Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 24 2017


Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings. I just went through a major earthquake here

in Acapulco Mexico that occurred near Mexico City. The shock waves shook this entire house

and pretty much scared the crap out of me and everyone else here. It looks like everyone�s

fine here in Acapulco.

The show must go on. There�s a lot of incredibly important developments that we are going to

get into in this video. Including the latest news with Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Israel,

and Russia. As well as the United States where there are some missing CIA files. We give

you the latest update on the tyranny from not only the banksters but also our favorite

monopoly intelligence agencies. Those same institutions that backed Google.

I hate to tell you �I told you so� but, �I told you so.� A few days ago not only

on my Twitter account and YouTube I warned you about the consequences of Venezuela�s

latest move. Their decision to stop accepting US dollars for oil payments. They are moving

towards the dropping the U.S. Petrodollar.

In response a few days ago I said, �I would expect the regime change in Venezuela soon

because of this move.� This, of course, was very easy to predict if you understand

American foreign policy.

The concept of the US petrodollar hegemony and Donald Trump has now stated that the US

is ready to intervene in Venezuela. Trump made extreme statements today saying that

he is preparing to take future action in Venezuela. He ultimately threatened that country because

as he said they�re delivering only anguish and failure to their people. Donald Trump

wants a �full restoration of democracy.� Hmmm. Restoration of democracy and freedom

where have I heard that before?

Do you see the propaganda that�s being used against you to sell more intervention to overthrow

governments and bring about more war? There�s a reason myself and other experts can predict

regime change. I don�t have a magic 8-Ball but I know how American foreign policy works

and that�s why they�re selling you on these lies. You don�t see Donald Trump on

the stage of the United Nations talking about the suffering of the people in Saudi Arabia,

Yemen or countless other countries. He is doing this for greater geopolitical goals

and is lying to you about it. If you understood it, you wouldn�t be for intervention or

possible conflict. We will keep a close eye on that story and any developments.

Venezuela was not the only target for Donald Trump at the United Nations today. Trump came

off like John McCain 2.0 where he went after other countries like Iran and North Korea.

He also discussed those pesky terrorists that the United States keeps creating and that

Trump said he would stop arming. He is still secretly doing so through the Pentagon.

He is still talking about how America comes first even though we are over twenty trillion

in debt. All while we continue to fund terrorists around the world at U.S. Tax Dollar expense.

This makes my head spin. These people lie through their teeth and have ultimate screwed

all of us and our future. We will be indebted to the war machine.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Donald Trump on his speech.

He and said, �That in over his 30 years and experience with United Nations he has

never heard a bolder and more courageous speech.� Which of course works perfectly for the greater

political goals of the unholy alliance of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.

Israel just fired a US Patriot missile that is worth a million dollars at a drone that

was allegedly flown by Hezbollah. While all of this is happening the situation in Syria

is becoming more chaotic and unpredictable.

In Syria, there is a proxy war between Russia, China, Iran versus Israel, Saudi Arabia, and

the United States. This proxy war is happening now and has been for months.

It�s escalating to very dangerous proportions as we saw a couple of days ago where the Russian

Air Force attacked U.S. backed Syrian rebels. An estimated 900 U.S. troops are embedded

with the Syrian opposition forces.

The Syrian Army is making progress taking back their country along with the Russian

Air Force assisting them. However, they are indirectly coming into a conflict with American


Just days ago we saw the Israeli military attack Syrian government forces. Now they

are setting up large military drills. The most important in the last 20 years establishing

their forces on the Syrian border. This is happening right now. It�s not just them

but also Turkey who wants a piece of the pie. Turkey just deployed over 80 military vehicles

including tanks and soldiers on very strategic pieces of land. Land that Turkey wants to

control. It�s important to note as we recently reported that Turkey a NATO Ally has flip-flopped

by cooperating with Russia on the future of Syria.

We see Israel strategically support an independent Kurdistan State. They have officially backed

their independence along with the United States. This has the potential to Balkanize Syria.

Divide and conquer and take more land from Bashar al-Assad. It would create a separate

state in the region and help Israel along with the United States and Saudi Arabia battle

the Iranian influence.

This is why NATO has flip-flopped and is now cooperating with the Kurds because they have

had a long history of disputes with the Turkish government. With Israel and the United States

supporting the Kurds. Turkey has therefore pivoted towards Russia in this proxy war.

This is just part of this very confusing battleground that we are seeing with all of these countries

and world powers trying to get more control over the Syrian region. A country which is

a very oil-rich.

We�re seeing Turkey wanting a piece of Syria along with Israel wanting the Golan Heights.

We�re seeing them supporting another state outside of Syria, and all of this as Russia

and China are backing the Syrian government. While the United States along with Saudi Arabia

and Israel support the rebel groups in that region that are fighting alongside radical

Islamic terrorists. They hope to Balkanize that region to create more conflict and further

war. We have seen escalating throughout the years. That�s a very confusing situation,

but I hope I simplified it for you.

It�s not just the Middle East we have to worry about as we�re finding out that the

United States is sending yet another aircraft carrier to the Korean Peninsula. This will

create more tensions with the Chinese. It�s clear that President Donald Trump�s agenda

and his foreign policy are not America first and more people are becoming disenfranchised.

It�s a continuation of the same policies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

It�s even reaching a bigger level since he is increasing military spending and becoming

what he swore he would never do. He has become a �John McCain Lite� since his talking

points today are almost identical to that of John McCain. It�s not just happening

with the war machine it�s also happening with domestic policy. Particularly those policies

of the big Banks. Ann Coulter even said that Bush only had three Goldman Sachs people,

but Donald Trump has six.

Those same Goldman Sachs officials that Donald Trump rallied against when he was running

to be president of this country. He is now giving them whatever they want while the middle

class of this country is destroyed and the average person is being programmed to hate

each other. They never look at the bigger financial crimes that are happening in this

country. Crimes that are robbing the wealth away from us. They are indebting our children.

Here is a really great comprehensive article by The Intercept that I recommend you should


In other banksters related news, we have JPMorgan and Chase who came out calling Bitcoin a fraud

but yet these companies still handle Bitcoin-related trades. Demonstrating the ultimate hypocrisy

and manipulative frauds they are. They, of course, have no moral or ethical background

which shouldn�t be a surprise to you.

In totally unrelated news we have WikiLeaks coming out today and publishing details on

the Russians governments increasingly repressive internet surveillance industry. They have

exposed how the Russian government spy on their own citizens. Including very important

files that you can find here.

In other horrible tech news, Google is intensifying its censorship of left-leaning websites those

predominately anti-war. While at the same time they�re also hiring a thousand journalists

to flood newsrooms all around America. This shows just how effective real independent

media is having. Especially after the latest public relations debacles that Google went

through. Whether Google is firing their employees or censoring search results and websites,

they have been getting a lot of bad press. They are ramping up their media presence by

sending over a thousand Google hired journalists to local newsrooms all around the country.

Real news and information are vital. It is the number one asset to any company or government.

If they lose control of the narrative, then people will find out about their lies and

sinister deeds. They�re worried their entire Empire will crumble. It is entirely dependent

on people using them and trusting them. This is the reason why we�re seeing a journalistic

offensive by Google right now because in this day and age information is the strongest weapon

out there.

This week we�re finding out that an entire volume of CIA files on Lee Harvey Oswald that

were supposed to be released days from now has gone missing. If you don�t know who

Lee Harvey Oswald was he was the patsy, sorry, I meant the alleged mastermind and murderer

behind the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. I�m surprised the government

agency has lost more secret files surrounding the highly controversial death of a U.S. president.

A death that is surrounded by conspiracy theories and where there are many holes in the official

story. It�s very convenient of the CIA to have made such a �mistake.�

Remember everyone truth is the substance of morality, and this is why there are so many

coverups and so many lies. There is much propaganda being used against you, and that�s why we

do our best to uncover the truth here on

For more infomation >> WHAT TRUMP DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT HIS U N SPEECH - Duration: 11:06.


[ AMV ] Túy Âm - Virtual Life Remix - AMV Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> [ AMV ] Túy Âm - Virtual Life Remix - AMV Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.




With the horrific weather anomalies and natural disasters currently happening across the globe,

it moved my attention towards all the challenges these Souls are being forced to accept in

working with these situations and the subsequent effect it has on their lives.

All the energy spent on worrying, fear, preparation, planning, recovery and rebuilding in order

to protect life and objects.

My heart goes out to everyone who is struggling because of this.

The obstacles and challenges in life are an integral part of the journey itself and are

needed in order to force us to grow in our awareness, our love, our wisdom and our power.

The observation of these recent events led to a feeling inside my heart.

This sensation, once fully clothed with empathy, compassion and the gentle guide of wisdom

gives rise to inspiration in the form of a single thought� the concept of ownership.

What is it that we actually own?

Certainly not our possessions.

We don�t take them with us when we exit this concept of �life� so at best they

are on loan, temporarily.

Maybe all physical goods represent the result of our misdirected attention being placed

on the illusory sensory realm or the �outside� world, the realm of the five senses.

If we accept that we don�t ever own any material goods maybe that would free us from

worry and concern over them and allow us to simply partake of the temporary sensory experience

of them without attachment via ownership.

Maybe we would see all physical goods in a different light with this understanding.

What about ownership in regards to our friendships and family?

Relationships are a two-way street so having expectations of someone�s behavior, acceptance,

attention, love or interest is not up to us, so all seemingly external interactions with

others, even family and friends, are fickle.

That does not fit the concept of ownership.

How about our thoughts?

Surely we own those.

No, we experience thoughts, only momentarily, which consist of the trillions of desires

left behind by those who have come before us, including our own incarnations, as the

collective consciousness.

These desires are electrical impulses perceived and translated by our mind into what we experience

as thoughts that randomly pop in and out of our head whenever we place our attention in

our head.

Ownership, no, not with thoughts.

Most people would say they can�t control the thoughts that pop into their head so ownership

is not accurate when it comes to thoughts.

What about our emotions?

There has never been a single emotion that you have ever experienced that you can somehow

claim ownership of.

And whatever emotion you may be feeling currently, or have felt previously, will eventually will

fade away just like the thoughts that pop in and out of your head.

This is not ownership.

How about our actions?

It seems the Law of Cause and Effect is in play here, but not ownership.

Essentially, whatever is set in motion that is not Love must return to its origination

point in order to experience its effect.

Consciousness is ultimately responsible for everything it emanates, be it thought, emotion

or action but there is no ownership there.

This holy trifecta of thought, emotion and action are specific filters or avenues in

which consciousness can experience itself reflected back to itself through the illusory

�outside� world.

What you put out, you get back has been said before in many ways by many people since the

dawn of time.

What about owning our individual bodies?

If we took it with us when we exit this physical experience, then definitely, but we don�t

so there can be no claim of ownership with the body either.

Temporary use, yes, but not ownership.

There doesn�t seem to be any real ownership with goods, thoughts, emotions, actions or

the body.

What about experiences themselves?

There is �something� that sits just to the left of your heart, right in the center

of your chest.

Call it a Soul or Sentience or Awareness or Consciousness, that seems to author through

free will and witnesses through comprehension the experiences of your life, but you can�t

claim ownership to experiences simply because you participated or retain a remembrance.

Your memory fades too, doesn�t it?

Everything, eventually, just seems to disappear.

The past is gone and cannot be experienced again.

The present is perpetually slipping into the past and will be lost within the mists of


Nobody owns the future since it isn�t here yet and once the future arrives, it will only

momentarily be the present which immediately slips into the past.

There is no ownership there either.

It seems as if there is no such thing as lasting or real ownership of anything.

There is consciousness or awareness experiencing itself but this does not imply ownership,

only experience and potential comprehension.

If this is so, why and what are we destroying ourselves and each other over in order to

perpetuate or protect?

The false ownership of a separate, fake identity or the Ego and its misguided claims of ownership.

This identity, which essentially is made up of a series of random thoughts, experiences

and emotions that we decided to identify with and turn them into beliefs and a separate

self (identity); a limited belief of who we think we are and how we feel about ourself.

We don�t own those beliefs or false identities but rather we experience them reflected back

to us and yet we will defend and protect them no matter what the cost.


Because the mind/ego tells us, through the influence of the sensory realm, that we must

exist as a separate entity, and all these thoughts, goods, my body, emotions and experiences

define me, in fact, they are me.

They have to be me and mine.

Because if I don�t own them, and if they are not me, then who am I?

Ask yourself that very question.

See what answer you get.

Don�t tell yourself a story or reel off a resume, demand to know, �Who am I?�

The mind will have absolutely no answer.

It�s because there is no who.

There is no separate identity.

There is only one Spirit moving through us all, God/Source.

Surrender to this truth and return to your immortality as you experience this temporary


The conscious knowingness that we are One is inevitable and is our ancient future once


The moment you live your life this way, you will experience true Freedom and Joy.

The liberation from the empty concept of self and ownership perpetuated by the false identity

or Egoic mind is enlightened consciousness itself.

Step out of that shadow forever, your self-imposed prison and into the Light.

The very Light of Source that emanates from your heart and onto the screen of life that

is consciousness itself.

There is no ownership because ownership implies separation and there is only The One expressing

itself as the many.

Forget, past, present and future.

They are concepts of the mind, products of finite consciousness within the limited sensory


There is only here and now.

It�s where time and space meet and cancel each other out.

Where infinite consciousness experiences itself, reflected back to itself, through the cosmic

play of existence itself.

And YOU are THAT and YOU are FREE if you would only know it in your heart.

Place your attention on the center of your chest.

Stay right there.

And just let go�

For more infomation >> WHAT EXACTLY DO WE REALLY HAVE OWNERSHIP - Duration: 8:25.


7 Mysterious and Strange Events Caught on Tape - Duration: 10:48.

Have you ever caught something eerie or unexplainable on your phone ? Maybe even on your camera

? While it feels that many recordings were filmed on out dated camcorders, the material

often times is quite interesting to the viewer and might even leave one wondering.. if there

are actually things from another dimension, that we can just not explain.

And today, we want to explore 7 Mysterious and Strange Events caught on Camera.

Let's dive in!

While this girl and her cousin were staying home alone, some strange poltergeist activity

started to occour in the old house.

Was it a ghost ?

These guys were on a road trip in the dessert, while filming the beautiful beach with their

go pro.

When one of the guys drops the camera though, it captures a strange looking figure.

Two friends apparently saw a blurry shape on the sidewalk in this clip.

What is your explanation for it ?

Michael D. Magee captured this strange activity in his attic one night.

He also claims that he is haunted by a mean poltergeist.

The next 3 videos were recorded in the early 2000s and feature the apparition of a small

and dark creature, that stalks children, after the sun has gone down.

Some speculate that is was the infamous leprechaun.


next video, where the creature appeared to the same children, a couple of weeks later.

This was the last time, when the creature was seen, close to the basketball court.

Thanks for watching guys and stay frosty.

For more infomation >> 7 Mysterious and Strange Events Caught on Tape - Duration: 10:48.


October 2017 General Women's Session - Duration: 2:23:43.

For more infomation >> October 2017 General Women's Session - Duration: 2:23:43.


Zilu Camargo apresenta novo namorado e se declara: 'Solidão nunca mais' - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Zilu Camargo apresenta novo namorado e se declara: 'Solidão nunca mais' - Duration: 4:13.


أحصل على هذا الجهاز بالمجان والتوصيل في 4 ايام فقط ! راسل الشركة فقط وستحصل عليه فورا YouTube - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> أحصل على هذا الجهاز بالمجان والتوصيل في 4 ايام فقط ! راسل الشركة فقط وستحصل عليه فورا YouTube - Duration: 7:13.


【互訂】play skywars - Duration: 13:24.

For more infomation >> 【互訂】play skywars - Duration: 13:24.




At last we are finally going to watch BTS's comeback videos

But we should talk about this, as you know BTS keeps performing their old songs

at their comeback shows

Of course we are happy about it!

But it means more videos, of course taking more videos is not a problem but we have problem adding subs

And sharing videos without subs are not really good since we have a lot of foreigner subscribers and followers

And they always ask where the subtitles are. That is why if there are anyone who could add subs we would appriciate

Please, please, please

It doesn't have to be perfect we only want people to understand what we are saying

Also I would like to mention something, my friend Berke, who thought me with editting and Youtube page, has a new page

Its like a gaming channel

If you are interested, you could check the link below

Lets begin

First we are going to watch DNA and Mic Drop

We are planing to add a video for all performances so you can expect a video everyday or every other two days!

Lets start!

I am really curious

Black hair looks so good on him!

Look at his additude though

His gaze!

Irmak: This leg dance is great!

Sude: Can you hear the fanchants!

Louder than the song

From there to here...

I was really curious about the dance Its great!

I know right!!

Should we volume up a bit?

That move though!

Did he dance with Jhope? Oh yeah this part was with Jhope.

Oh I missed them so much!

This part is perfect!

They are really well trained now. Their live stage is really stable

B: Their voices never croke S: Especially with this dance moves

JIMIIIN <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I love how he lets go of himself when he is dancing

When will we be there?

This dance is dope!



His pants are really huge and it looks good

Namjoon is so handsome AND cute <3

JK looks perfect in black hair, they all do

S: Also Jin too

They havent show Jin that much... There you go

He looks perfect

Did you see Jimin's move?

I: He is a great visual S: His hair is really good his looks are great! He is PERFECT

so good

The dance moves are really tiring and hard

Jin's and Namjoon's dance got really good! since not today they are better dancers

Yoongi has been good dancer for a while now


Double helix!


HOLLY SH*T <Well she said omg but... I think this deserves a hollt sh*t :D>

S: Heaven?

I: This is so GOOD! look at them!

They are perfect

I though he was wearing a ring earring


It feels like heaven

This part is the best part I think


I releazied that I missed watching their live performances

I wish we could see it in person but...

I dont wanna die before I see them

Lets watch mic drop! I am really curious about this one...

I am more curious abot Go Go but that's tommorow's video

How can I wait!

From the beginng

So good!

Is ıt Jimin who lost himself :D

Did you see JK's face?

Their hiphop vibe has taken over me!


There are so many things that are happening at once!

Is there any slow mo?

This is genious

Did you see Namjoons dance?

Yes he is great!

It is like a concert mode

The stage is great their performance is perfect!

I am going mad....

nice move

This dance is great

They are going crazy

I am gonna die...

so good

This dance is really good

so good

I know right!

Hoseok looks perfect

this is a great stage

I: Namjoon is really hot and I am feeling it! S: They are all are

Its really tiring, these moves

their camera moves are really good too

camera work is great

I am going crazy

For more infomation >> BTS COMEBACK SHOW #1 - DNA & MIC DROP REACTION - Duration: 11:12.


Nourn ork - How to Build Success Personality | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:07:33.

nourn ork - How to Build Success Personality

bring to you by Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Nourn ork - How to Build Success Personality | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:07:33.


Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel | Like | Comment | Subscribe | Channel | [NURUL ALAM] - Duration: 0:57.

Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel | Like | Comment | Subscribe | Channel | [NURUL ALAM]

Please Subscribe To My Youtube Channel | Like | Comment | Subscribe | Channel | [NURUL ALAM]

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