सपना ने दिखाया रात में जलवा
सपना ने दिखाया रात में जलवा
सपना ने दिखाया रात में जलवा
सपना ने दिखाया रात में जलवा
सपना ने दिखाया रात में जलवा
सपना ने दिखाया रात में जलवा
DaithideNogla 中文字幕【LuiCalibre試吃日本小吃糖果 以及ForHonor片段!】 - Duration: 26:28.-------------------------------------------
Rajasthan's Special "Besan Ki Kadhi"/(बेसन की कढ़ी) - Duration: 2:35.Hello friends, welcome back to my channel
Nish Shreya.
Today I am going to make Rajasthan's special
"Besan Ki Kadhi"
So, let's see
what all ingredients we need to make this.
Now, in a bowl take 1 cup of curd
Add 1/4 cup of chickpea flour
Add kashmiri mirch,
Add salt, turmeric powder
Whisk to make a smooth paste
Add 1 1/2 cups of water
and mix well
Now, take a frying pan
and add this mixture
to the frying pan
Now stir this mixture continuously at low flame
until it starts boiling
continues stirring is important
Now, its been more than 5 minutes
and It has got a boil
Now add 1 1/2 cups of water
Now cook it at medium flame
stirring occasionally.
Add fenugreek seeds
It gives a wonderful flavor
Now in a frying pan,
heat 2 tbsp ghee
Add mustard seed
Add cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds
Dry red chili, few curry leaves
Add Turmeric powder
Add Kashmiri mirch
Add 1 tsp water to prevent burning red chili and tempering is ready
We checked kadhi after 30 minutes
Add curry leaves
Kasuri methi, crush it between hands
Add Garam masala
Now, add dissolved hing
Now add the tempering and curry is ready
Check the consistency of the curry. If required add little water
Now take it out in serving bowl.
serve hot with rice, roti or parantha
So friends if you like the video
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TCW - EVERY BENGALIS DURING DURGA PUJA | The CoppyWriters - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Game of Thrones: Season 7 (Part 2) - Duration: 10:55.Far to the North, after losing their allies in the Cave of the Three Eyed Raven, and being
rescued and led away by Benjen Stark, Bran and Meera reached the wall, revealing their
identities to Dolorous Edd of the Night's Watch, convincing him to let them through.
Bran then travelled south reaching Winterfell, where Sansa Stark was proving an able ruler.
Although Sansa was happy to see her brother alive, he was now fully committed to his role
as 3 eyed raven, renouncing his claim as Lord of Winterfell.
Serious and solemn, Bran no longer displayed emotion, explaining that as the new 3 eyed
raven he had seen too much and had too many memories to act as the Bran they once knew.*
Soon they were joined in Winterfell by Arya who was gifted a valyrian steel dagger by
Bran using it as she trained with Brienne of Tarth in the castle courtyard.
In the Godswood, Bran Stark skinchanged into a group of ravens, watching as the army of
the dead marches towards East Watch by the Sea, then ordering Maester Wolkan to send
ravens, warning of the approaching danger.
One of these messages reached the King in the North, who learned that Arya and Bran
were alive, and that the army of the dead was marching south.
Despite the troubling news Daenerys reiterated that she cannot support his cause with Cersei
Lannister in King's Landing, and so Tyrion suggested a plan.
They must arrange a cessation of hostilities between Daenerys and Cersei, so the entire
realm can focus on the threat beyond the wall.
In order to convince the lannister queen, they must capture one of the undead soldier
in the army of the White Walkers and bring it south for all to see.
In order to speak with Cersei, Davos would smuggle Tyrion into the capital, where a meeting
could be arranged with his brother Jaime.
Jaime Lannister, who was nearly killed by Drogon in the second Field of Fire, hastily
made his way back to King's Landing, informininf Cersei of all he saw and spoke of Tyrion's
innocence regarding the death of Joffrey, revealing that Lady Olenna was behind the
Jaime then met Tyrion in a secret encounter arranged through their mutual friend Bronn,
where a possible truce was discussed.
After the meeting Jaime brought the information to Cersei, who was already aware of his meeting
with Tyrion, and thinks it may serve her purpose to have a temporary agreement.
Cersei also revealed that she was pregnant, prepared to tell the whole world that Jaime
was the father, no longer concerned about the opinions of others.
When Tyrion returned to the boat he found Davos accompanied by a young man named Gendry
wielding a warhammer, the bastard son of King Robert Baratheon.
Gendry later revealed his identity to Jon Snow who welcomed him and allowed him to join
their party headed north.
Arriving at East Watch by the Sea, Jon Snow gathered his companions, joined by Jorah Mormont,
Gendry, and Tormund Giantsbane as well as Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr and Sandor
Clegane, who'd travelled north following visions seen in the flames, supposedly sent
by their red god the Lord of Light.
Although many of the men had history and disliked each other, Jon decided they must work together.
Six others also joined the group, and so Jon Snow, King in the North, marched beyond the
wall alongside 12 companions, reminiscent of the story of the Last Hero who ventured
north with a sword, a horse and a dozen companions, on a mission that would ultimately help save
humanity and defeat the White Walkers.
As they moved deeper into the frozen north, Jon spoke with Tormund Giantsbane, Jeor Mormont
and Beric Dondarrion, bonding with the men over shared experiences until reaching the
mountain from the Hound's vision, which appeared to be the same location where the
Children of the Forest originally created the White Walkers.
As they got closer to the enemy they were attack by an undead bear with blue eyes, losing
three of their companions in the fighting.
Thoros of Myr was also badly injured but able to continue.
They then found what they were looking for, discovering a small group of wights being
led by a single White Walker.
Setting up an ambush, they attacked and when Jon killed their leader, *nearly all of the
remaining wights were destroyed, leaving only one, which was captured.
Later the men speculated that this meant the undead must be linked to the White Walker
which created them.
Yet the shrieks of the captured creature alerted the larger army nearby and so Gendry was sent
back to Eastwatch, with orders to send a raven to Daenerys Targaryen.
The other companions meanwhile fled for their lives, running across cracking ice which broke
under the weight of the pursuing army, losing yet another companion in the chase.
Gendry meanwhile, reached Eastwatch, relaying Jon's orders.
After a night out in the cold, protected by the temporary moat which formed around them,
the companions found Thoros did not survive, burning his body.
After some time, the water protecting them froze once more and the undead army attacked,
losing two more companions in the fighting.
With so many of them lost, the remaining men were completely surrounded, and about to be
finished off, when Daenerys arrived, raining dragonfire upon their enemies of all three
of her children, wiping out large portions of the undead army.
Jon Snow then continued fighting while Beric, Jorah, Sandor and Tormund climbed atop Drogon
with their captive.
However as they prepared to leave, the Night King hurled a large ice javelin high into
the air, striking the dragon Viserion and collapsing him to the ground where he died.
Although they managed to flee before another dragon was killed, Jon fell through the ice
and was left behind.
Escaping the water Jon was then rescued by Benjen stark who staying behind to fight off
the enemy while his nephew escaped on his horse.
Jon made it back to Eastwatch unconscious and awoke to find Daenerys by his side.
Determined to see the Night King defeated, she swore to fight the White Walkers alongside
the north and so Jon then declared that he would bend the knee.
In Winterfell, Littlfinger worked in the shadows to have Sansa and Arya argue and mistrust
each other.
Brienne of Tarth, who was sworn to keep the girls safe, was then sent away to King's
Landing, to represent the North in a meeting with Queen Cersei and so the division between
the Stark girls only grew deeper, with Sansa discovering Arya's faces and learning of
her training as a faceless man in Braavos.
At the Citadel Sam continued to speak about the white walkers even interrupting a meeting
of Maesters who were discussing Bran Stark of Winterfell and his warning of an undead
army marching south.
But all of Sam's arguments were met with scepticism and he was left thoroughly unsatisfied
by the Archmaesters tepid promise to investigate the matter.
Unwilling to sit by and wait for the maesters to act, Sam stole a number of important books,
before packing up his family and leaving the Citadel, abandoning his duty to the Maesters
and heading for Winterfell to join Jon Snow as he prepared for the great war.
After returning from his mission beyond the wall, Jon Snow joined the other rulers of
westeros in a meeting at King's landing to discuss a possible truce in order to deal
with the Northern threat.
Representing Queen Daenerys Targaryen, was Tyrion Lannister, Missandei, Varys, Jorah
Mormont and Theon Greyjoy.
Representing Jon Snow and the North, was Brienne of Tarth, Davos Seaworth, and the Sandor Clegane.
And Representing Queen Cersei and the Iron Throne, was Jaime Lannister, Qyburn, Euron
Greyjoy and Gregor Clegane.
Everyone was present at the meeting except for Daenerys who arrived late, flying in on
the back of drogon.
During the discussion, Jon Snow explained about the army of the dead and the Hound brought
out a crate, opening it to reveal the undead creature captured beyond the wall.
After charging in and nearly attacking Cersei, Jon used fire and dragonglass to kill the
Upon seeing the terrifying display, Euron Greyjoy announced he would withdraw from the
current conflict, returning with his ships to the Iron Islands.
Cersei called his departure cowardly before agreeing to the truce with the Dragonqueen,
on the condition that the King in the North declared his neutrality in the war for the
iron throne, swearing not to take sides in any future conflicts.
Jon, unwilling to lie, could not agree because he'd already pledged himself to Daenerys
and so the outraged queen ended the meeting, withdrawing her people from the Dragonpit.
It then fell to Tyrion to bring her back, travelling alone to meet with Queen Cersei
in the red keep.
Although the discussion was heated, she eventually agreed to the truce, promising to bring her
forces North.
However she later explained to Jaime that she had no intention of upholding the agreement.
Euron, she revealed, had not abandon them, instead only feigning betrayal so he could
sail his ships to Essos where he would hire the golden company and bring 20,000 warriors
across the narrow sea.
Jaime was horrified by the plan, believing they must keep their word and help fight the
true threat beyond the wall, and so abandoned the queen, leaving the capital and riding
north as snow began to fall in the Crownlands.
On Dragonstone Jon Snow went over the plan to move their forces north, stating that the
Dothraki could ride along the kingsroad, while Jon and Daenryes took the Unsullied by ship
to White harbour, meeting the Dothraki on the main road as they travelled to Winterfell.
With everyone preparing to depart from Dragonstone, Theon confronted the last of the Ironborn,
asking that they help him rescue Yara.
Their leader refused and so fought and defeated his rival, taking leadership of the men who
agreed to help rescue his sister.
Aboard their ship travelling north, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen spend the night together.
In Winterfell, Sansa received a letter from Jon stating that he bent the knee to queen
Daenerys, and discussed it with Littlefinger, who continued his manipulation, trying and
turn the Stark siblings against each other.
Littlefinger, believing he had succeeded in his plan, was then present in the main hall
when Arya was summoned to answer charges of treason, only to learn it was a trap, with
the Stark siblings publically accusing Lord Baelish of conspiring against Jon Arryn, murdering
Lysa Arryn and betraying Eddard Stark.
Arya then slits his throat, leaving him to bleed out and die.
Later, Sam arrived at Winterfell and was reunited with Bran.
The two discussed Jon Snow and were able to piece together the truth of his origins, realizing
that High septon Maynard kept a private journal where he recorded that Prince Rhaegar Targaryens
marriage to Elia Martell was annulled, allowing him to marry Lyanna Stark in a secret ceremony.
Lyanna then died giving birth to a son in dorne who she named Aegon, asking her brother
Ned Stark to promise he would protect the child from harm.
To keep this promise, Lord Stark renamed the boy Jon Snow and raised him as his bastard
son in Winterfell.
Further north, at Eastwatch by the Sea, the army of the dead at last arrived, led by the
night king, mounted atop the dragon Viserion, who'd been brough back from the dead to
fight for the White Walkers.
The dragon attacked in a fury breaking the wall with bright blue dragonfire.
The attack was so quick and destructive the wildlings and night's watch were left utterly
defenseless, with the eastern most section of their mighty wall cracking and crashing
down, leaving a large open space for the army of the dead to march south.
Zana Maseluta - Cantece pentru copii | CanteceleCopii.ro - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Trams in Schiedam! - Februari & Maart 2017 - Duration: 16:10.-------------------------------------------
Strictly Come Dancing 2017: Mollie King targeted in vile online sex game - Duration: 4:46.Strictly Come Dancing 2017: Mollie King targeted in vile online sex game
SICK: Mollie King has fallen victim to a sex game on porn websites.
Perverts have created a warped video of the Strictly star, 30, which threatens her clean-cut image.
The seven-minute montage, which includes images and footage of The Saturdays singer wearing skimpy outfits, is designed to excite users who click on to it.
Viewers are encouraged to play a sex game while ogling the photos.
At the start it reads: "How long can you last with Mollie King…But the rules are when you see the colours red = stop, green = go.
Post your time below.
And remember Mollie wants you to hold on until you can't take it anymore.
Have fun.".
It includes scores of racy images of Mollie in underwear and bikinis plus a string of shots looking down her top.
Footage of her twerking and from a pop video by The Saturdays is also used.
Throughout the film a soundtrack from a lesbian porn film is heard with a woman groaning in ecstasy.
Comments on one adult site show the video is going down well with fans.
DISGUSTING: Viewers are encouraged to play a sex game while ogling the photos.
Mollie King Some gave details on how long they watched the video for, while one posted: "I hope u plan on doing the other members of the Saturdays [sic]." Mollie is not thought to have given permission for her image to be used for the game.
It is a world away from the family-friendly image of Strictly.
Mollie, who has dated model David Gandy, 37, signed up for the BBC dance contest to gain a new legion of fans.
But the video is a nightmare for her management team who are desperate for the singer to be seen as a mainstream music star.
Mollie has been paired with hunky AJ Pritchard, 22, and last night fans watched them dance for the first time.
There have already been rumours they are dating after they posted footage online of them enjoying a cosy night together.
SEX GAME: Perverts have created a warped video of the Strictly star.
In a chat with the Daily Star Sunday, Mollie revealed she has been getting intimate in rehearsals.
She said: "You definitely get close to your partner.
"For us guys it's not normal.
You're so close to them and you have to hold this eye contact.
You feel a bit like it's the weirdest feeling.
"They're so chilled about it and you're like, 'Oh my God I'm staring into your eyes'.
You can feel your body up against theirs.".
HUNTING ZOMBIES SHORTIES cartoon game about zombie catchers Videos for kids Zombie Catchers #16 - Duration: 13:24.-------------------------------------------
BLACK பாண்டி மனைவி யார் தெரியுமா | Tamil Cinema News | KOLLYWOOD TALKIES | Kollywood News - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Phrases to talk about 'Different Styles of Eating' – Free English speaking lesson online - Duration: 10:06.-------------------------------------------
ரஜினி விஜய் இணைந்து நடித்த படம் எது தெரியுமா ? | Tamil News | Kollywood | Tamil Cine Times - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Wild Animals Cartoons For Children Learn Colors With Wild Animals Fights Finger Family Rhymes Videos - Duration: 10:45.Wild Animals Cartoons For Children Learn Colors With Wild Animals Fights Finger Family Rhymes Videos
Here's My Canada: Access to Food and Water - Duration: 0:15.Canada means a lot to me because it's my home
and we have lots of fresh water to drink and food to eat.
Some places don't really have that.
Here's My Canada: Birthdays - Duration: 0:05.I like summer because it's my birthday.
Ornatrix plugin. Basic course. Chapter 6.7 (EN Voice + En Sub) - Duration: 13:28.In principle, such short hairstyles - there is no point in making
them with hair strips, because
you can just bake them into the mesh
and use the normal map to add the volume.
As I showed in the previous part.
So let's make this hairstyle a bit longer and I'll start
to talk about my workflow.
Hair length can be increased in two ways.
The first way is to increase the length
in the Guide From Surface with using
Guide Length parameter.
If you change the length and have
violated structure of the hairstyle,
then go to the Edit Guides and press
Retarged changes button.
The second way - to apply the Length modifier
and increase the length with it.
I recommend to apply it after
the Hair From Guides modifier, if you
have the production hair or fur.
Because then you control the length
of the formed hair, not the length of the guides.
That is, you can get -
the different results depending on the
location of this modifier -
after Edit Guides or after Hair From Guides.
assign the Length modifier and
change its settings little bit.
Adding chaotic hair growth with
Randomize and increasing the length with Length.
As a result - we have such
length and now we will talk about my workflow
to create the gamedev hair.
So, remove the Hair From Guides - as in this
case, we don't need it.
Then, in the Mesh From Strands - select the planes and
Num.Sides = 2.
In total - we get 29K triangles.
Naturally at any time - this amount can be optimized
using the method I showed earlier.
The bottom line of my workflow is that
I divide the entire hairstyle into groups
in the Edit Guides.
Let's turn off the all modifiers
until the first Edit Guids
and start assigning the groups.
As you remember - you can select the guides
with two ways.
Just in the Root mode or
in the brush mode by selecting "Select Brush"
It seems to me - the second method is more convenient.
The selection is done with the pressed CTRL -
otherwise it will go astray.
And with ALT - you can deselect it.
So, select the part of the fringe and assign
the first group through Use Groups in Edit Guides.
Then, in the Root mode - invert the all selection
and assign the 2nd group.
Then select any one of the side parts
and assign the 3rd group.
While this is an example -
therefore strongly not to bother.
Before starting to create a hairstyle -
I want to tell you in detail about the principle
of working with groups for gamedev.
Total, for beginning we got 3 groups.
Now turn on the all modifiers and
in the Render Settings increase the radius,
so as to get about such a result.
Of course, you can close any voids
in the future - by simply adding
the additional guides.
So, having several groups -
you can apply the individual modifiers
to a particular group -
simply by specifying its number in the Apply to Group.
In order not to be confused in groups - I usually
rename the modifier and add to its name -
the number of the group to which it is applied.
Let's add the Render Settings for the 2nd group.
In gamedev - always select the Full Preset.
And now we can control separately
the radius of the 2nd group.
That is, as you have already understood -
the essence of my workflow is that I create my own
settings for each group - thus, I have convenient control
over individual parts of the hairstyle.
It is very convenient and in the same way
you can set different styles and settings
separately for each group.
Always when I start working on my hair for gamedev -
I create the 2 scenes.
The first - to create the hair, and the second -
to baking them(render) for the plane.
Now I'll talk about what I do in the 2nd scene.
To begin, I open the another 3dsmax
and create a new scene.
Then I create a plane so I can see
what's happening in the scene and change the resolution
to 1024 * 1024 to make a square.
That you understood - this is the UV square
on which we will arrange the hair.
Then I choose the Vray render, since
at this moment - it has the best
Ornatrix support
and a remarkable hair shader.
Then - press Ctrl + C,
to create a camera of this type and
I align it in such a way.
There are 3 methods of hair backing
with using the Ornatrix.
1. Draw one or more splines,
combine them into a single object using the
Attach Multiply.
Apply ResetXForm and then
convert this object to the Ornatrix with using
Hair From Curves preset.
Ground Strands can be removed, since we don't have
binding to the object.
And we start to work with this object by assigning
the any modifiers.
Be sure to apply Strand Multiplier
and configure it so
to get a bunch of hair.
2. Use HairFromMeshStrips modifier.
To get the planes for it - use UV of the hair.
That is, when we have a finished hairstyle
and from it we get a UV.
For example, if it is to convert
this hairstyle into the Edit Poly
and assign the Unwrap UVW -
we get the 3 planes for the Hair From Mesh Strips.
Then we apply it to these planes and
then everything is standard.
3. Common creating of plane
and growing hair from it using
Furball preset.
After the hair appeared -
remove the Hair From Guides
and start editing.
You may ask: "And why this method -
if you can use the previous ones?"
Its advantage is the ability to
at any time - to grow hair
on the plane - not drawing with the splines.
That is, to receive the individual bunches,
break them into groups and work
separately with each.
Of course, you can add the splines.
and thanks to this opportunity -
this method is universal.
And, you can grow a few guides on the spline.
Then, if you assign to the spline the 1st group,
and to the rest - the second.
And below the Edit Guides you will add
the Strand Detail modifier to control the detail,
and on top - Strand Curling -
You can only affect this spline - using its group number.
Then adding to it - Strand Multiplier,
you can get such a bunch of hair.
Thus, we are able to create
unique bundles and can manage
each individually.
Before baking, always hide the plane.
With Ornatrix - at any time you can edit
these hair tufts, as well as
a group of hair in another scene.
Thus, you can get several variations of one hairstyle.
So, we sorted out the theory. We start to practice.
Usually, I start the work by
thinking about how many types of hair bunches
will be on the texture and
how many groups will have the main hair.
To begin with - we will create 2 types of hair.
Short - for the main part
and long - for the fringe.
Open the second scene and
proceed to create the conceived.
The camera, as you will remember - looking down.
For the short hair create the plane
and assign to it Hair From Mesh Strips Object.
Hide the plane for convenience
and proceed to edit the hair.
Viewport Hair = 100% and the amount
hair for beginning = 15.
Next, I usually assign a Strand Length modifier
to specify a length variation for greater realism.
To start set the Randomness = 0.5
As you can see - the hair look down.
To fix it - go to a sub-object which named Strips
in the Hair From Mesh Strips modifier and
turn your hair in the desired direction
with using the Rotate Strip Direction button.
Then I assign the modifier which named
Render Settings and configure it in such a way.
The increase in thickness goes closer to the center,
and along the edges - we make a smooth attenuation.
So, what is this effect for?
Let's go to my blog
and clicking on the link which named FaceRef.
A website will open on which you can
view high-quality photos of individuals.
Thus - analyzing the growth of hair and their thickness.
Let's open the first girl
and zoom to the hair.
As you can see - there is a smooth attenuation of the
hair closer to the tip and root, and in the center
- they are visually thicker.
In a real life, in fact - it is not so,
but in the photo - just creates such a visual effect.
That's what we create - thanks to editing the radius
curve + if you make production hair -
a little bit of clustering.
But now we don't need it.
The site will be useful for those who
make a portrait render.
Since on it - you can consider any details.
So, we sorted it out.
Go next.
So, for beginning - such a bunch it will be enough
The main thing - remember one rule.
If you want to move this
bunch - unhide the plane and move it,
and - in any case, don't delete
this plane, since the hair attached to it.
Also, be sure to consider the direction of the hair.
They should always look up, otherwise
the anisotropic map for Martoset won't
be rendered correctly.
Naturally, when you will render your hair -
the plane can be hidden.
With a Frizz modifier we will add a little chaos.
In Render Settings I will slightly reduce the radius and
the amount of hair in the bunch = 50.
Go next.
For the fringe - I will use the splines.
Draw some splines of this kind.
Then, with using the Attach Multiply button
combine them into a single shape and do ResetXform.
And assign a preset - Hair From Curves.
So, in the Guide From Shape - set the amount
of the points = 30 - to repeat
the smooth shape of the spline.
Remove the Ground Strands and over the top of Guide From Shape
apply the Edit Guides modifier
to edit the hair.
Then add the Strand Multiplier modifier
and configure it that way.
And slightly correct the shape of the bottom
of the spline, so that there
is not too obvious curvature below.
Further, for these bunches in the Vray Ornatrix Mod,
we mark the Dynamic Tessellation option .
And let's do a test render.
Render settings are very simple.
In the Environment turn on the options - GI , Reflection
and Refraction Environment.
The color is set to white.
For the test - just select Progressive
and put 10 minutes.
Color Mapping = Linear Multiply.
GI = BruteForce / Bruteforce
Dyn.Memory = Static.
Material - Vray Hair Mtl and the standard preset -
Blond Matted.
Press render and get a result.
Let's start with a smaller radius
for each of the bunches.
Still, always consider the important point -
Since the dimensions of the planes are different,
then to the each bunch we must select
its own radius with
experiment way.
Let's increase the amount of the hair
in each bunch and make the render.
Yes, I like it more.
Another important point, which I want to tell you about
is the shutdown of the transmission for the backing.
In this case, it isn't necessary.
To turn off the transmission -
go to the settings of the material
and set the black color to it.
Also don't forget to turn off the
dependence of the second reflection on the transmission.
Now, a little adjust the hair material
by using the texture which named Vray Hair Info Tex.
Load this map into the Diffuse,
Primary Specular and Secondary Specular texture.
If you don't change anything and click the render,
you will get this result.
Then turn on the IPR
and see how the bias parameter changes
affect what color will dominate.
If you will change the Position Along Strand into Output
to Random By Strand Index, and then make
contrasting colors, you will see that the color
is distributed in a chaotic manner
with respect to each hairs, not the
entire length of the hair.
Let's now copy the hair color
from the Secondary Specular
into both VrayHairInfoTex slots.
But the color of the tips will be a bit lighter
and return the position along strand parameter into Output.
To begin with, this will be enough.
Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake Wa - Duration: 1:06.Fire Damage Restoration Liberty Lake. We live our life according to schedules.
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Here's My Canada: Freedom and Education for Women - Duration: 0:14.Canada is a free country, and girls can go to school whenever we want.
In ancient Greece, we weren't allowed to go to school.
It wasn't fair for any of us.
[Tuto] Alerte Surexposition ! - Astuces et Reflex Photo - [Défi 2/26] - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
শিমুল বাস্তবে কতটা উচ্চশিক্ষিত সেটা অনেকেই জানেন না Star Jalsa Serial Protidan - Duration: 2:12.
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