Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর ইন্ডিপেন্ডেন্ট সংবাদ ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ INDEPENDENT News Today - Duration: 12:42.


Pra fortalecer o abdômen em 3 minutos – starFIT28 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Pra fortalecer o abdômen em 3 minutos – starFIT28 - Duration: 4:37.


TFK - #Ayn9oleKoulech / اينقولكولش# [ Lyrics - الكلمات ] - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> TFK - #Ayn9oleKoulech / اينقولكولش# [ Lyrics - الكلمات ] - Duration: 4:32.



So the first Kingsman movie is probably in my top 10 favorite movies of all time.

I've seen it at least a dozen times, and it's just as entertaining every time I watch


So you can probably understand I was quite hyped for the sequel.

In fact, it was my most anticipated movie of the year back in January.

So, did it live up to that?

Let's talk about it.

*clip* And as usual I'll first go non spoilers

and then spoilers, but I will say, if you wanna go into this completely fresh, maybe

just watch this after you've seen the movie.

Cuz even in the non-spoilers, I might get into some vague plot points that a super fan

might not wanna know.

I'll warn you before I say anything somewhat important to the plot though.

So, this movie has received quite a critical beating in recent weeks.

And is that deserved.


I don't think its 50% on Rotten Tomatoes bad, but it certainly was a bit of a disappointment

to me.

And trust me, I went into this really wanting to love it.

I will say, if this was just a stand alone movie that came out, yeah, it'd be pretty


Nothing insane, but pretty cool.

But because it's following up such a phenomenal first film, it really didn't live up to


Let's talk positives first though.

The cast is for the most part pretty good.

Taron Egerton is still fantastic as Eggsy, he makes some not super great lines sound

really natural, he's funny, he's charming, great all around.

Colin Firth as Harry, I wasn't a huge fan of some of the things they did with his character,

but overall, the performance is still phenomenal, one of the best in the film.

Mark Strong is still great as Merlin, and the Statesmen all around were pretty solid.

A lot of them don't have a ton to do, but Pedro Pascal as Agent Whiskey is amazing.

Loved him in this, one of my favorite parts easily.

Now, I'm just gonna say it, I really didn't like Julianne Moore as the villain.

She's a great actress, but this villain was just so not intimidating in the slightest.

Or even funny.

Sam Jackson in the first movie wasn't exactly intimidating, but at least he had some hilarious


And he was super memorable.

Here, they tried to make her stack up to that, and it just didn't work for me.

And Elton John is in this, for some reason, and people are saying he stole the show.

And I respectfully disagree.

When he first showed up, I was like, oh that's pretty funny.

But then the jokes about him went on for way too long, like the movie was saying, look,

we got Elton John to dress funny and say swear words, isn't that amazing.

Sure, it's funny at first, but I think it dragged on a bit.

Anyway, this was supposed to be the positives.

On the whole, I can say, I did like the movie.

Like it's certainly watchable, I was entertained by pretty much all of it.

The character's evolution from the first movie didn't feel super forced, and because I

love these characters like Eggsy, that was nice to see.

I also appreciate how this tired to take this in a different direction for the most part

and didn't just do the same exact plot again.

There are some genuinely great moments in here, some that are honestly hilarious, and

some that are honestly kind of emotional.

Not tear-worthy or anything, but the way they try to flesh out Harry's character more

I actually really liked.

Especially a scene where him and Eggsy share a drink, you'll know it when you see it.

The music from the first Kingsman is one of my favorite movie soundtracks ever, I love

it so much and I've listened to it a lot since.

And here, it's still pretty awesome.

The direction by Matthew Vaughn is great and easily the best thing this movie has going

for it is the action.

Matthew Vaughn does action really well, and this is no exception.

Some stuff is a little hard to follow sometimes, but most of this is amazing.

Especially the bar fight, the Harry Eggsy team up, and Pedro Pascal having a gun fight

in the snow.

That last one was superb, honestly really felt like something that genuinely stacked

up to the first film.

*fucking spectacular* Ok, those are the things I liked.

Now, everything else.

Really, the main thing that I genuinely kinda hated in this movie is a spoiler, so I'll

get to that later.

But there's something towards the start of this movie that's so abrupt and so weirdly

handled and I honestly did not understand it.

Again, more on that later.

Now, while the first movie was a super ridiculous spy movie, especially towards the start, it

actually had some heart ot it.

This one, besides those one or two scenes, just feels kinda empty in terms of emotion.

It tires a couple of times, but they don't always hit.

The film's also not super well paced, it's kind of too long.

A lot of this could've been cut down, they clearly had ideas for a ton of stuff that

they wanted to show in this, but jamming it all in there makes the final product feel

kind of rushed and exhausting.

It also falls into the movie sequel trap of just kind of being a "best of" reel of

the first film.

Like there's a lot of why, remember this scene from the first movie?

Remember this joke?

That was funny right?

Well here it is again.

I'm all for references, I love the first one too, but there were just a few too many.

Also, at some points, the movie seemed to try to kind of try and "one-up" the first

movie, like hey you thought that was nuts, we can get even crazier.

But it never really worked, it just ended up feeling gross.

And not really in the way the movie intended, not like ohhh gross that guy got ground into

little chunks of meat, just like, this is not pleasant to watch and I wouldn't wanna

show this to anyone.

Also that sex scene, we'll get to in spoilers.

Also, even for something as ridiculous as Kingsman, it gets too stupid at one point.

Something involving the President, that's all I'll say.

Now, very minor spoiler warning here, I won't reveal anything that happens and what I'ma

bout to talk about is in a lot of the trailers or TV spots, but if you really don't want

any knowledge going in, click to this time in the video.

So, in this movie, Eggsy is dating the Swedish princess he….met in the last movie.

And having that in there is a really strange decision to me at least.

Like, at the end of the last movie, the whole point of that was that it was a joke, she

said if you save the world we can do it in the asshole.

And then they do.

It was funny, but I do not believe that a true love relationship would come from this.

And the thing is, it's not just some throw away thing in the movie.

It takes up a large portion of the film and provides a lot of the story and conflict.

And that was just crazy to me, cuz whenever a somewhat emotional scene came up to do with

the Princess, I remember that this all started with a funny joke at the end of the last movie.

I didn't really buy their relationship, and I was just confused by how much of the

actual movie that plot line took up.

I guess they wanted to have some kind of emotional connection for Eggsy, but this just didn't

work at all for me.

So before I get into the spoilers, I'll just wrap this part up.

Overall I was entertained by Kingsman: The Golden Circle, I had fun for most of it.

But it is far from the first Kingsman, and there are some choices that were made in this

that kind of baffle me, and it just ends up feeling kind of exhausting.

I'll give it a 6.9/10.

Alright, now let's get into the spoilers.

If you haven't seen the movie, click off from this video now.

Ok, so, first of all, Harry coming back.

I thought that was kind of a weird explanation.

Like I don't hate the idea of this super high tech cell rebuilding machine, but the

thing is, you've now cured death in the Kingsman universe.

Which means next time anyone gets shot in the head, I won't feel anything, cuz I know

they can just be brought back.

The ending of the movie, so I guess Eggsy is now the Prince of Sweden.

I never thought I'd be saying that.

Again, you know how I feel about the whole princess storyline in this, I just didn't

buy it so the fact that the big happy ending finale is them getting married, I wasn't

really on board for that.

Also, I guess Channing Tatum is jining Kingsman now?

Alright, he didn't really get much to do in this movie anyway.

Also, they very clearly were setting up another Kingsman movie, and the cast have talked about

doing a trilogy for this.

So, would I go see Kingsman 3?

Of course!

Even if I was disappointed I still liked this movie, and I'd love to see more of these

characters and this world.

I guess we can talk about that weird semi-sex scene that wasn't really a sex scene?

Look, it was clear they were trying to one-up the sex stuff from the first movie, but it

just felt so contrived in this.

Like the only way to get a tracker on this girl is to finger her, I guess that was the

joke, like in spy movies the hero always has to sleep with a woman to get some information,

but this...I don't know it felt very forced.

I'm not a prude or anything, I thought the joke at the end of the first movie was hilarious.

This just wasn't that funny or well done or anything, I just felt kinda gross after

watching it.

Plus, like I said, I love that epic Kingsman music so much ad it just instills a kind of

sense of wonder in me, so to hear it booming over this scene, it just felt weird.

Like, imagine the main Star Wars theme playing over some kind of sex scene in Star Wars,

that's how that felt to me.

So finally, as far as the deaths.

Merlin dying, I'm sad that he died since he's one of my favorite parts of these films,

but the actual scene, I quite liked it.

It could've gotten very cringeworthy and awkward, but Mark Strong pulled it off really


And now, for the thing that I kind of genuinely hated in this movie, how Roxxy and JB just

die within the first like 10 minutes, and there are no real repercussions after.

Like, everything you've seen of Roxxy in the trailer,that's pretty much all of her

in the movie.

It's just like, oh remember, Eggsy and Roxy are best friends aaand she's dead.

And JB died too, and then there's like one scene where Eggsy's kind of upset and then

they just move on.

It's almost turned into a joke at one point.

He brings it up later when he kills Charlie, sure, but it just felt so poorly handled.

Like all the development of Roxy and Eggsy's friendship int the first movie feels so pointless

now, cuz she's just gone.

And that whole scene with Eggsy about to shoot JB, doesn't matter, that dog died anyway.

Like, I guess that was the point, epic twist, but I felt no emotion, and I just felt kind

of annoyed.

It didn't do the first movie justice at all in that sense.

Total waste of what could've been a really emotional moment that could've also gotten

us to hate the villain even more, I felt really nothing except annoyance when that happened.

So those were my thoughts on Kingsman The Golden Circle.

What did you think of it?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

week with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast (link down below),

and subscribe for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE *REVIEW* - Duration: 10:09.


Pear compote pie (Japanese autumn desert recipe) - Duration: 7:22.

Hello. this is "食の贅沢/Food Luxury".

Now is the best season for the Japanese pear. So I made pear comport pie!

The pie cooked in the 3 steps.

① comport ② custard cream ③ pie

It was easier than I thought,.

Today, I microwave custard cream.

Because sift the flour and sugar and add the beaten egg, the custard cream is easy to success!

It's excellent!

You can cook it easier than popular recipes, So let's try it!

Please subscribe to my channel and hit the like button.

And please spread the video if you agree!

Thank you for watching the video!

I made a little mistake,. so there is one thing to note.

If you get the puff pastry, you should choose a square!

I made a mistake to choose rectangle(><)

If you made pie used the rectangle puff pastry, you can't cook well (the pie flame).

So, i cut into square!

This is the corner.

If you use the rectangle puff pastry, cut into square.

There was a chick in one scene with last video.

[Last video] the end of the video

The chick hid behind my elbow.

I think it's difficult,so only one parson could find it!


Today,there is the chick in one scene with my video! Please try to find it!

Today, I think it's easier than yesterday.

If you find it,please white to comments! (I'm learning English. If you write the comments,I'm so glad!)

For more infomation >> Pear compote pie (Japanese autumn desert recipe) - Duration: 7:22.


Kman夾娃娃 甩滑爪二收捏出,可甩爪有力,公仔少少出就是這麼簡單!美女透明和公仔系列。UFOキャッチャー#116-2 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 甩滑爪二收捏出,可甩爪有力,公仔少少出就是這麼簡單!美女透明和公仔系列。UFOキャッチャー#116-2 - Duration: 1:01.


Sandra Shaw's Video Forecast - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Sandra Shaw's Video Forecast - Duration: 0:36.


КАНАЛ НЕДОСТУПЕН В РОССИИ. Что делать? / БАН футбольных каналов на YouTube - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> КАНАЛ НЕДОСТУПЕН В РОССИИ. Что делать? / БАН футбольных каналов на YouTube - Duration: 3:05.


Yamaha Sniper 150cc (57mm) vs MX 175cc (62mm) - Drag Race Racing - Duration: 2:21.

Yamaha Sniper 150cc (57mm) vs MX 175cc (62mm) - Drag Race Racing

For more infomation >> Yamaha Sniper 150cc (57mm) vs MX 175cc (62mm) - Drag Race Racing - Duration: 2:21.


HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Осенняя пора - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж Фон для видеомонтажа Осенняя пора - Duration: 0:48.


Nemesis feat Tzo Anto & Poly Bounces - Poker - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Nemesis feat Tzo Anto & Poly Bounces - Poker - Duration: 4:18.


عـــــــــاجل: المخابرات المغربية تدخل على خط الأزمة الليبية وهذا ما فعلته! - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> عـــــــــاجل: المخابرات المغربية تدخل على خط الأزمة الليبية وهذا ما فعلته! - Duration: 2:46.


High-End Skin Retouching | Photoshop Tutorial | click3d - Duration: 6:15.

Open this image in your photoshop

use pen tool and extract lady from the bg or you can use quick selection tool

i have already extracted the lady from bg

now take a new layer below "lady" layer

rename it as "bg"

color #a1c0d6


now again take a new layer above "bg" layer and rename it as "glow"

color #white

use soft brush

and paint as shown

now select "lady" layer, use "patch tool" and remove spots as shown

now add layer mask to the"lady" layer

use soft brush and color black

and start painting as shown, remember we just need to soften the hard edge

now add new adjustment layer "color balance"

now take a new layer and rename it as "glow"

create clipping mask

use soft brush, color white and start painting as shown

now add new adjustment layer "selective color"

dont forget to apply create clipping mask as what i shown

follow the same values

now press (ctrl + shift + alt + e) you'll get a merged layer

set blending mode to "linear light"

than go to filter - other - high pass

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