Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017

I though about this Idea : All people return home @ evening

These hours - 9 pm till we're going to sleep - Are the most beautiful moments for everyone

Because we leave the word outside We can think about our days.. or weeks..

This Idea - about Home - I decided to bring it in TV

Miracle exists when 2 sides are present : Light & Darkness

We want to do it better this time. With sincere big & generous Heart. Like it was last year..

This is the only one Compass that we have To understand how we should do it this year.

For more infomation >> MIKA - about #CasaMika (Eng sub) - Duration: 0:48.


AEHM artistry WELCOME VIDEO! Beauty Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:14.

[AEHM artistry Beauty Channel Trailer] [Beauty compilation]

What up guys?!

What up guys...?

What up guys?!

Hey guys!

Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry

Today I'm testing the Tarte...

Quick update video on...

Today I got some packages!

I just had to show you guys!


FREAKIN' pigmented!

Today, we are testing out some...

Girl, I used too much!


Get ready to be a shook-eth!







Blowing my mind!

Ok, moving on!

Alright, thank you guys so much for watching...

Thank you guys...

Thank you so much!

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Before you fall down the rabbit hole, which is YouTube...

Down the rabbit hole, which is YouTube...

Before you guys go on and click another video...

please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel,

if you want to know more about these beauty things.

I'm posting about 2 times a week

and I'm on the verge of starting to post 3 times a week!

Every new subscriber, view, and share helps my channel

out so much!

And I can continue to create for you guys.

Make sure you tap that Bell and you'll get notified as soon as I post new things!

You guys have a great lovely day!


For more infomation >> AEHM artistry WELCOME VIDEO! Beauty Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:14.


How to make a feature length film with no money on the Isle of Wight - Duration: 10:46.

my name is Nick Stotesbury and for the last year and a half I've spent every spare

minute I have making a feature-length film with my good friend Joe

the film werre making is called "Rudi"

we didn't set out to make a feature-length film it's

just something that kinda happened, with no money or experience in certainly been

an interesting endeavor in this short documentary i wanted to share the journey

we've taken so far and some of the experiences we've had along the way

We started seriously making films only about a couple of years ago prior to

that point we'd only dabbled in making short films which mostly consisted of

running about messing around with mates.

whilst we've always been obsessed by films and had an interest in filmmaking it wasn't until in 2011 we found ourselves

with a bit of spare time, we had an idea for a short film and started off as we

had before just running around with a camera with little idea what we were doing

Over the next year or so we continued to

make films learning and improving with each project. We built up new equipment

cameras, lights and anything we need to get an idea done

We'd learn new software and start branching into digital effects

We'd teach ourselves new techniques by just watching films and the try to figure out

the way it had been shot and then try and emulate it with no budget

In a short space of time we found ourselves completely obsessed

to the point where we had pushed everything else out of our lives

and we're investing all of our disposable income into our new obsession

We had been well and truly bit by the filmmaking bug

so what is Rudi?

Rudi is a comedy sci-fi film ambitiously set across space and time

it follows a group of unlikely misfits thrown together tasked with saving the

world from a hidden threat

in it we've mashed up everything we love in cinema

espionage, conspiracy, action, gunplay,horror, aliens, spaceships,

time travel and romance

so before we started Rudi

The only experience we had was our own run and gun no budget

DIY filmmaking

and we really had no idea what we were getting

ourselves into

we started the film back in December 2012, the original script was

written in a very rough format and in the beginning a lot of it wasn't even

written. We would just carry it around in our heads

we wrote the script regardless of our ability

if we wanted a space landscape or an epic space battle we'd

write it and worry about how we're gonna figure out shooting it later

we knew and we didn't

want our own limitations to prevent us from

achieving it.

We start shooting in January 2013 and

early on we naively made things harder by deciding we wanted to keep outside help

to a minimum this meant that we ended up doing pretty much everything between

just the two of us in front and behind the camera

location-wise the Isle of Wight isn't exactly a location that typically lends

itself to the genre of sci-fi, but with a bit of searching around we found plenty

of locations ideal for our story

beaches caves waterfalls forts bunkers

old railway tunnels and a quarry

one of the major benefits of having no crew was

that we could get in and out of these locations without drawing too much

attention to ourselves filming either late at night or early in

the morning

there were a couple of times when we'd have to explain ourselves though

like when we were caught stood in the middle of a quarry with Joe dressed as

a spaceman at 6:00 in the morning

or when we had to explain to residents why

we'd lit the bunker at the end of their garden pink and blue late one night

whilst the island has a diverse range of amazing scenery to take advantage of

sometimes just getting to a location could prove difficult

many the areas that we shot are

renowned for their instability and quite often when returning to shoot

we'd find that the route we had previously taken no longer existed

this meant that often we'd have to

find a new way to the location which frequently resorted in either

scaling rock faces or massive detours with all our gear

although we were very lucky

to find external locations that often surpassed our expectations the

Island really didn't have anything suitable for our interior shots

we wanted lots of futuristic looking labs and spaceship corridors we didn't want

to over rely on green-screen which we were already using in some scenes

and also for our miniatures fortunately we had access to several barns

on the face of it none of these locations look like that we were after however

after we stripped the areas down we had a blank canvas which we could work with

using whatever scrap materials we could find we were able to

convert these areas into our desired sets

there was a lot of recycling of materials

from scene to scene and making use of things that people chucked out

with no money we made do with whatever resources we had and with

whatever we can find we even resorted to transforming my

bathroom and hallway for a shoot

We took the doors off and covered the whole area in tin foil

we'd written a lot of night time shoots into the film

one scene in particular was set in the woods

away from civilization we had scouted a great location

unfortunately it presented us with two obvious problems

the first was how to light a pitch-black area

and the second was how to get power to somewhere that was literally in the middle of nowhere

to remedy this problem we were lucky to acquire some old broken floodlights

With a couple of rolls of gaffer tape

we were able to get both of them back up and running

to get to the wooded area we wanted to use we had to

connect all the extension leads we had or could buy

we still didn't have enough so this meant we ended up making our own from

some old electrical wire we found lying around and whilst far from ideal the

lighting did work...

most of the time

the majority of night shots we had planned to

shoot in March the idea being that we would still have

enough darkness to not be out filming too late and that it wouldn't be too cold

unfortunately March 2013 ended up being the second coldest since records began

and the six weeks we spent in the woods at night during this period was without

a doubt the most grueling obstacle we faced so far

every night we would be out in sub-zero conditions

a lack of proper planning meant that we'd regularly

overrun often we'd be out filming until 2-3 or 4 o'clock in the morning and then

have to get up and go to work a few hours later

Caked in fake blood

cold, tired and angry this was probably our lowest point of the film

when we finally finished

our night shoots we took a couple of weeks out to work on a short

film called prologue

Prologue was our submission to the Isle of Wight Film Festival

last year (2013) and instead of Prologue being an entirely separate film

it was actually the opening sequence to Rudi

the idea was to go to the festival with something

to show what we've been working on over the last few months

after a couple of weeks break making Prologue

we reflected on our first few months of shooting

we hadn't achieved anywhere near as much as we'd like

and it was evident that we needed to become more structured in the way we worked

our method of going out filming just running and gunning was leading to too much waste

we'd always been resistant to doing things properly planning, writing

shot lists and storyboarding

we had this misconception that it would bog down our enjoyment

and make things too regimented however, from our experience so far

it had taught us that these processes were very necessary

we we're very proud that we'd

made it as far as we had and without any help

but the time had come to start bringing a few people on board to

help us out

this meant we'd no longer have to balance lighting shooting and acting

freeing us up to concentrate on each scene as a whole

it allowed us to pick back up the pace

and hit the ground running we grew more confident with each shoot

and with each scene we would reflect, refine and hone our shooting style

as our workflow became more structured we were able to expand our overall plan

we continue to add to our kit saving up for new cameras lights and

audio equipment whenever we could

this opened up more shoot possibilities for the remaining scenes

and allowed us to push and continue to progress our knowledge

we had aimed to finish the film in time for this years

Isle of Wight Film Festival (2014)

we reached a point where we could have rushed to finish the last few

scenes but we decided not to as we thought it would be of detriment to the rest of the film

the end is in sight and we are still on course to finish the

film this year (LOL!)

we're hoping to have it done towards the end of summer (Again LOL!)

currently we're working on the digital effects, overdubs and the last couple of

remaining scenes before we finished the soundtrack

I think the key lesson we've learned whilst making this film is the value of doing things properly

but we had to learn this the hard way to properly appreciate it

for something we never intended on taking so seriously

we certainly have pushed ourselves to breaking point several times over

but from the brink of meltdown instead of calling it a day

and walking away we've pushed through the hardship and

learned organically from our mistakes

we've had so much fun making this film, it has been

tough at times but you forget all the bad stuff and you learn to laugh about it

it's the challenge in the difficulty that have made this film so rewarding

hopefully Rudi will go some way to showcase what we're capable of and

hopefully show that anyone can make a film

even if this film falls flat

the valuable lessons that it's taught us and the experience we've had will help

push us and our work onwards and further

we live in a day and age where film making

is an accessible hobby to almost anyone you don't need qualifications

you don't need money or even experience

all you need is an idea and enough

self-motivation to see it through

so that was three years ago and unfortunately the film still hasn't been

released myself and Joe have drifted apart creatively which means that at the

moment we're both working on separate video projects and sadly this film has

been shelved

at this stage I'm not sure when or even if the film will get released

if it doesn't get released that's a real shame because we all

worked really hard on it and in a lot of ways that's why I wanted to put

this video out so we could at least partially represent just how hard

everyone worked and in some ways I wanted to test the water to see if the

film is even still relevant or if people care

so who knows what the future holds

I really really hope it does get finished one day

Joe has moved on to working with a lot of the people

that we previously worked with filming

and his channel has become the spiritual successor to our film work

so I definitely recommend checking that out, I know that they've got a lot of

content coming up which I'm really really excited to see what they do so

take a look and thanks for watching Cheers

For more infomation >> How to make a feature length film with no money on the Isle of Wight - Duration: 10:46.


LIVE English Lesson - 24th SEPT 2017 - Learn English - phrases - words - grammar - getting old - Duration: 2:18:23.

ladies and gentlemen please pray silence for the KING OF ENGLISH

ooh I'm so excited I'm so excited I just can't stand all of this excitement today

oh my goodness we're live we are now actually live on

the Internet oh my goodness hello there hi everybody

how are you today are you okay I hope so are you happy I really really hope so I

feel so excited today just to prove how excited I feel today I've actually been

doing this lesson since 10 o'clock this morning so I've actually been doing this

lesson for the past 4 hours but I haven't even been streaming on YouTube

I'm so excited I couldn't wait so I've been here doing this lesson for the past

4 hours and no one has seen it so that's how excited that's how eager I am to be

here today I've been here all morning just practicing on my own it's the story

of my life so here we go it is Sunday another week has flown by how was your

week was it good did you have a good week I really really hope so I've

received some complaints of course sometimes people do complain what do we

have here

mr. Duncan why does it take two minutes to start the live lesson stop wasting my

time from angry viewer there it is you see

there it is a complaint I've had a complaint the reason why it takes two

minutes to start my stream is because the stream is a very technical thing

live streaming on YouTube is very very technical it uses all sorts of equipment

so I'm not going to explain that but let's just say the two minutes is very

important at the beginning because it allows me to to set the live stream up

to prepare things so that's the reason why we have two minutes at the beginning

of the live stream it's all to do with technicalities it's all to do with the

technical equipment that you have to use to do the live stream so I hope that

answers your question so here we go we have a very busy lesson today we have so

many things to get through but first of all in my garden yesterday I noticed

that there were lots of lady birds can you see that there on the screen that is

a photograph that I took yesterday of one of the lady Birds there are hundreds

and hundreds of lady Birds in my garden at the moment and I don't know where

they're coming from but there are loads of them lots of them everywhere when you

have a large group of insects you normally call it a swarm swarm so we can

say that at the moment outside my house there is a swarm of lady birds there are

lots and lots of lady birds now the reason why there are lots of Lady birds

around at the moment is because they are all about

to hibernate because yesterday was the first day of autumn

so autumn has now arrived and many animals many insects are now preparing

for the onset of winter so everything is starting to wind down so autumn for me

anyway is a very special time of year I think it's a very special season because

it's the time of year when everything starts to wind down in nature

so at the moment the lady birds are all finding a nice place to go to sleep

during the winter they are all preparing to hibernate hibernate

so to hibernate is to go to sleep for a period of time normally during the

winter months so ladybirds many different types of insects and of

course many different animals will also hibernate including hedgehogs and I

believe badgers as well also hibernate so there are many animals that come go

to sleep during the winter and ladybirds are one of those creatures we will be

talking about animals today because I was thinking the other day about all of

the different animals that come into my garden and I was thinking what was the

most unusual animal that has ever been in my garden the strangest animal that

has ever been in my garden would you like to see it let's have a look now

shall we so this is the strangest animal that's ever been in my garden and here

it is there it is so this is some video footage filmed at my previous house and

this is an actual bird that I found in my garden it is called a

crown'd parakeet now normally you don't find these birds in this country in fact

they they are native of New Zealand can you believe it so this particular bird

was very far from its home thousands of miles in fact so this is a red-crowned

parakeet and this is the most the most unusual bird that I've ever had in my

garden in fact it's the most unusual creature now I think that it must have

escaped from its owner's house or maybe from its cage so I think this particular

bird must have escaped from a cage or from the owner so there it is a red

crowned parakeet and that is actual footage that is an actual video filmed

in my back garden and can you imagine the surprise can you imagine this part

surprised when I found that particular bird in my garden it is a very exotic

bird it is not the normal bird that you find flying around in the UK so that

particular bird is an exotic bird exotic it is a red crowned parakeet it is what

we call a tropical bird or exotic something very exotic something very

unusual from a distant place we can say it's very exotic

I'm feeling very exotic today so many things to tell you so much news

yesterday mr. Steve and myself we met our new neighbors yes it is

official we have new neighbors living next door to us so we met them yesterday

and that went quite well really also this week just to show that

winter is on the way the firewood yes we had the firewood delivered this

week so now we have some firewood so we can have a nice warm fire during the

winter months so there it is that is the recent delivery of firewood that arrived

last week and it took me about an hour to carry all of that wood into the house

so there it is the firewood already to keep me warm during the cold winter

months so as you can see the year is really going by very quickly and there

is my winter firewood so the logs have arrived so now we are ready we are ready

for winter to come and of course yesterday was the first day of autumn so

now it is autumn so very soon the leaves will turn brown or gold and then they

will fall to the ground and then autumn will arrive and of course you know what

happens next after autumn here in the UK then we have winter oh dear at least I

have my firewood ready my logs are ready to keep me warm

we have lots of people joining in today already on the live chat thank you for

joining me today lots of people can I first of all say hello to Shi Jing C who

is the first person on the live chat today so hello to you and

congratulations well done for being first on the list and if I remember

correctly I think you are watching in London is that right I think so

tewi conan says hello mr. Duncan and hello to everyone yes there are lots of

people here already emperador says there is no one here what do you

mean there is no one here there is there are many people here now the chat room

is very very busy if you would like to say hello you will have a chance to do

so on the live chat a man is here hello - a man hello Eugene Eugene of course is

a regular viewer well done Thank You Eugene for joining me again

today you have amazing taste that's all I can say you van Krystal is here hello

show van or who van Dermot's is here as well thank you very much

Argentina is here hello Argentina Agustin watching in Argentina we have

Maria here as well not hurricane Maria it is Maria as in one of my regular

viewers Edith says you are not only a good teacher but also a good actor

really I'm not sure about that Hugh van or who van crystal has made a live

donation on the super chat Thank You Hugh van Hugh van crystal thank you very

much for your live donation today on the super chat and of course if you would

like to make a small donation today to keep this going because I do all of this

for free and don't forget I've been doing this for over 10 years

it's true I've been here on YouTube since 2006 teaching English to the world

and next month of course October is just around the

corner so this is the final live lesson for September next week it will be

October and of course in October I will be celebrating my 11th year yes we are

approaching the 11th year on YouTube I can't believe it to be honest have

really been here for 11 years my goodness 11 years of my life has passed

me by talking of which today we will be talking all about a subject that not

many people want to talk about not many people want to discuss but today we are

going to talk about getting old I know what you're thinking mr. Duncan it's

very depressing we don't like to think about these things but today we are

going to have some fun we are going to make getting old fun because mr. Steve

will be here at 3 o'clock where is mr. Steve let's have a look at

a picture of mr. Steve there he is looking all happy and radiant

so mr. Steve will be here today at 3 o'clock to tell us all about getting old

he will be reading out ten signs that you are getting old so 10 things that

mean that you are getting old so mr. Steve will be here talking of mr. Steve

we are also going to make some Jam today we have been busy in the kitchen this

week filming for today's livestream and today we are going to make some jam with

mr. Steve in the kitchen so all of that to come later on as well there is so

much to come today I don't think two hours is long enough I think we might

need three or four hours so we have a lot to do today

also of course today as I mentioned already we have our new neighbors we met

the new neighbors yesterday for those who are regular viewers you will know

that we have some new neighbors coming and they arrived two days ago so we have

now met the new neighbors hello to Eleanor

hello Eleanor thanks for joining me today

ROH sir is here hello Rosa good morning mr. Duncan it is a sunny day here it is

quite sunny here today as well it's very sunny and bright amah Tanakh amat anak

says hello from Penang in Malaysia Wow hello to you I have been to Penang many

times in the past so hello to Penang and hello to Malaysia in fact on my youtube

channel there is a lesson all about Penang can you believe it

Tamas Mina and a Gustin mr. Duncan what do lady birds eat they eat vegetables

they eat leaves they like to eat green things I think also sometimes they eat

bugs other bugs but for most of the time they eat leaves and different types of

plants Marta is here hello Marta Marta is watching in Poland thanks for joining

me today we are busy today on the live chat thank you very much for joining me


YouTube have made a lot of changes recently and the live chat has changed

as well Milton is here hello Milton Milton Bravo hello mr. Duncan I couldn't

watch you on the screen I don't know what happened but best regards to you

and everyone on this channel oh ok Milton I don't know what the

problem is quite a few people last week said they couldn't join in on the live

chat I don't know why maybe there was a technical problem I have no idea

shall we have a look at mr. Steve because we have mr. Steve live at 3

o'clock today but right now we are going to have the first part

of our special video all about making Jam so during the week mr. Steve and

myself we were busy in the kitchen making jam and here is the first part of

our jam making

welcome to mr. Duncan's garden mr. Duncan and mr. Steve with you on a

Sunday afternoon and here we are now in the garden and something very

interesting is taking place something is occurring in the garden but what could

it be well if you look in the distance you

will see mr. Steve is up to something but what is he doing let's let's take a

close look and see just what mr. Steve is doing what am i doing I'm picking

fruit or to be more precise damsons I'm going to make something with them with

those bags of sugar that we looked at in the last week's lesson and I'm going to

make some Jam J a.m. Jam there we go I need a few more of those I need 6

pounds and there's not much left on here is 6 pounds sounds like a lot well that

is in kilograms but it's it's it's going to probably come halfway up this bucket

and that's what we need now I've already given quite a few of these away to the

neighbors because they like to make Jam as well gives some children but I

haven't left much for myself plus it's getting late in the season now and the

fruit is going a little off so this is the first bit we pick the fruit this is

the this is a boring bit really I think there's a lot of spiders in this tree I

just found a spider on my arm before you came out trying to pick this

as quick as I can frantic frantic frantic that's a great

that's a great word mr. Steve frantic if you do something

frantically it means you do it in a rush or in a hurry I'm doing this in a rush

because it's going to be dark soon and I want to make this before the tea tonight

and it takes quite a long time to make jam we don't want that one in there yeah

that's been chewed out by a wasp so that one's going I must admit I do admire

your quality control mr. Steve you have you have a very high standard of quality

control this fruit is definitely very ripe you can of course you don't have to

make this into jam you can just eat them I won't because I haven't washed these I

could eat that but I won't because there might have been it a few insects

crawling over there I've got to be the knight there might be a bit of insect

poop on the dams and so always wash the fruit they've never picked fruit from

the tree and then eat it so I always think I always think it's a good idea to

wash the fruit first before you eat it

so mr. Steve after you've picked the damsons what what happens next just give

us a clue as to what happens next I'll show you what happens next well I think

people can probably guess we have to wash the fruit that's the next thing

we're going to do ok mr. Steve tell us now what are we doing here I'm going to

wait at the fruit to see if we've got end up there we go it said that now we

don't want that that's not going to make the jam very tasty so now we're gonna

put it in the water take out all these leaves yes I'm gonna go and see if I can

get it I want that to go up to there I want six pounds altogether so I'm gonna

go back outside to see back and find a few more joiners later on for the next

stage of mr. Steve's GM making

yes we are here on a Sunday live across the world planet Earth is blue and

there's nothing I can do isn't it strange how some English words can get

confused with each other here are two words that seem very

similar but have very different meanings the first word is nature naturalist

naturalist so the first word is naturalist the second word is naturist

so we have two words that look similar but have very different meanings the

first word naturalist is a person who is interested in nature and wildlife the

second word is naturist which means a person who enjoys being naked they like

taking their clothes off and being naked with other people so please make sure

that if you ever describe yourself as a person who enjoys the wildlife please

make sure that you get the right word so it's naturalist naturalist is a

person who enjoys nature a naturist is a person who enjoys walking around in the

nude so it's best that you don't get those two words confused okay okay I am

going to ask you to do something today I am going to ask you to show me your

artistic talent I want you to draw a picture of mr. Duncan that's me and also

mr. Steve as well I want you to show your artistic

talent today and please send the picture to my email address so I will be showing

your pictures today so please if you want if you want to get involved draw a

picture of mr. Duncan and mr. Steve email your pictures today to the address

on the screen you can see it there and I will show some of your pictures but

please please can we have no rude pictures thank you very much so so if

you want to draw a picture I've also asked mr. Steve to do the same thing so

I've actually asked mr. Steve to draw a picture as well so mr. Steve at three

o'clock will be showing us his picture that he's drawn of myself and him so

there we go something to look forward to and something for you to get involved in

today so draw a picture of mr. Duncan and mr. Steve use your artistic talent

to give me your your impression of mr. Duncan that's me and also mr. Steve as

well and if you send it to my email address I will show some of the pictures

later on I hope you will get involved that would be ever so nice and I will

show them right here live on YouTube so draw a picture it can be just of our

faces if you want or maybe all of us our whole bodies don't forget if you are

drawing me make sure you you have very big feet because my feet are very large

mr. Steve has very small feet so that is something just to help you to give you a

guide whilst you are drawing the picture so that's something I want to do today

it is officially autumn autumn is now here can you believe that I can't I

really can't a little bit later on we are talking about food

dude we will also be having a look at some of my other English lessons as well

right now we are going to have a look at and ask mr. Duncan lesson now ask mr.

Duncan was a series of lessons that I did over time and I did about 45 of them

45 ask mr. Duncan lessons and in these lessons I answer your questions hi

everybody this is mr. Duncan in England how are you today are you okay I hope so

are you happy I hope so here I am with you all once

again as October looms over the horizon and the long shadows of winter creep

ever nearer yes it's time to take her rummage through what I like to call my

email inbox another selection of your questions and comments await so without

any more dilly dallying and a lollygagging let's have our first

question for today why do people use the expression you know while speaking


do you know what I'm doing I'm looking at one of my videos please yourself this

interesting question comes from Nicole who lives in Canada first it is worth

noting that during everyday speech people tend to use involuntary phrases

and words in their sentences it is common to hear people use phrases such

as you know as a way of reinforcing their statement it is a kind of phrasal

tic a speech habit it is supposed to add emphasis to the point a person is making

you know it is what I do when I'm telling you something you know another

speech habit is where the person says yeah in or at the end of almost every

sentence mermaid goes down to the shops yeah cuz he's out of bread yeah and when

he gets there yeah the place is closed this can be a little annoying to listen

to my mate bill he is a lawyer yeah and he says he can help you get your money

back yeah other phrasal tix include repeatedly using actually or basically

as well as I know as another person is explaining something or talking about

their problems basically actually you know yeah it's annoying nice email I

have received a nice email from Rachel who lives in Hong Kong

Rachel writes to say that she discovered my YouTube English lessons through her

teacher who plays my videos in the classroom during each English lesson

well Rachel your teacher is not the only one doing this many schools around the

world are now using my video lessons in their classrooms too so I'm happy to

hear they have proved useful to both you and your classmates take care and

Nihao Meyer to everyone watching in Hong Kong why don't you allow comments on

your ask mr. Duncan videos this question was sent in by Justyna

who lives in Poland the reason why I do not allow comments on my ask mr. Duncan

videos is so that questions are not left on them as there are so many videos now

it will be impossible to check them for new questions so I took the difficult

decision to block comments on them this does not mean that I do not want to hear

from you and you are more than welcome to leave comments under all my 4 lessons

as well as my main Duncan in China video channel there is also my Facebook page

too and of course I always welcome your questions and comments at my email

address mr. Duncan at Waimea com what are the differences between the words

make and do and how do we use them note to self don't forget to put the rubbish

out tomorrow morning before you leave

don't you hate it when technology answers you back cheeky thing this

question comes from a Liam who lives in the Ukrainian Republic of Crimea there

is a definite difference between these two words in that one refers to actions

where something is created or made make a pie make a hole make a video make

money although the last example has two meanings to create money or to earn

money the word do tends to be used when describing an action where something is

achieved do the laundry do your homework do some gardening do generally relates

to word that will be done or has been completed

however there are times when both can be used for example you can make a portrait

or you can do a portrait in this case one describes the work and the other

describes the result of the work in the past tense we did a portrait or we made

a portrait synonyms of make include build construct create compose craft and

put together the opposite of make is destroy some animal idioms believe it or

not there are many idioms in English relating to animals straight from the

horse's mouth to hear something or get information directly from a person who

is most involved or connected to the subject in hand I got this information

straight from the horse's mouth to work like a dog this means to work for very

little reward or to be treated badly in your job my boss makes me work like a

dog to be as happy as a pig in mud to feel content and satisfied with your

situation I'm as happy as a pig in mud the bee's knees something that is of a

high standard or quality this new TV is the bee's knees crocodile tears to cry

and shed tears without feeling any real emotion you pretend to cry a bull in a

china shop to rush into a situation without thinking it through or to be

careless dressed up like a dog's dinner a person who wears clothes that are over

stylish or unsuitable for their age he or she is dressed up like a dog's dinner

how do I understand the meaning of words while reading English books this

question was sent him by de l'année who comes from Sri Lanka but he's now

studying here in the UK with her husband well as far as improving your English

goes it all depends on your own level of English and how difficult the text is to

understand in the first place it is always tempting to avoid reading books

which have been written in a very simple way using basic English some English

students find them insulting and patronizing but the fact is you have to

start somewhere although this is not your situation

there is no shame in an adult reading books aimed at young children if they

provide the education needed I think the hardest part of learning a new language

for an adult is accepting the feeling of learning like a child but in fact

learning any new skill often starts with the most basic elements I always say

that everything starts with ABC the best way to learn is through grasping the

basics for your particular situation I would recommend that you buy or borrow a

dictionary that has been written in your own language and has the English

translation for each word placed alongside those listed these days

English translation dictionaries are available in a wide range of languages

it is an invaluable tool for improving your grasp of the language while

boosting your word power at the same time I hope this is helpful to you July

and a big hello to your husband the moolah I hope you both have a great time

here in the UK it's that time again

it's curious my mind on this planet it's here again the future they tried to stop

suppress bad and forbidden but this week's word is obnoxious this is a

negative word which describes a person who is hateful or has a cruel and cold

nature they are unbearable and detestable the word is often confused

with arrogant which means a person who shows up and likes to boast and brag so

that person would be arrogant and obnoxious they would be hated and

detested because they brag the opposite of obnoxious is nice another nice email

I have received a nice email from Romy who comes from Brazil but now lives in

Japan Romy enjoys watching my English videos especially the ones about

happiness and sadness and the ones about the human body the weather and the

variations within English I see from your email that you teach Spanish

English and Portuguese there in Japan

okay we get it thank you that must keep you very busy indeed good

luck with your work Romi and thank you for your special cheer for me

Viva mr. Duncan Viva English Viva all of you before I press the eject

button and leave you all again I would like to say a special hello to all my

new students including Carey Vieira Angelika Nina

Hector sareth Musa Zakia Carlos suffer at Hadassah Gloria and all the many many

others who have joined me here on YouTube and on my Facebook page too just

to let you know right now I'm preparing two new lessons one of which was films

during my recent holiday abroad where did I go all will be revealed in a not

too distant future that is all from me for this week I will see you all again

soon with some more of your questions and comments until then this is mr.

Duncan in England saying thank you but asking me and of

course Tatar for now what do you mean I'm

ignore some time I'm not obnoxious what do you mean obnoxious

no I'm not obnoxious when am I ever obnoxious never it's impossible so there

it was one of my ask mr. Duncan lessons and of course all of my lessons are

available still I have been making videos on YouTube teaching English for

almost 11 years it's true and all of my lessons are on the playlists under this

video so all of my playlists are under this video you can watch them all as

many times as you want you can watch them once or a million times if you feel

like it it's up to you I've had a question come through concerning jam

what is the difference between jam and marmalade that's a very good question

Jam is normally made with small fruit such as strawberries and raspberries and

plums or black currants or of course damsons

like mr. Steve's dams and Jam marmalade is normally made with oranges so

normally large fruit and quite often everything goes into the jam including

the outside of the fruit the actual peel of the fruit also goes into the jam so

marmalade is normally made with oranges or sometimes you can have lime marmalade

as well so marmalade is different from Jam back to the live chat because we

have a lot going on today wow so many people some people talking about the

differences between naturalist and naturist I will mention that once again

the differences are

naturalist is very interested in nature they love nature they are interested in

the wildlife naturalist and naturist is a person who is keen on being naked or

nude with other people quite often especially here in the UK I don't know

why but there are a lot of places where people can go to to be naked there are

beaches there are places I don't know why I've never done it myself I'm too

shy honestly live chat is very busy mr. Duncan you look the same as you did

seven years ago Thank You Aurora for that that is very kind of you to say we

will be talking about getting old later on mr. Steve will be here in

around about 12 minutes to say hello to you all and today we are talking about

many things we will be talking about the signs that you are getting old so mr.

Steve has compiled ten signs that you are getting old I think he's he's going

to make it humorous so don't worry it won't be depressing it won't be

upsetting it will be nice and fun and also we were talking about something

else because yesterday we met our new neighbors for the first time a very

awkward situation now in general social behavior activities involving people one

of the hardest and most stressful things you can ever do in your life is to meet

someone for the first time who you will be seeing many many times in the future

for example a new neighbor so when you meet someone for the first time

sometimes it can be very very stressful so that's something we will also be

talking about after 3 o'clock today so stressful situations

such as meeting someone for the first time maybe your new neighbor and that's

what we did yesterday we had to go round to our new neighbor and say hello we are

your neighbors can you imagine the look on their face when they realized that

they will be living next door to me can you believe would you like to live

next door to me is it a good idea last week by the way we were talking about

animal sounds do you remember that last week did you see last week's lesson for

those who missed last week's lesson here it is again in 25 seconds oh I think

last week I think that must have been the best live English lesson ever or

perhaps this week maybe this week is the best one ever who knows so there it was

just in case you missed it you can watch all of my live English

lessons on my youtube channel they are available and of course later you could

watch this again and don't forget later there will be

subtitles later on so you can watch this again as many times as you want and

there will be subtitles as well so as I just mentioned we were talking about

animal sounds last week and there are two that we missed off the list because

we ran out of time because mr. Steve loves talking so here are 2 animal

sounds so first of all we had this sound here it is

hiss hiss do you know which animals make this sound

now in fact there are many that make this sound quite a few in fact so there

it is hiss the sound is hiss so you could say that the the word actually

sounds like the sound itself hiss of course there are quite a few animals

that make this sound including snakes and also owls did you know that did you

know that owls also hiss some owls do hiss and cats yes cats also hiss when

they're angry so if a cat gets angry it will it will hiss also goose I didn't

know that I didn't know geese hissed I didn't know that

and finally Swan Swan I know that swans hiss and also they bite you as well

swans beautiful birds but they can be very violent birds as well so these are

animals that make a hissing noise hiss there it is and another one here squeak

squeak a very common animal sound many animals make this sound squeak animals

that make this sound include the mouse a mouse will squeak hamster hamster a

hamster will also squeak did you know that a rabbit can also squeak I didn't

know that I always thought I always thought that rabbits didn't make a sound

but apparently if they are scared or being hurt or attacked they will

actually squeak so I didn't know that I didn't know rabbits made a squeaking

sound rats also oh I don't like rats and also chinchilla chinchilla chinchilla is

looked like big rats don't they and finally guinea pig guinea pig a guinea

pig also makes a squeak so that's something we did last week with mr.

Steve but we did actually miss these out we didn't include these last week so

there they are hiss and squeak hiss and squeak the

floor talking of mr. Steve we are now going to have a look at another Jam

making video and this is part 2 and don't forget we have mr. Steve coming

live at 3 o'clock today so let's go back to mr. Steve in the kitchen making jam

so mr. Steve we seem to be at a very interesting stage of the process we're

cooking at the fruit I'm cooking the damsons here we go

they're simmering away nicely bubbling away there gently cooking we just need

to soften the fruit who would have thought that mr. Duncan's English show

would turn into a cookery show and we will be sharing your what viewers how to

make jam but there we go we are its cooking guide States got about another

need to cook it for about half an hour I've got two on the go here I've got two

sauces going here should have these aren't proper Jam making sauce pans but

they'll do so we've got about another 15 minutes to go while the fruit softens

that's very messy and then we'll come back to you when I add the sugar which

was the clues from last week's show so that's got to go in there when the fruit

is cooked so we'll see you in about 15 minutes mr. Duncan that's very nice and

also the word simmer if something simmers it means it cooks very slowly

without getting too hot that's right a low heat a simmer a very low heat it

means it's just bubbling away cooking very gently and you could say that is

somebody you can use that expression to describe someone's behavior if their

anger is simmering away it's bubbling something is bubbling away or simmering

so it's not boiling it's not too hot it's just cooking steadily just like mr.

Steve's damsons are right now

welcome back to making jam with mr. Steve and this is where we add the sugar

so here we go I've got to put three pounds of sugar in here slowly Bobby

shouldn't do it as quickly as that but

that was two pounds so I've got to add another pound

this is where it gets exciting there we go stir it more in probably a

professional cook would say that I've done that too quickly

so that's return that up a bit but not yet what do I have three pounds of sugar

to the other ones that a good stir look how messy getting in here already

you try to another pound of sugar into there

for 425 grams

at this moment the jam is what is is it completely cooked or do you have to cook

it for a further amount of time it's saying here add the sugar and stir and

boil rapidly but what happens at this point is all the stones start to come

out of the fruit there's one of the hard Stone's from the fruit and I will show

you a quick way of how to remove those stones later so when this is boiling

away we'll come back and I'll remove the stones using my quick method so mr.

Steve has a has a magic method of removing all of the stones from from the

fruit as it's cooking so we will have a look at that later on

oh I must say that looks absolutely delicious I can't wait to sample some of

mr. Steve's jam I haven't tried any yet I haven't had any whatsoever so I'm

hoping later on that I will have a chance to sample to try some of mr.

Steve's lovely lovely jam I am asking you today to draw a picture of Duncan

and Steve I'm Duncan by the way pleased to meet you and mr. Steve is well we've

had we've had some emails come through I can't believe it here we go an email

from TS Tia who says my name is TS I would like to describe you and mr. Steve

in the picture as birds that's very interesting let's have a look shall we

let's have a look at the picture in question oh I see I can see what you've

done there you have represented it is a representation of mr. Steve and mr.

Duncan there I am you can see me I'm wearing the Hat and mr. Steve is well we

are both flying free we are being represented in that picture as a couple

of pigeons flying around thank you very much to us for that I think I have

another one here as well another picture come through Wow

oh no it's ts again so if you'd like to send one of your photographs please just

send it once or else they get very confused you see it doesn't take much to

confuse me so thank you very much for your impression of myself and mr. Steve

flying around like birds isn't that lovely talking of mr. Steve oh my

goodness look it's it's three o'clock everyone it is now three o'clock here in

the UK I don't know what time it is where you are but you know what's coming

next oh yes you do

it's a Sunday it's a fun day it's live English day across the world on YouTube

oh hello there thank you very much for joining me

it is now two minutes past three o'clock here in the UK and of course you know

what happens next here he is the star of the show the star of stage the star of

this live English stream its mr. Steve there he is

Oh mr. Steve and there he is this is the best Jam you have ever tasted he is

admiring his Jam your Jam looks lovely by the way hello hello hello mr. Duncan

and thank you once again for inviting me on your live English show I'm very

excited today because this is the finished product

okay can you just hold it up again let's have a look oh look at that and what

does it say on the top there's a little label on the top what is that says

2017 massive oh I see can't you can't you tip it over

will the Jam go everywhere Jam no there we go still can't see it mm that's

better yes yes put it right into the camera put it right into the lens don't

worry about it just pretend you're a supermodel with Jam and push it push it

right into the lens that's what I say so thank you mr. Steve for joining us again

and and I've noticed behind you there is some autumnal leaves let me put this

down yes yes because autumn is here do you do so mr. Steve what is your

favorite season spring you like spring I like spring because everything's

renewing everything's growing its you've got months and months of lovely weather

to look forward to and you just feel rejuvenated after the winter yes so

spring is sort of the season of birth isn't it and many people see autumn as

as the season out of death because everything dies everything goes very

bare and cold because winter is just around the corner talking of death

that's that's a lovely subject to talk about today I've got the say mr. Duncan

you put this behind me last week and I can't see any improvements to my

background it still looks a bit bare I thought you might have made a bit of an

effort this week and working on it right work in progress I've got my top team of

background designers working on your background at the moment so so it is it

is in progress I have a dozen people 12 people are now working on your

background there there is no expense no expense what so our expense spent I

would say judging by the back of this you've had that year as I've seen that

before I'm sure you've used that another videos I just expected more this week

but after last week saying you know I want better background I still haven't

got it and I remember last week mr. Steve

moving moving on because we only have another hour to go because last week we

were talking for so long we actually ran out of time do you remember what

happened yesterday because we went for our lovely meal yesterday ri-ight

yesterday yesterday I used my psychic power yesterday didn't I well that's

what you call it yes it was I was psychic yesterday everyone we were

talking about this last week now yesterday what happened yesterday

something rather strange happened didn't it well we went out for a meal and you

said let me guess using my psychic powers what the meal

will be on what the offer is today because we go to this particular cafe

restaurant and what you call it and they always have a couple of specials so they

they do special meals different every week and mr. Duncan wanted a guess

which was going to be the meal but I was using my psychic powers don't forget it

wasn't just a guess you're wrong there mr. Steve I was I was in touch with the

other side I was I was I was getting through to the other side and and the

spirit world was telling me that the special meal yesterday was going to be

stew and dumplings would you like to see some stewing dumplings because not

everyone has seen stew and you and dumpling there they are look at those oh

my goodness that makes me feel very hungry now stew you and dumping

dumplings so dumplings are are things that are made of suet which is a very

fatty material but they are absolutely delicious stew so stew is chopped meat

and vegetables in a very rich thick sauce oh my goodness look at that

so yesterday I used my psychic powers to guess that the special meal yesterday on

the menu at the copper kettle because Steve doesn't like mentioning it because

you always think someone's gonna come in and kidnappers don't you well no you

said you were worried about being kidnapped let's face it they only do

offer about six different meals so I think you had about a one in six chance

of getting that right I know you'd like to think it's psychic powers but stew is

a nice winter food stew because you put it all and it's lovely to cook because

you put it all in one big pot stick it in the oven leave it for a couple of

hours then you come back and it's ready you don't have to do anything else to it

it's a tie lovely meal and it was it was delicious but I still say that it was my

psychic power that I've inherited from my great grandmother because she was

psychic as well you see so that's what I think

anyway talking of food there are certain types of food that are delicious such as

stew and dumplings oh my goodness they are so delicious

they look lovely don't they I want to eat some now but also there are types of

food that we don't like and there is one particular type of food that we have in

common that we hate isn't there definitely it's food that looks or is

from the animal that was not it was killed and if they haven't done anything

to it so like crab for example yes lobster there it is there is a crap

now on the screen so the crab are went whenever they cook the crab or serve the

crab that they always keep it in one piece with the shell in the claws they

also do this with lobsters as well so lobsters and crabs when they cook them

and serve them they they just keep them as if as if the animal is still walking

around now I find that quite disturbing to be honest because I don't like to

recognize the animal I'm eating I do like eating meat but but I think crab is

one of those things that I can't eat because it looks like the animal so

quite often they will just serve it on the plate can you see here there is a

picture here so these are crabs that have been boiled and then they've just

been put on the plate for people to eat and I'm not a big fan of that I must

admit I'm I don't like the the thought of eating something that I can recognize

I mean could you imagine if you went into a restaurant and ordered a steak

and then they they came in with the whole cow and then they just put it on

the on the table in front of you and then you had to cut into this cow with

with with its cow face staring at you I couldn't do that so that's the reason

why I don't like crab and also the reason why I'm not a very big fan of

lobster as well because because the animal is still is still whole what do

you think mr. Steve no I don't like fish either when they've still got the heads

on oh you really do you remember thing do you remember mr. Steve do you

remember when you came to China to see me I wait we went for a meal and

and in China quite often they will serve the fish completely whole so they will

they will cook it they will take the insides out of course but the fish will

look as if it was still in the water swimming around so yes quite often they

would they would serve the fish with the face and the eyes everything and then

you would just stick your chopsticks into it so yes it's something I'm not a

big fan of of eating food that has a face I think that's the best way of

describing it so food that has a face it's not good is it

no and in the UK because we're very fond of our pets our pet dogs our pet cats

gerbils rabbits we keep a lot of pets in this country and so when we're suddenly

confronted with like for example the cows out of the back of here which mr.

Duncan has showed many photographs and videos of it's hard to think of eating

that animal afterwards when you've developed a bit of an affection for it

so I like to eat meat but I don't like to see any representation of the animal

that it came from so whole fish on the plate crabs and let's face it it's very

messy I have eaten crab I mean it's messy

you're gonna pull all the limbs off you gotta chew it you get covered in your

face some people like that of course perfectly acceptable but not me I

I could turn vegetarian you know it wasn't for the fact that meat is just so

delicious that is the problem though that the meat is delicious if if they

made meat tastes terrible if they really made it taste awful I would never eat it

again yeah so if they did that I wouldn't eat it but a lot of people are

now saying on the live chat such as Xena Xena says that is the reason why we are

vegetarians so I think Xena is already a vegetarian so you're thinking

about it mr. Steve but I have a feeling that you're not going to do it I could

live without it I mean I know we've got the teeth for eating meat and plants

omnivores I think is the is the scientific term for an animal that can

eat all different varieties of food and we are omnivores our teeth are capable

of eating plants and meats they're adapted to that that's what we've done

for hundreds of thousands of years but at the same time as we've become more

refined and more civilized you could say that we've got pets and dogs and cats

then there's that little twang of guilt when you eat meat and you know it's come

from a living being yes a moment for a moment in your mind you think oh my

goodness this this animal was walking around in the field a few days ago which

of course brings me onto another subject because at the back of our house there

there is a field and at the moment there are balls in the field but but over the

last two or three weeks the number of Bulls have been decreasing because they

are sending them off now to be slaughtered you know unfortunately so

it's not very nice it's not very pretty I must admit so originally there were

ten in the back of the house and then there were eight and now there are only

four balls left four left some of them have gone off to be already Oh talking

of talking of creatures okay talking of creatures we've got a plague a literally

a plague upon our house upon this area of ladybirds ladybirds and I've left a

window open upstairs I've never seen so many lay lady Birds lady Birds what do

they look like I tell you what they look like because I've trapped some in a jar

because they're all inside the bathroom I left the window open a fraction so

I'll show you don't know if you can see those in there ladybirds

oh my goodness and that's I'm going to put those out

later don't worry I'm not going to kill them but lady Birds or ladybugs as they

call in some countries they're all on the lid look look at that oh my goodness

there were so many of them I was actually talking about this earlier I

was talking about lady birds in fact I had I had a picture of a lady bird there

it is one of the lady birds that I took a picture of yesterday but now mr. Steve

mr. Steve has lots and lots of them in a jar there are hundreds and hundreds of

lady birds look at that and those are just a few of them that literally the

window any window in the house if you go to it right now there must be about

twenty or thirty lady Birds and they're all in the air I've never seen so many

ever before and for those who are worried for those who are worrying mr.

Steve will let the lady birds fly away after we have finished so don't worry I

hope there are some holes in the top of that jar I'll I'll just let some air in

there we go there we go that's it just let some air in we don't want we

don't want the lady birds suffocating live on air it's not that kind of video

we don't youtube youtube have got so sensitive now you see with everything so

we don't want we don't want to be accused of animal cruelty today no I'm

gonna let them out later that in that is one of my empty jam jars so I'm gonna be

careful that I don't put Jam inside that one because that would be interesting

Jam having lady birds in your in your jam is just freely on your on your bread

still plenty of protein plenty of protein yes you could yeah Ted if you

liked eating lady birds and cause some cultures to eat insects there's loads of

them out there you could probably I reckon there are thousands literally

thousands of them out there right now okay has it yes has it

Edith asks how can you catch so many lady Birds we're at the moment outside

the house there are hundreds and hundreds of lady Birds on the front of

the house the house is covered covered with lady birds at the moment because

they are all trying to find a place to to go to sleep for winter

winter is getting getting to that temperature we have had it before but

I've never seen so many I caught them by flicking them into the jam jar with with

it with a piece of cardboard I just sort of flipped them in and then I was quite

careful but there must have been about there's still about five or six left

upstairs crawling all over the bathroom window do you know one lady birds are

called in the United States what they called them ladybugs I think ladybugs

yes they are ladybugs in the USA and here in England they are corn later

birds don't know why lady Birds just the way it is it's just the way it is what

about male lady Birds if you're a man if you're a if you're a man Lady Bird it

must be very embarrassing because because you still call the lady bird

they should have they should have a pronoun that allows allows the man lady

bird to be identified as a man lady bird what do you think they all look a bit

feminine I don't think you can tell a female from a male lady bird so you know

I don't think they know although that's just as well as suppose I suppose it's

just as well it might cause cause severe psychological harm later honor I'm not

sure about that anyway yesterday we did something special didn't we what did we

do yesterday mr. Steve we went around to see oh the new neighbors the new know

you talking about the new neighbor it is official we have new neighbors living in

snore now we have new neighbors living right next door to us and yesterday now

in the afternoon we spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen rehearsing

meeting the new neighbors we were so nervous weren't we I don't know why we

were so nervous but we I think it's because we wanted to make a good

impression is that right uh yes I think that's fair to say

because it's very difficult isn't it when you meet someone for the first time

especially someone that you are going to be very familiar with such as a new

neighbor then then you you want to make a good

impression there are lots

of situations of course where you need to make a good impression for the first

time your your first appearance when you meet someone can you think of any other

situations mr. Steve well one of the most difficult ones is if you're if

you're going out with somebody and you've been seeing them for a while and

then you go to meet their parents so if you are dating someone dating somebody

yes and then you are invited to go and see the parents now that's always a

stressful event more so I think for the man I think if you know if you've got a

relationship with a man and a woman and the the girl is taking her man to meet

the parents then it's very nervous for the man to

meet the parents because you know what's the father going to be like and it's

strange actually I've seen many many examples of and stories of friends male

friends who've been going out with a girl dating a girl they meet the parents

and the father has really been very nasty to them boo because fathers and

daughters you know it's a difficult relationship for the father to let go of

the daughter I think the father is always protective

very protective fathers tend to be very protective of their daughter I think so

yes and it's all sorts of things must be going over in the mind of the father and

it's it's a difficult one so they've tend to be very judgemental against the

their at their daughters Malaya what do you mean judgemental what does that mean

well it means that they're going to be looking at them very carefully looking

for flaws looking for things that they don't like in that person criticizing

them because they don't think they're good enough for their daughter

that's quite quite a common one looking for faults well they're looking ready to

see if that man can look after their daughter yes I serve I'd a good life for

them financially emotionally everything so there

you seem to know so much about this it's it's as if you you've lived all of these

different lives you seem to have you've seemed to have a lot of knowledge there

but I think that is a very stressful situation meeting the parents of your

loved one so if you are dating and you meet the parents for the first time it

can be very nerve-wracking so nerve-wracking it is a very stressful

situation in fact I've just had something come through in the live chat

just a moment yes Ari - Ari - says when meeting new people some of us might be

shy retiring bashful like me I'm very shy and bashful modest demure yet

diffident and humble also nervous

I think nervous is the the big one we always feel nervous when we meet someone

for the first time are there any other situations where you might be nervous

meeting someone for the first time a job interview vetting your potential new

boss I'll tell you something else as well which is is is key and I've never

learnt it he's remembering people's name oh that makes a good impression so if

you can remember people's names and I can't remember the names of our

neighbors we met them yesterday they told us lots of times but I wasn't

caught yes I'd remember one of them are I remember the man's name but not the

woman but yes if you meet somebody there is a trick to it and you're supposed to

just whenever they say their name you're supposed to repeat it straight away back

to them and then keep repeating it and that's supposed to help with going in

here so yes so what you do it's so imagine I'm meeting someone and I say my

name is Duncan and then they gay oh they go they say hello Duncan I'm pleased to

meet you Duncan so Duncan what do you do for a living Duncan Oh Duncan how long

have you lived here Oh Duncan do you ever go cycling or

running Duncan do you enjoy walking so that that imprints the

in your brain probably a bit too much that they might thinking a bit weird if

you said it that many times but you get the idea yes yes Duncan I do you'll get

the gist of it yes yes yes so that's very important when you're meeting

people for the first time that you remember their names and and

professionals you hear this story a lot politicians people in the media they

always tend to remember people's names and if you remember somebody's name it's

very flattering if so if you've met somebody a long time ago and they meet

you again and they say hello and they say your name and you've only met them

once before that's very impressive and you you remember that and you're

impressed by that person so I think it's very important I've never mastered it

I'm very bad at names and I want to get better people have known for years this

is very embarrassing people I have literally known at work for 15 years I

will meet them because we meet about three or four times a year and I won't

remember their name I'll just say hello how are you

and I don't remember their name and it's so annoying Oh to have a list do you

know what I think I said I think forgetting things like that can

sometimes be a sign of getting old oh right ah which brings us nicely zoom

a feature that we are going to do now 10 things or 10 signs that you are

getting old now I haven't seen your list so I have no idea what you have put

there I have absolutely no idea so anything can happen during the next few

moments I have no idea what mr. Steve has written down so mr. Steve has 10

signs 10 indications that you are getting old so please mr. Steve give us

the first sign I'm getting old and give us the first sign because of course no

one likes to get old we don't like to do it but it

is a fact of life and hopefully mr. Steve has some humorous things to share

so two humorous here is the first sign that you are getting old

have you already havee already asked p if you already mentioned this before us

before I came on No ah right so could this be a good point

to ask for other people to send in their suggestions we're gonna have time and

Isis we stay on until tomorrow morning we might need a 12 hour livestream for

that your site so so we have 10 on your list so I think we'll stick with that

for now to be honest right so the that I've got

10 so I shall do a countdown do the first one please the first one is signs

that you are getting old you need a fire extinguisher ready when you light the

candles on your birthday cake so what do you mean by that you need a fire

extinguisher ready when you light the candles on your birthday cake it means

that you've got so many candles on your birthday cake that when you light them

it could turn into a big blaze and set fire to the house so have a fire

extinguisher handy when you're getting older because there are so many candles

you might start a fire or of course you could use a bucket of water you could

have a bucket of water next to the cake because there are so many candles

burning it might be a fire hazard fire hazard or the fibra great fire

brigade or a firetruck I need mr. Duncan's getting to that point now where

I need to have a fire extinguisher ready when I like the candles on his birthday

cake you know for a moment for a moment for a moment I thought you were going to

tell us your age but we might save that for another time but but let's just say

that that if mr. Steve was having a birthday he would have a lot of candles

on the cake and we might need a bucket of water ready to throw on the

cake just in case the candles set fire to

everything in the room because there are so many candles on the cake that's a

good one I like that one okay number two please okay number two which is in fact

number nine because I'm counting down here oh I see ten so these are in it

these are in a very particular order hmm okay they're so num okay just to be

awkward number nine okay number nine on the

countdown sign that you are getting old you catch yourself breathing with your

mouth open there we go I'm not I'm not actually sure if that's

a sign of old age it might be a sign of quite a few things so when you're

getting old your mouth tends to hang open I've actually started doing this

when I'm in front of the television I've caught myself just breathing with my

mouth just open a bit and I doesn't know old people do that I'm not old

shut your mouth and breathe through your nose so no that's a sign you're getting

old there is actually a terrible expression in English we describe

someone who is who is not very intelligent or or doesn't have much

class or is or is uneducated you can call them a mouth breather mouth

breather it's a it's a horrible expression but it

is a it is a current expression that people use to describe a person who is

not very intelligent or or is uneducated they call them a mouth breather I think

because the expression on their face is sort of but that's happened to me BAPS

I'm going senile and losing my intelligence and I'm starting to breathe

with my mouth open maybe mr. Steve is losing his marbles

losing my marbles losing my mind going senile dementia setting in

okay who would expect it at 26 Oh none glad see you mr. Duncan but I know

you're making a funny face into the camera number 8 please number 8 sign

that you are getting older you like gardening and or walking suddenly you

like gardening suddenly you like going oh I like going for a long walk and when

you go for a long walk what do you see lots of elderly people because all the

young people are paragliding or or scuba diving or skiing or doing something

exciting or they're doing anything but gardening you don't see young people

gardening normally not very often you go past houses uuuugh quite often and I

think this is true I'm not generalizing here but I think it's true that if you

go past houses or Gardens you will quite often see elderly people in the gardener

people over a certain age maybe over 50 or over 60 they are in the garden doing

little jobs little chores in the garden so yeah that might be a sign of all day

that's a sign the signage you had to do it before but now you like doing it

that's the difference mm-hmm do you like gardening I think you

know the answer to that I do you it in the garden this morning you I couldn't I

couldn't tear you away from the garden mr. Steve was actually in the garden

this morning I had to drag him I had to drag him into the house so we could set

up the cameras in here he loves gardening so much so so maybe you are

right maybe gardening may be the desire to do lots of gardening is a sign of

getting old I need to be very fit to garden but there you go I think it's a

sign you want another one number seven is number seven signs that

you are getting older you go to more and more

funeral my goodness you go to because as you get older people that you knew

parents other elderly people friends they all start dying off they do they

all start dying off my my mother I've always mentioned my mother every

week but anybody that you know of a certain age particularly they start

getting their 70s and their eighties but I found this now even in my birthday

then you find that people start dying and when and when they start dying and

they're the same age as you that's when things start to get a little worrying so

so what you have to hope and I think this is probably a good point to make it

this juncture this part of the lesson is that is that people around you are dying

and maybe in the back of your mind in your in your mind you are thinking will

I be the next one well that yes that does cross your mind but I've been I've

noticed every year I go to more and more funerals sad fact of life life and death

people start dying in the older you get the more people that you know start

dying so that's a sign that you're getting older but in all fairness your

mother is approaching 90 so yes no friends left you know that all died is

going in that direction that's what I'm trying to say so your mother is in that

direction so so I suppose when you get to when you are in your 80s I suppose

people around you are going to start disappearing that they are going to

start dying away it starts ramping up at that age but it starts when you're in

your 50s I've had two I know two friends who generated to me and though they had

one fat one was younger died you know but there you go let's cheer things up

you just you just don't know I don't know I always say I always say live

every day as if it's your last because one day you will be right live every day

to you so I could be doing something else right

now could I rather than this I don't know I think

this is great I think this is a great way to spend your lifespan

I think so right shake myself out of that number six number six sign that you

are getting older you spend more time asleep than awake this is this is almost

connected to the last one and now I always think that old people elderly

people sleep a lot because they're rehearsing for death that's what they're

doing they're actually practicing they're practicing being dead what does

it feel like yes when you're younger you've got lots of energy I've noticed

that now as I'm I'm getting you know I'm gonna rot elderly but I'm getting on a

starting to get older that I tend to sleep more I need more sleep so that's a

sign but in all fairness you you've always been like this now I've known you

for nearly 30 years and and to be honest you've always been

a bit like that you always fall asleep once you've done a bit of work

once you've exerted yourself for 10 or 15 minutes you always you always drop

off so I don't think that's that that's anything to do with old age as far as

you're concerned because that's what you do anyway thanks a lot mr. Duncan I

should be exhausted after after this show I tell you I shall I just have to

go in lie down for an hour and rest recuperate really charge my batteries I

think that's a good point that you make though I think yes elderly people they

do spend a lot more time asleep though their mouths open I wonder what they're

dreaming about I had no idea probably heaven but they probably

wouldn't remember anyway they're probably thinking a lot about heaven

people if so we sound like we're ageist no wait no this is a frank discussion

this is a direct discussion we are talking about something it's very hard

to talk about so we are we are doing it in a light-hearted way a fun way it's a

very English thing to do to make one of things that are that are not

pleasant I think it's a very English thing so so this is a kind of cultural

thing really we do like to joke about things that are very horrible we do like

to joke about them because it makes us feel better about it so number 5 number

5 sign that you are getting older hair starts appearing in places you've never

had it before oh now this is one that I can definitely definitely because I

might show you something in a minute would you like to see a part of my body

that's very hairy boo please and no mr. Duncan who who wants to see a part of my

body that used to be smooth but is now Harry would you like to see it I will

show you if you want if I have ten people who say yes I will show you a

part of my body that used to be smooth but is now hairy

I think you need donations for that yes donations on the super Chuck I need 5

donations if I get 5 donations on the super chat I will show you a part of my

body that used to be smooth but is now hairy

what about sharing them a part of your body that used to be hairy but is now

smooth oh that's easy exactly that's my head that's what

happens that's the opposite so the hair disappears from one area and it

reappears somewhere else there come on we need we need five we need five super

check donations if we get five super check donations I will show you I'm not

kidding I'm not lying I will show you a part of my body that is now hairy and

that'll be the last time we're ever on air this might be the point where

YouTube just just decides that that I shouldn't be here anymore and they just

they just cut me off so come on we need some air you need

some super chats so yes hey disappears from one area and

reappears somewhere else so we need super chats we need we need a live of

these come on get these super chats if you have five of them I will show you my

Harry it don't if that happens to women the

women lose hair in places and then it reappears somewhere else oh is that just

a thing for men I think women can get certain types of hair growth sometimes

on the face I think is well but but women can lose their hair as well there

is an illness called alopecia I think that there's a skin disease but if you

get it on your head it it causes the hair to actually fall out to actually

fall out and in you lose your hair so I think that can affect women and and men

as well that's not old age that's just like a condition but yes hair appearing

in places you never had it before and of course I'm not pre-empting what you're

about to say because maybe this is already on your list but but the hair

also changes color we can diet of course you can change the color of your hair to

make it look dark I suppose yeah you can dye it number four ye not D ie number

four number four sign that you are getting older you buy a recliner or a

reclining sofa I don't know what what do you mean by recline right it's those

SETI's or sofas in your living room that there's a little button at the side and

lo and behold the whole seat raises up your legs are out straight and your

lying back and it's wonderfully comfortable and you I'm not having one

of those you say that's that's just for people elderly people and then you go

into a store where they sell sofas and you sit on one of these recliners and

you press the button and go back and go ah yes wait well we are showing though

we have there might be lots of people who don't understand recliners so so on

the recliner the back of the chair goes down and the front comes up supporting

your legs you go back like this so it's wonderful so yes that's in the back the

back goes down and the front comes up you're lying as if you're on a bed

almost like on a bed but you don't have to go upstairs it's there in your living

room franchise assessor button yes okay calm down

goodness me you know you don't buy the chance own a recliner do you there may

be one somewhere in the house think so I'm getting the feeling goodness me I

think get a room they're wonderful just get one who cares

if it's a sign of old age franceska franceska says I love recliners yes

that's fantastic we seem to have a reclining chair fan club here oh so

Francisca loves reclining chairs as well I'm not going to make any comments about

Francesca's age but I know that mr. Steve really does like his recliner

especially on a Saturday when he's been into town for his afternoon treat and he

comes back home and he falls asleep don't you every time I get in that seat

pushing the button Ouiser I'm going go back like this and within seconds I'm

asleep that's a very good representation that's a very good impression of a

reclining chair by the way I'm very impressed I think next week we will have

a photograph I will take a photograph of mr. Steve reclining reclined the chair

and we will show it next week well I bet you can't wait for that all I want is a

fridge in the side with some beer in it and I'll be very happy number three

number three sign we're getting near to the top one

sign that you are getting older you catch sight of yourself in a mirror

that's an odd angle and for a second you don't know who it is that that is very

true you catch sight of yourself like in a shop or something like that and you

see a reflection of yourself at a strange angle because you normally see

yourself face on and from the back you Theo who's that old person oh it's me

Atlas the worst one I think there's something worse there's something worse

than that mr. Steve it's when you wake up in the morning and you go into

the bathroom and you look at yourself in the bathroom first thing in the morning

just after getting out of bed you look in the mirror and you you can't believe

what you see you you see this strange old worn-out looking person staring back

and you think that can't be me this mirror is not giving me a true

representation of my appearance I'm pretty sure of it do I really look that

bad there is nothing worse than looking in the mirror first thing in the morning

especially if you have a few years behind you the other thing is if someone

takes out a photograph of you and you you look at that photograph and you

think oh oh dear you know the lights not very flattering not like today the

lights very flattering so obviously I you look quite youthful but yes if you

catch sight of yourself particularly from the back at an odd angle you don't

recognize that person that can be quite scary I think so I think yes if you are

if you if you are not used to looking in the mirror at certain times of the day

it can be very shocking especially first thing in the morning and sometimes you

will notice things as well you will notice changes especially on your face

you might find a new wrinkle on your face or a new lying yeah your face and

and then for the rest of the day you are you are so depressed about it all you

can think about is the new line on your face and you think that's it that's it

my life is over game over game over man game over mmm that's from aliens that

might be the most useless piece of information that I've had today one of

my favorite films aliens or alien - okay though aliens you know your babbling

babbling is another sign of old age by the way yes my memories still all right

are you sure about that right well if we had need anybody

suggesting any signs of getting old yet if we had we've had hair changing color

so your hair goes from your hair goes from dark has to to gray or sometimes

white I have some white hairs on my body I've got some on my head but also in

other places as well i-i've now I now have white hairs I'm not saying we're by

the way no one no one has made a donation no one wants to see the place

where I have hair where I didn't have hair in the past no one so no one wants

to see that so so my hairy thing will not be shown today I'm not sorry about

that maybe if you paid the viewers yes maybe that way round I might have to

start giving out money to get people to join in that's after I have to bribe

people or blackmail people into into getting getting them to join in have

things become that bad where I have to pay you to watch me goodness gracious I

can't believe it so where are we now are we number two are up to number two

number two these are meant to be sort of light-hearted not not too serious yes I

must admit your your list has really cheered me up mr. Steve well you asked

me to do it right number two sign that you could be getting older you have to

get up in the night to pee and it takes a while Oh God now I must be honest I I

really I really do feel this one literally I literally feel this one yes

as you get older especially men I think this affects men more than women what

what do you think I think so yes because I think women lose the ability to to

hold you in after they have babies that's quite common I think your room is

men I love that word urine pee urine water

I won't use any rude ones don't say piss I won't say oh you've just said it

mister dump whatever you do don't say piss because I'm going to see if you

apparently if you say piss YouTube will book your wife they will disconnect you

so don't don't whatever you do mr. Steve don't it's a

good job there's a ten minute delay before this goes out you've got time to

to delete that phrase but yes it is a sign men I think it affects men more

than women because of anatomical features in a man that can cause

retention of urine in the bladder yes and can and that means you have to get

up to you when you go to the toilet as you get older it's quite common for a

man not to empty his bladder completely and therefore it feels that very quickly

and you wake up in the night need you to go to that well I say some people

obviously not me you've already admitted to it but I don't get that problem why I

have nothing to be ashamed of are I know that lots of men is they get older they

they sometimes have to go to the toilet a lot at night yeah sometimes they they

can't go even if they try but it feels as if they need to go to the toilet so

so with men as there is we get hold that we really do suffer now women often

think that that women say we have the hardest part but I tell you now as men

get older we we have lots of problems with with our with our pipes with our

waterworks lots of things start going wrong so don't worry as men we have to

suffer later and I'm suffering at the moment it's it's terrible you you get a

bit night you have to go to the toilet then you get back in bed and then ten

minutes later you have to get up again came a minute what what's that all about

it's about getting old it is and that's what we're talking about today getting

old do we have any we want to lighten the mood here a little bit so let's have

a look do we have any new emails oh yes we have we have

some pictures I hope I hope these are photographs of of your drawings and

nothing else jewelry please don't send me pictures of

your hairy parts thank you very much okay some pictures of hairy parts you

don't have to repeat it mr. Steve no I was out that was a question oh I see

Hey oh great oh my goodness oh thank you very all this is great we've had it

we've had a super email come through here unfortunately I'm not sure who it

is because the the name is in it looks like Russian but I think it's red carve

red cough Akaya red cough kaya has sent a brilliant picture of mr. Duncan that's

me and also mr. Steve as well so let's have a look shall we

we will go on the main camera to have a look oh that is absolutely I absolutely

love that so there is mr. Duncan mr. Duncan on the on the left and mr. Steve

I must admit mr. Steve just does look like mr. Steve let's do a comparison

shall we here we go I can't see it by the way so there is there is me and

there is mr. Steve can you see mr. Steve there I think that really does look like

you that is amazing I love that picture of mr. Steve I think I'm gonna use that

picture every week now to show mr. Steve's appearance I can't see it

unfortunately I'll look at it afterwards don't come can show I can't see the

screen from here I can only see you and I haven't got a monitor I love that so

much I Brian I think that that is a brilliant representation of mr. Steve

thank you very much I will look at it later

and there's me I think you've made me look very old in that picture but that

that picture of mr. Steve is brilliant they've got the hair perfect well

there's nothing to draw when it comes to hair there's nothing to draw in fact I

think they were actually erasing it I think

they'd probably put too much and then they raised it with a little rubber a

little eraser this is a life choice is it you've chosen that okay I've chosen

this look so there is another another picture let's have another one shall we

said see if there are any more so thank you very much funds to to route route

cough SIA kiya aur kya no it's brilliant that's a pretty brilliant picture we are

not offended by that picture it's brilliant we love it Maria has sent a

drawing hello mr. Duncan a mr. Steve the best

teachers in the world thank you did you want me but what tell what have

you been doing people have been drawing us they are enjoying this oh wow oh this

is this is brilliant actually this looks a bit like one of your drawings mr.

Steve so here is here is mr. Duncan I'm mr. Steve you couldn't you can see

me I hope that's not too bright I'll wait there let's let's just have to see

I can't see you can't see that's another sign of old age there we go oh I love

that that's brilliant so you can see mr. Duncan that's me with

my with my yellow smiley face t-shirt and also mr. Steve is well is standing

behind me I I think that's a brilliant drawing that is so good

so we've got some there's some good artists out there in YouTube land where

I was right now there are some very talented people i I do love mr. Steve

there mr. Steve looks a bit ill I can't wait to see this later this this is just

hilarious I I love that thank you very much for your representation there I

think you've captured mr. Steve you've captured mr. Steve very well thank God

for that number one sign we'll wait there a second who was that from let me

just did I mention who that was from I don't

think I did let's just make sure that we do a name check there Maria Maria

Gonzalez thank you very much that is that is brilliant

I love your picture we look we look quite quite young in your picture thank

you very much for for flattering us I'm very pleased to see that Tomic says poor

mr. Steve there is such a terrible background behind him and there is no

monitor for him to see what is going on this is true you can see now why the

budget here is so low because mr. Steve can't even see what's going on no dead

leaves behind me and the big clock by the way it's now five minutes away from

the end of the show can you believe it i i've been draw i've been drawing

pictures of you with my pencil here oh i see let's have a look at your drawing

there mr. steve before we go we haven't done the number one we'll do that in a

minute we will do that and then we're going to finish with mr. Steve's jam

making the final part of mr. Steve's jam makings right I've done a little drawing

of mr. Duncan do you want to see it yes please okay there you go

oh my what okay what's that on the top of my head by the way what is that

that's a piece of hair you often when I don't know whether you probably won't

know this you probably haven't seen it but when mr. Duncan cuts his hair he

cuts his own hair he often leaves because he's doing it himself he can't

see what's what he's doing and he often leaves straggly bits so that a curly bit

so that that is what we call a stray hair a stray leaves these stray hairs

and I have to cut them off for him with a pair of scissors here we go that shoot

what about that's you with a hat on there we go okay oh that's brilliant

that's very good I like my glasses there that I look a bit like John Lennon there

I've got John Lennon glasses on there I like that that took me about 10 seconds

it looks like it you wasted five seconds there doing that

I'm no artist believe me I can only draw stick men that was very good I did enjoy

that very much thank you very much mr. Steve for your representation of me okay

so we have the number one sign of getting old that them so in your opinion

this is number one and this is at the top at the top sign that you're getting

old when someone guesses your age and takes ten years off so as not to offend

you it still sounds hola I like that one you like that one I I think that that is

very good for example if you are I don't know if you are 80 yes and and or 85 and

then you say to someone how old do you think I am and they say oh you don't

look much older than 17 it's still always you know that's not a compliment

you are still saying that I look old so if you are 85 and someone says that you

only looks 70 it isn't a compliment if you in your 30 it's just as bad when

you're 40 and someone says over you and you look 30 that still feels good still

old if you're 60 and someone says oh you only look 50 not so good as you say when

you're 80 and someone says you look 70 it's all over who cares really look 70

80 or 90 doesn't matter then this strange though if so if you are if you

are still trying to look young and you are of a certain age maybe in your 70s

or 80s but you are still trying to keep your youth you might be very

disappointed because no one no one is going to say that you look 30 no one is

going to say that you look like a teenager anymore even if you go to a

plastic surgeon and have lots of plastic surgery on your face so you look like

like this I can hear you but I can't hear that's what you can do pull your

face about like that and we give it like Joan Rivers who

remembers Joan Rivers now she was only as I'll she was a

famous comedian and she used to always have plastic surgery on her face and in

the end her face looked like it looked like someone had grabbed the skin on the

side of her face and pulled it right back

and everything was like that all the time all the time would you have it have

plastic surgery mr. Steve would you ever have laser surgery to get rid of the

wrinkles on your face what do you mean the wrinkles on my face

did you hear that did you hear what he just said

if you mean if I got wrinkles would I have them removed or would you have

would you have plastic surgery no I don't think I would know I might I do

have quite a lot of sort of laughter lines haha how did you get them that's a

joke very funny mr. Duncan very funny I don't think they're laughter lines I

think I think they're they're lying that they're lines that you've had from going

like that it's grimacing lines for that line I was a very happy child and at

some point it all went wrong but no I've got laughter line so I'm you know I

would consider having them removed but I don't think I need to really quite

frankly laughter lines better than having frowns

so yes I wouldn't no I wouldn't I might have them lasered off I wouldn't because

I I just feel very squeamish I don't like I don't like needles or knives or

or being put under anaesthetic when they put you to sleep I don't like that at

all I don't I don't want to be put to sleep

thank you very much all right so so that's the reason why I would never have

plastic surgery so everything on my face will be hanging down I will look really

really really old a bit like the thumbnail on today's live stream have

you seen the thumbnail on my live stream it's brilliant it's me

but in about 30 years time so I yes it took me a long time to make that so

there we go so we've talked about a lot of things today shall we end on a nice

thing though shall we end on a nice note why not

now we've we've been busy in the kitchen this week making jam I I was busy in the

kitchen so before we go we will come back I think we're going to sample some

of the jam it's well we are actually going to have some of the jam in a

moment but here it is the final part of mr. Steve's

jam making

and we are back with mr. Steeves jam-making extravaganza and and what

exactly is going on here mr. Stephen I this moment as you can see in here it's

cooking away now we're got to remove can you see these all these little stones

have come to the top and we've got to remove them all there's a lot in there

you saw how many damsons are were we well we don't have to remove them but I

like to remove them because you don't want to crunch into one of those I've

got a look at a quick method using this chip basket and I'm just going to pour

it into there and separate the stones out from the jam in that way now it gets

very messy so stand back mr. Duncan while I attempt all that through there

can we see the message making there we go and I don't want to get any splashes

because this is very hot so I'll get my spoon where's my spoon there it is

I want to keep the skenes in as well because the skins I've got a lot of a

goodness baby so all you want to actually do all you're trying to do here

mr. Steve is remove the hard stones that's it and look you can see them all

separating out there I'm trying to force the skin through the bottom because I

want to keep the skins in as much the skin as I can

there we go look a few escaped they always do but that doesn't matter

because they're going to give it a second pass through there we go all the

stones are gone we put the fruit back in because we want to keep the fruit the

skin look at that plain healthy

there's no clean way of making jams it's very messy

who'da thought that making jam would be so complicated I thought it was just

boil it and put it into the jars but no apparently it's a lot more complicated

than that okay mr. Steve will do the same thing

you did just and we will rejoin mr. Steve later when if I'm not mistaken we

will be putting the jam into the jars am i right we were indeed we were just

going to boil it up now and then I'm going to use this thermometer because

that tells me when the jam is ready is it the right setting point so we'll come

back to that later so when we say set we mean the jam

starts to go solid so if something sets if something is setting or if it has set

it means it has gone solid

okay this is the fun part now isn't it mr. Steve this is the part we've all

been waiting for we are now going to put the jam into the jar yes the motto is

telling us that the jam is ready so now I've been sterilizing the jam jars in

the oven because we don't want to get any contamination so I think so these

these jars are completely cleaned so mr. Steve is used heat to sterilize the jars

and now it really gets messy now mr. Duncan because I have to pour it into

there first I'll sterilize that as well there we go

well that's very hot and very messy so here we go it pour it into the jars

I love the noise it makes it more than that one on a counter there nevermind

mr. Duncan is getting covered in red hot Jam these are old jam jars that we did

buy that had jamming them so I'm just reusing them

so what we have to do now is wait for the jam to cool down and the lids will

actually make a small clicking noise so you will know that the jam is sealed in

the jars one pot of homemade damson jam I've got to clean this mess up now are

you going to help me mr. Duncan it's on the floor it's on the countertop it's

all out the walls it's everywhere I'm not making any next year this is the

last time so there it is the finished product we have some lovely delicious

fresh homemade dams and jam

the backdrop next week or even a seat I'll tell you my legs are aching then

you can have some but it's all for me mr. Duncan all for me I want some of the

German mm excuse me excuse me I said excuse me I would like

some can I have some can I have this piece so on Joey let him have some shall

we this this is for me this is and this looks delicious is actually for me but

never mind so what is it like let's try someone mr. Steeves jam and see what

it's like manaphy oh say something I have a mouthful of mouth is full of

bread and jam that is delicious I know a lot of people have commented you've said

to me that about the amount of sugar that went into making the jam well you

need to add a lot of sugar into jam because it's half the jam is fruit and

ha jam is made of half fruit and half sugar approximately that's why you need

to add a lot of sugar in and all jams got lots of sugar

many people have been complaining they've been saying mr. Duncan we can't

believe that mr. Steve has used so much sugar that's how you make jam so jam we

can also call jam preserve as well preserve yes because it preserves the

fruit with the heat and the sugar hmm you're enjoying that aren't you mr.

Duncan I'm enjoying this more than I should be I think I don't think he

deserves it because I've got a poor backdrop and my legs are aching somebody

commented last week didn't they mr. Duncan that they said why don't you give

mr. Steve something to sit on and I agree because my calves are aching

because I've been standing here for an hour

and so I think next week I want a seat and I want something prettier behind me

mmm no absolutely gorgeous good I've got I made about 14 jars of jam and of all I

had left over from last year about 10 jars now my mother will probably end up

having about five or six of them over the year I'll probably give some away to

neighbors so that'll leave us with about 10 jars but at last the winter

everyone's saying that they couldn't hear as I think I've forgot to put the

sound on for a moment but then I did I did put the sound on so I hope you can

hear us now sorry about that I was so excited you see I was so excited to try

some of mr. Steve's jam I couldn't wait to go over there I was really really

excited and I must say it is absolutely delicious gorgeous and we had a lot of

fun making the jam didn't we we did but it's time for me to go I think it is

sadly mr. Steve has to say goodbye in fact we are running overtime today we

are we are actually two hours and twelve minutes we are still here but we will be

going very soon I'll go now shall I do you want me to go now we will see you

later mr. Steve thank you very much for your list of signs that we are getting

old of course you are only as old as you feel that's what they say apparently so

we will see you next week mr. Steve goodbye have a lovely weekend and I'll

see you next week mr. Duncan I will see you next week mr. Steve what can I take

with me I wanna take something with me yes this looks expensive oh it is I'm

going to take this with me it's mine bye bye mr. Steve sometimes mr. Steve is

very very strange I think so so today we've been talking about a lot of

subjects including getting old I'm going to leave today

with some thoughts some thoughts on getting old I hope I leave you with

something positive I will see you next Sunday from 2 p.m. UK time I've just

realised that I've got Jam all over my face I'm very sorry about that

III was a little bit Messy there so let's finish with some positive thoughts

on getting old I will see you next week this is mr. duncan in the birthplace of

English saying thanks for following me today thanks for watching I will see you

next week at 2 p.m. UK time and of course thanks to everyone who has got

involved and who has been involved today and ta ta for now.

with each passing year we all become a little older there is nothing we can do to stop this from

happening it is inevitable unavoidable unstoppable it is to be expected if

there is one thing I have noticed about life it's that the older you get the

faster time seems to pass you by when I was a young boy time seemed to go by so

slowly the hours seemed like days the days seemed like weeks and the months

seemed like years and the years seemed like forever youth makes fools of us all

it feels as if we will live forever time seems endless

eternity is our playground of course this is not true

once you pass a certain age time begins to speed up the years seem like months

the months seem like weeks the weeks seem like days you find yourself asking

again and again what happened this week where did the year go is it really

December again

of course it's not all doom and gloom there is a bright side to all this age

need not be a hindrance or barrier time could also be its own reward

with age comes knowledge and wisdom you are able to cope with things much better

those little surprises that life tends to throw at you become more bearable

perhaps it is more about your own attitude to the passing of time rather

than the occurrence itself there are many things that exist in this world

that can be described as a cliche some might say that life is one big cliche we

all know the story already we know how it starts and we certainly know how it

ends but it is up to you to make the big chunk in the middle the way you want it to be.

After all life is what you make it. 8-)

For more infomation >> LIVE English Lesson - 24th SEPT 2017 - Learn English - phrases - words - grammar - getting old - Duration: 2:18:23.


Elsa Pataky: "A Chris le gusta mi culillo" - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Elsa Pataky: "A Chris le gusta mi culillo" - Duration: 2:53.


It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 24 - Duration: 3:27.

It seems today, that all you see.. is violence, pennies & clowns on tv. But where are those good ol' fashion balloons... on which we used to fly?! Lucky there's a family clown! Lucky there's a clown who positively can do all the things that make us.. float and die! Cause he's our family clooowwwn!

For more infomation >> It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 24 - Duration: 3:27.


Het verhaal achter de Prinses van Mesen - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Het verhaal achter de Prinses van Mesen - Duration: 2:26.


Meet The Man Who Dresses Melania Trump | In the Studio - Duration: 4:54.

The day before inauguration, I was at the White House.

We're doing hair and make up, and the first lady, she looked at me and said,

"Hervé, do you know that tomorrow your name will be all over the news?"

I didn't realize the scale until suddenly my phone was going ballistic.

Before, I was under the radar.

Nobody really knew who I was except the people in fashion.

Not under my name, but I dressed all the other first ladies.

My mother, the other day, she said,

"I cannot find a picture of you in a bad mood."

I'm always like — I'm always happy, I guess.

When I came to New York, I worked for Oscar de la Renta.

It was fascinating for me to already work on an inauguration dress.

Afterwards, when I was at Carolina Herrera,

I worked with Mrs. Bush a lot.

And then, there was a state dinner for Mrs. Obama.

But now I am on my own.

It's a new beginning for me.

When you're on your own, I go for like different kind of customers.

That's what I really, really, really enjoy.

I love the stork. I don't know why.

What changed a little bit in January is when I designed

the dress for the first lady for the inauguration ball.

I never, never, never, never met her before.

And it was 10 days before inauguration.

I received a phone call at 8 o'clock in the morning, in my PJs.

And I had to deliver sketches at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

And I was not prepared for that.

It was around noon. And I touched this for good luck.

And I said, please, please, I was begging for the muse to come.

And eventually, they came.

Because I remember I gave —

I believe it was six options.

When she saw the sketches, she said,

"Well, what is appealing with you is like,

I will be able to have something specifically made

for a specific occasion. Would you like to do that?"

And I said, "Absolutely."

For me, it was a big honor to dress the first lady,

this time under my name.

Well, about the controversy of this White House,

I don't have so much to say.

I'm here to speak about fashion.

The thing that I would say, is that's the beauty of New York and this country.

It's a democracy.

So some people want to work with certain people.

Some people don't want to.

I choose to —

I choose to do it.

If you forget about political whatever —

the very specific needs are so interesting.

When you have a customer who is telling you, who said,

"OK. I have a visit — a state visit next week with the queen of Jordan."

Or to see a pope.

I mean, who — for a designer to create a dress to go to see

the pope, it doesn't happen to you every day.

It's a very unusual request for a very specific customer.

You see? That's nice.

Oh, yes. Yes. That's very good.

We do have a mannequin for the first lady. Of course.

But I won't show it to you.


That's really like the naked body, you know?

There is no —

I'm still naive about it.

The scale of a decision that is made between two people is

going to spread like ink — it's like huge.

Even if I'm not creating the clothes,

what is creating is to see what kind of message and how

it's going to be perceived.

Suddenly, this picture is forever in the newspapers,

in history.

You really have to answer the wardrobe of a woman who is

going to be photographed all over the world.

You walk on eggs.

God knows you walk on eggs because you never know.

When you're 6 years old, you think that you just need

to sing and snap your finger,

and the dress is going to be made.

You will learn the hard way a little bit later that it's not so easy.

But I took the challenge.

For more infomation >> Meet The Man Who Dresses Melania Trump | In the Studio - Duration: 4:54.


اعلان عن الثلاث الأوائل ببرنامج مواهب أمريكا 2017 (الموسم 12) مترجم - AGT 2017 TOP 3 - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> اعلان عن الثلاث الأوائل ببرنامج مواهب أمريكا 2017 (الموسم 12) مترجم - AGT 2017 TOP 3 - Duration: 3:26.


公共の場での授乳反対論者へ素晴らしい抵抗をした母親 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 公共の場での授乳反対論者へ素晴らしい抵抗をした母親 - Duration: 3:33.


Racing Rider - Android Gameplay 2017 - Duration: 12:31.

racing rider android gameplay

For more infomation >> Racing Rider - Android Gameplay 2017 - Duration: 12:31.


Willy Bárcenas, entre Lucía Rivera y Victoria Federica - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Willy Bárcenas, entre Lucía Rivera y Victoria Federica - Duration: 2:47.


Alejandro Albalá expone en 'Sábado Deluxe' las claves de su relación tóxica con Isa Pantoja - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Alejandro Albalá expone en 'Sábado Deluxe' las claves de su relación tóxica con Isa Pantoja - Duration: 7:11.


Осенний листопад.Радуга слайд шоу - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Осенний листопад.Радуга слайд шоу - Duration: 2:09.


PAW PATROL Play Claw Machine to Save Skye - Duration: 8:49.

Paw Patrol play Claw Machine game!

I saved Skye yeah!

Hey Dino Pals, this is Toy Rex here. Let's see what Toy surprise we have today!

Skye sees a lot of diamonds and mystery toys inside. She is going to try at get it.

She's on the top. Be careful Skye don't fall in.

Oh no Skye fell in.

Hi Dino friends, Skye fell into the machine now the Paw Patrol are here to save her.

The Paw Patrol pups need to play the claw machine crane game to win toys and save Skye.

Lets play Crane machine to save Skye and win toys.

Ok, Rubble since your so happy your going to go first.

I am going to save Skye! Rubble is on the double.

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