Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017

Little Red Riding Hoon.

For more infomation >> little red car in and as the little red riding hood in a HALLOWEEN STORY by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:24.


மதுரை முத்துக்கு எத்தனை மனைவி தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD NEWS | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> மதுரை முத்துக்கு எத்தனை மனைவி தெரியுமா ? Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD NEWS | Kollywood Gossips - Duration: 2:10.


#DdVotr 183 - I gas tossici - Duration: 11:04.

For more infomation >> #DdVotr 183 - I gas tossici - Duration: 11:04.


IT (2017) Movie Scares Explained: Eddie, Bev, and Richie - Duration: 16:04.

IT (2017) has proven to be a refresher in the western horror genre.

It's still the number one film at the box office, approaching its third week in theaters.

So far it's garnered over $200 million and broken various all time records.

Considering the film's success, it's safe to say that Part 2 will be in the works soon.

And speaking of Part 2s, welcome back to Darkology.

This video is part of a 3 part miniseries where I'll be talking about the different

scare scenes in the new 2017 IT film adaptation and just what fears they explore.

Last week, we explored scares with Mike, Stan, and Ben.

This time, we talk about Eddie, Bev, and Richie.

As usual, spoilers ahead.

By the time we see Eddie first encounter IT, the film has already established that he's

rather paranoid of germs and disease.

He's always seen carrying a fanny pack rattling with pills and has reminder alarms set on

his watch for when to take them.

This results in IT manifesting itself to him as a leper.

In the scene, Eddie's walking home alone, past the abandoned house on Neibolt street.

The focus on the house makes it feel as if it's watching him.

His alarm simultaneously goes off and he pulls out his pills.

The front door opens and something growls from inside.

A voice gurgles, "Eddie, what are you looking for?".

Unsettled, he begins to walk away and clumsily drops his medicine.

As he frantically starts collecting his pills from the ground, a dirty hand in gauze picks

one of them up.

A person dressed in tattered clothes with no nose and a twisted, pulsating face of boils

and rot has crept up in front of him.

It asks "do you think this will help me, Eddie?"

We've all had moments where we've turned around or looked up to be caught off guard, finding

someone hovering unexpectedly closer than what we're comfortable with.

Perhaps it was a friend trying to get a laugh out of a good jump scare, or perhaps they

just walked up extremely quietly without our notice.

The unexpected invasion of personal space is instinctively perceived as a threat.

Eddie falls backwards and in a moment of fight or flight, he crawls away whimpering as the

leper shambles towards him coughing and weezing.

Clawing at the space between them, the leper starts yelling violently.

The spectacle of a corpse-like being is already pretty horrifying, but the fact that it knows

your name is even worse.

And there's something unsettling about a spectre asking a question.

Like when the ominous ghost in a story says "help me".

Despite getting back on his feet, Eddie is so frightened that he falls over again.

When he turns around, the leper has disappeared and a strange clown is standing in its place.

Pennywise again addresses Eddie by name, asking where he's going.

It taunts him with cryptic words of floating, laughing maniacally- only to vanish.

So what fears does Eddie represent here?

Eddie represents the fear of contracting a specific disease, something known as nosophobia-

"nosos" in this case being Greek for "disease".

Eddie is what some might call a hypochondriac- but what does that mean exactly?

In the DSM-V this condition has been updated to "somatic symptom disorder" or "SSD"

and "illness anxiety disorder" or "IAD" which are similar but do have slight differences:

SSD is when someone is actually experiencing physical pain or fatigue and it causes extreme

anxiety that interferes with their daily life.

In this case, they're not faking their symptoms, but no medical cause related to their anxiety

can be found.

An example of this might be someone thinking the pain from a toothache is a sign of an

impending heart attack.

With IAD, the person is overly concerned with having or getting a serious disease, but they're

not actually experiencing any physical symptoms.

An example of this would be someone hearing the sound of their own digestive system and

believing that they have a disease, when really, they're perfectly healthy.

It's an often unrealistic fear, but may seem uncontrollable to the person experiencing


In both cases, the extreme anxiety and fear generally makes it difficult to function in

everyday life.

And in both cases, the potential causes include family history and upbringing- something made

apparent in scenes with Eddie's protective mother.

From what we see in the film, it's more likely that Eddie suffers from illness anxiety


And throughout the film, this is shown to a rather comedic effect.

The serious illness or death of a family member

can lead to the development of hypochondria, and in the book, Eddie's father died of

cancer- leading his mother to become so overprotective that she lies about his health to manipulate


If Eddie had access to the internet, he'd also likely suffer from cyberchondria, which

is basically when we review online search results for symptoms and our concerns get

even worse.

I'm looking at you, Web MD.

He displays subtle signs of OCD, though since he mostly focuses on disease, hypochondria

is a more accurate diagnosis.

While I wouldn't go as far as to say he's agoraphobic, Eddie is mildly paranoid about

the world around him.

He finds comfort in taking his meds and relies on taking his inhaler in moments of stress-

even though they're placebos, which he later humorously misquotes as "gazebos".

IT appearing in the form of a sick, corpse-like entity already plays on his fear of disease.

But the way it also shapeshifts into something logically impossible might make one question

their own sanity, especially someone with Eddie's tendencies.

Seeing the leper suddenly turn into a creepy clown might have come off as a terrifying


And in this case, it's difficult to imagine which scenario is scarier: is there a shapeshifting

monster living nearby, or has my mind betrayed me?

Before Bev's first encounter with IT, the film establishes that she has a tense relationship

with her father.

When she comes home, she's cautious hopeful that she doesn't alert him to her presence.

He swoops in close, invading her personal space and it's clear from the way she looks

down and becomes submissive when he caresses her hair that a past experience has made her

afraid of him.

Like Eddie's mom, Bev's dad is psychologically manipulative- but in a very different way.

This scene makes use of body language to convey a subtext not spoken verbally.

This is something known as kinesics.

When we look at the kinesics of the situation, the scared and pensive expression on Bev's

face speaks volumes in contrast to the deep unbroken stare coming from her father, who

has just blocked her way.

Then we have proxemics: the matter of space between Bev and her father and what it means.

The physical distance between two individuals can speak volumes about the relationship between


In the scene, Bev's father is standing rather close to her, implying an asserted dominance.

But then he leans in even closer and pulls her in to smell her hair, and instead of backing

away, she just stands there, waiting for him to let her go.

This implies she's been taught that running or fighting makes things worse for her.

Finally we have haptics: how the use of touch conveys a message.

The uncomfortable way her father caresses his daughter's hair in tandem with the kinesics

and proxemics of the situation speak volumes about his innermost and darkest desires.

Despite not moving, Bev becomes teary-eyed.

With a hand on her cheek, he dismisses her, making her walk around him instead of moving

out of the way.

In the next scene, she cuts off her hair angry and crying.

It's subtle, but we have enough information to suspect she's a victim of sexual abuse.

Many victims of sexual abuse change the way they dress or cut off their hair because they

don't want to welcome or invite unwanted attention.

Her father's caress makes her hair an object of desire.

Her appearance is one of the few things in the situation she can control.

It's not something often thought of in depth, but hair alone can be a sexual preference-

from color to cut, it can drastically change a person's appearance.

In muslim culture, hijabs are worn to hide beauty, as beauty is something only experienced

at home and with a partner.

In contrast, western culture tends to dress for society.

Skip to a few scenes later and she's found a poem from a secret admirer in her bag.

She locks herself in the bathroom to read it in peace.

And after reading it, she warmly smiles contemplating who it could be from.

In this private space with the love note, she's comfortable and happy in the darker

space of her dad's apartment.

Then a voice from the sink whispers her name.

The voice becomes several voices and she gets up to investigate.

Looking down the pipe, she asks, "who are you?"

IT whispers back, Veronica, Betty Ripsom, and Patrick Hockstetter- all kids who have

gone missing.

She extends a measuring tape down the drain, only to pull back a stringy wad of bloody


She looks at it in disgust when it suddenly latches on to her wrist.

More strands of hair extend out of the sink and coil around her.

Horrified, she starts screaming as the hair starts to pull her in while she resists.

She even screams for her father at this point, when a fountain of blood bursts from the drain,

blasting into Bev's face and cascading onto every corner of the bathroom.

It lets her go and she backs into the corner crying.

Her father finally comes into the room and inquires.

Catatonic and stuttering, she realizes that he can't see the fresh blood painting the


Instead, he squats down and says that her new hair makes her look like a boy.

After he leaves, she starts crying again, realizing she's alone.

This scene is effectively frightening because it plays on several fears.

For one, it distorts reality.

You can't even trust your sink in a room where you're most vulnerable.

Then there's erotophobia: the fear of sexual love or sexual abuse.

The way the hairs in the sink try to pull her in is invasive like the abuse she's

suffered from her father.

Blood resembles a loss of innocence.

Earlier in the film, she's seen awkwardly buying tampons.

She even tries to hide the tampons from her father, as if to not remind him of her budding


She's scared of her own sexual maturity because of what it means when she comes home.

And IT knows that.

So what does IT do?

It sprays blood everywhere- effectively telling her, she can't escape it.

The blood flying out is a symbol for the loss of her innocence.

This scene also plays on nostophobia: the fear of returning home.

The opposite of nostalgia, nostophobia can stem from a violent past or home life.

Growing up, parents are supposed to be the ones you can trust most of all.

They're supposed to take care of you.

And what's truly unsettling about this cornered feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness

is that, unlike extra dimensional clowns or ghastly apparitions, abuse is something that

happens everyday in the real world.

The darkness of this scene is thankfully lifted when Bev finds support from her friends, who

also see the blood and help her clean it up.

Richie is the last member of The Losers Club to encounter IT in the film; a scene that

takes place in the company of the other kids.

The words "denial" and "abnegation" are used to describe a psychological defense

mechanism presented by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

It's when a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept, and so

they reject it instead in spite of overwhelming evidence.

In Richie's case, the fact that his friends all attest to seeing IT doesn't seem to

convince him and he even makes jokes out of their paranoia.

However when they start detailing their experiences, he admits that he's afraid of clowns.

His humor for the situation turns to horror when IT manifests in Bill's projector later

that day.

As they all start to panic, his reality is shattered and he starts screaming, "WHAT


When Bill immediately proposes they go to where IT lives, Richie's denial evolves

into minimisation- when someone admits the fact, but denies its seriousness.

Along with the other kids who are too afraid, Richie rationalizes that it's summer and they

should be outside having fun, not going into a creepy abandoned house.

When he inevitably finds himself exploring the Neibolt house, he comes across a missing

poster with his face and information on it.

He starts to panic.

Asking his friends if he's gonna go missing.

He's soon lured into an antique room full of objects covered in dust sheets and panics

when the door slams shut.

He turns around as the lights start to flicker, realizing that the dust sheets have disappeared

and in their place stand a collection of statues decorated into his personal fear- clowns.

He turns away again, only to find another clown statue blocking the door.

He shrieks in terror as the sound of a pacing heartbeat takes over.

He cautiously taps one of the statues and when it doesn't move, he calms down some-

the pace of the heartbeat slowing down.

The coffin at the end of the room swings open and written on the inside in red is the word

"found", alluding to the missing poster he found earlier.

As Richie slowly approaches the coffin, one of the clown statues out of his line of sight

slowly turns its head in his direction.

This plays on a combination of fears.

Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns, while pediophobia is the fear of dolls.

They both play on the concept of the uncanny valley- that something isn't right about

them- as if there's more going on beneath the surface.

Objects like statues, dolls, puppets, mannequins, animatronics- basically anything resembling

a living person- they're all creepy.

Despite being perfectly inanimate, it always seems as if something is watching back from

those cold dead eyes.

As if something is moving while you're not looking.

In the coffin, Richie finds a dummy version of himself, eyes completely blank and maggots

crawling in its cheeks.

Is he seeing a bad omen for what's to come?

He slams it shut and like a jack-in-the-box, Pennywise pops out screaming.

Richie backs away in fright, eyes wide open as Pennywise closes in rapidly with his hands

outstretched, ready to strangle.

So why is Richie afraid of clowns?

The fear of clowns plays on a deep-seated primal instinct- pattern recognition.

Clowns are similar enough to humans with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth.

Where they differ is how extreme some of these features can become and how in this realm

of confusion, it's difficult to gauge what expressions are genuine.

This instinctual reaction, this dip in our liking to something almost human but not quite

right- where we perceive something wrong about a clown, or a mannequin, or a CGI-rendered

human- that is the uncanny valley.

This negative reaction is especially true for clowns or beings that consistently exhibit

the same disposition- there's something not quite human about it.

Now this isn't to say that Richie or any of the other members of The Losers Club have


They're clearly able to fight back against it, especially together.

But these dips in pattern recognition to the uncanny valley- they're something that affects

us all on an instinctual level-

and IT being a creature that feeds on fear, must realize that it's in the form of a

clown, that it will best break down the barriers of mental wellbeing…

...and draw out true fear.

Did you like that video?

If you did, be sure to leave a

like and comment below which member of The Losers Club you relate to the most.

For more infomation >> IT (2017) Movie Scares Explained: Eddie, Bev, and Richie - Duration: 16:04.


Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake Wa - Duration: 1:06.

Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake. We live our life according to schedules.

We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-


Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn

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For more infomation >> Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake Wa - Duration: 1:06.


Bangla Funny Video - ডেঞ্জেরাস Friends | Dangerous Friends - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Bangla Funny Video - ডেঞ্জেরাস Friends | Dangerous Friends - Duration: 2:55.


MOBILE LEGENDS WTF 23 - Duration: 10:21.

Thank you for watching !!

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For more infomation >> MOBILE LEGENDS WTF 23 - Duration: 10:21.


Review Tibhar Aurus Prime - Duration: 18:15.

Today we played Tibhar Aurus Prime

This is the latest in a series of lining Tibhar

It is still the Select Tibhar Aurus

Unfortunately, the cladding at the moment we did not get

I played the cladding on the board DHS PG 2

I play every day

the board play a relatively long time

and the most optimal for this board

They seem to me on the defensive backhand lining

and at forehandzie offensive e.g., Gold ARC 8 or Z1 Bluestorm

This lining is made very well

It is made very similar to the ARC Gold 8

This matte surface is very similar

porous backing is also very close

Only the thickness of the substrate is different

Gold ARC 8 have the backing 2.1-2.2

within these limits

but here 2.3 mm

and actually I feel that thickness because it is very hard

My first taste of playing the lining that are

It gives you a lot of control

assuming it for the first time

once all the elements I could play without thinking

without changing the angles

which it is very close to the Gold ARC 8 which play on a daily basis

facing the test does not tuningowałem

It was pre-glued to the water-based adhesive

what gave the manufacturer played

the speed of the liner between the estimate and Gold Tenergy Arc 8

This lining is really fast

and I think that it is slightly faster than tenergy

control on the lining is very cool

Zbigniew me playing topspin elements

from different places on the table

He forced me to this ball I scattered all over the table

This ball does not come out practically edge

in no case

and each element was in point

catapults on the lining is significantly greater than rasanter

I am expecting something closer to the Rasanter which also is provided accompaniment 2.3 mm

There was much smaller catapults

Here we have this catapult higher

and we make this hand in a little less

topspinie at the table when you do not have so thoroughly laid a hand

that the ball entered in the table

the degree of hardness of the lining 47.5

this is a little much and practically

because it's hard to judge on the basis of the fact that the surface is quite soft

and the overall feel of the cladding is the Medium-

I said that somewhere between 05 and 05 FX Tenergy

the first thing I did in the house is weighed lining

This lining is really hard

at my board which is enlarged

a whole set of very much weighed

and to feel that this is really hard lining

and I would not be recommending this to people who are on this sensitive

I think that this is the best cladding is used when playing topspinowej

forward the first second zone

the problem is if you hook up the ball cut

There you have this little hand set

you have to look hard at flies

the top rotations game has been cool to the front

while playing the cut already need to be careful

this is really quite versatile cladding

If someone likes the harder faster sleepers lining

This will be something for him

and certainly does not forgive many mistakes

This lining is definitely for professionals

and all elements of the game is very tight butt

you could say

and playing the game passive lighter

it does not give too many problems

the person on the other side

This lining is definitely for people who have a firm ruthless attack topspinowy

Forward clumping forward

typical ofensorów

and playing hard forehand and backhand

because the backhand too fun to the game

lining is good for forehand and backhand for people who have a well-arranged these elements technically

if anyone has any deficiencies in the backhand

and I do not know how to play to the end very much topspin

backhand rather I would have discouraged

but people who are at a high technical level

and most forehand and backhand

the service is very much suitable for the lining of rotation

We cut rotation we can make a very strong

topspinową progressive rotation we also very strong

If the opponent can not read

This easy to get the ball to end

the receipt of this lining is quite heavy

because it is fast

and if not we will play in the tempo

and it will read rotation throw out

It does not give us the large margins of error

playing the passive cladding

It is quite heavy

can give rotation

but every time you need to make a move

This game looks passive in this way that

There have to make every time you move

although turnover was sensitive to all this

active game at the table is one of the major pluses of the cladding

because she is made for this to play tight at the table

of course, playing the table playing attacking topspin

a little surprised that the lining

can be so hard to play

because I counted with it will be something more akin to Rasanter

but it is definitely better than facing Rasanter in the second third zone

This lining is clearly designed to play topspinowej

and counter topspin

playing from the table we give a lot of rotation

the only drawback of which is such that the cladding

Gold of ARC 8 e.g.

breaking the enemy of rotation closer to the table

it is easier

while playing the lining in this way

that we want to surprise

and for example the third zone moves into a second zone

It is already very heavy to carry

I think that this will replace the lining Tenergy

It is a little bit cheaper and definitely will find the people who will be able to play it instead interchangeably Tenergy

Tenergy compared to the cladding is more stable

so to say it is greater repeatability

downside of this cladding is certainly cliques

at the click of the lining is very deaf

and the sound does not help too much in the game

you have already more or less know what game you want to play at

It lining because this does not give us too much additional stimuli

that allow you to clarify some play

I think that this lining is created for each player

at every stage of training in addition to the amateur

let's say the fourth player in the league forehandzie calmly wearing her play a game

and the player will be on the other I used to earn points

and he will not feel worse

playing against a player that will have on its board Tenergy

I think this game fun

is lining which is very reproducible

All repeat play repeatedly on the table

while maintaining a very high control

These new generations lining

BIOS with tensorami

and released in 2017

already they provide a really powerful performance, speed

and when the introduction of plastic balls

are those facing behave much better

than the old rubber lining which kleliśmy

This era and certainly will not come back

and certainly there will be no further attempt to glue

I think that this lining

It is quite low popularized

quite a few advertised

producer distributor for Poland me this lining is not released

I bought it myself

German players in the leagues are able to play this at every stage

the more that there is in Germany

overall it reigns

Germany typical game produced what

his home business

and they rather keep this

with us there is no such thing

as they noticed

Retturn despite the fact that Polish produce boards

It was part of the public

but it was not so popular

namely that it is impossible

do not try this at home

thanks for watching

thanks for subscribing

do it further

we will certainly give you more material

which will be useful to you

like today it was my intervention to

get this lining

Numerous comments numerous inquiries

to test the lining

competition from the last video I will be solved only per week

that is, expect somewhere in two weeks the person who wins the board DHS PG 2

assembles Dariusz Wycichowski

Tests: Dariusz Wycichowski

a link in the description to cover

thanks to the subscribed

For more infomation >> Review Tibhar Aurus Prime - Duration: 18:15.


New Trandy Dress Neck Designs for Ladies | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 2:50.

New Trandy Dress Neck Designs for Ladies | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

New Trandy Dress Neck Designs for Ladies | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

New Trandy Dress Neck Designs for Ladies | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

For more infomation >> New Trandy Dress Neck Designs for Ladies | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 2:50.


Crowdtap Unboxing, Volume 4 - Duration: 2:55.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is a Crowdtap

unboxing so if you're excited to see this video then please go ahead and keep

watching you guys hit that notification about I upload a video every single day

of the week don't want you to miss any so what's going to get started once

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definitely definitely check them out oh my goodness so excited to try all this

stuff totally totally spoiled so excited but anyway you guys thank you so much

for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did go ahead and give it a

thumbs up please share it I'd love to get the word out on Crowdtap

and you guys can always follow me at my other social media my Twitter and

Facebook is that budget glam babe and my instagrams that came here to make

I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video have a great night

For more infomation >> Crowdtap Unboxing, Volume 4 - Duration: 2:55.






For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | GS İLE BURSASPOR 97. KEZ KARŞI KARŞIYA (CİMBOM 50-21 ÖNDE) | Youtube - Duration: 1:12.


My Birthday Present / Min fødselsdagsgave [English subtitles] - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> My Birthday Present / Min fødselsdagsgave [English subtitles] - Duration: 2:57.


P. Sherwin #7 : Why does St. Thomas offer such a long treatment of the passions? (I-II, 22-48) - Duration: 4:07.

Why does St. Thomas offer such a long treatment of the passions? (I-II, 22-48) Why study the passions?

There's the temptation ever since Descartes...Descartes wanted to do--he says it explicitly--

that he wanted to do for moral philosophy what Galileo had apparently done for natural philosophy.

That is, by turning it into a science, that you could turn it into a science by applying the mathematical, statistical methods to moral judgment.

And that temptation to...returning, eternal, almost eternal temptation--you find it in forms of Platonism--

of trying to turn moral judgment into a speculative judgment.

But the problem is: moral doesn't matter how I feel, or what my emotions are when I look at speculative reflections.

Two plus two equals four, no matter how I feel about it.

Even if I would like the numbers to come out differently at tax time, the numbers come out the way they come out, no matter how I feel about it.

But in human action, the judgments we make about what I should do here and now,

that's not like a speculative act of reasoning, because I am influenced by my emotions, things appear to me according to my loves.

So, if I love certain things, that's going to shape how I act and how I arrive at a judgement that this is what I should do.

Ah...on the simplest level if the plate comes around, and there are Brussels sprouts on the plate,

and I don't like the smell of Brussels sprouts--let alone the taste--that's going to influence whether I eat the Brussels sprouts,

whether or not they are objectively exactly what I should --for my own health--be eating.

So, you study the passions, because our emotional life influences and shapes our judgments, and as it should.

I think contemporary research has shown: where do we learn in our environment what is good or bad?

The kid who puts his finger on the stove and is burned: he has an emotional reaction to that experience,

and that stays in his memory, and that actually helps the kid not put his finger on the hot stove again.

So our emotions are an integral part of teaching us what is good and what is bad in our environment.

It's true for us, it's true for the higher animals.

Our emotional life, the... what's called 'emotional memory', is the storehouse of experience with regard to what is good or bad in our environment.

Now we can respond well or poorly to that.

I can have a disordered love for certain things in my environment that actually ends up being destructive of my deeper goals.

And so, the study of the passions helps us understand the type of emotional life we should have, in order to judge correctly about what is truly good for us here and now.

So the emotions have an integral role to play.

They're not evil, they shouldn't be suppressed, but they should be integrated into our lives.

And it's the study of those, therefore, that helps us understand better moral judgment itself; what it means to know and love the moral good--

as what the Greeks described as 'the kalos (Καλός)': the morally beautiful act that should be done in the 'kairos (Καιρός)', the critical present moment.

So, that presupposes many things: presupposes I know who I really am,

presupposes that I love my true good, but I learned to love my true good by having an ordered emotional life.

For more infomation >> P. Sherwin #7 : Why does St. Thomas offer such a long treatment of the passions? (I-II, 22-48) - Duration: 4:07.


Establishing Faith in the holy name of Krishna by Dharmavira das prabhu - Part I - Duration: 8:51.

Hare Krishna prabhus and vaishnavis! Today I'm going to give a talk on how to

obtain Krishna in this very lifetime. My talk is based on the Jaiva dharma

written by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. This is regarded as one of the precious

jewels given by our param guru Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. He says serve Krishna by

transforming your household into Krishna household. Everyone should act according

to the instructions which Chaitanya mahaprabhu gave to the world. Chaitanya

mahaprabhu taught that there are two ways by which one may worship Krishna

while in this world. One may live as a householder or one may live in the

renounced order of life. Most of Gauranga Mahaprabhu's favored devotees were

householders. And even those in the renounced order of life pray for the

dust from their lotus feet. My advice is that one should hear from a person that

is practicing what he preaches.

If one cannot control his eating then one would not be able to control his

genitals. If one cannot control his genitals, worship of Krishna is

impossible. Eat simply and stop eating luxurious foodstuff. Don't associate with

non-devotees. A devotee is one who is sent percent

Krishna conscious and a self-realized soul. I admit that it is practically

impossible to find a self-realized soul therefore I advise you to take your

instructions directly from Shrila Prabhupada through his books and his audios

Srila Prabhupada has said that his books are the law books for the next 10,000


Srila Prabhupad left no spiritual successors before he departed this

material world. The eleven gurus who claimed that they were appointed by

Srila Prabhupada turned out to be frauds.

The present guru system in ISKCON is fraudulent and a concoction. one has to

be self-realized to be guru as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita.

Shrila Prabhupada had said that the gurus that fall down are hypocrites and such

persons should not take such positions if they are not fit. For chanting the

Hare Krishna mantra initiation is not necessary as it is stated in the Chaitanya

charitamrita. The present guru system in ISKCON is a money-making business and

makes a mockery of who is guru. Our system within our guru-parampara is

based on Shiksha guru and not the initiating guru. Shiksha

guru is the one that gives you instructions on how to become Krishna

realized in this very lifetime. No need to wait for another lifetime. The best

Shiksha guru in our line is Srila Prabhupada who represents our guru

parampara. Every one of us who belong to ISKCON are

making spiritual progress only because of Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada is a

shaktyavesha avatar. This means that he is an empowered incarnation like Vyasadeva and

the true representative of Krishna's Shakti. Just accepting him

and following his instructions will be sufficient to realize Krishna in this

very lifetime. Srila Prabhupada's books and audios are

available freely on the internet for free download. again I request you please

don't take initiation from these bogus gurus who are not self-realized. It does

not matter how well they speak and how much theoretical knowledge they have and

how well they can explain things because this is not the qualification of a guru.

Some of these fraudulent gurus write books which is only a disturbance in

society. These books are not worth the paper they are written on. I am NOT

preaching a ritivk philosophy and I don't agree with the concocted ritvik

philosophy. I am only saying that don't take initiation from a guru

that is not self-realized. Our Godbrother Aindra Prabhu gave His life to

stop this bogus guru system and he used to say "Fake being self-realized till

you make it ". Aindra Prabhu died mysteriously and the very suspicious

circumstances. This is part one of my talk on Establishing Faith

in the Holy Name. Thank you for listening. Hare Krishna!

For more infomation >> Establishing Faith in the holy name of Krishna by Dharmavira das prabhu - Part I - Duration: 8:51.


Ghost Adventures Season 15 Ep 1 - Golden Ghost Town - Duration: 1:01:01.

Watch Ghost Adventures Season 15 Episode 1 Full Episode

Watch Ghost Adventures Season 15 Episode 1 Online

Travel Channel Ghost Adventures Season 15 Episode 1

Ghost Adventures S15E01 Golden Ghost Town

Ghost Adventures Golden Ghost Town

Ghost Adventures 9/23/17 Episode 1

Ghost Adventures S15E01 Full Show

Ghost Adventures 2017 Episode 1

Ghost Adventures 9/23/2017

Ghost Adventures 15x1

For more infomation >> Ghost Adventures Season 15 Ep 1 - Golden Ghost Town - Duration: 1:01:01.


Jouer le CUPS SONG à la GUITARE - Anna Kendrick, When I'm Gone - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> Jouer le CUPS SONG à la GUITARE - Anna Kendrick, When I'm Gone - Duration: 5:57.


In Mysterious Way Astronauts losing their Vision in the Space! - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> In Mysterious Way Astronauts losing their Vision in the Space! - Duration: 2:40.


Xiaomi Mi Note 3 Unboxing! - Duration: 1:36.

I just bought the Xiaomi Note 3 and the Redmi Note 5A but the unboxing video will be 2 separate

ones so be sure to check them both.

At first glance, the Mi Note 3 looks exactly like the Mi 6 I reviewed before, where Xiaomi

calls it the Mi 6 with a larger screen.

Apart from the bigger screen size and a different processor, it's almost identical to the

Mi 6 with some small differences like the battery size.

It has a 5.5inch FHD screen 3500mAh battery, running on Snapdragon 660, Adreno 512, 64/128GB

storage and 6GB of RAM.

It costs around SGD$500 which is slightly cheaper than the flagship Mi 6.

I'm not too sure about this price but we will have see to how the Mi Note 3 fares to determine

it's worth.

That's all for now, if you enjoyed the video, feel free to leave a like and be sure to subscribe

to see the full review.

Thanks for watching and see guys in the next one.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Note 3 Unboxing! - Duration: 1:36.


Achanak Dil Ko Keu Itna Sukoon Mil Jata Hai song With Korean Mix By Fana Jaan - Duration: 3:34.





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