to them as well.

There's a that green tinge can link in with the the solar plexus and the liver

and that energy around there and then all this yellow is linking in with the

solar plexus again. So there's the solar plexus energy, there's some orange those

sacral Center, solar plexus, and heart. So there's a lot going on in

this area of your being. So the prayer is "God and Archangel Michael thank you for

continuously reminding me to focus on perfect health and for guiding my

actions so that they support my well-being."

Now all that yellow that's in this card that yellow is the solar plexus is

cleansing. So it's cleansing out your physical body going on a cleanse and

with this green I'm really feeling like it's sinking in with the liver and

that's the liver cleanse. So it's not it's not for me to say go on a liver

cleanse but you may be over this week just wanting to cleanse something out of

your physical body but also out of your physical environment as well. Now the

liver can link in with resentments, jealousies, guilt things like that. Things

that we're just holding on to but don't need to be there anymore. So I feel that

this with the yellow energy it's about shining your light or shining the light

on anything that's been holding a pattern within your energy field and

it's creating imbalance or ill health. So this is a link with letting go I also

feel that there's a link was sound and with music here you may find that sound

is really going to support you this week and especially the sacral solar plexus

and heart chakra and whatever organs, glands are connected with those three

chakras. Now this could be about chakra cleansing and all of your chakras because you want

to do everything right? But with particular focus on those three and

those three have a very strong link of course with the metabolism and the

physiology of your body and everything that you're taking in

and moving through and then moving out. So this is a release of toxins

physically but also mentally and emotionally as well. But yellow energy

again when I'm looking at that yellow I seen the energy fields of angel

messengers. I feel that feel that as you cleanse, as you release, you're going to

be more aware of that angelic presence around you or you're going to be more

sensitive to that angelic presence. And there's a sense of this that you might

start to hear some music as well I often hear music around me

when I know it helps me to know that the Angels around me. So I hear that musical

energies you may well hear that too. And the final thing is I'm getting this

sense of that your chakras are like a musical instrument and your angels are

asking you to be open to words, to meditations, to that sound and the music

and harmony that will help you to focus on that those particular areas of your

body and bring them back into balance because that's what being healthy is as

well it's being in balance having everything in balance and having all of

these chakras filled with the most beautiful light and love your angels will

help you with this too. Ok that's it for this week's angel messages. I hope you

enjoyed them. Now I did mention in one of the cards about karma clearing and

releasing Karma do make sure to check out my Illuminate

Your Lightbody class because there's a Karma clearing meditation as part of

that class. You'll see a link in the description above or below. Also make sure

to get my free gift of an angel prayer. You will see that in the description as

well a link to that. If you enjoyed this video please

give it a thumbs up. Let me know in the comments below if the messages resonated

for you and please share this video with your friends I'm sure they would love to

have an angel message. I will see you next week.

Lots of angel blessings to you. Bye!

For more infomation >> Angel Card Reading SEPTEMBER 24-30 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 13:58.


Дом 2 новости 24 сентября 2017 (24.09.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 24 сентября 2017 (24.09.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:20.


Pastor Leslie Pinto - Faith Can Do Wonders - Duration: 3:43:51.

For more infomation >> Pastor Leslie Pinto - Faith Can Do Wonders - Duration: 3:43:51.


tBP #1 | Jim Wendler Ep 1 - Training philosophy and 5/3/1 basics | Part 2/2 [pl subs] - Duration: 1:04:51.

For more infomation >> tBP #1 | Jim Wendler Ep 1 - Training philosophy and 5/3/1 basics | Part 2/2 [pl subs] - Duration: 1:04:51.


マヨぽんチキンカツ丼♪ Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don♪ - Duration: 7:48.

Ponzu which has been matured for 3 months.

Pour Ponzu over chicken cutlet.

Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don.

This time, I am going to make Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don.

It goes on sale for a limited period from pork cutlet restaurant chain Katsuya.

Mayo means mayonnaise and Pon means Ponzu.

It's very delicious, so please try it yourself.

Make special Ponzu.

Disinfect various cookware in boiling water.

2.8 kg of Sudachi(species of Japanese citrus).

There are various size.

My mother-in-law sent me this Sudachi.

Squeeze the Sudachi earnestly.

Change with my wife because I was so tired.

The last one !

Remove the seeds.

I got 600cc of Sudachi juice.

600 ml of soy sauce.

200 ml of Mirin.

2 kombu.

50g of Katsuobushi (small pieces of sliced dried bonito).

Store it in the refrigerator for 1day.

Put about 20 of remaining skins into a cloth bags.

Keep another skins in the fridge.

Sudachi bath.

I was able to recover a lot after getting in the hot Sudachi bath.

That especially smells good.

After a day.


It will be quite sharp when it's freshly made, but in more than 3 months it will become well-rounded and delicious.

Put in a washed bottle. It should be sterilized in boiling water.

Cap a bottle and leave to mature in the refrigerator for 3 months or more.

After 3 months.

Make special mayonnaise.

Put room temperature egg yolk.

Some white pepper.

1/2 tsp of salt.

1/2 tsp of sugar.

1.5 tbsp of white wine vinegar.

150 ml of oil.

Mix it with hand blender for about 1 minute.

Special mayonnaise is done.

Make fresh panko called "Nama Panko"

Bake bread for panko.

After 5 hours.

It's done.

Cooling down on a wire net.

Prepare vegetables.

Chop 1/2 of onion into 5 mm square.

Sprinkle some salt and leave it for 5 minutes

Chop some spring onion finely.

Soak the onion into cold water.

Like this.

Cut the cabbage into fine strips.

Make fresh panko called "Nama Panko" ※Nama Panko is Panko that has not been dried.

Prepare a large mesh.

Cut the bread thickly and remove the heel.

Ground it by a food processor lightly.

Sift Nama Panko using 5.7mm mesh.

Ground unsized Nama Panko again.

Repeat it.

Ground heel of bread as well.

300 g of Nama Panko is done.

Dress a whole chicken.

Cut through the skin between the thigh and the breast.

Bend legs backward and twist off the joint.

Cut the skin around the waist.

Cut the back skin.

Remove the chicken oyster from bone.

Cut the meat along the pelvis.

Chicken thigh with bone.

Dress another part.

Remove the bone from chicken thigh.

Chicken thigh, chicken tenderloin.

Wing tips, breast meat and wing sticks.

Bonjiri(chicken tail), cartilage, bone.

Remove the extra fat from chicken thigh.

Cut strings and make flat meat.

Sprinkle some salt and pepper over both sides.


Heat some oil at 170℃(338F).

Beat an egg well.

Coat it with weak flour slightly.

Cover it in beaten egg and Nama Panko.

Deep-fry at 180℃(338F).

Leave it in oil without turning over for 1 minute.

Turn it over after 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Deep-fry another side for 2 minutes 30 seconds too.

Take it out and drain oil well.

Let sit for 2~3 minutes to cook through with the residual heat.

To fry finely, remove panko fallen into the oil frequently.

Deep-fry the second one as well.

Dish up.

Put some cabbage on freshly cooked rice.

Nama Panko is ery crispy!

Some onion.

Some spring onion.

Garnish with special mayonnaise.

Pour Ponzu which has been matured for 3 months.

It's ready to eat!


Pour some special Ponzu.

Enjoy with only Ponzu.

Nama panko is very crispy.

Enjoy with special mayonnaise.

It goes well with Ponzu.

I can't stop drinking beer again.

Mature Ponzu is very mild and delicious.

Please Subscibe Soon!

For more infomation >> マヨぽんチキンカツ丼♪ Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don♪ - Duration: 7:48.


New Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💯😍 Amazing Lip Art Ideas | September 2017 - Duration: 10:36.

New Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017

For more infomation >> New Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💯😍 Amazing Lip Art Ideas | September 2017 - Duration: 10:36.


🍲🍴Papparich 金爸爸 Taiwan🇹🇼🇲🇾 ENG SUBS | Daphnefroggy - Duration: 5:58.

Hello everyone, today will be the first meal in Taipei.

We feel like want some Malaysia cuisine, thats why we are here.

and...we feel a bit bored about Taiwan cuisine...

not sure what to do except my stinky tofu haha

So we are here today,

for Papparich!!

Actually I feel Papparich in Taiwan is quite gorgeous,

as you can see inside of the shop.

Let's check the table also in Marble!

Alright let's check the menu.

Feeling lucky that kicker boy fall asleep,

and we can finally enjoy our meal peaceful!

Let's see what to order.

Yup, super peaceful dinner.

We never thought we can found a good table like today,

maybe it just because of weekdays?

The menu should be

same with Malaysia's Papparich.

His favaroite, roti canai.


Your favorite fried chicken, but with the rice....

Just now I had already explore online for the menu,

Combination noodle

Hold on...

Yes! Here it is!

But it is quite expensive,

just like what we ate in Japan.

I wish to order everything!!!


It's been awhile for this dishes,

or maybe this?

But this should be eat with rice,

so...let have the noodle instead.

Wow more dessert at the back!

OMG I think I want it all but can't finish....

So scary!

Let's talk about it now.

I think is hard to order food here,

because kids cannot eat something spicy.

There should be some menu which is suitable for kids.

Here is my noodle!

Looks yummy.

Guess what? It comes with the chili too.

Let's try it.

Extra onion???

I think you can't get more than this in Malaysia.

Faster try it.

Let me try how it taste like.

I can really tell...this is like fried onion egg.

Taste good.

I choked by the curry chicken just now.

You try to dip some sauce on it.

I think it taste good.

A bit spicy.

I think this is a bit spicy for Japanese.

If you wish to eat local food sometimes,

and you will feel everything is good.

So full.


Super duper FULL

Super duper satisfied for it.

This onion is too much,

too over lol

More like onion fried egg,

but the curry chicken is good.

For me , this is not too spicy but I can taste the coconut milk.

It's worth to come here today! You guys can visit Papparich when in Taipei.

Did they have a lot of branch in Taiwan?

Should be 3 shops located at Taipei.

If you guys not living in Malaysia,

come over here.

Here are some instant coffee.

Those Malaysia's white coffee powder.

Finally we done!

How much does the dinner costed?


Wow much cheaper than the Italian cuisine that we had in Kenting.

That one was about NT$1800

But it's really good.

I feel like...

the street here is almost same with Tokyo Ueno,

almost like..


That part also a highway road,

like normally we drove to Tokyo St.

The shop here all in Japanese,

It's like when we are in Tokyo!

Thanks Papparich ,we missed hometown so much!

For more infomation >> 🍲🍴Papparich 金爸爸 Taiwan🇹🇼🇲🇾 ENG SUBS | Daphnefroggy - Duration: 5:58.


Kman夾娃娃 夾到分屍!人不是我殺的啊!航海王大盒魯夫公仔。UFOキャッチャー#116-1 - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 夾到分屍!人不是我殺的啊!航海王大盒魯夫公仔。UFOキャッチャー#116-1 - Duration: 8:52.


Parking sensor front a6 a6 c6 2.4 || Only a rear view of the same parking sensors 🛠 - Duration: 3:09.

Parking sensor front a6 a6 c6 2.4

additional issue at the request of workers

he is so here is a machine looks without bumper

so here is bumper

view from inside the principle everyone can see who

interested in the species with the rear part of the grid

radiator bumper here is the latch

it seems that this one stub there

pull out here fog-light here

it means goes pipeline to

headlight washer also one cable goes here

he stretched out on the parking sensor

I have one by the way sensor is this one

shows computer

diagnostics non-working so that

I will shoot and

to figure out what's wrong with him if anything in China for

my for 400 rubles I'll order myself

here there are two ears of such here you see even

With one hand you press this one is all this

parktronic their places

if someone needs to remove parktronics

change their principle

without unscrewing the bumper get to them or

let us remove this defensively but like everyone else

recommended in principle is removed

this is a protective You can go here by hand

crawl through and To remove or take off and so here

central left here is located 2 3 all on

symmetry like this

bumpers removed all successfully nothing

broke nothing addressed their

hands in the garage that's it, that's it.

It turned out if liked the video

put like subscribe to my

see the other channel my videos are all for now

it was Maier Maier seen as ground

valve that is here this one this one is this one

For more infomation >> Parking sensor front a6 a6 c6 2.4 || Only a rear view of the same parking sensors 🛠 - Duration: 3:09.


மது குடிப்பதை விட கொடிய நோயை உண்டாக்கும் FRIED RICE | Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD GOSSIPS | Health - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> மது குடிப்பதை விட கொடிய நோயை உண்டாக்கும் FRIED RICE | Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD GOSSIPS | Health - Duration: 2:18.


15 Hot & Sexy Unseen Photo's of Nidhhi Agerwal Munna Michael Fame.... - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 15 Hot & Sexy Unseen Photo's of Nidhhi Agerwal Munna Michael Fame.... - Duration: 1:27.


Как я готовлю Болгарскую салатку. - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Как я готовлю Болгарскую салатку. - Duration: 5:44.


ひとりぼっちだった下半身不随の犬。数キロ歩き続けた先についに助けが…【涙腺崩壊】 - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> ひとりぼっちだった下半身不随の犬。数キロ歩き続けた先についに助けが…【涙腺崩壊】 - Duration: 3:16.


New nail art 2017, Nail acrylic 2017 | New nail art designs compilation September 2017 | Part 47 - Duration: 10:07.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please like, Comment and Subscribe for more

For more infomation >> New nail art 2017, Nail acrylic 2017 | New nail art designs compilation September 2017 | Part 47 - Duration: 10:07.


[SUB.ESPAÑOL] 170909 GFriend - SNL Korea - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> [SUB.ESPAÑOL] 170909 GFriend - SNL Korea - Duration: 4:01.


S01E04 - Meeting Anil, the french Casey ! - Duration: 5:16.

Aaah... Summertime in Paris...

Two sweaters.

Murphy's Law, we never know.

No, I'm not packing to go see Casey

Unfortunately he never answered my emails...

I decided to go meet...

... in Geneva...

Anil, the French Casey.

He's not answering either...

but I'm sure I'll manage by stalking him.

I'm taking my travel gear.

Damn, my camera !

Damn, my suitcase !

I forgot my suitcase !!

At the train station...

Only 2 hours and 15 minutes before my train.

I've got to hurry because...

we never know, often trains are a bit in advance

and I don't want to miss Anil.


Let's hurry.

Track 22 apparently.

It's neither of these !

I've got to hurry !

Geneva, here we come !

I'm here in Geneva

in the heights of the lake.

I wanted to do a nice shot

but it was so tiring.

I've got to invest in a drone.

And I couldn't find Anil


There's something over there.

What is it ?

A cap...

It's cool !

There's the number...

of the guy...

who lost the cap.

We're gonna call him to see if we can keept it.

- Hello ? - Hey I found your cap.

Oh cool ! Thanks !

I really like it.

I think I'm gonna keep it.

It's a joke ?

So you're calling to steal my cap ?

Don't take it the wrong way...

Can you give it to me ?

I don't have much choice, do I ?

Do we know each other ?

No I don't think so...

I'm positive we know each other...

Maybe you saw me on YouTube ?

You have a channel ?

Yeah, it's called Wartek.

What kind of videos ?

I do Tech, Tutorials and I used to do Gaming.

Never heard of it.

I don't need Tutorials.

Ahh... Ok...

Do you know Anil ?

Well hum...

I came to Geneva to meet him and I didn't find him.

What did you want with him ?

I wanted Casey's contact.


Casey Neistat ?

Of course, not Casey Affleck who care about him !

Yeah... hum... mmm

Why... why would he have that ?

Because Anil is the french Casey !

Nice comparison...

Why do you want to contact ?

For my channel : Wannabe Casey

Ok... you're a hardcore fan...

So much !

So, do you know how to contact Anil ?

Maybe I can help you...

You have his contact ?

Better, I have Casey's.

No way...

How would you have it ?

I have 1.5M subs...

I'm a bit famous...

Well... Casey has 7.5M subs...

Ok, but I met him during a talk.

(doing an impression) I met him during a talk


Do you want his contact or not ?

Oh yes yes, shoot !



Goa Way ?

Yeah it's his nickname.

Cool thanks !

Thank you for the cap also.

And if you want to talk about me on your little channel

go ahead, you've got my approval.

See ya !

I'm in the train back to Paris.

I left Geneva without meeting Anil...

but I've got Casey's email !

I saw a video from the guy who gave me his cap.

It's not bad at all !

And, as he promised he talked about me.

Cool dude ! Have a look.

Hey guys

I wanted to tell you about this guy I met today.

An emerging YouTuber.

He's not too bad.

And he compared me to Casey.

He's cute.

So I wanted to help him a bit because

he was nice afterall.

Really a cool dude !

Peace Warmek !

Suscribe to his channel.

And suscribe to mine !


Suscribe please

Shut up !

Suscribe !

Suscribe !

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