Learn Colours For Kids with Superheroes | Finger family rhymes
First Vlog? *Shout Out In Description* - Duration: 1:34.So I'm *makes weird noise with mouth* I'm Thinking
About Making Uh Like A Vlog Channel, A... Gaming Channel
Other Things.. But That's Going To Happen In The Future
Right Now I'm Thinking....
Of Trying To....
Work On "Stuff" But...
It's Like Super...
Complicated To Do..
And Also Talk About...
I'm Coming With An On My Channel..
And.. Things Are Just Not Going Good At All
So Guys Please Wish Me...
Luck! I Need Luck!
To Do..
All This!
So... I'm Gonna Come With
Another Vlog... Maybe Later Today
I'm Not Sure
And There's Probably Gonna Be Collabs Happening
On My Channel
Sooner Or Later Oh! And I Am Thinking About..
Uploading On My Jelsa Channel...
It's Just..
Really Hard To Transition
Into Each Channel...
Tha-nk You Guys For Watching!
I Know This Vlog Was Really Short I'm Just Thinking Of..
Making Longer Ones...
So... *I Said That So Many Times XD*
See You Guys Later!! Bye!!
FEAR NOTHING #7| ANIMATED SERIES | #FNAFHS 2 - Duration: 14:29.What...what are you doing here?
I was bored...and I came to enjoy the show...
But ...we have already finished practice...
We are getting great results. Look!
As you can see...we still need to fix a couple of things...he he he
Ugh! I hope you don't bring that "thing" to the eliminatory...
We have done a lot of progress
I wouldn't call "that" progress...
The only thing you are doing is getting into his head to make us lose...
Joy? Did I play so bad?
If you are so afraid of losing...you shouldn't lose your time in this park...
A fool like you...means nothing on my way...
Why is she so weird? She is not like that!
Anyway...I'm just saying... if you keep wasting your time with this fool...
You'll end up like him
What's wrong with being like him?
HA HA HA...Really? Look at him!
He's worthless...
It's time for you to leave!
Bon... I...
This is my fight...
I promised you this wouldn't happen again
Meh! Anyway...you already bored me
In times like this...I ask myself if you deserve to be on this team...
You are our hero! The best one!
That's right! I am a hero!
Hero! Hero! Hero!
Wait?...Ughh! What!
Arghh!! Gross! Get out!
Guillermito, stop moving...It is not the time to take a walk!
Get up! Lazzy!
I can't believe I'm doing this! Living with this guy.
I'm living calm and easy ...on my way
You know...that red brush in the bathroom? The old and worn one...
Don't throw it away, it is really good for cleaning shoes! Mine are like new now!
I should to share...I should be charitable
My eggs!
Where are my eggs!
I had to take it out..Guillermito suffered anxiety attacks... you know...
...being a bird.
Ahhh!!! My lucky shirt!
Look at this! it's seems my socks faded a little bit...
They look even better!
I'm going to ...
Good! I've finished cleaning up my room.
Ok Fred, you and your super drama are winning the battle again!
Are we going to be like this forever?
Well...you won´t talk to me right? Got it!
In that case...You don't care if I do this!
Whatever...Do as you please...
I can't believe you are doing this now. We have one day left until the eliminatory...
We waited our wholes lives for this chance and you are willing to throw it away.
Why you always ruin everything!?
Stupid chiken! Stop looking at me like that!
Chickens look at me weird too when I'm alone...
When you are used to fight everyday with someone noisy...It's easy to notice his absence.
I don't know what are you talking about!
Uy! Of course...Idon't know What I'm talking about too.
Ah he he...he...
Well, now that we're talking about something we don't know if we are talking about or not...
We'll allow that we don't know to talk to us...
Don't be afraid of the unknown...because you will live in fear your whole life
You friends are unknow people until you find the courage to know them
Plus...fear feels the same in both sides!
Bye! unknown guy...Good luck in your adventure!
Huh?...It's was a ...pleasure?..not knowing you
Both sides?
Don't look at me like that!
Something is wrong
* Remembering: You know... sometimes I wonder if you are worthy of this team...
Arg! I don't get it! I used to know how to do this!
*sigh... I think I am stressed out...
But tomorrow! It´s going to be piece of cake!
Oh no... they day just started...
It seems like it's already starting sister...
Oh yes! Soon enough they will be tested, so exciting!
We should get ready too.
Of course! The pancake production will start right away!
Don't forget mine have extra mystery on them...
Look at my hair!
Ha Ha Ha...
USL LIVE - Saint Louis FC vs FC Cincinnati 9/23/17 - Duration: 2:09:40.-------------------------------------------
Bad Baby vs Bad Cat Learning Color with Cat and Johny Johny Yes Papa song for children - Duration: 1:19:31.Please "SUBSCRIBE" our channel! Thanks !
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